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Augusta May Calhoun

"See darlin', in the South, we use our full name."

0 · 817 views · located in Seattle, Washington

a character in “Thin Walls”, as played by blondehaired



โœ Image

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      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ NAMEโ‹ฎ X...XXX Augusta May Calhoun
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ ALIASโ‹ฎ XXX..X Gus, 'Gusta, August, Augusta May, Cal, Calhoun
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ AGEโ‹ฎ XXXXXX Twenty-Five
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ ETHNICITYโ‹ฎ XX40% American. 40% French. 20% Native American.
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ GENDERโ‹ฎ XX.X Female
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ SEXUALITYโ‹ฎ .X Bisexual ; Homoromantic

      ๏น™ โ™” ๏นš

      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ EYE COLORโ‹ฎ XX.. Brown
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ HAIR COLORโ‹ฎ XX Blonde
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ HEIGHTโ‹ฎ XXXXX 5'4"
      โ—ŠหŸ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ WEIGHTโ‹ฎ XXXX.. 145 lbs.


๏ผฐ๏ผฅ๏ผฒ๏ผณ๏ผฏ๏ผฎ๏ผก๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผน โœ

Augusta is your typical sassy Southern girl, as quick with her tongue as she is her brain. Everyone says that Southern people are so charming and polite, and they're not wrong. But sweet 'Gusta, she just... bless her heart, she just loves to speak her mind. If you're wrong, trust me, she'll let you know. She's very strong-headed woman, stubborn as a mule and will fight until the other person gives up. She'll serve you some sweet iced tea and a piece of her mind; with lemon, of course.

With her brashness comes a very emotional woman hiding behind it. She often lets her emotions get the best of her, good or bad. When she's happy, she's really happy, and when she's sad, she's really sad. Oh man, what a crier. You'd think otherwise, for someone with such thick skin, but not so. Her parents taught her that emotions are good and healthy, and she may have taken that a little too far. She's what you may call sensitive. That being said, she's one helluva lover. If she has just an inch of love for you, you'll know it. Her passion for people is evident around everyone, but especially people she loves. She's incredibly loyal to the ones she loves, but her stubbornness and strong-headedness will never let her forget someone who betrayed her, even though she'll forgive. She always forgives, it's her fatal flaw. 'Gusta always fights for the ones she loves too, even when they're in the wrong.

She's a big family person. Moving so far from her family has really got her in bad spirits because they are everything to her. She's always had strong family support, even when she came out to her very Christian and very Republican family, so she's extremely grateful, and can't wait to extend her family. That's one of her biggest goals.

Everyone who knows 'Gusta knows she's a dreamer. She's always been extremely ambitious, and it shows in her lifestyle and career choices. Nobody has ever stopped her from following her dreams and being who she is, and no one ever will. You'd have to kill her dreams to stop her from them.


xx โ˜†๏น—๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ๏ผณ
โ˜€ sweet iced tea โ˜€ summertime in the South โ˜€ beaches โ˜€ blogging โ˜€ teaching โ˜€ roasting marshmallows โ˜€ her college alma mater โ˜€ Charleston, SC โ˜€ macaroni โ˜€ baking โ˜€ sleeping with someone beside her โ˜€ her pets โ˜€ swimming in the ocean โ˜€ going on a boat โ˜€ falling in love โ˜€ kisses โ˜€ dandelions โ˜€ coffee with just creamer โ˜€ postcards โ˜€ her family โ˜€ dressing up and going out โ˜€ Sunday morning church โ˜€ Pride parades โ˜€ good country music โ˜€ slow dancing to an old song โ˜€ The Beach Boys โ˜€ the fall and all that comes in the fall โ˜€ ferris wheels โ˜€ fairs in general โ˜€ fries with cheese on them โ˜€ BBQs โ˜€ lots of sunshine โ˜€ bundling up by the fire in the winter โ˜€ hunting โ˜€ lots of drinking โ˜€ walking on the beach at night โ˜€ string lights โ˜€ a glass of red wine โ˜€ calligraphy

xx โ˜…๏น—๏ผค๏ผฉ๏ผณ๏ผฌ๏ผฉ๏ผซ๏ผฅ๏ผณ
โ˜€ winter โ˜€ the North โ˜€ Yankees โ˜€ impolite people โ˜€ loud music (except at concerts) โ˜€ people thinking all Southern people are stupid hicks and bigots โ˜€ homophobes โ˜€ her college rival โ˜€ unseasoned food โ˜€ HOT TEA โ˜€ frilly coffee drinks โ˜€ waking up alone โ˜€ being away from the ocean โ˜€ losing someone you love โ˜€ fighting with loved ones โ˜€ sour cream โ˜€ Southern boys โ˜€ franchise restaurants โ˜€ traffic โ˜€ road trips โ˜€ sleeping too long โ˜€ being far away from home โ˜€ Natural Light โ˜€ the smell of cigarettes โ˜€ hospice care โ˜€ virgins โ˜€ having to cook โ˜€ paying bills โ˜€ having to get a second job to survive โ˜€ having sex with someone she doesn't love โ˜€ not being able to sleep โ˜€ brussel sprouts

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โ˜€ always has a pen or pencil behind her ear or in her hair if it's up โ˜€ has to have her blogging playlist on when she's writing โ˜€ picks her outfit for the next day before she goes to bed โ˜€ keeps beer bottle caps, then will paint them and make something โ˜€ always cooks for two โ˜€ always has leftovers for lunch โ˜€ Facetimes her parents before she goes to bed each night โ˜€ takes her pug Goodwin out for a walk every morning and every night โ˜€ keeps a picture of Reese, her deceased wife, in her purse โ˜€ prays before she takes her shower at night so she can go straight to bed โ˜€ drinks a glass of milk before she starts making her breakfast โ˜€ Checks a detailed calendar of events and errands to do by her bed every morning โ˜€ switches the laces between the left and right shoe โ˜€ always does her blogging with dinner or after dinner โ˜€ when she substitutes, she brings her leftovers to school โ˜€ she drives to the school but will walk everywhere else โ˜€ when she's home, there's always music playing โ˜€ even showers with music on โ˜€ takes frequent baths to relax

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`โ—‡ WRITING ;
This is what got her started in blogging, her love of writing. She's not half bad at it either, accumulating tens of thousands of views on her blogs. She's a good essay writer too, making bank in college when people would pay her to write their essays for them. It's something that has astounded her teachers from a young age, and has won her many a writing contest.

Her mother always says that she should have gotten her degree in teaching. Although it's not her passion, she is a pretty good teacher, especially with the older kids. With her strong mind, and strong voice, she can keep kids interested (mostly) and in check (mostly). Considering she's just a sub, she can be more lenient and get to know the kids in the time that she has, which is hard to do when you also need them to do their work.

`โ—‡ BAKING ;
Like any Southern girl, she grew up watching her mother bake, and when she was old enough, helping. People die for her famous "Gusta's Gooey Chocolate Chip" or her key lime pie recipe. If there's anything that can catch a man (or woman), it's some good ol' fashioned Southern baking. From apple pie to casserole, this girl can bake.

`โ—‡ DEBATE ;
'Gusta has taken her hot-headedness and used it to her advantage. Being on the mock trail team, not only in high school but college, has given her an edge in debating. Even if she's rooting for a lie, she usually gets her way. Her English major not only helped with blogging, but it is her pre-law degree.

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`โ—‡ POOR ;
'Gusta gave up everything she had to move to Chicago, including a law school in England and most of her money to fly out and attain two months rent at Pike Place. She took up substitute teaching because she's basically scrounging around, especially since her blog posts haven't been monetized yet.

Two months ago, 'Gusta's wife Reese was tragically assaulted and murdered while visiting her family in Chicago. This caused 'Gusta to not only lose her lively spark since the death, but decide to leave everything behind to learn about the the city her wife grew up in and make sure the police are doing everything they can to find and arrest the murderer.

`โ—‡ DREAMER ;
Her dreams mean everything to her, even if they are unrealistic. She wants to be a blogger outright, but also a lawyer, especially for civil rights cases and hate crimes against the LGBT+ community. Being in the media and the legal system don't usually work out, and she's starting to see just how difficult.

Her hot-headedness has cost her quite a bit in her life, anything from friendships to an internship during undergrad. She doesn't think things through if they anger her and just goes with her instincts, which can get her in trouble.


Augusta May Calhoun, only child of Senator Daniel Calhoun and his wife Melinda Calhoun, rumored to be direct descendants of John C. Calhoun. Mr. and Dr. Calhoun spoiled their daughter mercilessly, from extravagant tea parties for every birthday and private school even for pre-k. Sweet 'Gusta grew up in the luxury and lavish lifestyle of upper class Charleston. It took the efforts of her stern mother and many teachers to tame her bratty personality, and the realization that she could have everything she wanted if she worked hard enough.

Middle school was rough for Miss Augusta; as her friends started to have boyfriends and started wearing makeup, 'Gusta was fighting her parents for even the use of lip gloss, and her indifference to boys. She didn't find any of them cute enough to date, but girls were plenty. Wendy Ferricks. Sasha Wittermire. Her first girlfriend, Amy Myers. Amy and Augusta were outcasted by mostly everyone, being the only "lesbos" in their school. Amy cut her hair short, snuck cigarettes from her grandfather, and took 'Gusta's virginity in the eighth grade. 'Gusta broke up with her on the first day of freshman year, calling Amy a dyke to deter her. 'Gusta tried to deny she ever liked girls, she just wanted to be rebellious. She had a senior boyfriend sophomore year, who took her "real" virginity, as 'Gusta says. With her boyfriend, Jackson, came along Reese Cauthen. Reese was the token lesbian of the popular group in school, but also one of Jackson's best friends. He ended up getting them together, after playing truth or dare and daring his girlfriend to kiss his best friend. The kiss was too intimate, and Jackson broke up with 'Gusta a week after.

It wasn't a done deal after that. Reese knew of 'Gusta's denial, and refused to date a girl that wasn't even out to her parents. They became strong friends, even as Reese went off the college. Throughout 'Gusta's junior and senior year, Reese came home often to see the younger girl, and they had a couple of drunken nights together but Reese would be gone or getting dressed before 'Gusta could ask what they were. At 'Gusta's graduation, when she gave her senior president speech, she came out to not only her graduating class, but Reese Cauthen and her entire family. They use that day as their anniversary. It took a couple of days for 'Gusta's family to settle from the news, but they finally accepted her and her girlfriend Reese, even when 'Gusta made her college choice based on her girlfriend. Rushing a sorority, long nights studying for finals, even being assaulted by homophobic frat boys, couldn't tear 'Gusta from her sweet Reese.

Reese got a job in D.C. after graduation, and 'Gusta saved everything she had to visit on breaks. The UDC David A. Clarke School of Law was the first law school 'Gusta applied to, though her dream school was the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. When acceptance came from both schools, Reese urged her girlfriend to attend her dream school. 'Gusta agreed, but decided to take a year off and reapply for the next fall. After her own college graduation, 'Gusta took Reese to their old high school's graduation and 'Gusta got the valedictorian, apparently 'Gusta's cousin, to ask Reese to marry her.

They got married a year after 'Gusta's proposal, her departure to Oxford looming. Reese visited her family in Chicago that summer, making the trip right after the honeymoon so that she would have the rest of the summer with her new wife. 'Gusta got a call two days later from Reese's mother. Reese had been a victim in a hate crime that lost her life.

๏ผ†O1 ๏ผฏ๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผฒ

HEX CODE ; #800080 - dialogue / #BF80BF - thought

So begins...

Augusta May Calhoun's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luca Griffiths Character Portrait: Malcolm Lewis Character Portrait: Kadriyan Hassan Character Portrait: Augusta May Calhoun
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โ–ˆMal Lewis - outfit / mood: disappointed xxxxxxxxx...xxโ–ˆ
โ–ˆGusta Calhoun - outfit[ / mood: hopeful... maybe xxx.xโ–ˆ

Either Luca is completely oblivious of Mal's attraction, which he highly doubts because of the model's intelligence, and their many nights in each other's bed, or Luca doesn't have feelings for him. Unfortunately the latter seems much more likely. Luca doesn't bother to ask who this "someone else" is, rather, changes the subject by asking about the breakfast he'd just rejected earlier. "You'll find it." Mal's voice usually doesn't reach a level of disdain, especially for Luca, but having his attractions being blatantly ignored doesn't exactly make him happy.

Luca mills about, and Mal realizes he can no longer be in this apartment, just staring at Luca so carefree, especially when the boy is usually visibly riddled with anxiety. "I'll be back for dinner." Mal doesn't bother with a goodbye as he places the hat on top of his head and walks out of the apartment, failing to not slam the door behind him.

Whatever. I can't force someone to like me. Plus, I have a date, why am I being pissy?

Mal bumps into a blonde woman with a couple of boxes, moving into Kadri's floor, if he remembers correctly. "Are you moving into this floor? I didn't realize there was a vacancy. I'm Mal, by the way, can I help you with those?" Mal introduces himself to the woman, who eyes him warily for a second before grinning small and gesturing him to grab the top box in her shaking arms.

"Miss Macy Vandover put up an ad online, and I snatched it up. I'm Augusta, but my friends call me 'Gusta. You can call me either." 'Gusta introduces herself, knocking on her new apartment door with a couple of kicks. When the person inside opens the door, she peeks her head over the boxes and smiles. "Good, I was hoping someone would be home when I got here. Augusta Calhoun, new resident of Pike's Place and co-owner of this very apartment."

Mal sets the box he has down in the apartment and apologizes for leaving so quickly before leaving the two inside the apartment and Miss Calhoun to their business. His phone vibrates, and it's the producer.

[ To: Malcolm Lewis. Are we still on? Lasagna for two sounds mighty lonely if it's just for me. ]

Mal replies in the affirmative, that he was running behind because he woke up late, and rushes down to his car. He can't help but think of Luca the whole ride to an Italian joint on the other side of town. Did Luca really not have feelings for him? Were their nights together just because Mal was there? Doubts that had never popped in his head were clouding his head, and causing his eyes to water. He'd never addressed his feelings, and technically, he still hadn't. But his subtle hint seemed to really jolt Luca, and not in a good way. That was what really hurt. If Luca had led him on this whole time, and never meant a thing, well, Mal would finally know what heartbreak really felt like.

"Hello, Malcolm!" The producer meets him outside the joint and they walk in together, the producer's arm slung around Mal's waist. It was pretty forward, but right now, Mal didn't exactly mind. They had a table for two in the back on the restaurant, and a bottle of red was waiting for them.

"Well, if I wasn't sure this is a date before..." Mal jokes, and the producer laughs more politely than genuinely, pulling out Mal's seat for him. The producer, who re-introduces himself as Louis, orders for them and spends the whole date doing nothing but staring at Mal affectionately and asking him all about his life. He even held Mal's hand as he told Mal the plans of his record deal with Barsuk Records.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Lewis Character Portrait: Kadriyan Hassan Character Portrait: Augusta May Calhoun Character Portrait: Holden James
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Location: Her First Floor Loft โฆพ Outfit โฆพ Mood: Blindsided โฆพ Hex Speech #7e0c35 โฆพ Hex Thought #cc6699


ImageTossing the bottle in an arc through the air Kadri waits expecting Holden to sharply turn and prepared to catch the bottle but instead it hits him squarely in the face, and the pill bottle falls to his lap with a rattle. Kadri's instincts drove her to reach her hands out as if somehow she could retract the bottle from making contact with his face after it had already been done. He jaw clenched at the mishap, expecting him to become upset with her but when she saw a smirk creep onto his face followed by a sarcastic thank you she broke down into a fit of laughter.

"I am so sorry- I- I thought.." She said stopping every couple of syllables to allow for the infectious laughter that bellowed from core and reverberated in the room.

"I'm a jerk, I'm actually really sorry, I just have a really poor excuse for a sense of humor." The girl said with a few final chuckles as she picked up the scrunched up paper ball on the floor that her Holden induced laughing fit had distracted her from for a moment. Holden politely inquired as to how her day had been as she unraveled the paper ball and handed the sheet to him, joining him on the couch.

"Hectic already unfortunately, read this." Kadri said with a sigh as she tried to wait patiently for Holden to scan over the letter but her nerves were making it rather impossible. Instead of taking it out on the boy Kadri stretched over the arm of the couch reaching into the end table drawer and pulled a single black and gold cigarette from the one pack she had left and intended to ration until she kicked her habit altogether. There were fifteen cigarettes left in the pack of twenty, signifying five moments of weakness.

"Hope you don't mind." She said not exactly waiting on a reply before reaching for her lighter and bringing the flame to the end.

"Who does something like this! I can't even begin to understand why she didn't just come and talk to me. Granted, we weren't on the best terms but this isn't something that you just leave up to fate! What if I have to pick all of the rent on my own? Business at Silhouette isn't booming like it used-" Kadri vented before she was cut off by a knocking at the door. With Holden no more than an ear shot away Kadri sprang from her seat and peered through the looking glass of her door, there was Malcolm and a very dainty and unfamiliar blonde girl with a slue of boxes in tow. Upon opening the door Kadri was greeted by the girls foreign southern drawl.

"Good, I was hoping someone would be home when I got here. Augusta Calhoun, new resident of Pike's Place and co-owner of this very apartment."Kadri raised an eyebrow at this but gestured for the girl to come in and took the boxes that Mal were carrying before bidding him a good morning and watching him disappear beyond the entrance of the complex and onto the streets.

"I'm Kadriyan, you can call me Kadri and this is Holden Jacobs he lives upstairs. I-I don't thing I got your name... And how did you hear about the vacancy?" Kadri said as she took a few more drags from her cigarette before snuffing out the embers and sneaking a quick glance at Holden as if to say What the hell is going on...?