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Revenge of the Cliques!

Revenge of the Cliques!


College, dorms, cliques. We're in for some major trouble!

596 readers have visited Revenge of the Cliques! since nevermore11 created it.

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Band geeks
Artsy People
Rich Preps
Drama Geeks
Teacher Pets
Computer Geeks
Trailer Trash
Valley Girls

So may cliques to choose from!!! Okay so here are the rules :)

1. No tiny little one line posts, K?
2. No sex, but kissing etc. is fine, we are encouraging romance!
3. Cussing is totally fine.
4. Be specific and descriptive please.

Here is the plot,

It's finally college!! But in a desperate attempt to destroy 'cliques' teachers pair the most unlikely people together. Jock with Hippies, Stoners with Rich People. Not a good idea. This thread is pretty much about their expiriences!!! Remember be descriptive and have fun!!!! I'll start.

(plz include this info)

Name: Sid Taylor

Clique: Punk

Personality: Wild, fun, and totally rebellious. Punk music is his life. He is very tall and extremely, enhealthily skinny. Nobody knows, but he is an insomniac. That's why he's so thin. One punch will knock anyone out. He hates teachers, jocks/preps, and the government. He has long black hair, and brown eye-lined eyes.

Wardrobe/: Band tee's, ripped jeans, and leather jackets. He has plenty of tattoos and peircings.

Other random info: His voice is very rough and he had an odd way of talking. He can play about any instrament and sings too.

Sid walked into James Monroe College's office. The lady at the desk at long red hair and green eyes. She looked up at him, and went back to filing papers. Sid walked up to her desk "Um Hellooo?" he said, wondering why she was ignoring him. "Are you looking for your room?" she asked. She had a high, whiney voice. "Yes" he replied. The secretary handed him a slip of paper and went back to her business. Sid rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. He looked down the long hallways and then back at the paper. Ten minutes later, he'd made it into his room. He'd gotten lost twice, and kept getting weird looks. He dumped his bags on his bed, and looked around wondering who his roomy would be.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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#, as written by Malachi
It was finally time for Tonimarie to start her life in College. The tragedy called High School was over and schools had finally weeded out the failures that weren’t even meant for school. “Well, I guess the first thing I should do is get my dorm. I need to be more confident, people will start thinking I’m anti-social and I don’t need that for myself.” Tonimarie gripped the book in her hand more tightly and pushed open the glass door. The office was next to her conveniently, so she decided to go ahead and just walk in. After walking in, she realized it was the first day of college. A long line of students lined the walls and seats, as though they were in a hospital waiting room, but it was alright, the Monroe College was a very big deal and for her to be reluctant to wait in line would be next to foolish. “I guess I’m just going to wait here, as if I have a choice.” Time flew by and students came and went, some happy, some sad. Most however were happy. After waiting a bit longer they finally called her name. A tubby woman no taller than five feet came over to her and said, “You must be Tonimarie. The counselor will see you now.” Tonimarie nodded happily and walked towards her counselor’s office. After knocking on the counselor’s door, a deep voice from inside said “Come in.” Tonimarie swallowed a lump in her throat and opened the door. A rather bulky man sat at the desk typing away at the computer in front of him before turning away to signal to the chair. “Have a seat young lady, now what is your name again?” Tonimarie smiled nervously and pointed to her binder which had her name on the front of it. “I-I’m Tonimarie, b-but my friends call me Toni.” The man smiled widely and turned to the computer he had been typing on before. “Well Toni, I’ve got the perfect dorm for you. Also, here are your classes. Please see to it you are never late for this one.” The man pointed to the fifth period class on it. “He sends every single student who is late to the office. Best not to be late for that one, first impression is key.” Tonimarie nodded nervously and stood up after taking the key to her dorm from the man. “Is that all you’ll need from me today? By the looks of it, the office is pretty crowded; it’d be a bummer to have to wait all over again to talk to me.” The counselor said, as though he didn’t want her to leave. Tonimarie smiled warmly and shook her head before replying, “No thank you, I’m sure I can manage from this point forward.” The counselor nodded to Tonimarie before showing her to the door. “If you need anything, you know where I am.” Tonimarie nodded and with that, headed off into the hall-way to find her new dormitory.
The hall-way wasn’t that crowded, most probably because class was in session right now, meaning it would be easier for her to concentrate in the quiet. “Let’s see, my dorm number is 43. What a goofy number!” Tonimarie giggled to herself in a silent manner and continued to walk on. The dorms weren’t hard to find since there was a sign pointing every single way possible. “Here we are, the dormitories. Forty-Five, Forty-Four, oh okay here we are! Forty-Three!” Tonimarie unlocked the door and slowly opened the door. It appeared as though she were the first one there since no other bags were to be seen. “Oh my, kind of exciting, I wonder who I’ll get to meet today!” Tonimarie created a crooked smile on her face, half willing and half reluctant to meet the new student of the school that would be joining her in this room. Hopefully they would be able to get along.


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Sid looked around the bare room, he reached into his bag hauling out a c.d and a small stereo. He plugged it in, and loaded a c.d. The refrain Don'g go in the bathroom with ME!!! played loudly through the speakers. He smiled then turned it off. He walked out the door and wandered around, looking for something to do. Ignpring looks from suspicious teachers, he strolled down random halls glancing down empty corridors. He stopped and slowly turned back around, realizing he needed to unpack still. He sighed at the thought. He opened what he thought was his dorm door. Though obviosly it wasn't. "Oh-- I'm sorry, I uh got lost looking around and thought this was my--" he stopped, before eh could sound too stupid


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#, as written by Malachi
Tonimarie let out a silent sigh in her room and put her brief-case on the floor and immediately began to start un-packing. “I guess I’ll start with this. I was never one to let my things go un-finished.” Tonimarie pulled out several articles of clothing and refolded them to reassure herself they wouldn’t get wrinkled and placed them in a draw. After doing this however, she heard walking in the hall-way. Perhaps class was over? Probably not, it was maybe just another kid looking for their dorms; after all, this place was rather confusing. After she finished putting her clothes away she threw herself on her bed and took out the book she had been reading before she entered the school. It was rather interesting. She had always been a fan of the books where someone died or something of the sort, though you’d never think it by seeing her in person. After she had read for a moment, her dorm room door burst open and a boy walked in! However, instead of jumping and having a heart attack like most girls would, Tonimarie merely looked up to see who was at the door. He seemed to be stuttering his words, probably nervous or something. It wasn’t like she was undressed or anything so why was he so unorganized with his words? Based off what he said though, Tonimarie figured he had just gotten lost, which is no surprise because this place is really confusing.

“Ha-Ha, it’s okay! It is a little confusing, trust me I would know! This is my first day!” Tonimarie turned back to her book and put her feathered book-mark in it before jumping off of her bed. Tonimarie smiled warmly to the boy before looking around her dorm again. She hadn’t paid that much attention to it until this boy intruded, accidently of course. “So, since you’re here, there is no use in trying to run away! I’m Tonimarie, but you can call me Marie.” Tonimarie smiled smugly. All her life she had went by Toni, she felt as though it were time for a change because honestly, she hated being called that. It made her bitterer than anything else on the planet. Tonimarie then walked up to the boy and extended her hand. She was no good at trying to create a proper introduction so she felt a simple handshake would suffice. “Now tell me what your name is!” Tonimarie giggled a bit more before waiting for his response.


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Dylan hopped out of her rusty old car, and slammed the door shut after locking it manually. She hadn't bought one of those fancy-dancy automatic push-the-button-and-lock keys - yet. Dressed in her casual wear which consisted of a dark red oversized beanie which sat on her head, a vintage yellow and orange striped, oversized jumper, and cloud blue leggings, she was ready for her first day. On her feet, she wore a pair of her favorite caged vanhove heels, which were all black and strappy. the heel was 2 inches, which boosted her height from 5'4 to 5'6. She hated being so small, she basically vowed to herself she'd always wear heels. Dylan walked to the main office, rolling two large diffel bags behind her. In the main office, there were a few kids, and only one receptionist desk. She stood in line, her face as straight as a board. To some, she might have seen upset, or in deep thought - though really, she was as happy as she could be. 'Name, please?' The lady at the front desk asked, looking through her glasses. "Dylan Leigh Soltaro." Her loud, somewhat high pitched voice boomed, and the lady nodded as she flipped through a few filing cabinets. Dylan looked over towards her luggage, which was on a chair, right where she had left it. "Here y'go, hun!" The old woman said, smiling at Dylan as she gave a few sheets of paper, a key, and books to Dylan. "Thanks, ma'am. Love the glasses." Dylan said, grabbing the papers and books off the counter and winking at the lady at the office before turning on her heel and grabbing her luggage. She stood outside of the pffice for a few minutes, looking through the papers. "Room 49." Dylan said to herself monotonously. She was hoping for a large room number, something with a top view, on the six-hundredth floor - if they had that many floors, that is.

Making her way through the campus, she finally approached the dormitory area. Dylan nodded at the tall dorms, as if giving the dorms an 'okaying' before entering them. 'Fourty, this, fourty that... Fourty nine!" Dylan exclaimed, and dropped her bags by the front of the door. She unlocked the door, and ran straight towards the bed, before checking to see if anyoen else was already in the room. "Hm, comfortable." She mumbled to herself, a slight smile approaching quickly. She walked back towards her multiple bags filled with vintage clothes and shoes, and brought them into the dorm. A part of her hoped she didn't have a roomate, just because the thought of having her own dorm to herself would be nice. Though, she'd be pretty lonely and having a roommate was an easy way to meet people, and possible soon-to-be friends, too.

Dragging her bags near the first set of drawers, she dumped her clothes out, and they fell on the floor all around her. She began folding them and stuffing them into drawers, according to the color. She had two small baggies of her Mary Jane, which she stuffed into the bottom of the last drawer. It should be safe there - and maybe her roommate, if she had one, would be cool with her smoking it in the dorm?


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College. A new beginning, Emily thinks as she parks her car. She gets out and looks around her, nodding some at the look of the college. This is exactly what I need, she thinks as she gets her bags out of the trunk. She looks at the printed out piece of paper in her hand. Dorm room number 47. Cool. Wonder if I'll have a roomie. Emily walks quickly towards the dorm, impossible to miss considering all the signs readingDORMS and pointing to one building. 

45...46...47! Here we go. She opens the door to the dorm and takes a deep breath, preparing herself. She steps into the room and let's out a sigh of relief. No roommate in sight. She walks over to one side of the room and drops her bags onto the bed. She quickly unpacks her stuff and puts it away. She pulls out a picture last, it has her, her parents and her twin sister in it. She's dressed in her racing outfit, her helmet under one arm, a trophy half her size next to her, huge smiles on all their faces. It was when she won the international young adult racing championship last year. Only two weeks before the accident.

Emily blinks rapidly as her vision blurs, tears starting to gather. She flips the picture frame face down on the dresser and stuffs her bags in back of her claimed closet. She sighs thinking of all the trophies, medals, pictures, and newspaper clippings all left behind in her garage and how she won't be able to race again, having dropped all of her sponsors last month. She pulls out her phone and drops it onto the table next to the bed and plops down on it. "No one will know. No one can know," she whispers to herself taking in a couple deep breaths, calming down. Might as well go meet some people, she thinks getting back up. She grabs her camo painter's cap and puts it on, pulling her hair inti a low ponytail. She wanders down the hall, kind of lost in her thoughts.


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De'shawns first day of college. He walked out of his apartment building at 6:05am, almost 3 hours before he really had to leave, and walked to his black Honda Civic. He pulled out a ciggarete, lit it, and sped off to the school. 45 minutes later, he was there. Before getting out of the car, however, he pulled out a blunt he rolled last night, for this very occasion. He lit up, rolled up the windows, turned the car engine off, but kept the music on full blast. He was almost done the blunt when he heard a knock on the window. It seemed to be the RA, so De'shawn put the window down, and asked if he could help the guy. "You got any more?" The guy asked.
"Yee, got bout an ounce in my bag how much you want." De'shawn responded.
"3 g's" The guy responed, sounding extremely nervous.
"Relax, bro, im not gunna rob you. How's 5 for 30 sound?" De'shawn said with a very smooth tone.
"Thanks, man!" The guy responed.
The gy took his green and ran into the Dorm entrance.

De'shawn finished his blunt, the slowly walked out of the car and followed the man. He then took the piece of paper from his pocket, Room 56 the paper read. De'shwan slowly walked towards his room, "54, 55, 56, 57, Wait mine was 56!" De'shawn cuckled at himself, and walked in. He sat his luggage on his bed, pulled out his bong, and did a rip.

De'shawn then realised the munchies had kicked in. He proceeded to his door, opened it, and screamed down the hall.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tonimarie Flowers
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait: Dylan Leigh Soltaro
Character Portrait: De'shawn Williams


Character Portrait: De'shawn Williams
De'shawn Williams

The ultimate stoner.

Character Portrait: Dylan Leigh Soltaro
Dylan Leigh Soltaro

Part time Hippie - Part time Delinquint

Character Portrait:

Character Portrait: Tonimarie Flowers
Tonimarie Flowers

The girl you'll see with her nose in a book.


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Re: [OOC] Revenge of the Cliques!

Uhh is this still goin on or what? :P

Re: [OOC] Revenge of the Cliques!

(: Awesome.

So i definately typed up a bigass character profile, tried to send it in... and it failed. D:
If i redo it, just not as good, do you think i could still be accepted? I really dont want to retype all of it. ;P

Re: [OOC] Revenge of the Cliques!

I'm excited, this will be my First RP in this website! XD

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