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A child is being stalked by a devilish angel, but a guiding angel is watching and trying to guide the child into safety, but the devilish angel is also guiding them but down the road to hell..

816 readers have visited Guidance since SHELiiEEE created it.


A child is being stalked by a devilish angel, but a guiding angel is watching and trying to guide the child into safety, but the devilish angel is also guiding them but down the road to hell. The 2 angels can only really watch as the child makes every decision which will effect the path they walk on. Its quite like maze, the child leads the way but has guidance as help, its her choice on who chooses to listen too, there are 2 ending though one will taker back to her normal and pleasant life and the other, will make her life hell until, well forever is over.

Characters needed:

- The child (Taken, Lena Kagome)
- The Devil Angel (Taken, Riko Hija)
- The Good Angel (Taken, Yoshiko Hokkaido)
- The childs best friend (Taken, Tomomi Sasaki)
- The Devil Angels Accomplice(Same gender as devil angel, same age)
- The Good Angels Helper/Friend(Same gender as good angel, Same age)

Character Skel>>
apperance(anime please):
bio(a paragragh is ideal but i don't mind):

The aim in this RP is for the child to safely get through her life until the devil is finally destroyed, some characters may die in the RP and return as a angle/devil? And some new characters may come later on :)

Toggle Rules

1. dont worry about spelling/grammar
2. dont worry about taking it too far with language and violence

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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It was a monday morning. Tomomi was getting ready for another day school. Tomomi was a smart little girl who loved to learn but mostly see her bestest friend Lena. She was brushing her long hair when she noticed it was 8.37, she normally walks to school with lena by meeting her at the corner shop at 8.40. Tomomi quickly stood up grabbed her bags and made her way down to the shop were lena was waiting. "Morning lena" Tomomi said with a smile. She stared at lena who didnt reply. "Lena?" Tomomi said confused but lena walked on to school and Tomomi quickly caught up a few seconds later. "Hmmm.." Tomomi thought to herself "...i wonder what's wrong with her?"


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Lena woke up screaming. She jumped out of bed, threw about the curtains and tugged open the window just to make sure she was still alive. This didn't go unoticed of course, as 3 of her 4 sisters immideatley ran into her room. Lena laughed through her panic as each one of her sisters reations was completly differant. Kimie, her oldest sister at 16, screamed too and ran over to Lena, checking she was okay, and still there, and so on. Emi, Lenas yougest sister at 6, immediatly ran too the bed, and blew the 'monsters' Lena was so obviously screaming at away, then sat on the bed with a plastic baseball bat. Ever the protector. Mariko, Emis twin and differant in every way from her, simply closed the window, hugged lena, than on the bed behind her sister, hoping the monster wasn't feeling active today. Eventuallly, Yukie ran in too, did the exact same thing her twin Kimie did, then shut the curtains, complaning about the light in the early morning.
"Don't worry. I just had a nightmare. Thats all." Lena managed to say, after being hugged to death by her older sisters.

They cleared out one by one then, all except Emi, who was firmly sat on her be with her bat. Lena laughed.
"No monsters getting passed you, are there?" She said
Emi grinned "Not if they know whats bad for them."

Lena couldn't get the nightmare out of her head, though. It really was a nightmare.
Later on, she was walking to school with her best friend, Tomomi, and she answered
"Im, im okay Tomi. I just had a nighmare. A really bad one." Tomomi looked curious, so Lena explained a little, but she was never going into detail.
"Lets just say... the six people close to me. Emi, Mariko, Kimie, Sukie, Mum, you. They, where all taken away. By a demon Im not going to explain. Then it came back for me. It was slow torture, but in my head. I cant beleive I could make somthing like that up."
Lena shudderd.


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Tomomi looked at Lena in worry, "Something like what?" She said quietly and not really too keen on knowing the answer. She had a bad feeling that this nightmare that Lena had created in her mind would be something awful and tragic, if this was so that would mean that Lena was being mentally disturbed during her subconsciousness. However, as Lena's friend, she would stick through what she had to say.


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Riko was walking by herself, figuring it all out in her head. But she suddenly heard the voices that sounded familiar to her; Tomomi and Lena, her classmates. "Hi Lena, Hi Tomomi!" She said, enthusiastically. Getting close to Lena will make her less suspicious for the cause of the nightmares. "Mind if I walk with you?" she shouted as they turned round to look at her. "Ermm... No?" Tomomi was confused; why would Riko want to walk with them? Adjusting her bow, she started to make a conversation, before Tomomi said what was on her mind. "So, ermm Riko, why do you want to walk with US?!" She sounded uncertain but friendly, just to avoid being pinpointed as annoyed. Riko just laughed friendly, and said "Hey, thought I said to call me RiRi? And I've always thought you guys were awesome, you just never seemed to speak to me or come near me, so I came over to you!" she grinned at Lena, who returned the smile just as fast. "Anyway, Why don't you guys come sit with me and the rest of the crew at lunch, then we can get to know each other a little more, yeah?" she smiled as she watch Lena's head nod.


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Tomomi watched as Lena accepted this weird and suspicious invitation. Of course Tomomi wasn't about to leave Lena alone with Riko so she had to accept too, she nodded her head and glared at Riko with confusion and Riko glared back. Tomomi couldn't help but feel as though she had let herself and Lena made a terrible mistake, however, Tomomi, Riko and Lena continued walked and all the while Tomomi thought to herself "I'll just have to watch out for the both of us." Finally they reached school at 8.52, the bell was to go at 9am. Riko took the lead and led Tomomi and Lena towards her crew, "Good thing the bell is about to go" Tomomi thought thankfully. She didn't like the idea of being around these people and she certainly was unsure of trusting Riko.


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Lena couldn't get out of her head, she couldn't stop thinking about her nightmare. So, she didn't really see anything strange about Riko coming over to them, she didn't care. She just nodded when ever anybody asked her a question, when she was listening, at least. Tomomi probably thought that Lena was going crazy. Lena thought she was going crazy. As they walked into school, Lena still trapped in her dream, Her phone buzzed, ad he dodged into a empty classroom to take the call.
"Hi, Lena, its Kimie."
"Oh hey Kimie, what is it?"
"Just asking if you can pick up Emi and Mariko today? Me and Su are really busy."
That was weird, Lenas older sisters always put their sisters first." Yeah, sure, what are you doing?"
"We're busy. See you soon."
Lena was aboutto say good bye, when the phone went dead. She shoved it in her pocket though, when the class and teacher came pileing in. Riko was smiling at Lena suspisiously, and then came to sit next to her, along ith Tomomi. And while Lena wondered what was wrong with Kimie and Sukie, Riko just grinned.


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"What was that about?" Riko asked, suspicious about the fact Lena's phone rang and not hers. "Oh, it's just my sisters, I gotta pick them up later." Lena forced a plastic smile to her face. Riko no longer used a false smile anymore, because she was now glowing inside. Lena was off guard. This was perfect. Riko turned to reply to her other 'friend' Later on, Riko approached Tomomi at the lockers, with one thing in mind. "Hey Tomomi, I know we only just started talking, But since my parents are outta town this weekend, I was wondering if you wanna stay over at mine? I would usually ask one of my group members, but I like you more than them. So what'dya say??" Riko's big green eyes light up at the idea of new prey. "Ermm, sure" Tomomi sounded uncertain and worried, but she went with the flow anyway. Riko grinned at her "Great! At mine saturday at one then??" Riko thought to herself, Riko, you clever girl, you have another prey. A new prey too, Jessica was getting boring.


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Riko walked away smiling to herself, as though she was proud of something. Tomomi watched in wonder and confusion also debating with herself wether staying at riko's was a good idea. She wasn't quite sure but she too busy still worrying about Lena. Tomomi closed her locker and walked around in search for Lena. When she finally found her just walking down the corridor she asked her "Hey Lena, do you think that riko is being a bit, i duno, wierd with us? i mean she never talks to us and now suddenly everythings like were friends?"


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Riko decided to scive maths, to go find Lena; She surely couldn't be in class at this moment in time. Or Tomomi, but Lena seemed more gullible and weak. She finally saw Lena waiting to enter her english class, stood outside in the crowd. "Hey Lena! You couldn't do me a realy realy big favour could you?" Riko smiled. "Yeah sure, what is it?" Lena was still of guard, as she reached into her pocket to find a spare pen for her. "You couldn't come with me round the bike shed for a fag, would you?" Riko's eyes gleamed bright. Lena looked around to see where the english teacher was but she didn't look very far before she was interrupted again. "Oh come on, please? I really need one, and I don't think Jessica likes me that much anymore. Plus, to tell you the truth, I like you far more than I like her anyway. Please? You know Mrs Burgess doesn't appear for ages anyway! So, you'll be back in class before you know it!" She burst into a grin as she watched Lena quietly whisper "Okay".

Lighting up a cigarette, Riko turned to look at a nervous Lena. "Want one?" She passed her the fire hazard. "Urmm... no thanks... I'll pass." Lena was staring anywhere away from Riko. "Just try it, you don't get that addicted. Plus, the guy that sells them is oh-so cute!!" She stuck it in Lena's mouth before she could answer, but it ended up in Lena having a coughing fit. "I think he'd like you anyway, he's in a different school. Completely different to Ryuu though." Riko didn't really care about her boyfriend, even if she was known as the school slut with him. All she had to do is wait. Lena was still hoding the cigarette in her hand, and Riko looked at her 'friend' in admiration of prey. But the prey needed to trust. "Shall we go to the bathroom, I want to do something with your hair, you know? I have my hairdressing scissors with me!"


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Lena had had her head in the clouds, agreeing to everything Riko had said, until she stuck the cigerette in her mouth. She spat on the floor, and looked up at Riko. "This is how my dad died. Emi was in hospital for 2 weeks from second hand smoke. I don't think so." Lena threww the cigerette back at Riko, bandoning all hopes of this new friendship. She went to find Tomomi, as the lesson had now ended, and dragged her out of school when the bell went, still angry at Riko. She seemed to pull back for a second, as if she had somthing else to do, but she just carried on with her, as if ababndoning one set of plans for Lena.

Tomomi looked confused "Lena, where are we going? This isn't the way to your house..."
"Its okay, we're picking up Emi and Mariko. Then you can come to mine?" She said
Tomomi looked as if she was about to say she had other plans, a pretty girl in a white dres tapped Lena on the sholder.
"Hi, I'm Yoshiko"


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Riko knew she had blown it. She chased after her prey, and caught up to Tomomi and Lena after a short run. "Lena! I'm sorry, I didn't know! I won't do it again, I promise as your best friend. Hey, if your going to throw something like at that at me again though, just try not to set the dye and hairspray in my hair on fire okay?" She smiled as Lena gave her a smile, but Tomomi just looked confused. "What is she talking about?!" she said, nudging Lena's arm. Riko had linked her arm around Lena's other arm, to make t look as though Lena was slowly slipping away from Tomomi. Making one of them suffer along the way would satisfy the basic needs that the devil's apprentice needed to survive.

Riko attracted her attention to the girl that stood with them, messing with her hair nervously. "Oh, who's this?" Riko stared at the girl. "Oh, I'm Yoshiko. What's your name?" Riko smiled. "Oh, I'm Riko, but please, call me RiRi." She smiled at the girl. Yes, she could be a new prey, but Riko couldn't shake the feeling that this could be a bad thing.

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Japan by SHELiiEEE


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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lena Kagome
Character Portrait: Tomomi Sasaki
Character Portrait: Riko Hija
Character Portrait: Yoshiko Hokkaido


Character Portrait: Tomomi Sasaki
Tomomi Sasaki

Friend of the human child...

Character Portrait: Riko Hija
Riko Hija

The evil devil girl, who has a knack to distract the victim from their focus.

Character Portrait: Lena Kagome
Lena Kagome

The human girl

Character Portrait: Yoshiko Hokkaido
Yoshiko Hokkaido

Good, quiet, shy, positive, optimistic.


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Re: [OOC] Guidance

oh sorry i already am that character but you can choose another one, or if you like make up your own character :)

Re: [OOC] Guidance

May I reserve the role of the child's friend. But I will have to make the sheet later, its almost night time. I will have the sheet up after someone puts a sheet up for the main child.

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