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Lukas Cain

"I can never change."

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a character in “The Hôtel De L'Amour”, as played by LittleMissGeorgia




"I can never change"

ImageImageImageImageImageFull Name

Lukas Cain

Nick Names

He's never believed in nicknames; a full name is more powerful.




Devil's Son


+ Christine: He knows he's not good for her, he knows she should run. But he can't let her go. With her, everything is different. All the rules change. He can't be with her, but he can't bare to be without her.

+ Pain: He enjoys watching others in pain. Their agony is like his drug, giving him a rush. Physical pain, emotional pain, it's all the same to him. But the more intense the hurt, the more beautiful the sensation.

+ Power: Lukas loves the feeling that comes from being in control. When people do as he say, whether it be because they're scared of him, forced to, or just want to please him, it makes him feel as though he is able to do anything. He believes he should truly be in charge of hell the way his father is, and he would like to be in possession of that power himself.

+ His Looks: Lukas is very proud of the way he looks, to a level that's considered narcissistic. He believes himself to be the most beautiful creature alive, and will accept nothing else as the truth.

+ Lying: It gives him a sense of power over others. He loves the way they just slip off his tongue, spun by him and believed by others. It is a form of control, and he is wonderful at it. Who doesn't enjoy something they're good at?


- Noah: Lukas has enjoyed his human life much more than his one spent alongside his father, but he hated his human brother. Lukas has never ever regretted murdering him, despite growing him together and he being the only human family he's ever had.

- Love: The task was so simple; steal her pure soul for his father, making him more powerful than ever. But love has got in the way. He's always been such a good liar that he though making Christine his would be as simple as writing a made up story, but when his lies started becoming truth, everything began to go wrong.

- His Father: Lukas' relationship with his father has never been one of love or care. The Devil never felt the need to protect his son, simply seeing him as a higher ranked and more loyal servant. But Lukas didn't want to just be that. He wants to make his father proud, he wants his respect. But he is also afraid of his father. He dislikes him, not just for what he intends to do to Christine, and wants to take his power.

- Fire: Though his experience with fire was a long time ago, and it has faded to a distant memory, he will never forget. And he has the scar to prove it. The heat makes him uncomfortable, and he dislikes being in a room with any kind of fireplace. He also hates those who smoke.

- Being Lied To: Though Lukas prides himself on his ability to lie, he hates others lying to him. It may be a very skewed view of the world, but the idea that he has believed an untruth infuriates him. He hates to be taken for a fool, and he hates to be played at his own game.

ImageImageImage Appearance

Lukas stands at 6", not towering over others, but comfortably tall. He's fairly muscular, but not overly so, weighing 175lbs. He has an oval shaped face with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. His skin is very pale, with ocean blue eyes set into his face. His lips and nose are evenly proportioned to his face. He is rarely clean shaven, preferring long stubble, but cutting it shorter if absolutely required for a formal occasional. His hair of medium length for a male, curly and dirty blonde in colouring. Lukas is very proud of his looks, believing himself to be one of the most beautiful creatures alive.


Lukas has a small tattoo, only an inch wide and long, on his wrist. At first, it appears an innocent pattern, but on closer inspection it is possible to see three sixes linked together to form a pattern.


He also has a faint burn on his palm, from the house fire his parents on earth were killed in. He was outside when it started, but he heard his parents screams. He ran back to the house, in an attempt to save them. But when he put his hand on the metal door handle, finding it locked, it burn his palm due to the blistering heat from the fire inside.




Lukas has the ability to corrupt people. He gains a sense of elation through watching others doing cruel and terrible things. He has a strong ability to influence people into committing acts of evil such as murder and rape. His ability gives him sadomasochistic tendencies, in that he takes great pleasure in hurting others. Their emotional and physical pain gives Lukas a rush, much like anyone else would receive from a drugs high. To him, it's like receiving a shot adrenaline, endorphins and pheromones all at the same time. The only person he does not enjoy seeing in pain is Christine. With her, all his rules are different. Her pain is like knives through him and he wishes there was something he could do to gain his father's mercy for her.

Lukas is also able to steal a soul for his father. Stealing a corrupt soul is very easy for him but gives no real pay-off. But to steal a pure soul with an unblemished heart takes a lot of work. But the power received from a pure of heart is worth the effort required.

Personality Traits

Lukas is a compulsive liar. He has spent so much of his life lying that, now, lies just slip off his tongue like truths. So easy do they come that Lukas hardly even notices that he's doing it. His life has become an elaborate web of lies, spun partly from his own requirements, and partly from his own malicious love for lies. With Christine, he has begun to hate lying to her in the way he hates hurting her. But he has wrapped himself so deeply in an entanglement of lies that it is almost impossible for him to go back on them now.

He's also exceptionally narcissistic, to a degree that it could be called a disorder. He believes he is beautiful and can often be found staring into a mirror at his own reflection for a great deal of time, simply admiring himself.

Lukas is also a very controlling man. He likes to know exactly what people are doing and when, all the time. He hates people lying to him or keeping secrets from him and the idea that he doesn't know everything about a persons actions and thoughts can be enough to drive him into a rage.


He absent-mindedly traces the outline of his tattoo when he's thinking.

When someone is secretive with information, he will continuously question them until he gets the truth.

Whenever Lukas passes a mirror, he instinctively glances at it to look at himself.


Lukas, born as son of the devil, was never going to have qualities seen as virtuous and kind. His personality is that of a sinner, someone who was brought up to see people as objects to be used and the world as his playground in which to do so. He's arrogant, believing, he is one of the most beautiful creatures on this earth and that he's looks are rivalled by no other's. He also believes, as the son of the ruler of the underworld, no one can touch him. He refuses to abide by laws and rules, thinking they're designed for lesser creatures than him. He uses his looks and charm to win others over and keep himself out of any trouble he may find himself in, and in the few occasions that fails, his father's near all-powerful nature won't. He is scared by very few things, and even fewer people. The only person he truly fears is his own father. Despite their turbulent relationship and Lukas' strong dislike for the man, he respects him and his wrath is the only one Lukas takes no pleasure in seeing. However, he is determined to prove his worth to his father. He wants to please him, and his approval is something Lukas holds in high esteem.

Lukas loves to see others in pain. His masochistic leanings drive him to influencing people into inflicting pain on others, purely so Lukas can watch and enjoy the fall out. Watching pain, emotional or physical gives him a high like no other. He gets off on watching it; the worse the pain the better the feeling. Lukas is also a liar. He has spent so much time lying that they simply come out, smoothly and perfectly formed without a though. Often, he fails to notice he's even lying, due to how deeply ingrained in his personality the habit is. Some may call it a compulsion, though Lukas still likes to contest that he has control over it.

With Christine though, all his rules are different. He has always known the right words, and exactly the right way to say them in which to come across as sweet and charming. He knows how to act to please people and make them want him. But it has always just been false and manipulative in the past. But not with Christine. With her, Lukas genuinely wants to please her. The reasons still may be for his own self-serving purposes, to make her love him, but only because of the way he feels about her. He doesn't want to hurt her, or see her hurt, or taken advantage of by anyone. He may be evil, and he would do anything to keep hold of her, including hurting her, but he wouldn't take pleasure in it. The way he feels about her is a completely unknown feeling to Lukas. It's passionate, and cruel all at the same time. He knows he is not the kind of man a woman like her deserves to be with. He knows he's a liar, living a life of darkness and evil and sin. Christine, with her beautiful pure heart and sweet soul, doesn't deserve to be caught up in it. But he loves her. He has fallen in love with her, while trying to do as his father wanted. And now, he doesn't know how to stop. He knows he should let her go, but his own desires wage a war in his mind with his thoughts for her well-being.



Lukas was not born, nor created. He was always there, along side his father. He had no mother, no siblings, just a father. He wasn't a person, he was an entity. He didn't have hopes, or dreams, or love. He simply did as his father told him, exacting evil upon the earth. But that wasn't enough. As the world grew up, slipping into the seventeenth century, his father wanted more. He had discovered a way to steal the souls of the poor, and he needed his son to do this job. Lukas was placed on earth, memoryless, ready to grow up human and fulfil his father's wishes.

Lukas was born on the 6th of June, 1656 into a very wealthy family. They lived in the affluent West of London in a grand house. His father, Jonathon, was a wealthy merchant and his mother, Maria, looked after the family estate and her children. Lukas also had an elder brother, Noah, who was five years his senior. Growing up, Lukas was always the favourite son. He showed intelligence and potential while Noah avoided family activities, preferring to spend his time alone. However, whenever given the chance, Noah would belittle Lukas and hit him.

When Lukas was thirteen, the family travelled out of the city for Noah’s eighteenth birthday to a holiday home they owned. While there, the holiday house mysteriously burnt to the ground, killing their parents when Lukas and Noah were outside. Noah inherited their parent’s money and took Lukas back to the city as his legal guardian.

As he grew up, constantly bullied and lorded over by his elder brother, Lukas became bitter and lonely and cruel. When he met Lillian at twenty-two, he had become heartless and arrogant, the sweeter qualities of his youth all gone. Lillian, a beautiful woman with a European accent and an apparent grudge against Noah, seduced Lukas. After spending a few weeks together, Lukas naively convinced himself that he was in love with Lillian. So that was why, when she offered him a secret as to who he was and what was responsible for his life's mysteries in exchange for killing his brother he even listed to her proposal. But, despite all Lukas had gone through, his now cruel personality and his infatuation with Lillian, he couldn’t bring himself to kill his final remaining family member when all he had against his brother was childish bullying, and turned down Lillian’s offer. But Lillian revealed to Lukas, with proof, that it was Noah who purposely started the house fire that killed their parents to get his hands on their money to pay off debts he had run up and escape his parent’s favouritism. Lukas' short temper and bitterness got the better of him and he killed his brother as Lillian had requested. In exchange, Lillian revealed he had once been the Devil's son, returning his memories to him and freezing him at the age of twenty-three. He wasn't immortal, but he was ageless. They left England together.

In the time following, they travelled throughout the world together, stealing souls as his father had always intended him to do. By the time the twenty-first century arrived, there wasn't a country they hadn't been to, or experience they hadn't had. But it was a year and a half before present day that everything changed. His father discovered Christine, the purest heart of them all, he'd told Lukas. And there was nothing his father wanted more than the girl's soul. Lillian was returned to his father's side in Hell, leaving Lukas. But, over the centuries, Lukas had fallen out of love with Lillian and so her departure was no great pain to the Devil's son. Lukas was tasked with having the girl fall for him, so her soul could be stolen. Lukas spent half a year researching her, following her, learning about her life and what she liked and didn't like. He planned the perfect introduction, and he knew just how to have her fall for him.

Finally, they met. He initially followed the plan to the letter, and he knew Christine liked him. But there was something else there too. As he spent more time with her, getting to know her, her life and her siblings, he felt herself becoming obsessed with her. The relationship he had with Christine was unlike any other he'd ever experienced. She was like a drug. With her, all his rules changed. He couldn't be without her. But his father wanted to push the plan forward. Her heart was of such purity, even though they'd already stolen it, they would have to perform a ritual, that would resemble some kind of religious sacrament to ensure it would be impossible for her to take it back. His father decided the best way to have her involved in the ritual would be if she thought she was involved in a real religious organisation. So, he used one of the cults he was responsible for and made Lukas a member.

But when Lukas told Christine he was part of a cult, in the hope that she would sympathise and wish to join. But before he was even able to tell her about it and try to persuade her to join, she ran, terrified. She told him she didn't want herself, and even more so, her siblings, involved in such a dangerous and flawed practise. Besides, she had not believed in any kind of deity for a long time, and she wasn't about to start believing now. Little did she know, Lukas had thought at the time. But his father was so angry, and Lukas so heartbroken over losing her, he went mad and kidnapped her. He took her to Hôtel De L'Amour, to carry out his father's wishes. But, the only problem is that he really does love her.

Theme Songs


The Way it Ends - Landon Pigg

Is this to be our fate

Freedom is ours as we escape

We walk in the shadows
We do

Find out what we all know
Our time is near

If this is the way it ends
Don't tell me it's meaningless
There'll be no compromise
We fall in we too shall rise
You held me and taught me how
I think I am ready now
If this is the way it ends
This is the way it's meant to be

We will be spilled in blood
And this is the way that they'll remember us
Emerge from the shadows we will
Emerge from the shadows

This is the way it ends
Don't tell me it's meaningless
There'll be no compromise
We fall in we too shall rise
You held me and taught me how
I think I am ready now

If this is the way it ends
This is the way it's meant to be

Under my skin they fade away
Here's to life with no regrets
See you again all one day
Give me love or give me death
Can anyone ever really say

This is the way it ends
This is my life begins
If this the way it ends
Nothing is meaningless
There'll be no compromise
We fall in we too shall rise again

If this is the way it ends
Then this is the way it's meant to be
This is the way it's meant to be
Bring Me To Life - Evanescence

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

Wake me up
(Wake me up inside)
I can't wake up
(Wake me up inside)
Save me
(Call my name and save me from the dark)

Wake me up
(Bid my blood to run)
I can't wake up
(Before I come undone)
Save me
(Save me from the nothing I've become)

Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

Wake me up
(Wake me up inside)
I can't wake up
(Wake me up inside)
Save me
(Call my name and save me from the dark)

Wake me up
(Bid my blood to run)
I can't wake up
(Before I come undone)
Save me
(Save me from the nothing I've become)

I've been living a lie
There's nothing inside
Bring me to life

Frozen inside without your touch
Without your love, darling
Only you are the life among the dead

All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything

Without thought, without voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life

Wake me up
(Wake me up inside)
I can't wake up
(Wake me up inside)
Save me
(Call my name and save me from the dark)

Wake me up
(Bid my blood to run)
I can't wake up
(Before I come undone)
Save me
(Save me from the nothing I've become)

I've been living a lie
There's nothing inside
Bring me to life

So begins...

Lukas Cain's Story

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Character Portrait: Lukas Cain Character Portrait: Christina Ross
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Ever so gently, Lukas set Christine’s unconscious form down on the four-poster bed, letting her body sink into the soft bed before slipping his arms out from under her. Then, he turned his back on her and crossed the room to the minibar, installed in every room in the hotel. He lifted out a bottle of bourbon whiskey and poured it into a crystal tumbler before setting the bottle back down on the side. Silently, Lukas lifted the glass to his lips and took a sip. Why not indulge in life’s more hedonist pleasures? Lukas asked himself wordlessly and the liquid burnt satisfyingly down his throat. After all, what was one more sin in a lifetime of them? He had been born into a life of sin, he had been cursed from the moment he came into existence, and no amount of confession would ever absolve his sins.

Lukas fingered the crystal, tracing the elaborate pattern with his finger as he crossed the room to sit on the bed beside Christine. He used his hand to style her hair so it splayed out around her face like a red halo. That was what she was. An angel. His angel. Her beautiful, fiery hair stood out in stark contrast to the white bed linen and to her pale skin. Her cheeks were still a little flushed with the drama of what had happened. His hand travelled from her hair to her face, stroking the contours of her cheeks gently with his fingertip. She was so beautiful. But he’d ruined it, so utterly and completely. But, honestly? It had been ruined from the beginning. Their relationship had been tainted all along, but only in recent days was Christine finally seeing it. But that didn’t change the way Lukas felt about her. Although, he highly doubted Christine would still feel the same way about him when she awoke.

It wasn’t his fault. Not really. He’d had no choice, or at least that’s what he’d told himself. When he’d told Christine he was part of a cult, in the hopes that she would agree to join and they would be able to completely steal her soul, trapping it so she could never get it back. But Christine had told him she didn’t want to see him again. She’d been terrified, telling him she didn’t believe in any kind of God. She’d said she wanted to protect her little siblings, and his toxic influence was something they couldn’t be around. Lukas had been heartbroken. He did truly love Christine. But, at least she was finally set free. She could live her life without him hurting her and avoid a lifetime of pain. She deserved someone purer than him.

But Lukas’ father wouldn’t have it. He said she couldn’t go, not yet. Lukas needed to keep her within his clutches until her soul was theirs permanently. He’d told Lukas to drug her and take her to the Hôtel De L'Amour, where he could keep her until she agreed to what he wanted. At first, Lukas had not been font of the idea. But his father, being who he is, knew Lukas’ deepest, darkest desires. He knew there was nothing his son wanted more than Christine. That to have her kept by his side, unable to leave, would be the only thing Lukas really wanted. His father had riled Lukas up, influencing his emotions, intensifying rage and anger and lust, until his son was so caught up in the idea that he was willing to do anything to hold onto his pure hearted woman. The means had been cruel. He’d broken into her home, holding her down, rag soaked in chloroform clamped against her mouth. She’d struggled and screamed fearfully, but he was easily stronger than her and she didn’t stand a chance. Her little brother and sister had watched on in horror, transfixed by fright. When her body went limp, he simply swept her up into his arms and carried her outside. He’d driven her straight to the hotel, per his father’s instructions. The receptionist had barely batted an eyelid when he’d checked in with an unconscious girl in his arms. He supposed they saw this kind of thing all the time. He was probably one of the more normal guests, to tell the truth.

And now, here they were. He sat with her, sipping on his drink as he waited for her to awake. If this was anyone else lying before him, Lukas would’ve taken pleasure in it. He would’ve waited with baited breath for them to awake, purely to see the desolate, desperate expression on their face when they awoke to discover they were trapped with a madman with no idea whether they’d even leave the room alive. He would’ve savoured their pain like a drug, enjoying every minute of it. But with Christine, he could never feel like that. Her fear and panic would cut into him and it would take everything he had not to let her go. He’d try to charm her and tell her he loved her, anything to stop her hurting. But he knew it would all be in vain. She didn’t love him anymore. She’d never loved him in the first place. He’d presented her a false front in order to win her favour. The man she’d fallen in love with was simply an apparition. This was the truth. And she hated it, as he always knew she would

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Character Portrait: Lukas Cain Character Portrait: Christina Ross
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Dreams dance through Christine's mind during her drug-induced sleep, but they are quite a far leap from pleasant, dancing with demons and fires and, most disturbingly, her younger siblings' terrified faces. In the dream, she keeps running towards them, as fast as she can, but walls of fire shoot up as obstacles, and despite the fact that she runs through them, burning her skin, she never gets closer to her younger brother and sister. Her unconscious mind does not fully remember the events leading up to her state of unconsciousness, but the emotions of it appear to be relayed in this fruitless chase going on within her mind. The flushing of her sleeping face is in part due to the frustration incurred by her all-too vivid nightmares. On her wrist is the half-finished drawing of a flower in pen, an absent-minded scribble that had been interrupted by a rather frightening break in. When Lukas had broken into her house, she had clung to some desperate hope that he would remain reasonable, though caution led her to send her younger brother and sister, fifteen and thirteen respectively, to their rooms. Although she can be an optimist at times, Christine has developed a motherly sense that keeps her worrying about all possible dangers that may face her siblings. They are all she has left, after all. It soon became clear, however, that Lukas had no such plans of reasoning. Rather, in a state that she wouldn't have expected from him a week or so ago, the man shoved her down and clamped a cloth against Christine's mouth. The last thing she saw was her siblings, who had probably come out in some vain attempt to help her after hearing a thud, staring at her in horror. After that, everything went silent and dark.

Now, however, she can see slivers of light as the woman begins to open her eyes, disorientated at first. She squints against the light raising her hand to shield her eyes from its harsh glow. However, such trivial things take a backseat when she registers the figure sitting beside her. He is familiar, of course, a small glass of what is probably alcohol in his hand while he remains silently next to her. Christine first registers the fact that he shouldn't be in her bedroom, as she recalls having sent him away after he asked her to join some demonic cult. Next comes the entirety of what has happened up until now, slamming into her like a bullet train. Immediately going into defensive mode, the red-haired woman sits up and begins to push herself away, reaching out and grabbing the lamp on the bedside table and yanking at it so that it comes unplugged. It perhaps isn't the best weapon, but he hasn't exactly left a gun beside her. Her limbs still feel slightly numb, but she pushes through that to move them, her heartbeat racing as she grips the lamp tightly and faces it towards him threateningly. Though she is in a defensive position, her eyes examine Lukas's face as though searching for some trace of the man she had fallen in love with. He hadn't been the sort who would steal someone away from their home, leaving their siblings-

Joselyn, Ronald, Christine realizes, ashamed that her first thoughts hadn't been of them rather than self defense. If she has been taken away, who is taking care of them? The woman knows that she must return home as soon as possible, to comfort them and make sure everything is alright. The first step, though, is getting past Lukas. Already, her mind is in full gear, making plans. Protecting her siblings has always been Christine's greatest priority, and she is capable of going to great lengths if it is for their sake. In situations where she has wanted nothing more than to curl up and push everyone away, they have been the light that guided her out of the darkness. Christine doesn't care if she loses an arm in the process; she has to return to her home.

"This won't- let me go," the young woman demands, though only because she can think of nothing effective to say. Even if she were an optimist, Christine would never expect such a phrase to suddenly free her. Still, she doubts words will work on someone who has come to believe in something like the power of a cult. Or, more importantly, someone who would kidnap a person right in front of their only living family members.

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Character Portrait: Lukas Cain Character Portrait: Christina Ross
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Lukas sat before her for at least five minutes, sipping the liquor and tracing her form with his eyes, taking the time to see everything about her. When Lukas was with Christine, it had always felt like such a rush. He was so preoccupied with saying the correct thing in order to win her trust and love. And then when she had fallen for him, his mind was consumed by thoughts of her and how this would ever work, when they were together. But now, when he had time to simply observe her appearance, there was so much about her that he was noticing. The way her hair curled every so slightly. The light smattering of freckles on her face that you could only see very close up. The sharp curve of her defined brow. Lukas had thought he knew Christina so well. He's spent half a year following her and researching her before they'd even met, so he knew just how to have her fall for him. Then, once they had met, he'd spent a great deal of time with her. And a lot of it had been spent just talking about life, or lying together in silence. He thought he knew everything there was to know about her. But just watching her now made him realise how much of her there was left for him to discover.

Lukas watched her as she began to shift a little in her sleep, indicating she was on the cusp on conciousness. As she begins to open her eyes, Lukas gave her a smile in the hopes of appeasing her. But she raised a hand to her face, shielding her eyes from the light that flooded the room. He watched her focus her eyes, allowing them to fall on him. And gradually, he watched a look of recognition grace her pretty features as her memories came flooding back to her. Suddenly, she sat bolt upright, pushing herself away from him. Her hand reached out and grabbed the lamp, yanking the plug from its socket. She held it up defensively, her face threatening. But he could see her, studying his face. Though what she was looking for, he didn't quite know.

"This won't- let me go," she demanded, her tone fearful as well as forceful.

"Christine!" he raised his voice in an attempt to stop her, holding his hands out, palms open, facing her. "Calm down," he ordered sharply, though there was care to his voice.

Slowly, he placed his hands on the lamp she was holding, pressing it down until it reached the bed between them. He was much stronger than her, and the task was an easy one for him.

"Joselyn and Ronald are safe," he told her with conviction and a reassuring tone. He knew her, and he knew it would be what she was most worried about. Honestly, he wasn't sure what had happened to them. He'd simply left them in the house, taking Christina away. But his father had told him he would make sure her siblings were taken care of. After all, if they were anything like Christine, in a few years time they too may be souls he would want, his father had explained. Besides, if they were just left alone, one of them would eventually ring for help or someone would find them and ask what happened. Which would put the police on Lukas' tail, which was the last thing he needed. Then again, his father was renowned for not keeping his word. Christine's brother and sister may have been 'taken care of', but not in a way she would want for them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Cain Character Portrait: Christina Ross
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"Christine! Calm down," Lukas orders the young woman, but the open palms due nothing to loosen her grip around the small lamp. She is not a naturally violent person, but she is also not the sort who would let herself be hurt needlessly, and definitely would never put her siblings in any sort of risk. The fact that they are likely home alone right now, terrified and confused, is all the motivation she needs to slam him over the head and get home as fast as her legs (she hadn't been carrying a wallet or phone when Lukas came) can carry her. Her hectic life hasn't allowed her much time to build up speed or strength, but knocking him out should give her enough time to find her way home and try to get her family to a safe place, maybe a motel, before he has chased her. This is assuming that he does so as well; perhaps the struggle will make him lose interest in give up, if she is lucky enough. Not that any sort of fortune has ever exactly been in Christine's favor, of course. Before she can swing the lamp around, though, or rather before she decides to, because she is thinking she can perhaps reason with him before resorting to balance, the man before the ginger girl is pressing down on the lamp until it is against the bed, held down by the strength of his arm. Another inconvenience courtesy of a life too busy for exercise. Of course, even if she were a bodybuilder he would overpower her, thanks to the advantage of not being limited by human strengths. Christine, however, is not aware of this, and only curses her own lack of brute strength. I'll have to reason with him, then. Or sneak out, when his guard is down, she thinks, eyes staring sharply at Lukas.

There is caring in his voice, hints at the man she had been in love with, but other tones reveal the person she never truly met: him. "Joselyn and Ronald are safe," he reassures her with a sort of conviction that makes Christine wish that she could trust him as she had before. But her mind is only filled with doubts and fears. If he can say this with such certainty, he must have taken care of it. Honestly, up until he mentioned the cult, Christine had never heard Lukas speak of any friends or family. Her thoughts immediately jump, therefore, to the satanist cult that he is part of, as she was recently informed.

"No. Are they with that cult of yours? Are they going to hurt them? Try and recruit them? Keep away from my siblings. Someone will notice that I'm missing- let me go, and no one will be hurt," she threatens, though she hardly believes the latter of her own words. Christine has acquaintances, of course. She has schoolmates and work friends, but has never really been able to hang out after hours, and most of the schoolmates went off to college after senior year. The people at work will assume that she quit or something. If her siblings really are being held captive, they won't be able to call the police. And, worst of all, Christine doesn't have a cellphone. Things are not looking bright for the red-haired woman.

Christine begins to scoot off the bed, so that she is standing and therefore taller than the sitting Lukas. Superficial though it is, this makes her feel at least a little bit better. The stress is giving her a headache, and she finds herself reluctantly craving a cigarette, though she is trying to quit for the hundredth time. Though it may not matter, a question comes to Christine's mind.

"Wait. How did you sneak me in here? Wheel chair? That didn't make the front desk suspicious? No, it doesn't matter. Just. . .explain, or something, and then let me go," Christine demands, giving orders in the way that one instructs a child, trying to hide her fear behind the tone. She fully intends to attack him, regardless of how slim her chances of defeating him are, if he doesn't react favorably. She doesn't want to reveal any sort of fear or desperation. Still, it slips past in a whispered word.
