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Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star


Click the link for information. :)

983 readers have visited Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star since Victim created it.



This, as you can tell from the title, is a Kingdom Hearts role play. Unfortunately, we will not be using canon characters, those being Sora, Riku, Kairi, etc. Instead we will use original characters. Also, this is not a role play where we are just going to jump into fight after fight after fight, the role play will develop. Also know that this role play is 100's of years after the Kingdom Hearts Series, therefore there is none of the actual canon characters, though a few side characters and new characters will be present. The plot will unravel throughout the role play, which is why I am only going to give a little information for you to build off of. If you enjoy adventure and actually thinking and plotting you will like this role play. Below this I will give a few tips for creating your character.

- For those of you who apply for this role play there is a limited amount of people that will be accepted. 2 boys and 1 girl will be accepted, all of them Key blade Wielders. I will also be playing in the role play. I will not be a Keyblade Wielder, but I will still be very involved with the plot. All four of us will be life long friends, like 'use to take baths together when we were 4' friends. Like the Original Game we will live on a Island World that is in orbit of the Kingdom Hearts universe called Sacred Harbor. A few things before you apply:

- I ask that you be at least semi-literate, able to make at least a decent 5 sentenced paragraph. Though I understand not EVERY paragraph will reach perfection. As long as its easy to read, and fun to read, its good. 85% of the time at least 1 paragraph per post or more.

- You will be in the dark in the beginning of the role play, as though you are actually your character not knowing what you are going to run into. Though you will probably use the the random hints and helpful text to start to understand where things are leading to. With this, I ask that you be open-minded.

- PLEASE be active. I'm usually on every day or every other day, though probably for a limited time (not including the weekends, then I'm ALWAYS on). I hate when I log on and I see nothing new, between the 4 of us things should constantly move. Though no one is left behind, If you have plans or something comes up, post it in the OOC and we won't leave you behind.

- Be wise when you are filling out the sheet. Some of the things in it will affect the way the role play will run for you individually...Every single one of you will have important decisions to make in the role play and I will throw out challenges your way depending on how you do the character sheet.

- This is not a 'first come first serve role play'. This is a 'I like you your character, I like your writing style, I think you can handle this role play, your in role play' role play.

If you would like to apply to this role play after reading the few things then here is the character sheet.

Code: Select all
[size=90][b]Name[/b]: (First Name only)

[b]Age[/b]: (16-17)

[b]Birth Day[/b]: (Chose wisely. :D)

[b]Gender[/b]: (Male/Female)

[b]Sexuality[/b]: (Attracted to the opposite gender-Attracted to both genders--Attracted to the same gender.)

[b]Description[/b]: (No pictures. Description only. GOOD Descriptions only. Remember, you can have all sorts of hair colors and eye colors. And ALSO remember, everyone is cute when its Kingdom Hearts, lol.)

[b]Clothing[/b]: (as nasty as this sounds, but this won't change in the role play. this is your characters uniform day to day.)

[b]Personality[/b]: (no sues. Be unique, that's what I'm looking for.)

[b]Choice[/b]: (You chose power of the Guardian, the Mystic, or the Warrior...choose wisely. )

[b]The Sacrifice[/b]: (The one you give up, the Guardian, the Mystic, or the Warrior)

(Put an 'x' next to your answer.)

[u][i]"What's most important to you?"[/i][/u]
1. Being number one.
2. Friendship.
3. My prize possessions.

[u][i]"What do you want out of life?"[/i][/u]

1. To see rare sights.
2. To broaden my horizons.
3. To be strong.

"What are you afraid of?"
1. Getting old.
2. Being different.
3. Being indecisive

[b]Example Post [u]'Entering...the dream.'[/u][/b]:(Read the paragraphs that are underlined, then I would like for you to reply to the
scenario the way you would any role play. )

[i][u]"The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow gets." You hear as you open your eyes. The voice it came from sounded familiar, as though it was the voice of one of your best friends. You see that you are standing on a tinted glass circular platform engulfed in darkness. A large dark being descends from the sky. You stare at it as though it has a familiar face, one you haven't seen in years. As it joins you on the platform, a sword appears in your hand. It begins to attack you, summon Heartless, and create orbs of 'dark light' that shoots at you. This beast looks hard to beat, how do you handle it?:[/u][/i]

[Post here.]

[i][u]Once you have defeated the monster, a black pool of nothingness forms underneath you and begins to pull you in. The Beast reforms and comes near you."-But don't be afraid, you hold the mightiest weapon of all. So don't forget: You are the one who will open the door." The same voice from earlier says. Then you find yourself laying on the beach of Sacred is where your story begins.[/u][/i][/size]

Now with that taken care of here is a little information!:

"I don't know how he got away..."

"He was so young...he couldn't have escaped on his own..."

"How are we suppose to complete this without him...hes our only source, the rest of them lost their...Light."

"Don't worry, we will find him...Its only a matter of time..."

"What-What if the Keyblade Wielders try to stop us?"

"Ha, that's just an old myth! And even if it was true, we are much stronger then the other Nobodies. I think we can handle puny kids that goes around playing pretend."

"Once we find him...everything will be better...well, better for us that is."

"But, do you think he'll remember? It's been a while, I don't think he knows why he exists or where he came from."

"It's better if he doesn't know, the less he knows...the easier it is to trick him."

"He's going to be curious. We will have to tell him the important things like...Atlantis.-"

"Shut up! Don't start with that was so hard taking him away, and those rocks were so heavy."

"Now now boys, settle down. It's all in the past we have to look forward to the future...Our future."

"Haha, yes...I see our future. And we, are complete..."

And with that, there is your first hint! Look at how many quotes there are, and pay attention to the last quote. I am excited for this role play, and I hope those of you who are submitting are too! :D

Keyblade Wielders:
Boy/Guardian Keyblade Wielder- Renatus played by EikouNekoChan.
Boy/Warrior Keyblade Wielder- Juno played by Protoman X.
Girl/Mystic Keyblade Wielder- Trista played by Eternity.

Other Important Characters:
Keoki played by Victim
Linx played by Exilewing

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Taking place in...

Sacred Harbor our primary setting

The native world of Juno, Renatus, and Trista. This beautiful island seems pure and untouched by darkness.

Sacred Harbor

Sacred Harbor by Victim

The native world of Juno, Renatus, and Trista. This beautiful island seems pure and untouched by darkness.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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When Master Linx went into the forest, Juno and Trista followed with only a moment’s hesitation. Renatus lingered for two moments, but in the end curiosity won him over as well. And for this, the group discovered a huge lion had cornered Keoki. However, Keoki didn’t seem afraid; he just seemed awed. Ren watching with great admiration as Master Linx leapt at the lion and pinned it. He wished that he might have the courage to do the same some day.

“Go back to the dojo.” Master Linx looked at Keoki when he said this, but the teens knew he meant everyone. Renatus was glad to oblige his teacher, but after walking out of the clearing he found that Trista and Juno weren’t following. Against his better judgment, he turned around and found a tree from behind which to eavesdrop, too.

Keoki lingered just beyond the clearing, eyes locked on the lion that was now holding conversation with Master Linx. Linx spoke to the thing like it was a normal human being! Wasn’t the least bit unnerved by its size and strange abilities? It was then Renatus fully realized just how little they really knew about their teacher.

“Stop! Something’s wrong here.” Keoki reentered the clearing. He lifted his gaze to look Master Linx in the eye, “I think he just wants to help,” Help? A talking lion help? Ren’s fear told him the thing was more like a harbinger of doom.

“What’s Kingdom Hearts?” Keoki directed this question at the lion. Kingdom Hearts? The name resonated with his heart like he should know something about it, but there was no memory in his mind related to it. So strange! All of this was beginning to make him nervous. Had he looked up, he would have seen the sky darken.

"Run! Go! Now! Leave! It’s not safe for you anymore." The lion shouted, worry obvious in his tone. Suddenly black creature burst forth from pools of darkness in the ground and Renatus’s heart froze. ‘The creatures from my dream!’ he realized with widened eyes. He took a step backwards from the tree. The creatures leapt towards Keoki, and though somewhere inside he wanted to help, Ren’s body was rigid with fear. The Lion crushed Keoki’s attackers and shouted for him to go.

Ren’s white haired companion fled. Renatus wanted to flee in the other direction, but he knew his friends would go after Keoki. What should he do? He thought it might be smart to stay with Master Linx. After all, he was the experienced fighter here- “Oof!” He fell face forward due to an attack from behind. Shaking, he pushed himself up and ran forward into the clearing, but only succeeded in tripping and falling once more. Never did it occur to him to use the shield still strapped to his arm, and he’d dropped the sword back at the dojo. All he wanted right now was for Master Linx to get rid of them. It was one thing to have fought them in a dream, but in real life you could die. And if you died you wouldn’t wake up.

"Keyblade Wielders...Show yourself." A deep voice could be heard coming from the beach. The word keyblade resonated in his heart as well, but his fear grossly overpowered that. He was just about ready to curl up in the fetal position and cover his head with his shield.

“Help!” He cried, his voice and body shaking like a leaf in the wind.


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Linx waited for the others to take Keoki before releasing the lion. After asking the lion's purpose for coming to the island, it responded with a snarl. Linx was going to press the matter further but Keoki and Renatus returned to the clearing. Linx glanced past them looking for the others, but Keoki out burst took his attention. He approved the lion asking a question that Linx had hoped to keep from him for a little longer.

"Kingdom Hearts..." Linx was going to answer for the lion but there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The wind sped up, the sky darkened, and the forest went quiet besides th howl of the wind. Linx looked up into the canopy, out of no were three heartless soldiers fell onto Linx likes hawks onto prey. There yellow eyes locked on there target, there red claws reaching for him. As soon as the first one got close Linx swiped his closed fist into the heartless, it went flying way off course and slammed into a tree were it burst into black mist. With the other hand he reached for the next one and grabbed one of its arm. Pulling it down faster then before it hit the ground, before it could lift its head brought its foot down onto the heartless were it met the same end as the other one. Without slowing, with the same hand he reached for the last one. Reaching past the claws, his hand wrapped around its head. The helmet crumpled like paper as Linx closed his hand. The heartless tried to claw at his arm, but it was cut short as its head disappeared in Linx's closed fist and the body burst into black mist.

Immediately, He turned around to check the others. The lion was being covered by heartless, Renatus as being cornered, and Keoki was no wee to be seen. He went straight for Renatus, as he walked by the lion he swiped his hand over it with out even looking. The ones on top were destroyed as the others were thrown from the force of the swing, "Run, but that won't stop it." 4 power wilds surrounded Renatus as he just laid there. Linx drove his hand like a spear throw the back of one. Throwing it to the side, he moved to the next one and uppercutted it. With out loosing momentum he round house kick another one sending it flying. The 4th circled around and jumped onto Linx's back. He reached around, grabbed and thrown it to the ground were his fist followed into its chest.

Straightening himself, he looked down at Renatus, he offered no hand or no reassurance. He just looked at him, he still had the shield but not the sword and fear was present over his face. This fear wasn't anything he could help with with now, they would have to face it head on. Linx closed his eyes then looked up. He scanned the area for Keoki when out the corner of his eye he saw movement. He turned to it ready for what ever it may be, when he notice a familiar color cloths move behind a tree, "Come out Juno." As he stepped out Linx notice he too didn't have a weapon. "You two disappoint me. Admirable it maybe to run to your friends aid. How would you two had helped with out your weapons?" White mist bloomed from his mask.

The answer, if they gave one, was drowned out by a roar, "Keyblade Wielders...Show yourself." Looking the way of the beach, "Follow." was all he said as he made his way. He went slow just slow enough so the others could follow. As he come to the beach he saw a Darkside holding Keoki, with out braking stride Linx leapt at the monstrous heartless. He Brought his hand down in a chopping motion down the middle of the heartless. It stood there for a second before its halves starting to fall to both side. Keoki fell from its grip but Linx caught him. Setting him on the sand Linx looked back into the ocean. It had become a black maelstrom of chaos, more Darkside were coming with even more heartless. He turned to the others, "Go back to the dojo." He add in a uncharacteristic manner, "Believe in your selves and you will find a way." He turned to the oncoming Heartless. He new the dojo would be no safe haven for them, but They can't reach the full potential and there destiny if he is protecting them all the time. He stretched his arms for the battle ahead.

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Sacred Harbor

Sacred Harbor by Victim

The native world of Juno, Renatus, and Trista. This beautiful island seems pure and untouched by darkness.

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Keoki
Character Portrait: Renatus
Character Portrait: Linx
Character Portrait: Trista


Character Portrait: Trista

"There will always be more than one path to get us where we are going."

Character Portrait: Linx

Watches over the hopefull (Co-gm)

Character Portrait: Renatus

"Don't test me! I'm fine right where I am."

Character Portrait: Keoki

"I don't belong here...I feel...Lost in the darkness..."


Character Portrait: Renatus

"Don't test me! I'm fine right where I am."

Character Portrait: Trista

"There will always be more than one path to get us where we are going."

Character Portrait: Keoki

"I don't belong here...I feel...Lost in the darkness..."

Character Portrait: Linx

Watches over the hopefull (Co-gm)

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Trista

"There will always be more than one path to get us where we are going."

Character Portrait: Keoki

"I don't belong here...I feel...Lost in the darkness..."

Character Portrait: Linx

Watches over the hopefull (Co-gm)

Character Portrait: Renatus

"Don't test me! I'm fine right where I am."

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Sacred Harbor

Sacred Harbor by Victim

The native world of Juno, Renatus, and Trista. This beautiful island seems pure and untouched by darkness.

Sacred Harbor

The native world of Juno, Renatus, and Trista. This beautiful island seems pure and untouched by darkness.

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Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I been PMing Eternity since she stopped posting. Nothing.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Remake it as close to this one as possible. I'm going to post the same plot, then if Eternity hasn't replied, I'll wait for a new Mystic (more like rope one of my friends into it or something *shrug*). After that, I'll start at a similar point. If we go at the same speed we started out with, then it shouldn't take all too long to get to the Heartless attack again. Now if Eternity returns, then we can just start from where we left off.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Are you going to remake it to the letter, or something?

The SeeD RP is a Final Fantasy VIII RP I made a little over a year ago. It's had its slow points but it hasn't died, yet. By far my most successful RP. It's full though, so I wouldn't bother asking to join.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I'm in. LETS DO THIS!!!

oh and what SeeD rp may I ask?

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I was once in a KH rp that actually survived for awhile. But, the circumstances for this one's ending are far more sad than simple laziness or being busy. Turns out someone broke into Victim's house and stole the computer. He hasn't been hanging out on Maple Story, he's been twiddling his thumbs and watching TV. He couldn't post if he wanted to.

I asked if he could give me his password so I could GM in his absence, but he never responded, so I don't think it's gonna happen. :(

If ya'll want to retry this rp, I would recreate it so as to GM it myself- getting input from Victim via text- I would, but that depends on whether or not ya'll wanna try again. Proto knows I'm not one to just drop a roleplay, at least I know he knows I'm clinging to the SeeD rp like a Raccoon to a shiny coin. So what's the vote?

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I'm still here, EikouNekoChan I think is still here, victim...I don't know, Eternity...I don't know.

If you are to, post Proto and lets give it a little more lime.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

The RP died before really going anywhere, didn't it? Should've known better than to think a Kingdom Hearts RP would actually get off the ground. They never do.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I have a idea. Poke him with a cattle prod. That can get any one or thing moving.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Well, if I could peel Victim away from Maple Story long enough to pay any attention...*sighs* I should PM ya'll his cell # or somethin so that ya'll can bug him too. I'm about to start texting him every hour.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I don't know. I PMed her but no repley. I think we should treat her like Kairi and place her to the side for now.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Is Eternity not coming back? Her response is the only thing keeping me from posting.

If she's not coming back, then how do we go about moving on without her? Since we kind of need Trista to complete our little circle.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I have posted. I apologize for not posting for sometime. I could go over all that happened but it simpler to just say I'm sorry.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Give me a bit to post first please.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Should I respond with Juno dashing into the woods searching for Keoki? That's basically been the only thing stumping me as far as posting goes.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Glad you're back. After a few people post, I'll be right on top of things again. I just don't want to continually go back and forth. lol

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

aaahhh sorry i haven't been here for a while! TAKS testing, that the exiting grade level test for us in Texas. :3

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

The thought just occurred to me:

Linx's name has an X in it... he's gonna turn out to be a Nobody isn't he?

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

I am sorry for the wait. A combination of other small stuff and wanting to do this right. Man, I hope I did this right.

Re: [OOC] Kingdom Hearts: Dawning Star

Now I remember why I tried to a avoid Tabs... too many issues. If you ask me, they could have given it more time to work out the bugs before introducing it, but oh well.

At least joining a Tab isn't nearly as annoying as starting one. *shudders*