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April "Worm" Hood

"Life is an open book just filled with blank pages ... Waiting for you to write your story as you go."

0 · 1,040 views · located in The Doll House

a character in “The Forbidden Games {Restart}”, as played by Kura Ravengade


Reluctant Heroes | April Hood English Cover
"If you live to be a hundred ... I want to live to be a
hundred and a day less - this way I would
never have to live a day without you. Winnie the Pooh."


"Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. Peter Pan."


| Name |
April Marie Hood
"My mother and father were a fan of the letter 'A', and since I was born in April, it stuck. I never claimed they were creative people."

| Nickname(s) |
Little Red
"I love the story of Little Red Riding Hood, and since my last name is Hood, my friends thought that it was a funny nickname. Frenchie is because, well, I'm French, and the Worm is to point out my book obsession."

| Age |
"The ability to legally drink doesn't really have an affect on me."

| Grade |
"I can't wait to finally be done!"

| Gender |
"I think that you need to take a second look. My attributes may not be the largest, but they're still clearly there, thank you."

| Fear |
Fire; Dolls
"I'd rather not get into it."

| Oddity |
April is constantly quoting books and writers, play-writes and musicians - anything she can think of. If it's a quote, she'll say it if it has something to do with the current situation. It's how she gives a good portion of her advice.
She has to have precisely three ice cubes in all of her beverages.
Everything must be symmetrically organized. All stacks of papers must be stack as close to perfectly as possible, making her a very neat person. It's very rare to step into her room and find even an article of clothing on the floor.
"Some of these are symptoms of my OCD. I can't help them; it's just who I am."

| Sexuality |
"I'm attracted to people's personalities, not their gender or appearances. I'd rather be with someone I love personally, than with someone who I love for their body."

| Romantic Interest |
The Stud
"What? Who told you that? Of course not! He's just ... Another friend."

| Nationality |
Paris, France
"La ville de l'amour, mes enfants"

| Job |
Bookstore Clerk
"It pays the bills. Plus, I get to read whatever books I want while I'm working, and I get a huge discount on all of the items in the store. And since it's a small business and family run, I get as many hours as I want."


"To the world, you may be one person.However, to one person, you may be the world. Dr. Seuss."


| Scent |
"I've never really been one for perfume. I'd rather go as natural as possible, and since I make my own body and hair soap out of lavender petals, I tend to have that type of a scent. Personally, I find it to be calming."

| Skin Tone |
"I don't tan. I burn, peel, and then I'm back to pale again. It's a never ending cycle for a ghost such as myself."

| Eyes |
Stormy Gray
"I don't find them to be stunning, but I've been told that people think otherwise."

| Height |
"I'm not short; I'm simply compact and adorable."

| Weight |
"Excuse me? How rude!"

| Scars |
♨ Countless decade-old burns scattered across her legs, arms, back, and abdomen. At this point they're a pearly white and only noticeable in direct sunlight, and they make her extremely self-conscious to show her body.
"... I don't want to talk about them."

| Tattoos |
Upper Back
[urll=]Left Wrist[/url
Right Wrist
Right Ankle
Left Calf
"They make my scars appear ... Less gruesome."

| Blemishes |
A small crescent moon birthmark just beneath her her left thumb on the meaty part of her palm.
Several splays of freckles across her body.
Dimples in both cheeks.
"They're just a natural part of my body."

| Piercings |
Left nostril
Belly Button
"You can find some really beautiful charms if you look hard enough."


"Be wise.
Be brave.
Be tricky.


| Personality |
| Shy | Timid | Quiet | Self Conscious | Sweet | Driven |
| Kind | Protective | Insightful | Intelligent | Wise |

Due to her past, April tends to be a very keep-to-yourself type of person. It's very difficult for her to make any friends, and not because she's a terrible person, but instead because she's too shy to take the initiative when it comes to meeting new people. She's a one-group kind of girl, and when she found her group of friends at such a young age, they stuck. She's happy with her small group, and although she's more than glad to help people, whether they're simple strangers or classmates, she doesn't go out of her way to speak to anyone. This gives her the aura of someone finding themselves to be too good for other's companies, and many people think she's a self-righteous person. In fact, it's precisely the opposite. April is very down-to-earth and insightful, and is often deep in thought, giving her her quiet appearance. Some people tend to think of her as a boring person, but once they get to know her, they realize that she's quite the contrary. Although she doesn't party or do anything illegal, she's a very fun person to be around and knows how and when to let loose. She doesn't go out and do anything major on school nights or when she works the next morning, and often prefers to have people over at her house instead of going somewhere. A movie night with popcorn and friends is one of her favorite things, in comparison to a loud club where no one can hear their own thoughts. She enjoys watching people and listening to them speak, so that she can read their personalities, wishes, and morals. She's very good at reading who a person is, due to her love for sitting back and watching. This gives her the wish to protect those that she loves and respects. If she deems the person worthy, she'll protect them with her very life, and will lay anything on the line to ensure their happiness and well-being, even if that means taking the initiative in hurting another, although she hates to take it that far.

April's drive to do good and succeed in life stems from her parents teaching her to do so at a very young age. She's a very determined person, and when she sets her mind on something, she plans to achieve the goal she set out for. School is one of those things, and she's nearly done with it. Once done, she qualifies to take over her parents company, estates, and finances, and is already being primed to do so. She's a very driven young woman, and has already accomplished much in her short life. This makes people want to look up to her, along with her obvious logic and her gracefulness as a person.

All-in-all, these qualities make her out to be a very good person, and one that anyone would be very lucky to have on their side.
"Anybody can love your appearance, but it's your heart and personality that makes someone stay with you."

| Likes |
❤ Reading
❤ Classical Music
❤ String Instruments
❤ Iced Sweet Tea
❤ Storms
❤ Snow
❤ Cozy Reading Nooks
❤ Laughter
❤ Children
❤ Animals
❤ History
❤ Mythology
❤ Writing
"I'm a simple little French girl."

| Dislikes |
☠ Negativity
☠ Loud Noises
☠ Shouting
☠ Anger
☠ Manipulation
☠ False Outlooks
☠ Rudeness
☠ Spicy Foods
☠ Dolls
☠ Fire
☠ Math
☠ Science
☠ Bullying
"To like and dislike the same things makes for an amazing friendship."

| Talents |
☯ Violin
☯ Piano
☯ Vocals
☯ Writing
☯ Photographic Memory
☯ Positivity
☯ Sewing
"I honestly believe that everyone has a talent or skill that they can mine to themselves and use to succeed in life."

| Flaws |
☄ Self Conscious
☄ Timid
☄ Quiet
☄ Sensitive
☄ 'Overly nice'
"I don't know a perfect person. I only know flawed people who are still worth loving. John Green."

| Weaknesses |
✯ Her friends
✯ Her remaining family members
✯ Her beloved pets
✯ Her instruments
✯ Her books
✯ Small children
✯ The weak
"The biggest weakness of one's life is giving up entirely too soon."

| Hobbies |
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Music
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Theater
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Academic Studies
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Figurine Collecting
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Reading
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Track
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Volleyball
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Softball
"Happy is the one who lives by their hobby. George Bernard Shaw."

| Fears |
☭ Dolls
☭ Fire
☭ Abandonment
☭ Death
☭ Loss
☭ Clowns
"The fears we don't face become our limits. Robin Sharma."


"The greatest of secrets are always hidden
in the most unlikely of places. Roald Dahl."


| History |
Born in Paris, France to the rich and well-off family of the Hoods, April was doted upon from the moment she was born. Her mother refused to hire a nanny despite her busy schedule, instead opting to take April with her to any and all business proceedings. Thankfully, April was a very well-behaved little girl from the time that she was a baby, very rarely crying and instead giggling with the precious laughter reserved solely for children. She was happy almost every moment of her life, and it helped that her parents were very good people. They were not superficial, and spent a lot of their free time volunteering at soup kitchens and animal shelters. They donated half of the profits from their famous Production company every year to several organizations, and were kind to nearly every person they met.

When April turned five years old, she had the amazing opportunity that was having siblings. Her twin brother and sister were born, and her parents considered their family to be complete. Unlike herself, however, her siblings were hired a nanny to help watch over them, her mother not having the energy to take the rambunctious children to meetings. Since April had accompanied her since birth, however, she continued to do so, and was taught from a very young age how the company was run and how to conduct business meetings. She was hired several tutors, ranging from music to science, and became well-versed in several languages by the time that she was seven. When she turned eight, she was already well-known as a child prodigy for her talents in the music department, her skills ranging from piano, violin, harp, and cello, to flute and clarinet.

All good things must always come to an end, though, and hers was a horrifying and life-changing end.

On the night of her tenth birthday, after spending an amazing day with her parents and siblings attending a ballet performance, hosting a birthday party with her friends, going to a movie, and then a delicious dinner, her parents returned home to tuck their children into bed.

It was nearly midnight on that night that everything came to a mind altering halt.

Whether it was caused by faulty electrical wiring or someone intentionally set it, an uncontrollable fire broke out. Her parents rushed to help her siblings and herself, and in the process of attempting to escape their large, beautiful mansion, they found themselves cornered and unable to escape. April In one last effort to save their children, Amelia and Jerald shoved them towards the nearest window through a small opening in the roaring flames. Before her parents could follow, however the flames connected and closed in on them, her father shouting for her to help her sister and brother.

The last memory she has of her parents is their tear-streaked faced through the flames, and both of them calling to her and her siblings that they loved them, to be good people, and to live happy lives.

When April tried to help her siblings, fighting through the sorrow and misery that was the loss of her parents, the two young children simply sobbed and refused to listen to her. Her sister, overcome with the emotion of a five-year-old, ran directly into the flames towards their parents, and never returned.

Her screams of agony from being burned alive are seared into April's brain.

In a last ditch hope to save her remaining family member, April ushered her brother towards their only escape - a fourth story window that looked down upon the flat grass of their backyard. The sobbing little boy complied, and before she knew what was happening, they were scrambling from the window with mere seconds to spare, large flames exploding through the half-open glass. The side of the house had enough flowery vegetation for the two children to climb with, and her brother moved quickly downwards. With a shout for him to slow down, she watched in horror as he lost his grip and plummeted to the ground, a large distance for a small child.

He died on impact.

At that point in time, April was so scarred by what was happening that she had numbed to it. Not a single tear was on her face as she made her way down the vegetation, her entire body trembling with adrenaline. As she neared the ground, one of the plants she was gripping snapped, and she followed her brother in his fall.

However, as she closed her eyes and prepared herself for death, the sweet darkness never came. Instead, she opened her eyelids to find herself gazing into the dazzling blue, tear-filled eyes of a young man, who looked to be in his early twenties. Shadows billowed around them, and before she could say a word, the young man disappeared into the roiling black clouds.

She was found hours later by police, wandering the streets with her flame-licked clothes and several burns that ranged from first-degree to third, a broken wrist, and a fractured ankle. She was in a state of shock, unable to feel the pain of her injuries, and was rushed to the nearest emergency room, where she was placed in a medically-induced coma until her aunt and uncle could arrive from America.

When April awoke two weeks later, she had no memories of the night of the fire. When she was told her family was dead, it was like losing them all over again.

Her aunt and uncle were her only living relatives, so she was taken to America to live with them. Although she wasn't given the same education as before, she still retained all of the information that she was taught and continued her own schooling in certain areas. She did, however, lose her ability to perform in front of others. She could find no drive in doing so now that her parents were dead, and although she still adored music and held a raging passion for anything involving the arts, and found that performing in competitions brought her no joy. Because when she looked out and into the audience, her parents and siblings were never again there.

When she moved to America, she changed. No longer was she self-confident, and instead she became shy, timid, and nervous. She began to have many anxiety attacks, chronic night terrors, and she developed obsessive compulsive disorder. She didn't attend school right away, her aunt and uncle deciding that she needed time to adjust, and took a year off. However, due to her schooling she was already two years ahead of America public schools and when she did return to her academics, she tested out of the fifth and sixth grades, immediately jumping into seventh, making her very young for her grade. She was the youngest in her class, but her intelligence, quiet air, and mysterious accent gained her quick popularity, and she was immediately welcomed by one of the more popular groups in the school. She joined them and slowly began to regain some of her old self, and by the time she was in high school, she found that she could smile regularly once more.

She's stuck with the group ever since.

When she graduated at the top of her class with a GPA of 4.2, she was offered the position of valedictorian. Not once during her speech did she address her past, but instead how happy she was to have been welcomed into the school by so many amazing people.

Instead of attending Harvard like her parents had wanted her to, she opted for a less prestigious college in order to stay with her friends.

She's been close with them since she was eleven, and plans to be life-long friends with the group.
"The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future. Theodore Roosevelt."

| Roots |
Paternal Grandmother | Regina Renee Hood | 63 | Deceased
Mother | Amelia Renee Hood | 32 | Deceased
Father | Jerald Moore Hood | 35 | Deceased
Sister | Annabelle Marianette Hood | 5 | Deceased
Brother | Arthur Rune Hood | 5 | Deceased
Aunt | Petunia Maye Jaxtons | 45 | Alive
Uncle | Johnathon Hunt Jaxtons | 47 | Alive
Cousin | Patrick Hunt Jaxtons | 22 | Alive
"It is not how big the house is; it's how happy the home is."

| Other |
♫ April takes regular medication for chronic night terrors.
♫ She is sole heiress to the Hood estates and finances.
♫ Once she graduates college, she is able to take claim her parent's legacy and take over as CEO of their company.
♫ She speaks fluent French, English, Spanish, and Italian.
♫ Her aunt, uncle, and cousin are her only living relatives.
"Why fit in when you were born to stand out? Dr. Seuss."

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times -
if only one remembers to turn on the lights. Albus Dumbledore."

So begins...

April "Worm" Hood's Story