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Maysa Rukan

Former Gerudo bandit now living in Castle Town and working at the Bombchu Bowling Alley.

0 · 403 views · located in The Kingdom of Hyrule and surrounding lands

a character in “The Legend of Zelda: The War for Hyrule”, as played by WildChildFullofGrace



NAME: Maysa Rukan
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
RACE: Gerudo

Maysa is really extraordinarily beautiful. Perhaps if she weren't such a snarky ass men would be lining up to marry her. She somehow avoided having the common long nose of a Gerudo woman (the same way her mother and sisters did), but retained their golden eyes, red hair, and dark skin. Long, black lashes rim her golden orbs and plump lips frame straight, white teeth. People tend to underestimate her abilities or assume her personality is as beautiful as she is, and are always sorely disappointed. She is relatively small for an average woman, standing at 5'4", but her bold persona more than makes up for it. Many find her to be intimidating, and she's been known to make others feel uneasy. This can likely be attributed to the confident way she carries herself, always seeming to challenge those around her even when silent. She is curvaceous and muscular with an exceedingly long neck and doesn't mind showing it off, as she wears truly minimal clothing. She wears the typical Gerudo get up, adorned with fanciful jewelry and with her long hair tied up in a tight pony tail atop her head at all times. When in battle or trekking, she garbs in this attire.

Maysa is sharp-tongued and proud, self-assured and sly, clever and dangerous. She has a fire inside her that burns bright for all to see, a certain fierce determination that cannot really be explained by words. She is truly what you'd expect a former Gerudo bandit to act like; whole-heartedly sure of herself and unwittingly elusive. Most consider her antics to be rude and sassy, as she has never been one to keep her opinions to herself and she's never minded getting into altercations. However, one should never believe that because Maysa is so blunt she must also be truthful- she lies as often as she swears... which is often. Still, Maysa is not as serious as you'd expect from these previously stated traits. Indeed, her sense of dignity often gets in the way of her being silly and light-hearted, but she's always been undeniably mischievous, having a knack for rebellion since as long as she could remember. Back when she had her family around, she was called "Meddlesome Maysa" and was notorious in her town as being a devious, handful of a child. So, while you may never see Maysa clutching her stomach with laughter or whooping to the heavens in joy, you most definitely might witness her signature snicker and smirk or perhaps catch her riffling through your things for something of value to steal. Yes, Maysa is a tricky vixen. She could be quite the seductress if she wanted to, though it's rare that this is the case. The fact that she was blessed with unordinary physical beauty doesn't change the contrasting fact that Maysa believes all men to be dogs and all people to be terrible. The only living being Maysa cares deeply for is her trusty stead, Séregon. Many are surprised by how gentle she becomes when it comes to her horse due to how seemingly merciless she is with everybody else. Rather than abiding by the wholesome idea of "innocent until proven guilty", she will automatically assume that a person is either incompetent or bigoted before they have a chance to spit out a simple greeting. Maysa is a heavily guarded person, as it takes truly a remarkable amount of work to get her to trust you. After her lifetime of being deceived, abandoned, and shunned she's closed off to the rest of the world and refuses to let other people see that she has feelings like everybody else. She despises Ganondorf and His Steward for tarnishing the Gerudo reputation and she doesn't have any friends anymore because she abandoned all of her ties in Gerudo to come to Castle Town. The people in Castle Town have not taken her in with open arms since she has not abandoned her Gerudo pride and the people have a hard time distinguishing between Gerudo culture and encouragement of The Legion- something completely different in her eyes. On top of the civilians' prejudice, she is also not a very sociable, charming, bubbly person. Still, if someone where to ever take interest in the young girl, all it would take is some persistence and thick skin to win her over and perhaps they would get to witness a genuine smile or get hints of how much inner turmoil she keeps pent up. Once a person has gotten on her good side, Maysa is unfalteringly loyal to them and will give them the benefit of the doubt 100% of the time.

One wouldn't guess it from her calloused personality, but Maysa is actually rather scarred. Growing up, she'd always been a bit of an abnormality, never really having been as devoted as her siblings. Where they would train and pray, she would waste time doing things like reading, day dreaming, exploring. I know, I know, you wouldn't expect to hear that about the cold-hearted Maysa, but it's true. She had a heart that yearned for more than rigid practice, and this got her into trouble all the time. A huge part of her wishes she would've been more cooperative as a child and would have appreciated her mother and older sisters more while she had the chance. You see, when she was twelve years old, many of her kin died as mindless drones in Ganondorf's army. It was during this critical moment in the girl's life when she transformed from the child who was just "kinda off" and into a strange lady who had adopted different ideologies entirely. A burning loathing towards Ganondorf, the man who dared call himself king of the Gerudo while killing thousands of them, consumed her soul. Devastated and rebellious, she became even more of a problem than before, and it wasn't long before the people in her unit told her she should pursue a life in Chasm Town. At the age of fifteen, she finally did just that and said her farewells to Desert Colossus. Chasm town seemed to have been a good fit for her, as when she arrived she met others who were just as fiery as her. There, she was given the gift of Séregon and extensive practice with the art of thieving. Finally, she was motivated to train for something. She excelled once she had mustered up the wanting to work, and before she knew it, she had become one of the most skilled equestrian bandits in the desert, scimitar and all. She went from a moderately decent warrior to an acclaimed bandit in the blink of an eye. Skill was not the only thing she picked up in Chasm; the people there developed her sense of self and use of riddles and wit- as well as her snarkiness. It seemed as if nothing could go wrong in Chasm Town.

That was until she and her crew went on a typical trip that had resulted in the murder of a pack of Hyrulians. Maysa was horrified. She had gone in thinking it would be the usual hold up and looting, but was greeted with slaughter and death. She had seen man, woman, and child ruthlessly killed before her very eyes and she could do nothing but watch as her "friends" went about doing it. They had tried to console her, tell her that it was in the name of His Steward, and it only solidified her disgust with them. She would not be blindly led like pathetic cattle and she wanted no more than to have Ganon continue to rot in his grave and the entire Legion to follow in suit. To say the least, these views were not taken kindly by her friends and she was shunned completely. She would have been killed if she would have stayed but, alas, she galloped back to her home, grabbed the little belongings she had, and went fleeing away as a traitor to her people. Maysa may be difficult, insincere, loathsome, and mean but she was no murderer. Perhaps the reason she could not handle killing the Hyrulians she was supposed to hate because she'd never been susceptible to the rigorous training (or as Maysa would call it, brainwashing) and therefore couldn't see the acts as just. Perhaps she was just born different than everybody else. She does not have an answer for why she could not simply accept the lifestyle presented to her. All she knew was that in her heart, she could not handle it. She sought out a new life and traveled all the way to Castle Town in the hopes of gaining a home and opportunity, but was sorely disappointed. Since arriving just a few months ago, she has put up with unrelenting animosity from the people living there, despite the fact that she is on their side. She now works as the attendant for the Bombchu Bowling Alley, as awful as that sounds. It kills her to think that she was once a dignified warrior, a skilled bandit! Now she's a shop keeper constantly dealing with harassment and hate crimes. It's shameful. However, Maysa is much too stubborn to conform or work to "prove herself" to the people in town so she continues to be an outcast. Maysa has heard of the Sacred Alliance and is very tempted to join in the hopes of stopping the despicable His Steward from corrupting the Gerudo reputation even more than Ganondorf had, but she is hesitant because she's afraid of rejection and of openly betraying all the Gerudos. It doesn't make much sense, as she already plainly defied them, but it doesn't stop that nagging in the back of her head. If you were ever to ask her if she felt such inner turmoil, she'd probably fiercely swear at you and deny it up and down as it's in her nature to disclaim any weakness, but it doesn't stop the fact that she does feel this.

-Two scimitars for close-combat fighting
-Bow & arrow as well as bombs for long distance

Like most other Gerudo warriors, Maysa is uncannily skilled with her swords when compared to the majority of people in the world, though she could probably be beat by another, more experienced Gerudo warrior. More importantly, she is stealthy, quick, quiet, and determined. She can pick pocket just about anyone without being caught because of this. Another important thing about her is that she doesn't let pain get in the way of her objective. This can very closely be linked to her pride, since she considers giving up, running away, and rolling over to be ungodly disgraceful. Her strongest point, however, is probably her equestrian skill and long-range accuracy. She's a straight shot and has been known to attach bomb to arrows for a devastating effect. This is extremely useful in battle since it allows her to clear out a ton of enemies in the blink of an eye.

So begins...

Maysa Rukan's Story