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Demon Soldiers

The somewhat trained soldiers of hell. All wear light resistant armor and weild unholy blades.

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a character in “Rise of the Nephilim”, as played by soulmiester



The common place Demon soldier. A typical Demon troop will consist of roughly 100 soldiers, 20 knights, and 1 Demon Lord

So begins...

Demon Soldiers's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Iris Hanayori Character Portrait: Kass Aldric Character Portrait: Demon Soldiers
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Kass let out a weary sigh as another demon appeared between the cross hairs of the Armageddon Blade, temporarily the Armageddon 50cal. rifle. The energy signatures thrown off by two powerful nephilim, Iris and himself, seemed to draw the damned things, no really, they WERE damned, like flies to a piece of rotten meat. He adjusted his aim and let out a long... slow... breath. BOOM. The sound of thunder echoed between the once pristine buildings of Vatican City as Kass pulled the trigger, sending a bullet of pure energy across Vatican square. Headshot. The demon's head seemed to explode, its dark metal helmet flying to some unseen location as black blood smeared the ground. The demon's lifeless body hit the ground with the clang of metal and lay limp.

Kass lowered the mythic weapon and shook his head. 87 demons lay dead, most of them beginning to disintegrate, in the square with large holes or various parts of their body missing. All soldiers though. Perhaps they'd run into an angel regiment and fled at the defeat of their commander. The white haired half demon pulled his black rimmed glasses from his coat pocket and returned them to their rightful place in front of his eyes and leapt from his perch, one of the Vatican's many balconies, down into the square. He pulled a red scabbard wrapped in black cloth from his belt and put the huge gun to it. The gun glowed a deep red and seemed to shrink into the scabbard as the stock of the rifle became a sword hilt. He picked up a slowly disintegrating demon helm and inspected it before it turned to black sand in his hand and was lost to the wind. The whole scene was kinda poetic, if you bothered to read poetry in post apocalyptic Rome.

"I wonder where a demon goes when it dies. To hell again, or somewhere else?" he mused to himself as he made his way up the steps into the Vatican's main building. Iris was there of course, she seemed to pop up whenever she thought he was up to something of even moderate importance. Like eating. She was... an enigma to Kass, both in her personality and.. well, being a girl. "We had some guests. Had." He continued walking down the hallway of broken tile and marble, climbing over debris when necessary, towards an elevator which, miraculously, still worked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Demon Soldiers Character Portrait: Chauncey and Jackson Livington.
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Chauncey & Jackson Livington

The abyss scorched the land along the Grosseto beach; hot sun beamed down on the white sand as the water oh so shyly kissed the shore. It wasn’t long before the silence was interrupted, the false peace broken as legs beat across the sand. Her hand intertwined with his, forcing his hand to grip onto hers’ as he lugged behind.
“Chaunce, I – I can’t keep up!” He panted out hard. His porcelain skin was stained with a pained red as sweat drizzled down both of their bodies- damn was this daemon persistent.
“Don’t worry Jackson
” Her head peered behind her, her empty reassurance only proven to be false as the fear rose in her gut; the daemon was only but a few yards behind them. They had been able to ditch him a mile back, but apparently, he found his way back to them; geez, why couldn’t Jackson have been born without the trace? With a growl and a slight rumble, Chaunce’s free hand pulled out her small pistol from underneath her skirt, breaking free of their hold and skidding around to face the daemon; Peters and Jackson only stopping for a few seconds before they began to run once more.

Her finger let loose on the trigger, firing off only but a few rounds before she was empty; it surely wasn’t enough to kill the damned thing, but it was enough to send the bastard flying back onto his arse. Within those few minutes, Chaunce swung back around, running full speed ahead and grabbing Jackson’s hand, jerking him forward. She ran so quickly, that even Peters had trouble keeping up, his tongue flapping out with his ears bent against his skull. At some point, Chaunce was pretty sure that Peters fell behind, but was reassured when she saw him ahead of them, perhced on a rocky mound his ears perked up at the same level as his tan, bushy tail.
“Good boy, Peters” Chaunce whispered underneath her breath, struggling up the rocks. Peters jumped down into the small rocky cave, following Jackson as he descended. Chaunce looked up and around, only to sense that the daemon was up and wasn’t happy about the lead being in his ass. Without much ado, Chaunce jumped down into the rock pit, her legs scratching against the sharp edges before plummeting into the murky salt water.

She coughed at the sudden intake of the water, “Jackson!” Her voice was a harsh whisper.
“I’m here!” The small boy replied, holding onto the rock for dear life as Peters paddled around, his paws slipping as he failed to grip onto an available rock he can perch himself on. With the noise they were making, it wouldn’t be long for the daemon to find them. Chauncey felt around, her hands gripping onto rocks before slipping; her feet doing the same, and flawing in the same way. Finally after many attempts, Chaunce found a flat edged rock that was big enough for Peters to crawl up on and for Jackson to slide into; it took them longer than Chaunce had planned, her worries only increasing when the sense of the daemon grew stronger. She practically held her breath, pushing in the stilled Jackson into the cubby hole of rocks. She could tell he was holding in the small cries of being cut by the rocks’ jagged edges.
Chaunce bit her lip and held tightly onto Jackson’s ankle as the small waves from the pool went over her nose and mouth before sinking underneath her rib cage and back up again. It seemed like forever that the daemon’s sense was around- Chaunce could’ve sworn that it had been an entire hour before the sense was completely dissipated. She swam to the middle of the pool and positioned herself up against some rocks, poking her head out; one might say the sight of it was similar to that of a meer-kat. The coast was clear- literately. Not a soul in sight. Chaunce pulled herself up and out, still cautious of her surroundings before calling down to Jackson.

As soon as Jackson pulled Peters up and out of the small hole, Chaunce took the boys out onto the beach; idly examining the cuts and bruises they obtained from the rocks.
“Alright, your aura seemed to be drowned out by the salt water, so I’d say we’d be good to rest here for a few.” She plopped down onto the sand, pulling her wet pack over her shoulder, zipping open the tattered, poor thing. “As soon as I treat you guys, we’ll get going. After a few hours, we’ll stop and you guys can have a meal.” At her words, Jackson stuck up his nose and popped his tongue out of his mouth.
“I don’t like dried fish.” He squirmed; pulling off his sticking shirt, sitting in front of her as Peters shook himself dry, rolling around in the warm sand.
“Well I have peanut butter and jelly.” Chaunce said as she pulled out a bag filled with first aid materials. She opened it as if it was a bag of chips and pulled out an alcohol bottle and a cotton ball.
“Yeah,” He murmured, “squished, salty peanut butter jelly sandwich.” Chaunce clicked her tongue as she poured the alcohol onto the cotton ball and jammed it into one of the larger cuts that littered his back. “Ow!”
“You shouldn’t complain and be happy that you’re alive,” She scolded, “we wouldn’t have been in that situation if you had sprayed yourself with water in the first place like I said.”
The two were silent for a second before Jackson’s small voice sliced through the silence. “I’m sorry.”
“...It’s fine.”

By the time Chaunce was done treating Jackson, Peters was caked from head to paw in sand; his tanned fur suddenly became the color of an off colored white, only his large black eyes and pink tongue showed. “Guess Peters treated himself.” She scuffed, putting away the items and standing up. “Well,” Chaunce stretched her sore body upwards before she looked around herself. “Our main goal right now is head for a big city to stock up on supplies; which could be dangerous.” She pondered about this for a few seconds before shaking her head once, kicking herself for even thinking about such a thought. Chaunce knew she couldn’t leave Jackson alone, even if it was only going to take her two days to go the city and come back. “You have to listen to be about the water thing- got it?”

Jackson only nodded his head once as the small trio began to walk towards the grassy hill. “We’ll stop in four hours to eat. We’ll walk through the night again and then stop and rest, alright?” Chauncey watched as the child stumbled on his feet and the dog bob his head up and down in the air, flinging sand everywhere.
” Anyone could tell that Jackson wasn’t as thrilled as he could’ve been. “Hey, tell me about the place we’ll get!” His disappointed mood suddenly changed to a more half- excited chant, which only caused Chauncey to smile.
“Maybe later, Jackie-boy.” She sighed, a smile still on her face when the kid let out a disappointed ‘o-k’.