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Broken Connections

Broken Connections


A group of kids share a connection with wolves that belong to the night shadow pack and the Dawn pack and of course the drama begins

939 readers have visited Broken Connections since MisakiAkatsuki created it.


With an odd feeling youve been drawn to this forest time and time again you catch a glimpse of yellow glowing eyes peering at you from the distance many flee from the scene before you those who have wondered in never stuck around for to long but you step forward with each step the creature draws forward as well, you finally can make out what it is, a wolf! the wolf bows slightly in a greeting before edging closer it presses its cold wet nose against your hand and the bond begins there. Your one of the few who dared to come this close to these wild animals and slowly you start to understand what each twitch of the tail means and what each howl and bark may be saying the wolf tugs at your pant leg or shirt sleeve begging you to travel deeper with it.

Enter your pack
You see other kids around your age some seem to be happily laughing and playing with the wolves even sharing some human food with them but the laughter comes to a stop as they spot you a Female walks out of an over sized den she seems well cared for a black wolf by her side "Welcome to the night shadow pack"
or are you greeted by a male "Welcome to Dawn pack" this is where your story begins.

Info you may need to know

You have joined either dawn or night shadow packs these two packs been at 'war' if you'd like for many moons on end with no end in sight the wolves retreated to humans for help ironicly you all seem to attend the same school even if you are in the rivals pack, the packs are more like tribes now that they hold humans which balance their own lives with the wolves way of life in your own pack you'll learn how to use weapons from swords to shurikens, kunai, mainly anything but guns which means youve been dragged into this war as well its your choice to help these wolves or not.


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Wolf's name:
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the younger you are the younger the wolf is
You and your wolf's personality
Anything else you'd like to include

Night shadow pack is more brutal and hostile as Dawn pack is clamer and would love to end the war in peace
you may post as soon as you join

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Misaki sat in front of winter death's den watching the younger children groom and playw ith their wolf connection Winter Death herself was Wondering around the packs camp uneasy some of the wolves were missing most likely searching for a human partner the she wolf looked towards her human counter part and huffed. Misaki smiled and spoke softly "no worries they'll be back after last summer's fight we will need new recruits.." her voice trailed off bring winter death a slight pain of sadness. So rushed over to misaki nuzzling against her arm her tail swaying lightly as she softly whimpered "Lets not think of those times my lady we have much more to worry about then the past you are the leader of the humans here.. and I'm for the wolves we have to work together to keep this pack strong". Misaki nodded and patted Winter death's head lightly "New students will be coming you're right we have a lot more to worry about i'll have to train them.. and tell them the stories... of the pack that was once one"


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night lead angel to the pack grounds, his eyes watching carefully. once in pack grounds he lowered his head respectfully to the alpha. he had been watching angel for nearly a year and had decided she was the right human for him. angel followed him with her hands shoved deep in her pockets and her mp3 playing quietly. she was nervous, but she trusted the dark wolf. he was kind and protective to her, even chasing off other wolves that got too near. she watched him bow to another wolf and tilted her head with a questioning look.


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#, as written by Akantha
Dante and Valentine

Dante strode into the camp peering about at all the children. Valentine had been her partner for only a few weeks now and that Alpha had welcomed her sincerely enough. She paused to let out a yawn, in which Valentine turned to give her a stare of irritation. "Don't you ever stop being lazy?" She shook her head and shrugged. "Nope. Valentine." The wolf's ears perked with a soft growl. He had said he had another name. One that suited his pack life but she had said that Valentine seemed liked a cooler name. He had allowed her to say it too. She cast her gaze towards the children again, taking her eyes off the gray wolf to watch them tumble over each other like wolves. Like wolf pups? Us humans... She thought with a stoic expression. After all, she always had that expression on her face.

She greeted the alpha with encouragement from Valentine. "Hey. Nice to be here again." She murmured disconcertingly. She wasn't exactly comfortable around him yet. She glanced away her green gaze flickering to the forest. The alpha seemed to follow her gaze before touching his hand to her shoulder. "Don't worry. I know Valentine has told you. We have trained you at least a little bit. You can spar with Valentine, while your here. You still need to keep up your studies. We just need to end this conflict peacefully." The word peace made Dante glance up at the alpha. From what she had heard there would be no such sort of peace between the packs. She shrugged his hand off and shrugged again. "I know. I'll go train now. Bye." She cut off anymore conversation with a small wave before heading off to train with Valentine. She got out to the small clearing, not far from the camp and pulled out her blade, keeping the sheath on so that it was pretty much just a stick. "valentine. Try dodging my sword so I can practice building stamina and speed." The wolf nodded and they began their usual dance. Even some of the kids broke off from their playing to watch. They should watch. They will have to learn soon too if they aren't already. She thought with grim resolution.


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Winter Death nodded acknowledging nigh'ts presence she shot Misaki a glance for a moment before stepping forward growling softly at night "I understand why you're protective of your human, but bite mines their will be trouble" the wolf blew the extra hair tuft out of her face they seemed like bangs Misaki stood her place examining the female "fair enough" she muttered before walking up beside her own wolf holding her hand out "Nice to meet you I'm Misaki and you are if I may ask of course" The small hand scythes rested on either side of her hips on a holster she had made for it, her sword rested in front of the alphess den's. "Well then I'll let you twolegs talk" The white and red wolf, trotted off towards the younger kids playing with a litter of pups to join in the game, but it wasn't only a game it was training for the pups and the perfect time to set them in their place of the pack.


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Damien was taking his usual nap with Aspen laying besides him. This was probably the only time the two actually looked approachable. Anyone who was here long enough knew what would happen if they dared to wake them up. As Damien shifted in his sleep, Aspen's ears twitched in response, before opening his eyes slowly. The wolf took a look around, before nudging his partner. Letting out a soft sigh, Damien sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. It seems as though the two were sleep for quiet some time now. Not that this bothered anyone. With a small yawn, Damien stood up and stretched. "This place is so boring," he mumbled to himself. Aspen peered up at his partner, "Well, there arent many things out there that entertains you.." The teen looked at his partner before grinning, "Hmm.. I suppose,"

"Looks like the sleeping beauty is awake," a voice said from behind them. "Hey, how about a little spar?" the other boy asked with a cocky grin. "Lets go Aspen.." Damien said, completely ignoring him. "Oi, if someone's talking to you, it's rude to ig-" Before the guy can finish his sentence, Damien spun around, his tonfas by the guy's throat, while Aspen had his wolf pinned down.

"I just woke up from a nice nap, I dont feel like having to fight someone as weak as you. Now go along and play with the pups," The guy gritted his teeth before taking a step back and retreating. "Mmm... such a pain," Damien murmured. "Lets go on a walk," Watching as the other wolf running off with his partner, Aspen snorted, and trailed behind Damien quietly.


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Misaki raised an eyebrow as Winter death turned to face the male and his wolf "the pack is going to need alot of help... they turned tail and ran..." Misaki laughed softly looking over her shoulder at them as well "Nothing wrong he's just setting the kid in his place you can't have an omega trying to act as a beta or alpha now can we.. it'll just cause more chaos like you stated earlier we got much more to worry about if we got a new pack mate imagine Dawn pack" Winter death huffed her tail twitching in annoyance "Do you have to give speeches when you talk? and you would know dawn pack well" The she wolf's voice lowered trailing off to a whisper as she re-called her humans past. Misaki nodded and closed her eyes listening to the wolf as well as paying attention to the female that had joined the pack. "Damien, good job" she muttered blinking her eyes once the wolf had finished speaking


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angel shook misaki's hand and smiled lightly. "im angel..."her voice was quiet and shy, but loud enough to be heard.
night snorted at the female wolf and sat by angel watching misaki carefully. he was cautious but knew better then to challenge the alphas word.


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#, as written by Akantha
Dante and Valentine

She stopped, angling her blade to shade her eyes from the sun. The wolf crouched in front of her, testing her balance. "C'mon Valentine. Give me what you got." The wolf let out a slow growl and leaped forward before feinting right but Dante was prepared. Her mind screamed as her feet slid back almost like a dance to get out of the way. Move. Move. Move! Now strike! Her sword swept out to tap the wolf's hind legs before she danced back. "You would have been on your bottom Valentine. Careful." Some of the children on the edge of the ring let out cheers to egg her on. She ignored them, her focus solely on the wolf. "I know how to fight Dante. Stop talking. It's unbecoming of you." She frowned at the wolf while he grinned and began to circle her again.

After a few more minutes of routines she landed on her bottom. "I'm tired. I'm hungry. Valentine!" She whined. The fight, even though very amusing, was becoming a tiresome task. She slipped her blade over her shoulder into the shoulder-strap so that it would be easier to draw it in a hurry. You never knew when you could come under attack. The wolf lifted it's head to watch her before turning to look in the direction of the alpha. "Shall we ask if we can obtain some snacks?" Dante huffed. "I want a burger. B-u-r-g-e-r. Do you know what that is Valentine?" The wolf scowled and glanced in her direction. "Yes. I do know. They taste like dung." She rolled her eyes. "No. I'm talking about real meat. The stuff that you can't get anywhere else. That diner near our school? It's like right around the corner from there. Please? It isn't that far away." The wolf seemed to sigh as her stood up to pad over to her and look into her eyes. "No more than thirty minutes?" Dante grinned lazily. "I promise." She paused. "Can I ride on your back to the place?" The wolf rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Do I look like your magical pony?" Dante kept up her grin. "Close enough." Valentine laughed and trotted around her. "Let's go already. Also, remember that I'm a dog while in the city. I don't need a leash because I'm trained and you better get me some fries." Dante shrugged and followed behind him. "No problem."

They arrived at the shop and she looked off into the distance to watch the school. It looked so quiet after the hours where they had to be inside it. She murmured something to herself and Valentine sent her a glance while his ears flicked with curiosity. "You sit here I'll be back." Valentine didn't nod and say anything because real dogs are supposedly stupid. She headed inside, hearing the bell over the door ring. "Welcome! What can I get you, honey?" The southern accent from the voice behind the counter made Dante cringe slightly. "I'll have a two burgers and fries." The lady scanned her obviously wondering how one girl could eat so much. Her eyes came to rest on the blade on her back and Dante noticed. "Oh. This is fake. I was playing with my little brother." Liar, she thought. The lady nodded and the smiled returned to her face. "Them little brothers are more trouble than they is worth. Trust me." Dante nodded and put the money on the table before turning to watch Valentine sit like a good dog out the window. Finally the lady returned with their food and she went outside to sit at the table. "I got the goods. You know, Valentine, your a pretty good dog." The wolf lifted his lips in a warning and she chuckled. "Anyways, here's your food." She leaned over and sat the fries down for him to eat. She herself began to dig in happily. Ah, twas a nice day. No other wolves. No annoying pests. No, calls from her mother and father asking her to come back home and get married. She had to wonder if the spell of peace and quiet would last.

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Character Portrait: angel rose
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Character Portrait: Dante & Valentine
0 sightings Dante & Valentine played by Akantha
"Ghosts of the present, unseen by the ones that really count."

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She's alphess and I'm your guide


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