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Above Love

Above Love


A band realizes being famous isn't so easy.

1,469 readers have visited Above Love since Lovely ♠ created it.


Four friends came together and created a band in hopes of making it big someday. That was when Devil's Lament was formed. They practiced nonstop and put all of their time into performing, one night their dreams came true when they were offered a deal with Bloody Rose Records. Everything seems fine and with the start of a tour just a few days away no one would guess what kind of drama is unfolding behind the scenes.

He's nineteen and the lead singer of the group. He's always been best friends with Aaliyah, but secretly has a crush on her. He's been offered a chance to leave the group and go solo, but none of the other members know it yet. {Taken by myself}

He's eighteen and the lead guitarist. He has a big problem with infidelity, he's cheated on every girlfriend he's ever had, including the groupie he's dating now. He has a secret crush on Lydia but doesn't want to tell her about it because he's still in a relationship and she knows about his lack of faithfulness. {Reserved by Pimp}

She's eighteen and the band's backup singer and bass guitarist. She's secretly in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend and is afraid that the others will find out. She is clueless about Ivan's crush on her. (Reserved MirrorMirror1498)

She's nineteen and the band's drummer. She likes Ivan but knows about his crush on Aaliyah. She has a noticeable drinking problem that is progressively getting worse.{Reserved by bananarama}

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[center][color=#fav color][b]What Do You Look Like?[/b][/color]

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        [color=#fav color][b]What Do You Fancy In Life?[/b][/color]

        [color=#fav color][b]What Do You Not Like?[/b][/color]

        [color=#fav color][b]Do You Like Anyone?[/b][/color]

        [color=#fav color][b]What Scares You The Most?[/b][/color]

        [color=#fav color][b]What Do You Rock Out To?[/b][/color][/center]

~I am the GM of this RP, Pimpette is my co-pilot, obey us or DIE :D
~All characters pictures must be anime!
~All post must be at least 300 words, other than that, the sky is the limit for posting
~Romance is highly encouraged, but we don't wanna see anything explicit *shudders*
~Cursing is also allowed, but be tasteful with it unless your character purposely has a sailor's mouth
~Respect your fellow RPers, we're gonna be one happy family...or else something terrible will happen to you ^^
~No OOC fighting, save the drama for ya mama
~No godmodding, you aren't Rambo
~Post at least once a day, if you can't it's understandable
~If you need to leave or won't be active for a while let me and Pimpette know first!
~Reservations last for 24 hours, after that the spot's reopened
~If you read all of the rules post your favorite anime character in your character sheet or your reservation!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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A seemingly lifeless form lay across a sprawling king-sized bed. It was Sebastian Hastings, lead guitarist of the freshly famous band Devil's Lament. After another night of partying he somehow made it back to the group's New York apartment in one piece. It must've been one hell of a night, but he was hungover and couldn't remember any of the previous night's events. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He partied hard all of the time, at least when there was a window of free time between practicing and making public appearances at the record company's direction. The room was pitch black, he could only see the dull glow from the digital clock on the other side of the bed. It was almost noon, no one had woken him up so maybe they didn't have anything to do? Not anytime soon at least, or so he hoped. Bastian shifted and rolled over on his stomach, he might as well go back to sleep until someone told him otherwise. "Rise and shine sleepy head!" A high-pitched, undoubtedly female voice broke through the peaceful silence and all of the sudden sunlight nearly blinded him. The male hissed, it felt like his retinas were being boiled. He rubbed at them until he could see without shielding his eyes, but it amplified his headache. Standing in front of the picturesque window was a female scantily clad in only pink lingerie. Now who was she? He thought it might be Katy, his current girlfriend, but this blonde was definitely not the brunette he dated.

Now that he could see, Bastian also noticed a lump under the sheets beside him. He peeled them back to reveal, yes, another blonde girl he barely recognized. He looked between the two, blinking dumbfounded, then he noticed they were twins. More groupies. He'd done it again. What was this now? He couldn't count how many times he'd cheated and sarcastically he wondered if it counted as once or twice if they were twins. Katy was nowhere to be found, she'd probably seen him flirting with other girls last night and left long before the night was over. "'Morning cutie." He must've been spaced out because he hadn't realized the other girl woke up and kissed him. "Uh," he fished for something to say, there wasn't much since he couldn't remember either of their names. "I have some stuff to do so-" The other blonde cut him off, pressing her index finger against his lips. "Shh, it's okay. We know how busy you can be when you're a rockstar." She winked and started putting on pieces of clothing that had been scattered around the room. "When you aren't so busy, remember to call us. We can have a lot more fun next time." They spoke in unison and it terrified Bastian to the point that he could only nod in response. He didn't want to be rude so he got up in only a pair of black boxers and walked them through the penthouse and to the front door. "Bye bye." They both giggled and left, but only after writing two different phone numbers on his palm.

Well, it really must've been one hell of a night. If only he could remember it. Luckily Katy wasn't present, so he could avoid being scolded and getting into another heated argument with her. She knew how he was, girls were throwing themselves at him and he couldn't bring himself to turn any of them down. It'd gotten to the point where they would argue, he would swear he wouldn't do it again, the same day he broke that promise, and Katy would pretend she didn't know. It was so common now he'd gotten used to the pattern. "Ugh aspirin please." He moaned holding his head and walked into the kitchen to search for his savior. He tried to be as quiet as possible, just in case any of his bandmates were still asleep. More than likely their day had already started, he wouldn't be surprised if they were dressed and had already been out. Oh well, they knew he never woke up early unless someone forced him to. Bastian sat at the table with water, two aspirin, and a bowl of Trix in front of him. Another thing, he couldn't cook to save his life. If someone else didn't he either went out or microwaved something. Since he was hungover it was just a mediocre bowl of cereal for now.


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Lydia flipped the blanket off and found out her head was where her feet typically would be, then the familiar twinge caused by hard liquor in copious amounts hit her head. "Dammit!", she cursed into the dark room; thank God it was dark. Lydia literally rolled out of bed onto the floor, and then crawled over to where she thought lamp would be. It was but she knocked in on the floor, with a crash, "Shit!" she yelled, "Why does being hung over always have to be so damn hard", she said as she finally picked her self up and walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. Lydia new better than to open the curtain, she'd probably end up like a vampire out long after they should and turn into a pile of dust on the floor; just from sure shock. As her eyes adjust to the not so bright lite of the apartment, rubbing her eyes she noticed how quiet the apartment was. She guess she had managed to get some semblance of pajamas on last night, she was wearing a cropped gray wife beater and a pair of girl boxers that had superman splashed on the rear. "Damn you Jack Daniels why do you have to be so cruel", she said as she made her way to the kitchen to find something that might stop the dwarf's from mining in her brain.

She of course found Bastian who appeared to be in about the same boat, "Sup, Casanova", she said as she walked over to the cabinet, "Dammit wheres that aspirin I stashed in here for just the occasion", she said as she started, to search around. Then finding it right by Bastian, "Ah hah, yoink!", she said as snatched the bottle up, then she pulled out some orange juice pouring herself a glass. She popped three in her mouth and swallowed them down with a big gulp of O.J., then she sat down at the kitchen table her head hit the top with a slight thud. "So are you having a lovely morning just like I am", she asked Bastian, she knew he had probably slept with someone other than his girlfriend Katy. "Do I have to ask if Katy is going to be bitchin you out later or should put in the ear plugs now".


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#, as written by phooka

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Aaliyah cringed at the sound of the drizzle on her umbrella. Water was never her favorite thing, since her little sister, Anya, drowned years ago. She closed her eyes, and reached into her pocket, pulling out her ipod and sticking the plugs in her ears, and turning it up as high as it could go to drown out the sound of the rain. She held the umbrella just above her head, trying to hide her face from the rest of the world. The face that now bore a large bruise on her cheek, and 6 small stitches over her eyebrow. Yeah, you could say it was a hard night for her. In the middle of the party, her boyfriend, Jack, had pulled her out and was driving her to his house, when she asked him if she could borrow his phone to call one of her bandmates to let them know where she was, not that it mattered, they were all probably too drunk to notice their absence, anyway. Jack got angry, accusing her of not wanting him, and that's when she smelled it, alcohol on his breath. She remembered trying to take the wheel when he punched her in the face. They swerved and crashed into a tree. Luckily, when she woke up in the hospital, she only had a concussion and some stitches, and John was no where to be found. After a bit, she got out and began her walk home. Allie didn't bother calling one of the others, walking was fine. Plus, she was positive Sebastian and Lydia were probably hungover, but, she wasn't sure about Ivan, she hadn't seen him before getting pulled out of the fun, so she didn't know if he had been drinking or not.

One of their band's songs that she had downloaded came on her ipod and she began singing quietly to her part. It ended just as she reached Lizzie's Cafe, after her night, Liyah decided she deserved some caffine. She made a beeline for the counter and got a black coffee, then settled down in a cozy corner, and pulled out her cell phone.

Bastian? No way, he probably wasn't in a good mood after his night, no doubt he probably woke up in a room full of naked women, she was pretty sure he wouldn't be happy about leaving the comfort of walking around the house a pair of underwear short of naked to have coffee with a "hippie".

Lydia? She was hungover, too, and Liyah wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with someone who was hungover. She'd get her fill of it when John decided he wanted her to go meet up with him somewhere later today. Plus, did Lydia even like coffee?

She sighed, might as well invite Ivan to this little party. She loved Ivan, sure, but he'd freak out when he saw the stitches and the bruise, and she wasn't ready to tell anyone about John. She quick shot him a text that read: Meet me @ Lizzie's 4 coffee! :)
She snapped her dinosaur of a cell phone shut and rubbed the bruise on her cheekbone gingerly. Tears pricking her eyes, but she held them back, crying can come later, right now, she needed to think of an excuse.


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Ivan Scovova

Ivan woke up and looked at the white ceiling above him. "What the hell?" He groaned seeing as he was sleep in a chair. Looking around he noticed he was in the studio. Oh yeah now he remembered. He started out at a party with his band mates when he got an annoying call from their manager. He wanted to kick back and relax for once as well and have a drink or two. Ivan couldn't keep drinks down like Lydia and Sebastian. They were on a whole new level. On top of that he had to maintain his image as well. Who likes a drunk lead singer? Standing up he stretched his arms then looked down at the piece of paper containing lyrics on it. That was the real reason his manager called him. He had to write a new song which meant he had to come to the studio and write a song.

"Agh!" He spoke realizing he wasn't done with the song. Running his slender fingers through his midnight blue hair, he picked up the paper then a pencil. Pacing around the room he started to sing what he had written down. It was pretty good so far but he needed a chorus. How did he write most of a song without a chorus?! This was the difference between him and everyone else in the band. He new to stay on top he had to do this. Ivan dedicated himself to music especially since they started to get famous. Still pacing he tried singing different lyrics trying to see what fit best in the chorus. Biting on the end of the pen he stopped walking when he thought he had an idea, of course it disappeared quickly. Sighing he thought he was on to something brilliant when his phone went off.

"Why would someone text me now? When I see who it is they are getting cussed out." He groaned again then saw it was from Aliyah. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips then he open the message to see she wanted to meet up at a coffee place. "Please don't tell me that she was drunk too?" There was no doubt in his mind that Sebastian and Lydia had hangovers. Taking his jacket and the lyrics he walked out of the record building only to be stopped by the manager on the way out. "Devil's Lament has a press conference to day. Don't be late." He warned then walked into the building. He better text everyone now:'We have a press conference today so if you have a hangover get over it!'

Still walking he made it to the coffee shop. "So enjoy the party last night? Sorry I had to bail because of a song I was writing and...wait what the hell happened to your face?!" He asked slightly panicked. "Was it the fans? Did you get in an accident? What happened?" Here came his typical string of questions. He placed the sheet of music on the table for her to read once she told him what happened to her.


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#, as written by phooka

'We have a press conference today so if you have a hangover get over it!'

Aaliyah got the text just as Ivan entered the cafe. She snickered and held her phone up at him, "A hangover? Please, Ivan, you should know me better than that." She rolled her eyes and put the phone down on the table and sighed. He'll notice in 1...2...3...

"-what the hell happened to your face?!"

Aaliyah rolled her blue eyes again, "'What the hell happened to your face?'" She mimicked, "Why thank you, Vanny boy, that's exactly what a girl likes to hear." She took a long, calculated sip of her coffee before answering. "John and I were driving home and we got in a little fender bender, it's no big deal, really." Though the bruise was caused by him punching her in the face, it's not that hard to get bruises in a car crash, either. Plus, it was a lot easier to lie to Bastian and Lydia than to Ivan, so, might as well tell the truth. "I was at the hospital, they said I was okay." She reached over and quick gave his hand a comforting squeeze before her eyes went to the sheet of music.

"Is this a new song?" Allie asked, changing the subject and taking her hand from his so that she could pick up the paper and look at it. She found herself humming the song and smiling, it was good, catchy, the fans would love it, but- "There's no chorus." She blurted out, pointing to the paper, "Oh no!" She covered her mouth with her hands, "You were writing it when I texted you! I'm so sorry, Ivan! You didn't have to come, really! You could have told me!" She shook her head, disappointed with herself. "If I do that again, Ivan, don't listen to me, okay?"

She held out her coffee to him, as if giving away her precious caffeine would make amends, "Here, take my coffee," she said, rather dramatically, "It's all I have to give!" There was a cute little grin on her face as she bowed her head to him.


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Bastian seemed to be in a daze staring at the colorful pieces of cereal floating around in his bowl, but he would recognize that voice anywhere. It took a second to break his intent stare at his cold breakfast, but he did manage to look up in time to see Lydia snatch the bottle of aspirin away. "'Morning beautiful, you look about as good as I feel." The right corner of his mouth turned up in a lazy attempt to grin. "Aren't you excited? We get to be hangover buddies again." He never really paid much attention to how many mornings Lydia woke up like that, but when you partied like they often did, it wasn't much of a surprise. That and, he wasn't exactly in the position to judge someone. With his amazing ability to cheat on someone more than five times a week, he was worried trying to chastise her would get him struck by lightning or something. "Better get the earplugs ready, I wouldn't be surprised if she magically materialized here right now to cuss me out." He shrugged and actually flashed a brief smile despite the headache that still made his skull feel like it was ready to split open.

"Am I that predictable? For all you know I could've spent my night completely alone." If anyone believed that they either had to be deaf and blind, or just flat out stupid. He didn't try to hide his cheating, that would be too much of a hassle. Besides, Katy didn't look like she was going to up and leave him anytime soon. They were dating before the band got famous. Why she was willing to put up with him was a mystery, and thinking about it made his head hurt even worse, so Bastian completely discarded the question and went back to his soggy cereal. The theme song from Spongebob started blaring in the other room and it took a slow second for him to realize that the ringtone belonged to his phone. It took even longer for him to shuffle back into the bright bedroom. It was a text from Ivan, just seeing his name on the screen made him frown, why? He knew it meant they had something to do. So he wouldn't be getting anymore sleep for a while. "And here I was thinking I could get some more beauty sleep."

Bastian went back into the kitchen and propped his elbows up on the table, his chin resting on his elbow. He looked at Lydia with an eerily wide smile on his face. "Guess what, boss man says we have a press conference today. He also told us to get rid of our hangovers. Isn't that just wonderful?!" Bastian snapped his fingers twice then clapped. He looked around with a puzzled expression then put on an overly dramatic frown. "Nope still here. Mister Aspirin should hurry the hell up." He did feel a little better. Maybe it was because he had someone else to suffer with, or maybe it was the absence of the twins that freaked him out earlier.


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Ivan Scovova

Ivan chuckled a little to her reaction. "Yeah it was mainly for the other two." He leaned back in his chair a little then looked out the window to see a man with a camera. "Look our first paparazzi picture." He smiled at the man taking the picture. "Watch it say young band lovers or something along those lines." He smiled at her. Oh how he wished they were really going out. He liked her for an extremely long time, but never told her not wanting to lose her as a friend and also a band member. He covered his mouth like a valley girl then laughed. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say it like that." He quickly apologized to her then listened to hear what happened to her.

"Woah wait what?! You got in an accident?! I should go kill John for putting you in such danger. What if you died or been permanently paralyzed!" He shouted then realized he loud he was. "I'm going to get kicked out." He laughed lightening the mood back up. "You should have called me, I would have driven you home from the hospital." He got a little down but he didn't want to upset her more. "Hmm? Oh yeah I was working on it last night." He watched her as she started to sing it and smiled. He always loved listening to her sing. "Oh yeah I kinda fell asleep when thinking of the chorus and then you called." He jumped a little listening to her scream. "It's fine don't worry about it. You now whenever you need me I'll be there for you." He chuckled crossing his arms over his chest cocking his head to the side.

Yawning he realized how tired he was. Maybe he should go get some coffee as well? No. It wasn't the best for his voice, he needed tea. Looking at Aliyah he smiled. "Don't worry about it I know how much you like your coffee. Besides I need tea." He actually lied the taste of tea a lot. It always soothed him as well when Aliyah wasn't there to talk to him. "Maybe later after the press conference you can help me come up with a chorus?" Standing up he smiled then walked over to the counter to order a tea. It seemed the girl working behind the counter loved his voice and asked for his autograph. He gladly gave it to her then took his tea, which he got for free. Returning to his seat he grabbed the lyric sheet and folded it placing it in his pocket. "We should go now and get ready for the conference."


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#, as written by phooka
Aaliyah Marinkov

"Look our first paparazzi picture. Watch it say young band lovers or something along those lines." He smiled at her. And she smiled back at him, then turned to the man with the camera and flicked him off with a huge grin on her face. She was thinking more along the lines of "Deranged Pandora gets beat up, cheats on boyfriend with fellow band member, and flicks off innocent paparazzi". He covered his mouth and laughed. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say it like that."

"Hey, don't worry, I don't mind." She replied into her coffee, she didn't mind the idea of being an item with Ian, he'd treat her a hell of a lot better than John, but she cringed at the thought of what John would do to her if he saw a line like that.

"Woah wait what?! You got in an accident?! I should go kill John for putting you in such danger. What if you died or been permanently paralyzed!" Aaliyah laughed, she heard an elderly couple nearby muttering about how loud the 'kids' were these days.

She slid out of the booth, still holding her coffee and twirled around for him, sending the smell of coffee and her vanilla perfume around. She sat back down, feeling incredibly dizzy from the concussion and twirling. "If you couldn't tell, I'm not dead or paralyzed, so there's no need for you to worry." She smiled at him reassuringly and took another sip of her coffee.

"I'm going to get kicked out."

"No kidding." She held out her empty cup and grinned, "I need more coffee slave boy."

He ignored her and kept worrying. "You should have called me, I would have driven you home from the hospital."

Allie rolled her eyes, but the action hurt her head, "I heard somewhere that fresh air is good for messed up heads."

"It's fine don't worry about it. You now whenever you need me I'll be there for you." He chuckled crossing his arms over his chest cocking his head to the side. It was funny, while Lydia and Bastian never seemed to apologize for anything nor have a comforting bone in their bodies, Ivan and her couldn't seem to stop apologizing and comforting others and each other. And she couldn't help but think that he was unbearably cute, especially with that little head cock.

"Maybe later after the press conference you can help me come up with a chorus?"

"Yeah, sure, chorus writing is fun." She said, then he stood up and walked to the counter, "No wait! Where do you think you're going!? Slave boy! Get me more coffee!" She shouted, holding up her empty cup and flailing her arms around. She collapsed on the table, holding the cup up, her hair hiding her face, she looked like she had been shot. "Slave boy come back and refill my coffee!" Allie's voice was muffled by the table. She thought, aimed, and threw the cup, and somehow, when she threw it with her face still pressed against the table, she still managed to hit the back of Ivan's head with it as he signed a girl's autograph.

"We should go now and get ready for the conference." He returned, without her coffee. She didn't bother picking up her head from the table.

"Darn you Ivan!" She grumbled, "fine, conference, whatever. I'll never forgive you for this!"


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"Aren't you excited? We get to be hangover buddies again."

"Aww honey I didn't know you cared should we start picking out appliances, I saw this toaster I just love", Lydia said with a smirk. She sat at the table and drank her orange juice.

"Better get the earplugs ready, I wouldn't be surprised if she magically materialized here right now to cuss me out.", he said after she asked about Katie. "Am I that predictable? For all you know I could've spent my night completely alone."

"Predictable, naw; stupid yes", she said with a chuckle, that added to the throbbing in her head, "Ow!, don't laugh it hurts".
"And here I was thinking I could get some more beauty sleep." he said as he leaned his chin on his hand, "Guess what, boss man says we have a press conference today. He also told us to get rid of our hangovers. Isn't that just wonderful?!"

"Beauty sleep aww poor Bastian", said Lydia as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh come on you'll get over it, and besides if you go to the conference you might not be here when Katie comes to get her stuff", she teased. She knew for some god awful reason Katie put up with Bastian's crap, she didn't really understand why Katie was a gorgeous girl it isn't like she had trouble getting guys. But then again Bastian had come home with twins last night, in Lydia's opinion that was some heavy shit. Bring home one random girl was one thing but twins was on a whole other level of cheating.

This is why Lydia stayed single, cause she knew the stupid shit she does when shes drunk and didn't want to drag someone elses emotions along for the ride. She smacked him on the shoulder, "Well we might as well get dressed and get going before the manager blows a gasket", she said with a smile.

Bastian and her had always gotten along very well mostly because they were very similar, and different at the same time. She probably would date him herself if he wasn't such a player, but then again her heart lied with someone else, someone that probably would never know cause he had eyes for someone else.

Lydia went straight to her room and after a quick shower she was feeling much better, the pounding in her head now only a dull roar. She looked down at her cell phone, "Come on Bastian we need to get going you know it's gonna be hell to get a taxi", she called towards his room.


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Ivan Scovova

Ivan looked at her and chuckled. He loved hanging out with Aliyah. They seemed to get along well together, which was one of the reasons he wanted to date her. He wasn't sure if anyone picked up on the fact he wasn't sleeping with a lot of girls like he knew he could. He didn't want to ruin any future chance he had with Allie. He looked at her when he heard her call him slave boy and just laughed. She had his full attention after signing the autograph when he felt her cup hit him in the back of the head.

"I'm sorry about her." He smiled at the girl behind the counter who looked like she was going to die from the simple comment. "Come on I think you've had enough coffee." He laughed picking up her cup off of the floor and tossing it in the trashcan. Grabbing her wrist he led her out of the coffee shop before they got kicked out. Of course he heard the elderly couple talking about how loud they were being. Were they that bad? Most likely. Once they were outside he waved his hand up waiting for a taxi to stop and get them. After a minute or so he was able to get one for the pair. "After you." He held the door open for Aliyah to get in. He slid in after them and closed the door behind himself.

"CG Productions please." The taxi driver nodded and pulled off into the busy New York street. "So do you want to take bets on Sebastian and Lydia's soberness? I'm willing to bet they have pretty bad hangovers." He was going to have a conversation with the two of them after the conference. They were representing Devil's Lament who's name was becoming more and more famous. They couldn't be getting passed out drunk every night knowing there is a possibility of cameras being around. Besides having a band full of drunks is less attractive right? "I'm more so worried about Lydia though. Is it just me or has she been drinking more and more lately?" Hopefully she wasn't becoming addicted. The band hadn't even just begun their stardom and she is already going to rehab. Isn't that something people go to after a year or two of being famous? Shrugging he turned to look at Aliyah again. "So tell me about John. I would love to know the guy who almost killed my dear Allie."


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#, as written by phooka
Aaliyah Marinkov

Aaliyah found herself getting pried off of the table by her wrist, but she didn't give up without a fight. She held onto it with the hand that wasn't being pulled on by Ivan, and she almost carried the table all the way to the door before she let go of it. She could see the headlines now; 'Lament Heart's Pandora Throws Tantrum Over Coffee and Gets Dragged Out of Cafe'. She snickered at the thought, that would teach people not to mess with my coffee.

"Now, Ivan, you know I can never have enough coffee. And we all know as soon as we get there I'm headed straight for the coffee machine, unless they've hid it like they threatened to do last time I drank them dry of all their coffee." Allie had to laugh at the thought, she remembered that day clearly, she didn't sleep all night. That was a great day, it was full of coffee and John was gone on a trip so she didn't have to visit him at all that day.

"So do you want to take bets on Sebastian and Lydia's soberness? I'm willing to bet they have pretty bad hangovers." She heard Ivan say after the taxi began on its merry way to the studio.

She frowned, "Do we even have to bet? It's pretty obvious that they're both going to be drugged up on advil and happy little rays of sunshine when they get there." She looked out the window, those two disappointed her with their constant drinking, and Lydia seemed to be getting worse and worse. "I'm really worried about Lydia, I don't want anything to happen to her." Lydia was a good friend, not as close as Ivan, but closer than Bastian.

"So tell me about John. I would love to know the guy who almost killed my dear Allie." Aaliyah didn't know what to say, if she said too much, Ivan would likely show up at his door with a shotgun and if she said too little, he'd know something was up. She didn't want to lie, but, the truth wasn't exactly an option at the moment.

"First." She said, changing the subject, "why haven't you called me Squirt yet? You know I like it when you call me Squirt!" She had to laugh, when they were little, Ivan couldn't pronounce her name right, it always sounded like Aweea, and he thought that a nickname like Allie or Leyah was too plain, so instead, he called her Squirt, because she was always smaller than everyone else. Aaliyah adored that nickname, but would never let anyone but him call her that, and in return, he got the name 'Slave Boy', or 'Monkey Boy' or something along those lines. "And second," she reached over and squished his cheeks with her hand, directing his head to the window, "we're here, Monkey Boy, the taxi dude's waiting to empty your wallet now."

She smiled at the man who drove the taxi. He didn't seem to mind her wallet comment, he just looked like he wanted the two of them to leave.

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Character Portrait: Aaliyah Marinkov
0 sightings Aaliyah Marinkov played by phooka
"Don't worry, I just...fell, that's it."

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ivan Scovova
Character Portrait: Sebastian Hastings
Character Portrait: Lydia Bates


Character Portrait: Lydia Bates
Lydia Bates

"Take one down and pass it around"

Character Portrait: Sebastian Hastings
Sebastian Hastings

"I won't say I love you, I'm not that much of a liar."

Character Portrait: Ivan Scovova
Ivan Scovova

"I love you...but you don't know..."


Character Portrait: Ivan Scovova
Ivan Scovova

"I love you...but you don't know..."

Character Portrait: Lydia Bates
Lydia Bates

"Take one down and pass it around"

Character Portrait: Sebastian Hastings
Sebastian Hastings

"I won't say I love you, I'm not that much of a liar."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lydia Bates
Lydia Bates

"Take one down and pass it around"

Character Portrait: Sebastian Hastings
Sebastian Hastings

"I won't say I love you, I'm not that much of a liar."

Character Portrait: Ivan Scovova
Ivan Scovova

"I love you...but you don't know..."

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Most recent OOC posts in Above Love

Re: [OOC] Above Love

I will post tonight or tomorrow for sure ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Heyyy guys! I'll be studying for finals all this week(after a great deal of procrastination) but I'll try and reply sometime before the weekend! Sorry to keep you waiting T-T

Re: [OOC] Above Love

I postyted Yay! I'm glad you think Lydia is funny I try ::wipes tear away and sniffles::

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Posted once again! Here's what I've picked up so far. Bastian cheats around twenty times a month. Lydia says funny things like yoink and makes me laugh. Aaliyah's boyfriend is a crazy douchebag. Annnnd, Ivan is gonna have a heart attack someday with all of his worrying :/

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Hahahaha! Poor Ivan and his panicking! But I've posted as well ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Okay, I posted. Some things about Liyah that may be helpful for future posts:
She is religious about staying sober.
And, she is addicted to coffee. MUST. HAVE. COFFEE!!! hahaha

Re: [OOC] Above Love

I just have to say, every time I see or hear the word Yoink I just giggle. It's so amusing xD

Lydia is also very funny x3

Re: [OOC] Above Love

::does cartwheel:: I posted too!

Re: [OOC] Above Love

The first post is up! I love my Bastian, even if he is a hopeless cheater ^^;

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Oh no can do honey >.>

Teehee, I'm kidding, I'll do it sometime tonight, or early in the morn' ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

If you can put up the first post that would be great ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Wheeeeeen can we start?! >.o

Re: [OOC] Above Love

I adore her lol!
Oh no my Mirror is not feeling well!? Here take some internet medicine *hands you medicine* Now feel better ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

How's Squirt, Lovely?
I'm thinking of making her the tree hugger type, haha.
Oh, and btw, I probably won't be able to post in anything until tomorrow, I have a splitting headache and my tummy's killing me. So, I'm going to bed.

Re: [OOC] Above Love

I can't wait to start this! ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Okie Dokie she's done Lovely Spade.

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Annnnnnd I'm working on my character now Lovely! I have another one to do, but this sheet is much shorter so I'll do it first :D

EDIT: Done!

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Anime pics would be great ^^

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Cool beans on it DUN DAH DAH AWAY!.. ::Flies away to find and awesome pic::

Just thought of a question Lovely Spade do you want, anime or real life or don't give a flip.

Re: [OOC] Above Love

Sure banana!

Nova, someone might be reserving the spot, so I'll let you know rather you can have it or not depending on what they say ^^