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The City Of Magic II

The City Of Magic II


the same as City of Magic, by Annaky.

1,356 readers have visited The City Of Magic II since Angelika Petrova created it.


Welcome to the City of Magic. Everyone here knows one Element of Magic. In fact, they are born with a symbol on the palm of their hand, like a tattoo, which gets more and more symbols around it, depending on how much Magic you know. All the residents here must master their Elements. The only way your body will be able to master more than one Element is if you are a Chosen One.


The Light Symbol is a heart.
The Fire Symbol is a flame.
The Earth Symbol is a flower.
The Water Symbol is a water droplet.
The Shadow Symbol is a skull.
The Air Symbol is an angel wing.
The Symbol for the Chosen Ones is any of the above in the middle, bigger than the others, and when you master another Element, it appears around the side of the larger symbol. When you master all the Elements, your whole arm will be covered in a special pattern, like a vine with all the Element symbols on. The marks on your hand become whatever desired color. Put 'No Mary Sues' in the personality section if you have read through all this. You may remove it if I accept you.


Light: You can bend light, or you can move it around. You can create Light Balls that float around under your command. It does not burn. You can blind people temporarily with a sudden light in their eye.
Fire: You can make fire out of anywhere, and you can make a fire that's already started bigger. You can stop fires and you can make Fireballs. They burn. if they touch anything. Otherwise, they don't. You can surround someone in flames.
Earth: You can create earthquakes, but that's only for emergencies. You can make trees or Flowers sprout out from anywhere, and you can wrap people in vines.
Water: You can do anything you want with anything liquid. You can make patterns, or you can make Tsunamis (Like earthquakes, it's for emergencies.) You can make Water balls, but if they drop, they soak whatever they fell on.
Shadow: You can move shadows around, and if you change the Shadow, it changes the object. You can create Shadow Balls, and if they are thrown at someone, they either gain more shadows or lose some. Having more shadows improves your power.
Air: You can chop through anything depending on how much power you have. For example, if you have barely any power, you can't cut through much, but if you do have a lot, you can chop through things like steel.
Chosen Ones: They can do any of the above.


Chosen One: Taken
Chosen One:
Chosen One;
Chosen One:
Chosen One:
Chosen One:
Here is you character Skeleton.

Appearance: (Anime photos only.)
Age: (12-28)
Symbol: (Preferably a picture, but it doesn't have to be anime this time.)
Mastered spells:
Best Spell:

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Elsina had reached the border of the forest, and saw Lunar, but only dimly recognised him. Her mind told her. 'that man is imortant' so she fought. She saw a huge lunar ray shooting towards, her, so she could only do one thing. "Fiery Womb!" she yelled, and crossed her forearms over her chest, bowing her head, just as the ray hit. She was completely surrounded by fire, her eyes shining red and her hair seeming to become a waving, swaying flame. She held her defenses, grunting slightly as the wave kept pounding, but she made it. She dropped to the ground, her body heat more than bioliogically possible, but she was alright. She let the memories return, the personality, until she was herself. Elsina. She stood up, and saw lunar's form on the ground, and the girl in moonlight. The girl seems to be afraid, as if she was trapped. Elsina ran up the hill, picked up the Lunar rod, and did the first thing that sprang to her mind. She hit the orby thing as hard as she could with the staff, and it sharttered. But, as her body was not adjusted to moonlight, her hands suddenly felt as if they were on icy fire. She dropped the staff, and the orbs dissolved, the girl was freed. She stared at her hands as the burn marks faded. She knew this was a message frm lunar's godded. "Alright, i won't play wth your toys anymore.." she muttered, then spotted Lunar. He looked dead. She kneeld down next to him, and put her fingers to his neck. She couldn't feel a pulse. Mind you, she could barely put on a Band-Aid, she she held her ear to his chest. Noting. She looked at him, gazing a the perfect features she had missed so much, and cried. For the third time in her life, she cried.

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As her orb of protection shattered, a great force drove into her chest, knocking her onto her back. It felt as if the light force slowly snaking its way in had suddenly all at once hit her. Dazed, she sat up. Her vision wouldn't focus at first; it jumped around, hazy.
From within her, a profound warmth was spreading, first from her core, and then moving out to the edges of her hair, her toes, and fingertips. Her body carried a dim glow.
"What is this?" She was whispering, but as her vision corrected, she saw that Lunar was on the ground. Elsina had returned, and was on her knees beside him. She was... crying? But why? Lunar couldn't be...
No. She'd been watching. Lunar had attacked, not the other way around. How could he be...
Then Brigid was on her feet. She closed the distance between them and knelt by Lunar with Elsina. Looking into his face, he was so peaceful. But something was different... the Moonlight was gone. His hair was back the way it was earlier.
A thought occurred to her, but it didn't seem like her own. The voice was foreign, soft, resolute.
Moonlight at her back, and for reasons she couldn't explain, Brigid placed a hand over Lunar's heart. Milky white light spread over him.

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Elsina wanted to scream, to sound her cry to the heavens to make sure Artemis, and all the other gods watching even Vulcan, knew how much she hated them. "Is this what you wanted, Artemis? To make sure I would keep losng him? well, I congratuilate you. Ykou did it." jus as Brigid was about to put her hand on his chest, she stoodup, and walked away. "I'll be practising." sjhe said, for Brigid's benefit. She needed fire right now, the soft, elegant, yet passionate beauty of it. She walked for longer than she thought she could, tears drying on her cheeks. She reached the middle of the park, and instead of using a pole, she held fire in her hands, and started juggling them and sending them spinning away, and then brought them flying back to her.

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#, as written by reap
The light washed in waves over Lunar's body, welcoming him like an old freind. It dived into him, working its magic on his drained body, his heart began beating faster. His mind, starting to work again. The light, the moonlight was healing him. Restoring him as best as it could, after a minute of glowing and spreading the light faded, sinking deep into his body. His eyes opened slightly, at first he was unaware of his surroundings, then memory rushed back into him. He let out a groan as he sat up. He first looked at Brigid, he watched her hand. "Lunar bless, impressive for a novice." He said weekly. His body remained normal, for even with the magic it was still worn out. He reached for his Rod, and using it as a crutch slowly stood up. "Brigid, you and I have much to discuss later." His voice was still faint. Not quite a whisper. "First you need rest, soon you will be feeling the aftereffects of what you just performed." He stopped for a second, gathering enough energy to speak again. "The city is just a little to the north of here, go home, and meet me at the Eclipse Inn tomorrow night." He said, then slowly walked up behind Elsina. He watched her manipulate the flames. This might get me burned a little. he thought, Then carefully placed a hand on her shoulder. "Its beautiful, you truly have mastered fire." He said in a low voice, just enough for her to hear.

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Elsina span around, surprised n she felt somene touch her shoulder. Unfortunely, bcause she was practising, she accidentally set his slve on fire. She just started, though. With a thought, the flasmes were gone. So was half of his sleeve, but never mind. SHe fell towards him, hugging him as hard as she could. "Never do that ever, ever again!" she cried, feeling the tears start again.

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Brigid's eyes grew wide as life seemed to return to Lunar. Had she done that? How? It was all so confusing to her. As she pulled her hand back, she noticed something else. Her symbol had changed. No longer was it a heart with one wing, but a crescent moon. She stared at it, and was brought back from her thoughts only by Lunar's mention of her being a novice. Novice? But she had studied so hard...
It hit her then. Realization washed over her. Somehow, her element had changed. That would explain the changed symbol, her being a novice, and her inability to conjure light anymore. How was such a thing possible? She didn't understand it.
Just as Lunar told her she had to rest, the after-effects began to sink in. She felt very tired, as if she'd been pulling a lead weight for miles and miles. Her body was exhausted.
Curiosity flooded through her. She yearned for the knowledge, to learn what had happened. But she now felt very weak, and trusted Lunar's judgment.
"I will, then," she said softly. "Tomorrow. Tomorrow..." She mumbled to herself as she walked off where Lunar directed. She came to the outskirts of the city and fumbled to find her way back to her apartment. Her mind was a blur with the night's events. She hadn't questioned it when Lunar told her to go home. She was dead tired.
Emmy greeted her at the door and led her to her bedroom, as if she sensed that Brigid would collapse any moment. And she did, the instant her bed was in sight.

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#, as written by reap
Reap was a little startled by the fire but never flinched. When she gave him a hug he wrapped his arm's around her reminiscent of old times. "The ray of light or the surprising you while you practice?" He said half jokingly. He wanted to stay like that forever, with her in his arms just like the old days. Sadly he could already feel the exhaustion closing in on him, the Lunar bless hadent taken care of everything and if he didint get some sleep soon he would likely pass out where he stood. Somewhat unwillingly he pulled away from her. "I have to go, there is a lot to do tomorrow, do you still have a place to stay or has your father finally given you the boot?" It wouldn't surprise him, from what he had seen in the past they never got along very well.

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"Hmm, i'm not sure! maybe it was the whole making me think you were DEAD!" she half yelled, and sank into his embrace. It was like before, when they hadn't had a care in the world. She looked up at him when he asked if she had a place to stay. "He's kicked me out for good." she said sheepishly. "I think the whole getting a tattoo started him on that little track." She looked at him more closely, then touched under his eyes lightly with her fingertips. His eyes weren't held open right. "You're tired." she said softly.

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#, as written by reap
"I'll be fine for now. I have a room in town, you can come if you like. It's room 19 in the Eclipse Inn." He said, he gave her one last lingering look. Hoping she would accept the offer. Then he turned and began walking towards town. She most likely has other things to do... He thought to himself, as he forced the exhaustion from taking over his body completely. He had felt like this enough times that he would be able to make it back to his room without passing out...hopefully.

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Angela watched him turn away, watching him walk away, like the last time. She half-ran to catch up with him, taking his hand. "There is no way I'm letting you out of my sights again, mister." she teased lightly. "The Eclipse Inn? Why am i not surprised?"

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#, as written by reap
"Because I'm predictable?" He replied, glad she decided to come. They approached the outskirts of the city, Lunar thought of what tomorrow would bring. History would be written, but he was also saddened by the thought. Because if it was bad enough that a two Moonlight elementals were needed, the coming darkness would be hell to face. He pushed the thought from his brain, content with living in the moment. "So, do you do shows?" He said, remembering how she was practicing with flames earlier.

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((I have to stop calling her angela!))
"yeah. My dad stopped giving me an allowance after I started 'throwing it away' on cds and music. so I started doing the shows to make money." Elsina said, dimly noticing that he had his 'thinking deep thoughts, come back later' face on. She ignored it. They were walking through the town now, when she saw her dad sitting in the living room, reading a book. "One second!" she said, unable to resist. She snuck up to the door, hit it hard with her fist three times, and alked quickly bck to him, turning her back so her dad ouldn't recognise her. She heard him come to the door, and smirked when she heard him say loudly, "Damn kids!" She looked at lunar, feeling childish. "I always wanted to do that.."

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#, as written by reap
He smiled in response. Looking to the night sky he noted how the moon seemed to glow less than it was earlier in the night. As if his move had drained more than just himself, but the moon as well. "I never did like your father." He quoted halfheartedly. Turning a corner they came to the Inn, it was a small but cozy place. The rooms were fairly cheap, not that the price mattered to Lunar. He had made a fourtan in his line of work, but he was if anything predictable. The name had caught his attention. "Here we are."

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Elsina smiled at the inn. It was nice. She hated the new flashy ones, where you had an attendent to help you eat your food. they just irritated her. She walked in the door behind Lunar, looking around.Al the while, she was thinking. She wasn't sure what she was thinking about, the thoughts were whirling too fast in her head.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Elsina Nalnon
Character Portrait: Reap Castion
Character Portrait: Brigid McKalney
Character Portrait: Elijah Grey


Character Portrait: Elijah Grey
Elijah Grey

who me? YOU!

Character Portrait: Brigid McKalney
Brigid McKalney

This bookworm knows a thing or two!

Character Portrait: Reap Castion
Reap Castion

I mean no insult but take it as you will.

Character Portrait: Elsina Nalnon
Elsina Nalnon

See this face? It's the face of someone who couldn't care less.


Character Portrait: Brigid McKalney
Brigid McKalney

This bookworm knows a thing or two!

Character Portrait: Reap Castion
Reap Castion

I mean no insult but take it as you will.

Character Portrait: Elijah Grey
Elijah Grey

who me? YOU!

Character Portrait: Elsina Nalnon
Elsina Nalnon

See this face? It's the face of someone who couldn't care less.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elijah Grey
Elijah Grey

who me? YOU!

Character Portrait: Brigid McKalney
Brigid McKalney

This bookworm knows a thing or two!

Character Portrait: Elsina Nalnon
Elsina Nalnon

See this face? It's the face of someone who couldn't care less.

Character Portrait: Reap Castion
Reap Castion

I mean no insult but take it as you will.

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Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

Shan't hurt you! unless youn interrupt Angela's show. then she'll kick your ass! XD

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

Just posted! Please don't hurt meee D:

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

alright, folks! on your keys, get set, POST!

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

Just submit a Chosen One. Hope you like!

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

Can I reserve a chosen one.

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

Oh and , working on finding a new pic.

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

HEy Annaky, I'v submitted my old chara and would like to say a few things. I would really like to be a part of this because last time my comp broke shortly after I joined, Much to my disappointment, if you accept me (again) I swear I'll try and be one of your most active members.

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

I'd like to reserve a spot, but could you first tell me a little more about the chosen ones. Can anyone take a chosen one character? If so, I'd like to reserve one. What exactly can they do? Are they stronger than others? Are they faster? Do they have more control? Do they have a specific purpose?

Re: [OOC] The City Of Magic II

looks interesting, I'll make a character tomorrow

[OOC] The City Of Magic II

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