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Cupid Trementina

"Love is strong, but unstable and unpredictable. Sorta like me."

0 · 1,087 views · located in Goodfellow, Washington

a character in “Covens, Cliques, and Hexes! Oh My!”, as played by LuckyNumber24



Full Name: Cupid Gabriel Trementina

Nicknames: Most people just call me Cupid. It fits me.

Age: 17

Hometown: San Diego, California

Ethnicity Mexican-American

Sexuality: Bisexual, but I lean more towards guys.

Coven: Medea, which makes sense. Love isn't always good or evil, it does what it wants.

Years spent at Fae: Zip. Zero. I'm new here.

Specialty: I work best with matters of the heart. *Smirks* Seduction, heartbreak, love, and the likes.


Love Manipulation~ I can amplify or dull feelings of love in people to an extreme. I can turn a small crush into a full blown obsession or vice-versa. This power can be pretty unpredictable and I can't always reverse changes I make. In addition to love, I can also manipulate feelings of desire, jealousy, and heartbreak.

Love Inducement~ With this ability, I can put people under the illusion that they're in love with someone of my choosing usually by using potions or my bow. It doesn't sound like much, but you'd be surprised what some people do for love. When under this spell, most are compelled to do whatever they can to be with the object of their affection. Despite the strength of this spell, it's only an illusion and can be broken by strong willed people.

Love Empowerment~ I get stronger when I'm in the presence of true love. It's pretty simple and not very powerful, but it helps out every once in a while. I get faster, stronger, and my abilities are sooo much more powerful. The only drawback is that I'm really weak when I'm in the absense of any kind of love.

Infatuation~ Though I haven't learned how to control this ability, it can be extremely helpful sometimes...other times, not so much. By touching someone, I can make them feel extremely attracted to me, which often causes them to become submissive. I'm also able to charmspeak and persuade people to do what I want. It's pretty cool, but sometimes I unknowingly charmspeak or touch someone and make them want to fuck me. Which I sometimes don't mind.

Siren Song~ My last ability allows me to place others in a hypnotic trance when they hear me singing or humming. They usually forget what they're doing and just focus on me. It's nothing special.

Paris~ Though he isn't really an ability, Paris is my bow and a gift from the real Cupid. He channels my magick into arrows and when they hit their target, they desolve and put them under my spell.That's the gist of it. Oh! And he can turn into a ring that I always have on.

My other skills include singing, acting, and cooking, but I'm renowned for my advice about relationships. I have a real gift for getting couples together and I'm wise in the ways of romance. I'm also really good at getting what I want and persuading others. I guess it's only natural, given my powers.

Familiar Well, I kinda have two familiars. My familiar is Helen, a hare. She's fun loving and is obssessed with romance, just like me. She's also really vain, which can be funny sometimes. She'll just stop in front of reflective surfaces to stay at herself and make sure her fur is alright. She can be really bitchy at moments, but I love her still. Llorona was my brother's familiar before he...before he died. She comes off as cold and ruthless, but she acts like my protecter. She keeps me safe and won't hesitate to attack someone to protect me. She does scare me alitte, but maybe that's just because sometimes her eyes...bleed. It looks like she's crying blood and it freaks me out.

Personality: I'm obsessed with love and romance, I'll tell you right now. There's nothing I wouldn't do in the name of love and I think most people know it. Being that Cupid is my patron, it consumes most of my life. I love reading romance novels and watching romantic comedies, but nothing quite compares to love in the real world. I like being around couples and not just because they make me stronger. Love is beautiful and it's the only thing that makes living in this horrible world worth it. But my romantic views gets me into trouble sometimes. I have a bad habit of not minding my business and trying to get people together, which usually involves using my powers and making everything more complicated. I don't always have to use my powers though. Whenever someone comes to me, looking for advice on love, I always say the right thing. It's a gift, honestly. Sometimes, though, I do get sick of watching other people and I hope that I find love one day. Don't get me wrong, I love hook-ups and sex is great, but I long for a real relationship.

I can become a bit of a wild child and I tend to be unpredictable act a bit crazy. I do what I want and don't need permission from anyone. I love to have fun and party, but honestly, hanging out with a small group of friends is just as fun. I get bored rather easily, which sometimes causes me to mess with other people. This usually involves me messing with other people's love life. Sometimes I add some attraction for someone else, other times I'll increase their passion. I don't do it to be mean and I try to justify it by saying that everyone's love life could use some excitment.

Sometimes, I get really angry and if you cross me, you're going down. You may think it's funny that I'm saying that, because I have no offensive powers, but you really underestimate how dangerous love could be. Imagine your best friend becoming obsessed with you. Now imagine your least favorite teacher being the same way. Or, how bout your boyfriend (or girlfriend) stops loving you all together. I can make your life hell. Besides that, I feel like I'm a really nice guy.

~My familars
~Romance novels
~Paranormal dramas

~Being angry
~People who underestimate me
~People who assume I'm gay (I kinda like girls too...sometimes)
~Disappointing my dad
~The thought of being alone
~Being bored

History: My twin brother, Micky, and I were born to Ares and Aphrodites Trementina, members of the Hands of the Gods, a magick community based in San Diego. The members of the Hands are claimed by a patron god or goddess on the night of their birth and then they're usually named after their god. The patron god or goddess will influence the abilities and the personality of the member as they grow older. My mom was the Hand's best speaker and knew how to persuade others using her words, while my dad was the leader of the Hand's warriors. You can imagine how disappointed my father was when I was claimed by Cupid, the Roman god of love, while my brother was claimed by Mictlantecuhtli, an Aztec god of Death. It's kinda sad when you think about how let down he must have been when neither of his sons were claimed by a war god. He would get over it though, because the following year, my mom gave birth to our little sister, who was claimed by the war goddesses Sekhmet.

The three of us loved life in the Hands. We were surrounded by other magick users and everyone accepted us for who we were. We all honed our skills, mom trained me and Sekh was trained by our dad, but Micky didn't have anyone to go too. No one else in our branch of the Hands was claimed by a death god and I could tell how lonely he was. I tried to cheer him up and assure him that he'd find someone like him one day. He wasn't just my brother. He was my best friend and he was ripped away from me a couple months ago when Eden's Blade attacked the Hands. Micky was killed trying to protect me. My father, sister, and the rest of the Hands' warriors fought off the invaders. We gave Micky a burial, but my mom decided to send me away to Fae. She thought a change of scenery would be good for me. And here I am.

Nature Boy
Army of Love
Give Me Love

So begins...

Cupid Trementina's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth
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A small smirk rested on Liberty's lips as she looked down at her roommate, giving a small laugh when one of her fairies bit him. The red streaks in her hair faded back to pink as Ethan confessed to stealing her liquor to get some Circe kids off his ass. Her eyes flickered with glee when he said, "Er... I will repay you. I swear on my life!" Lib felt something slithering up her leg and she looked down to see that Cleo finally caught up with her. "What do you say, Mama?" Lib asked the snake as she made her way up to the blonde girl's shoulders and wrapped loosely around her neck. "Should I forgive our dear Ethan?"

Cleo rolled her eyes...or she would have if she could. Her tougue flickered out as she looked down at Ethan. 'Sure, why not?' Liberty shrugged. "If you say so." The girl snapped and all her fairies pulled Ethan back to his feet before letting him go and flying away to cause mischief somewhere else. Lib stroked Cleo's body as she smiled at Ethan. "So, are you gonna watch the Medea vs. Merlin trial? That should be kinda cool." Out of the corner of her eye, Liberty noticed the dark haired boy that Ethan had been talking to before standing near them. "Who's he?" she asked Ethan, rather curious to see who this guy was. She looked at him, making full on eye-contact, before winking at him and a charming smile.


A young latino strolled down the halls of Fae, humming to himself as he carried his bag of luggage to his new room in the Medea dorms. He had a dreamy smile on his face, somewhat oblivious to the world around him and wore a snug white v-neck that exposed his collarbone and red jeans that slightly clung to his legs. 'Hey Cupid! I'm flying!' he heard from above him. The boy looked up and seeing a large pale hare being carried in the air by a barn owl. He grinned and let out a laugh at the two animals. "Wow! Llorona, you can carry her?" 'It's a workout.' the owl replied and Cupid could practically hear a pleased smile in her voice. 'WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?' the hare demanded. 'I knew it, I'm getting chunky, aren't I? I really should lay off the grass.' Cupid rolled his eyes and he could hear Llorona chuckle. "Relax. We were joking, Helen." Cupid's familiar was way too sensitive when it came to her looks.

Cupid reached his room and opened the door, smiling as he saw his room. Honestly, it was a bit of a relief to be away from home. There were too many memories of his brother there. He threw his bag, which landed on his bed, quickly followed by Helen, who Llorona had decided to drop. 'What's the big idea?!' Helen yelled at the owl, who ignored her in return. Llorona landed on Cupid's shoulder. 'Let's go.' she told him. 'We should ask someone where we need to go.' Cupid gave a small nod to her, heading to the door. "Want to come, Helen?" he asked, his hand on the door knob. The hare sighed and that was all Cupid needed for an answer. "We'll be back in alittle." 'Toodles.'

He left his room and looked around for a fellow Medean. He saw a blonde boy in a suit and a smile came to his lips. Damn. He was cute. Cupid made his way towards his fellow student. "Hi." he greeted, his charmspeak beginning to work without his knowledge. " name's Cupid and I just got here. You wouldn't happen to be in Medea would you? And if you are, do you know where we're supposed to be right now?" Llorona's talons slightly dug into his shoulders, to warn him that he was using his charmspeak. Cupid slightly winced, but kept his composure. He would have to learn how to keep his abilities under control. He kept smiling though, perhaps a bit lustfully, at his fellow student.

The setting changes from Goodfellow, Washington to Fae Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Sasha Romanova Character Portrait: Lamia Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John
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#, as written by Vix

“Me? Shame? Of what? Of being super hot?” He grinned and pulled her close, pressing his forehead to hers. “If I hid all this, I would be depriving you of viewing the ninth wonder of the world.” He offered another classic goofy smile before letting his lips brush against hers. “You taste like. Vanilla. And paper. And Australia.” He suppressed a laugh before standing, holding her in his arms as he did before. “And what do you mean come to my senses? I think that finally telling you that I love you is the most sensible thing that I've done since birth.” He spun around with a smile and whistled for Heath to follow. The falcon took off from his perch and took up a new perch on Amarina's shoulder. Your shirt looks better on her than it does you. The bird screeched with laughter, causing Cheveyo to roll his eyes. Just as they got to the door, Aedan started knocking. Sighing, he swung the door open. “'sup, McKlellan. I got up at five this morning to knock out my training with Professor Guarini and Professor Romanova. I'm good to go. Tell Angelo that I'm spending the next few hours with my girlfriend. If I train now, I'm going to be really tired and overall, useless in battle.” Cheveyo gave Aedan a light nod before moving past him. You know Karol will have your head for this. He might not let you compete. Heath tilted his head some. “Let him try.” Cheveyo shrugged. He respected the Merlin man, but the past few years, he just didn't feel like he belonged with Merlin. “So – We could run into town and grab something eat. Like ice cream.” He looked down at Amarina, wondering if she'd like to go.


Divinia smiled lightly as Sunday blushed before scurrying away. Such a darling little girl. She looked so innocent, but she was far from it. She then glanced over to Pippa. She had noticed the way a slight of jealousy would spike in the woman's Aura every time Divinia interacted with Sunday. Disregarding the questions Pippy had asked, Div moved forward and grasped her girlfriend's face gently. “Davvero non hanno nulla da essere gelosa, il mio amore. Sai che sono di gran lunga il mio preferito. Alcuni bambina non potrà mai prendere il tuo posto. Anche se, ho davvero piace come la gelosia appare su di te. È talmente una svolta.” She purred against Pippa's lips gently, softly whispering the words, letting her hands travel down to Pippa's waist so that she might pull her closer. She ended with a kiss, sucking gently on her bottom lip. “Cheveyo and Amarina have finally decided to make it official. Without my blessing, unfortunately. I will deal with them later.” She sighed, brushing a few strands of hair from Pippa's face. “I will be inviting Romeo, of course. And Ever. Xavier, DeAngelo, Drago, Sasha, and Alexander. You know. The usual.” She offered a light shrug. “We should -” She paused, her baby blue rolling to the back of her skull as she grasped Pippa's shoulders and dug her nails in. In her mind she saw a vision of a beautiful Grecian woman striding across Fae's lawn with a look of confidence and an Aura of darkness around her. “Lamia.” She whispered the name of the Head Mistress who had left on business that Divinia was one hundred percent sure had to do with Eden's Blade. As the vision faded, she straightened herself out. “Seems that our favorite toy is coming back home.” Hecate shook her head, muttering to herself. Whore. “I believe the term is polygamist, dear Hecate. How many times must I remind you?” She sighed and stroked the heavy snake's head. “Pippa, my love. I have a gift for you. I nearly forgot. Come.” She wrapped her hand around Pippa's and began to head for the Circe territory. She had Eileen charm a mirror for her to give to Pippa. She had gotten the idea from Drago who had gotten the idea from Beauty and the Beast. That boy and his Disney...


DeAngelo had pulled a book out of his jacket pocket and was writing in it with great passion. It was his journal and he was recording in it everything that had happened since he had gotten off of the plane. He wrote of meeting Pippa, his sister's favored lover. He wrote of the strange Sunday Cortez. A small beauty. Such a misunderstood girl; he knew the feeling. He frowned and wrote some more, unaware of Cupid approaching him until the boy had spoken. He looked up, startled. He was quick to shove the pen and journal back into his jacket. He looked up and was about to answer until he had gotten a good enough look at Cupid. He struggled for words as Cupid's voice seemed to take hold of him and make him think of nothing else. “...” DeAngelo simply stared into Cupid's eyes for two whole minutes. He didn't mean to be quite so creepy. DeAngelo just couldn't help but to digest and process everything that happened. He always overthought things. It was because of this that he would often pause for a long time before answering people or would simply stare before starting a conversation. That and he had to shut out all the voices in his head that were the thoughts of others so that he could distinguish what was being spoken and what was being thought; people got a little bit freaked out when he answered questions or made comments about the thoughts in their heads. Finally, he blushed deeply and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Apologies.” He took a little bit longer to reply – He wasn't forced to speak English very often and while he knew the language, he was better at reading it than speaking it. “Si – I am in Medea. And...according my sister and Signora le Feuvre, Professor Kwan is training all of Medea for some...Trials. But – If I wasn't mistaken, you must be at least a second year to participate.” DeAngelo smiled bashfully and took Cupid's hand in the same gentle manner that he had done Sunday's. Turning it so that the other male's palm faced upwards, he placed his lips gently against the heel of his hand, almost on his wrist. “I am DeAngelo Pagliarelli – Its my first year here. To whom do I owe the pleasure...?” His bright blue eyes turned upwards, glancing into the latino's face.


Drago watched as the others ignored Xavier and dispersed. “I think Professor Guarini might want to select a new set of elite.” He smirked, shaking his head. “Though, from what my sister says – That would be you, herself, Pippa, Sunday, Aurora, and myself. So few out of so many.” He gave a light 'tsk tsk' and shook his head before taking hold of Xavier's hand. “One of the two, yes.” He and his brother greeted people in the same way. He turned Xavier's hand so the palm faced upwards and kissed the heel of his hand. “Drago Pagliarelli – You must be Xavier St. John. My sister speaks quite highly of you. And we both know how rare it is for her to speak that way of anyone outside of the family.” A smirk graced his face as he stepped even closer, flexing his muscles just to show off. “I assure you that I am just as intrigued by you as you are of me. Join me for dinner tonight?” Unlike his rather shy twin, Drago was a lot more forward when flirting. His gaze was lustful as he bit down on his bottom lip, gazing over the older male that was standing before him. And like his sister, it was never really a question. He was simply polite enough to pose it as one.


Sasha glanced over at Iain, clapping her hands gleefully. “He will be in Puck! There is no doubt about it!” She giggled happily, bouncing in the chair. “Thaaaank you, Iain! Gotta go now!” She blew a kiss and dashed out of the office, dancing around quite happily. She fist pumped, closing the door behind her. “Hey, Klaude! We're getting Cheveyo!” The giant Roc was circling the school, casting a shadow. Are you positive? I thought Iain said that you all would have to have a conference of sorts first. “Details, details!” The Russian flipped her hair over her shoulder and huffed some. Your students are talking again of having relations with you. Klaude began to shrink and dove down towards the school before flying into a nearby window, landing on Sasha's shoulder. “Let zem talk. Who am I to crush their precious dreams? I stand against such things, you know.” She waved her hand, walking down the halls on the tips of her toes. You should do so before you earn a reputation such as Romeo's. That would not be a good thing. Klaude warned her as Sasha exited through the front doors of the Academy. “And why not?” Hrutao had come forward, holding his head high proudly. “I do not understand the mind working of these bipedal creatures.” The stag sighed irritably. “Well – Let's discuss it, then.” Sasha snapped her fingers and watched as an olive tree sprouted from the ground. Flowers lifted from every step that she took as she climbed the tree and laid her body across a low-hanging branch. “What is there to discuss? You fleshy, bipedal, creatures are so hypocritical. Let us take for example this situation. Romeo is highly attractive by human standards. As are you. You are both well over centuries old. But it is more acceptable for you to have sexual relations with teenagers than he simply because you are female. How is that in any way intelligent or fair?” Hrutao had folded his legs underneath his body and was looking up to his partner. Klaude had landed on a branch near Sasha. “I agree. I have yet to understand this logic.” The bird canted his head to the side, looking to Sasha who threw her hands up. “Don't look at me – I don't follow said logic because I find it equally as retarded as you do.” She and her companions laughed some and went on about the strange customs that people of the 21st century followed. So many things had changed – Some for the better and some for the worse. She, Iain, Romeo, Lamia, and even Pippa would often reminisce about their day and age together. It was a lot of fun. She smiled, closing her eyes as Klaude and Hrutao bickered about trivial matters. She took a nap right there in that tree, being the first thing one would see coming up to the school.


Romeo glanced up from his daze to see that Sunday had come in. She was a pretty enough young woman with quite an...obsession for him. She thought it to be secret, but it was highly noticeable. The way she fawned, stormed away when his attention was on others. Particularly Xavier. He found that jealousy was never attractive on anyone. He sighed as she inquired about his hunger status, placing his fingers to his eyes. Were she in any other Coven, he would have long since snapped at her in a most cruel manner and sent her scurrying with her tail between her legs. But she was in Circe and despite how annoying her constant offerings were, she was still attempting to be kind. “Thank you. But no thank you. I am saving my appetite for tonight's party. I like to have a variety to choose from.” He did his best to refrain from feeding outside a select few students. Those whom he knew for sure could handle it. He knew without a doubt that the minute he so much as brushed his fangs against her supple flesh she would become more persistent than ever before. Normally, he had no qualms with sharing his bed with his students. He had started sleeping with Divinia when she was sixteen. But Sunday, he saw as a child. Not just because of the way that she appeared. But as well because of her mindset. He was no fool. He saw how she idolized Pippa and Divinia – He thought it was cute. And he didn't want that. He liked confidence and independence. A slight bit of sadism was nice too with a dash of masochism. Sunday would forever be a child in his eyes and he just didn't have the heart to tell her. Instead, he had his Unholy Trio on the mission of finding someone else to win her affections. It was then that Aurora Carrington walked through the door. Now there was another female that he enjoyed keeping company. Her mind was intriguing, to be honest. She both hated and loved her Coven which quite frankly confused him. He knew that she liked to see others in pain, yet she hated Divinia for being a bully. But at the same time she respected him. If anything, he found her complicated. “How may I help you today, Miss Carrington? Come for some extra credit?” He grinned in the dark slyly, resuming his usual flirtatious mannerisms.

The setting changes from Fae Academy to Goodfellow, Washington

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth
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Liberty ran her fingers through her blonde hair as she listened to Ali. She slightly wet her lips as he invited her and Cleo to come on his tour of the school. Cleo turned her body to make eye contact with her owner. "What do you think Cleo? Should we go?" 'Whatever you want to do.' the snake shifted her body and began to slither back to the ground. "Awesome." the girl said. "We'll come with you."

Liberty stepped over her familiar and linked arms with Ali, smiling mischievously at the dark haired boy. Her crystal blue eyes started into his brown ones intently. "So Ali, tell us alittle bit about yourself."


Cupid's brow was knit and his hazel eyes were filled with concern as he watched the blonde boy in front of him stare blankly back for a couple of minutes. For a moment, he was worried that his charmspeak had put the boy in some sort of trance. Honesty, Cupid was always scared that his magick would leave someone in a strange, coma-like trance and they'd never be able to come out of it. He sighed with relief when DeAngelo had uttered a word, giving Cupid a sign that he was just taking some time to respond. Maybe the other boy had never experienced charmspeak before and he was just trying to figure out what he was feeling. The latino smiled slightly when he noticed the other boy was blushing. That caught his interest.

As DeAngelo spoke and explained that the Medeans were training for some type of trial, it became extremely obvious that English was his first language. His voice was thick with an Italian accent, which Cupid found extremely sexy. The blonde then smiled timidly, before taking Cupid's hand in a soft manner and kissing his hand. The latin boy struggled to control both his power and the crimson blush spreading across his cheeks. Cupid's very touch could lead to someone becoming infactuated with him and this man hadn't given him much time to react and control his magick.

Cupid played with the earring in his ear with his free hand and his blush deepened when the other male looked up at him with those deep blue orbs. "Ummm..." Cupid struggled to form his name in his mouth. 'Just tell him your name.' Llorona said, in an extremely annoyed tone. "I'm Cupid Trementina." he managed to say, smiling politely. "And this is Llorona." Llorona stared at the Italian intently, before drops of blood came from the corner of her eyes, slowly running down the white feathers of her face. "We just came here from the Hands of the Gods in San Diego."

The setting changes from Goodfellow, Washington to Fae Academy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli
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#, as written by Vix

"Cupid..." DeAngelo repeated the boy's name, offering a gentle smile in response to Cupid's blush. He felt a bit more comfortable knowing that he wasn't the only one with red filling his cheeks. Cupid was an attractive male. Or maybe that was an understatement. DeAngelo thought about it and figured that attractive wasn't good enough. There was something more about him. He wanted to know what it was but he wouldn't pry.

"The Hands of the Gods? I have heard of them." His parents had friends associated the The Hands of the Gods, though he had met only a handful of them. His blush intensified as he felt foolish, speaking so slowly to make sure that his words were understandable. He normally would have cast an illusion so that those listening would hear him speaking perfect English, but he was far too distracted by Cupid. He had really big brown eyes...

You're going to get hurt again and this boy will end up dead. Do the right thing and don't fall in love right now. You don't even know him. Brutus had slithered up from DeAngelo's shirt and was coiling himself around DeAngelo. He was about seven feet long, so it took a while. Brutus was familiar with his hopeless romantic of a partner and this scenario. DeAngelo would become infatuated, feelings would not be reciprocated, he'd get angry, and the other would be killed. While Brutus enjoys a good killing, it was too early for it.

DeAngelo ignored him and tapped his head. "This is Brutus. It is our pleasure to meet you both." Brutus sighed and shook his head with a hiss. "Well...Since we aren't really having classes...maybe you'd like to explore? After I put my things away." DeAngelo figured there was nothing wrong with hanging around with Cupid. It wasn't like Kwan was going to hunt him down or anything.

The setting changes from Fae Academy to Goodfellow, Washington

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth
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Lib listened intently to Ali as he spoke, looking up at the new kid as he spoke and chuckling lightly at his sham narcissism. She held onto his arm as they followed Ethan, slyly feeling it to identify the amount of muscle the dark haired boy possessed. She must have been happy with what she felt, because a smile spread across her face.

"Well," Lib started after Ali asked to know alittle bit more about her. "I was born in New York. My mom's a housewife, my dad's a mobster. This beauty-" she gestured to the anaconda slithering next to her. "Is Cleopatra, but you can just call her Mama or Cleo." Liberty's lips pursed as she thought about what to tell Ali next. "Umm....I'm like, really good with potions by the way. And plants. My hobbies include drinking and hooking up with cute guys or girls. I also do parkour, which is loads of fun." She smiled up at Ali, taking one of her hands from his arm to brush a strand of hair out of her face.

"I think this is my favorite part of the school," Lib let go of Ali's arm as Ethan unlcoked the greenhouse. "I love this place!" Lib exclaimed, running to the plants and running her hands over their green leaves. They seemed to grow bigger as she paid them more attention. Lib stood upright and stretch, slightly moaning as she took in the scents of the berries and fruits in the greenhouse. She listened to Ethan talk about who the house was dedicated to and snorted. "Yeah, I heard that too. Some Fae told me about the Maenads. Those bitches are insane." She laughed heartily, her pink highlights seemingly becoming brighter and more vibrant.


'This one seems a bit off.' Llorona narrowed her eyes at the blonde male in front of Cupid, studying him. Cupid cast an annoyed side-glance at the owl, but ignored her and continued to listen to DeAngelo. The Italian was very handsome, yet he seemed somewhat shy and reserved, which only intrigued the latino further. Llorona did have a point, though. There was something different about DeAngelo, but where Llorona saw potential danger, Cupid saw mystery and the potential for romance. But then again, maybe he was getting ahead of himself.

He slightly tensed when he saw Brutus. The sight of the snake's slick, black body was enough to send chills up Cupid's spine, but he managed to smile through it. After living with other magick users for so many years, he had gotten relatively used to dangerous and scary familiars. His own sister had a lioness named Nefertiti who liked to cuddle with him after dinner. "It's nice to meet you guys too." He smiled politely, but it was quickly replaced by a wince of pain as Llorona slightly dug her talons into his shoulder. He glared at her, but her attention was on Brutus. The barn owl stared at the snake as if she heard something she didn't like, several more drops of blood streaming down from her eyes. 'Be careful Cupid.' she said simply.

He raised his eyebrow, but Cupid turned his attention back to DeAngelo who had asked if he wanted to explore the school alittle. "Yeah!" he exclaimed with glee. "That sounds like lots of fun." It wasn't like Cupid had anything else to do. "And maybe we could watch a bit of that trial later. Get to see the other kids in Medea, y'know?" Cupid gave the other boy a cute smile and brought his hand up to his mouth, slightly biting down on the metal ring around his wedding finger. Whenever Cupid liked someone, he would play with his magick ring, Paris. It was a strange habit he had picked up a while ago. He took the ring out of his mouth and rubbed it's heart shaped jewel.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Sasha Romanova Character Portrait: Lamia Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina
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#, as written by Vix


“Not just a girl Angel. The girl, babe.” Cheveyo pointed out as he descended the steps. He was still debating internally on whether they would take one of his vehicles or just ride into town on a horse. A horse would be romantic. How many guys could say they escorted their girlfriend on their first date via horseback? He thought that horseback would do. He turned his head some as Heath screeched at Amarina. That is not necessarily true. You're Okay. Maybe. The Native American rolled his eyes. “Don't be a douche, Heath. Its really not cute.” Pfft. Says you. Heath regarded him with his infamous narrowed glare. “Narrow your eyes at me again and we won't watch The Brothers Grimm tonight.” He warned. Will Kumberlin be there...? Heath glanced around. “Yes. The girlfriend you'll never be able to reproduce with will be there.” He snickered, avoiding being pecked by the bird.

“Are you sure you will be able to compete? I mean, when Medea wins, I want the satisfaction of beating my boyfriend too.” Cheveyo made a light snorting sound. “Me, unable to compete? Like that would ever happen. Only once. And that was because Johnathon broke my legs five minutes prior.” During his second year at Fae, he had been unable to compete in the end of the year trials in the finals against Circe because a young man named Jonathan Waters had broken his legs in an attempt to knock out the competition, having felt threatened by him when facing him in the beginning of the year trials.

Jonathan also had a personal grudge against Cheveyo because Chevy was friends with Divinia at the time. Close friends. And before the Sicilian had come along, Jonathan was the big man on campus. “Don't worry, I promise that I'll be the one to beat you. And after I do, I'll take care of you. Bandage you up, put some ice on your sore muscles, and then we can watch movies. Sound good?” He grinned down at her.

Heath had flown away as soon as Kumberlin came into view and Cheveyo shook his head. When Amarina asked that she be put down, he blushed sheepisly. “Pssh. I was getting tired of carrying you anyways. You're heavier than usual. I think its because your butt's getting bigger. Not that I'm complaining.” He snickered just as Heath returned, taking perch on his head. He set his girlfriend down gently and instead grabbed her hand, interlacing his fingers with her own. “We. Are going to go by horseback. Because statistics show that girls like that kind of stuff and horses are totally romantic.” He nodded knowledgeably as though everything he said was truth.

Heath again rolled his eyes as they worked their way out of the Merlin Territory that was to the north. Their walk took them over the bridge that connected the main building to the student area. In the main building was all of the classrooms that also doubled as offices for the Professors. He chatted idly with Amarina about Game of Thrones and True Blood – His love of True Blood was something that he had used in the past to pick up hookups. It never failed. Though at the moment, he was being truly enthusiastic about it. Cheveyo couldn't remember a time when he had been so happy or had smiled so much, which made him smile wider absentmindedly while he talked, not really paying attention to anything else outside of his little world.


“Darling – You are and always will be my number one love. Not even Romeo can surpass you.” She purred as they went towards the west side of the school. She smiled, holding Pippa as close as she possibly could while walking comfortably. Hecate had slid off of her body and was traveling behind her, moving rather quickly for a snake her size and weight. Divinia sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. There were times where she debated on whether she should just forget about Cheveyo and Amarina – She knew that the attention she paid them, even though it was a grudge, irritated Romeo and Pippa. She did agree that the time and energy spent hating them would be better placed in spending time with her loves.

“You'll see.” She finally announced as they came upon her dorm room. She didn't share her room with anyone. She loved her Covenmates, but she was waiting for Pippa to be transferred that way she could share a room with her girlfriend. Her room itself was extremely extravagant – It was bigger inside than most dorms because of use of magick. It was like those tents in Harry Potter. That's where she derived the idea from in the first place. Everything in her room was custom European design, whether it was clothes, shoes, jewelry, or bedroom items. Her room was graced in red and accented in gold. The fabrics were all mixtures of silk, Egyptian cotton, satin, and velvet. There were gems such as diamonds and emeralds lying about on her boudoir.

Her jewelry was all perfectly set up in a number of jewelry boxes about the room and her ceiling, while sporting a chandelier, was covered in photographs of herself, Pippa, her mother, her father, her brothers, her fellow mafiosos back home, Antonio, Xavier, Eileen, Romeo, Sasha, Lamia, Ever, and everyone else whom she dared to announce her closeness to. There was a photo of Kwan in a far corner of the room that was riddled with bullet holes – Kwan was her least favorite teacher.

In all the years that Divinia had known Pippa and been with her, she had gifted her often with jewelry, money, stuffed animals, furniture, and priceless works of art. Divinia traveled over to her nightstand and plopped onto her bed – It was large, round, covered in plush pillows, duvets, and silk blankets with a canopy that could be drawn shut. “This is something that means very much to me.” She murmured as she snapped her fingers, a rather medieval key appearing between them. She unlocked the top drawer and reached in tentatively with a light smile. She pulled her hand out, showing a small ring box that was just as lavish as her bedroom. It was light blue in color, like her eyes; almost clear.

She marveled at for a second before standing up and moving towards Pippa. “There's a tradition in my family. When you love someone, you will show that love by killing an enemy of theirs and then presenting your love with a prize from your kill. I do hope you remember Mister Alexander Gianni.” Alex was someone that was once well-known around the school. Divinia never liked him simply because the boy thought himself better than her and would harass Pippa.

He was training to be an assistant at the academy, but he never made it back this particular year. Unfortunately for him, the Gianni family was never liked by either side of her family. Him harassing her love was just the reason that she needed to start a blood feud. Though, it was safe to say he and every member of his immediate family was murdered over the summer vacation along with a few others. Divinia had taken advantage of that opportunity to kill him and his immediate family members herself at a meeting of families. Word had spread that she wasn't going to return and the Gianni family had dared to move in on her turf. Even killed quite a many of her cousins.

She let all of the families in Europe and beyond know that just because she wasn't home didn't mean that her reign was to be questioned. She could manage business from afar and those who dared to think otherwise would be dealt with accordingly. She enjoyed watching Alexander and his family die slowly from starvation. It didn't take too long after Romeo bound their powers for her. She had taken everything that belonged to his family. She left the remaining members only one piece of land. She didn't care. They couldn't pin the murders on her or any of her family members or those that followed them. What were they going to say? That the Pagliarellis had given them ebola? That the San Lorenzos had given them heart attacks, small pox, and AIDS? That the Dorianos had crashed their planes and their cars? That the Guarinis had set wild animals upon them? No. They couldn't pin anything on them.

She smiled as she opened up the ring box and presented Pippa with a beautiful dragon ring. The dragon was made of gold, curling its body around a large sapphire. The inside of the sapphire held what looked like a small sun twisting and turning, the lights changing, cycling through the colors of the visible spectrum. It was the ring that Alexander always wore. He claimed that it was his most prized possession, passed down from generation to generation. “I thought that you might like this.”


“Is that...normal?” He pointed to the blood trickling from Llorana's eyes, a bit put off by it. It didn't frighten him, nor creep him out. It was just something that was odd to him. He had begun walking already. He had strapped his violin case to the Gucci bag he had slung over his shoulder so that he could shove his hands into his pockets. He started to hum softly, glancing up at the archways of the corridor. The place was rather impressive in build. He began to think again, wondering how the place came to be and if it had always been here. Was it built by means of physical labor? Or did, perhaps, the Professors build it together by means of putting their magick together? His sister told him that one of them was the incarnation of Mother Nature. Or rather she actually was Mother Nature. Maybe she had built it using her powers. He assumed that it wasn't something that would have strained her. She created and stopped weather all over the world daily. Went all the way across the globe and returned in a matter of a few minutes. Surely something as simple as rising forth an impressive building wouldn't be too much for her? It seemed logical in his head that Professor Romanova had constructed the place. “I should ask.” He mused, speaking his thoughts aloud.

He then blinked, as if just now realizing that Cupid was walking with him. The silence was awkward and he didn't want to have Cupid thinking that he was weird. Or distant. He offered a smile. “I'm in the Mafia.” Wow. What a conversation starter. Brutus snorted. DeAngelo blinked and frowned, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. That was exactly why he always thought so hard before saying things. He would say something stupid if he didn't. Yes, DeAngelo. Start off the conversation by saying that you're in the Mafia. Did you forget about the summer's war? The accusations placed upon your place all over the news? Your background already? You have a history! Now you can only pray that he either doesn't watch the news so much or that he doesn't care. He scolded himself mentally, wanting to facepalm. He quickly tried to make up for his blunder. “I'm not a killer. Well, I've killed people. But for good reason. Well, maybe not what is considered morally good. But. Its a family thing.” Bravo, jackass. Brutus deadpanned, slithering down from the boy's body and to the door they had stopped in front of.

“Sorry. I. You. This.” DeAngelo continued to blunder, his face growing red. “I'm not usually this stupid. You just make me nervous. Not in an uncomfortable or bad way. In a good way. Not that I'm hitting on you. Or I could be. If you like guys. But I'm not saying you're gay.” Blunder after blunder after blunder. DeAngelo growled to himself and fished his room key out of his pocket unlocking the door and letting himself into the room. His stuff was already there on his side of the room. Brutus made himself at home on the bed covered in purple duvets. DeAngelo made his way back to the door, his gaze cast downwards. “I understand if you'd much prefer not to keep my company right now.” Not only did he say a bunch of stupid things, but he was constantly stumbling over the English words, sounding equally as stupid.


Drago laughed some at Xavier's response. He took the older boy's arm and draped it over his own. “I really don't. I suppose it rubs off from my sister.” He snickered a bit at the last part, shaking his head. Thomas O'Malley was shaking his head as he slithered down and proceeded ahead of them on the ground. Like his brother's and his sister's serpents, he was extremely large and heavy for his species. Drago couldn't quite remember his weight, mostly because the snake felt like such a feather to him, but he knew that the snow white snake was bordering twenty feet in length. He was just about five feet longer than Hecate, but he didn't weigh as much. Hello. He was just a cobra. That bitch was a boa!

“What isn't there to be intrigued about? Or maybe I should just go ahead and say that I just like you based on what Div says.” He chuckled some. “You play guitar, you've got a honey badger as a familiar, you sing, you've got good taste in music even though you don't listen to Italian, you play piano,” He paused and whirled around and stopped in front of him, grabbing him gently by the chin and tilting his head up with a grin. Their faces were dangerously close as he leaned down. “you've got an incredibly sexy accent.” He purred with his own Italian accent. Their lips brushed teasingly, if only for a moment.

He grinned and shoved his hands back into his pocket before walking towards the school. He could see Professor Romanova with her familiars and...Who was that with her?”


“Ohh!” Sasha snapped out of a dead sleep as though she hadn't even been sleeping at all. She squealed, leaping from the tree. She wrapped herself around Lamia, clinging to her. “Lamia! I was so worried about you! We all were!” She whined, finally disentangling herself from her boss. She cupped the woman's face and pouted, pushing a few stray hairs from the Grceian's face. “Where did you go? Is everything alright?” Her eyes shone with concern as her familiars smile and walked beyond them to greet the wolf. Sasha's eyes were now changing excitedly between various shades of blue and green as she stared intently at Lamia. “Hold that thought.”

She frowned, unknowingly dismissing the student that had approached as her familiars dismissed his. She disappeared on the wind and flew towards the Greenhouse. Her gut had wrenched incredulously at that moment and she knew something was about to happen. The clouds began to darken, not of her own accord, which further upset her and caused them to grow darker and rain to crash down on the earth. She was solid and running again at this point, soaked to the bone. Her toes dug into the mud and her hair stuck to her body as she skidded to a halt in front of the greenhouse. It was just as she yanked open the door that an elderly appearing man seemed to come out of nowhere, lying on a floating cloud. He was eating grapes being fed to him by beautiful, giggling young women. His gaze overlooked her and fell onto Liberty, a sly grin crossing his face.

“Dionysus! You stupid piece of shit!” She sped over to him and grabbed hold of him by his toga, shaking him like a ragdoll, ignoring the students behind her. The Maenads with him shrieked and jumped away, scattering around the room. “Сколько раз я говорил тебе, что ты здесь не рады! А что вы сделали с моей прекрасной драгоценные студенты, Вы ленивый хам!” She began shouting at him in Russian, causing him to cry. “Dearest Mother Nature! You know I never meant any harm! I like to play! Just play! We have fun! Your girls, I never stole 'em. They came with me of their own accord.” His words only further upset her, as was noticed by the lightning that flashed across the sky like electricity spouting from a cut circuit. “I don't care! I told you to never show your face here again!”

The Greek 'God' was whining now and Sasha thought him to be braindead from all the shaking she had done. She frowned in disgust and shoved him into a table behind him. She had been meaning to pick a bone with him for the past five years, but he and his 'pals' on Mount Olympus conjured up heavy magick to hide their home long ago. No-one but them could reach each other unless they chose otherwise. He would come to Fae annually to seduce away her students. He never took from any Coven but hers. It infuriated her beyond all means and she swore to kill him one day. “Don't you ever come back here!” She was particularly upset because a lot of the students he took were her favorites. They were like sisters to her. Or daughters, even. His groupies were surrounding him now as he tipped Ethan and Alistair a salute in farewell and gave Liberty a 'call me' sign with his hands. And then he was gone.

Her jaw was tense as she bent over to begin picking up the plants that had fallen. Placing them back in their proper pots. The table had broken, but the pots remained sturdy. Sasha could be a bit bipolar at times, especially when it came to her students. She could be happy as a hobo with a million dollars at one second, carefree and jolly with a smile as wide as the sky. But the moment she even thought someone dear to her was in any sort of danger, it was as though a switch had flipped. And one would think that with her carefree outlook on life, she and Dionysus would be best friends. And they were at one point. Until he tried to turn her into a Maenad. And then started stealing her students.

“Get out.” She muttered. She was quiet at first, though she spoke up after. “Get. Out. Получите прямо сейчас! How dare you bring him into my sanctuary! How dare you even invite him to these grounds! Я надеюсь, что вы все умрете!” She hated it when students called up that bastard. Or anyone from Mount Olympus. They were all a bunch of pompous dicks, acting like they were Gods because ignorant humans in the 'olden' days actually fell for it. Sure, there was a God. Or two. No-one knew. But it wasn't any of them. Bunch of dumb fucks is what they were.

It was rare that she was this furious, though she would apologize for her last statement. Of course she didn't wish death on any of the students truly. She was just...pissed. She didn't even know if they summoned him, but she was pretty sure that they did.

"Ohhh! New guy, huh?" Klaude had let himself grow, now hulking over everyone, his wings settling on his back. "Welcome to Fae Academy!" Hrutao rolled his eyes before glancing to the wolf. "Huh. So you've never met another Familiar before? Well. I'm glad we were the first you met. Some of the others around here can really ruin the experience. I'm Hrutao, Spirit of the Forests. That's Klaude. He's just a giant Roc." He rolled his eyes as the bird hopped around, causing the ground to shake. Unlike the other Familiars, these two actually spoke with vocal chords and not thoughts or strange animal sounds.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Romanova Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: DeAngelo Pagliarelli Character Portrait: Alistair William Talsworth
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Liberty smirked as she listened to the boys talking about what they knew about the Maenads and the Percy Jackson books. Lib liked the Greek myths, but she was much more entertained by the stories the Fae told her about their world. The Faeries made the Greek Gods look like well behaved, God-Fearing Christians. She smiled as Ethan joined her and helped the plants grow. "These are free, right?"

Lib's head whipped around to look at Ali, her eyes widened with fear. "Fuck." she said as dark clouds formed in the greenhouse. Suddenly, there was an old dude on a cloud floating in front of her. He was accompanied by several beautiful women, who fed him grapes while giggling like a bunch of bimbos. At the very same time he appeared, Liberty noticed Ms. Romanova enter the greenhouse, soaked by rain and pissed. 'When did it start raining?' Liberty thought. She could feel the thick body of Cleo coiling around her feet, just in case she had to protect her partner from the Greek, whose strange stare was quickly making Liberty feel uncomfortable.

Ms. Romanova scared him off easily enough though, after she gave him a good thrashing and screamed at him in Russian. He, along with his groupies, left, but not before he made a "call me" gesture towards Liberty. "Gross." She scrunched her nose, obviously disgusted by the thought of being one of Dionysus's cheerleaders.

Liberty nervously bit her lower lip as their teacher began screaming at them to get out. She was going to leave, like her professor wished, but the boys apparently thought they needed to explain themselves. Liberty slightly raised her eyebrow at them. Honestly, she loved her mentor, but Ms. Romanova could be temermental and when she was angry, it was best to leave her alone. She sighed though, and decided to join in.

"I'm really sorry, Mrs. Romanova. It wasn't Ali's fault. I should have told him about Dionysus before." She looked down. "I'll help you clean this place up." She brought her fingers up to her mouth and whistled, her faries swarming around her in seconds. How they got into the greenhouse, she didn't know. "You guys go." she said to Ali and Ethan. "Continue the tour without me." She smiled sweetly, before bending down to help pick up the plants.


Cupid followed DeAngelo, slightly chewing on his lower lip as they walked in a somewhat awkward silence. "Yeah, it's normal." He responded to the Italian's question about Llorona's tears. "Micky explained why it happened, but I can't remember what it was." A sudden pang of sadness hit Cupid when his brother's name left his mouth. Llorona tensed slightly and she slightly shuffled on his shoulder. "Umm...Micky is my brother." He explained to DeAngelo. "Or, he was." he said under his breath.

After several more moments of awkward silence, the blonde spoke up again. “I'm in the Mafia.” he said, smiling at the latino. 'Wow. Did he really just say that?' Llorona scoffed. Cupid shot her an angry glance, but he looked back at DeAngelo. Wait, DeAngelo Pagliarelli? Hadn't Cupid heard his father said something about that family before? Something about some sort of war in the summer, was it? “I'm not a killer. Well, I've killed people. But for good reason. Well, maybe not what is considered morally good. But. Its a family thing.” Cupid raised an eyebrow and he could hear Llorona sigh. 'Wow Cupid. You have an excellent taste in men. A not-a-killer that's killed people? Aaand he's in the Mafia? You're set for life.' she said sarcastically.

"Shut up." He said to her sternly, narrowing his eyes at the owl. He turned his head to other male and opened his mouth to say something, but the poor guy began rambling on and stumbling over his words. Cupid felt bad for him and he stayed at the doorway as DeAngelo unlocked the door and let himself into the room. His chocolate eyes followed the other male's muscular form made his way back to the doorway, looking down at the floor. “I understand if you'd much prefer not to keep my company right now.” Cupid frowned, placing on of his hands on the base of the other male's neck. "Hey." Cupid said, his charmspeak washing over DeAngelo. "You don't have to be nervous around me." He smiled sweetly. "And-" He gently grabbed the Italian's chin and brought it up, so that those crystal blue eyes where looking into his own. "I do like guys." He smiled, working his magick and trying to calm DeAngelo's nerves. 'Wow.' Llorona mused. 'Someone's being forward.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amarina Yani King Character Portrait: Sasha Romanova Character Portrait: Lamia Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Pippa Tasmin Le Feuvre Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina
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#, as written by Vix
She was pleased with Pippa's reaction, leaning in to give her the lightest of kisses. "Mi amore, I knew you'd love it." She beamed a smile, her eyes sparkling as she then brought Pippa's hand to her mouth, kissing the heel of it. "We won't stay too long at the party tonight. Just make appearances and leave. There's a full moon tonight and I need to pay tribute to Elath." She crinkled her nose some with a light frown. Elath was so demanding with his rituals, though she could hardly complain. There wasn't a person alive that rivaled her abilities with darkness and shadow.

Her ears perked at the sound of Sunday's voice and she turned her head to the side to see her peeking into her room. Sunday was such a sweet and attractive little thing, it was sad that she was so...single. It was no secret to Divinia and her circle of the Elite that Sunday was pretty much obsessed with Romeo. Even though Romeo didn't feel even a smidgen of what she felt. Divinia knew that most of Romeo's heart belonged to none other than Lamia herself. It wasn't really much of a puzzle why; they had centuries of history.

She sighed some as she debated how to answer. Sunday would be heart broken if Divinia sent her away and of course Divvy didn't want to do that! But she would like some time alone with her girlfriend at the moment. Right now was a rather intimate slice of heaven. "One moment, little one." She sighed again and put one hand at the back of Pippa's neck, delivering a roughly passionate kiss that she let linger for nearly five minutes, ending up having lifted her and set her on the dresser and knocking off several things before releasing her. "Come in, baby doll."

"Dude. My mind was blown when Bill rose from the blood pool. I seriously was thinking Lillith was just a figment of their imagination. I can't wait for next season!" Cheveyo enthused more than most males his age, talking about the last episode. Heath was flying overhead as they stepped out onto the lawn of the academy. He was holding Amarina close, still smiling widely. He noticed that her hair had gotten messed up, assuming correctly that it was caused by her having rested her head on his chest so many times. He thought it was cute, though.

He stopped upon seeing a number of people on the lawn. The one that caught his eye in particular was the Grecian. "Its about time she got back." He smiled lightly and gave Lamia a wave, letting her get back to talking to the new student; it was easy to point out the new kids around Fae. It was just the way they looked. At least to him it was. But maybe that was because he knew virtually everyone at school and if he didn't know them, he knew of them. But he looked past them and saw a big wolfdog chatting with Hrutao and Klaude. Hmm. Where was Professor Romanova? He shrugged, trying not to pay too much attention to Xavier and whoever his new man toy was. He had a few casual make outs with Xavier before. Before Divinia went crazy. The two males hadn't spoken much since then.

He returned his focus to the quest at hand, putting two fingers to his mouth and letting out a shrill whistle. It didn't take long for the sound of galloping hooves to reach his ears, a chestnut mare being the source. "Hey, Freya! Easy there." He grinned and patted her neck as she skidded to a halt right in front of him, already saddled. "Ah! Always ready, I see!" Cheveyo had planned yesterday to ask out Amarina today, so everything was very much falling into place! He was smiling as he swung himself into the saddle, reaching down and grabbing his girlfriend's hand, pulling her up with ease and setting her in front of him on the saddle. "To the town...away!!!" He clicked his tongue, holding both the reigns and Amarina as Freya, the hot-tempered mare flew off, going as fast as she could.

The Russian's frown did not disappear, as the trio scrambled to make their apologies and take the blame for one another. She was still in the mood to claw out the eyes of the next person meeting with her line of sight. It was rare to see her angry, so most students generally didn't know that it was best to just keep away from her during such a dangerous time. Their talking and even being near just pissed her off further. She was containing herself enough to keep the weather straight in her immediate vicinity, but there was an irregular typhoon destroying two thirds of North Korea at the moment; she didn't like North Korea. Never really did.

She closed her eyes and stood up slowly, facing the students. "The next time a student envokes anyone from Olympus, they will have their powers bound until the end of time and expelled. Memory? Wiped clean. I'm not afraid of those wanna-bes. They may call themselves deities, but I am Mother Nature. You see how they run from me and how they've hid for eons. Each of you are easily a match for them. You don't have to be scared of them." She lectured them, a mixture of concern and disgust in her voice as she curled her fingers, balling her hands into fists. She moved past them with a huff and disappeared around the corner as she took flight to the roof. Way to ruin her day.

His face was warm and red as Cupid's hand slid behind his neck. He could feel his nerves calming immediately and his was damn near blank for the first time since...ever, really. His thoughts which had previously been filled with the voices of everyone else's thoughts were now blank. He heard nothing save for Cupid's voice and the thumping of his own heart. He hadn't realized that he was leaning in towards Cupid as though to kiss him until the last minute. He blushed even more and muttered an apology, taking a half step back. "Where would you like to explore first?" He looked down and to the left in an attempt to avoid the soft gaze of Cupid's chocolate colored eyes. I might be wrong about this one... Brutus mused, slithering behind his partner. DeAngelo resisted stomping the serpent's head, wishing that he'd let him be and allow him to simply flirt. Flirt? Is that what he was doing? Well, ge.must be doing a well enough job because the Latino was flirting back.

He smirked as he exerted his dominance, ensuring his spot as Alpha Male in the relationship that he planned to start with the older male. He couldn't really help it because it was pretty much instinct with him. He came from a family where you had to be the best for respect and power; and of course, he was all about power and respect. He chuckled as Xavier mentioned his roommate, knowing that it was Xavier already. Divinia was actually the one who had set them up as roommates. Apparently, she was trying to hook them up. Not that Drago wouldn't have been able to score Xavier without his sister's aid, but what did a little nudge hurt? Plus sharing a room? He was looking forward to seeing the look on Xavier's face when he got out of the shower. Or when he did his yoga. He rose his head to see where the sudden whistle came from, seeing Cheveyo and Amarina mounting a mare and taking off. "So. Tell me about this...Atreyu." He was walking towards Lamia and the group around her as he talked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Romanova Character Portrait: Liberty Rosello Character Portrait: Cupid Trementina Character Portrait: Xavier Jonathan St. John Character Portrait: Ethan Holler Character Portrait: Alex Guarini
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Liberty flinched slightly at Sasha's words and sighed with relief as the teacher stormed (no pun intended) out of the greenhouse. The blonde girl knew that taking the blame wouldn't have calmed the Russian down at all. Maybe she should have just snuck out of the greenhouse while the boys were trying to be all honorable. She slightly chewed on her bottom lip, silently staring at the two males around her. She would probably have felt alittle guiltly if she had left them to Mother Nature's wrath.

A small smile came to her lips when Ali asked what was next on the tour. She ran her fingers through her hair and opened her mouth to answer before Cleo cut her off. 'Why don't you show him around the forest? You could introduce him to some fairies.' Lib's smile grew as she commended the serpent. "What a good idea!" She looked at the boys. "I can show both of you guys around the forest!" Now that Liberty thought about it, that wasn't the only thing that she'd like to do with the two dark haired boys. But, she didn't think they'd go for that. But then again, there was that stupid rule that she heard on Saturday Night Live a while ago. 'It's not gay if it's in a three way'.

Her smile remained on her face, though it was a tad devilish in nature. Her highlights seemed to glow pink as her eyes flickered back and forth between the boys. Sure, they wouldn't go for it right away, but Liberty found that boys were far more agreeable with drinks in their system and their pants off.


Cupid's heartbeat quickened as he realized how close DeAngelo was to kissing him. He gulped when the blonde male pulled away and apologized. 'This fellow seems to apologize alot, doesn't he?' Llorona mused, ruffling her feathers. Though Cupid slightly found the owl's comments rude, he had to somewhat agree with her. DeAngelo seemed sheepish, yet there was something about him that felt dangerous. Almost like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Cupid kept smiling, however, and bit his bottom lip in response to DeAngelo's question.

"Ummm..." He tried to think of a good reason, but his mind wandered to other places as he looked DeAngelo up and down. He really was good looking. The latino resisted the temptation to induce the other male with lust to the point that he'd take Cupid right then and there. "Maybe we should just walk around aimlessly. We're bound to find something interesting that way." Cupid winked and there was a twinkle in his eye as he let out a small laugh. 'I want to eat the snake.' Llorona said randomly, eyeing Brutus. Cupid glanced at her, obviously weirded out by what she had said. He sighed and shook his head at her, turning back to DeAngelo.


Lamia's eyes widened slightly as her Familiar Work and Elemental Magick Teacher sprang from her position in the tree and tackled her. Although slightly startled, the Headmistress laughed heartily. She had gotten used to Mother Nature's eccentric behavior. In fact, she had grown to love it and the Grecian had missed it for the several years she was gone. The Russian woman cupped her face her face and asked her where she had gone. Right when Lamia was about to answer, Sasha cut her off and flew away, towards the greenhouse. 'Perhaps Dionysus is causing trouble there again.' she thought. A small smirk spread on her lips as she thought of Sasha's disdain towards any of the beings from Olympus. Lamia didn't exactly care for most of them, but her mother was related to them in one way or another and she had found that not all of them were horrible. Aphrodite, for instance, was always good for a cup of tea and a nice chat.

The Grecian then turned around, seeing student that asked for assistance and seeing how Lamia was the only "beautiful lady" still there, she knew that she was obligated to help him. She smiled charmingly at him, brushing a strand of black hair out of her face. "Hello Alex." she greeted. "I'm Lamia, the Headmistress here at Fae." She studied his face, her small smile still playing on her lips. 'He's handsome.' she thought, but ten she mentally scolded herself. 'Dammit Lamia. You can't sleep with students. It isn't right.' She silently sighed, but retained her warm smile. There was something about the boy that was triggering what Lamia called her "Monstar" which was like a Gaydar, but for monsters.

"Well, the first place you should go is the dorms to get unpacked and settled in." Lamia laughed slightly, seeing Lykos licking the boy's familiar behind the ear. He really didn't have a sense of personal space. Her eyes shifted back to Alex. "I'm guessing that you're in Circe. I'll lead you to your ro-" Her voice drifted off as she saw Cheveyo waving at her, holding Amarina, a Medean, very close. One of Lykos' faces looked back at Lamia and shouted 'I called it!' Not very far from them, she saw Xavier and a very broad blonde boy walking towards her.

"Just the man I wanted to see!" Lamia shouted at Xavier, grinning widely. "Xavi, it's nice to see you again, but would you and your handsome friend like to lead Mister Alex here to the Circe dorms?" She didn't even bother to use her charmspeak as she spoke. She simply expected Xavier to do as she asked. Lamia then felt a light tap on her shoulder. She sighed and rolled her eyes, annoyed at how popular she had seemed to have gotten while she was gone. She turned to face the person behind her with annoyance spread across her face. That look melted away, however, when she saw it was none other than Ever. She grinned and laughed, wrapping the dark-skinned girl in a tight hug and kissing her on the top of her head. "Oh! I missed you so much!" Lamia let go of Ever, slightly bending to cup her face, much like Sasha had done to her earlier.

"How have you been, my dear? It's been so long. How's Aeden, or whatever his name is? How's Romeo? Has he been nice to you? Oh, how's Iain? And Divy? Please tell me she hasn't killed anyone." The Greek barraged Ever with a series of questions. Her mind drifted to Romeo, one of the only men she had ever dared to admit she- might- love. She let go of Ever's face and whistled, a raven flying out of the tree Sasha had been in earlier. The raven was a creation of Lamia's, a product of raven and dragon blood. "Go to Romeo and tell him to meet me in my quarters for some tea." The raven nodded and flew off to relay the message to the Circe Mentor.