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Resonant Force

Resonant Force


Unknown to all, The Resonator's keep our world safe, in order to bring peace to the world, They halt time in it's tracks. They are the Night Resonators.

852 readers have visited Resonant Force since Rarikou created it.



It is 2013. The technology is the exact same as it is now. We all live normal, peaceful lives. We go to school, we enjoy going out with others. We live, we love, we exist.

But what about the unsung heroes? Those who sacrifice themselves constantly, and no one even thanks them? If it wasn't for them, the Night Resonator s, this world wouldn't be HALF of what it is now. It's understandable.... they fight only in the depths of true darkness, when the resonance of time is still, and not one human is aware when the beings of shadows sweep over all.

The Night Resonators are a group of people dedicated to eliminate the threats of the night. They carry the blood of the ancients, back from when magic was rampaging along the world. Using weaponry created from their own spiritual force, they defend the world from this ever increasing threat, and prevent normal humans from becoming aware that they exist.

To that end, Each Night Resonator has an ability known as Shadow-Resonance: an ability that freezes a set area, halting the movement of time for all but the rarest of people. Of course, The Night Resonator s themselves are immune to this effect, as well as the beasts they hunt.

The enemies they face are grand. It's as if that the books of lore sudden;y split open, and every creature known to man was released. They walk the spaces of frozen time, devouring one soul after another, until they've had their fill. Why would they do this? No one knows for sure... they do not need souls to survive... so it's as if they were waiting for something to happen by accomplishing this.


The Plot

A band of Night Resonator s are dispatched to Risakin City, after hearing reports of several beasts roaming the city. These have to be carefully sniffed out, and eliminated. But, It's not as simple as that anymore. It's clear they're working to some goal, and they coordinate their movements. They even disguise themselves as humans. This will NOT be easy.

To combat this, some of our agents decided it would be best to infiltrate a place common for gossip and rumors: school. However, only one or two will so: the others carefully watch the city, waiting for a moment to strike.

And what of the normal humans? Sometimes, when coming into direct contact with a Night Resonator , a human becomes blessed with immunity to Shadow Resonance. That means they see everything, they hear everything, they are no longer allowed to live a world full of lies. Will they simply stand, watching for the rest of their lives? Or will the call of The Night Resonator s be too much to resist?


Resonant Force

All Night Resonator s possess the ability to control their own soul force. Most use this to form a weapon that suits their taste. Some use it to move things telepathically. Others can see from far away. The act of doingg any of these is Called Resonant Force. Not many are skilled in multiple forces: it's hard to call out a weapon, AND use another power, so most stick with just weapons.

Another ability that all Night Resonator s Have is known as Soul Sense: they can sense a large, powerful soul from withing in a 1 Mile Radius. This often includes other night Resonator s

One final thing about Resonance is called Absolute Resonance. This peaks your Resonate Force, allowing an enhanced version of it For most, who use weapons, this allows a second ability that consists with your weapon. An example would be the illusion on multiplying the weapon, making it seem like dozens of that same weapon are present. After using Absolute Resonance , most Resonator s collapse from exhaustion.

The System

Night Resonators often work in groups of three and four, and watch each others backs. There are hundreds of resonators, and they travel to wherever the feel they are needed.

There is a main resonator base on every continent, and each one houses a Marshall. These Marshall's sometimes hands out requests to Resonators, and it's their job to grant Titles to new and Upcoming Resonators.

You are not required to accept a request, but the rewards are often worth the trouble. As such, there is no actual leader. Every group of Resonator's have their own rules.

As a Resonator, you will travel far and wide across the world. dealing with any and everything that comes up, and you protect the world. Don't be surprised if you revive a request to go halfway across the world.

Awakened Humans.

These are humans who have, in one way or another, gained the ability stay active during Shadow Resonance. When they come across someone or something, when combat is required, chances are they'll gain the ability to tap into their soul, and unlock their Resonant Force. From there, they have the option of going A Night Resonator Haven, and present themselves to the local Marshall. There, they gain a Title to use for distinguish themselves as a fully fledged Night Resonator.

Character Skeleton.


Night Resonator Title: (All Night Resonators are given a title when they first use their Resonant Force. This is for people who don't know you that well. If you are an Awakened Human, just put 'Awakened Human')

Age (any Age from 16- mid 20's)

Description: (I care little weather it's a picture or not. I'll go either Anime , real, or description.)

Personality: ( I like descriptions, not lists. And I like one or two paragraphs. I also don't like something you'd see on somewhere else. I like originality. It shows you've put some thought into joining this.

Resonant Force: See what a Resonant force is for details. If you want more than one, you better PM, and tell me what two you want, as well as a few ways of combining these forces... and it better be good.)

Absolute Resonance : ( Again, see above)

Bio: ( Include your experience as a Night Resonator , and how you lived before hand. A paragraph or three is nice here.)


1. Makani Remiel (Rarikou)
2. Isis Tuskiyomi by Nekopireprincess
3. reserved for Zane Sapphire
4. Valentine Astares by Zero Reaper

Awakened Humans:

Toggle Rules

1. Liners will be punished. A paragraph or two is desirable
2.) Good grammar, and dedication to this roleplay is a must
3) Respect Thy Comrades
4.) I can change a rule at will
5.) Have fun
6. No godmodding.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Rarikou
It was light outside, and the wind was favorable. As Makani walked walked, he could hear the sounds of children playing in a nearby park. He continued on, pausing for a mere second to take a look around.

It wasn't too bustling, but it was busy enough to see people wandering around, doing the day to day work that could be expected of normal people. His eyes caught schoolgirls running off for high school.

Ofter, he closed his eyes, feeling and hearing for what could normally not be felt or heard. But he was different. He was a Night Resonator. Nothing could be kept hidden from a resonator.

He had chosen to do a solo search around town, leaving the others to do their own thing. It wasn't as if he didn't want to work as a team... he just sometimes felt like doing things on his own.

He placed his hands in his pockets, gripping the letter they held. It wasn't much to go on: 'There has been incidents in Risakin City... Too many to write off. I ask that everyone in your team be dispatched immediately to examine the situation. That is all - Marshall Ryder- The Frigid Wizard.'

That wasn't much... incidents could mean anything, and they had no clues what so ever.

He felt a pounding in his heart, and he looked around. He had felt a soul, one not human, nor one of anyone else he knew. Makani had a feeling that he was getting close to whatever he sought, but he couldn't tell for sure. The only way to confirm was by going to investigate.

This was a gamble: If he got too close, His own soul would be sensed. When that happened, they prey would either run, or engage him in combat. He wasn't really in the mood for a fight, so he would have to be sneaky.

A couple minutes later, he felt he was getting close enough to quickly engage the target. It was disguised as a human, but Makani knew the quickest way to see who was who, His hands moved, creating a quick sign in the air. “Shadow Resonance. Be sealed.” He ordered.

Black threads, invisible to all nearby, wrapped the nearby area up, ore and more, until it completely covered the sky.

A young child, who had been running, halted in place, along with the ball she was playing with. A glass of water was stilled, along with a drop of water in midair. This was Shadow Resonance: a darkness that halted time in it's tracks.

An Old Lady continued walking, until she stopped, realizing that everything had stopped moving. It only now sensed the power around her, and she turned to face Makani. She hissed, and charged Makani.

He narrowed his eyes, flexing his hands, until Hvitrhani appeared in them. He twirled the scythe twice, getting in a ready position.

His opponent was fast, and it's skin was pretty hard, because it stopped Makani's advance. Makiani disengaged, and attacked again, quickly changing to the defensive. He jumped back, quickly pressing a button to retract one of the blades into the pole, and used that end against the building, stopping a collision, and propelling himself against it,. He pressed another button, causing the blade to rocket from the pole, connected to a chain. He quickly scored it, opening the grandmas defenses, and went in for a swing, retracting the chain as he landed.

After nailing a cut, the Grandma stepped in, palming his chest with a force that knocked him back While Makani recovered,

The Grandma raised her hands, and a ball of fire hit the ground, creating a small stream, witch cut off Makani, and he twirled his scythe to deflect a meat clever. The grandma quickly made her escape.

Makani paused, wanting to pursue, but thought better of it. He had a little more information for his group. Now, he needed to get back. Besides, he doubted that was the only beast here.

With a sigh, he snapped, dispelling the resonance, allowing the girl to catch her ball, and he turned around. He had encountered a shade: a shape shifting creature of great skill. He would require back up for this one.


“What is the meaning of this?” Came the voice of a young lady, a hostess for a party. There was a party going on, where 'Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous' were hosting a show on these fine people, here in Risakin City. There was expensive wine, lots of happiness... and a dead body. Naturally, the police were called immediately. Sin just tagged along, after he was called by Detective Meguire, the Inspector who so throughly approved of Sin.

It was a really hard case . The victim was locked up in a room, and it was locked from the inside, and the door hadn't been forced. The gun was still there, as was an electrical box of some sorts.

Sin looked around at the body, confused.... how had the killer gotten in? There was no way he could have climbed in... they were on the third floor, and the door had been locked! The window was open, true...”

A thought struck him, and he looked out the window, guessing the layout of the windows, and hurled himself out, catching a hold of a windowsill, slowing his fall as he caught another one, and then landed on the ground, perfectly okay. 

He looked at the ground close to where he had fallen. There were no footprints... only tire marks.. small, thin ones. At that, Sin's eyes lit up. “I solved it.” He said, speaking into a spear.

“Understood, we'll gather everyone.... let's hope your right.” Detective Meguire said, and Sin nodded, though no one could see him.

“This was a difficult case...” Sin said, looking around, “-and we have had quite a few problems... but it ends here... First of all, the time itself was fabricated.” Sin said, making sure he had everyone's attention,

“There was an electronic box stuck to the window... I'm guessing it's a trigger of sorts , that starts once the window is opened. Attached to the gun was a wire... a short time after the killer escaped, the gun fired...witch would give our killer a solid alibi.... truth was, the victim was already dead before the gun fired... Chances are, he used a silencer before hand. After witch, the killer escaped out the window, and returned to the party.

“But it's too high up.” Detective Meguire said... but then his eyes lit up, “The Floor layout?”
Sin nodded. “I jumped out that window my self, and I found out that you could slow your fall by attempting to grab each window. There's only one person who would know the layout of the house that well... and the tire marks I found only prove my theory... It's the owner, Hotayama Arisa!” He said, pointed at the culprit, a young woman in a wheel chair.

With a nod, he gripped an ice sculpture, and hurled it at her. Reacting, she got up, and jumped out of the way. As she did, a silencer fell from out of her cast.

Sin smiled and stretched, pleased with his success, as well as the picture that would appear on the front of tomorrows newspaper. Another case solved by the famous High School detective.

He sighed, wishing His sister, iris, was here to celebrate his success. He lived alone now, and that was kind of lonely. She had taken after their father, mysteriously disappearing often, without a word. He often wondered what he had been up too, and was now feeling the same about Iris. If he had one clue... ONE, the he could figure it out...

He shook his head, feeling a little hungry, and decided to go in to a nearby noodle store: his favorite, and decided to chow down on some good, old fashioned Ramen pleased with how the day was coming.


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Valentine slid the smooth surface of the diamond against the blade of his halberd. After being satisfied that it was sharp enough, he sheathed it over his back, and clicked on his helmet. The gleaming armour of his Inquisitional uniform glinted against the moonlight, and the carved skulls - the symbol of the Inquisition - cast reflected light around the room.

He stood up, looking off the edge of the rooftop he was sitting on. It wasn't very high; the town he was in wasn't awfully big. He had little idea where he was, truth be told. Somewhere in Europe, he knew that much. He'd simply been dropped off by a helicopter and told his target's location, appearance and combat abilities.

He leapt off, falling the ten-odd metres to the ground and landing with a deep thud. He walked through the streets, Shadow Resonance ensuring that no-one knew of his presence.

His target was in the town church. It took him thirty minutes to reach there, and his mind was blank the whole way. There was nothing of importance to think about.

He arrived, and kicked down the door, the wood splintering with ease. He walked in; the church was completely empty, save for a lone man standing where the Priest would be standing.

The man was about 6'3", with long black hair. It was the red eyes that gave him away, though - a Bloodthirster. One of the more powerful species Valentine had faced; however, they had almost uncontrollable bloodlust in combat. That was Valentine's primary chance.

"I was wondering what they'd send to kill me. So, who are you?" The Bloodthirster asked.

Valentine drew his Halberd, spinning it and getting into a combat stance. "Valentine Astartes of the Inquisition, Ordo Adnihilo." He stated perfectly flatly.

"An Inquisitor, then. I'm flattered that they consider me such a priority." The Bloodthirster said. "Well then, I'd love to stay and chat, but places to go, people to kill. Time to end your life."

"I have the power of the good and holy by my side, Demon. You are but insects beneath the boots of the almighty Inquisition." Valentine stated, walking forward. "Now prepare to die."

The Bloodthirster roared and charged, a sword appearing in its hand, evidently from behind its back. Valentine twisted behind, avoiding the charge, and slammed the back end of his staff into the creature's back.

The Bloodthirster turned, its eyes glowing a flaming red. "You're skilled, I'll give you that."

It charged again, but Valentine was ready, and instead of dodging, thrust his blade forward at the last second, catching the Bloodthirster through the chest.

The Bloodthirster laughed. "Missed." It said, grinning, before backflipping, completely ignoring the foot-wide bloody hole in its chest.

Valentine cursed. He'd missed the heart by an inch. "It doesn't happen twice." He stated, and the Bloodthirster struck. Valentine's combat training kicked in and he closed his eyes, a tiny voice in his mind telling him the exact right moves to perform based on the rush of air that came before a hit. Block, swipe, parry, riposte, stab, block, stab, riposte, slash, and go for the heart...

He opened his eyes a few seconds later, to see the corpse of the Demon lying in front of him. He turned and left, pulling out his phone. His armour was unscratched, he noted as he dialled the number. "Chapter Master, this is Valentine Astartes of Ordo Adnihilo. It is done." He stated.

"Very well, Sir Astartes. We'll get pickup for you in two minutes."

Valentine killed the call.

------Two Hours Later------

Valentine stood in the Chapter Master's office, still clad in his armour, although the blood stains were wiped off. "My liege." Valentine said, kneeling. "What is thy bidding?"

The Chapter Master nodded. "You have a new objective, Sir Astartes. You are hereby assigned to a Night Resonator squad sent to Risakin city."

Valentine mentally cursed. Regular Resonators were so... undisciplined. He preferred the calculating, methodical ruthlessness of the Inquisition. Nonetheless, he was an Inquisitor, and he followed the orders of his superiors. It was not his place to question the Chapter Master.

"Yes, My Lord." He said. "When do I leave?"

"You have five minutes." The Chapter Master said. "This is somewhat last-minute. Get moving."

Valentine was out the door before the Chapter Master could blink.

(Just a brief introduction for Valentine. How should I introduce him to the team?)


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Laughter filled the halls of the ice rink. The halls long and white, with a blue line going for the whole length until reaching the rink which a zamboni regularly tended to. A rink stood surround by stands, a few people were either sitting or standing watching their daughters and sons on the ice. The rink was a extremely large, infact it was so large that they had split it into twos, one for hocket and another for figure skating. Nearly everyone on the figure skating side was a beginner, except for one boy. A boy that moved on the ice as if he was born on it, he seemed totally at eased. The boy only skated on the ice, he did not do many flashy moves, it was not what he liked. He did not like to draw attention but occasionally he would do a rotation or a loop, but the very way he did those moves was an art. He stuck everything perfectly, not even making one mistake.

Now as he did another rotation, something whizzed toward his head. Making a quick landing, his skates touching the ice softly, Cyrus looked at the five guys. Each had the build of a hockey player. As the guys approached Cyrus, the boy did the only thing he could do run away, or skate away. As expected he was way faster then any of them. It wasn't even a competition when it came to speed, Cyrus was forever graceful and amazingly fast, while they were clumsy and sluggish. Now as he got off the ice, Cyrus saw that the guys were almost upon him, he hated being slow when untying his skates. Finally done the boy quickly ran, but was caught at the ankle. One of the pursures hadn't taken tied their skates on and took them off faster then Cyrus. He held him like a butcher with a pig.

As the rest of the group coverged on Cyrus, the boy looked at each one of them, none could last a second in a fight with him. He'd have mopped the floor with them. In a slow motion way Cyrus jumped in the air, doing a spin and kicking the guy in the face, making him let go of his foot. He landed on the other leg, and looked directly at his opponent. One of them, angrily, made the mistake of punching toward his face. Catching the hand and twisting in, Cyrus brought the guy toward him and used his other hand to open-palm hit the guy in the face, causing him to be knocked out. Two out five to go, Cyrus thought to himself. Two of the guys seemed to circle around him, it was a foolish move that proved ineffective. Running toward, fists made, Cyrus did a front flip hitting one guy in the face, he used to body as a medium for pushing off and spinning to kick the other guy in the face. The two of them fell onto the ground a little harder then the other.

Cyrus was not breathing heavy, his pattern of breathing was going normally, not one intake of air was out of place. A gleam of silver caught his eye, a shadow on the ground showed a boy raising a skate over his head and bringing it down toward Cyrus. Spinning around, his real senses of combat activating, combat senses that were used on monsters and not real teenage punks, Cyrus dodge it, and brought three kicks to the chest, that were hard enough to knock the air out of the guy's lungs. His adversary's legs buckled and making Cyrus' attacker fall onto the ground with a heavy thud. All of the attackers lied on the ground moaning in pain at what had happened to them.

He took a step back, Cyrus was the general quiet person talking when asked, not attacking anyone only running away, but what he did to the pair of guys was just unbelievable. What the hell did the ghast do to him to make him do this. A ghast was a spirit creature close to that being of a ghost that lurked around dreams causing all sorts of changes to the behaviours and mind, making its victims become shells of what they once were. Cyrus was one of those shells, now as the boy walked away from the ice rink, Cyrus felt as though someone or something was watching him. He only hoped that it wasn't a monster.


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Iris opened her eyes and sat up on the couch as she yawned loudly. Getting up, she noticed two things. One, it was about six o'clock pm, and two she was alone. Remembering that sh e had been the first person to make it to the makeshift base, she wasnt at all worried. She figured her team for the mission would get there when they wanted.

Walking over to the window, she looked out over the city she called home. 'Risakin City...' Iris thought wistfully. It had been almost a month since she had been in her hometown. Her last mission had been one of the longest she had ever taken. Her objective had been to go the South Americian branch to help with a growing "rodent" problem. It had been a very annoyingng mission that had her dealing with a nest of rodent demons and oh so many bugs. Iris could stare death in the face (which she had done on quite a few occations), but put a spider next to her and she will freak.

Iris chuckled abit as a memory of her father difted into her mind. She remembered one time she had been meditating with her father and a grasshopper had jumped onto herleg. She had tried to ignore it and had been doing pretty well, but when it had thing hopped onto her shoulder she lost it. She started running around the backyard trying to get it off, while her father tried reasure her it was gone. Iris missed those days, but more importanly she missed her father. Now all she had left was Sin, her dear brother.

"Sin!" Iris exclaimed to the empty apartment. 'Oh my gosh Istill havent seen him!' she thought as she ran out the door, towards the old house she and her brather shared. Once at the house she grew up in, Iris pulled the key from under the mat and unlocked the door. Walking in, she looked around seeing that nothing had changed. The pictures on the walls, the couch, the mall kitchen, all the same.

"Sin! Im home!" she called but got no response. She moved into the house, looking through each room and found nothing. 'Hm...must be working late at school....Since he is working so hard, I think Ill get him a treat.' she thought happily, as she walked out the door and locked up the house and headed to the local ramen house that they used to go to together.

As she turned onto the street where the noodle shop was located, Iris saw a boy with purple hair, much like her own walk into the shop. "SIN!" she yelled happily, as she ran and tackle hugged her elder brother.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Sin turned his head when he heard his voice being called, and his widened. "Sis, you're back in town?" He asked, happy to see her, though he was also slightly angered. He hated the fact that he had to be surprised in the first place... sin could still remember coming home, and her sister just walking out the door, just lke that.

"Two orders of ramen." He asked, sitting down on a table while he waited. They had come here often, while they were still living together, so they knew the owner fairly well.

"How's college?" He asked. He had recived a letter some time ago, explaining she had a scholarship that allowed her to study around the world. He ighly doubted that the letter was true, Iris could barely think herself out of an imagineary box, but it was best not to show any suspicion.

As the ramen was served, he broke apart a set of chopsticks, and took a bite, "Ah... good as usual." He said with a nod. "I just finished a case... so i figured i'd treat nyself." He explained with a nod. "School is going good, as per usual, but it's nothing com[ared to detective work." He said, stretching his arms behind his back.

It was at this moment when his cell rang. Sin checked the ID, and anwsered, "Tsukiyomi here, Detective Meguire..."

"Get down here. There was another murder... and we can't figure out what the heck happened."

Sin nodded, reciving the location. "Well, duty calls... why don't you come with, and see your big bro in action?" He offered


"What the heck happened here?" Sin asked, his eyes widened.

The body had been mangeled brutally... there was no way of telling what kind of weapon was used... there wasn't much clue... and Sin was horrified... there wasn't even a proper time of death.

Sin took a closer look, then the surronding area... there was....NOTHING. " "There's most like a possibility that the body was moved. Let me know what you find..... no human cou;d have done thi...."


"And he's right." Makani said, from a slight distance away. He had felt another monster presence, and had come to check it out... but the power he felt had left... he stayed behind, because he felt the prescence of another Resonator... either the Conjurer of Black nights, The Claw of judgement, or The Angel of the end. He had recieved a message saying they were heading his way, and he felt like it wa The Conjuer of Black nights, because it was a woman..

He let his power flow of, alerting her to his arrival, and moved in to speak with her.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Sin turned his head when he heard his voice being called, and his widened. "Sis, you're back in town?" He asked, happy to see her, though he was also slightly angered. He hated the fact that he had to be surprised in the first place... sin could still remember coming home, and her sister just walking out the door, just lke that.

"Two orders of ramen." He asked, sitting down on a table while he waited. They had come here often, while they were still living together, so they knew the owner fairly well.

"How's college?" He asked. He had recived a letter some time ago, explaining she had a scholarship that allowed her to study around the world. He ighly doubted that the letter was true, Iris could barely think herself out of an imagineary box, but it was best not to show any suspicion.

As the ramen was served, he broke apart a set of chopsticks, and took a bite, "Ah... good as usual." He said with a nod. "I just finished a case... so i figured i'd treat nyself." He explained with a nod. "School is going good, as per usual, but it's nothing com[ared to detective work." He said, stretching his arms behind his back.

It was at this moment when his cell rang. Sin checked the ID, and anwsered, "Tsukiyomi here, Detective Meguire..."

"Get down here. There was another murder... and we can't figure out what the heck happened."

Sin nodded, reciving the location. "Well, duty calls... why don't you come with, and see your big bro in action?" He offered


"What the heck happened here?" Sin asked, his eyes widened.

The body had been mangeled brutally... there was no way of telling what kind of weapon was used... there wasn't much clue... and Sin was horrified... there wasn't even a proper time of death.

Sin took a closer look, then the surronding area... there was....NOTHING. " "There's most like a possibility that the body was moved. Let me know what you find..... no human cou;d have done thi...."


"And he's right." Makani said, from a slight distance away. He had felt another monster presence, and had come to check it out... but the power he felt had left... he stayed behind, because he felt the prescence of another Resonator... either the Conjurer of Black nights, The Claw of judgement, or The Angel of the end. He had recieved a message saying they were heading his way, and he felt like it wa The Conjuer of Black nights, because it was a woman..

He let his power flow of, alerting her to his arrival, and moved in to speak with her.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Makani Remiel
0 sightings Makani Remiel played by Rarikou

Character Portrait: Valentine Astartes
0 sightings Valentine Astartes played by Zero Reaper
"For the good of all that is righteous, I banish thee into eternal damnation in the name of the Inquisition."
Character Portrait: Cyrus Edgefield
0 sightings Cyrus Edgefield played by zane saphire
I'm not finished with him, this is only the overview of what I accomplished
Character Portrait: Sin Tsukiyomi
0 sightings Sin Tsukiyomi played by Rarikou

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Resonant Force. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Iris Tsukiyomi


Character Portrait: Iris Tsukiyomi
Iris Tsukiyomi

Why so serious?


Character Portrait: Iris Tsukiyomi
Iris Tsukiyomi

Why so serious?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Iris Tsukiyomi
Iris Tsukiyomi

Why so serious?

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Resonant Force: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Resonant Force

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

Well, I'm writing up races and such at the moment.

Anyway, PM me Zane and we can talk.

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

Alchemy it probably would work, but not like from FM.

I can help you with magic.

Also I'll post tonight.

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force


I feel like making a mecha RP. Except it's set in a fantasy world (how the hell the mechs work... magic, I guess). Would you guys be interested in it?

It should be fun. And it will have some degree of GRIMDARK. Maybe. Not sure...

Okay, I'll admit, I need help on this one. Would you guys mind helping me come up with ideas?

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

meh, its fine. Thanks

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

I'm such a lazy guy that I edited both Rarkiou's character picture and Neko's.

Neko's turned out great, but the lighting on Rarikou's turned out a little to bright.

Ehh I'll work on my post, and character.

Neko's ... 25255D.jpg

Rarikou's ... 25255D.jpg

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

allright, first post is up. Let's rock, rock, rock and roll.

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

Yeah, now the question is if I can finish Cyrus before you post? Who will be first.

I'm gonna see if any of my friends will join this rp.

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

well, we have the full resonators, so we can actually get this thing fired up.

Oh, and Zero, you image link is broken, Fix it when you can.

Im working on the first post now

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

*Comes back, and looks at nekopireprincess character surname and first name due to Zero's character * Grrr *erase his character name *

I'm almost done, need to change and add some things.

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

okay, and approved. i'll edit it in a little bit

Re: [OOC] Resonant Force

I'd like to reserve Resonator 4.

[OOC] Resonant Force

"Resonant Force"


Any Comments, Concerns, questions... place them here. DO enjoy.