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That's Amore

That's Amore


A collaborative story between myself and _____

764 readers have visited That's Amore since Vix created it.




ImageIt was 1984 when the war began.

The Stark's gang had been getting high on their horses and thought they could take on anyone. They were brave and tried to strike a deal with the Pagliarelli family, the most respected of the mafia. They were declined the Pags not wanting anything to do with them because they viewed the small gang as nothing more than common thugs and thieves with no real clue as to what the life they lead meant or how to lead it. None of them were born into the life. Well, that pissed off the brothers. Mostly the younger one. So much to the point that he decided to take what he wanted. He struck a deal with a relatively large gang of Russians known for their excellent arms trade and they raided a Pagliarelli warehouse. But they didn't just raid the warehouse. They killed everyone there. They chopped them up and sent them to the family on the day of a wedding in guise of a large wedding gift.

At first the Pags believed it to be the Russians. The Starks were smart and only took a few of their men and they hid their faces. The Russians denied it and a small war began because they wouldn't give away the Starks. They feared the brothers' wrath more than the Pagliarelli and that only pissed off the Italians even more. It lasted for a few short months before the Pagliarelli easily stamped them out.

And then someone slipped up.

It was seven years ago.

A soldier from the Stark gang was trying to move in on Pagliarelli territory in Queens but was chased off by some of the Pags. He went and got himself drunk at a bar and was found there by the same Pags as before. When told to get lost or get dead he drunkenly replied: "Don't fuck with me. I'm with the Brothers of the Streets. Fuck with me and we'll chop you up and send you back to your little girl's wedding just like we did to your others!"

He was beaten and dragged in for questioning, tortured and interrogated for five days before he cracked. They always cracked in the end. He admitted that the Starks were behind it all and pleaded for them to kill him. So they did. They chopped him up nicely and sent him off in a nice gift basket to the Stark family. And war began that waged on for years to come... Until a deal was made that would change the lives of everyone in the two families.



| Patrick Maximillian Stark | 25 |
Patrick cares about one person in the world. That person's name is Patrick. He is narcissistic on ridiculous levels and it's quite possible that he believes himself to be God's gift to mankind – Especially women. Like his father he enjoys the finer things in life that money can buy and chooses to spend his time as a spoiled brat wasting away his father's money without doing any real work. Nobody really likes taking him out on jobs because he enjoys killing just for the sake of killing and asserting authority and presence. He is to marry Angiluzza Pagliarelli. Every assumed that his cousin Murphy would have to, being the eldest son of the eldest son and a more likely candidate. But Alexander is leader and he is Alexander's eldest son. The kicker? He's fucking Angel's best friend, has been for several months, and doesn't plan on stopping. Not with Giada, and not with the other women either. The killing part? He killed Angel's mother but he doesn't even really know or care who the woman was to Angel. He is ruthless, sadistic, and immature. He is jealous of his cousin Edmund. Eddie is beloved by most everyone who meets him, a physical specimen, cunning, kind... And there is rumor of him being the next to lead the family. Edmund garners a respect from the Stark gang that Patrick never could.

| Edmund “Eddie” Stark | 26 |
George's youngest son, Edmund is clearly different from the rest. But then again, he and his brothers are almost nothing like their uncle and cousins. They were taught to have a sense of honor and some form of a moral compass and he intends to heed his father's teachings. But much like his father, he cares for his family too much and does nothing while Alexander and his brood do as they please. He's simply a soldier following orders. He saved Angel's life as a child and it didn't take them long to start seeing one another and eventually begun secretly dating as they continued meeting at street races. He was somewhat excited to learn that he could be the one to marry her when the families announced a peace and merging through a most unheard of marriage (As Italian families simply did not marry outsiders) but was beyond furious and hurt when it was ruled that Patrick would since his father was the leader. He doesn't want to start a war with the Pagliarellis so there isn't much he can do besides stand back and watch the love of his life slip away.... Right...?

| Angiluzza “Angel” Pagliarelli | 23 | Little Fox |
Cute. But ruthless. At the center of the whole mess is Angiluzza Pagliarelli. While her heart belongs only to Edmund she has always been taught that she has to do what is best for the family. If that means marrying Patrick, she has forced herself to allow the engagement to happen. She hasn't even worked up the courage to tell her best friend about her relationship with Edmund over the years. Only Paolo knows. She's a bit more normal than her siblings, in a sense. Her father has done his best to make sure she retains some bit of her childhood innocence and has sheltered her as much as he could. That hasn't stopped her though. While she knows how things work, she can be a bit naïve at times. One thing is for sure, she hates Patrick's guts and would be much happier to have his head on a pike as a wedding gift than a ring.

| Giada “Gigi” De Luca | 22 |
Like most of the others working for the Pagliarelli, she's a native of NYC. She was taken in by the Don when she was a child after her parents were killed in a drive by. Since then she has been raised as Angel's sister. She's a bit more of a wild child, hardly the lady type. Perhaps one of the few activities she can truly enjoy with Angel is street racing. That's where she met Patrick. She knew who he was but he just had a charm she couldn't resist and she soon fell into bed with him. Before long, she broke up with Vincenzo, whom she had been dating for some time. She knew Patrick was sleeping with others but she didn't exactly care. She held some notion that she could fix him. She liked to fix broken things. She was truly in love with him and still is. She doesn't want to hurt Angel but part of her resents her best friend for being the one to marry Patrick. She's also angry at Patrick for being so nonchalant. But she refuses to leave him and agrees with his plan to continue seeing one another even after his wedding night.



The Pagliarelli family's involvement in Cosa Nostra dates back to the mid-1800s when it was first formed. Angiluzza's four times great grandfather, Domenick Pagliarelli of Palermo was one of the very first Dons, her family among the first clans. The men and women of the Pagliarelli have always been members of the Cupola, always respected. Their first territory was the Pagliarelli mandamento of Palermo. As their family expanded, so did their territory. It was the early 20s when they decided to take it to a new level. Her great grandfather, Arturo Pagliarelli, decided to take his children and moved with a portion of the family to New York City where they shook things up and began snatching territory like it wasn't nobody's business. Their wealth more than tripled as the Pagliarelli clan operated between Palermo and New York City.

In this family – Family is everything.


| Antonio “Twinkletoes” Pagliarelli | Godfather | 74 |
Antonio is currently the oldest Pagliarelli and the Godfather. He is very old-fashioned like the other men in the family but is known for having a sense of humor. He is very wise and well-respected among many Famiglias. He is very much a family man and encourages all of his remaining descendants to remember that family comes before business, though he does remind them that they must all make sacrifices. Because once you're in...You're in for life. Oh... His name came from his love of ballet.

| DeAngelo “The Animal” Pagliarelli | Don | 48 |
DeAngelo is much like his father. The word loyalty isn't just tattooed to his flesh, but his heart and body and mind and soul as well. He strives to make his father proud as well as the other members of his family and is known for his no-nonsense demeanor. He doesn't take lightly to people hurting his family or slandering them either. People have died for doing so. His kids are his world and he can be a bit overprotective. He has three remaining brothers and one sister as well as three grandchildren and five nephews and two nieces. He has more territory in NYC than any other organized crime circle. The Pagliarelli family compound is located in Queens where he lives with his daughter and a few close members of his Famiglia. Even seven years after his wife's death, he has yet to remarry and is adamant on honoring her memory by remaining a widower and raising their children as she would have.

| Divinia Pagliarelli | Matriarch (Deceased) | 45 (Deceased at 38) |
She was a wonderful woman shot down in her prime just two years after her youngest sons. She was the Matriarch of the Pagliarelli family, the mother of all of DeAngelo's children. She was a very powerful woman that held an air of sophistication and calculation about her and commanded a great deal of respect despite her small size and young appearance. She was always very collected and never panicked, never fearing anything. Sure, she had a criminal record. But who was over twenty, in the mafia, and didn't? But she was never a rat. She was an only child, born into the lifestyle and orphaned by a large war between the Pagliarelli Famiglia and the San Lorenzo Famiglia. Don Antonio took her under his wing and she wound up marrying his youngest.

| DeAngelo “The Ghost” Pagliarelli Jr. | Head Capo | 28 |
Ah, the very eldest of them. Junior doesn't like being called Junior and tends to only answer to Ghost. The only person allowed to call him Gelo is his baby sister. How did he get his name? When he was still just a Soldati for his father, he spent months trying to tell his father that he was ready to be promoted. So his father challenged him: Steal the briefcase of money from the evidence locker in the 108th precinct and don't get caught. So. He did it. His father had a friend who was a police officer (many, really) and as they looked over the video tapes, they watched as he casually walked into the precinct and walked out with the money as if he were invisible. As far as his attitude goes, he's more reserved than his other brothers. He can hold his liquor though he doesn't tend to drink much, as he is a single father. Rosa is his daughter. He owns a mechanic shop out in the Bronx.

| Vincenzo “Pretty Boy” Pagliarelli | Head Capo | 27 |
Don't let his pretty face and vain tendencies to constantly check anything that shows his reflection so he can fix his hair fool you. This young man is just as rough and tumble as the others. Okay, not really. He knows how to hurt people but he got his name from never fighting because he doesn't like to get messy. He only fights when he must. Among his brothers, his ability to command fear and respect is second only to his elder brother. He's very laid back and fun, always ready to have a night out with the guys and bring home a few girls. But he's the type to fall hard and fast for “the perfect girl”, which happens to have been four girls in the past twenty-seven years. When it comes to matters of the heart... Well. He's been called a female before.

| Drago “The Brains” Pagliarelli | Head Capo | 26 |
Out of all his brothers, he is the smartest one. Hence the name. He's very rambunctious and outgoing, and extremely likable. Not your typical nerd. Because he always came off as such a jock, his family didn't always realize just how smart he was until he presented them with his Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Like his brother Vinny, he doesn't like getting his hands dirty. He's much more comfortable running things from behind the scenes, giving directions, and fighting with a gun in his hand. The idea of his fist making contact with someone's face for any reason that isn't personal doesn't appeal to him. With his brother, he brings a lot of money into the family by designing custom cars out of their small shop. Of course, the shop is also a front for a chop shop. But the police don't need to know that.

| Antonio “Big Tony” Pagliarelli | Head Capo | 25 |
Where did his name come from? Well. Why don't you ask the bloggers who caught him on candid camera being thrown out of a hotel room naked? Yeah. Nobody really wants to call him Big Tony because of its origins, but once it hit the internet and the papers – It stuck. Like his brothers, he's a Head Capo with a number of Capo and Soldati beneath him to carry out orders on his father's behalf in his area of Queens. What's he like? A manchild, really. When it comes to business, he's quite serious. But when it comes to everything else, he's just a giant kid with a thing for big butts.

| Paolo “Lucky” Corlione | Angiluzza's Shadow/Bodyguard/Godfather | 46 |
His family has faithfully serviced the Pagliarelli family for generations as Made Men, Soldiers, Capos, Consiglieres, and more. Paolo is currently the Don's right hand man and also Angel's most trusted friend. She had always taken a shine to him and had ordered more than a few deaths before she was 18 when rumors accusing Paolo of being sexually involved with her began to surface. He knows about her involvement with [Tom].


Now, enter the Starks. A young man from Surrey who once joined a gang as a mere teen to support brother after his dream of acting was crushed. It was the crudest form of a gang possible. There were little to no rules and few plans made. A member was always going to jail because loyalty only applied to the leader. Well, George had a better idea. He would take over. It didn't take long and it wasn't hard. He was smarter than the others and the takeover was hardly even hostile. With the exception of having to kill the previous leader. After he took over they began to whip the gang into shape, starting by executing the weak links. They didn't need them around and they couldn't exactly fire them. So it was the only way. When they got rid of the weaklings, they began to recruit stronger and smarter men from the streets and they started to get big. He even brought his brother into the fold. They even struck a few alliances among other more 'big dog" gangs. Mafias. But they stayed away from the Italian mafia. Nobody messed with the Cosa Nostra.

| Alexander Stark | Stand-In Leader | 63 |
Alexander Stark is a ruthless, cunning, and lecherous man. He's lead a life of hard knocks with his elder brother since they were small children. After amassing a certain amount of money and killing his cheating wife, he himself decided to enjoy life. He enjoys killing and fucking and making money. Despite his earlier promise as a teen to make sure his children knew a better life, they've never gotten such fatherly love from him. He believes that all forms of loneliness and depression can be fixed with booze, murder, sex, and money. He used to be some form of kind and sweet but the taste of what life will give those with money and power has driven him mad.

| Olivia, Penelope, & Margaret Stark | 21, 24, & 19 |
The girls know to stay out of the way of the men in the family. Stark family believes that women are to be seen, not heard, and most certainly give no orders when regarding the business. All of the girls have little to no love for their father but most certainly enjoy spending his money on a variety of drugs, alcohol, and expensive things to wear around town. Don't get it twisted though; They're just as brutal and ruthless as their father. They're experts at working behind the scenes and have a habit of knowing just about everything that goes on behind closed doors. They know Edmund is hiding something. They just don't know what... Yet. They tend to leave their uncle and cousins alone because their uncle was a good father to them where their own wasn't and their cousins have shown a great deal of care for them

| Timothy Stark | 18 |
He's not exactly the brightest crayon in the pack but he makes up for it with that legendary Stark sadism. Another product of his mother's infidelity, Tim has received even less attention and love from Alexander than the man's own children. Still, he's grateful that the man didn't throw him out when he had the chance to. He makes up for it by striving to prove himself in every way possible, only coming off as a serious kiss ass.

| Jonathan Stark | 23 |
While being a product of infidelity, Jon has received much praise from Alex and George. He's a tough young man and and he's sharp as a whip. He's the gentler one of Alexander's children and rather than be directly involved in the violent work, he's working to become a lawyer to help better cover up his family's doings and put their competition behind bars. He's a damn good shot when he needs to be though.

| Harrison Stark | 22 |
The muscle of Alex's brood. While he shares the same father as Patrick and Olivia, he has a different mother. Harrison is not the man you want to push too far. He's a real sweet guy but he lets his anger build up and he has been behind bars and put many people in hospitals when he lets his rage loose upon the world. He's recently been assigned to working mostly on heist jobs to keep himself out of jail and out of the papers.

| George Stark | Founder & Leader | 72 |
Originally from Surrey, he left his family at the age of ten to find work in New York City where he planned to make it big as an actor. But he never did. When times got hard, he refused to give up. He promised Alex that he'd get money to make their life better. So, he joined a gang. By the time he was 16 he had overthrown the leader and renamed the gang, marking the beginning of a new regime. After amassing a good deal of power and influence, enough to make a good income, he brought his younger brother over to run the gang with him. He has recently fallen ill due to heart conditions brought on by the war between the families and remains bedridden.

| Jeremiah Stark | 30 |
He is George's eldest child and is quite clever like his father. He doesn't initially come off as the threatening type but he can be quite vicious and bloodthirsty when he needs to be. Unlike some of the others in his family, he does not revel in bloodshed or violence and will only resort to either if absolutely needed. He prefers to keep things civil and allow his quarry to choose the easy way or the bloody way. He is aware of his younger brother's relationship and finds it to be quite romantic, often encouraging him to follow his heart. He himself lost his own wife to cancer four years ago.

| Murphy Stark | 30 |
The fraternal twin of “Jerry”, Murphy is exactly like his brother, aside from looks. Except that he doesn't mind fighting and bloodshed as much – Still, he doesn't revel in it. He's a gambling man and he's not the one that you want to challenge to any card game. Everyone accuses him of cheating though they've never been able to prove it. Since he was a child he's always held a special love for and fascination with sleight of hand. While Jerry specializes in negotiations and torture, Murph is an expert thief and could rob someone of the clothes they're wearing without them even realizing. Exaggeration, of course.

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Character Portrait: Angiluzza Pagliarelli
Character Portrait: Patrick Stark


Character Portrait: Patrick Stark
Patrick Stark

"I live for money, sex, and death."

Character Portrait: Angiluzza Pagliarelli
Angiluzza Pagliarelli

"Family and honor before heart..."


Character Portrait: Angiluzza Pagliarelli
Angiluzza Pagliarelli

"Family and honor before heart..."

Character Portrait: Patrick Stark
Patrick Stark

"I live for money, sex, and death."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Angiluzza Pagliarelli
Angiluzza Pagliarelli

"Family and honor before heart..."

Character Portrait: Patrick Stark
Patrick Stark

"I live for money, sex, and death."

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[center][img]What Lies Beneath[/img]
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[center][img]These Things I'll Never Say[/img]
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[center][img]Digging Up The Past[/img]
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[center][img]Theme Songs[/img]
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