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Vampire Knight: Smoke and Mirrors » Places

Places in Vampire Knight: Smoke and Mirrors

This is a list of locations that can be found in Vampire Knight: Smoke and Mirrors.

All Places

Cross Academy | Modern Day

322 posts · 8 characters present · last post 2014-10-16 01:35:39 »





To live a life as a human. That was what he wanted, and that was what they would have. Saya would live out her life as a human alongside the one she loved. She was born a vampire, but she would live out the rest of her life as a human. She couldn't have wanted anything more than that. All that mattered was him, and their life together. She would have him, she would have their child, and that would be her life. She would be able to see her son grow up, to see all of her children grow up, and then she would move on to the next life. And she was happy.

Ekaterinaā€™s smile in reply to Sacredā€™s words was perhaps the brightest sheā€™d ever worn, and she practically glowed with it. In response, she stood on her toes, bringing her lips to his once more. ā€œIā€™m surprised youā€™re actually asking,ā€ she teased, though his question had rightly assumed her answer. ā€œI thinkā€¦ that I would love nothing more.ā€ In this world or any otherā€”she loved nothing more than she loved him, and she never would. Even given everything they had been through just today, even knowing what she had lost and mourning for it, she could be happy.

Because now she had forever, in the only way she would ever want to spend it. It was more than she ever could have asked for.

Seasons change, as does the time, and with time, came new life. For the moment, Saya was content, holding onto the arm of the one she loved as they walked along the road. She paused momentarily to stare in through a window, her eyes lighting up at the merchandise inside. A thought passed through her head as she turned to stare at Ekaterina. She had yet to give a name to her son, and there were two possible ones she wanted to give to him. She had managed to convince Takeru in waiting on naming their son until she could get a confirmation on it. She blinked slowly at first and then allowed a small smile to tilt her lips.

"Hey Kitty," she called out, waiting until her friend was at least facing her before she continued. "There is something I've been meaning to ask you," she continued, letting go of Takeru in the process. "It's... about a name. I mean, if it's okay with you," she began, standing nervously in her spot. It wasn't an awkward conversation or question, but it was still something personal. She steadied herself and kept her resolve going. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to name him Ivan, after your dad," she finally stated. It was something she had given a lot of thought to, and after all Ivan had done for them, for Kitty, it was a name worth giving.

Ekaterina, walking with her hands linked, one each with Sacred and Saya, hummed pleasantly under her breath as they made their way down the street. Sheā€™d forgotten whoā€™d suggested the trip, but she was in no way against it. In fact, she couldnā€™t be any happier. Theyā€™d found Sergei and Amaya a few weeks ago, and while their experiences had no doubt been arduous, all the fighting and suffering was at an end now. She did not doubt that there would still be struggles in their lives, as there were struggles in every life, but she was confident that they would be able to meet those struggles with the patience and strength necessary to overcome them, and this, to her, was what counted.

Wellā€¦ there was also the fact that she was getting married soon, and would be an aunt likely even sooner. Those things were definitely aiding her already-mighty optimism. She sometimes still felt Seth, too, as though he looked in on them all every once in a while, but did not interfere. It was comforting more than anything, to know that. She was still working on mastering her strange inheritance, but she had a very long time now in which to perfect those skills that had been passed from her divine ancestor to herself. And there was no great hurry to do so, eitherā€”her life was paced exactly as she desired itā€¦ and sometimes as Sacred desired it, on the rare occasion that they were of different minds. It was all fine by her; he was her spontaneity, and she loved that about him too.

Saya drew her from her thoughts, though, and Kitty turned in her friendā€™s general direction, tilting her head to the side, which allowed several loose blonde locks to spill over her shoulder. Saya seemed nervous, but she need not have been; by the time the question was completed, she was smiling brilliantly. ā€œI think it's a wonderful idea, Saya, though you donā€™t have to if you would prefer something else. Iā€™m sure heā€™d have found it a little odd, but I think itā€™s perfect.ā€ She would never be able to forget her father, however long she lived. He had been so very important to her, and kind to herā€”she knew without a single doubt that she would not be here, this happy in this moment, without him.

Fate was certainly a strange thing. Even she, who could sometimes change it, did not fully explain it. But that was all right.

Some things could only be understood with the heart.

Saya smiled brightly and wrapped her friend in a hug, letting her shoulders shake softly as she held back a sniffle. "I've thought about it long enough, and it would be my honor to name him after Ivan. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now, nor any of us," she whispered the last part. In a way, it was fairly true. Ivan had played a big part in saving them, even if it wasn't directly what saved them. She released her friend and took a step back, glancing up to Takeru and offered a bright smile. She intertwined her fingers with his and glanced back at Ekaterina. She had a family, had always had a family, and she was happy. Even after all they have endured, all they went through, she was still here with her family.

"Now, how about we go get some lunch?" she suggested. The fight was over, and she had the rest of her life to spend with her family. Amaya was safe, she was with Takeru, Ekaterina had Sacred, and their lives seemed content. It wouldn't be easy, that she was sure of. No matter how much one loved another, life would always throw them ups and downs. But at least they could all face them... together.

