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The Abandoned Ones

The Abandoned Ones


In a world torn apart and ravaged by war, it's hard to stay alive, much less keep other people alive. But standing together offers a better chance at survival. (Accepting Characters)

1,572 readers have visited The Abandoned Ones since Djiin created it.


'War is not the way to find peace.' Isn't that the old saying? Why, then, does the world subject us to this?


The year is 2505, and World War III has finally left the earth. When the war began, many people assumed the war would be over in months. As previous world wars, it began in Europe. The United States stuck its nose in immediately and forced the rest of the world to choose sides. The war should have been over in months. But it wasn't.
As in any war, the desire to win led to astounding new inventions. Weapons far beyond the capabilities of nuclear warfare and bombs ravaged the earth. The war raged on. Years passed. Then decades. The earth could not last much longer. Already grand cities had fallen, land made barren and uninhabitable. People were dying faster than fruit flies were. Fruit flies had already gone extinct.
Finally, a new hope came in the form of a scientific breakthrough. Humanity had created technology capable of traveling beyond the milky way, to planets that could be inhabited by humanity. Many thought that this new discovery would end the war, but it went on. Within a year, people were buying tickets off the ruins of earth. The new technology would take them far away, beyond the clutches of war. Only the poorest of people stayed behind. People with not a penny to their name. The industry could not afford to give tickets for free, but thy often traded. A precious memento could buy a ticket. Anything could really. Except that the orphaned children didn't have anything. Their parents were dead, all their valuables gone or taken. They were left alone on this world, if one could even call it a world. Now left to fend for themselves in the ruins of what was once a great city, their only hope of survival is to stay together and hope for the best. For now, all they can do is fight to survive.



I'm only putting down ten characters for now, but others can join later on and such. Ages can be anywhere from 15 to 19

||Maximilian Devereux|| ||Gender: Male|| ||Age-16||
||Alexandra Tissen|| ||Gender Female|| ||Age-18||
||Cameron Hildegard|| ||Gender Male|| ||Age-19||
||Ambrielle|| ||Gender Female|| ||Age-19||
||Cole Barnes|| ||Gender Male|| ||Age-17||
||Larisa Norton || ||Gender Female|| ||Age-19||
||Logan Davidson|| ||Gender Male|| ||Age-16||
||Alya Rasim|| ||Gender Female|| ||Age-19||
||Styx|| ||Gender Male|| ||Age-19||
||Akeron|| ||Gender Female|| ||Age-19||

||Other characters can request to join, but will fill other roles, such as a soldier or veteran, or even possibly another child they find on the streets and take in. These children can be younger than the age of the main characters if wanted. If you wish to join as such a character, please PM me first.||

||Character Skeleton||

Age(between 15 and 19):
Appearance(Written description and a picture or face claim if desired):
Basic history:
Writing Sample(Nothing too long or complex. Just a simple exchange between a friend or a thought monologue will do!):
Special Skills (Nothing too extreme. Simple things like pick-pocketing or agility.):

||Other Characters: A skeleton will be provided if anyone wishes to join.||


-Just the general things, same as always.
-No godmodding
-Literacy please!
-You don't have to type a novel per post, but at least one to two paragraphs is expected.
-Reservations will only last 24 hours unless I am further notified.
-Have fun!
-If you are gone for any longer than a week without notifying first, I'll probably find some creative way to kill off you character and/or remove your character from the list. It doesn't take too long to just PM me guys!

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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"We can see you, you know."
"I got nothing. For you or against you."

The awkwardness of the meeting below them!
Delighted, Akeron laughed. The laughed echoed down the hollow buildings like the tinkling of broken, falling glass. Beside her Styx hissed in warning, wanting her to be quiet, but his sound also echoed hauntingly down the quiet sentinel buildings.
Akeron had leaning an elbow on her bent knee, trainer just poking over the side of the building. She shot a smiling glance at her brother. "They're kids," she said quietly, raising a hand to wave at the young people in the street below them, swinging her dangling leg out into the air hopefully, "We've been waiting for an opportunity like this, Styx, we can't stay alone forever, we've got to hook up, or we're going to end up dead, left in a dusty alleyway, shanked or shot in the head."
Akeron's eyes were completely glued to the people, their actions would decide if the twins jumped down to greet them properly or rolled onto the roof and ran.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Barnes Character Portrait: Ambrielle
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A rat well isn't she just a charmer. " No i am just following someone i just got into town and have no clue whats around and your the first person i have seen in months." I stared at her a little long. " I was just wondering if i could follow you?.
I dropped the knife back into my bag stood up straight looking at her.

My eyes move to look up at the empty buildings to see a black figure watching from the window. "You were following someone?"
I pointed too the window the figure was in but it didn't move it just stood there watching us from the window. I ran up too the girl to see if he moved or if she had a better view. "This thing is really starting too freak me the hell out who is it." I asked her with the fear in my voice. Still unsure about the girl he kept looking back too her and then back to the figure in the window hoping both of them wouldn't move.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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#, as written by WalterF
Wait… forget about the others for a second. A… laugh and…. A hiss? Both sounded oddly familiar to Cameron. Glancing around with a furrowed brow, he tried to figure out who it belonged to. It didn’t take long, he saw someone waving. Although, his eyes didn’t focus on the one doing the waving for the moment, but the person next to her.

“Lloyd…?” he murmured to himself. It did look like him… and the girl next to Lloyd looked familiar too. He concentrated, squinting hard for a second, studying what he could of their features from afar. Then he realized it. It was Lloyd and his sister!

They were still here?
Why would they, of all people, not be able to get out of this ruined world? Not questioning it, he waved back to the pair and then turned his gaze back to the distant sister of Lloyd. He could tell from here, she had definitely changed. For the better, it seemed, she'd lost the lanky, gangly and starved thin appearance. Now she looked much more healthy, fit and… provocative.

“Hey, you two!” He called out in a friendly voice. “You should come down here!”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Barnes Character Portrait: Ambrielle
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She watched the strange person, a singular brow raising. A nod and she responded to his initial question. " Just stay out of the way and shut up. " Unfortunately, that didn't last very long. The male began seeing things. She looked up and into the window he mentioned. She looked hard and shook her head, continuing to walk along her path. " You're seeing things."

Ambrielle was already annoyed by this person. She was sure, eventually, this one would be come a meal if he kept his shenanigans up. That's just the way the world worked. She continued on her way through the buildings, attempting to find her way over to the statues she saw across the lake. It was deep within her that she hoped it was a hell of a lot more interesting then the freak following her. Here and there she glanced back at him. Although he looked stupid, to her, she figured looks could be deceiving. She would always be ready for something out of the blue.

She shook her head at the idea of what she had gotten herself into. She was seeing statues, and she had a crazy overly happy person following her. If she could have started this day over, she would have; however a different route would have been taken.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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Akeron's friendly smile sloped lopsided in a moment of confusion.
Who was the tall and well built fellow, and how did he know them? She pressed her lips together, perplexed as she looked at him, she didn't recognise him right off.
Anxiety began to prick at her. What if this man knew them through the Ash-Crows? Was he an old member, before the criminal gang had taken off into space? Was he a threat?
Panic started to simmer in her gut. What if he'd been employed by the New Boss, before she'd ended him? Did this guy know she'd killed the crazy crimelord who'd taken over after the Boss had gone into the stars?
The best way to deal with anything was with calm.
She inhaled slowly and collected her wits and sharpened her senses. If this guy turned out to be a threat, she'd deal with him, but for now he seemed friendly enough.
She smiled at Styx and budged to the edge, gently lowering herself before jumping down. With a thud she landed in a crouch, gracefully standing and confidently walking toward the group, hearing her brother land behind her.
"Hello," she greeted with another brief wave as she stepped a little closer to the young people, slanting a friendly smile while remaining cautious and alert, hand held slightly back, ready to grab her gun if things turned ugly. Her eyes flickered to the bloke who seemed to recognise them, she couldn't remember him, let alone his name, but maybe Styx knew him and would say it aloud.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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#, as written by Djiin
Alex stopped staring intently at the the two people cowering only to direct her attention elsewhere. She turned sharply, before she could even process that the sounds she heard were a laugh and a soft hiss. As she turned, she pivoted her hips, shifting her legs back, getting ready to bolt need be. After all, they had already met two 'friendlies;' in what hopeful universe could she even dream that there'd be more, almost exactly in the same place? It was impossible. It should have been impossible. And yet...
Again, she twisted her body sharply, nearly twisting her ankle in the process of turning back to Cam. She furrowed her brows, her forehead creasing as she glared at him. She didn't know why; it wasn't as if he had purposefully led her out there, but she felt wronged in some way. There were too many people. Too many people at once for her to handle. One person was fine, so were the other two, but yet another pair? That was too much. That crossed the line. In fact, she wasn't even sure why she was still standing there. She should have bolted long ago, just as her instincts instructed. But...for whatever reason, she didn't want to. It had been so long since she had even talked to somebody, much less had an actual friendly conversation. So she ignored the tugging feeling in her gut, keeping her feet planted firmly on the ground as she fought against every cell in her body to stay in place.
"You know them?" she hissed out, keeping her voice well below a whisper. "How the he--" Alex stopped mid-sentence as she heard the soft thud before she even saw the two bodies of a male and female drop to the ground. She visibly flinched the second the blonde took a step towards them and she retreated slowly, matching one step back for every step forward they took. She barely knew Cam and she sure as hell didn't trust him, so she had no reason to trust the people he knew. They seemed quite friendly however, and she almost wished she could trust them. She wasn't taking any chances though, and she kept her knees slightly bent, body in a position easy move should the time could. Already she could the girl with her hand slightly back, and she knew that position anywhere. The girl probably had a gun on her, maybe a knife if she lucked out. Alex was fast, she could outrun them if she needed. Her confidence in her abilities was the only thing that kept her there. The only thing and nothing else. Definitely nothing else...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Barnes Character Portrait: Ambrielle
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I looked back up to the window, to see it empty. "Oh i guess this place has me seeing things." I laughed at myself out of shame.
"So what brought you here, why are you walking through this city?" I asked hoping too get some convosation out of the woman as it was mainly a quiet trip. As we walking around the ruins of the city I wonder how this city ended up like this, and hoping we didn't run into any trouble.

"Your not very talkative I am guessing." As I looked at her as we walked she still didn't respond. I could of sworn that I seen something in the window of that building. I need to sleep or rest if i am starting too see stuff like that then somethings wrong. "Hey can we stop and rest for a bit, I am getting kind of tired just a small break so i can get my breath back."

I stop following her and stood still just taking each breath, as i looked around at our surrounding i felt myself getting cold. "You know what i think we should keep moving and not stand in a very open area." I laughed and started to follow her again.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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Akeron slowly let herself freeze in place, watching the gradually retreating girl. About 12 feet from the Big fellow she came to a stand still, gaze remaining on the girl who had backed up about the same distance behind him. Styx was only a moment behind.
An internal debate sprang hard into her chest, the Small girl seemed in similar inner struggle.
Should they trust each other?
The girl seemed as wary, cautious and instinctive as Akeron was. Examining those before her, she judged their strengths, weaknesses and what the fastest way to get out was.
Big fellow seemed just as he appeared, strong, probably fast and athletic, if she and he got into a hand-to-hand fight he would definitely win. Akeron was not eager for that to happen, but Styx was likely just as strong and fast, he would protect if it came to that.
The wary girl seemed more inclined to flight than fight, which worked just fine for Akeron.
Her eyes skittered over the two others, but she considered them of no threat just yet.

Yet, Akeron's hopes were winning over caution, she felt herself relaxing her hand away from her gun, willing to have faith and trust the new people. Her stance eased comfortably, hips tilting. A small smile formed for the wary girl, eyes darting from Big to Small, to and fro, "-I'm Akeron. This is my brother Styx." she introduced, a fractional pause having passed since she greeted with hello. "The world's too vast and dangerous to be alone."
Akeron's smile warmed, if they did team up, their chances of survival would go up ten-fold. Strong lads, quick girls.
Even if the cowering girl and boy with the dog didn't join, they'd be stronger and more capable as a crew.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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#, as written by WalterF
Cameron remained silent for a while. It didn’t appear that Akeron recognized him, but Lloyd, or whatever his name was now, didn’t appear to have much in the way of facial expression yet. It seemed an eternity of awkward silence passed before they slowly jumped down from the building and made their way over. At least… at least Akeron was smiling. That was a good thing. Although, even as she said hello, Cameron could plainly see her hand reaching for her gun. Obviously she didn’t trust any of them, and honestly, who would in these times? Cameron was about to open his mouth when he noticed that Alex seemed to be stressed or frightened a bit at the two newcomers.

“Y-….em…. ow….” Cameron didn’t hear her whisper very clearly, so he blinked and turned his face to her. “what…? Oh, nevermind,” he whispered back, shaking his head. So much distrust, he could see it plainly in the girl’s face. Although, he would do the same in that position. Some random guy you just met, saying hi to some other people that appeared pretty dangerous? That was questionable, and anyone would be nervous.

Thankfully, Akeron seemed to be losing her distrust and it was obvious in her body language. Her hand moving away from the gun, she started to smile a bit, more naturally. Finally she said something of worth! ”I'm Akeron. This is my brother Styx." Cameron’s brow furrowed a bit. “Styx….?”

I guess he got another pseudonym, or something… Cameron nodded and spoke to Akeron, still thinking about the whole “Styx” thing. “I’m Cameron, Akeron, and she’s Alex. I’m… not sure who those two people are.” He licked his lips, glancing between everyone as he spoke. Why did this feel so awkward to him? Maybe it was because everyone knew that the other was such a failure at life they couldn’t even salvage one important thing to get out of this world with. But that meant they were all in the same boat, so why bother judging each other for it? Cameron sighed again, though internally as he watched for Akeron’s response. This was just all crazy, everything was.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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"Cameron?!? Is that really you? Fuck you've changed! I suppose you cant stay a boy forever!" Styx said with a forced laugh and a smile as he stepped up beside his sister. Despite his easy greeting, his body remained tense and alert, for all he knew they could try to attack at any moment. He stayed ready to protect Akeron.
His sisters hand came out, fingers twitching for him to give her something, "Blue." she said. He slipped a hand into his leg pocket and pulled out the blue aerosol paint, putting it in her hand.
She crouched beside him and the hiss of stokes made his eyes flicker down for a second before going back to Cameron.
Who was his old friend now? What had the years done to change him?
Was he, too, a killer as Styx had had to become, or had Cameron kept his hands free of blood.
Styx kept himself slightly on his toes, knees ever so slightly bent, ready to launch if anything threatened them.
The years had changed Styx, he wasn't an innocent youth anymore.
Akeron stood and handed him back the spray can, dusting her hands and looking at her work for a moment. "There," she said. On the ground before her was the letter T in the likeness of two rivers weaving beside one another. It was there symbol to show that they'd been in this area.
A drop of water fell to his face,"Akeron we should get moving." He said as he glanced up at dark clouds moving in above them.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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Akeron looked from Styx to Cameron to Alex, "Perhaps we should all find shelter and have something to eat, we can walk about what happens next, whether we want to stick together, or if it is best to split ways."
She brushed her hands against her mini-shorts, but the blue paint wasn't going to budge, it dappled in with the orange, yellow, green and white she'd already used recently. Paint stains were just another part of her now.
Glancing up at them, she rubbed her hand over the back of her neck and down over her collar before dropping it back down, faintly touching the tattoo spanned the entirety of her.
Rain landed on her cheek.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx Character Portrait: Maximilian Devereux Character Portrait: Larisa Norton
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#, as written by Djiin
Alex remained back, distancing herself from the seemingly friendly exchange that was unfolding before her. She wasn't going to be fooled, though. She had seen her fair share of meetings that began nice then ended in bloodshed. She relaxed slightly, however, when the girl--whose name was apparently Akeron-- eased her body posture, her hand returning to her side. She seemed inclined to trust them enough to turn her back on them. The male--'Styx,' Alex forced herself to remember him as-- appeared slightly less willing to trust them though. His body remained poised, different from her position, almost like a tiger ready to attack.
Hesitantly, Alex made her way back to the people, ending back at Cameron's side. Though she still wasn't ready to place any real trust in any of them, they didn't seem to pose any harm for the time being. She had thought it logically through, or at least n her ridiculously hopeful manner, and concluded that she'd stay. If only for a little while longer. Akeron's suggestion threw her off, however, and she furrowed her brows. She wasn't entirely certain if the offer was extended to her, but the glance in her direction made it seem so.
Alex answered softly, her voice still raspy and gravelly from lack of use. "I'm not sure...if that would be such a good idea..." she trailed off then looked down, tapping her fingers in four beat intervals on her leg, and, against her better judgement, spoke again. "But, if we do, I know a place we can hide out at."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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#, as written by WalterF
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me, Lloyd,” Cameron returned, trying pretty hard to be as easygoing as he appeared to be on the outside. “You’ve changed a lot, too. And so has your sister? I think I remember seeing you before,” he continued, now addressing Akeron, “But wow, you’ve really changed since the last time I saw you.” And of course he meant that it was a change for the better- He was going to say something akin to ‘Finally put on some meat,’ but he bit his lip and stopped himself from saying that. Somehow it didn’t seem like it would come out right.

Unlike Lloyd, or Styx, or whatever his name was now, Cameron was not totally prepared if something attacked them. Of course he would be quick to react if anything happened, but he wasn’t tense and on high alert. Cameron watched his stance as Akeron worked on tagging the ground. He seemed incredibly tense. What had the years done to this one? Had he joined some sort of gang, and become a killer? Or was he just really paranoid because of all the stuff that was happening? Regardless, there was business to attend to.

"Perhaps we should all find shelter and have something to eat, we can talk about what happens next, whether we want to stick together, or if it is best to split ways," Akeron suggested.

Cameron nodded and was about to open his mouth when Alex, who had silently crept up to his side once again, spoke up, though quietly. "I'm not sure...if that would be such a good idea..." she trailed off then looked down, tapping her fingers in four beat intervals on her leg, and, against her better judgement, spoke again. "But, if we do, I know a place we can hide out at."

“Why wouldn’t that be a good idea? There’s always safety in numbers,” Cameron countered. “I think it’s a good idea.” He took a look at Alex’s face. She seemed… distrusting. Like no one here was unsuspicious to her. It wasn’t like he could blame her- who wouldn’t be a little suspicious of a strongly built guy talking with a brother and sister, the latter covered in tattoos, and seeming to have known each other for a while? Leaning over, he murmured in Alex’s ear. “Hey, if you’re worried about them, don’t. They won’t hurt you. I’ll see to it.”

Straightening, he raised his voice to a talking level as a drop of rain hit his forehead. “So, where’s this place you’ve got to hide in?”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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Akeron smiled at Cameron, "I expect we've all changed," her smile turned just a little bit forced, her gaze turning inward, shadowing in hidden memory. She blinked slowly, expression returning to a normal warmth. "-We just have to make sure that from now on the change is for the better."
Her gaze went to Alex as a rain drop hit her face, then her leather jacket. "Your place sounds great, and I'm starving. I have a loaf of bread and Styx has a can of...something.." Doubt crossed her face, the packaging was so faded and torn she'd not known by glance what it was. Perhaps he knew.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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#, as written by Djiin
Alex looked up at Cameron and blinked once in surprise. It was amazing to her how he could be so trusting. After all, hadn't he seen the very same things that she had seen? Even the siblings seemed to maintain a little wariness. She figured he was just strong; a whole lot stronger than she was. She had already given up hope, but there he was, actively trying to find and befriend others. It was incredible. And dare she say...a tiny bit inspirational. Obviously he had his faults, one of them being, in her eyes at the very least (though she was known for being overly critical), that he too trusting. Though she knew she shouldn't be so quick to judge since she had no idea of any tricks he might keep up his sleeves.
An even greater surprise came to her when she heard his voice in her ear.
“Hey, if you're worried about them, don’t. They won’t hurt you. I’ll see to it.”
Just as quickly as they came, the words disappeared as Cam quickly straightened again. Alex looked down, still unwilling to let anyone see her in a moment of weakness, and smiled. It had been a long time since anyone had spoken words of kindness to her, and she was stoked; though a majority of the reason was likely because of her own isolation. Even as he spoke the words though, Alex could already tell he probably wouldn't have to follow through on the promise. She had an inkling she could trust these people. Cam was friendly and open, eager to meet people. Even the siblings had given her slight reason to trust them. Akeron especially. She just seemed so...kind. Albeit, in a wary way.
"Ahm, by the lake. There's a cave there. Well, it's really a tunnel. It opens up into a large space though," said Alex as she lifted her head, raising her gaze to meet the female sibling's. Her voice was already improving, though her sentences remained short and choppy.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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#, as written by WalterF
Cameron merely nodded at Akeron’s words. They were true, nothing needed to be added to them. Glancing up at the sky, he crossed his arms over his chest and frowned a bit at the rain. There’s no need for you now. Go away, come again some other day. It seemed odd, with everything that was going on it became very easy to forget about the weather. There were probably not to many people concerned about the weather shortly after 9/11 in Chicago, or on Hiroshima after the nuclear bomb was dropped. Yet, weather could have been a major factor in both of those events. Why do people seem to ignore it in emergency times? Ah, well. There wasn’t time nor reason to think about that right now.

Seeing that Alex looked down after he whispered to her, Cam could already tell that she smiled just by the way she had stared at the ground so. His own smile widened at her, glad that he had at least broken some of the ice. Alex seemed to be a very distrusting, critical type. It was written all over her face, her body language, even how she talked. She probably didn’t make many friends wherever she came from. Hopefully that would change, at least with one of the three people about him.

"Ahm, by the lake. There's a cave there. Well, it's really a tunnel. It opens up into a large space though," Alex explained as to the whereabouts of the cave. Cameron nodded, thinking that would be a good place to camp or at least get everything straightened out for a little bit. “Alright, sounds good. We should get going before this rain really picks up.” With that, hardly waiting for the others to join him, he started walking towards the direction of the lake. Although, truly he only knew where he was going because he and Alex had been walking in that direction already.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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Akeron followed Alex and Cameron abreast, though the little distance she left between them was healthy, just in case.
She looked around, scanning as they walked caustiously down the walkway, alert for movements or shifting shadows. Rain was drizzling down a little at a time, splattering onto her hair and the shaved sides of her head, making her cold and wishing she had a hood.
One of her step by step goals was to find and collect all the survival essentials, the one she wanted most of all was a sleeping bag, insolated.. warm..
A fast sigh escaped her at the longing, she had big ideas, but little means to achieving them, save for her perserverance.
Beside her walked Styx, who had placed himself between her and the other two, probably more out of habit than real worry for her.. although she wasn't entirely sure, her twin's thoughts were as hidden from her as any other persons.
"Do you know this area well then?" she asked Alex and Cameron, distracting herself.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Djiin
Alex started after Cameron soon after he began walking towards the lake. She stared up into the sky as they walked, the rain falling on her face. She took long, dragging steps, almost reluctant to get out of the rain too fast. Though she knew the importance of not staying in the rain too long, for even an illness as small as a cold was hard to remedy these days, she truthfully had no desire to get out of the rain too quickly. Frankly, she had quite a few good memories of the rain, ranging from just sitting out to gallivanting with her family and few close friends. Back then, the rain seemed more fun. The weather that created opportunities for enjoyment. But now, it seemed almost sadder, melancholy almost, with a tinge of loneliness. The sky seemed darker and more foreboding than she had remembered.
"Do you know this area well then?"
Akeron's words shocked Alex out of her musings. She ducked her head back down, watching the mud that her shoes were dragging through. "I do," she responded relatively quickly, warming up significantly to conversation. "I used to come down here often, just to get some air. I don't know about Cam though."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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0.00 INK

Akeron nodded at Alex's response, glancing up at the clouds then back to scanning the area, she took steps to avoid muddy patches, fearing that if her shoes, socks and feet got wet they'd not dry fast enough and eventually get her sick. She huddled into her jacket, zipping it fully closed agaist the chill breeze and pattering rain.
"We were in the centre of the city, I hardly went out at all..." Akeron trailed off, shivering away from thinking about her everyday routine life in the sky-scraper that they had called home, nerve-centre of the Ash-Crows.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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0.00 INK

#, as written by WalterF
Cameron glanced sideways at the two beside him as they walked along. They didn’t seem like they were too much in a hurry as he was. Maybe they actually liked the rain, unlike him. Cameron absolutely hated the rain, though he tried not to show it. Although… his face was twisted into a bit of a frown, so he tried to straighten that out with a little sigh. There, that was better.

Do you know this area well then?Akeron asked both of them. Cameron looked at her while Alex answered her. Cameron was amazed at how much she had changed since the last time he had seen her. They were both just scrawny kids at the time. But now look at him. He was tall, muscular, well-built, and Akeron, dare he say, or at least think, stunningly beautiful. He imagined that many a crime boss had been seduced by her, if her tattoos said anything about her.

Those thoughts flashed by in a moment. Alex had finished speaking and now it was his turn. He nodded once. “Yeah, I know it pretty well, I guess. I’ve been around.” He shrugged slightly and turned his face forward. He felt like dashing ahead to get out of this irritating rain but he didn’t know the way exactly. He thought he recognized the area, but one could never truly tell…


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard Character Portrait: Alexandra Tissen Character Portrait: Akeron Character Portrait: Styx
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0.00 INK

Akeron snorted, stepping over a larger puddle of mud, then she made an irritated noise and stopped dead, pulling off her sneakers and socks to stuff into her rucksack. Better to be barefoot than have nothing to keep her feet warm later on, twisted logic, as she knew her feet would get cold faster now, without the shoes on, but she couldn't avoid the mud and feet could easily be washed and dried, shoes could not be dried easily anymore.
.. Funny, that she had relaxed so much as to feel able to take her shoes off, her feet were tough, always had been and she could run even without shoes, but it made her a little slower, which curbed the only advantage she had evening her odds with Alex and Cameron.
She zipped her bag closed and caught up a little, smiling with a laugh and explaining herself, "I'm not vain. I'll need dry shoes later, else my feet really will freeze."
She laughed again, shrugging at herself.

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Earth by Djiin


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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ambrielle
Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard
Character Portrait: Cole Barnes
Character Portrait: Akeron


Character Portrait: Akeron

"We're that much closer."

Character Portrait: Cole Barnes
Cole Barnes

Here too help

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard
Cameron Hildegard

"Is anybody out there?"

Character Portrait: Ambrielle

" There are still treasures left within trash."


Character Portrait: Akeron

"We're that much closer."

Character Portrait: Cole Barnes
Cole Barnes

Here too help

Character Portrait: Ambrielle

" There are still treasures left within trash."

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard
Cameron Hildegard

"Is anybody out there?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Akeron

"We're that much closer."

Character Portrait: Cameron Hildegard
Cameron Hildegard

"Is anybody out there?"

Character Portrait: Ambrielle

" There are still treasures left within trash."

Character Portrait: Cole Barnes
Cole Barnes

Here too help

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Re: The Abandoned Ones

Sorry I've been out for a while again. :c I was just bombarded with work and end of the year test preparations, and ugh. I should be back steadily after Friday though, thankfully.
As for the question Saaki, I hadn't really created the story with any major arcs in mind and was intending to leave the story up to the players for the most part. Those had always seemed like the best kinds of roleplays to me, haha. So I would love for people to throw ideas out that we can all agree on!

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Don't yee panic my lovelies, you shan't be harmed.... much!

I am so glad that the RP is starting to pick up, I feared that it might slowly begin to wilt from neglect.

A thought has occured to me about Story Arc.
Is there a mysterious plan, Djiin, or are you leaving it to our interpretation? (with prompting when pushes are needed)

I think it would be good for everyone to throw their ideas out.

- Saaki.

Re: The Abandoned Ones

I shall try to post sometime today! *panics for no reason*

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Oh dear, my poor muse! Aaaanndd, there goes another one that I willingly torture. And I thought I had finally gotten over that. Unfortunately, I have yet another paper due by the end of the night and me replying here is just procrastination kicking in. Though, I should be able to post within the night!

Re: The Abandoned Ones


It's okay, we'll make Alex pay for your neglect of us!
-evil laugh!-

Good to have you back Djiin, now POST!
-push, applies pressure-

- Saaki

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Hi, guys! Sorry I let the rp die for a while. To be honest, I was waiting for the others to post and just forgot. My bad! Thanks for posting again, I'll do so soon c:

Re: The Abandoned Ones

I've changed your post a tiny bit Walter! Hope you don't mind. Would you edit yours to match? Cameron wouldn't know of their new names! -grin!- Lloyd is Styx's birth-name, which Cameron would know him by. He wouldn't know Akeron's name.

As we've discussed, Cameron and Lloyd (AKA Styx) would have known each other from being street-kids, around the age of 12-13.
Akeron (or whatever her birth-name was back then) would have hung out with the girls, as well as being fiercely shy and a mumbler, which is probably why he never knew her real name.
If you like, he can have known her by a mocking-nickname, perhaps something like "Rake" "Ribs" "Skinny" since her most distingiushing feature back then was probably how scary thin she was.

It would be cool if Cameron was one of the reasons they are so good at parkour, since they probably did it together as kids.
It is up to you if they went on ventures together (either to steal food or whatever)

- Saaki.

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Leafia(Cole Barnes)

The shadows she saw were not in the window...they were across the pond. Unless you're making up that part for the story, I suggest redoing your post please.

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Augh, I know I promised by tonight, but that report took a lot longer than expected. I'll have a post up right after classes tomorrow!

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Ah, sorry again! First it was the flu and then family matters came and now I have to type a report. :c I should be done soon though, so I'll post in two or three hours. Sorry again!

Re: The Abandoned Ones

-Laughs delightedly!-

Ahh, I see!
I like dramatic, it is very exciting, interesting and creative.
(So long as it isn't cliché, soap-drama, else I'd prefer to just go back to sleep.)

Can't wait to see what you guys post.

Speak soon!
- Saaki.

Re: The Abandoned Ones

you're absolutely correct in saying I don't need the post, but I most certainly want the post. I could post if I wanted to, but I'm willing to wait a bit longer since Djiin said that a post was coming. I also like making things overly dramatic. :p

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Heya all,

I've a challenging question for you! (Because I like to challenge peoples thinking!)

Why would you need Djiin to post before you?
Djiin doesn't need to lead posts because Alex is in front of Cameron.
You can still post, whether Alex's owner is around or not. You just have to make sure that you're fairly treating Alex!

In your post, you could indicate that Alex is in front, then Cameron can react.
Like: Did he see Lara and Max?
What'd he think?
Does he call out and say Heyyyaaa cutieee dddog! (forget the people, it's the dog we care about!!! -grin and wink!-)

If you need to, I'm sure Djiin won't mind if you influence Alex a tiny bit by mentioning that she's still there and not fallen through a pot-hole into the fires of Hell.
The more you get to know one anothers characters, the easier it in to predict what they'll probably do, which means it is safe for you to assume Alex takes another couple of steps down the street. (just don't make her fall down a pot hole into hell, because that's God Emoting, not influencing.)
At the moment, I am influencing Styx, because his player isn't around to play him at the moment, I've only controlled him physically, I've not yet really given him a personality or made him say anything without his player's consent.
There is a fine line between influencing other people's characters and god-emoting them, but because me and Styx's owner know and trust each other from another roleplay, I've been given full permission to influence Styx while his player is MIA.

I hope we can all get to the point where we trust one another to post freely and interact character to character without having to constantly dance around asking permission in posts or player-to-player.

One of the reasons I'm against turn-based system is because life happens in the most unexpected ways and sometimes it can overrun us completely. The problem with turn-based is that sometimes people just can't get online and say that they're inactive, which leaves everyone in limbo for a couple of days until they realise the post isn't happening.
It is why having the freedom to post when you're avaliavle and have something to add is so awesome, it cuts down useless, boring, spacefilling posts and leaves room for exciting stuff to happen. If the players give the others a chance to post, normally no one gets left in the dust, taking sporadic turns to post is easily negotiable in group interactions, so long as everyone gets a chance to post it doesn't exactly matter which order.
Some people get a little left behind if they're gone for a couple of days, but it is so easy to catch up and it just means everyone has to be flexible with their characters.

If anyone is interested, you could read the Roleplay Guidelines I posted up here on my first roleplay, it explains in more detail about god-emoting and influencing other players characters fairly and without God-emoting them.
Then, you'd not have to wait for Alex, or anyone, to lead.

Here is the link:

The first section is about Character Creation,
The second is about Fairness, Trust and Understanding,
The last is about Advantage and Disadvange, Cause and Effect.

Hope it's useful!
Hope we can all throw in the exciting stuff and get posting soon!
(Also, I've influenced one of Celaradith's character already! Chep the beagle, no bodies bit my head off for that yet! Hahhaaha.)

- Saaki.

Re: The Abandoned Ones

*pokes Djiin rather impatiently * I need you to pooooooooost!!

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Hey all,

Just waiting for my character to be accempted / activated by Djiin, since I still can't post at the moment.
Speak to you all soon,

- Saaki.


Hey again guys!

Probably the longest introduction on this RP yet!
Sorry guys, I can't help myself, I'm verbose and prolific. ;P

- Saaki.
(off to bed now! night!)

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Alrighty no worries! I wasn't sure if you'd noticed or not.

The more, the merrier!

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Celaradith- I know there are two others approaching yours but I'm just making it so my charrie can only so you and the boy with the dog (minus the dog) since she is so far away. When she gets closer, she will notice all of this. :-)

Saaki - No worries at all. Cannot wait for you to enter our realm! ^_^

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Ah, I must have missed that in the posts, I suppose I have been reading them a little staggered and lose the flow a little. I should of double checked, but laziness ruled and I thought I'd ask instead. -wink-

I've no problem with making an alternative introduction, I just didn't want to see an opportunity wasted if it was going spare.
I'm a bit of a opportunist in that regard, my first character here on RoleplayGateway was adopted! Opportunity taken!

Chep the beagle makes me giddy with happiness, why didn't I think of having a dog first! My unltimate goal (aside from ruling the world, of course) is to steal-away that gorgeous dog!

Akeron and Stiks will get thrown in somewhere and fit in with all of you, so no worries on that front.

I will begin plotting my introduction post.

Super excited to jump in roleplaying with you all,
- Saaki.

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Actually, my character and Lara (the two with the dog) are being approached by another two right now as well. So you might need to edit your post?

Re: The Abandoned Ones

Haha! Hello and Welcome Saaki!
Being crazy is awesome and I cannot wait to RP with you. ^_^

As for my Character looking at the two statues, yes they are actually people. If you read a few of the posts before, there are two people who have spotted two others. I intend very much that what she see's is those two. ( I believe it is the girl and boy with the dog) I apologize if this does not work out for you.

In any case, I look forward to your first post to help this RP continue on. ^_^