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A group of rouge psychic teenagers aim to take down a terrorist group and they need your help.

391 readers have visited Thrust since awesome sauce created it.


a group of kids find themselves being hunted by the black faction after they learn that they have different pyschic capablitie. as they are hunted they learn that this organization is a terrorist group they dedicate themselves to take this organization down. They learn that they are not the only psychics when they head to japan to take take down the terrorist group they build a sqaudron of psychic warriors and embark on serveral covert ops like missions. this roleplay has alot of room for developing very dynamic characters and different types of powers for the very imagineative.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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Carson got up off the couch and slid his akatsuki cloak over his toned and muscular body. He then strapped on his belt of throwing knives and his short black 14 inch katana. He decided to leave the house before everyone woke up. Plus they wouldn't care he always leaves early in the morning and doesn't come back to his friends house until late at night. Carson wake out the door and was met by a crisp cool breeze which was odd to have in the morning in colorado. Carson walked down his street to the main street near the shopping plaza. As he walked down the street he recieved many strange looks as people stared at his exotic attire. Many people gave worried looks as they noticed the knives and sword on his belt. Carson ignored the stares and went in the starbucks for a coffee. He ordered a black medium roast coffee and quickly left the store. When he was leaving the coffee shop he had an overwelming feeling he was being followed. He still had the feeling of being followed as he rounded the corner of the store he quickly turned around but saw noone.

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Faye woke up in early moring, she was blind but it had her advantages, higher senses than others for example. She un-dressed from her Pjs then into her clothes, a black tanktop, greeny brown flared trousers and black boots with a hell of alot of buckles, she loved buckles. A thick metal belt where her dagger and long sword were placed and then she carried her guitar, it was given to her from her deceased parents, she has a great talent to be able to play it even though she is blind. The guitar is red, shiny with lightening bolts in pink on it with ehr name ingraved in it. She was on her way to a bus. She go out from her flat, on the ground floor too. She sensed it was already there so she quickly paced to the bus and waved to the bus driver and she got to the door.
Bus driver: ''Oh! hello Faye, how are you today?'' He said as he helped Faye into the bus, Faye was still not used to the bus yet so she did not know where to get into it from.
''I am fine, abit tired but good.''

Bus Driver: He looked to the dark man on the bus and smiled. ''Looks like you are not the only early bird on this ride today, hon.'' He laughed as he took the money and sat Faye down, one seat away from the dark man with the large trench coat on.
''Thankyou again, I thought I was the only one who got on the bus at this early hour.'' She smiled.
The Bus driver then sat back down then closed the door and started up the bus.

Faye then sensed the dark man and smiled at him. ''Hello, my name is Faye, so what are you doing in this early hour, Sir?'' She awaited a answer.

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Carson stared at the hand of the cute edgy styled girl. Carson never met anyone quite so inviteing as this mysterious girl. Carson noticed the girls polite langue. Carson took another sip of coffee. He wanted to be friendly but he probably wouldn't see this girl again , so what would be the point. Something told him to be nice because this wouldn't be the only time he would see her. He decided to just be kind.
" Carson, and i went out for a cup of coffee, want some?" Carson offered the cup of coffee to the girl.

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Faye smiled. ''No thankyou, good Sir. Coffee does not agree with me, Plus I have a flask of choclate here.'' She used her hands to feel towards her bag then got out her Blue flask and had a sip of it then placed it back into her bag. Her bag shifted side and revealed her weapons, she sniffed the air as she could smell the iron from them then covered them up again. ''So, What you work as? I work past-time in a pet shop belonging to a friend, then I work as something else the next, So, do tell.'' She smiled. She was not shy about her blindness if someone asked she would answer that she was born blind, She then scretched her neck alittle where there was a fresh wound from some confict, and was going to see the doctor before going to work.

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"Fair enough." Carson took another sip while keeping the girl's weapons cataloged in his mind. "I don't work I clean out A.T.M machines for money."
Carson was very open about his theivery and powers. Carson couldn't help but to notice that the girl never directly looked at something when she walked or talked.
" Umm I'm sorry to ask this but why do you always stared into the distance when you walk and you haven't looked at me the whole time you've been setting here is something wrong?" Carson asked as he took count of all the studded bracelets and such that the girl wore. "And if i may ask whats with all the studded attire?"
Carson admired the girls gold colored eyes and beautifully sculpted face he had never found a girl that could actually keep his attention for more than a couple seconds but htis girl was doing it. He also noticed the dark thin scab on the girls neck but he decided not to say anything.

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Faye smiled. ''I do apologize Sir. But i am blind. But don't worry i can do just as well as others.'' She sighed at she felt a wound on her neck.
''I need to stop scratching this, it will never heal this way.'' She then felt her hands to the man's and felt them it genitally placed them back. Her hands were cold but soft and her nail long, healthy and sharp. His on the other hand was ruff, but healthy. She could tell he held many weapons in his time and smiled.
''Sorry for that, I was curious. You hold weapons, Yes?'' She then felt her way to hers and got them out, her small gun was in perfect condition and had her name engraved in it and it was silver. Also has a long sword, silver too and had her name on it but also had a blood diamond on the tip on the handle, it was in need for some repair.
''Can you fix this Sir? It is just my favorite out of the two you see.'' She smiled like it was normal for a blind woman to have weapons, and use them.

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"Sure it just depends on whats wrong with it, is it dull or does it need reforgeing." Carson accepted the sword, he still wondered how these weapons were at all use full to this girl but he just decided to leave it alone. Carson in turn puled out one of his throwing knives and handed it to Faye. " Best that money can buy but watch out its sharp."

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As faye was handed the Knife and smiled as she threw it up in the air and caught it and flipped it around her fingers then felt her way next to the man's pocket and placed it back then got out her small gun.
''This will do fine Sir.'' She smiled.
''But you are right about your throwing knife, it is light, stealthy and sharp to the point, good buy, that.'' She then turned her body towards the man, her tank top was loose and showed her bust in a nice way, She smiled again.
''I just need my sword to be brightened and sharped. Normally I would do it but I miss placed the equipment in my last flat. I just moved here, this is why I don't know where everything is yet.'' She tilted her head and smiled warmly.
''You know, if you can afford such weapons, you are a trained killer, Am I right?'' She awaited a answer politly.

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Carson was shock that she had already begun to read him.
"Not offically trained but I'm not new to it either, why do you ask?" Carson was amazed that this girl could already tell who he was and she just met him. "I've had to do it a couple times but not really that big of a deal, and like I said for money I usually clean out A.T.M machines for money."
Carson tried to keep his eyes on the girls face and not look down but it was kinda difficult when a girl is wearing a low cut.

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Faye smiled. ''I thought so, your hands, they are ruff. strong but can be gential and quick. That explain how you hold a weapon and your 'way' of getting your pay.''
She smiled again then got her note pad out, it was special as she touched it she could sense where to write on it. She wrote her number on it then ripped it away from the pad and felt her way to the man's hand again and placed it there.
''My number, for when my sword has been repaired, and, anytime to want to see me, phone and I will give you the directions to where you should find my home, or which bus to get on. Your choice really.'' She then felt into her bag and pulled out her leather jacket as she felt a chill. She could tell he was distracted by something and she had an idea what but did not say, just smiled.

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Carson accepted the number, he rode the bus down to the motorcycle shop. When he got there he payed the shop for the shock replacement and rode off. He rode to the park and parked the motorcycle. And sat on a bench, Carson closed his eyes and focused on the sword in his hands. He focused on the edge, he trimed thin slices off the edge one at a time, soon the sword was razor sharps, then carson removed all the grime and somothed out the blades surface makeing so shinny thta you could see your self in it. Carson dialed up Faye on his cell phone.

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Faye was just getting in to her flat from shopping for food and 'other' supplies as her phone rung and she walked over to it and picked it up. ''Hello? Carson is it you?'' She said as she emptied her shopping bags of food into the fridge and cuboards and placed the other supplies in her room, under her bed then took her jacket off and felt her way to her couch and sat on it and placed her jacket next to her.

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"Hey Faye," Carson said over the phone. "The swords done and I was wondering when you would like me to bring it over?"
Carson awaited for the answer as he put the sword away.

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Faye spoke. ''You can bring it over now if you like, and if you need a place to hide this can be a hideout for you. Just take the next bus to role bay, there are flats mine's number 2, just press the buzzer and I will let you in, okay?'' She said as she began to make green tea for herself and feed her pet snake.

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"Got it." carson said hanging up and fireing up his motorcycle and headed to role bay, who needs a bus when you've got a motorcycle that can out run damn near anything. After nearly thirty minutes he arrived at role bay, he rode his motorcycle up to a flat with a number two on it. Carson shut off the motorcycle, grabbed the sword, and walked up to the door and rang the buzzer.

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After Faye places the Green tea and snacks on her coffee table infront of the couch she put on music, which was Pendulum, then the Buzzer rang, it was Carson so she pressed the button to allow him to open the down to her flat door, she then felt her way to her flat door and unlocked it and opened it. She then sat on the couch and and started to eat pitta bread and drink green tea, She has her Snake, Pip on her shoulders.

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Carson walked in. the room was filled with the sound of pendulum The tempest, one of his favorite songs
"The swords done." Carson handed the sword to Faye, he noticed that she had a snake on her shoulder. "Nice snake."
Carson grabbed a piece of pitta bread and popped it in his mouth.

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Faye Smiled, she could hear Carson eating. ''Your welcome, I did make it for both of us, thought you would be hungry, guess I was right.'' She took the sword and smiled at Carson's direction then has another sip of green tea then stroked her snake. ''Thankyou, my snake's name is called Pip. Highly poisonus, this explains why he looks like he is glowing, but I can see, but the people I bought it told me so.'' SHe smiled again. ''How are you?'' She seem irritated.'' She started to nibble on her freshly made pitta bread. She was a good cook, always was even though she was blind.

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"Pretty good, by the way nice house you have here." Carson looked around, he spotted something weird as he looked up at the ceiling, there was something in the ceiling lght cover.
"Hey did you happen to lose something in the ceiling light?" Carson asked as he stood up on the coffee table to get a closer look.

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Faye then tilted her head and puzzled as she places her Green tea on the coffee table. ''Ceiling light? I don't think so, since I just moved here about two weeks ago. Ummm, if you find anything, tell me. I would like to know Carson.'' She smiled, then she ate more pitta bread.

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Carson unscrewed the ceiling light cover, he looked inside he saw a a white object with a couple off wires and a speaker, the whole thing was the size of his thumb. Immediately he knew what it was.
"Faye its a bug and not the eight or six legged type either more like the listening type." Carson whispered in fayes ear. "Well hey lets go do something."
Carson tried to make it sound like they had never sounded like they found it, Carson tapped her on the shoulder a couple times hopeing that she would follow in suit.

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Faye then sighed then nodded. ''Very Well Carson. I will make more bread.'' She then felt to Carson's ear and whispered into it. ''I need to open the thing up, but you will have to be my eyes to see where it had come from and maybe, if they didn not cover their hands DNA. Then we can track them, like rabbits.'' She then laughed then stood to her feet. ''I like this place, warm and safe.....but then again.....I might have to move because of this.'' She then felt her way to her kitchen and into the fridge to get some orange juice. ''Do you want anything else to drink or eat Carson?'' She smiled warmly to his direction.

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"No thanks I'm...." Carson was enteruppted by a series of knocks on the door. "Hey should I answer that Faye?"
Carson looked through peep hole and saw two men wearing suits looking rather supicous. Carson got chills for the first time in his life.

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Faye then looked to the direction of the floor and gritted her teeth and spoke to herself out aloud.
''They found me again, But how?'' She then sighed then looked to the direction of Carson and smiled. She then paused then swiftly picked up her leather jacket and slid it on and grabbed her guitar and swug it over her head then felt her way to her shoulder bag and started to put her stuff in it, like Tooth brush, hair brush, Art supplies. Ect. Now she was ready and the knocks became louder.
''Carson, We must go. Not much time to explain but I will, in due time. '' She then grabbed her newly forged Sword and dagger and slid it in thier holstiers. She then grabbed her stick and felt her way to the window she desired then opened it. Since she was on the ground floor this was like a second door, well, when she lost her key at times. She then slid out smoothly and in a way to the eye seductively. She then beckoned Carson to follow and to not forget the spy piece.

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Carson slithered through the window like an ominous black snake. Carson readied a throwing knife just in case as he followed Faye.
"I don't know about you but I am not leaving my motorcycle here." Carson whispered to faye as they snuck around the docks.

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