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Escaping The Impossible

Escaping The Impossible


A group of teens with animal attributes are kidnapped from a science lab because of their amazing powers they have gained because of experiments. How will they get out of the heavily guarded military? Looks like you'll find out when the roleplay begins.

2,571 readers have visited Escaping The Impossible since Howl_By_The_Moon created it.


A group of teenagers grew up in a lab, where they were tested on and injected with an animal's dna to give them that animal's attributes (ears and tail), and were eventually given other injections and went through other agonizing tests to give them incredible abilities, which a notorious military soon after heard of. When the military obtained the information, they invaded the lab, took the teens, escaped, and blew the building to bits, wanting their powers for their own weaponry. The military then rode back to their base, and put each of the mutant teenage animals in small, but big barred steel cages, in a highly guarded room. Cameras all over the room, people watching from camera rooms, and 2 guards with guns at the exit. The military wasn't taking any chances on losing them. You wake up in your cage after being drugged for the ride to the military.

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Dont god-mod (like one hit deaths or something like that)
Dont give your character an unbeatable power
Only give your character 1 power for now, you can gain another farther into the roleplay
...Dont forget to have fun!

-Teens Skeleton-
Animal DNA put in your character:
Your character's appearance when in their full animal form:

-Military Members Skeleton-
Favorite Weapon:
Position in Military:

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alchemia Character Portrait: Jordan Samson Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: Aya
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Jordan was about to tackle the girl but Alexis already mahandeled her and took her away from her before she got close enough. He set her down an she just glared at him. "This hurts." She was confused a little by what he said. "Wait what-" But he was already fixing her wound she had to hold back a yelp because it hurt...badly. She looked at Chem who offered to heal her wound. All she could do was shake her head and yelped a little at the sting of pain. She glared at Alexis who said she wasn't going to be able to see over the wheel. She glared at him when he winked at her letting her know it was a joke. "Haha very funny, I actually was good driver, you know before I came here." She sighed and nodded at his orders. "I don't even know what a tourniquet is anyways." She said and she looked at her arm which was now bandaged "Thanks."

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#, as written by JEDH3
"The tourniquet is that thing around your arm cutting off the circulation keeping you from bleeding to death. Don't worry about tissue damage. It will only take one or two hours for the wound to clog up. I'll check it for you in about an hour to see how it is doing."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Character Portrait: Zane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Haas33
Jade shifted uneasily, then bolted awake, blinking dazedly. She could see anything of course, but she could hear the wind whipping her dark hair back, and could hear the steady beat of flapping wings. Where was she? She tried to wiggle away, but someone was holding her firmly. She tried to get her arm free so she could punch whoever was holding her, but she could not. "Be still. Or I might drop you," a deep, emotionless voice said. A guy. Feathers brushed up against her ankles. What the hell? The image from her brain explosion flashed across her eyes. A man with dark hair and cold eyes with dark wings. Was this him? "Let me go," she said, her voice like steel. "ok," he said in return. Then she felt his grip release and her plummet toward the ground, the wind sending her hair into tangled curls. She screamed helplessly, dropping fast.
Zero watched the girl fall. She said she wanted to be let go. He counted to ten before sighing, tucking in his wings, and diving after her. His sleek body angled downward and he picked up speed, zooming past her. He leveled out and brought himself upward, so she was next to her, free falling. "You said for me to let go, did you not?" He asked her. "Okay! Okay! Fine! Please, help," she screamed, her hands splayed outward. Zero took her in his arms again, pulling her close so she couldn't wriggle free. Then he flapped his wings forward, again, back on track. They were almost to the other science lab. Then they could wipe her memory. She would be useful to them.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Character Portrait: Jordan Samson Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: James Character Portrait: Aya Character Portrait: Zane
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James had been wondering if the girl was alright, but after she attempted to stab him and Jordan pushed him out of the way he knew. He was going to freak out on both Jordan and the new girl but didn't get the chance. Alexis dragged Jordan away and the new girl said, "I'm Aya," in a voice so timid it was imposable to stay mad at her. So after the introductions everyone started to get intot the LMTV.

James was just about to get in when he noticed that Jade was gone. At first he thought that she had wondered off on accident. When he seen her he was about to yell out to her but he never got the chance. A dark figure appeared out of no where, knocked Jade out, and flew off with her. "Jade!," was all he got out before they took off. James knew he would never catch them on foot so he yelled at the top of his voice, "Everyone get in the truck and someone start driving." James jumped onto the back of the vehicle and waited for someone to start driving.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Character Portrait: Zane
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#, as written by Haas33
The tiny speck that was the science lab alone out to him in the distance. The familiar scents hung over the place, grays and blacks and speckles of blue lingered around one ares of the building. Zero shifted the girl in his arms. She didn't weigh that much, but she wasn't used to flying while carrying someone. His features were nimble, and she weighed him down. Nevertheless, his wings worked tirelessly, flapping up and down. The blind girl, Jade, stayed silent the entire time, staring straight ahead, her gaze unfixed. Zero would hate to be blind. It just wouldn't work for him. He was surprised it worked for her. Maybe the scientists could fix her eyes. Not like they could do anything worse. "Where are you taking me," Jade suddenly said, startling Zero out of his thoughts. "You will find out, soon enough."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Character Portrait: Alchemia Character Portrait: Jordan Samson Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: James Character Portrait: Aya
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"The tourniquet is that thing around your arm cutting off the circulation keeping you from bleeding to death. Don't worry about tissue damage. It will only take one or two hours for the wound to clog up. I'll check it for you in about an hour to see how it is doing." Jordan couldn't help but chuckle at Alexis. "Some smart ass you are huh. Where did you got to school, Harvard?" She smiled and whipped her head to James who was yelling Jade's name. Before she knew it, he was already barking orders for someone to drive. "Well nice to see your on your toes captain." She said and hopped in the passenger seat. "Some who isn't injured has to drive. I repeat ISN'T injured." She looked at everyone letting them no she was serious. She turned in her seat and looked at James. " their a reason why your yelling Jade's name and looking panicked?" She said tilting her head in curiosity. "Just wondering, that's all."

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#, as written by JEDH3
"Harvard? Hardly. That would involve going to some sort of college, which I have yet to achieve, and doubt I ever will now. But to answer your implied question, I learned this in the Army's Combat Life Saver Course. These are things that every solder -and ex-soldier- knows. We need to, and now I am glad for my old training." James's yelling had caught his attention as well. "Jade? Well whatever reason, I doubt that it is very good." Then hearing James continue ordering for someone to drive, Alexis started calculating. Jade was apparently missing, and James was now in the back of the truck. also, Jordan was now running toward the T.C. seat in the cab. not good considering the girl who stabbed her was still there as far as he knew. The bat kid was probably too young and small to drive, and for some reason, nobody else seemed to be moving. Well blast. I didn't really want to drive, but i guess nobody else is going to. Of course, whereas he did not doubt Jordan's abilities, he was the only one who had ever driven one before. Oh my but I am glad for my training. he joked to himself. Of course, if it were not for the Army, he would not be in this situation, but now it was the training the Army gave him that was helping them escape. Irony? or a Paradox? either way it did not matter. He had already jumped in the front seat, closing the heavy armored door behind him. he quickly flipped the two power switches, ignoring the high pitched shriek that told him that the truck was going through the start up procedures. fortunately for him, his reptilian ears did not hear high pitched noises very well. However, he felt sorry for the others in the cab with him. "Ignore that, it will shut off in a few minutes." he pressed the start button, and held it down until the engine had turned over and was running properly. Next was the button panel gear shift. Why is it always buttons? Can nothing be simple!? To change gears, there were two buttons to be pushed, and one of them needed to be pushed twice. IT was needlessly complicated. but that is how it worked for the military. if it made sense, it was wrong. he went through the procedure as quickly as the panel would allow, took the air brake off, and was finally able to go. All in all, it took much longer than he would have liked. he was about to start driving off, when he realized he had no idea where they were going. His first thought was to get off base, but then he remembered Jade. she was missing or something. he grabbed the handset radio and barked into it. hopefully there was a speaker in the back so that the rest of the group could hear. he also hoped that there was another handset so they could talk back. of course, knowing military equipment, there was a large chance it would not work, even if all the pieces were available. "Hey if you guys can hear me, does somebody want to tell me where we are going? There should be a handset toward the front of the truck, just push the button on the side to talk."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Character Portrait: Alchemia Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger Character Portrait: Zane
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"M-my name's Alchemia. I go by Chem." he spoke timidly to Alexis.
My head hurts Chem thought as everyone moved on with what they were doing. Squinting at the people around him, he tried to make out faces to put with the names he had heard. As everyone started getting into the car, Chem heard the swish of wings, making his animal instincts scream for him to run away. He couldn't really see what was going on, but he heard it.

Shrinking and shifting until he was in his bat form, Chem used echolocation to find Zane and flew after him, the high pitched squeaks that he was using to navigate nearly impossible to hear over the wind and he pumped his tiny, thin wings as hard as he could in a feeble attempt to keep up with Zane's much larger wingspan. The task was nearly impossible, but Chem managed to more or less catch up when Zane dropped Jade. The screaming startled him, making him drop a few inches before he recovered and gave chase. He desperately hoped that Zane wouldn't be able to see his tiny animal form as he flew. As soon as he sensed a large building and Zane dropping toward it, he stopped and struggled vainly to make out details in the surrounding area.

Halting in his chase, Chem turned around and flew back toward the others, trying to keep careful track of how far he flew. Once he reached the LMTV again, he practically collapsed on the ground next to it, changing back to his human form and panting. Struggling to his feet, Chem winced. His arms hurt like hell from the flying and the rough landing hadn't exactly been comforting. Clambering into the back, he grinned at the others.

"Couple miles that way. Big building. Lab." Chem raised a sore arm to point in the direction he'd come from. "I don't know if he saw me. This better get me some serious brownie points for keeping up with him, not to mention going after him at all, since he could've eaten me like a potato chip." Chem was surprisingly talkative when he was exhausted, the adrenaline that had previously been pumping through him quickly abandoning him now that he had landed.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maura
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Maura stood there listening to everyone talking and looked over to see what she thought looked like alexis starting to drive away in the vehicle with everyone but her in it. She watched a bit dazed, her vision a bit blurry and hazy as they drove off without her and shook her head and laughed a little, mad at herself for being as stupid to be thinking so deeply that she didnt even notice them driving away without her. "Well.. What the heck am I going to do now?" she asked herself while looking around. She turned back into her wolf form and sprinted off in another direction, towards a wooded area, where she thought she could be just thought to be an ordinary wolf since they were pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. She continued running, wondering and hoping that her friends wouldnt notice that she was gone and come back for her like a bunch of morons. Maura ran deeper into the lush, green, forest, her vision seeming to get a little better, and not as blurry as it used to be, and she started to become hungry. She thought that she could hunt for food since she was technically a wolf, but first she thought that she probably should find a good place to hide. A place that was impossibe to find. It'd definitely be hard to find a place like that, but she would have to find a place if she wanted to survive, and not be found.
After about an hour of searching in the forest she found a giant, mossy, and damp tree that had fallen over. She walked over to it and looked under it to find a small entrance to what looked like a cave. She sniffed under the tree, and squeezed under the huge fallen tree, and into the cave. She looked around, and sat down. She hoped she and the others would be alright.
She sat in the cave a while, not sure if she should come out, and really started doubting her eyesight. She laid down and put her head on her paws and started to see what looked like swirly rainbow type things come into view. Was she going insane, or did the scientists do something to her eyesight before the military captured them? She closed her eyes, and fell asleep as scenes of her with her mutant friends started to come into view; all of her dreams seeming twisted, and not the same as they seemed. Jade didnt have eyes, just empty eye sockets, and she was talking evil mumbo jumbo, like the scientists used to. About how the scientists were trying to help them, and that they should go back. She slowly opened her eyes. Now she was really hooked on the fact that the scientists did something to her vision. Would she become blind like Jade? Were all those things her twisted friends in dreamworld saying true? She had no clue, but she hoped that maybe it would all just go away.

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Character Portrait: Jade
77 sightings Jade played by Haas33
Huh, what? I have ears and a tail? Oh, I didn't notice, smart one.
Character Portrait: James
75 sightings James played by arpiainen
"Leave them alone, you can do what you want with me."
Character Portrait: Alexis Jaeger
51 sightings Alexis Jaeger played by JEDH3
Take a moment to think. now act.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Maura
Character Portrait: Okaida Konoko
Character Portrait: Konata Megami
Character Portrait: Starling
Character Portrait: Alchemia
Character Portrait: Aya


Character Portrait: Aya

I....I honestly don't know who I am anymore...

Character Portrait: Alchemia

"Please don't touch me."

Character Portrait: Starling

"A-ah... my dream... it was so... nice..."

Character Portrait: Konata Megami
Konata Megami

"is this a dream??"

Character Portrait: Okaida Konoko
Okaida Konoko


Character Portrait: Maura

"You want to hurt them? You're gonna have to go through me first."


Character Portrait: Alchemia

"Please don't touch me."

Character Portrait: Starling

"A-ah... my dream... it was so... nice..."

Character Portrait: Okaida Konoko
Okaida Konoko


Character Portrait: Maura

"You want to hurt them? You're gonna have to go through me first."

Character Portrait: Aya

I....I honestly don't know who I am anymore...

Character Portrait: Konata Megami
Konata Megami

"is this a dream??"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Okaida Konoko
Okaida Konoko


Character Portrait: Starling

"A-ah... my dream... it was so... nice..."

Character Portrait: Konata Megami
Konata Megami

"is this a dream??"

Character Portrait: Maura

"You want to hurt them? You're gonna have to go through me first."

Character Portrait: Alchemia

"Please don't touch me."

Character Portrait: Aya

I....I honestly don't know who I am anymore...

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Re: Escaping The Impossible

im back...sorry i was vacationing at Jamaica

Re: Escaping The Impossible

Um. Just so y'all know, the reason Chem can hear what's going on is because he's got bat DNA and bats have rather sensitive ears to make up for their eyesight, so.. Yeah. That's why. Technically, he should have been able to hear everything earlier, but people were making it sound like he shouldn't have been able to, so I just went along with it. I guess it could've been because there was so much going on and all.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

Who is still doing this RP? I am Tracking Haas33, Arpiainen, Forensic_Anthro, Purpl3_Flam3s, Brazil_Germany, Quamei, and myself? is there anyone who is still playing but just has not posted in a while?

Re: Escaping The Impossible

Sorry if I took too much control of your character, Purple Flames. I figured she was kinda small, while he is pretty big, and whereas he is not "Super Strong" he gained quite a bit of muscle from having to carry around his armor all the time. if you have a problem, I will be more than happy to edit it.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

----more silence----

Re: Escaping The Impossible

hey, it's quamei here, kinda hoping to be brought into the story, so i was kind of thinking that i could be found curled up in a corner of a room half conscious and holding a dagger. i know arpeiinen so we've talked some things over, so yeah, hope this is okay with you guys.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

By the way, this is an LMTV:


Re: Escaping The Impossible

Hey all, sorry that I have not posted in a while, I have not had my computer the past couple days, and it is near impossible to post through a Kindle. I will put something up today when I get back from work.

Re: Escaping The Impossible just so everyone knows, Zane (his picture is a black figure with dark wings) is not a good guy. I will post his profile on here:


Name: Zane
Nickname: Zero, Zone, Subject #0
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Role: he is on the military's side, but is also one of the mutants


Half form: His half form is a a tall, lean, somewhat pale guy with scraggily black hair that looks a little bit like downy feathers, sticking up in weird places. He has a cruel look in his icy blue eyes that pierce you like a hawk. The tips of his fingers are sharp like talons, which are very dangerous when he wants them to be. He also has huge black wings, 14 feet long (wingspan).

Animal form: His animal form is a large black bird of prey called the zone-tailed hawk (giving him the nickname of zone). His beak is rather sharp and his talons fatal. His eyesight is impeccable. His reflexes are killer. Most birds look up to him and go "Oh shit, look at that beast. Fly away! FLY AWAY!!!!"

Clothes: Zane is a pretty snappy dresser. He has a black hoodie with huge slits for wings. He also has balck pants with a black silver studded belt. He wears black army boots, too. He also carries a military assigned gun with holster, and two long seraph blades that are very well concealed (also military assigned)


As you know, he is combined with the zone-tailed hawk, a bird of prey. Also, he is a tracker. He was designed to be a tracker. His eyesight is so well, that he can so about a mile or two, maybe even three, or four away with such close detail (normally this is when he is up in the sky, flying.) He also has amazingly enhanced senses, which may seem a little odd for a bird, but they were enhanced by the scientists, so he could be a tracker. His eyesight is so good, and smell so well, that he can see people's traces, in different colors and textures, etc. Say a girl where to walk by, he might see a light pink mist with blue puffs of smoke. It is very odd, but it makes tracking so much easier, especially form an ariel view. With practice, he has also learned how to walk without making noise. Only the most trained ears can detect his movements. (THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT EVERY SINGLE MUTANT CAN HEAR HIS FOOTSTEPS! PLEASE!!!!)


Zane is a very reserved person. He doesn't normally show any emotion. So whenever he does, it must be pretty darn funny, scary, sad, etc. He can be rather witty and sarcastic, sometimes even full of himself. He is a tiny bit selfish, only helping the military so they won't treat him like crap. He is very clever, and often thinks before doing. If you get on his bad can get ugly.


What else is there to tell? He grew up in a lab and is now hunting mutants. The end.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

Erm. Just so y'all know, HbtM (our GM) isn't inactive. I was just PMing her a bit ago. She probably just didn't see the character..

Re: Escaping The Impossible

I hope my post is okay. @_@

Re: Escaping The Impossible

I know Alexis has a back injury from getting shot at, but I think Alchemia is already addressing that?
Tetsu is injured on his side, but he seems to be managing that fairly okay right now.
I think Maura has a shoulder injury?

Re: Escaping The Impossible

Sorry for my absence: Death in family...very sad. I was away almost all weekend to go with my mother to comfort her sister. (It is my aunt's husband's fathers death. So not my grandfather, but my uncle's father..complicated.) anyway, I will be posting soon.

As for injuries, here is the deal with Jade. She is now blind. But other than her wandering eyes, there is no difference in her eyes that would give away the fact that she is now blind. Other than that, she is completely healed, just sore and low on energy.

I think Tetseya has an injury...
Maura is like shot with stuff. She is really week (i think)
Um.....not sure who else....

Re: Escaping The Impossible

Quick question- where all is everyone hurt? I don't really remember who got hurt where, so if you guys could let me know so that I can accurately phrase my posts with Chem healing people, that would be awesome.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

I had a little problem while posting :D

Re: Escaping The Impossible

@Tigerking, like Forensic said, I really dont see how thats making you mad, we can just kind of ghost roleplay them, like how im doing, and you can be a hybrid if you want. And @JEDH3, its fine, no need to edit. and @Lukethewolf, well thats good! :D
Oh, and Im posting in my computer tech class, so ill only be able to post once a day until friday. then friday, saturday, and sunday ill be on all day.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

i think that post suits my character ^_^

Re: Escaping The Impossible

I hope that was a good first post for my character. if needed, I will be more than happy to edit.

Re: Escaping The Impossible

I tossed an extra sentence onto the end of my post that should let you bring in your character. ^_^