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Mixedblood Kinds

Mixedblood Kinds


1x1 between myself and Diane_Young

1,155 readers have visited Mixedblood Kinds since tatteredbutterfly236 created it.



Demons vs Angels, the cliché ways, but this time it a bit.... different.
Seventeen years ago the forbidden happened. An angel and demon fell in love, the woman found out she was pregnant a year later and soon after gave birth to a mixed blood. The secret is out that there is a rare child, that should be killed, the little girl only a few months old is taken and tried to be put to the human world. In the process her mother and father died and it is actually the devil himself that places the child into the home of an aunt and abusive uncle. Skip forward to when the child is four years old, she meets a little boy, a demon, who later is forced to hunt her down. She has her mind erased to forget everyone, and everything she knew. Now she is reaching her sixteenth birthday, and the boy, reaching his seventeenth, has finished his training but yet still remembers the girl from the childhood but has been told to keep it away from her. Soon the Girl will have her powers. The very dangerous demon-Angel hybrid ones. This is their story.


Demons, they have the darker forms of magic. They can create balls of black to throw at the angels and it hurts them, a lot, they have fangs, tan skin, they run fast, jump at long lengths to appear to be 'flying'. They are usually mesmerizingly beautiful or handsome to humans. The can manipulate the atoms around them to manifest, or make things come from thin air, whatever they want. Most are sadistic, handsome/beautiful, aggnorant, teasing, and unfortunately flirty. They can have red eyes, but that is even known to appear to humans as brown.



Angels, they are very different from demons... but not by much actually.
they possess the white magic of the world. Their balls of light become a blinding white light that damages demons and their life force. They are usualy pale, very pale, they have silver, appearing to be blue to humans, eyes. They have blonde or white hair most commonly, they are elegant, graceful, and beautiful creatures. They can manifest as well, they usually have a kind personality. yet they can be very unpredictable.


*No G-modding
*No trolling
*no one liners
*be descriptive
*have buckets of fun!(bad homestuck pun)

Character Sheet

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[b]Demon or Angel (as if you even have a choice lol sorry not funny...): [/b]

[b]Brief personality;[/b]


[b]Brief physical description;[/b]


[b]Brief history;[/b]


[b]Extra;[/b] (Anything else you'd like to add?)

[b]Theme song;[/b] (Optional)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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I sit in the very back of the class room, under the flickering light. It was Mid-November and next week was thanksgiving weekend. I pull my black hood that is attached to my black hoodie over my head, and look down at my notebook. Already there were little doodles over the page where I was originally supposed to be taking notes, a good thing the class hadn't started yet. Well it was a good thing until the torment arose again. Lindsey walked over to where I sat and looked at me like how a snake watches her prey, disgusting. Her freshly manicured nails tapped on my desk, I looked at my fingernails, chewed down, It was a nervous habit I had and quite frankly I had been having more worries enter my mind. I had built up a mental shield by know so that way words wouldn't hurt me anymore. "Hey Fuckface." She called over to me, I ignored her looking away, her sharp nails grabbed my face and turned it towards her. Her face was in a snarl "Bitch listen here, we are tired of you here at school. You don't belong here freak." She slaps my face and walks back to her clique. The Teacher walks in briskly, Mr. Jennings is the social studies teacher, and my favorite teacher. He has a loud booming, voice. "Good Morning class!" He says cheerfully. "Today we have ourselves a brand new student! His name is Mika Arrents!" The boy walked into the class room. "Okay everyone stare at him now so you don't do it later!" He laughs in a rumbling tone. "Mr. Arrents you can take the empty desk next to...." 'Please don't say my name, please don't say my name!' I pray quietly in my head " Miss. Rather." He points to me and I duck my head down. 'Shit, so much for that...' I think to myself. Lindsey starts to whine "But Mr. Jennings why would Mika want to sit near a loser like Chase?" I silently groan and roll my eyes 'Dose she every shut up?' I think.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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Mika stepped into the classroom, rather lazily and made took a long glance around the room. Same shit, different place. He rolled his eyes at the thought and laughed to himself at the pathetic young girls who couldn't get over themselves and realize that there was a bigger reality outside of high school drama. When Mr. Jennings pointed to a girl who seemed to duck her head in response, he could easily recognize that she was probably the one the other girls picked on. And of course, one of the other girls confirmed that just thereafter. He rolled his eyes once more, and strode to the seat next to her with his backpack hanging off one of his shoulders.

After a brief pause, Mika glanced at the doodles on the girl's notebook next to him and he smiled to himself. He slumped down into his seat that was just a bit too small for his frame and tossed his backpack to the side. He leaned back in his seat, kicking his feet up on the back end of the desk behind him. He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the teacher go on with the day's lesson, not hearing a single word of it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK


I hear Mika as he sits down in the desk beside me, i don't look up 'Just another person to join in with the laughing..' is all i could think. I looked back up slowly as the teacher begin to talk about projects, for our social studies class. "You will choose your own partners and pair up to create a recreation of a Shakespeare scene in any of the plays. You will create it through the following but not limited to: Drawings, Diary entries, Skits," 'Yeah right" i think to myself rolling my eyes. "or whatever else your tiny minds can fathom!" Mr. Jennings ended. I sighed and leaned back in my chair 'Great! another project done alone..." i muttered the last part under my breath. I looked around the room, everyone was giggling and chatting attempting to get a partner. Lindsey turned back to me and gave me a sly grin, she got up and went over to Mika. 'Why would I care?' I thought to myself.
She looked at him and grinned before twirling her hair "Heyy Mika...." she grinned at him, "So, you wanna be partners?" she giggled.
'Uhg, Really? She is going to do that sickly sweet stuff?' i thought as I rolled my eyes. My curiosity got the best of me and I glanced over to see how he was reacting. my jaw dropped and i quickly shut it. 'Red Eyes?!' i couldn't help but to thinks. This was weird. I should ask him about it... If i got the chance. My own silver and red eyes blinked. I looked back down at my note book and started to write and scribble out ideas.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

Mika let out a heavy sigh at the thought of having to do a group project. He'd much rather work on it alone. He tilted his head back and rolled his eyes up at the ceiling. His distraction caught the best of him until he heard a girl start talking to him. Lazily, he tilted his head back down to reality and caught sight of a well-polished girl before him, twirling her hair flirtatiously and asking to be his partner for the new assignment. He casually ran a hand through his hair, as some sort of a tease before he let out a small chuckle. Leaning forward in his seat, causing the pair to be in rather close contact, he reached up and twirled a lock of her hair with a cunning smile.

"Darling," He started as he leaned back into his seat, tugging on her her hair gently as he did so. "It's best you find your seat before you embarrass yourself any further." He dropped her hair with a flick of his wrist, disgust on his face. "I have a partner, and sweetie, even if I hadn't I'd pick the teacher himself over you." He said before ignoring her presence completely and turning to the girl next to him. He saw her look at him when Lindsey came over, and was quite amused at it. Scooting his desk closer to hers in a fluid motion, he snatched the notebook from her desk and started looking at the doodles with more interest.

"So. Got any ideas on this project yet?" He asked, sending a sideways glance her way, his smile more honest and interested than before with Lindsey. He set the notebook back down in front of her, then pulled out his own along with a pen. His notebook wasn't a regular class notebook, but rather a sketchbook. He flipped open to the first blank page he found, and started to draw the outlines of the girl's facial structure just from memory. "I was thinking maybe a cartoon, you know, like those things in the newspapers…a comic strip." He said as he tilted his head just enough to catch another glance at her before drawing in her hair around the outline of her face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

I went into a small shock as i heard Mika turn down the partnership with Lindsey 'She deserved it.' He continued on to say that I was his partner my jaw dropped but i quickly shut it. In my flustered state I barely registered that he was reaching for my notebook until it was to late. On that page in particular i had drawn scenes from Shakespeare's 'Macbeth', but in the middle of the page i had drawn to big red eyes.

'Oh shit oh shit oh shit...' I thought to myself as he was looking over it. He finally handed it back and questioned me on the project. Finally i managed to talk. "I was thinking a simple sketch or comic strip from.. Well Macbeth.. It was one of the more interesting shakespearian plays written on how...." I trailed off shutting my big mouth that would end me up in the loser zone for eternity. I finally looked over at him trying to avoid looking at his red eyes "What do you think?" I questioned attempting to see whatever he was sketching. After a few seconds I gave up, Knowing he probably dosen't want me to see anything personal of his.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

Mika continued to draw an outlined sketch of her as she spoke. His mind however, was on the drawing of the red eyes in her notebook. He refused to let it phase him, knowing that it was a conversation not meant for the classroom. "What do you think?" He thought a lot that was for sure, and all of the words that she had spoken just before her question never made it into his thick head. He blinked a few times, recalling the project that they were assigned and assumed that it was about that. He sat up, moving his hands away from the drawing, leaving it in plain sight as he looked around the room.

"As much as I just happen to love Shakespeare, I'd much rather get this crap over with. So whatever is the quickest..." He trailed off as he sent a sideways glance towards her. There was a brief moment of pause before a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I've never been too fond of this school thing, and the social classes that reside in it." He said as his eyes shot over to Lindsey. "Let's play a game." He started then raised a small finger to point at the girl he had rejected just moments ago.

"What would her life be like if we took away all of the things that made her the more 'popular' student?" He asked as he leaned more towards Chase. He could care less about the assignment they should be working on, and more on the mild conversation. He'd been through enough educational systems, always moving about, that after the last one there was no care in the world left for him. School wasn't a priority, especially how they taught lessons nowadays. Nothing relating to what students should really know. He pushed the thought aside as his gaze shifted back to Chase.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

I looked at him with a confused look, after a few minutes I said. "Wouldn't She Just Be a Soul? Everything about her is popular, take that away and she is just..." Absentmindedly I just trailed off again looking at Lindsey. I never really like Lindsey, but never really hated her. I don't really feel hate for many people, Honestly I just hate my uncle. Looking down I glanced over at his desk, the drawing was in plain sight. It was a drawing of... me... I blinked a few times not really being fazed. I looked back up at him, "Why out of any question did you ask that?" I glanced over at the clock, only ten minutes of class were left. Although it was winter the school stayed really hot inside. I didn't want to take my jacket off, but it would seem weird if I didn't. Lots of people don't even take a jacket to school.
I pulled off my hoodie leaving me in just a plain blue shirt. I hated taking my hoodie off, it showed my life with my uncle at home. I looked back at Mika still waiting for him to give her an answer to her question.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

Mika couldn't help but to see markings on Chase when she had removed her sweatshirt, but he immediately glanced back down at his notebook before glancing up at the clock. "Idle conversation." He started, as he sat forward in his chair, closing his notebook and dropping it into his backpack. He blinked a few times, knowing that despite the fact that he didn't want to be a complete ass, he didn't want to press on the conversation any longer than need be.

"Let's continue this project later, yes?" He asked, hoping that it would be a clear hint that he was over the conversation. He had said it quietly enough that no one around them would hear. With that comment, however, he rose and pulled his backpack from the floor. Tossing it over his shoulder, he started towards the front of the room towards the teacher. He leaned over the desk where Mr. Jennings sat and mumbled something before leaving the classroom.

As soon as he got into the hallway, he couldn't help but to smile. He had a study hall next, which meant he could go into the courtyard and enjoy the winter air. He didn't mind the cold, nor the snow, and found it rather peaceful since no one ever seemed to want to go out of their way to be in the cold weather. He made his way just a few classrooms down, finding his bay of lockers and started to unlock it. He flipped the door open, and started to tug notebooks from his backpack to shove them into the metal box.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

I watched as Mika quickly ended our conversation and made a hasty retreat for the classroom door. He left and I packed my bag, the bell rang and I moved my messenger bag throwing it over one shoulder. I left the classroom and walked through the halls to my locker, I had science next period. I opened my locker and shoved my bag inside the cold grey locker. I walked to my science class feeling a bit dizzy. Today we had to draw blood and examine it. I shuddered. I stepped into the classroom, most of the kids were already inside messing with the syringes. About six minutes later everyone was settled in and we were to take the blood. One kid began, little strains of red shot up the needle into the capsule. I bit my tongue to try to keep myself focused. I could smell the blood. Black orbs began to dot around my vision and the bright lights became brighter.

I bit down harder instill a rush of what tasted like metallic rust filled my mouth. I got up and ran out running to a bathroom throwing the blood up in a toilet. My blood was different from everyone else's, Mine was a violet color not quiet the normal red, I flushed the blood down the toilet. I went to the sink wiping my mouth and washed my hands. I walked out into the halls. There was at least fifty-five minutes of class left, and there was no way I could go back. I walked down the hallways until I reached an old never used classroom. I window screen was missing, 'perfect' I thought to myself running into the classroom. I unlatched the window and opened it. I stuck my head out and smiled a little as the cold air brushed my pale cheeks. I looked over to the right, there was a fire escape ladder. I grinned and slowly began to climb onto the ladder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

It had only been a couple periods into the day, but it was already boring the living hell out of Mika. He had managed to make his way outside, sitting on a bench he had brushed snow off of. It was just underneath a tree that faced part of the High School. He had pulled out a book, and had been reading it when he saw a window open. There she was, Chase. He watched her for a moment before he realized that she was trying to climb out of the window and onto the fire escape ladder that was just off to the side. He blinked a few times, pondering why exactly she was climbing out of the window. There were doors... He chuckled at the thought, knowing that he was the type of person to defiantly waltz right out of the building without a second thought. He assumed her outlook was a little different since she was climbing out of the window.

After another moment or two of watching her, he set his book down on top of his backpack that was resting in the snowy part of the bench. Mika rose, and started over towards where the base of the ladder was. When he reached the area, he crossed his arms over his chest with an amused grin stretching across his face. "What has you crawling out of windows, only during second period?" He called up at her with a smile, although he kept a watchful eye on her movements.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

I froze hearing my name feeling that I had finally been caught. I looked down below me and saw Mika with an amused grin. I brushed some hair out of my face and put a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. I started climbing again the cold air helping me breathe. It puzzled me for a second as to why he would be outside like that but the thought quickly passed as I realized my current situation looked weirder. I shifted all my weight to my left foot, that was on a rusted, red paint chipped rung, I reached out to pull myself up. Then the rung my foot was on broke. I felt my fingertips graze the rung I had been reaching for only a few seconds ago. I scrambled to get hold of a rung, or anything for that matter. My hands and feet searched for something to catch myself. my hand caught a rung and the falling stopped. I sighed in relief I started climbing up again ignoring the stinging on my scraped palms, my knee hurt too. I finally made it to the top and crawled over the protective wall that surrounded the building. I looked down to see if anyone saw the accident.

I didn't see anyone at first which was a good sign, until I realized that the absence of a certain male could only explain the sound of another body, climbing up the ladder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

Making his way up the rest of the ladder, he met her on the roof. "Are you alright?" He asked, his amused grin had been long gone. His eyes scanned her up and down, seeing the scrape on the palm of her hand. His eyes settled there for a moment before flicking up to look meet her stare. He let out a small huff, realizing that climbing up was a little more strenuous that he'd thought. After a moment of his thoughts traveling on without him, he turned to look back down and check to see if his things were still where he had left them. Then, Mika turned to look at her once more.

"What had you climbing out of a window anyways?" He asked with a confused look, noting on a tiny bit of blood on the corner of her mouth. He noticed that the color wasn't the same as the humans, which he had figured since she wasn't human. He stepped closer, moving his hand to touch her cheek. His thumb grazed the corner of her mouth wiping the blood away. "Don't tell me you're a vampire or something." He laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood as he stepped back and wiped the blood off on his jeans. He shoved his hands in his pockets and stood calmly, still trying to even out his breathing as he looked at her. His slightly amused smile returned after a moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

A few minutes later Mika's head appeared at the wall, I stayed still in fear of what could happen next. He stared at me with his odd red eyes. "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded, the stinging would fade soon and honestly, I have been in worse shape than a few scratches before. He looked down towards than the ground then focused his attention to me again.
"What had you climbing out of a window anyways?" I had just begun to move my mouth to answer his question as he touched my face.
I froze, body becoming stiff as Mika touched my cheek. His hands were warm against my cold skin. It was an odd feeling, being touched without getting hurt. I stayed tense half expecting a slap to come. It never did, his hand moved away and I finally relaxed, letting out a breath I realized I had been holding my breath for a while. He wiped the violet blood on his jeans "Don't tell me you're a vampire or something." he said joking. I grinned a little noticing that he was still attempting to catch his breath. His amused smile came back and I crossed my arms. "No, I am not a vampire. For your information I was in science class and the smell of blood is enough to make me pass out. That is why I am such and easy target when it comes to my un-" I abruptly stopped realizing I was giving out information that was not to be spoken. I shook my head turning around. I stepped up onto the top of the wall and walked around a little


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

When Chase cut off, Mika knew not to question it. He figured it would come out eventually at a later time if it was something she wanted to say. On that note, he nodded in understanding as to why she had left class. He watched as she stepped up onto the wall, and started to walk around. After a few moments of silence, Mika let out a huff of air and walked over towards the edge of the wall. He leaned against it with his elbow, imprinting his arm into the snow that rested on top of it. He stared at the white fluff momentarily before looking up at her.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm over this whole... school thing." He mumbled and broke his gaze on her to look back down at where he had been sitting before Chase had made her way to the roof. "I might go get a warm beverage, care to join?" He asked after another long pause. As if he wasn't sure how to ask, which wasn't the case necessarily. He had been taking his time with his words, making each one count. Not that it really mattered, but it was the urge that got him more than anything.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

I nodded at him when he asked if I wanted to go get a drink with him. "Sure." he sounded like he didn't know how to ask. It didn't seem likely that, that was the case here. "Wait," I jumped off the wall landing beside him. I looked at him and studied him for a moment before speaking again. "Why do you have red eyes?" I knew it probably wasn't a topic he wanted mentioned, but curiosity got the best of me. I looked down playing with my almost blue fingers. The cold got me worse than most people. I started to think again, the only other red eyes I knew of were my Uncles. I gasped a little and took a step back. 'If they both have red eyes,' i though to myself 'Does that mean that they would react and act the same way?' I took another step back. Fear filling my already large eyes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chase Character Portrait: Mika Arrents
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0.00 INK

Mika gave her a worried look as she asked about his eyes. He was tempted to just lay it on her, but when she stepped back in fear at a thought that must have crossed her mind, his temptation dissipated. After a moment, he gave her a confused look. "Guess it's just genetics. Weird huh? You'd think that someone with red eyes like me would have white hair and pale skin too right?" He joked with a small laugh before heading over to the ladder. He stopped for a second, looking at her and studying her carefully.

"Is there something wrong with red eyes?" He asked before starting the descent. Once he was a little over halfway down, he jumped from the ladder and landed rather gracefully in the snow on the ground. He quickly went over to the bench he'd been at before and grabbed his things, slinging his back over his shoulder. He walked back over towards the base of the ladder, watching Chase come down.

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Character Portrait: Chase

"Ah so everyone wants me out to death? Seems legit."


Character Portrait: Chase

"Ah so everyone wants me out to death? Seems legit."

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Character Portrait: Chase

"Ah so everyone wants me out to death? Seems legit."

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