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The Hunters and the Hunted » Places

Places in The Hunters and the Hunted

This is a list of locations that can be found in The Hunters and the Hunted.

All Places

New Zealand

23 posts · 6 characters present · last post 2014-08-07 09:37:20 »

         Lost in her music, the mermaid relaxed despite her exposure and her still useless limbs. Singing cheered her considerably, and were she not of mermaid origin, she herself would be easily drawn in by a sirens song, only to become lost in the tides. Making herself comfortable as possible upon the rock poking out from the sand and three feet of water, Aysu vaguely wondered if any humans would come. She had never yet used her song to entice. Perhaps it only worked when she was in the water? Her family and friends always followed ships and sang if they were inclined to prey upon unsuspecting humans.

The mermaid prepared to slip off her temporary perch when a sound caught her ears, making her freeze and turn towards the direction of the woods. With surprising speed, a figure approached her bay, excitement and trepidation bubbling rapidly inside her mind and gut. The singing ceased, the mermaid appraising her visitor for mere seconds before he spoke, his tone sounding anything but threatening.

Relaxing her shoulders, the mermaid let out a cheerful trill, recognizing at least that word, hearing humans use it all the time. She presumed it must be a greeting, or at least something good, as sometimes it was all she heard humans say to each other when she was close enough to hear the mortals. Smiling at the stranger, Aysu repeated the greeting bck to him.

"H-Hello!" she chimed in a soft, sing song voice, eyes riveted to the admittedly pale human. Strange, from boats they at least seemed bigger and darker. Deeming this a minor detail, the mermaid tried to stand, knowing with the human limbs she was at a severe disadvantage, even if she did figure out how to use them. She kept her eyes on the moving human coming towards her. An attempt to straighten herself and try to look at least more in control of herself and the situation, the sea creature yelped softly, losing her balance as well as her pride as she slipped, falling into the shallow water housing her rock.

"Kiiii!" she squeaked, trying to right herself on unfamiliar human legs as they began to shift back into her natural form.

Default Location for The Hunters and the Hunted

The Common Ground

8 posts · 4 characters present · last post 2014-08-07 01:46:15 »

Alistair de Soirs


With Adonael and Shaylee agreeing to the plan, Alistair said goodbye for the night. He would regroup with the two the following morning.

As the angel and the faery settled down to rest for the night, Alistair began making his way towards the sound of the girl's voice. From what he could hear, the voice was projecting somewhere near the bay, and it was singing some beautiful and charming melody. If the vampire was not such a curious specimen, he would have been driven by the sheer beauty of the melody alone. But perhaps the mesmerizing effect of the voice wasn't something he was willing to admit to having. So he decided to blame it, instead, on his natural inclination for inquiry.

Before Alistair knew it, the bay was in sight. He had been running at superhuman speed for quite a while now, but for some reason didn't realize where he his feet were taken him until he finally came within mere feet of the mermaid. "Mermaid?" Alistair said in his head. What an odd forest he must be in to shelter not only vampires, faeries, and angels, but mermaids too. The confused immortal stopped running, his feet now planted in the beach's fine sand. If it was that what he saw in front of him indeed was a mermaid, he had better make sure he didn't fall victim to any of the traps mermaids were known for having. His childhood education included many tales about mermaids, and they all included a brave sailor who was mysteriously lost at sea...

"Hello," said the vampire cautiously. He made sure to keep watch of his feet, as he didn't want them to go wandering towards the mermaid while his conscious wasn't aware of it. As he inspected the mermaid, noting all the little details that brought to life the creature that had once only been in fantastical drawings, the vampire couldn't help but walk nearer--utterly drawn towards the incredible realization of the mermaid's presence. Now that Alistair was off the frost-covered ground of the mountains, he could feel his feet liven with a certain warmth and comfort. He could also feel those feet move closer towards the mermaid, eager to bring the rest of him closer to the magical creature.

Where all interactions between the Supernaturals and Hunters will take place.

The Wilderness

53 posts · 3 characters present · last post 2014-07-09 01:52:55 »


Victor frowned, not lifting his gaze from the floor, as Saeriel made a comment on the fact that he tended to turn his gaze away or downward a lot. He furrowed his eyebrows, a sharp thought scampering across his mind, Well if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be having a problem. I'd be my usual self. His thought was slightly bitter, but it was also somewhat grateful. Saeriel brought out a side of Victor that he'd never seen in himself, and for that he was thankful. A male elf approached Saeriel suddenly, putting his hand on her shoulder, seemingly disturbing whatever ideas had been floating around in her mind. They exchanged a few words, and the male elf shot Victor a look, to which Victor turned his gaze, once again. "Just stay out of trouble. We guards don't want to put up with your problems." the elf said after shaking his head. "We're not problems," Victor said, standing to face the guard. "We're just like any of you, but you're all too damned stubborn to give us a chance." Victor sat back down, propping his elbow up on his knee and placing his chin in his palm, feeling exhausted with all of the elves' distaste for Lalana and himself.

The guard walked away from them and Saeriel began to speak about how grumpy the older elves were. She made a joke about bringing an army of creatures to the village. That would ruffle some serious feathers.... Victor thought to himself. Saeriel explained how the Feast went down normally and stood to get them drinks, but as she did so, the Feast began and she realized that she didn't have to snatch the wine without permission. After a few moments, she moved to the refreshment table quickly, nabbing a bottle of wine, which a few of the elves seemed to be slightly put off about. "Let's get...." She paused. "Smashed?" She filled up the mugs she'd brought over with the wine. "Join me for a drink, and let us fill ourselves with this day's harvest. May we hope for better days, and for the Hidre'thael to prosper now and forever!" She raised her cup with a broad smile. "And for Lalana and Victor to find that which they seek here in this village!" Victor held his own mug up, clinking it softly against hers. He decided that it was probably in his best interest to just get drunk and not care what any of the elves thought.

He pounded the wine, feeling it burn his throat as if he'd swallowed a handful of peppers. The wine was delicious, though, however badly it burned going down. He poured himself another mug full and pounded it as well. He was already feeling dizzy and slightly buzzed, knowing that he would probably be judged by Saeriel heavily for having almost no tolerance for alcohol. He'd never been drunk before, as he'd only ever had a shot here and there and occasionally one beer. He wasn't much for getting drunk himself, but he enjoyed getting others drunk, as they tended to be quite entertaining when they were. He lifted his half full mug in "Cheers" to Saeriel. "May we just be merry in general and not give a shit what the older elves think!" He chugged the rest of his wine, wiping his mouth off with his sleeve. He looked at Saeriel, practically staring at her. He smiled broadly and leaned toward her, kissing her full on the mouth without thinking at all. As he pulled back, he burst into laughter, falling off the bench and surprising himself into a hysteria. His clumsiness was hilarious to his drunk brain, and he couldn't manage to stop laughing.

Where the Supernaturals live.

The Towns

22 posts · 4 characters present · last post 2014-07-08 09:24:41 »

         Chris took an apple and water from off of Aidan's lap and winked at Vice.
"Thanks, Vice, I haven't eaten since yesterday!" he said as he took a bite from the apple, the pleasant crispness made apparent by the crunch and sweetness filling his mouth. "And Aidan," he said, his words mumbled around apple and water, The hatchets? They are just to make sure those leeches stay down after I'm done with them. And you know what my specialty is, right? Or should I scoot even closer? The jump to Tannenbaum was planned, mainly because of the fact they were now on the job. Also because it would creep Aidan out even further than normal.

Where the Hunters live.