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Black Blooded

Black Blooded


New York, New York - the city of lights and excitement. Many go here for the fame and fortune, some just need to get away, but what most people don't know is that New York City's people hold a darker secret than ever imagined. (ACCEPTING <3)

343 readers have visited Black Blooded since ADDYCAKE created it.


Black Blooded

Monsters.. demons.. things -- that's what they were to everyone. Disgusting, inhuman beings created to be used as weapons. They were created for a purpose, and if they couldn't contribute to fulfilling that purpose then they were worthless trash that needed to be taken out. They weren't humans, they weren't children -- they were just experiments, and they would always just be experiments..


Decades ago the Government hired a young (but exceptionally smart) Genesis to start up the secret, under-cover Project X. A very small part of the Military knew about it and funded it, but any and every worker -- scientist or janitor -- was kept under serious watch and would be "disposed" of if they showed any signs of leaking Project X, not even the president was told about it. In this case though, such secrecy was needed, for the secret they were keeping would cause uproars and fury amongst the people, even if it was for the greater good.

This Project X started small but grew quickly, its purpose growing more and more demanding by the minute. The United States Government needed some way to win wars, they needed a way to prevent all the deaths and loses and a way for winning to be easy. They needed a new type of solider. A new type of human. Genetically altered to be faster, stronger, smarter -- they needed a super-human, and they were going to get it.

Thus a large amount of Government funds was pooled into this, into facilities across the country and into countless amounts of workers to research how they might accomplish this. Several years passed with no break through -- they tried enhancing natural strength or taking genes from naturally strong people and putting them together with the naturally fast ones. They tried completely starting over on the genetic pattern, copying a humans but altering those few genes that would change the humans performance. But they got nothing. And when all hope was lost and the Government was suddenly realizing how painful it would be to have spent all that money on something that would never work, a young German intern of the age 19 came up with a peculiar idea.

Why not take two things that are already mediocre, and combine them to make them great? Why not use already formed gene patterns but just morph them together with other genetics? Why not combine a humans DNA, with a stronger, bigger, and faster being? Why not combine a human's DNA with an animals.

And so? They did. It was a long shot, but as soon as he had said it it had spread across the country, making its way into every lab and forcing every scientist to research this with all their might. It was a ridiculous idea though.. animal DNA morphed with humans? Was that even possible? You couldn't breed a human with an animal -- you couldn't even breed an animal with a different animal. The Genetic patterns were different and not compatible, and going to the molecule level to change theses genes seemed impossible. Ridiculous. Just down right stupid. Thats why when it worked no one could believe it.

It wasn't actually as big of a deal as everyone made it seem -- it was just ONE successful genetic cell changed, just one out of the millions, yet the organization nearly died from happiness. If they could accomplish one gene in a month, then how long until they were changing complete structures and were actually making half-human half-animal super humans? Even the janitors were excited, and that was only the start. This breakthrough kept the Government paying and the scientists working, and with the right incentives the scientists were making new discovering every day. First one gene then an entire structure -- soon they were trying to create beings by mutating the DNA of early human embryos. As time moved on this embryo became an actual baby -- but with claws.

It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. As the next decade passed by and the years were going into the 2000s, the experiments were starting to become scary.

At first it was just cells, then just embryos -- but when the organization had live test subjects things began to change. At first, none of the subjects lived past a week.. this newborn baby, whom had been birthed by whoever volunteered to mother it, would come out mutated and distorted.. like something out of a horror movie. Not only that, but the deaths were gruesome and awful to watch. Suffocation, organs bursting or faces melting -- all from these scientists mistakes in the DNA. But it was just an experiment, right? They would fail many times before getting a good result, and although it was hard to take this at first the scientists kept on going.

Skip forward yet another decade and you'll see that the Government was quite happy. The "subjects" started living much older, and were more human than animal. Their test results proved that they were stronger, faster, and sometimes even smarter than an average human being. Plus, depending on the animal's DNA used, some even had unique abilities like the ones their animal would have had, which in the long run became pretty useful -- but not for the subjects. Their animal-like characteristics and off setting instincts led them to be treated like dogs -- put in cages and fed out of bowls. They couldn't speak, couldn't love, and showed no emotional signs of being humans -- they simply were animals, at least, in the eyes of the Government. But in reality, these "things" were very much human.. they knew how wrong the ways the were treated were, they knew that the white door and metal table meant pain, they knew that when the man in the lab coat came to their cage with a needle, that their journey was over. They were children, with no parents, no dreams -- they had no future, yet they were still people, and people have souls.

The organization making them didn't realize this though. They were too task-driven that they couldn't stop and notice that they were poking and prodding children, something that would land you in the depths of hell. These poor poor things were even looked down upon in disgust, a rumor about the color of their blood soon bringing everyone to call them "Black Bloods". These same routines went on and on, for another few years to come, where thousands of children grew up in cages with no clothes of showers. Eventually though, things would change.

The Escape

In 2010, nearly three decades after the start of the experiment, the fully grown, practically adult Black Bloods were starting to catch on to the scientists ways. They picked up a few words here and there, some facial expressions -- a lot like learning a new language. They had never spoken a word in their sixteen+ years of life, yet the words slipped off their tongues like it was only natural for them to communicate. They were smart and sneaky, savaging their food for when they were hungry later and would be more obedient when the scientists came around so they wouldn't get scolded. All these little things eventually added up, and soon the Black Bloods were exactly what the Government set out to create, and by then they knew that the way they were being treated was wrong, and they were going to do something about it. After these new skills came the scheming -- the older Bloods wanting to see the real world that everyone talked about. They wanted out of the dreadful place they learned to call home, and they were going to do it.

September 5th, 2010 a very brave young wolf girl snatched the keys when the scientist wasn't looking. She stuffed it under herself and waited quietly until the intern who was feeding her block left for the day. Then, slowly, she unlocked her cage door, and slipped out onto the ground where she took her first free steps. Of course it was difficult, but her animal instincts told her what to do and she was jumping up to the other cages and unlocking them in ten minutes -- the scientists didn't even notices the noises.

Long story short, they broke out, chaos spread and the secret lab where the first concern the Organization had was that their cover was going to be blown.

Skip forward decade and see that things are much different. The Black Bloods broke free out of the New Jersey Lab, and soon the word of this spread and inspired more Bloods to break out. Soon, the Organization realized that their whole production could create a riot if ever exposed. They came to the conclusion that they needed to take care of things. They had underestimated the Black Bloods to a great extent and weren't about to do it again, but how could they kill or captures hundreds of human-animal cross breeds who knew they were being hunted? They tried guns and nets, but the Bloods were creating to avoid such things, and they didn't seem to be causing any riots so...

The Clan didn't do anything. They tried the first few months, although mostly mother nature fixed their problem since the Bloods could barely survive on their own, but after that they just all disappeared.. It was rather peculiar, but soon made sense since the Bloods were finally free and had heard of a few experiences to know that calling for help from the humans didn't get them anywhere good anyways. Thus they slowly slipped away into our world and began to blend in, meanwhile the Organization was coming up with a more powerful weapon.. better than the even the perfected Black Bloods themselves.

Now, in year 2017, rumors are spreading that something big is going to happen in New York. The Bloods from across the world and flooding here, but what could it possible be? Make a character and join the fun! We will be forever open and there are not a limited number of "slots". Feel free to PM me or post in the OOC thread if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! Thanks for reading, and make sure you continue on to see if you'll still want to RP here even after reading the rules and such.

The BB Survival Guide!

Basically the handbook to anything and every Black Blooded, this little section is for the misc. ways of this RP. Make sure you at least skin this section if you intend on staying, for it holds very valuable information!

  1. For those who are on the lazy side.. Here's a quick (and to the point) summary of the plot! the Government wanted a new race of humans to use as weapons for war and so they hired a bunch of scientists to create a new race. It took like a bagillion decades but they eventually figured out how to blend human and animal DNA. These people, know as the Clan, kept this new race in awful conditions and thought that they were animals (they pretty much were), the name "Black Blood" came from a rumor that their blood was dirty, and it just stuck. Eventually the Bloods became smarter than the Clan and broke free, but instead of fleeing into the human world and causing issues they just blended into the world so they could keep their freedom. Meanwhile the Clan stopped chasing them because they figured out the Bloods were planning on staying invisible, and instead started to use their time to create an even stronger weapon.. ;)
  2. Bedevil In New York City there is a large population of Black Bloods. They have their own public places and neighborhoods, but blend in with the humans by constantly taking a dose of Bedevil. Bedevil is a medication/drug that one of the escapees snatched before escaping and mimicked (and eventually perfected) to help Bloods keep their identity a secret. It's in shot or pill form (shot is quicker/more effective), and Bloods usually take it in the morning before they go out. It makes all their animal features "disappear" by confusing the dominant genes into thinking that the human genes are actually dominant. . its complicated but it works! My character Artemis is one of the three "dealers" of Bedevil, and like the others she gives it to Bloods for free. It has no sides effects (any more) but prevents Bloods from using their animal DNA. Therefore no claw extracting or fang baring.
  3. Characteristics Speaking of Black Bloods animal DNA, let talk about looks. Basically, Bloods have a few characteristics of whatever animal DNA they have, and the characteristics aren't always the same. Ex. a Wolf Blood (could be any type of wolf) might have furry ears and a snout, while Wolf Blood B has a tail and a little fur on her tummy. Animals who have some sort of natural poison are considered to be immune to their poison in animal form, and if they can bite someone and infect them if they were an animal then they can do the same when they're a human (IF thats one of your characteristics)
  4. Light Bloods There are a new type of Blood thats rising up and will be keeping the Bloods in order. They're called the Light Bloods and they're basically the police for the Bloods, but are much more strict and dictator-y.
  5. Every-day life Bloods are pretty much like normal humans so they probably have jobs and homes but most likely do not go to school because they aren't actual citizens -- Artemis helps out with fake IDs and giving drivers tests and all this stuff but Bloods generally need to be more careful. The new Light Bloods might start making Black Bloods register and such though.
  6. ID Number Instead of social security numbers Bloods have a 10 digit identification number on the bottom of their right foot.
  7. Adaption Bloods have been living freely for about 10 years but have adapted to human life quickly.
  8. Living Situations Black Bloods are grouped into things similar to a Wolf Pack, and often live together with one or more other Bloods. There is usually a "leader" of the group, and they treat each other like real family. It is rare that Bloods live on their own, since they are generally a very social race and lean on each other for everything.
  9. Blood Babies Since I don't have any rules against sex, their might be the OCCASIONAL pregnancy out there or ever a character who already has a Black Blooded child. The Animal DNA is dominant do the child will have at least one of their parent's DNA. If one parent is human, then they will just take the animal DNA from the Black Blood. Bloods can NEVER make whole human babies.
  10. Will add more as I think of it!

Toggle Rules

  1. LITERATE RPERS ONLY! Please! I don't want one liners. I want at least like two paragraphs, at LEAST. I'm going to be pumping out novels so hopefully we can have a group whose at least at a literate writer. Idc about your writing style I just dont want beginners. Sorry braah.
  2. Looks/faces - I don't know how people do this on here, but a lot of the time I like to give faces to my characters and i like to have lots of pictures of them so I pick a celebrity to use and claim as what my character looks like. I'm hoping to carry on that same tradition here with a "Face Claim" or a REAL LIFE celebrity or model for everyone's characters. A FC is REQUIRED and up to you! I will keep a list of the taken faces at the bottom of the introductions.
  3. Rating - I don't care if you have sex or kill people (well obviously no god modding) or do drugs, as long as you mark every post that could be just SLIGHTLY offense with a [MATURE] tag.
  4. The plot will constantly change - I'm planning on having events that change the plot as well as "canon" characters or NPCs (like bad guys) to get involved with character storylines. . so not really a rule just a note;)
  5. Please be nice - Nobody likes a mean or rude rper, so just be mellow and take any problems you have up with me. I own the right to kick anyone out if they're causing problems.
  6. Fill out the entire Skeleton - Pleeeasse fill everything out and read through it carefully.
  7. Blood babies Either take both animals or one, you choose.
Some FAQ Stuff
  • Can I be a human? No.
  • Can be friends with a human who knows what I am? No.
  • Can I live somewhere else? No, this is a New York RP!
  • Can I be a bad guy? No, at least not yet.
  • Can I have more than one character? Suure! Have as many as you want.
  • Can I be a GM? No.
  • Can I be a Light Blood Not yet.

Taking place in...

New York, Pressent Day our primary setting


New York, Pressent Day

New York, Pressent Day by ADDYCAKE


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New York, Pressent Day

New York, Pressent Day by ADDYCAKE


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  • Black Blooded
    by ADDYCAKE on Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:26 pm
    8 Replies
    Last post by Rae View the latest post
    on Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:27 am

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Re: Black Blooded


I just want you to know I am extreamly interested in this role play. I just briefly skimmed the premise but it sounds like it would be a ton of fun! So I totally want to join. I am always on the lookout for role plays that catch my eye and yours totally did. And follower of dark paths is right, you are doing so good for someone who is new to the site. I have seen a ton of role play introductions that just did a two line explanation and had all the character pre-created. That seems to be a growing trend on this site. But I love that you have put so much detail into the back story and will be looking forward to reading the "cleaned up" version. But yes, I want to join, I am here and definitely hoping that this role play flourishes. Just let me know when I can start my character application.


Re: Black Blooded

~)>_<)~ Omg, could you make a character skeleton sometime? I'd so love to join!

Re: Black Blooded

Oh wow thank you! *__* I have like soooooooo much more behind the story I'm just super tired and couldn't get all of it neatly in there. I'll probably come back tomorrow and tidy it up, so hopefully I'll get some people interested at the very least in time to start rping :3

Re: Black Blooded

Actually, you're doing 95% better than most people who have been here for over a year. xD Trust me, most are worst than this. It's actually a very good premise. Animal half breeds in labs is quite common but you're the first I've ever seen give an actual explanation or give it any sort of realism or heart. v)^_^)b I approve it all the way!

Re: Black Blooded

Haha yeah! I think I'm doing everything wrong >.< But thank you for the warm welcome :DD

Re: Black Blooded

v)^_^)^ Hello there! Read you were new! Welcome to the site! v)owo)~ *assaults with wavers of confetti*

Re: Black Blooded

I'm in your OOC, stalking your RP creation. :3

Black Blooded

So uhh I'm new, and this is my first rp! The summary can be found on the rp page but basically its just a human with animal DNA rp that I used to do forever ago on Foopets :'D Hahah, I went by Sketchy back then, but now is a different time.

I kinda just threw my ideas together into this big chunk and I will prob totally re-do it when I'm not so tired, but I've been dyyyyyyying to rp so I just threw this together to see if anyone would join >.<