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Konoho Village

Konoho Village


I want this roleplay to be one on one Preferably female. I do not and REPEAT DO NOT do multi-paragraphed roleplays. It will be of my character, Zanven to whatever you have. We will message and create the basis.

992 readers have visited Konoho Village since Zanven Serpentheim created it.


The story line is how we make it. I don't care. Zanven's story: Zanven's story is particularly a sad story. ANoble by nature, and growing up..His family slaughtered at a young age. His entire land plunged and slandered by ivading people. He was left alone at the ripe young age of five. His sister, mother, father and brother killed, raped and stolen of their lives. So, being such a young boy Zaven was able to warp, wrap and unsue hisself into a survival mode of a theif, plunger and a criminal. He did what he had to do to make sure he could survive. Day by day, Zaven created himself an image of a sadistic child, with maschoistic tendancies. Yet, soft to some aspects not much could be said. Claiming so to have no heart, which by means could be true. The boy Zaven had to let go of emotions. Now a age of twenty, fifteen years later. He had allowed himself to grow. Wars he fought, battles he won; scarred claimed his form. A patch over his right eye, and scars that had taken form on his body. He made a image of himself, which he kept up quite nicely. With such a horrible past, he could not but harden his heart to a shriveling black stone of nose use. He held himself up with his own strengths. Training himself day in and day out with karate, and other forms of martial arts. Plus, sheer strength that he weilded.And a small group of rebels against the armies of Athersland. They could pilfer, and rape of those richer. One thing saved by the fire, which would be a sword. A sword, single and brillant. It was a prized position, because of it was his Fathers.
Zanven is a vampiric, very old kind. I don't really care for what we do. I am able to roleplay of any level, any nature and any situation.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
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Isabella, also known as Jack by a few people, yawned a bit as she walked through the hall. She was headed towards the dining hall for a midnight snack. She paused when she heard a small creak, looking around to see if anyone had caught her. She internally gave a sigh when no one appeared and continued stalking through the halls. She reached the kitchen and got a small piece of leftover cake. She then went through the back door of the kitchen, sighing when she felt the cool night air hit her and her dress. She finished the cake and placed the plate on the ground

Jack pulled a pair of green slippers from a small box hidden in a rose bush. She slipped them on and walked through the back gate, looking from side to side. She turned and silently closed it, locking it with the key that she kept on a chain around her neck. She then started at a slow trot, heading towards the town park. She looked into an alley as she passed it out of habit, regretting it immediately. A pair of eyes stared back at her before the world went back.

When Jack awoke, she had a massive headache. She groaned and held her head before realizing where she was. She was laying in a pitch black room, though after a bit she could see a few things. She saw a door and walked over to it, testing to see if it was locked. She tried twisting the handle, but it didn't turn at all. "Damn, it's locked." She then looked around the room, finding only a bed and a sink with a mirror above it. She knew there was a toilet somewhere, but she already had a plan. She tore a bit of cloth off of the bottom of her dress and wrapped it around her fist, drawing it back and then punching the mirror with force. It easily broke, leaving several shards of glass in it's break.

Jack picked up the largest piece she could find with her wrapped up hand, hearing some shuffling from outside the door. She ran over to it and stood against the wall to it's side, a small smirk on her face. The door opened a and a man came through with a questioning look on his face. Before he even said anything, she stabbed him in the stomach with the glass. He fell to the ground and she burst out of the doorway, running as fast as she could. Several others chased after her, but she slipped through obstacles easily. She finally reached a door and burst through it, finding herself in a run down part of town.

Jack kept running, panting and trying to find her way while still holding the bloody piece of mirror.


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From the shadows the man known as Zanven watched. His form was crouched, hidden. A smirk found unto his pale lips. A soft shake of his cranium, black locks found themselves swishing side-to-side. Eyes finding themselves upon the ground. Himself perched on a unknown position, continuing to watch. Making a move only when he felt the need to do so. " Pitiful humans and their inability to confine such a wench.". His form continueing to have found himself upon the perched area. The male's behind the girl, shouting obsene slanderings of the female. All heard was " DIRTY WENCH, ILL GET YOU AND RAPE YOU. YOU'LL BE SORRY I SWEAR TO YOU YOU'LL BE SORRY. " A smirk, finding this rather funny. He, however had no part in this escapade that lay across his visage.

Finding that if he could capture the girl, he could hold her for some random money. Thusly the male lifted his boots, lithely launching himself off the undisclosed position. Small clanks of the crosses that lay to attack the sides of his boots with small clanks. Eyes found and honed the girl, deeply having her within his visage. Allowing the cloak he doned to have incircle the girl. His form had created a darken cicular dome that had quickly consumed the female's entire format.

His hands launched, grabbing ahold of the female's arms pulling them behind her and kept them interlocked; much like a police officer would incarurate a felon. He was obviously much larger then she was, and more built for something. A girl, just small and weak and helpless. This had buffled a laugh from his chest. A smirk laid still across his lips-even though the scent of the girl was repulsive. Her touch, send tiny eletric shocks up hisbody making him want to throw her aside and remove himself from her presence. He couldn't stomach the girl, hating human life as if it meant nothing to him. As if he wasn't human once.

Quickly tying the female's hands together, and shrouding her visage with a satchel. He took off running to the east, the unmatched sprint of his form left the three bumbling idiots in a wake of confusion. His body was moving fast, yet he remained rather calmly suited for something of a spring picture. Several miles within the vilage's form, nearest the outer land of the southern domain. The male stopped the sprint, throwing the female off to the tree. Knocking her against it, and allowing her to fall.

Sitting down, the male watched. A knee upward, arched whilst the other leg lay forward normally. A sigh, shaking his head." Now, why in the HELL did I capture some filthy wench. I should;ve let them capture her, and rape her. That would've been fun to watch." His eyes bore, cold and caculated upon the female whom would squirm upon the ground which she lay. He got up, dusting off the cloak to which consumed his identity. Only taking several strides-Having been a few meters away from her form where he had thrown her. Getting up, he took ahold of the clothing and ripped it upward effectively taking ahold of her.

She dangled some inches from the ground, as he spoke" Wench, thy name!" A disemboweled smirk formed upon his lips, his facial expressiont hat of sadistic delight. The girl, meant for nothing but sex, and slavery; to which he honed completely. But she was utterly repulsive, as if she came into this world only to disgust him. For him to be completely and utterly in hate for the girl. He was beside himself in curiousity, of course. But this, would not have been shared with someone he had just met. Though..Those to live to hear his tales, soon had been his breakfest.

His form came across a bit more, not keeping the girl locked against a tree. The satchel, still concealing her visage. But if anything, if she did know how to keep ahold of her senses. The obvious sounds of the tree's swaying in the wind, the small animals scurrying across the ground. Crackling of twigs being trampled on-She'd know that they were in the woods. Where? I have no doubt she'd not know. However, his village-rather the village to where he has stayed for many centuries was not a mystery to him. Places found, hidden, rejected by the world. These, were the key areas to where he had lay dormat for now.

But this time, now he hadn't. For some reason he had scaled the city looking for something-A scent. Why? The male was completely confused.


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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
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Jack's first reaction was to the small clank of someone coming nearer. It obviously wasn't one of the kidnappers, who she was getting annoyed with because of their stupid yelling. She dropped the glass sharp, but her eyes went wide when she was suddenly surrounded by black. Am-am I blacking out again? Her answer was quickly answered when something grabbed her arms and restrained them behind her back, causing her to give a small squeak. I'm being kidnapped again! She heard a laugh from seemingly all around before her hands were tied up and she was put into a bag-like object. She was breathing heavily, fearing for her life. This is the end... She felt herself moving quickly in the satchel.

Jack screamed as she was practically launched forward and her whole body hit a large object. She squirmed, barely hearing a man's voice speaking about her. She was both scared and angry, still squirming and trying to get out of her bonds. She felt herself being suddenly jerked upward. "Wench, thy name!" She shook more with anger. She wanted to know who it was that had kidnapped her, but at the same time she didn't. This man had captured her so easily, so he wasn't human. She quivered as she spoke quietly, not wanting to speak her real name to this stranger. "J-j-jack, sir." She felt the hold loosen a bit so she wasn't pinned against the tree. She had a small plan to escape as fast as she could. Considering the man that held her captive, she would only have a slim chance.


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Desolate fool! Why must you lie? Thy Name wench?! " Came a reply from the male, his fingers taking ahold of her neck considerably launching his fingers to incorpuate the pain of his surrounding digits about her. Effectiovely cutting her air intake in half. A snarl escaping his lips, only the sound of the small clanks of his boots witht he crosses. The musty smell of dank dirt surrounded his nostrils, only masking a small small portion of the putrid smell the female gave off. Why shouldn't I just rape her, kill her and then eat her? What in the hell is stopping me?!

He hadn't know what was stopping him, but having the female pinned against the tree's form once more. Her form squirming beneath the ground to which she had not touched. It gave him a sense of relief, having been the huntee attacked by the hunter. In this case, she was his meal. And she was the huntee. A snarl escaped through his lips, a notable exhale through his nostrils had aquired somewhat of a distasteful smell throughout his body.

His form took ahold of the locks of the female, tossing her against drift wood. A large, cannon-like tree stump. One stride, and he was already upon her; taking and utilizing rope to confine her to this tree stump. His hands invading her neck, and smirked. He pushed aside her hair, softly kissing upon the girl's neck. Making soft notions before a large gashing bite-However not fatal, just a flesh wound really. But the way he had done it had formed large amounts of blood to spill only to be closed up again by a trickle of his saliva.


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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
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Jack gasped as his fingers enclosed around her neck, cutting off most of her air. Added to the suffocation was extreme pain from the way he dug his fingers into her neck. She knew she would no doubt have to deal with red marks leftover when and if she escaped. She flinched as he snarled, the most of her remaining courage leaving right then and there. She wanted, no needed, to breath. In a few gasps, she managed to speak. "A-alright... my n-name is Persephone! P-please let me go!" She would do anything to have a small chance to break free, even present a million fake names. She squirmed under his hold, feeling the blood rushing to her head.

Jack gave a short, deep breath as he let go of her neck, but she wasn't free just yet. She yelped as he grabbed her hair and threw her against a stump, easily walking over and securing her to it with a rope. She flinched as his hands touched her throat again, thinking that he was going to choke her again. She pinched her lips together as he pushed aside her hair and kissed her neck. Closing her eyes, she shivered. I-I'm going to be raped...

Jack immediately opened her eyes and gasped when he bit into her neck, feeling a lot of pain from just the bite. She looked to him with her eyes. He's a vampire?! She felt her own blood run down her neck, but the flow stopped when she felt his saliva touch the wounds. She was breathing heavily, whispering to herself. "I'll never ask to leave home again... not if this is the pain that ensues." She bit her lip, causing a small cut to form on it from the pressure.


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A smirk crawled across his lips. Blood trickled down the side of the corner of his lip. His form crouched beside her, as he looked at the female. Smirking. I'm going to have fun with her. His eyes looking at the girl, and then gave another laugh. He pushed her hair across the side, and sensually letting his hand trickle down her breasts groping a bit more of it and his hand trailed down to her hips giving a yank. Forcing a sadistic laugh, the male pushed against the female once more.

Mm. Looks like I have some fresh meat..I wonder how you taste, and feel." The male said through a snarl. His eyes fixated upon the female, watching her with a grin. He leaned forward. The blood had dried somewhat a bit on her neck, the wind had caught her blood and created a some-what cagulated blood trail. His hand brushed her hair aside, again and smirked. Now patting her head, as he took some steps aside.

Some feet from the stump where she had been tied down, he took out some kindling. He began to construct a small fireplace. Several minutes later, the fire wa slit. The sun had died some half hour ago, and the darkness was becoming one with them. The icy chill of the forest floor had consumed the female, rather then himself. Being of cold blood, he need naught the pleasure of coldness. Or anything else, watching. Shaking his head, he went to the girl and poked her thigh with his boot. What is thy name, wench? You lie one more time."


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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
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Jack watched the man with fear as a smirk crawled onto his face, even as a stream of blood left the corner of his lip. He had crouched down to her level with a laugh. She gave a small whimper as he pushed aside her hair before letting his hand stream down and grope her breasts. She gasped as he forced himself on her with a sadistic laugh. She was on the verge of tears and closed her eyes. I don't want to be raped! What did I do to deserve this fate?! She opened her eyes wide as he whispered to her, his eyes fixated on her. Her lips pinched together and her eyes closed as her hair was brushed aside again, though she gasped in surprise when she felt a pat on her head and his presence left her body.

Jack opened her eyes, a single tear streaming down her cheek. He had walked over and started a fire, which was when she noticed how cold it was. She shivered, the fire only helping a bit. She looked at him as he walked up to her, his boot poking her thigh as he spoke. "What is thy name, wench? You lie one more time." She took a deep breath, having been holding her breath for a while. "P-p-please believe me. My name really is Jack. I could go into town, and the people there would call me Jack. I'm telling the truth!" She said the last bit with desperation, knowing that she wasn't really lying. She herself considered her name to be Jack because people really did call her it. She didn't want to say her real name, in truth, because then he would probably give her back for ransom. Then, after it was all settled, she would never see the light of day again unless she found a slim chance to sneak out.

Jack felt a few more tears fall from her eyes from this thought. She closed them, speaking in a whisper. "You have to believe me."


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Tell me wench..And this, I will refer to you from now on. Do you think I am to rape you? Or have sexual pleasurings with you? Do you think I could do this? Speak clearly, and think hard about it. The wrong answr may or may not depend on the situation at hand. I assure you of this." The male spoke, as he inquistively gazed down from the height he had upon the girl. The sadistic grin still lay across his pale lips, whilst his eyes gave an ominious look about it. His form was ready, kinda crouched and bent at the knees. As if knowing something may or may not happen, but he'd be ready for it.

His eyes still glued upon the female's own. The smirk had only grew at the sight of the spilling tears. Fingers still tantazling fromt he grope of the female's breasts, soft and lucious in bountiful size. His eyes gazed over the female, as if a lion would over his prey. The blood was licked away silently, whilst savouring the taste. As if the finest of wine could imagine. The girl was truly a treat, and knowing full ware that she was at his mercy. He could do whatever it he pleased.

The knowledge of this only increased the joy that sprouted through his sadistic smile and grin. Now, awaiting the female's reply to his previous question.


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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
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Jack let the last few tears fall before answering him. "W-well, I know you could r-rape me if you wanted to, considering the ease with which you captured me and restrained me. B-but then again, if you had wanted to you would've already. Or you could just be savoring this moment, seeing that sadistic smile." She gulped, almost afraid to speak her next theory. "O-or I could just be a blood bag to you. Y-you seemed to love that trickle of blood you licked off." She pinched her lips together, not wanting to speak anymore in fear of her last theory.

Jack saw as his smirk grew with her tears, as he looked over her like a girl would look over a sunday dress, as his sadistic smile became... annoying? A little anger entered her soul, but it was enough to overcome her fear and speak. "Don't call me wench! My name isn't wench, or Isabella Drakon, or even Izzy! My name is Jack!" She quickly shut up, her eyes going wide as she realized what she said. "I-I-I..." She was at a loss of words, her anger floating away in a second as fear overtook again.


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A smirk had efell his lips, and the outburst only gave him reason to brutually hit the female. Which he had. His hand had came down, striking across her cheek roughly enough t create a small incision and blood to be trickled with the force and roughness he had given within the smack. His eyes droned on the female, and his smile was more of a fruitful annoying frown. Brows furrowing a bit more to allow his anger only to be proven, and shown even more so then usual.

" Anymore words to be spoken? I have plenty of ideas to do to yoou, wench." The male spoke, watching and awaiting the answer.


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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
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Jack's eyes were now full of fear as a frown replaced the smirk. She flinched as he slapped her, giving a small scream from the pain. She looked back to him, tears threatening to flow out of her eyes again. She could feel blood on her cheek as she noticed his facial expression. Furrowed eyebrows, the frown, it all pointed to him being angry. She gave a small whimper and shook her head as he spoke. She replied in an almost silent whisper. "N-no sir. I-I'm sorry..." Her body was shaking with fear. Fear of what would become of her.


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A distasteful spat was forced through his finely lit lips. His eyes drawn to the female, as he pivoted and turned on his heel. Padding some inches, almost half a foot beofre reaching the fire. He crouched down, taking in the heat of it. It was warm, and then cold around them. It was eerie. His eyes drawn to the female once more, and in thought he lost himself thinking of what all exactly he should or could do to th girl. Set her free? Nah,. Rape her? Nah. Play with her? That's a great possibilty, of course. It was all flooding within his mind, thoughts of what coul dor couldn't be done to a girl mericifully tied and bending to his every whimn.

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Character Portrait: Isabella Drakon
Character Portrait: Zanven Serpenthiem


Character Portrait: Zanven Serpenthiem
Zanven Serpenthiem

A noble when a child, bitten by a vampiric being when young. Left to fiend himself, and hidden for many of centuries.


Character Portrait: Zanven Serpenthiem
Zanven Serpenthiem

A noble when a child, bitten by a vampiric being when young. Left to fiend himself, and hidden for many of centuries.

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Character Portrait: Zanven Serpenthiem
Zanven Serpenthiem

A noble when a child, bitten by a vampiric being when young. Left to fiend himself, and hidden for many of centuries.

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Re: [OOC] Konoho Village.

I'd be glad to take the other position! I'm thinking, just for the storyline, a nobel girl who wants to be free but her parents restrain her. Early on in the roleplay, maybe even first post, she is basically kidnapped. That could set up how they meet. :)

[OOC] Konoho Village.

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