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In Darkness I Have Walked » Places

Places in In Darkness I Have Walked

This is a list of locations that can be found in In Darkness I Have Walked.

All Places


12 posts · 7 characters present · last post 2013-12-08 18:40:18 »

         â€Please, just do it.”

Her back was to him. Tears ran down her cheeks though her voice was soft and even. It was for the best. They both knew that.

“You are the only one I really trust. No one else can stop this. Do it and then disappear. Do it because....”

Her resolve wavered and she almost turned to look at him. She knew it would be harder on both of them if she did and that was the last thing she wanted.

She closed her eyes. She sensed movement behind her and knew the end was close.

Kae gasped in fear and floundered a bit in her bed. Her dream had left her shaken. Her eyes were wet, her body had a tremble to it. The woman pulled her blanket up to her neck as she sat up in the bed. She didn’t remember going to bed but that wasn’t abnormal. Often she woke up in the bed after falling asleep at her desk. Kae didn’t even remember falling asleep. The only thing present in her mind currently was her dream. Clearly her fear was ruling her subconscious. If LondonsFog could not help her than her dream might easily turn into reality.

The girl blinked in the darkness and tried to focus on the present. There were problems to solve but right now all she could do is wait. The room was dark save a dull glow from the power lights on her equipment. She couldn’t really make out where Ryan was but she knew he was in the room. He was always there. He was her shadow, her protector and her end when the time came.

Kae could feel her heart pounding in her chest and she wiped at her eyes trying to hide all evidence of her dream. Shifting, she placed her feet on the floor.

“Refreshed? Time is limited. We should move soon.”

Ryan was still standing by the window, looking out. He was observing all the traffic flow like Kae might observe the data flow. Looking for any abnormalities. Shifts or hints of a change in the regular pace of human existence outside this room. Hyper aware, Ryan had almost been able to hear Kae’s eyes open but thought it best to wait until she sat before addressing her. It shocked her less.

Her head turned to look towards the window and her eyes adjusted so she could just make out his shape standing there. Kae stood.

“I...I feel less tired but I can’t go anywhere or do anything until I hear back.”

There was a hint of strain in her voice as she looked to her computer. “Until then I don’t know what to do.”

She swallowed hard and tried to ignore the remaining images from her dream.

“Yes. And why are you not checking that machine of yours? Often I’m talking to myself by this point and making you breakfast. What’s different today?”

Kae blinked out of confusion. “I...I don’t...”

She didn’t know why she hadn’t gone to the desk like always. She had no idea why she hadn’t just sat down and started typing away. Her jaw trembled a little and her stomach felt wrong. Inhaling slowly she turned and forced herself to sit in her chair.

Her fingers hesitated only briefly before they began to move across the keyboard. Windows opened, information streamed by her eyes as she sought her secure email. Kae ignored the talk and rumours about what was going to happen or had already happened to Theo1.

She had one focus. The login seemed to take forever. There sitting and waiting for her was the message she had been hoping for. With a click it opened and her eyes quickly moved over the words.

Kae stared at the screen. “We have to run. They are telling me to go dark and run.”

Ryan came over to the desk with a plate of eggs and toast and a steaming mug of coffee. He set them down and walked back to the window as he spoke, “Good. I assume they have a safe house? Am I to leave you with them?”

“What? Leave me?” Kae turned in the chair to face him. “Why?”

She clenched her hands into fists to hide their trembling. She couldn’t remember a time when she had felt so afraid of being alone.

“This is their tech world. Do they even know I exist? Will their plans have included another person? Will I even be welcome in their world?” He was back to observing the traffic. There were subtle shifts that he was concerned about.

“But you can’t just leave me. Ryan...” Kae was at a loss for words. She looked down at her knees. Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away.

It took a few breathes but she eventually turned back to the computer and began to upload everything to the server like she was told. It would take some time to move it all. Kae stood and took the plate back to the small counter.

“What will we tell Patrice?” Her voice was very quiet as she stood less than a foot from Ryan.

“I’m just trying to find out if I have the choice to stay or not, Kae. As for Patrice... I doubt he will find you first. There is nothing you need to tell Patrice.”

Kae stepped towards him but stopped just short of contact. “Please don’t leave me alone. I don’t know them and I don’t know what will happen. I don’t like people. You know that.”

She looked away feeling awkward and confused. “I thought, I hoped you would come with me. I don’t think I can go alone. I have money, I will get the ticket for you. I can make it so you are on the flight with me and once we get there, well either they take us both or we run.”

Kaelyn looked back towards the window and Ryan. He had his back to her, not that it would have mattered she wouldn’t be able to read his expression anyway.

Ryan frowned, something was definitely happening. Traffic was shifting, slowing. Almost imperceptibly. He turned to face Kae, “Good. I will come. You will need help getting out of this area. They are about to set up a search net. When can we leave?”

He paused, noticing the fear in Kae’s face. He momentarily dropped his hyper focus down so he could more easily relate to her. His eyes ceased the constant movement and focused on hers, “Kae? I was never trying to leave you alone. I will not. Ever.”

She felt like she couldn’t breathe momentarily. Kae had always done fine on her own but now the thought of being without Ryan scared her more than anything. His words stunned her but also made her feel relieved in a way nothing ever had.

Then his statement about a search net hit her. She looked at her screen. “Minute ten.” The numbers changed. “I need...less than a minute to finish the upload. I have to destroy the hard drive.”

Kae bolted to the desk the moment the upload finished. She began closing down windows and with a noise of frustration got down on her knees. Her hands pulled apart her computer. She yanked wires indiscriminately. She didn’t care and didn’t stop for a moment to think about the damage. There would be other systems in other places, for now this one was past its use.

She found the hard drive and yanked it out. Kae appeared from under the desk and grabbed her messenger bag. Her laptop was inside and she shoved the hard drive in as well.

“We can destroy it somewhere else. I don’t want them finding the pieces.”

Kaelyn looked at Ryan. “What now?”

“Give me the hard drive. Any chance of it being found on you from this second on is unacceptable.” Ryan had gathered all his gear while she dismantled her system.

He stood now in black body armour and sunglasses. He wore his guns on his hips, like an old west gunfighter. He wasn’t subtle, but he wouldn’t be so unique. It would be obvious that he was Kae’s muscle and that suited him fine. No sense being held up by a dime store hood while they were trying to get away from a real threat. He held his hand out for the drive.

“I will take care of it when we get outside.”

Kae reached into the bag and pulled out the hard drive. She placed it in his hand. Biting her lip she grabbed her coat and pulled it on. She looked to Ryan for their next move. It was strange to look at him standing there so obvious when he was always so subtle. Kae knew that if he wasn’t hiding what he was from those who might see then things were worse than she had feared.

Her eyes drifted to one of the weapons on his hip and then back to his face. “I’m ready.”

“Maybe. But I expect it won’t take long if you aren’t. I will destroy this outside and in so doing will attract a lot of attention. The plan is to get the focus of the net here while we slip past the edges. If the edges are moving, they will be easier to avoid. You will have to stay with me. No further away than I can reach at all times. No vehicles, at first. Too easy to stop. We will travel in alleys, back roads and other places the common criminals use to conduct business. You are a pretty girl. They will think they can sell you, or use you in some manner. I will ensure they realize that is a poor choice, hopefully before they decide to act upon it, but after if required. Once outside of the net we can get faster, and safer, transport. Moving quickly to the airport, shuffling between vehicles often. Understood?”

As he spoke Ryan moved toward the door. He opened it a crack and looked out. He didn’t expect anything here, but was trying to show Kae that constant caution would be required. As he finished talking he stepped out of the doorway and motioned her to follow.

Kae listened. Typically their conversations were banter or teasing. This was anything but typical. She struggled a little to focus on what he was telling her about alleys and criminals. She stopped short of the doorway as Ryan moved closer to it.

He asked if she understood and part of her wanted to scream that she had no fucking clue what was happening but it was squashed quickly. Ryan did as he always did, checking the hall before they exited only this time it was different.

“I understand.”

A new resolve settled in as Kae moved to the door and followed Ryan out.

“Hey Kae, you want to grab some food with me? We can ditch shadow boy for a bit.”

Rooster was walking towards the pair. “You heading out? Aw, don’t you want to go grab a drink or something with me instead of silent but deadly here?’

Kae shook her head, “I have plans already.”

Rooster leaned against the wall, “Aw but see you didn’t swear at me or throw anything. Told you she was sweet on me.” He chuckled and gestured to Ryan. “Sorry man but think you get a rain check.”

Kaelyn frowned, “I said no. I got things to do so just fuck off.” She tried to keep her voice steady though all she wanted was for Rooster and his mohawk to disappear.

“Come on baby, you can’t be all work all the time. I will show you some fun.” He took a step towards Kae.

Ryan stepped in front of Rooster, “You have just received your rain check. Fact is, it has already expired. Best for you to not be here now.”

Rooster smirked, “Hey man, no need to get in my way. I just...” His voice drifted off as he looked Ryan over. He put his hands up and backed up slowly from Ryan.

Kae exhaled. Rooster was dumb at times but at least right now he was smart enough to know not to push the issue.

Rooster cocked his head, “Man I don’t know what the deal is but I backed off. Shit I just wanted to get into her...” He left the rest of the remark unsaid as he stared at the pair. Even he got that now was not the time for joking.

Kae reached out and lightly touched Ryan’s arm. “We should.” Her head gestured towards the door.

Ryan moved towards the door, keeping an eye on Rooster. He stopped at the door and watched the traffic move as he listened. Stepping out to look often gave your position away. Ryan himself would always watch doors carefully when he was hunting someone. Hearing no immediate threats he moved toward the door again, “Rooster. When I said leave, I didn’t mean it only as a way to get you out of our way. I meant it as a warning. Leave.” With that he stepped outside, gathering Kae in one arm as he did so.

Rooster watched Ryan pull Kae close and step outside. He turned and bolted down the hall.

They moved from the doorway to an alley without stopping. Ryan pulled the hard drive from his pocket and dropped it on the ground, then he drew one of his guns.

“Cover your ears.”

When he told her to cover her ears she didn’t think twice. Her hands moved up and muffled them as best that she could. Her eyes moved from Ryan to one end of the alley and back again.

Ryan nodded as she covered up. Then, with three precise shots he reduced the hard drive to fragments that would be unrecognizable to anyone who didn’t know what they were looking at.
Kae jumped as the gun went off and the hard drive was reduced to bits in front of her. The first shot and the small burst that accompanied it made her close her eyes. They remained that way for the other two shots.

Ryan kicked around the bits and dust to further stir things up. As he holstered his gun he nodded again at Kae and nudged her lightly to move down the alley. When Ryan nudged her, Kae’s eyes opened wide in fear.

It took less than a second for her to lower her hands and move down the alley as he directed. She said nothing and waited for his cue for everything. If left to her own devices she likely would have been caught by now. Kae was smart but this was all too real and her expertise had nothing to do with the real world.

Ryan led Kae through a maze of back alleys and causeways, sometimes climbing on roofs, sometimes using access tunnels. He rarely spoke, always guiding her by a hand on an arm, shoulder or back. Anytime she looked like she wanted to speak Ryan gently held up his hand to stop her. It was all about movement. Quick, quiet and methodical. Ryan pushed Kae as far as he thought she could take before finally stopping to pause and take note of their surroundings.

They were in a small courtyard hidden within an old hotel’s grounds. By climbing the fire escape, the hotel itself would be a good vantage point to take a measure of their situation. Yet, the territorial markings of gangs did not go unnoticed. He knew this could be seen as intruding but it was the best place around. He would not let Kae out of his sight though and knew she needed rest before climbing the stairs.

“Rest Kae. Briefly. I need to see if we’re out of the net. We’re going up that fire escape. But stay aware. This is not likely a friendly spot.”

She was trying hard to slow her breathing. They had been walking for a long time and her legs were burning slightly from the exertion. She sat down on the edge of an old garden bed. The courtyard around them would have been lovely in its hay day but now it had fallen into much disrepair.

Kae looked up at Ryan and she rubbed at her thighs a little. Her lips were dry and she gave them a light lick. “Not friendly?”

Though spoken quietly her voice echoed a little off the surrounding walls. She immediately began to look around. “I can be ready. I just need a moment.”

Her muscles wanted rest, her body was asking for sleep. Her mind was focused on their new surroundings. Kae took a few more slow breaths. “Okay. The fire escape?”

The woman stood, ready to move on his word.

Ryan watched her try and recover. He cursed himself for not grabbing water. She was not used to this level of exertion. He should have known that. Nothing to be done now except try and get her to a vehicle as quickly as possible.

“Yes, not friendly. Obviously this is a common hang out for a gang or gangs. Hopefully they are out.”

He led her toward the fire escape. The ladder was high above the ground, out of her reach. He crouched down and grabbed her by the back of her thighs, turning his head so he wouldn’t put his face into her. He lifted her straight up so she could grab the lower rung of the ladder and pull herself up.

Kae wasn’t entirely keen on the idea of gangs but she trusted Ryan and right now that was what mattered. She stood at the bottom of the fire escape and looked up. As she inwardly laughed at the idea of jumping for the bottom of the ladder she felt hands on her thighs and her feet being lifted off the ground.

“What are you doing?” She hissed down at him as her hands reached for the ladder. Kae pulled herself up as much as she could, trying not to groan out loud at the protest of her arms. She was able to get herself onto the ladder and began the climb upwards.

Ryan leapt nimbly onto the ladder and followed Kae up, “What do you mean, what am I doing? Was it not obvious?”

He continued up the stairs now, slow enough for Kae to handle them.

“I just meant...I could have jumped..nevermind.” She realized how foolish she must have looked standing there even contemplating making the attempt. “Thank you for the boost.”

Her feet made sound ringing noises as she climbed the stairs slowly ahead of him. “How come your feet don’t make a sound?”

“Years of stealth training. As well as hyper awareness of my own movements. Don’t worry. The noise you’re making would only be noticeable by someone within fifty feet of us. I’m pretty sure no one is currently within that area. But it is encouraging that you’ve noticed the difference.” Ryan turned back to Kae and grinned.

The small bits of whispered conversation made Kae feel a bit less tense. They climbed and Kae stepped off and onto the roof. She moved to the side and knelt down. Her hands reached into the bag and pulled out her laptop.

“Before we go further there is something I need to do.”

Her back was to him as she opened the laptop and began to type. The screen was a blur with information and windows. It was only minutes later when she shut it down and closed it.

“You have a ticket and an envelope of money waiting in the exchange plaza at the airport. We go, you get the money, we get our tickets and we get out of here.”

Kae stood and stepped away from the laptop. “Okay. Do it.”

She covered her ears and waited.

Ryan was once again observing the flow around him. He was encouraged as it looked as though they had reached the fraying ends of the net. However, five flitting, single lights caused him to sigh. An annoyance only, yes, but still something he would rather have avoided. He turned to Kae when she addressed him. He looked down at the laptop then back to Kae, “This will be odd for you. Actually, for me as well. Not seeing your face by screen light. Maybe I’ll get to look at you more directly for a while.” Ryan smiled and made quick work of the laptop.
Kae closed her eyes not wanting to see the laptop blown apart. When she opened them again there was nothing left. She knew it was what needed to be done. She had to go dark, LondonsFog told her to but Kae had never been without a piece of tech by her side. She stared at the charred remains.

He looked back over the edge and saw the five lights closer, “Definitely not going to pass us by now. So be it.” He started down the fire escape again.

Ryan was talking and moving to the fire escape but she was frozen in her spot.

Ryan paused after the first few steps, not hearing Kae following, “Kae?”

He turned and saw her staring down at what used to be her prized possession and sighed, “I know you need time to adjust to this Kae, really. But this is probably the worst time to do it. Any chance I can convince you to move on your own or should I carry you?”

She looked over at Ryan. “I am useless now. I have nothing. I...” She looked lost. Kae turned and walked slowly towards him. “I...” She blinked. “You are it. I can’t help anymore. I’m sorry.” Her voice was shaky as she approached the ladder.

“So, I’m nothing?” He smiled. “Look, you are temporarily disadvantaged. But far from useless. And right now, the best help you can be is to keep it together and follow my lead. There’ll be a reception for us on the ground. You think you can stay cool and safe?” He reached out for her to help steady her as she approached.

Kaelyn took his hand and gripped it tightly. “I will do whatever you say. I just...” She turned her head to look back towards the remains of her laptop. “I feel..” She frowned. “Vulnerable.”

Ryan scooped her up in one arm and gently swung her over the ladder, “Far from vulnerable with me around.” He kept her close as they moved down the fire escape.

Kae gasped slightly as he pulled her in and put her on the ladder. She began to climb down though her mind was somewhere else. Their proximity to each other felt more real to her now and while it wasn’t bad, Kae felt a bit odd. There had always been a buffer with them, the real vs the virtual and now with it gone she was left confronting a world she felt weak in. With Ryan though it felt different.

Her mind was working overtime. Is he just being nice to make me feel better? Her cheeks suddenly reddened and she felt like a teenager. She felt as awkward and out of place as she had when she had really been a teenager. Of course. It is what he does. Whatever it takes to get the job done. Kae inwardly chastised herself to being caught up in an odd moment.

They moved down the escape and she turned her head to look for guidance as to their next move.

Ryan paused at the final ladder, “I’ll go first. You come next and I’ll catch you. Then we’ll go see our visitors.” He grasped both sides of the ladder and put his feet on the outside rails. With a small leap he slid quickly to the ground, landing perfectly on his feet and looked up. He winked and held his arms out.

Kae looked down. She watched him land on the ground as if it was nothing at all to hop down from a ladder. ‘Wait. Wait. You want me to do what? And you’ll what? Ryan, in case you hadn’t noticed I am not exactly an athlete.”

Visions of her landing awkwardly on him, arms flailing and both ending up hurt ran through her head. “Are you kidding me?”

Her voice was a low hiss. Her head rested on the rung she had just stepped down from. “He is just standing down there, waiting to fucking catch me. Like I am a... I don’t even know what the hell it is like.” Kae was talking to herself more than to Ryan. “I’ll catch you...yeah okay.”

Her cheeks began to heat up as she slowly realized that he was standing below her looking straight up. His view would be up her hoodie to her backside. One hand let go to try and hold the garment against her body.

“This is not a good idea.”

“Kae, if people come while I’m waiting like this, or worse, while you are mid drop, we will both be vulnerable. Stop being shy and get down here. Your ass is great, no need to cover it.”

She looked down at him. “Why are you talking about my ass?”

Kae closed her eyes and let herself drop down. She pulled her arms in trying desperately not to take him out in her uncontrolled state.

Ryan caught her smoothly in a perfect cradle. He held her for a second, “To distract you and get you to come down.”

He swung her to her feet and kept an arm around her to stabilize, “Not that I was lying or anything though.” He grinned again.

“Well that makes you the..” She stopped talking as he put her feet on the ground. “I..”

Kae put her hands on his chest. “I feel like a moron who can’t complete a sentence. Nevermind and no more talking about my ass.” She gave him a small smile and looked away. “What now?”

Her body nestled closer to him for comfort. Without the weight of her laptop at her side she felt as if a part of her was missing. It was a feeling she was not fond of. Ryan’s presence however, his keeping her close seemed to help cut through the loss a little.

“Now, little girl, I think we all would like to know more about that ass of yours.”

Ryan sighed as five men slipped out of the shadows around them. Kae’s arms gripped him a little tighter. Her eyes were still on his face and there was fear in them now. She slowly pulled her eyes away to look at the speaker and other figures.

They were all wearing race leathers usually associated with sport bikes. They all had the same patch on their shoulders, indicating one of the local gangs. Each one of them was armed with some type of bladed weapon, but only the speaker had his drawn. A wicked looking knife that he held lightly in his right hand. He ran the knife up and down the leather of his left forearm.

“It’s always nice when the boyfriends bring their pretty little girls with them. Gives us something to play with after the fun of kicking his ass.”

Kae shook her head a little as her eyes fell on the blade in the man’s hand. She watched the blade move up and down along the leather. She turned a little in Ryan’s grip so that her back was not to the group. Her fingers dug lightly into Ryan’s shirt, pinching him a little. Kaelyn shook her head again but remained silent.

Ryan gently moved Kae’s hand off his arm and put it on his hip, “I won’t bother trying to talk you out of doing something stupid, since you already have. However, I will point out, I have guns.”

The man chuckled, “Oh, I saw them. I still think odds are in our favour. And the pretty girl is unarmed. How do you think that will work out for her?”

Ryan looked each of the men in the eyes, holding their gaze steadily for a second or two before ending on the speaker again, “The best bookies get all the information they can before setting odds. I think you are missing a key piece of data.”

Before the man could start to respond there was a shot. Kae jumped, releasing a yelp at the suddenness of it all. Her hands dug into Ryan’s hip. A red blossom formed between the speakers eyes and he dropped in a heap. Ryan stood, both guns drawn and quickly alternated targets among the other four men, almost faster than could be followed.

For their part the remaining four were not even aware at that moment of the guns aimed at them. They had all watched as their leader crumpled into a pile. They had been prepared to beat up a man and have some fun with a girl, this had not been in the plan.

One of them finally managed to stutter out some words. “Nico?” He looked towards Ryan. His attention landed on the guns. “Whoa man. Just breathe a sec.” He put his hands up defensively.

Another of the group, regaining himself lunged towards Ryan. The others scrambled into various directions, some diving out of the way trying not to be a target and one moving to grab his friend in an attempt to stop him.

Ryan watched their reactions in slow motion. He had hoped they would all scatter, but one of them had to be the tough guy. Ryan took aim. This shot rang out before the echo of the first shot had stopped. The man trying to grab his more impulsive friend was sprayed with a red film. The charge was halted. Ryan reset his aim and finished his exhale.

It all happened quickly. Kae didn’t think she had even blinked. It felt almost surreal, like something she’d read about on the net and not something that was happening in this very moment.

All movement stopped. Another body dropped and the ganger, now covered in the blood of his friend halted himself. “Done man. Done.” He was breathing heavily his arms waving a little to try and emphasize his statement.

There was a scrambling of feet as the others bolted for their bikes. The red-coated ganger began to back away. “Done. No trouble.” He looked at the bodies of his friends and continued his backwards motion.

Kae buried her face into Ryan trying to block out the images of the men being shot. Her knees felt a bit weak and her stomach turned suddenly as her body caught up to what her eyes had witnessed.

Around them was the sound of bikes taking off and other sounds of the city. The remaining echoes of the gunshots finally faded out.

Ryan waited until the remaining goons were gone then holstered his guns. He grabbed Kae and held her, “It’s done. We’re safe. You’re okay.”

Her head was now in his chest, her eyes still pressed closed. Her hands moved up to grip the front of his shirt. Her body began to shake a little as the adrenaline began to fade. It had all happened so quickly, quicker than she had time to really process. As quick as when she worked only here she was the slow one and Ryan the one with the abilities. It was almost too much for Kae to understand.

“Safe thanks to you.” Kae opened her eyes and moved her head to look up at him. She swallowed slowly fighting the bile that was rising. “Thank you for not leaving me.”

“I can’t leave you now. Patrice would lose his mind.” He grinned. “C’mon, I think we may have found a silver lining.” He stepped over to the two remaining bikes and gathered the two leftover helmets. He held one out for Kae, “Ever ride before?”

Hearing Patrice’s name, remembering how fast Ryan had killed those men brought visions of her dream back. She pushed him away and turned. Her stomach lurched and Kae doubled over to let it. When it was done she wiped her eyes and slowly stood. Her back was to him and for a moment she listened for the sound of his gun.

One breath. Two.

Kae turned to face Ryan, finding him holding a helmet out for her to take. She looked away. “Sorry. Not used to real life blood and violence.” She slowly approached him, gently taking the helmet from his hands.

“Kae, I would have worried about you if you didn’t respond that way.” He slid the helmet on and cinched the chin strap. “You’ll want to hold on tight now. I will be moving fast.”

She nodded and pulled her helmet on. Her fingers worked on the chin strap, finding it awkward. Fumbling with it she began to mutter hushed curses at the strap. Finally feeling like it was done up she approached the bike as Ryan started it up. “I think I am good to go.”

Kae shrugged slightly and climbed on the back. She slid forward and pressed herself as close to him as she could. Her arms went around his waist as he sat and she tried not to squeeze too tightly. Her fingers wrapped themselves around the bottom of his armoured jacket. Her thighs squeezed against his hips. Kae braced herself for the acceleration.

Ryan looked over his shoulder, “Hold on like you like me.” He chuckled and open the throttle. They sped off staying on the back roads and alleys still. He took a route that would be hard to follow, or anticipate as they made their way to the airport.

Kae held on tighter as Ryan took off. She pressed against him, squeezing with her legs as he leaned into turns. Her hand occasionally vibrated. It occurred to her that Ryan’s phone was in his pocket. She had left her own behind. A sickening feeling crept over her. The only person who would be trying to get a hold of Ryan would be Patrice.

The entire ride as Ryan navigated the streets and ensured they would not be followed Kae sunk deeper into her thoughts and fears. By the time they pulled into a distant parking area Kaelyn had resigned herself to the coming events.

The lot itself was a good distance away from the airport. There were trees on one side acting as a ‘buffer’ from the roadway in. There were cars in the lot though it was not full. It would be enough that the motorcycle wouldn’t stand out immediately.

Ryan parked it and killed the engine. Kae slipped off to stand beside it. She removed her helmet and placed it on the ground.

“Its Patrice.” She pointed to his pocket. “Your phone was vibrating the whole ride. He is likely going ballistic.”

Kae stared at Ryan for a moment. She wanted to say something but feared the whole thing would be harder if she did. Just like in my dream. She took three steps away from him and the bike and turned to face the trees.

“Get that and let me know when you are ready.”

Her voice was steadier than she expected. She knew she had been on borrowed time from the moment the whole thing went to shit. Kae figured Patrice would be looking for an explanation and the moment he realized she was responsible for the whatever shitstorm came his way the sooner he’d issue Ryan’s orders.

Not such a terrible place to do this. Could be much worse. This will make it easier for him. Not that it will be hard, it is his job.

Oddly there were no strong regrets in her mind. Kae was calmer than she thought she would be given the situation. It surprised her a little and she even smiled. Her eyes lifted just above the trees where the glow of the city could be seen.

Ryan grabbed his phone and swore at himself. How could he forget this. It’s a good thing Kae reminded him before they got too far. He looked briefly at the phone then reached into one of his pockets. He pulled out a silencer. Closer to the airport meant he needed more subtlety. The only sound now was the metal on metal of Ryan screwing the silencer in place.

Kae heard him, the whisper of fabric and the moving of his hands. She kept her eyes on the lights in the distance. She held her breath and waited.

Ryan dropped his phone and quickly put two almost completely silent bullets into it. Each shot made more noise as it hit the phone than it did being fired.

“Thanks Kae. Almost forgot about that. That would not have been good.”

Kae put her hands to her chest. Nothing hurt and he was thanking her. He shot the phone? Not me. The phone.

She didn’t know if she should throw up or cry. She had been ready, accepting of what was coming and he didn’t kill her. Kae turned very slowly to face Ryan. Her face had lost what little colour was held in the fairly pale flesh. “Why didn’t you kill me?”

The words were forced out and she stared at him, gun still in hand. It slowly occurred to her that perhaps the phone was just the first step. She had set him up with a way out, money and a ticket. Get rid of the phone, then her and he was free.

Kae closed her eyes and turned her head to the side. “Step two then? Please if you care at all just be quick, I..I don’t want it to hurt.”

“What are you talking about Kae? You aren’t Patrice’s tool to do with as he pleases until he’s done with you. You never were. It didn’t take me long to figure out I wouldn’t execute that order from him. We’re on our own, like we have been for a while. Now we just don’t have someone paying us.”

Ryan unscrewed the silencer and put it away as he was talking. Kae stood there and listened but didn’t really understand. When he started stripping off the body armour and weapons she looked back at him. With an expert’s care he packed the guns and armour carefully together and when he was done it looked like he was carrying any typical rucksack. Even to the point of some laundry sticking out. Her eyes followed him.

“I’m ready. Let’s fly.”

Kae simply stared at him. “You aren’t going to kill me? You never were?” All this time she had been preparing herself for it. Since Patrice put him to work shadowing her Kae had been waiting for Patrice to make the call. Part of her had tried to keep that distinction alive, that he wasn’t just Ryan that he was there for a job and not her as a person.

She was breathing unevenly, her heart pounding in her chest as she strived to come back to the present and not the one she had readied herself for. “I don’t....then why did you stay with me? That was your whole job.”

Ryan cocked his head, “Well, when you put it that way... I was doing my job. I liked my job. But I found that I liked you more than my job. However, until I had to choose there was no reason I couldn’t continue doing my job. Was there?”

She was absolutely stunned. “Liked me? Liked me more than your job? I am not good with actual real people. How can you possibly like me?” Kae sounded almost angry.

Kae stared at him as if Ryan had momentarily been replaced by a creature of some kind. She didn’t know what to make of it. She had been sure that in the end he would do the job Patrice wanted him to do. Her mind flashed back to him arguing with her when she asked him to make sure he was the one that did it, if he would promise her that he wouldn’t let them get her first. He had told her no, that she would fix it but now is was slowly sinking in that it had never been an option.

“You were never going to kill me.”

She stood there for the span of four breaths before walking quickly to him and hugging him tightly. Kaelyn didn’t think it through she just acted and before she really realized what she was doing her face was pressed into him as her arms held him.

Ryan was a little more prepared for Kae’s actions this time. He held her gently for a few minutes before speaking, “Sure I like you. Can’t spend that much time around you without you growing on me a little.” He chuckled.

“So people aren’t your speciality. I’m a hired killer. You think I ooze charm and charisma? After all, you still thought I would kill you. Obviously I’m not that easy to get along with.”

As Ryan started talking, teasing her Kae felt heat rising in her cheeks. She looked up at him. “Aren’t we an interesting pair. The abrasive hacker with no tech and the killer with feelings.” Her face reddened more. “Not like feelings...I”

Kae took an awkward step away from him. “Sorry about that. I just thought you were going to, well and you didn’t and I did not handle it correctly. It’s the whole not used to social interactions that involve more than, I mean not more or involved. I just mean...”

Her head dropped, her hair falling to cover her face. “Thank you Ryan.”

She stood like that for a moment with her hair covering her face until she was sure that she was more in control.

Ryan watched her as she stumbled to explain herself and smiled, “You’re welcome Kae.”

“We should get moving. You need to go get the money first. I need to avoid security and cameras.” She turned to walk towards the airport. She honestly wished she knew how to handle social situations better but she didn’t think ‘talking to the man who was hired to possibly kill you’ was something people were taught.

“I will stay out of the way while you get the money and your ticket. Then I will get mine and we can get out of here.”

The parking lot was a decent size and they had a bit of a walk to get to the airport proper. Kae pulled her hood up and zipped up her jacket. “I put the money under the name Mark Heller. All you have to do is ask for it and give them the security password.”

“Which you do plan to tell me?” Ryan caught up and kept stride with her.

“Of course. You think I am going to send you in there without it? What good would that do? Give me a little credit.” She looked over at him. “Don’t go thinking I am completely brain dead now that I don’t have my deck. I wasn’t going to tell you before in case you know we got caught and I will tell you once we get in the airport can’t have you blabbing it around. We both know what a chatterbox you are.”

Kae smirked. She was starting to feel better, a bit more normal despite the situation. The airport was growing steadily closer as Kaelyn picked up the pace of her walk.

“When you’re ready. You’re the smart one. I’m just here for my looks.” Ryan winked

Kae chuckled. They walked, crossing the roads that led them up towards the front of the airport. It was bustling, with cars pulling up and people getting in and out. There were piles of suitcases and people hugging. As they crossed the last road to the door Kae reached out to grab Ryan’s hand. There were a lot of people and she had a sudden fear that they would be separated in the crowd.

The doors opened as they entered the airport, navigating around a family who didn’t know where they were heading and another couple with far too many bags who stopped to argue.

“The money exchange is on the left. Gates and things down the hall to the right.”

The pair turned to the left. With the money exchange in sight Kae stopped and pulled Ryan in as if they were a pair of lovers stopping for a kiss. She leaned in close, rising slightly on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “Petal. When they ask you for the security code say petal. When they ask you for the number tell them 0815.”

She placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Lowering back to her flat feet, Kae brushed a hair out of her eyes. “Had to.” She looked away, a little embarrassed. “Now go. Wasting time.”

Ryan nodded. He had upped his hyper awareness again. He hadn’t expected her to kiss him. Now it was almost too distracting as he couldn’t get his mind off of it. He looked her in the eyes, grinned and left to take care of his errand.

Kae moved backwards and placed herself against a wall. She didn’t watch him go in and she tried not to look like she was watching for him at all. She played with the zipper of her coat and re-tied her shoelace. It felt like Ryan was never coming back. Her heart was pounding in her chest despite her aloof appearance.

When finally appeared beside her, Kaelyn smiled and reached out to take his hand. “One thing down.”

The pair walked down the opposite side of the airport now. The hall was lined with various airline booths. At times on their walk Kae would turn her face into Ryan’s arm effectively hiding it from passers by. It took only a short time for them to find the correct counter and wait in line.

Again the wait felt like eternity and Kae found herself tapping her foot impatiently. When it was their turn she approached. The overly happy woman asked for the name. Kae spouted off what LondonsFog had told her. There was a tense moment as the woman’s fingers tapped across the keyboard. Kae had to fight the urge to yank it from the her hands and do it herself.

“Have a good flight!” A ticket was slid across the smooth surface to Kae and she scooped it off and walked off to the side.

Again Kae waited. She realized more and more that she hated waiting. Eventually Ryan joined her. “God she was so slow. How much intelligence does it take to input names in their stupid system?”

Kae’s voice was a harsh whisper as she and Ryan made their way to the gate. The crowd waiting to board was not overly large but big enough that the two had no issue melding in unnoticed.

“I’m scared.” She grabbed Ryan’s hand but didn’t look up at him.

“If your contact is any good then we’re golden. If not, we’re trapped. Either way, nothing we can do now except relax. Your friend make it first class at least? Maybe we can get a scotch?”
Kae shook her head. “Too easy to stand out in first class. I had us moved but we aren’t next to each other. Have to see if someone will switch if we want to sit together. If that is better I mean, for safety that is.”

Ryan sighed, “I could have used a scotch.” He looked over the crowd, trying to identify who was together. “You know, it won’t be easy convincing someone to not sit next to a pretty girl like you. I may just have to look mean.”

Kae nudged him with her elbow. “Nice try but that isn’t going to work to distract me this time.” She gave him a half smile.

Ahead the line was beginning to move. Tickets were being taken and people were making their way onto the plane.

“Who’s distracting? Nothing much to distract from here. Look, lonely business guy. I bet he’s next to you. No way he gives up his seat.”

The line moved forward again. “Or maybe he is next to you. I did hack the seats to get you on remember? What if I intentionally sat you next to him?”

Ryan looked over at her and grinned, “So you’re saying you specifically avoided sitting next to me? I guess maybe you thought I was going to throw you out the emergency exit or something.”

The line kept moving and Kae went very pale. “No I...” She dropped his hand. “I thought maybe you’d have done the job by now and I didn’t try to shift the seats. I didn’t want to bring attention to you by the seat next to you being empty.”

There were only two people in front of them now. Kae played with her ticket and avoided looking at him.

Ryan shook his head, “So, even thinking that about me you still wanted to help me out. If I didn’t know better I’d think you actually liked me too.”

“Can I have your tickets? Are you travelling together?”

Kae handed over her ticket. “Maybe I really do like you.”

She turned to face the woman. “Yes but last minute and all. Is it possible if there is a free seat we can sit together?”

The stewardess smiled her wide smile. “We can see once everyone boards if someone will switch.”

Kae nodded and headed onto the plane. She cast a small look back towards Ryan as the woman took his ticket.

Kae found her seat, an aisle seat with a man already sitting by the window. He barely turned his head as she sat down. Kae kept her eyes on the aisle looking for Ryan.

Ryan walked past her and took his seat. As the doors were closed Kae frowned. She had hoped that someone would have come to move them around by now. Being impatient she turned to the man in the seat beside her. “Excuse me but they sat my boyfriend and I apart. Would it be at all possible for you and he to switch seats?”

The man turned to look at her, he was not over impressed. “You want me to get up and switch with him? Why? Go bug his seat partner.”

Kae frowned. “Do you need to be such an asshole? I asked a simple question and I was nice about it.” She turned in her seat to face him more. “How about this? You switch with him now and save yourself a world of annoyance from being stuck next to me for the entire flight because let me tell you mister I got a pole up my ass that makes me snarky and rude, I don’t like you. I don’t like crowds or other people for that matter. I fidget, I move around and I will do everything in my power to make your trip the worst you have ever had.”

She crossed her arms, challenging him. He looked her over and gave a light snarl. “Am I supposed to be afraid of you?”

Kae smiled but it was not a happy smile, there was a tinge of something wicked behind it. “You should because otherwise I will tell your wife about the mistress you just said goodbye too. Bet she’d be keen to know that you were making out with a brunette with burnt red lipstick just before you boarded.”

The man looked stunned. Kae snickered. “Can’t even hide it well so what’s it going to be?”

He began gathering his things and Kae stood to let him exit. She sat in his seat, looked out the window and waited.

Ryan stood next to her and looked down, “Excuse me ma’am. Is this seat taken? Apparently I was seated incorrectly and now I have to find someone willing to sit next to me.”

Kae looked up at him and a genuine smile formed, “Completely free. My last seat mate seems to have left unexpectedly.”

Ryan sat and Kae shifted in her seat. “Fancy meeting you here.”

The day’s tension and adrenaline started to drain from her body as the plane engine roared to life and it began to move on the runway. It didn’t take long before it was airborne. Kae’s eyes watched the city lights grow further away from them. It wasn’t long into the flight when she began to doze.

Her head rested on Ryan’s arm and her hand slipped down so that her fingers entwined with his. “Thank you for not making me do this alone and I do actually like you Ryan.”

Ryan smiled and squeezed her hand, “You’re welcome and I know. I am paid be observant.”

Kaelyn curled up as best she could and fell asleep laying on his arm for the duration of the flight. She was too exhausted to worry at that moment about what might be waiting for them at their arrival.

Earth Owner: Azmodai2
