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Simon Oswald

"Right, well, we've got to work out what we need. We've got to work out what we need, how we get it, and what we need to get to get what we need." - Derek Landy

0 · 529 views · located in The Doll House

a character in “The Forbidden Games {Restart}”, originally authored by Kaeru, as played by RolePlayGateway



N A M E_ ▌_"Simon Oswald."

N I C K N A M E S_ ▌_"Si, Oz, Ozzie, Waldo."

A G E_ ▌_"Twenty-one and counting."

G E N D E R_ ▌_"Male, biologically and otherwise."

S E X U A L I T Y_ ▌_"Pan-romantic asexual."

I N T E R E S T_ ▌_"Oh, Christ, no. They're my friends. I'm more inclined to place my interests... elsewhere. Although, I will admit, [the mom] is a fascinating lady."

N A T I O N A L I T Y_ ▌_"I'm a true Brit; born an' raised."

O C C U P A T I O N_ ▌_"There's this, uh... It's a small dog shelter that I help out at over the weekends. I mean, it's crappy work and even crappier pay, but it's something at least."

G R A D E_ ▌_"College Senior."


F C_ ▌_Andrew Garfield.

Standing at an approximate height of 5'11 with a rather skinny build, Ozzie is a slender guy. It's easy to say that he cares little for trying to 'bulk up', but he does well for himself - he has a healthy BMI. The small amount of muscle that he does have is toned through whatever amount of exercise he can fit in around his busy working/studying schedule. Still, with his sweet face and awkward personality, he is perhaps one of the least intimidating people on this planet, and it shows.

His brown hair ranges in neatness from freshly groomed to straight-up bedhead, but is almost always pulled back off his forehead and sweeps to his left. Still, regardless of its neatness, it is always clean. He cares greatly about his hygiene - he constantly remains fresh-smelling and clear-faced. He has dark eyes to match the colour of his hair, and both stand out well against his fair, unblemished skin.

It's worth noting that aside from the occasional dog scratch or cut, he doesn't have any markings or scars worth speaking of. He's also never been one for adorning his body in accessories, piercings, or tattoos. He only wears glasses on account of his remarkably poor vision. He also has a birthmark on his right knee.

Ozzie doesn't exactly have the most thrilling wardrobe in history. Quite the opposite, in fact. He's mainly seen in t-shirts of varying colours and designs, usually with a pair of black/grey/blue jeans, and varying colours of converse sneakers to match whatever colour his t-shirt is that day. The only two things that seem to remain constant are his beloved brown coat and navy blue hoodie (sometimes worn together but mostly in separate outfit combinations). It would appear that he cares greatly for both of them, for his own reasons.


Awkward âœĻ Reserved âœĻ Humorous âœĻ Thoughtful âœĻ Childish âœĻ Spirited

Ozzie is the sort of guy who likes to keep to himself, especially with regards to the people outside of his friendship circle. He doesn't feel that other people particularly need to hear about his problems or goings-on. In the more social aspects of his daily life he is withdrawn, avoiding eye contact and other such forms of communication as if they are the plague. He is, for all intents and purposes, a loner. And he likes it that way. If he strays from cliques, there's less chance he could mix with the wrong crowd and distract himself from his studies, and he's less likely to humiliate himself in his awkward ways; not only does he have the social grace of a potato, he is also very clumsy and timid.

Everything about him screams naivety and innocence, from his dim-witted expression to his low social ranking, but Oz is an intelligent guy; he has a sharp wit, and an even sharper tongue - he just doesn't put these things to use as much as he should. His sense of humour can be quite controversial at times, especially in the company of his friends. He claims it was because he was 'raised on sarcasm', at times he just doesn't have a filter for his loudest thoughts. He does spend a lot of time wrapped up in his own mind; he's been called a 'daydreamer' more times than he can count. It's not entirely untrue. He typically has a lot going on in his head. He's calculative, cunning, and even resourceful if necessary. Of course, quite reasonably, not many people would think he could be.

In social situations where he is more comfortable, Ozzie allows more aspects of his personality to shine through the wall that he puts up. He is, and always has been, very childish and spirited. He's like a bundle of energy that always needs to be focused on something, lest it explode. He doesn't do well with boredom, and can always be found working on some profound project to keep himself occupied. Oz acts like an over-sized toddler at times, making silly jokes and faces, doing impressions, dancing around, etc. He likes to enjoy himself, to say the least, and around his friends he feels like he can finally let loose.

Games // Literature // Movies // TV Shows
Technology // Computers // His Phone // The Internet
Kindness // Generosity // Selflessness // Politeness

Idleness // Boredom // Laziness // Stubbornness
Arrogance // Meanness // Bullying // Negativity
Butterflies & Moths // Birds // Wasps & Bees // Insects

T A L E N T S / H O B B I E S
Calligraphy // Sculpting & Whittling // Painting
Piano // Bass Guitar // Drums // Flute
Games // IT Knowledge // Creative Media

F L A W S / W E A K N E S S E S
Maths // Science // Design Technology // Physical Education
Weak Knees // Easily Tired // Short of Breath // Clumsy
Easily Frightened // Timid // Wary // Distrustful

Failure // Losing Control // Losing Friends
Open Spaces // Falling // Heights // Tight Spaces
Empty Stares // Eye Contact // Eyes in General
Public Humiliation // Judgement // Bullying


Ozzie so far hasn't lived the most remarkable or eventful life.

He was born in England, in the county of Worcestershire, and this is where he remained until the age of 12-13. Originally he lived with his mother, father, uncle, and grandmother. It was quite a cramped environment, since they lived in a rather small council house, but they made it work well enough. He attended school as normal, with the same general attitude of 'keep your head down, get on with your work'. So it's safe to say that he has never been much of a social butterfly, although naturally he had a few friends.

When he was 13, his mother and father had decided that their marital troubles were too much to work around or come back from whilst living under the same roof, and so they separated. His mother pushed quite insistently for a divorce after meeting her soon-to-be American husband, much to the dismay of Ozzie and his father alike. His mother's eagerness to marry the man was no doubt a result of his wealth. It was at this point that Ozzie lost respect for her. Shortly after the new marriage Ozzie was forced to move to his new home, since his mother would not permit him to live with his father, and his father didn't have the time or money to fight a custody battle. Now living in America, Ozzie does not see his father at all, except for the times they can call each other on Skype - these calls have become few and far between.

He settled rather awkwardly into his new school, but to his merit, managed to meet a nice group of people around his age. His step-father's wealth meant that he could live quite comfortably, but Ozzie was determined to get a job as soon as he was of age and start paying his own way. He came to resent his mother for her decisions, and despite the fact that his step-father was a good man overall, Ozzie had never taken to him all that well. As of right now, he is sharing a small apartment with two other people. Crappy though it may be, he's proud of his life now, because he knows that whatever he has, he's worked hard for it.

So begins...

Simon Oswald's Story