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Blood Which Binds Us » Places

Places in Blood Which Binds Us

This is a list of locations that can be found in Blood Which Binds Us.

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3 posts · 16 characters present · last post 2013-08-29 03:13:41 »


To one that wasn't familiar with the House used by the Forebearer Coven, they might find it odd that a man was almost always on the roof. One would think he was similar to a rooster in his constant watchings over the house, but they would be wrong: for a rooster sleeps and awakens early to crow, while the man on the roof was never asleep. He was always doing something, always awake, always keeping an eye on those he considered his family; his Coven.

The man, who called himself by the name of Garth, was currently performing tai chi on the roof's peak. While to a mortal this would seem perilous and suicidal, a vampire such as himself balanced with little to no difficulty. What made him different, however, was that Garth held aloft a novel on his head, while another was in his hand open. Such novels were different than most in the world: thick bound, they were hand written; a journal of events by his progeny, his little huntress. The only reason such a man would be reading while performing life-threatening stunts was simple: Garth had to read constantly to make sure he would finish on time. Sadly, the ancient vampire was not the best at reading in general, so he hoped to improve his ability to read: he liked to be efficient and save time, not take forever. At least it was in Italian, and not in the dreaded English Language: sure, English is rooted from his native tongue, but it's rules and exceptions boggled the mind of such a straightforward, simplistic gentleman as himself.

His leather jacket yelped in protest as his changed positions after holding the previous one for 2 minutes. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his little huntress silently approach the house, a smile threatening to plant itself on his face; after all, he was reading of her life. Odd that Garth would bother to read anything as it went against his normal creed of 'Actions are the words of the body', but there were a few reasons: mostly because he was curious in the fact that Angel would actually write it all down, and slightly because she asked if he would. Garth had always relied simply on his memory - which was near picture perfect - but Angel decided to actually document. It was interesting, to say the least.

He then made a mental note that Angel had come home, which now meant that Evelyn, Angel and the pet Preston were currently in the house. Garth was uncertain of Isaac's whereabouts, and Delilah was out for the night: something Garth wasn't too happy about. Since going on this little hunt of theirs, Garth was constantly expressing concern for Delilah's safety to ensure that the Coven's leader didn't perish. If she kept going out clubbing and was attacked, how was he to protect her if she was constantly telling him not to be her escort? Garth gave a slight sigh on the thought, his eyes turning back to the pages after staring at the night sky: she could be childish and bitchy, but Garth would protect Delilah wholeheartedly. He just wished that these nagging emotions would stop pestering him when either Angel or Delilah were near him. Garth gave a slight chuckle at the thought: Delilah would... flirt (blast this language and its odd terms) with him if Angel had done something irk her, and Garth realized that most of it went over his head. How was he supposed to understand the emotions of women if he was the type to never show any?

Nevertheless, he was nearly done the second journal that he had chosen as a piano echoed through the air. While he did not recognize the piece - music wasn't his forte (puns!) - he recognized the pianist as none other than his little huntress. He couldn't resist a small smile as it creeped in, his eyes losing focus on the pages again. He had told her to become whatever she wanted, and she was shaping marvelously into a beautiful and gifted child. Sure, Garth may not appreciate the skills as something to put into his own arsenal, but who was he to disallow his progeny to explore the arts of the world? Garth knew his place as a simple protector and did not need any skills but to protect, but he knew that Angel yearned for something more, and he was more than happy to allow her the freedom to discover it.

In the distance was the sound of music that he barely recognized until the roar of an engine on the dirt road could be heard over the music: a blue corvette peeled down the driveway to the house, driven by the one and only Delilah. Garth only glanced out of the side of his eye, however, only to watch her slam on her brakes and rush inside. A sigh emitted from his lips as he knew what was going to happen even before it began: Delilah would rush inside, yell for somebody, and use that infernal device of hers to explain her plans. Closing the journal with one hand, Garth shifted his weight while on his single foot to gracefully jump off the roof and land almost silently as Delilah's voice echoed through the house. โ€œEvelyn! You're coming with me!โ€ Garth slid the journal from his head into his left hand, which housed the other journal, and approached the door.

Garth then heard the sound of her fingers tapping, which was his cue to open the door enough for him to slide into the house and speak in his sweet yet monotonous, baritone voice. "Must I remind you that I have no use of this infernal device?" He had grabbed his cell phone - which Delilah had forced him to purchase - out of his pocket to hold it up as it buzzed, which made Garth eye it suspiciously. "Or should I kindly point out that the racing technological age and I do not always cooperate with one another?" While it sounded like he was an old grandpa, Garth and technology had been at odds with one another ever since the Cold War. First was the incident when one of the first telephones somehow electrocuted him. Next came his inability to understand a computer and its functions. The list went on, especially if one counted how many... incidents occured when Garth tried using the internet. Baaaaad things happen.

Regardless, Garth gave Delilah an odd look after her response, to issue his standard routine of questions. "How did the night go? Any attacks or problems I should be aware of?"
