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The Ancient Crusaders » Places

Places in The Ancient Crusaders

This is a list of locations that can be found in The Ancient Crusaders.

All Places

Demon caves

1 posts · 1 characters present · last post 2012-08-11 06:02:18 »

         "NO!" The little girl cried as she ran through the tunnels. The demons followed her close, and were closing in fast. She panted franticly and he turned left, to right, to left again then ran down that path. Finally, she ran to the end of the line. As the demons surrounded her she turned back to the with her back against the wall of what looked like bones. 100's of body's pressed into a wall, a creepy and horrifying place to be pressed into. "STAY BACK!!" She shouted one last time at them as they came close, then finally a grin came across her face. She suddenly turned like a snake turning to attack, and that's exactly what she did.

Suddenly her eyes started to glow bright purple, then the bones started to groan. The demons stopped in there tracks as the wall of bones they crafted started to fall apart. The bones started to move, and fall from the wall. Collecting into bodys, thigh bones connecting to broken hip bones, witch connect to broken broken ribs and spine pieces. Once the body's were formed, other peices that couldn't be used to make then started to make there weapons. Femurs becoming swords, and ribs into daggers.

Moments after, the little army of skeletons stud proud against the demons, and started to march forward as one body. The demons, not sure of what else to do, forced charged into the skeletons, witch charged right into them. Quickly, the demons slaughtered all of the skeletons with just a few of them dieing. Again they marched twards the girl, but as they walked to her, the skeletons simply reformed themselves behind the demons behind.

Without a sound, the skeletons attacked again from behind. This time, killing more and more demons with each one of them dieing. The demons swiftly turned to the skeletons to fight them off, but little did they know as they're backs were turned, more and more skeletons grew from the wall, and finally the demons turned to find they were trapped, and soon all of them died to the seeming endless horde of skeletons.

"Die..." The girl whispered, then all of the skeletons fell to the ground, lifeless bones once more.

Earth Demon caves Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the caves. Beware of the demons within.


47 posts · 10 characters present · last post 2012-07-19 22:15:08 »

         Volkrag went out, and saw two men. One was Anton, and one was Az'Ghardhren'Vor. Somehow, Volkrag had the feeling that Anton couldn't see Az'Ghardhren'Vor. Although, the armor was getting corrupted once more, making Volkrag unable to move. The corruption caught his legs, and soon, his whole body. He was the Corrupted Paladin once more. The first one he attacked was Anton. But, he got to stop his hand from stabbing Anton, and got up. Soon, Volkrag went to the deepest parts of the Corrupted Paladin's soul. He fought the Paladin, and won. But, Volkrag was left a Corrupted Paladin, but now he could control himself. He put down his sword, and stood like a statue in front of Anton.


Church of The Arch-Angels

13 posts · 1 characters present · last post 2012-07-11 11:39:37 »

         Luna found Lance around the castle, wandering.

"Lance." she said, leaning on a high stain glass window above him. The girl was quick and silent, but she always suspected that Lance knew she was there.

She jumped down and landed with a bump; the kind of sound that might be heard when a jacket dropped, not a person.

Still too loud, though.

"This fight." With the tone in her voice, she hadn't need say anymore. They had been Crusaders together long enough. Luna was worried, despite what she would ever willingly admit aloud.

"There's- what- 10 of us?" she continued. It wouldn't be enough to stop all of Hell from wreaking havoc on Earth. No matter what, some demons would slip through their grasp.

We Crusaders are pre-occupied with our folly. Meanwhile, Satan raises an army in the name of all the strength he possesses.

Church of The Arch-Angels Owner: RolePlayGateway

Home of the members.


2 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2012-07-04 10:27:36 »

         The next day Anton woke up calmly and took a few seconds to recognize if the last day was a dream or reality.
Particullary he felt bad about the idea to siege Hell: it was a suicide mission,not was useless,to pass ten circles of sins and then the last to be punished.
He took a long breath,and then got dressed.He passed all the morning writing notes,and in a secret tome the results of the secret meeting.
Impatient,he decided to visit the market,particullary the shop of Medea.
This shop was known to alchemist,but also mages: Medea is one of the most mysterious member of the Ancient Crusaders.
For more than one time she refused to join battles.
Despite all of this,she is a mage with excellent elemental knowledge and also a pretty good brewer.
Walking around Anton noticed various stalls: from vegetable to crossbows.
The market was,usually a place where to meet old friends or even business meeting in the various taverns.
However in that young afternoon he noticed more silence than the other days.
The Shop of Medea,called "The Forest of Runes" is situated at the end of the Market,near the castle of the Blade master.
When he arrived he looked up,at the towers of the Castle.
"I wonder if our knight is passing some time with the Blade Master Anton was thinking by looking at the gates.
Here was the "Forest of Runes": He wondered if Medea was in the shop.
There was no door,but a veil of stones that separates the jungle of the shop from the lands of the Crusaders.
He looked inside...without his suprise he saw trees,flowers and even heard some screams of monkeys ahead.
He smiled and searched for Medea.
"Medea? Medea! I need some oils!" Anton actually screamed.
From nowhere a voice answered:"Anton! Since when you didn't visited me?".It was Medea,somewhere in that magic forest.
"Which kind of oils my dear?" Medea asked.
"Cooking didn't hear the news?"
Suddenly a thin arrow broke the immobility.Just before it could hit Anton's right shoulder his arcane forces stopped it.
Medea laughed.From a nearby tree Anton saw a figure moving: He laughed."Medea are you going to lose the habit to kill your customers or..." Just before he could finish the sentence anothen thin arrow passed the air,and again got blocked by the Arcanic aura.
"...go on?" Another arrow searched to pass Anton.This time it succeeded,hitting Anton's leg.
He took a breath,impassible....the arrow are so thin that a simple spell is enough to heal the wound.
"I guess you will go on" Anton removed the arrow from his leg and Medea came out from the camouflage.
She was smiling.
Medea is thin,tall and she never loses her smile: her irony surpasses Anton's and her hairs are black.
"Ah well....the news? The presumed "Apocalypse","Ragnarok","Armageddon" and so on?" Medea said walking with a Machete,made to cut down plants.
Anton was following her:"Yes....and I need some herbs to enchant my armour....better if you have the oils".
Medea looked back."Name the list Lorekeeper!"
Anton named his vast quantity of herbs' oils and wondered if John,the Alchemist,needed something.
" you have Boom daisies? A friend of mine might need them.
"Boom!" Medea guided the way.
Medea's shop was worse than the Labyrint of the Minotaur.After an half hours of walking Anton said:"That's why they say to don't judge a book from the first page....Medea your shop is bigger than I thought!"
Medea smiled,while chopping down the unlucky trees."Neither I know how big is this shop...." She said laughing.
Ten minutes later they found these "Boom Daisies":"Here!"
"How much is all this timeless list?"
"Well let's see...." After minutes of calculating "It's"
"Meh....I can't accept Mede...".
"Oh wait...if you can do me the favor to tell me what do you think of the incoming invasion...."
Anton sighed....He forgot that Medea doesn't accept classic cash.
"This might be more digestive with...some tea..."
After an hour af talking Medea freed Anton
"Thank you "Illuminated"! For the company!"
Anton smiled as he was heading to the Alchemy room.

Church of The Arch-Angels Market Owner: RolePlayGateway

Buy your objects here!

Mining Sites

Earth Mining Sites Owner: RolePlayGateway

Mining site

D'Canith Manor

4 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2012-07-02 10:27:48 »

         A fiery grin bloomed on The Duelists face as he rose to his feet. His eyes locked on the portal as his magical ally summoned his infamous halberd. D'Canith drew his legendary rapier, the cold steel singing as it left its scabbard.

"You know I'm never one to miss a party old friend. I'll just have to try and save a few for you."

He said with a wink before stepping to Anton's side. For a moment Dante's clockwork mind flashed images of the battles he and his allies had fought in the past. The massive battles were the most memorable. Hordes of demons coming screaming out of shadow and flame, thirsty for the blood of the innocents. The Crusaders standing alone as the first and last line of defense between humanity and oblivion. His mind saw each member standing there, bold and brave, ready to fight and die if need be. Now it seemed they were going to do it all over again if this invasion was truly happening. Only time would tell.

"Oh and it is Tuscan. Monsanto."

D'Canith Manor Owner: RolePlayGateway

2nd Base of Operations of the Crusaders.

Alchemy Room

Church of The Arch-Angels Alchemy Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Alchemists' room.

Castle of The Dark Lord

Castle of The Dark Lord Owner: RolePlayGateway

The home of the Dark Lord.

Castle of The Blade Master

Castle of The Blade Master Owner: RolePlayGateway

The castle of the Blade Master.

Castle of the Zealot, and the Warrior Jester

The Zealots', and Jester's home.


Underworld Owner: RolePlayGateway

Final place (look inside)

Warlord's Castle

Warlord's Castle Owner: RolePlayGateway

Castle of the Warlord

Master Castle

Master Castle Owner: RolePlayGateway

Castle of the ancient Master.

Upgrade Shop

Church of The Arch-Angels Upgrade Shop Owner: RolePlayGateway

The upgrade shop.


Hell Owner: RolePlayGateway