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Expect the Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected


This is a private rp between TheSpaceInBetween and TheDoctorsAssistant.

982 readers have visited Expect the Unexpected since TheDoctorsAssistant created it.


This is a private rp between TheSpaceInBetween and TheDoctorsAssistant.

This is a good old fashion romance with a new twist. A human family moves to a town surrounded by forest and a majority of its inhabitants are werewolves. When one of the werewolves takes a shine to one of the family members they start a feud between the families and traditions.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden
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The day was early and the weather was warming up quickly. That's generally what happens in summer time, though there was a nice breeze to go along with it. Sparrow Carden was happy for this breeze as she carried a large box into a house. They had been in their new house for a couple of days, but the moving truck finally got there today and so her and her family were unloading it. This box she had said kitchen so she took it to it's respective place.

After setting it down she stood there for a minute, trying to catch her breath. They had started this process early this morning and finally they were teaching the end of it. As she stood there her brother walked into the kitchen. "Ah slacking off I see." He said to her teasingly as he set the box down.

"Oh yes Heath, I'm always slacking off you know." She said as she rolled her eyes and laughed. He just shook his head and laughed as he walked out to go get more. She followed him out shortly after and her dad was walking out of the truck with a box.

"Sparrow would you care to go and find us some food?" Her father asked and she smiled realizing it meant for her to take a break.

"Absolutely! I'll be back in a bit." She said as she enthusiastically began down the road. Her father called her back quickly and she realized she had no money. He gave her some while laughing at her enthusiasm and so she took off again.

As she walked she gave friendly smiles to the people she came across. They gave her smiles back, but after she'd pass they'd be whispering amongst themselves. She found it odd and felt a little self conscious as she looked down at what she was wearing. Sure she wasn't looking her best with her hair up in a messy bun, slightly raggedy t-shirt, and skinny jeans. She didn't think she looked that odd though, but she shrugged it off.

As she got into town she looked around for a place to get food. She decided she was going to just take her time, trying to get out of the rest of unpacking. She saw a little pizza place and figured that would be a good place to get food. She also noticed a 'Now Hiring' sign in the window. She could try and kill two birds with one stone so she walked in. She approached the counter, but no one was there so she stood and waited patiently.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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An explosion of flour and herbs splashed onto the wooden work surface along with a large ball of freshly made pizza dough, hands worked into the dough smoothing out any imperfections that would cause the dough to burn therefore ruining the perfect pizza base. After a while the hands moved the sprinkle a small amount of salt and pepper onto the dough as a rolling pin was pressed into the dough and rolled back and forth often turning the dough giving it a rounded base to form on.

The back delivery door suddenly and a large packet of eggs was placed on the counter infront of the older man. Who gave a light smile before speaking.

" Ce aţi luat atât de mult timp? Aţi avut doar pentru a rula în jos pe strada pentru a ridica niste oua. ai pentru a prinde de pui?"
(What took you so long? You only had to run down the street to pick up some eggs. did you have to catch the chicken as well?)

The younger man shook his head and spoke.

"Nici bunica cu mine pentru un motiv suficient de bun pentru a avea ouăle guler, apoi ea a început să explice că nu ai nimic de nimic şi apoi ea a spus "Tristan esti Noţiuni de bază o mulţime de nimic asa ca faceti ceva sa mearga"
(No. Grandma collared me for a good enough reason to take the eggs, then she began to explain that you dont get nothing for nothing and then she said " Tristan youre getting a whole lot of nothing so go do something")

The older man laughed deeply and spoke gesturing to a box of vegetables,

"Ea este chiar asa ca mai bine începe să faci ceva de tăiere până unele dintre aceste slăninuţă şi începând cu sosuri de baza"
(She's right so you better start doing something by cutting up some of those vegetables and starting on the base sauces

The pair worked almost silently, making jokes and talking about everyday life an things that needed to be done. it wasn't long till the first customer of the day walked in. Tristan's father was the first to speak up.

"Cineva e aici. Du-te şi ia comanda."
(Someone's here. Go and take the order.)

Tristan placed the last cut vegetables into separate bowls so they could be placed on the pizza's. walking out of the kitchen and to the counter he spoke " Hey there, how can I help you today? Our special today is the Slasa Salami feast, with two kinds of peppers and a hot salsa packed inside the crust with chunks of salami, peperoni, Mexican sausage and italian style meatballs. Or if your feeling a little more calm and collected we have our Classic fruit punch pizza with pinnaple, strawberries, peaches, and mangoes on a thin vanilla cookie base" Tristan explained pointing to the items on the menu. He gave a smile after having never met this person and was really curious as to why she was here most of the families that lived here were of wolf descent a few humans lived there too no one seemed to mind.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Sparrow looked at the young man as he came out to help her. She gave him a friendly smile as he told her the specials of the day. "Ooo that fruit one sounds delicious, but unfortunately it would kill me due to the mango and pineapple because I'm allergic. The first one, however, sounds delicious too so can I get a large one of that?" She asked as she waited for him to take the order down.

After a moment she remembered she was going to ask to apply for a job. "Oh also I'd like to apply for a job if I could? I just moved into town and I really need a job so I'm not just sitting around the house all day. I mean I love my family, but I don't want to spend all my time with them. My name's Sparrow by the way." She said and realized she was rambling. Her face turned bright red out of embarrassment. "Sorry I'm rambling now. I just love meeting new people, but I also get nervous and so I start talking and don't realize I keep talking. So I just ramble on and on and now I'm doing it again aren't I?" She sighed as she looked down, face still bright red. "I'm so sorry, you probably think I'm weird now." She apologized as she realized she probably ruined her first impression for this guy.


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Tristan smiled as the girl made her choice, he wrote down her order and listened as she spoke. Finally introducing herself as Sparrow, that was a nice name you didn't find many people named after birds or even animals. He had a cousin who was named Fox but that was just a nickname infact he couldn't remember her actual name.

Tristan chuckled softly as she began to ramble about her wanting a job having just moved to the area. " It's nice to meet you Sparrow. My names Tristan. I'll put your order in and I'll have to ask my dad about a job" he ripped off the order and pushed it through to the kitchen calling out.

" Hey dad I need a large Salsa Salami Feast and this young lady is looking for a job what do you think?"

After a few seconds of clattering a voice called out from the kitchen.

"Cât de veche este ea? Poate ea conduceţi o maşină? Dacă ea nu poate merge o bicicleta? Este ea buna la matematica? Intrebi băuturi şi părţi"
( How old is she? Can she drive a car? If not can she ride a bike? Is she good at maths? Ask her about drinks and sides)

Tristan chuckled again at his fathers questions turning to Sparrow he spoke " well he want's to know how old you are? Do you drive or ride a bike are you any good at maths? " he paused slightly to let the questions sink in before adding.

" Would you be interested in any drinks or sides with your order? It won't be long we have some pretty powerful oven's about 15 minutes or so" Tristan explained leaning on the counter.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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"It's nice to meet you too and thanks." Sparrow said in response to when he said he'd have to ask his dad. She really was thankful for him asking, even if they didn't end up wanting her. It was worth a shot anyways. When his father replied in a different language and she listened, trying to figure out what language it was. She couldn't figure it out though and was still thinking about it as he turned back to her.

"Um I'm eighteen years old. Yes I can drive a car, though I'm still waiting on my license for this state. And maybe was my too subject in school so I hope that would mean I can do at least basic math." She said as she chuckled a little at the last part. Her last year of high school they put her in trigonometry which she found pointless since she knew she'd never use it. She couldn't get out of that class however.

She hadn't thought of drinks or a side and the question three her off a little. "Oh um well if you have some garlic bread I'll take that. Drinks I'd love to get, but I'm walking back to my house and I'm not sure how I'd carry all of that." She said with a small laugh, now wondering how she would carry all of what she had ordered back as it was. It would definitely be an interesting sight to see. "Take as much time as you can with making the pizza, the longer it takes the better. That way I don't have to go back and unpack as much." She knew she was wasting time, but she didn't really care. She would probably hear it from her brother though.

"Oh so what language was that? It was pretty sounding." She asked once she remembered the language she heard his dad speak.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan nodded at the response to the questions and pushed off from the counter to call into the kitchen.

"Optsprezece ani, conduce un car dar asteapta pe un licenţă aici şi bun la matematica."
( Eighteen years old, can drive a car but waiting for a license and good at maths )

Tristan also remembered her request for Garlic bread as well, sighing to himself he tapped the wall to get his fathers attention even though he was already listening.

" Pâine cu usturoi, precum şi vă rugăm să"
( and a garlic bread as well please )

He turned back to Sparrow and smiled at her comment about getting all the food back to her house and then about their language. " Well if you need some help I can help you with your food, and it's Romanian. My whole family speaks it as well as some of the people in town. We speak English as well but dad prefers to speak it all of the time. So can I get you those drinks?" He asked giving a wide smile.

It took a few minutes but after a short wait a cardboard pizza box was pushed through the serving hatch as well as a smaller box of garlic bread and a t shirt with the pizzaria's logo on it which was a cartoon wolf holding a slice of pizza. " well it's looks like you got the job, I suppose you can start tomorow, we open at 11 and close at 5" Tristan explained as he rang up the total as well as getting out a small card stamping it with a crescent moon stamp in one of the small boxes. " that is and even $5, choose what drinks you would like and this is a loyallty card if you buy 6 pizza's you get your 7th free as well as a desert pizza of your choice and two free sides" he put the pizza and garlic bread in a plastic bag.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Sparrow watched as Tristan related her information back to his father in Romanian. When he offered to help her carry the stuff back she smiled. "You'd do that? We'll since you offered then yes please I'll take three drinks." She responded, plus it would give her more time to get to know this guy and hopefully make her first official friend in this town.

"I've never heard anyone speak Romanian before. It's a near sounding language, maybe I'll have you teach me it and that way I can get to know you better." She at first didn't realize how that sounded, but then her eyes widened and her face turned bright red again. "Oh I didn't mean it like that! That sounded bad! Gah I'm so stupid, forget I ever said anything." She quickly tried to backtrack and realized how much of a fool she was making herself out to be.

She stayed silent for the rest of the wait time, but when Tristan said she'd got the job she became excited. "Really? Oh thank you so much, I'll be sure to be here tomorrow." She said excitedly before realizing she needed to tell him what she wanted in those drink cups. "Oh um can I get an iced tea in one and Cokes in the other please? And here's for the food and keep the change as a tip especially since you've offered to help me carry all this back." She said as she handed him a $20. She grabbed the two boxes and waited for him with the drinks.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan couldn't help but laugh lightly as she asked for some drinks and then suggested the he teach her some Romanian so she could get to know him better. He picked up some cups and filled them with ice and spoke as he filled them up " well Romanian is much closer to Italian that any other langue, it's more fluid and flows better. I can teach you some basic stuff like hello, goodbye and maybe even the odd swear word"

Tristan smiled as he put the cups into a holder so he could carry them easier, he looked at the $20 and shook his head " that's way too much Vrabie. ( Sparrow ) Look I'll take 5 for a tip and you can have ten back. Okay" he said as he put a 5 dollar bill in the tips jar and pushed a ten dollar bill back to her.

Walking around the counter he picked up the drinks and opened the door and smiled " come on then lead the way and I'll teach you whatever you like"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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"We'll you know swear words are always the first thing you should learn in any language." Sparrow said jokingly with a laugh and then looked at the change he was giving back to her. "I insist you take the rest of it though. You're helping me and you've put up with my awkwardness. Plus there's two things you never turn down and that's money and free food." She said as she picked up the ten. She waited till he had his hands full and he was heading towards the door before she quickly stuck the ten in the tip jar before heading out the door.

She led the way and thought about what she wanted to learn. "Well why not start with the basics like greeting people and saying please and thank you?" She asked with a shrug as she walked. "Now you're not one to tell me something and say it means one thing, but in reality it's a swear word or something are you?" She asked as she gave him a skeptical look, but then laughed before offering a smile. Truth was she probably would do that to a person if she got the chance so she couldn't blame someone for doing it to her if they did.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan walked along with Sparrow keeping in time with her steps so they could walk and talk together he didn't know where she lived but he enjoyed being outside even if it was for a delivery he was making a new friend at the same time.

Tristan laughed when Sparrow said that he might teach her a words that he knew meant one thing but he knew what it really meant. " nah I would never do that, I'd wait until we got to know each other better then throw a red herring into conversation " he chuckled again.

" well the basic stuff that you need to know Bună ziua, is "hello" it's more of a polite version of hello if you've known the person for a while you can just say Salut, la revedere is goodbye , and ce mai faci is how are you?. I wouldn't be too worried about any mispronunciations just yet, since you knew in town people won't mind, there's only about 5 people in the town you speak Romanian all of the time like I said everyone else just speaks English." He paused to allow the short but sweet lesson to sink in.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Sparrow laughed when he said he wouldn't do that to her until he knew her better. "Ah I see so when we know each other better then that's when I should be wary of what you teach me." She said and then laughed again as she continued on.

She then paid attention as he began telling her things she should know first. She said the words as he said them, knowing she was slaughtering the pronunciation. She just told herself that she'd have to practice. "That's a little difficult, but I'm sure I'll get it." She said with a smile. That's when they got to her house. She saw Heath walking out of the moving truck.

"Jeez you took forever Sparrow! All that's left is your comic books cause I wasn't about to touch those." He said with a laugh as he took a box inside. She shook her head as she turned to Tristan.

"Come on inside, we can set everything down on the counters." She said as she lead the way into the house. She was surprised she didn't run into her dad or brother as she made her way to the kitchen, figuring they must be in other rooms. "Careful of the boxes, I wouldn't want you tripping and falling or something." She said with a laugh as she almost tripped herself. She set her stuff down on the counter before turning to Tristan again. "Thanks again for helping me carry all of this." She said with a smile. Right then her brother walked in.

"So who's your boyfriend here Sparrow?" Heath asked as he looked at the guy. He got a swift punch from his sister for his comment before she answered.

"He's not my boyfriend, you idiot. This is Tristan from the pizza shop in town." She said before turning back to Tristan. "Tristan meet my older idiot brother Heath." She said as she introduced her brother. Her brother gave the guy a friendly nod before speaking.

"Nice to meet ya. I hope you know I was just kidding around with my comment a minute ago. I mean I don't think Sparrow will ever find a boyfriend." He went on to tease his sister again, in turn he received another punch that was harder this time. "Ouch!" He said with a laugh as he rubbed his arm. "Well you two have fun, I have boxes to unpack." He said as he left the room.

"Sorry about him." Sparrow said once he was gone, biting her lip in embarrassment. Her face was red again as she looked down at the ground.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan walked slowly with Sparrow laughing as she did, her laugh was so natural and carefree not like half of the girls who lived in the town.

The house was quite nice, he had probably passed it on his runs through town or even on pizza deliveries, he carefully stepped over the boxes making sure not to knock anything over. He didn't want to end up breaking something that wasn't his on the first time of meeting a new friends family. Coming into the kitchen he set the drinks down and turned as a voice spoke and Sparrow retaliated with a punch to his arm. Sparrow introduced the young man as her older brother Heath and then introduce Tristan. Tristan gave a friendly nod to Heath as well, when Sparrow apologised for his behaviour Tristan smiled. " I can relate don't worry, I have a few older siblings and a few younger ones too, but you have to love them either way they are all you've got"

Looking down as his phone beeped it was his father asking him to make some deliveries and then pick his siblings up from school. " well I'm sorry but I have to go make some deliveries and pick up my siblings from school" He took Sparrow's hand gently and kissed it softly " până mâine vrabie" ( Untill Tomorow Sparrow) he never meant for it too mean anything it was just local custom men respected women to the highest peak. Smiling he turned and left heading down to the shop to pick up the pizzas.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Sparrow was glad Heath didn't upset him or anything with all he said. Tristan was right, however, siblings and family were all a person had. Despite Heath always picking on her she still loved him with all her heart because he was her brother.

When Tristan kissed her hand she couldn't help but blush a little. She knew he probably didn't mean anything by it, but it still caught her off guard. It reminded her of what a gentleman would do in fairytales. "S-see you tomorrow." She managed to stammer out as he left. She could only stand there for a moment until her brother came in and snapped her out of her daze.

"See I knew he was your boyfriend." Heath teased, hunting towards how he saw him kiss her hand. Sparrow managed to just roll her eyes at her brother.

"Shut up and come get some food." She said before calling their dad out there to eat.

The best morning she woke up and realized it was her first day of work. She quickly jumped up and began searching through boxes oh her floor for clothes. She found a pair of skinny jeans and everything else she needed before going into the bathroom to take a shower.

It had taken her a few minutes to figure out how the shower worked and all since it was a new house, but figured it out. Now she was out and dressed and trying to figure out what to do with her hair. She blow dried it and decided to put it in a side braid so it wasn't looking so much like a lions mane with her natural curl. She quickly did her makeup before going downstairs to grab something quick to eat.

Once she managed to find a poptart she took off towards work. She decided to walk since she had left a little early. As she walked she wondered how her first day would go. She prayed she learned everything quickly and hoped she didn't screw anything up.

When she got there she realized she was way to early still so she sat down outside and began reading a book she had brought with her as she waited.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan walked slowly down the road, his younger sister Arianna on his shoulders playing with his hair as they walked tapping him on the head she spoke

" Trist..?" She began not really sure how to word her question " You know this new girl? What's her name?" " Sparrow" Tristan replied " What about her?" he asked. " Well is she like us?" Shaking his head Tristan explained " No Ari she's not, she's a human and she doesn't know about us yet and i'd like to keep it that way for the moment before I know we can trust her to keep the secret about us. She's very nice though so you can talk to her just be careful what you say allright?" Tristan said turning a corner to walk down a different part of the road.

They walked silently until Arianna broke the silence once more " Is she pretty? Sparrow?" Tristan laughed lightly " Yes I suppose she's nice looking, although all girls are pretty aren't they?" Tristan commented. " Am I pretty Tristan?" Ari said leaning her head over Tristan's so she could look at him " Tristan smirked playfully " Yes Ari you are pretty...pretty darn annoying!" Tristan picked Ari up from his shoulder tiling her under her arms, she shrieked playfully and laughed as Tristan carried her under his arm all the way to the school.

" Get going you, make good choices, pay attention and no kissing boys, cause i'll find out!" Tristan said giving her a hug and pushing her towards the school Ari ran off waving to him and entering the school.

Checking his watch Tristan headed towards the Pizza shop, his eyes seeing Sparrow there first reading a book, he wondered how long she had been there for. " Morning! You reading anything good? I'm afraid its just me and you today dad has some things to sort out" He pulled out the keys and unlocked the door switching on the lights.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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After about 20 minutes of sitting and reading, Tristan showed up. Sparrow didn't reply immediately to his question as she finished the paragraph she was on. Then she marked her place and stood as she replied with a smile. "The Game of Thrones, it's a very good series of books." She followed him into the shop as he switched on the lights. "That's fine I'm sure. I'll try to learn everything I need to do as fast as I can." She said as she looked around.

After a moment she turned to Tristan and smiled. "Alright what shall you have me do first? And do we have any music?" She asked, wondering if they played music while they worked. She did enjoy music quite a but and she thought it made things more fun.


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan smiled softly " Game Of Thrones is okay I guess but you can't beat the classics, we have loads of books at our house, a few first editions too handed down generation to generation" Tristan explained, as he took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack on the kitchen door.

" come on through and I'll show you round the kitchen and how the ovens work, like I said you might be doing deliveries at first but if you impress my dad enough he will let you do some cooking. Now before we start, I'm going to need you too wash your hands in the sink behind you and in terms of your alergy, can you handle the food? Or do you need to eat it for it to affect you?" Tristan asked as he tied an apron on himself and handed one to Sparrow.

Walking over to the stereo he tuned the radio to a rock station and picked up a bunch of tomatoes, onions,garlic, basil, oregano along with a knife and chopping board. " well we are going to make the base sauce for our pizza's they are all the same except when we do a special of the day depending on what it is. So let's get chopping"


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Sparrow also liked classic books, she read a lot. Her favorites were probably anything by Jane Austin or the Bronte Sister's. She had almost all of their books in her book collection. She didn't have any first editions, however, and she thought it was really near they his family did have some. She wondered if she'd ever be allowed to see them.

As he walked through to the kitchen, she followed silently. When he told her to wash her hands she did so immediately. "No I can touch them and not have an issue, it's only if I ingest them that we'll have a problem." She said as she dried her hands and turned back to face him. "So as long as I wash my hands right after touching them and don't touch my eyes or mouth with them we'll be good." She said with a smile as she watched him.

When he said that they'd better get chopping she did so right away. She worked in silence for awhile and then she finally spoke. "So I'd like to apologize ahead of time if I'm a little slow with deliveries. I don't quite know where all the streets are here in town, but I know I'll be able to learn them quickly." She said as she focused on what she was cutting up.

(I am so incredibly sorry it took so long for me to reply. I've had several things happen when I got back from vacation and literally had no time to get in at all. Please forgive me.)


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Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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( it's fine don't worry :p)

Tristan listened carefully as Sparrow explained her allergy to him, he would have to be careful if anyone out an order for a fruit pizza, in fact Tristan could just make the fruit pizza's. She then explained about her possibly being a little slow on deliveries until she got used to the area, Tristan smiled " It's fine, to be honest I would be surprised if you managed to nail all of the deliveries all in one go" Tristan said turning on the oven and tipping a large tin of tinned tomatoes in a pot to heat up. He squashed the tin with his hands and shoved it into the bin. " the town is like a square, in the middle you have all the shops all in a big line the surrounding areas are the houses I'll have to show you around properly. My house is on the upper corner of the town." He explained chopping some onions quickly and putting them into the pan.

Hearing the bell ring he was confused it was way to early for customers even for lunch. " two secs" walking out he saw one of his friends leaning on the counter a funny smirk on his face.
"Darren what are you doing here?"
Darren, ce faci aici?
" word on the street is that you've hooked up with a human"
Am auzit că te-ai cuplat cu un om.
" we have not hooked up, it's just a job"
nu ne-am cuplat e doar un loc de muncă
" now, now, is she good looking? She might be good for a bit of fun and games"
acum, acum, este ea arata bine? ea ar putea fi bun pentru un pic de distracție și jocuri.
"Not that bad for a human"
nu așa de rău în căutarea pentru un om
"Easy on the human stuff she might gets suspicious"
ușor de pe chestii uman ar putea deveni suspicios
"But it's what she is"
dar e ceea ce ea este
" and as far as she is concerned we are human"
și în măsura în care o ea este îngrijorat suntem oameni.
"Allright,Allright. Just giver her my number if she gets bored with you"
Bine, bine. doar da-i numărul meu, dacă ea se plictiseste cu tine.
"Get out of here you weirdo"
ieși de aici, ciudatule.

Tristan chuckled to himself and walked back into the kitchen " sorry about that, my friend is more annoying than he knows, especially when someone new is in the town. How are those vegetables coming?" Tristan walked around to see how Sparrow was doing "that's very good but.." He paused to take the knife off Sparrow and grabbing an onion that was already cut in half " for sauces the vegetables have got to be very thin, cause it makes it smoother and more flavourful, but the ones you've cut we can use for toppings so just put them in the containers in front of you there. White for onions and garlic and red for tomatoes and peppers" Tristan said quickly chopping the onion up quickly and throwing them in the pan.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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0.00 INK

Sparrow listened as he explained how the town was a square. That should make navigating places a little but easier for her as long as she knew the general direction she needed to go. Navigation wasn't her strong point, but she wasn't awful at it either. She just hoped that she didn't get lost.

When the bell rang she watched the confusion on Tristan's face as he went out to see who had come it. She continued to work as he left, but she soon found herself trying to get a glimpse of the person and was listening carefully to what they said even though she didn't understand any of it. This caused her to be frustrated and she made a mental note to try and learn the language so she didn't feel so left out all the time.

When Tristan came back she flashed him a smile. "No worries." He then took the knife from her and told her for the sauce the vegetables needed to be smaller. "Oh okay, sorry." She said as she put away what she had cut up. A moment of silence passed before she spoke again. "So what was it your friend wanted? If you don't mind me asking that is." She asked curiously.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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0.00 INK

Tristan looked up from mixing up some dough when Sparrow apologised for the vegetables and then asked what Darren had wanted. He had to think on his feet a good enough scenario that didn't give away the fact that Darren wanted more information about Sparrow. Arianna's birthday was coming up in a couple of weeks he could use that.

" it's absolutely fine, I don't expect you to be Gordon Ramsay straight away. Soon you be great at pizza making. That was my friend Darren, he just wanted to find out what my little sister wanted for her birthday from his parents since they are god parents to her. I just told him that as long as it was either something she could wear or run around with it would be fine"

Rolling out the dough Tristan pulled at the edges to give the dough room to rise in the oven " we part bake the bases, it give them chance to get ready for the sauce and bases so it soaks up the flavour. I meant to ask you what you though of the pizza last night, did your family enjoy it?" Tristan asked wanting to know if the pizza's had been enjoyed after a hard day of moving boxes.

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sparrow Carden
Character Portrait: Tristan Blair


Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Tristan Blair

Rules are meant to be broken


Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Tristan Blair

Rules are meant to be broken

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Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
Tristan Blair

Rules are meant to be broken

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