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Call to the Heroes » Places

Places in Call to the Heroes

This is a list of locations that can be found in Call to the Heroes.

All Places

Pyrimidia, The Sand Sea Planet

1 posts · 1 characters present · last post 2012-10-14 17:13:27 »

         The sun shining above glared down at me, one of four angry, burning eyes that rejected the fact that I existed, let alone was on their world. Yeah well, Screw off, I'm here and you can't change that. As to why I'm here...
"Sarah! Why the hell are we on the only planet in the galaxy that can be thought of AS hell?" I shouted at the irritable woman, probably not the best idea, considering her skill with a gun.
"There's a shard here, my fathers research shows that it's in the charge of a boy named Thanatos Archeron." She said to him, walking forward across the island. Thanatos Archeron? Sounds like a punk.... Wonderful. I thought to myself as I followed her across the hard packed sand that formed the island in this sea of sands. We got on a sand skiff and were ready to head out to the ruins, and once we got there.... No idea.

For miles around nothing can be seen but the sands, shifting and moving, undulating and crashing like the waves they imitate. There is a reason it is called the sand sea planet..

The Terranian Diplomacy

1 posts · 2 characters present · last post 2012-09-24 02:01:16 »

         Static rushes over the speakers as I flip the channels. "Police investigated a recent terrorist threat *static* Another bomb was found today in *static* Local civilians have revolted in panic at the recent *static* Negligence from the government *static*"
"Do you believe me now?" The woman in the brown jacket, orange shirt, and blue jeans behind me asks.
"...I never said I didn't. The world is going through hell, people rioting in the streets, government is gone, left as soon as it could. And a comet the size of the sun is on a direct course for our planet... All in all it's the end of the world." I turned to face her "But I still don't see why your here, asking me to help. I'm not your hero, not by a long shot." I turn and walk to my door, the pack on my shoulders. What else was there to say, I had made my decision years ago, and while back then I would have gladly changed to become the hero for these people, that was back when it mattered. Too long too late, and I had a ship taking me from here to the Auroark that was on it's way to the new earth.
"So that's it then? Your just gonna leave? Huh, I should have known, but I thought that maybe, just maybe, your brothers would have been wrong."
I froze, my hand on the door handle, the door cracked open. Ignore her you idiot, she's no idea who she's talking about. Just trying to manipulate you.
"Maybe they were right, your not worth it. Everyone always thought you were a layabout. No good for anything, and no help to anyone. Even you never thought much of yourself, isn't that right." She continued, her back squared to the window.
I didn't get teh chance to respond, cuz even as I turned to shout at her, I spotted the rocket on it's way in, and had to dive into her to keep from getting blown to bits. My momentum carried us out of the window and to the street below, where the Nox army was taking out anyone nearby. The Nox, another group to try and take over this doomed world, calling themselves the only chance. I stood up, and dropped my pack at my feet, and said to her as she coughed at sat up.
"You... Them.. Everyone always thought i was a hopeless cause, you all thought I couldn't do a thing. I learned early on what I was good at, but it wasn't what you wanted." I couldn't help myself, I was shouting now, the anger taking over, the flames covering my arms and shoulders as they always did. "My name is Eric Trinadere! I am a soldier! I am a warrior! I! AM! SPARTAN!"
I charged, the fires burning from my eyes and arms, the runes seared into my body glowing through my clothes. I charged as the Nox soldier fired his rifle into my chest, I roared as I tore the weapon from his hand, turned it on him and pulled the trigger. People screamed and ran from me, but my mind was set on the soldiers who now saw me, several dropped to their knees to pray, and others roared and attacked me. I knew why, the nox soldiers believed in a set of deities, and I represented one they called Spartan, a god of war and combat, a hero to many of them. "Heh, you think I'm your god, your gladiator? Well then take this chance and prove yourself, fight me! Fight me! FIGHT! ME! NOW!
That's how my first day went as a member of the Champion's Circle. That woman, her name was Sarah Longsten, and she had been going around searching for people like me, people who were blessed, or cursed, with the powers of that all too present comet. That thing that now hung in our sky as a constant reminder that at the end of the year, if we were not prepared, we would all die. When it first showed up, around a hundred shards of light fell from the sky, and each one appeared in front of a human child. And those shards fused with us, we children of the end, and gave us the powers we have. This woman has been hunting us all down, just like the Archon or the Nox. But instead of trying to kill us, or imprison us to be worshipped, She wanted us to help. "You were given these powers by that comet, no matter how you might want to look at it differently. A message from that thing told us that in one year it will destroy everything we have, but it put you here. I believe it gave you those powers because you can save us from that thing, and I'll be damned if I'm not going to take the only chance we got to survive." Was her opening line, and while it worked for many of them, I only shook my head. She wanted to take a whole bunch of teenagers, with super powers, lock em together in a class and try to get them to work together to stop a comet. Good luck.

We're gonna need it.


Ancient Ruins

Pyrimidia, The Sand Sea Planet Ancient Ruins Owner: RolePlayGateway

Huge stone structures of archaic design tower all around, but most are crumbling apart. To the east lay stone houses that appear very recent. To the west is a series of terraced farms upon the side of jagged mountain. To the north lies the temple.


The Terranian Diplomacy Earth Owner: RolePlayGateway

Earth... The original homeworld. The place were we all came from, and the place were we all flee too. The homeworld has become a slum, as refugee's from the other worlds run from the conflict created by Nox and Archon.