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"Sshhh. They'll never see me coming."

0 · 640 views · located in LAIOS

a character in “Welcome to LAIOS Part II”, as played by nezzyrps




Real Age:
High School Student
Sarah is a rather plain girl with short, dark hair. She had light skin, a thin frame that's just about curveless, and big, brown eyes. She easily blends in to the background, and goes unnoticed. Usually she wears glasses to correct her vision, but she does have contacts.
Reason for playing LAIOS:
Sarah has always been very into immersion style entertainment, particularly books and games. Her biggest problem with anything she found was that she'd become bored after a while, because books are always the same and games got repetitive. LAIOS seemed perfect, and she was so excited to play it that she saved up for months to buy it when it became available to the public. It wasn't abnormal for her to spend a lot of time locked away in her bedroom, but LAIOS took it to another level. Even before the log out button disappeared, she only really logged out for school and sleep, often even skipping meals to keep playing.


Avatar Sex:
Level at Start of Roleplay:
Dual Blade

Hex code: #003333




In Game Appearance
Sarah's avatar is relatively small, standing at only about 5'3" with a lithe build. She designed this to be appropriate for hiding and agility, although her feminine features are curved in a distinctly hourglass shape. Her pointed ears, which started very small, are now noticeably long and continue to lengthen as she levels. Whisper_Rose has white hair that reaches past her waist. Her layered bangs are usually parted down the middle to frame her crystal blue eyes, striking against her pale features. She has a rather pixie-esque shape to her face, with full, pouty lips, high cheekbones, a pointed chin, a heart curve to her jaw, and a small nose. Her cute and innocent appearance is mostly deceptive, however, and she uses it to her advantage, since most people wouldn't suspect her of much if they judge by her appearance. At level 62, her markings manifest as thin white vines, intricately entwined around her upper arms and shoulder blades. A few vines have begun to work their way down her back, and one has slipped up through her hairline. The oldest vines have started to sprout cerulean rosebuds, with only one present on her face, where her left cheek meets her ear.

Whisper_Rose started with all black attire, optimal for a thief. However, she has since switched to light armor in a mix of colors. It is mostly cloth, so it still helps her to keep from making noise, and allows for more speed and movement. She very rarely takes off her gloves, which are enhanced to help pickpocket, one of her favorite pastimes. There are a few belts around her torso, which hide extra compartments for items, while the rest of her inventory is carried in two pouches which are usually strapped to her thighs. Most of her armor she has two variations of, one black and one white; for the most part, she wears white during the day, and black at night. Whatever she's wearing, though, it all has blue somewhere. While she carries two long, thin swords in an X across her back, they are mostly back up in case she runs into trouble with monsters. Her main blades are much smaller and stay tucked away at her hips until used. When on quests or in unfamiliar territory, she keeps her hood up to hide her face. Because her every day armor satisfies her need for things 'pretty,' she rarely bothers wearing any jewelry or other accessories that wouldn't aid her stats. She switches to a vibrant blue cloak on special occasions, and in places she's most comfortable.

Rapid Combo - Allows the player to hit an enemy in rapid succession and finish with a flourish.

Chaos - The ability to attack enemies in a chaotic flourish. This attack is not super powerful, but allows the player to attack multiple targets without being hit.

Sneak - The ability to go undetected even if you are right in front of someone. This works best at night until the level is high enough to full those in broad daylight. She has leveled this to 82.

Pickpocket - Allows you to pick pockets. The higher the level, the more you can lift without someone noticing. She has leveled this to 75.

Gloves: Pickpocket - Makes pickpocketing 20% easier.

Body armor: Sleep - add sleep counter to force attacker to fall asleep; carrying capacity increased by 60 points.

Leg Armor: Speed - average speed is 13% higher.

Blades: Paralyses - add paralyses counter to immobilize target.

Boots: Sneak - makes sneaking 20% easier.





LAIOS - She honestly prefers the game to her real life outside of it
Forest biomes - Easy to hide in, and lots of loot just lying around
People watching - An interesting pastime in LAIOS, to say the least


Bullies - Voted most likely to be robbed blind
Phoenix Blight - They think they're better than everyone, and if the GM's AI is really so advanced, how is killing them any different from killing anyone else?
Relying on other people - She hates feeling helpless, and not being in control of a situation can make her a bit twitchy


Short range attacks


Desert biomes
Players with high Detection


Being alone forever
Real life






As a child, Sarah was upbeat and social, but after her parents' divorce, that changed. She was too young to really understand what was happening, and then her father remarried, and it was like her life fell apart. She never got along with any of her many step siblings, and felt like her step mother was out to get her. When her mother lost her job and the courts granted her father and step mother sole custody of Sarah and her older brother, Ryan, the preteen thought it was the end of the world. They soon moved away to be closer to her step family's relatives and friends, and if not for Ryan, Sarah would have been completely miserable. During her middle school years, her brother was her only friend, but he was quite a few years older than her, so soon enough he had to get on with his own life as an adult and move out.

Sarah always liked books and games, when she was a child it was considered normal but eventually they became her escape. As she felt her brother pulling away from her, she sunk further into these sources of solace; as a teenager she's spent as much time as she could locked away in her room with her books and the internet. RPGs, particularly MMORPGs, were always her favorite, but none kept her interest the way LAIOS did, even before they became trapped in the game. Sarah has been slow to open up for most of her life, and that translated directly into her Whisper_Rose persona. Because it worked well with being a thief, for a while, that stuck. But after they all got trapped in the game, it was only a matter of time before she had to talk to someone besides an NPC. Eventually, she had to open up to someone, and as time went on, she slipped further and further into Whisper_Rose.

These days, her shyness is mostly pretend, but she doesn't reveal much about herself all the same. While it was always easier for Sarah to express herself online than in person, with LAIOS she feels as though she completely is Whisper_Rose, and all interactions are in person, with no keyboard to help her sort through her thoughts and emotions. Sarah didn't feel the need to escape herself, more like escape her life, with Whisper_Rose simply being an alternate version of herself. The longer they're trapped in the game, the fuzzier the line between game and life becomes- at this point, Whisper feels as though life is a game, LAIOS is life, and she could very well forget all about Sarah soon.

Whisper_Rose stows away in the shadows, observing the others in the game. She almost always knows more than she lets on, but she does not trust easily. However, unlike in Sarah's life, Whisper gets a thrill from her own mysteriousness. The loves the adrenaline that comes with stealing and fighting, and feels like she can take on the world when she gets away with it. She feels no need to brag, but would love to become something of a legend. She often fantasizes about sitting in a tavern and overhearing others tell stories of a cloaked figure, whether it be a horror story or a robin hood type tale, while she silently smirks, proud that her identity has remained a secret. She actively seeks out the rush of a challenge, constantly wanting to prove herself, although to no one in particular other than herself. While she doesn't need to feel recognized for her efforts to be satisfied, doing anything without getting a prize for it leaves her grumpy.

When she isn't in the fields or working on a thieving adventure, Whisper_Rose likes to hang out in taverns, where her more sociable side comes out. She takes off her hood, sometimes even puts away her cloak entirely, and relaxes some. Her interactions are mostly playful and teasing, but of course that changes some with her mood. She likes to flirt with anyone who catches her eye, regardless of gender or race. Despite her admittedly skewed morals, and negative occupation, it's hard to get Whisper_Rose angry, and what does can surprise people. Any bullying of weaker or younger players immediately sets her off- she isn't one to flaunt her dual wielding prowess in peaceful zones like taverns, but under certain circumstances, she won't hesitate to intervene. General arrogance and mean spirits, on the other hand, mostly get marked in her mind as someone she's more than happy to rob blind.

Whisper's moral compass has definitely been on the fritz for a long time, and she's often unsure of her own opinions, but she still lives by a code. She won't steal from the poor, she won't harm children, and she refuses to PK. Adult NPCs that respawn she has no problem killing, even if their attitudes would get her sympathy were they real people, but at a certain point when the AI gets so advanced that she really believes that have minds and feelings of their own... She just can't bring herself to do that, and sometimes thinks it's even worse than PKing. No one knows for sure that killing players really harms them apart from locking them out of the game, but players have the real world to go back to, while for AIs, LAIOS is the real world. Killing them, to her, seems even more cruel than PKing; which is only part of why she has no interest in hunting down the Game Master. She hasn't taken it upon herself too look for another way out, either, since the only way she can think that such a thing would be possible is to reset everything, which she equates to wiping a person's mind, and is all kinds of messed up. Besides, Whisper_Rose's life isn't something she wants to escape. She is afraid to die, though, both in the game and outside of it, so no matter what she will fight to stay alive and in LAIOS.

Whisper_Rose is very much a solo player, which is why she chose the Dual Wielding class. She loves the power that comes with it; she loves being able to take care of herself, and take charge of her own life without having to take anyone else's say into account. On the rare occasion that she does join a party, though, it's either for a larger scale heist or something in the fields. She usually tries to take on quests by herself, but sometimes when going into a field or dungeon she's never dealt with alone before, the fear for her life overrules her preference for solitude. In these cases, she plays down her true nature, and plays up the innocent act, all pouts and impishness if not in the presence of someone who brings out her more flirtatious side. Even among party members, she doesn't really talk about herself or open up in any real way despite the socialization. She still hasn't joined a guild, but as she ventures into higher level territory and they continue to be without any manner of log out function, Whisper's starting to think it might be in her best interest to do so.




Sarah has a large family, but scarcely gets along with any of her relatives. She's been a rather reclusive person ever since her father remarried, and has always preferred books and online games to just about any activity, especially those that might require her to leave her bedroom. When she started playing LAIOS, she just wanted something that could keep her interest indefinitely; suffice to say, she was far from disappointed. Back before the log out button disappeared, she read a few blog posts about people getting trapped in the game, but since she could log in and out without a problem, she thought it was either a short term glitch or a lie. All tales of folks being killed in game and disappearing forever were urban legends, as far as she was concerned, if not silly misunderstandings.

Then the game locked down. She didn't believe for a second that what the Game Master said was true, she thought it was a scare tactic to get everyone in the spirit for some sort of event. As time went on and she saw no sign of a log out button, no one returning to their last save upon death, she started to doubt herself, but still refused to believe it. Maybe it was supposed to be a sort of tournament, last man standing kind of thing, and the message was meant to motivate them to stay alive, but the tournament just wasn't ending because everyone was so scared; she's since discarded that theory, but still. Openly, at least, she still denies that dying in a game could possibly hurt anyone in the real world, but inside, she knows something's not right. So, she doesn't hold it against any PKers, but she refuses to PK herself. Regardless of whether or not dying in LAIOS means dying in the real world, she doesn't want to die.

Now, she's just trying to enjoy herself. She isn't looking for a way out, because her real life isn't the one she prefers anyway, but she doesn't mind that others are. However, she does have a problem with the ones who want to kill the Game Master in an attempt to get out. Something about that mission churns her stomach, and besides, if they really believe dying in game means dying IRL, how do they know that killing the Game Master won't kill everyone in the game? In the meantime, it's becoming harder and harder for her to even remember what it's like in the real world, and she's sinking deeper into her online persona. Whisper_Rose spends most of her time wandering around in search of valuables and exp, or hanging out in taverns, where there is plenty opportunity to people-watch and pick-pocket.




Face Claims:
Haruhi Fujioka - Ouran High School Host Club

CS Design:
© By: FaddedFox ©
Played By:
By: nezzyrps


So begins...

Whisper_Rose's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Goliath Character Portrait: Accido Character Portrait: ArcticFire Character Portrait: Psychedemo Character Portrait: Cain Character Portrait: Shade_Strider
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0.00 INK


Alchemist // Tailor
None// None
182 // 200
Hex Code:
#00008B // #388E8E
Vael Town

Seraph was probably the person most excited for the event even though he wasn't going to be down in the town actively participating. This was his first real event and he wanted everyone to enjoy it, even those that weren't taking part in the battles. It was almost time! The Game Master was grinning ear to ear as he peered down at the town from his perch on the balcony of a random house. He didn't have the high level of the acrobat skill to get up here but he was the game master so he had a few cheats he could utilize when needed; Like getting to places he shouldn't be able to. He wanted to be able to watch everything happen as they unfolded for the event and a high perch was the most advantageous. He smiled to himself and leaned against the balcony as he stared down at the center of town. Those that were going to participate were already gathering in anticipation. Some players had locked their doors and shut off the lights but he could see a few staring out their windows, interested in seeing what was going to occur.

"I thought I might find you here, Seraph," said a voice behind him.

Seraph sat up and looked behind him to see his favorite person in the world; Nightingale. She was the reason why he had locked the game the first time after all. He waved excitedly at her and rolled onto his heels and then back to his tip-toes. "Nightingale! I thought you weren't going to come into town because of the other betas that gathered. They are all here. But do you like what I have planned for the event?"

"Neither of us should be here and I advised you not to come, but I knew you'd come anyway. You never listen. And of course I liked the event. You did a good job," Nightingale answered with a small smile. Seraph really was like a child, her precious baby. She had to protect him should the other betas spot Seraph and turn their attentions away from the event and try a full on attack on Seraph. They would all have higher levels this time around and unlike Seraph, she couldn't see what level they were. It worried her a bit but Seraph was Seraph. He was still the Game Master and there was no way he'd be able to resist coming to the center of the activity in the game. She knew first hand how much he loved his players and everything he did was for them to enjoy. Who wouldn't want to see the results of their efforts?

"I had to come. Tonight is the event! I want to watch everyone. I want to know what I can improve on next time. I have already gotten a lot of feedback! I went a little overboard with decorations it seems," he chuckled and raised a hand to rub the back of his head. "And that is not fair, Nightingale. I do listen. I just decide not to follow your caution," he answered. He had to make sure everything was running smoothly after all.

The archer walked over to Seraph and reached out a hand to ruffle his hair then. She couldn't help the grin that played on her rosy lips when the boy blushed and tried to dislodge her hand. "Nightingale!" he called out exasperated and took a step back to try and fix his hair. He hated it when she did that. Nightingale on the other hand loved watching him get flustered. He was just too adorable. The Game Master huffed and crossed his arms. He glanced back at the center of the town. "It is almost time." Seraph took in a deep breath and closed his eyes to center himself a moment before he completely turned his back on his companion. When he opened his eyes, his once expressive gaze were blank, code rapidly flitting through the blue hues. It was time to send out the message that would initiate the countdown.

╚═╣Good evening all players, this is your Game Master. The first half of the event will be initiated shortly after this message. I hope you all have a happy holiday and enjoy the event. Before they spawn, here is some extra information for you. The monsters that will be appearing do not have a predetermined level. The level of the strongest player in your team will be determining the level of the monster for that party. This means that if the highest party member is level 100, the monsters will also be level 100. This is a feature set to give each group a fighting chance and the most exp. If someone joins your battle, the monster level will not change and both parties will get half of the exp. The party or soloist that kills the most monsters will be determined at the end of the event. Thank you for your patronage and enjoy the event!

--Game Master Time stamp December 24 11:58pm.

Once the message had been sent out, Seraph blinked four times before his personality reemerged and he twirled in a circle and stopped to face Nightingale. He clasped his hands behind him and leaned against the balcony. "Will you be joining the event?" he asked her then.

Nightingale placed a hand on her hip and gave a nod. "Yeah. I think I will. This event is a good way to level up. I won't miss the chance. Meeting the other betas however will be quite the inconvenience. Good thing I have a few things to help disguise myself unless they directly come in contact with me," she mused. At least the betas wouldn't be able to attack her in town since she to was a PC. If they saw her here though, they'd immediately seek Seraph out. She had to stay on guard. "I guess I'll change," she mused and started to leaf through her equipment to pick out the best equipment for this event. She quickly put on her dark blue light armor with the crimson trimmings. A cape hung behind her and she tugged at her finger-less gloves to check the fit though she didn't need to and tapped her boots on the ground. It was a little cold for such a thin outfit but it was a game. She wouldn't freeze to death and it was only a little nippy. She equipped her second choice bow and arrows and caressed the pale blue feathers. She would use her rare item but if the betas saw it, they would recognize who she was immediately. She didn't need to use it. Lastly, she equipped her head gear that looked more like a winged masquerade mask that covered her entire face. Like the rest of her current outfit, it was a baby blue with red trimmings and the feathers themselves looked like they were dipped in blood. It might not look like much, but the outfit was reinforced with a variety of enhancements. That was one thing she loved about the game; you could wear clothing like this and still be well protected if you knew where to purchase and who to ask to craft them for you. Nightingale then hung her hair up in a messy pony tail and smiled at Seraph.

"Well, time to join the fray. I'll talk to you after the event, Seraph. I look forward to seeing what you have come up with."

Seraph beamed at her and gave her a wave. "Enjoy the event!" Nightingale used her acrobat skill to hurry away from the current balcony and took up her place instead on top of the tavern of Vael and readied herself.

7...6...5...4...3...2...1... The clock struck midnight and a firecracker shot up into the air from the center of town and exploded above the area as the bells rang. The sky was illuminated with red and silver lights from the fire cracker. Almost instantly, monsters began to spawn in the town all around the people standing there. Of course, they were all Christmas themed. There were tiny Santa Elves running about, Polar bears with ribbons and bells, China dolls and jack-in-the-boxes hopping about, and growly snowman clawing with their stick arms and angry expressions. At fist, they didn't attack anyone but after they finished spawning, they went after who ever was closest. Nightingale was quick to target one of the toy wolves with her arrow and took in a steadying breath before letting her arrows fly. The wolf howled and turned in her direction but using her rapid shot she was able to get some good hits in and the wolf couldn't reach her where she was so she had pretty easy pickings. She didn't want to win the event. She just wanted to gain experience so being solo made her a bit slow, but that didn't matter. She had a goal and wouldn't waver.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper_Rose
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0.00 INK





Hex Code:


Back in the real world, holidays had been less than cheerful for Whisper. She could understand why some might feel more than melancholy this time of year, being trapped in the game; but she couldn't really empathize with it. Her Christmas mornings were spent cutting tension with a knife and being insulted by her step family, while the rest of the day she struggled to live up to expectations and seem happy to visitors. She'd spend the night either in her room or wishing she was, and usually end up curled up in a cupboard or under a table to hide whenever she cracked and started crying.

She hated thinking of those times, of her old self in her old life. Wandering through Vael on this day, however, lifted her spirits. The air was chilled enough for her to see her breath, and delicate snow flakes fell from the sky to melt on red noses. There was music in the air, and it wasn't accompanied by scornful chitchat. It warmed her heart. While standing in an alley near Vael tavern, Whisper equipped her blue cloak. While it wasn't exactly within the holiday's color theme, it fit the season, and it was her favorite cloak, reserved for special occasions. Hidden behind the hood, her cheeks had turned pink; whether it was a reaction from her own body or programmed in with the cold, she wasn't sure.

She'd given up pick-pocketing for the holidays- her gift to society. Instead of her usual antics, the thief had spent the earlier half of her day using sneak while in the corner of the local tavern, just people watching. Later on, she'd left to look around and enjoy the music in town square. The tree was gorgeous, and smelled so real, she had to give compliments to the game master for that one. It had the slightly unpleasant side effect, however, of reminding her about the gift giving tradition. She might have enjoyed that part, for once, away from her family; but when trying to think of people she could give gifts too, she turned up mostly empty. Perhaps she could find something for Shade_Strider. Where was Rakugo? The only other friend she thought of... It had been so long since she'd even spoken to Goliath. He'd accomplished a lot, she knew- founded a popular guild and everything. Briefly, she wondered if he would even recognize her now. She couldn't remember why they'd stopped being friends in the first place.

After tearing herself away from the tree, and the thoughts it brought with it, the elf worked her way back toward the Gold Gallion. This time, she didn't go inside. The Christmas Event would be starting soon, and she wanted to be ready when the monsters started spawning. Whisper_Rose was hoping that the event being held in town meant that no players would die. Of course, her better judgement told her this wasn't the case.

When the Game Master's message was sent out, Whisper looked up, as though she was expecting to see the GM themself standing on top of a building somewhere, looking down at all of them. She took a deep breath before returning to the task at hand. The news about levels was good for her, as a solo player. The lack of reassurance in the message was a little disheartening, however; the fact that the GM was concerned with giving them 'a fighting chance' made her worry some might die this Christmas. She pushed those thoughts away, though, and forced herself to focus as the countdown started. Her hands tightened on her swords- not her main weapons, but the pair that was best for most monster fighting.

Her pale face lifted skyward, watching with wonder as red and silver lights exploded at midnight. She half expected to see flocks of reindeer fly out from the firecrackers, enchanting from afar but vicious up close. A snowman spawned out of nowhere, a few feet away, and she stared for a moment before realizing it was a monster. A slow smirk lit her face as she shifted into a fighting stance, poised at the ready. "How festive." Not a second later, Whisper_Rose leapt forward, dual blades slicing through her opponent with quick precision.