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After Smallville

After Smallville


Genre: Supernatural, horror, Adult, After Smallville RPG

542 readers have visited After Smallville since Chloe Sullivan created it.


Years later when everyone went their separate ways, Chloe Sullivan kept herself far from all with the exception of Bobbies second house. Chloe had met the Winchesters before she had left and formed a separate bond with all, but Bobby was like a father. He told her his second house in another location, one he kept from everyone.
Upon the final exit of Oliver Queen, Chloe was completely alone. With Bobby Singer dead, Oliver Queen gone and Clark now Superman, she felt the need to search and hunt. And seeing as I am not sure I guess I will leave a starter here:
Chloe wasn't sure why Oliver had up and disappeared, the voice-mail he had left her so long ago still saved in her cell. She would listen to it often and think about him, fanning back tears. He had to get away.
She had done the same from Smallville & Metropolis, she could not blame him. It may have been due to everyone's change, her change, hell it could of even been due to the fact that they saved Earth but a whole new level of evil was now here.
At any rate she knew he had too and she understood that need, sometimes you have to say goodbye in order to keep your sanity.
Chloe continued to hunt, she continued to write and she continued alone.
Clark continued on as well, the closeness they had once shared between them lost after Oliver had left. They still called, enlisted each others help when needed, but that brother/sister relation and deep friendship slipped away after Oliver had gone.

Sometimes she felt often as if she was just going through the same motions again and again, if it wasn't a hunt it was a story she was writing for another paper in the States. Once in a while she allowed herself to be contracted for a newspaper that took her to another part of the world.
But she didn't allow it often; she found that being in a foreign land left her with too much time to think about the one person she loved more than anything in this world. She would often either find herself waking in a scream in the dead of night to waking in the middle of a dream that left her hanging on the edge of what promised to be what they shared many times in bed.
On those nights she was left wanting, needing and unable to do anything but cry hard.

Chloe had left the comfort of the States for the foreign soil once more, this had promised her a pay that would keep her hunting for almost a year.
It was the same dream, sometimes different hotels, sometimes the Tower, but it was the same none the less. She woke gasping as always, the feeling of his lips to hers, left her gasping and yearning.
Her body flew up into a sitting position as it always had; instinctively her arms went to her body, holding it tightly as the last ruminates of the dream began to fade, as if she held herself long enough all would be right in the world as it once had. Her breath came hard in gasps, the butterfly feeling in her stomach, the burning in her loins, slowly began to fade it almost made her cry out in horror at the thought she was once again alone.
Her hand went to the other side of the bed as it did many times, hoping, just wishing she would feel his warm body next to her. As ever she felt the coldness and emptiness as she always had.

Her lips quivered slightly as a wretched cry came from her throat, caught between a wounded animal and a sob of misery.
After a few minutes she rose up, she never slept with pajamas unless she was on a hunt.
The sun was just rising, the beams of light showed the glistening of sweat on her skin as she made her way to the bathroom. Her shaking hand reached into the European shower, steam shower they called it, saved on the water usage. She adjusted it to hot and stepped into the enclosure. She shock violently for a moment as the final pain escaped her mind. Began to do her hair and wash her sweat drenched body.
"I m-miss you so much...." Was all her soft lips whispered to the room and she did this without even realizing she was.

Soon she began to feel herself once more and by the time she was done it was business as usual. the remnants of her dream now long tucked into a place she could no longer or was willing to access.
She made her way from the shower to the room, slowly dressing in a suit deemed worthy of a great reporter. Her hand went to the bag where it pulled out a new bra and thong, the slip she would use. She dressed in silence and embraced the sound of emptiness, for it served as her only friend. Hunters did not have the luxury of love, friendship or life.
There was no real purpose to it, many did not live to see an old age. Herself she would out live all but Castiel, so love deemed only for those who were mortal.
This life was a lonely one, but it was in those precious stolen moments that gave her the courage to continue what she did, saving lives and killing evil. She did not think of any of this consciously, it was her sub-conscious that did. But it did not come to light as it as so much was buried out of reach.

She slipped into her outfit and as she placed on her shoes she rang room service, where she would enjoy coffee, croissants and berries on the balcony of her hotel over-looking the European City.
It arrived quickly, it seemed no sooner than she hung up, treated as if she was some sort of Royalty she went to the door leading them to the balcony and table where they placed her breakfast. She always generously gave a tip and signed the card. All was on the account & credit card of the paper who contracted her.
The scientist she was writing on had when called, expressively selected her and when they called her they did not even haggle on her price for writing the story.
After all this was the story of the millennia, the Man who would change the world as they know it had request that she and she alone write his story.
Chloe sat down, the sun now rising even more on the cities winter day. The balcony was enclosed in glass but she could still feel the chill as her skin revealed gooseflesh, but she paid no mind.
She picked up the paper which came with her meal, eagerly reading about the Scientist she would now write about in a way they did not have access to. Her other hand now poured from a silver pot the steaming fresh sustenance she so long loved.

Her nose wrinkled only slightly as the aroma of fresh strong brew came to her nostrils and she inhaled it, holding her breath just seconds as if she could savor that smell forever inside her. She added the fresh crème and too much sugar as always, hearing Bobby in the back of her mind asking if she would like a little coffee in her sugar.
This always brought a smile as well as a pain to her chest, for now like many others he was too now gone, burned and buried. He had become a father to her as he had the boys. She could not wait to go back to the States and once more sit at his desk, letting the happy memories of his life fall before her eyes. But for now... she would sip her coffee, eat her breakfast and then gather her paper, pen and recorder so that she would tell the world what would change them next... this story would bring hope to many as they read of the new scientific way that would save many lives.
It was many years from human trials of course but it was started and it would bring many hope, for one day when the greatly burned or wounded waited on death, they would be saved. Even if in their mind at least, because in her experience death came when it was time.

As she looked at the city, her breakfast now done, she glanced at her watch; it would be close to when the driver sent for her would arrive. Although he would come to her hotel door she would as ever not have him do this, like him she herself was no Scientist but a mere worker as him.
She would meet him in the lobby as a courtesy to him and as ever before he had a chance to open the door for her, she would enter the vehicle herself. She was after all just as he was and equal.
She rose up and gathered what she needed, securing her room out of habit as a hunter than a normal person. Her heels echoed softly muffled by the carpet around her footsteps as she made her way to the elevator doors. As she descended she rechecked her supplies and made sure that no weapons or cameras as instructed by the facility where not on her person. As soon as the doors open once more she stepped out, the sun brighter than it had when she woke or ate. Stepping outside as the driver pulled up and once more entering the vehicle, she sat.

"I trust you had a good sleep Ms. Sullivan?" the driver inquired. The dream long since forgotten and put on a shelf in a place of her mind she kept hidden, she responded in her musical tone.
"That I did, thank you and I hope you did as well?" She asked in response genuinely.
"I did Miss." he said leaving that at that. Although she came across as his equal, he was accustomed to only speaking a necessary. She looked out the window as the city began to turn to country; it was outside the city in a well guarded structure that the facility was held. Closely guarded from any who would steal what they invented, worked on or kept.
Once they were let through the gates and the driver brought her to the door she was met with the assistant that she had met twice before in the city.
This was the first time anyone other than who worked there would be allowed access to the facility. This was an honor and meant to be treated with a great amount of respect and responsibility, this Chloe knew. As Chloe stepped from the car, she did allow the driver to open her door, not because he needed to but it was his job, she would show him respect in front of others that she understood this. Once he came and took her back she once again would treat him as an equal. She nodded in respect to him, thanking him kindly.

"I trust your ride was not too long and pleasant?" The Scientist assistant asked her.
Chloe had to smile; she loved the European accent and looked at her with respect and curiosity that served her well as a journalist.
"It was beautiful." She allowed her to know.
At the reception area she was given a pass, the women led her to a door which took a encrypted key-card to open yet another door to the elevators.
Chloe followed closely so that she was not asked to hurry. Once the gal used a push pad, retna scan and her card once more they were inside and headed miles down. It seemed like a long ride, but she imagined it was only seconds to those who made the journey everyday.
When the doors opened she was again led to a room, requiring her to undress, be checked, her things checked and then given a "clean" uniform which would not allow outside partials to embed with their work. She changed with the others without embarrassment, much to the relief of the assistant who more and likely was expecting a protest for privacy.

Chloe knew what was expected all too well, she was very versed in everything with her life as it really was. Nothing really now could shock or surprise her other than her dreams.
The moved to yet another clean room, in which they were doused and cleansed with a gas.
Once more another door opened with a sound of a buzz and she was walking into a corridor that was lined with many open windows to rooms where many experiments or discoveries were. Chloe listened to the Assistant talk, soon they were joined by a very excited Scientist, the one for whom she was writing the piece for.
His excitement and lack of sleep she regarded only to herself, she took notes and kept the recorder where she could, once back listen to his words and began a tale that would be worthy of a prize. But she didn't care about such things, it was the writer within who craved the story and it was the money itself that funded her real life. When she had been shown all and told all, the eccentric man excused himself off to do what he did best and went back to work. She was once again led the way she came and escorted back to the waiting vehicle.

Her bags and stuff packed as she had requested on the journey back to hotel, from there she would sign the bill leaving a generous tip for all including the driver and a hotel vehicle would take her to the airport where she would board and come back to her hybrid car making the long journey back to Bobby's place.
It would be back there she would write up her story at his desk, relax and wait for the funds to be automatically deposited from the paper. She didn't fear they would reject or re-word her story, no one dared. And soon she was in New York and on the road, she would not sleep the drive but listen to the Scientist on tape, her own added notes and the radio. It was many days before she made it to Bobby's old place, she had it redone exactly as it once stood, just newer. But she found almost everything he once had since it was burned, replaced and it was as if he was never gone.
The only room in the place was the spare bedroom which was different, it was that room which held framed pictures everywhere of those she loved.

Dean, Sam, Bobby, Castiel, Jo, Ellen, Clark, Lois, Jimmy, Oliver, Lana and many more surrounded the room. This was her safe place. The only room that she dared change and that was only because Bobby had her do so many years ago when he added a vase of flowers and told her this was her home too and this room was hers as she saw fit.
Soon she was up the driveway of the old shop and home he had once lived in. She carried the bag and unlocked the door, making her way up the stairs and placed them in the small closet.
Her mind was weary and no dreams would come tonight, much to her relief. For it was here she could hear the laughter they all shared in good and bad times. The ghosts of the past she cherished at her assistance in making it the home for all, but mainly Bobby whom she loved as a Father. He had once in a drunken stupor confessed that she made this place home to him and the boys. At Christmas or birthdays when they could be together she insisted they have tradition, even though Bobby, Dean or Sam would moan an groan they all secretly looked forward to this, this one gesture that made the long fights worth every sweat, blood and loss worth it.

Once upstairs too tired to do much but crawl into the bed, she let her close fall where she undid them. Slipping beneath the blanket and sheets, smelling the familiar scent of home, her eyes soon closed and her head told no stories or nightmares, she just slept.
It was the light in the half pulled curtain that woke her, she rose up, her skin began to show gooseflesh, so tired she had forgotten to turn on the furnace allowing the heat to warm the home. She shivered softly but relished the fact that this place stood once more and welcomed it.
She rose up letting the blankets and sheet drop where they may, she would make it later. And opened the door making her way down the hall to the only full bath in the house that was between her bedroom and Bobby's. A sigh came as she saw his shut door, she could never pull herself into it again, she left it furnished as it was and then closed it. The only time it opened is when she had a trusted caretaker that she paid handsomely to clean and keep the house dust free when she was gone.

I hear the house groan softly, welcoming me back as I make my way to the bathroom. Reaching out I slowly adjust the water and hear the water furnace roar to life, replacing what is flowing. As soon as I feel it is hot enough I step in, the tub is the old clawed style Bobby once had.
I face the water feeling it as it softly moves down my now stiff body, caressing the muscles of a long drive home. I can feel the smile as i hear the last tune of the radio before shutting off the car and I begin to absentmindedly sing the song as my body turns around, letting the water now slide down my neck, hair and back.
Bending down softly as I sing, I pick up my shower wash and began to bathe myself. I hear my own tone def voice try to hit a note much to high for myself to the song I last heard... *I think it is Katy Perry?* I ask myself head. Relaxed that I am now home I don't hear the door downstairs softly open and close, I don't hear the footsteps below me as they roam the house to the basement below.
Instead I continue to wash away the long ride and finally satisfied I turn if off with a soft groan leaving the so warm comfort it had brought me.

I walk back as I always did, naked with a towel securely around my hair. I go to the drawer in which is extra clothes and pull out a soft sweatshirt and shorts, socks, thong, no bra... it is not needed. Slipping all on I make my way to the kitchen and began to make a strong pot of coffee, hearing Bobby as if he were still alive laughing to my "If the spoon doesn't stand in the cup, it's not real coffee." Speech.
It makes me smile to think of him. I set the recorder and papers at his desk and race up and down the stairs retrieving my laptop and whatever else I forgot. Hearing the pot spurt the last of the water I make my way to pour a cup before returning to the desk to write the story.
As I poured I could hear Bobby's remark of "Would you like a little coffee with that sugar." I laugh softly.
Then the cup almost drops from my hands, the liquid hits the floor as I hear the creaking of the floor above me. I'm not alone. I feel my heart race and my breath quicken, softly the cup sets on the counter as I reach for the gun which was not there but still upstairs... I had just arrived again and I had not had the time to set things up as I normally did.

Slowly like a cat looking for prey I move from the kitchen to dinning room and make my way to the stairs. I was certain the intruder was indeed human, most likely a thief looking for things to sell.
I last heard him/her them in Bobby's room so I quietly make my way to my weapons in my own room. I slowly opened the door, the creaks memorized at certain points so that I could avoid alerting the person to my presence that I was here.

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