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All about the Music

All about the Music


two bands, a tour around the world, one chance at fame. FOUR SPOTS STILL OPEN! I need a guitarist, a drummer, and a backup singer!

1,139 readers have visited All about the Music since kwhit created it.




Two bands travel the world on tour, competing for their big chance. But when things happen and complicate the contest, will they give up?
Sorry...couldnt really come up with anything better than that.
Basically its about two bands that are selected by a record company to go on a competition tour around the world and only on band will be selected for a record deal and the chance of a lifetime. But then the band members start falling in love with other band members and other crazy twists occur.

Band one (Mysterious Shadows)
Lead singer- Amber Roselyn played by kwhit
Guitarist(s)-Blaine Montgomery played by cheater0611
Bassist and Drummer- Tessa Lillian Riddle played by AvaLovelace

Band two (Against The Rules)
Lead singer-Skittles played by MILKSHAKES
Bassist- Roxanne "Rocky" Abbey played by ThatsSoKawai
Drummer- Scarlet Mathews played by Wake E.V
PIANO-Malka Elane Henniger played by Pichu-Chan

PLEASE do not put similar characters on here...i dont want twenty people with the same personality.
i will need:

Fulll Name:
Nick name:
What band position you want: (guitarist, singer, drummer etc.)
Age: (18-23 please)
Sexuality: (gay strait bisexual)
Appearance: (description or picture please)
Any other info:


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BEGGING: New York by RolePlayGateway

The band members all drive/ fly to NYC on different planes/cars. They meet up and head to their first destination.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Groaning softly, Skittles stared out the window of the car. "Come on, Modoka, don't give me that crap." her cousin muttered, and slid down the music on the radio. She looked up at him, her eyes narrowing. "Just drop it, dude." she muttered for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Her foot tapped lightly with the music, though it was a bit too quiet for her own tastes.
"Why are we going this way, anyways? Why New York?"

Skittles rolled her eyes, and rested her chin on her palm. "Because that's where we are supposed to go, okay?" she said softly, her voice cool, a bit low(Think Amy Lee). Her cousin glanced at her through his over grown, shaggy brown hair. "You could have driven there yourself..." he said rudely. She bristled lightly, crossing one thin leg over the other. "Alright, whatever."

Silence fell through the car, as they approached the airport. Her cousin kept glancing over at her, but didn't speak. Skittles didn't bother. They pulled the small convertible through the check point. The singer gave a slow, light yawn, exposing her pierced tongue for a moment. She leaned forward, and rested her forehead against the cool glass of the window. She closed her brown eyes, and allowed her mind to wander, forming another story with her words. She tapped one hand against her thigh, a matching beat easily coming to her mind.

Her cousin sighed as they pulled into a parking spot. He looked over at her. "Do I have to stay for your little reunion with your little band?" he muttered cruelly. Skittles was already sliding out of the door, a small backpack strap grasped firmly in one pale hand. "Go to hell for all I care." she snapped back, and slammed the door. She began to walk around, ready to open the trunk, and get out her other bags. "HEY!" the man yelled, pushing his way out of the car. He fell back, having forgotten to remove his seat belt.

"You can leave now." she said with a cold smile. She pushed open the trunk, and took out the larger bag. She stumbled back a few steps, almost losing her grip on the bag itself. She cursed, a bit loudly, and pushed the bag up with one hand, holding on to the black, fishnet bag in her left hand tightly. She groaned a bit, her bag hitting the ground as she avoided it. "Oh, COME ON!" she whined, and shouldered the backpack. "I mean, really?"

The setting changes from BEGGING: New York to Realistic Roleplay

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#, as written by kwhit
Amber Roselyn woke up to the sound of her loud annoying alarm clock. She propped herself up in her bed and faintly smelled bacon. She got uup and pulled on a green tank top and her favorite dark jean shorts. She walked out to the kitchen to see her mom standing over the stove cooking the delicious meat.
"Mom what are you doing here?" Amber questioned. She was an adult now. Living in her own apartment and paying her own bills.
"Oh hello honey! I came over here to celebrate!" Her mom squeled.
"Celebrate what?"
"Your band! I got the parent permission slip in the mail."
"What are you talking about?" Amber was extremely confused.
"Amber, when is the last time you checked your mail?" Her mother questioned.
"I don't know... a few days ago."
"Oh my!" her mom rushed down to the lobby and grabbed the mail. She burst through the door and handed Amber a fancy looking letter. It read:
To the members of Mysterious Shadows and Against The Rules,
I saw the records that you two bands sent in and i have to say, I am VERY impressed! I honestly think that you have a shot at going big. I talked it over with the other exsecutives at BackBeat Records and we have mad a decision. Now, I am going to offer you the chance of a lifetime, a trip around the world. You will perform in major places like New York, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo and much more! You will all meet up in New York next week and I will go over the details. Overall, you will be gone for half of a year ( six months ) and whichever band gets the most votes, sold out concerts, and fan approval....gets a million dollar recording contract with BackBeat Records and TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. I hope you guys take this oppertuinty and the time to consider what kind of fame and money you would get. Good luck!
Johnny Roughe

BackBeat Records.

"OH MY GOOOSSSHHH!" Screamed Amber, "I HAVE TO CALL THE BAND!" So Amber picked up her cell phone and sent a forward out to Blaine and Tessa, The only other members of Mysterious Shadows:

"Mysterious Shadows!!! WERE GOING TO MAKE IT!! New York here we come! ps- did you guys get the letter in the mail??"

The setting changes from Realistic Roleplay to BEGGING: New York

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#, as written by kwhit
Amber glanced around the airport, looking for the other members of her band, Mysterious Shadows. She jogged across the sea of NCY tourists and grabbed her bag out of the conveyer belt and looked around once again but still there was no sign of Blaine or Tessa. She looked at her watch. 10:30 a.m. The bands were supposed to meet up at the airport Cafe at noon so she wasnt worried. But she was still a little bit lonely from the long planeride she had just taken. She dashed across the airport until she was outside. She heard that some of the other band members were going to drive all the way to New York.

She wandered around and finally about fifteen minutes later, she spotted a girl with radiant colored hair. It was awesome. She walked slowley over to where the girl appeared to be in a fight with a man. Who was he? To young to be her dad. Maybe a brother, boyfriend or cousin. As she walked closer she saw a piece of the fancy paper with perfect writing on it and knew it was the exact same letter she had gotten in the mail.

"She must be from the other band.." Amber thought aloud, though nobody could hear her. She was about ten feet away when she heard the girl yell
"Oh, COME ON!I mean, really?" She had dropped her bag. Amber considered just being rude and not helping her because she was "the competition" according to the record company and her band but she was too nice...

"Hi, I'm Amber from Mysterious Shadows...You look like you could use some help" She said quietly as she approached the girl and helped her pick up her bags. She stood there a little bit shyly and waited for a reply.

The setting changes from BEGGING: New York to Realistic Roleplay

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The car that was once filled with all sorts of noise was suddenly silent the last few minutes of the drive to the airport when the subject of her brother, the one that had died, being proud of her came up, it was always silent for a few moments when ever he was somehow brought up in a conversation. Perhaps the sudden shock of her brother being a gang member still remained, even if it had been two years ago now, despite the fact that there were little clues, such as his brother's injuries and him coming home late..., but none of them would have ever thought of him being in a gang. Her mother and father, two of her siblings that were in high school, and one of siblings that was in middle school came with her on the trip to the airport, with her mother driving. Her two brothers that were in college couldn't come because they were obviously too busy with school and such, but they did write her a letter, wishing her luck on the tour. She was planning on going alone because she'd rather not trouble them with the bother of having to go all the way there, but her mother insisted that they go with her to wish her goodbye, since it would be a long time before she saw them again because it was a world tour, after all.

After some more arguing from her mother and father about where the airport was and looking at the map several times(Since most of her family wasn't used to a busy city like New York), they finally reached a parking spot in the airport. They got out, helping her with her luggage, which consisted of her case for her keyboard, a backpack full of things, and then a rolling suitcase full of even more things, "Now, do you have your piano?" her mother asked.

"Yep, it's in there,"

"Your toothbrush?"


"What about your comb?"

"Mooom! I have everything packed, so there's no need to worry!" Malka said.

"I-I know... it's just that you've come so far a-and... my baby's all grown up," Herr mother said, starting to get teary-eyed, and that was all it needed for the waterworks to start for everyone and it ended in a big group hug. The family finally said their goodbyes and she watched as the car drove away until it was nothing but a tiny speck. She wiped the tears from her face and continued towards where the band would meet, where it was likely that her water works would start up again.

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(( Ignore this post, my computer screwed up. Sorry about that. ))

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A tiny yawn slipped through soft, pink lips before Tessa Riddle managed to stop yawning long enough to lick close an envelope with money, and in her most neat hand writing, she wrote 'Aiden' on it before giving it a kiss and dropping it off in the mail box. She yawned again as she leaned against the mail box before managing to slap herself awake. "Focus!" She grunted to herself and let loose another yawn as she hoisted her backpack on her bag along with a huge black sports bag and continued her journey. She had gotten a message from Amber about the letters they had gotten in the mail, as soon as she caught wing, Tessa was on the first ride back to her town. She was ecstatic and now, thinking about the letter that felt as if it was burning a hole in her bag, had woken her up, although those cursed yawns popped up every now and then. When she wasn't with the band, she was on the road, earning money and sending it off to her little brother at 'La Croix Boarding School for Boys'. And every chance she got, she would either call, text or email, sometimes all at once and he would respond to every single one. She missed him like crazy! But she already knew as soon as they got their big shot, she was getting her brother out of that stuffy school and was going to officially live with her. And now that their big shot had come, she couldn't wait to tell him the news but she knew she would have to wait because by heart she knew his schedule and knew he was in class.

She was already packed and set for new york so at the moment, she was headed to Airport and hoped Blaine and Amber were already there. She couldn't wait to leave, she had even brushed up on her Japanese and French for the trips around the world. At the thought of traveling around the world, she started doing a happy dance as she crossed through a busy street as she neared the airport, but she simply just laughed and crossed, yelling to the sky, "WE'RE GOING TO NEW YORK! HELLS YEA!!" She grinned as horns blared, she did care though, all that was on her mind was that there was a chance that her and her friend's dreams would come true.

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Skittles looked up as the stranger approached. She smiled, though it was a bit weak. She was irate, but she didn't want to take it out on her. "Oh, hey. Skitt-- err.... Modoka. Singer." She smiled, a bit stronger, and held out one hand. "And some help would be.... wonderful." She gave a sigh, and looked to the bag. Her brown eyes were a beat defeated. She groaned very softly, and brushed some of her white and rainbow hair out of her youthful face. "Stupid cousin won't get his lazy ass out of the car long enough to help me."

The setting changes from Realistic Roleplay to BEGGING: New York

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#, as written by kwhit
"Oh, I know how that is ." Amber smiled back at Modoka.
Amber was really excited to be meeting the singer of the other band she would be 'competing' with. She seemed pretty niceand her hair was awesome. People usually assumed Amber was immature and chatty back in high school. She helped Modoka get a bag out off the ground and pulled the handle up. Amber pulled the large suitcase behind her as they walked toward the entrance of the airport. Now she just had to wait for the other members of her band and they would get to meet this record guy "Johnny" and tour the world! She could barely hold her excitement in as she neared the door of the airport.

The setting changes from BEGGING: New York to Realistic Roleplay

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She literally skipped the rest of the way to the airport as she made her way, then when she saw a familiar form walking towards the entrance, she grinned and ran over. When she got close enough, She jumped on her from behind and wrapped her arms around her, nuzzling her face into her neck. "Amberrrrrrrrrrr~ I missed chuuuuuuu!" She giggled as she clung to her band mate even though her bags were still strapped to her back. In the mist of her snuggling, she noticed another female with her and recognized her as their 'Competition' "Why hello there! Trying to steal out lead singer are ya?" She joked before offering her hand to shake. "Just joking! I'm Tessa!"

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#, as written by kwhit
"Tessaa!!" Amber squeled as she beamed with excitement.
"This is Modoka, the lead singer from that other band! Isnt her hair AWESOME!" She said while gesturing to Modoka's rainbow hair.

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Malka continued to walk towards the entrance of the Airport and was going to go to the cafe, where everyone was supposed to meet at noon, but then she spotted a familiar face, "Skiiiiitles!~" She cried happily as she quickly went towards the band mate, who was like a sister to her. She put down her bags for a moment to hug her, though she didn't do anything like a running hug, seeing as how she didn't want to knock her over, but rather it was the kind of hug you'd give someone who was close to youand you haven't seen them for quite awhile, she didn't notice the other two girls, though she would have said a friendly hello to them, though she was unaware of the fact that they were from a rival band, but then again she would have still been as friendly as ever unless they were rude towards her or her band mates.

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#, as written by kwhit
Amber looked over at the pretty girl from the other band.
"Hi, I'm Amber. I'm the lead singer of 'your competition' and this is Tessa. She's our drummer and bassist." She said with a little bit of a giggle.
"Wait...You called her that like...a nickname or something?" Amber questioner.

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"Oh mah gosh, It is!!! Wish I could do that with my hair buuuut I kind of like the fiery red I have" She chuckled, stroking her own hair as she continued to cling to Amber just for the heck of it. Her eyes widen dramatically as she saw another girl approach and hug Modoka. "Oh Mah gosh, HIIIIII" She said loudly, as if she had too much sugar that morning- which she probably did- and was just now kicking it. When Amber introduced her, she bowed from the waist as they both giggled. " 'Tis me! Tessa Lillian Riddle!" She said before turning to Amber with a grin and a playful shoulder bump. "Duuur. Skittles couldn't be a better nickname! 'Taste the rainbow!' RAINBOWWWW" She said, gesturing to her hair and resisted from playing in it like she did with Amber, her little brother and even Blaine.

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BEGGING: New York by RolePlayGateway

The band members all drive/ fly to NYC on different planes/cars. They meet up and head to their first destination.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Blaine Montgomery
Character Portrait: Skittles
Character Portrait: Malka Elane Henniger
Character Portrait: Amber Roselyn


Character Portrait: Amber Roselyn
Amber Roselyn

When there's no hope you've still got music.

Character Portrait: Malka Elane Henniger
Malka Elane Henniger

"My bandmates are like family to me. Mess with them and you have to deal with me!"

Character Portrait: Skittles

The rainbow haired singer

Character Portrait: Blaine Montgomery
Blaine Montgomery

"Dude, I have the meanest solo around. Its so amazing it just might melt your face."


Character Portrait: Skittles

The rainbow haired singer

Character Portrait: Blaine Montgomery
Blaine Montgomery

"Dude, I have the meanest solo around. Its so amazing it just might melt your face."

Character Portrait: Amber Roselyn
Amber Roselyn

When there's no hope you've still got music.

Character Portrait: Malka Elane Henniger
Malka Elane Henniger

"My bandmates are like family to me. Mess with them and you have to deal with me!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Malka Elane Henniger
Malka Elane Henniger

"My bandmates are like family to me. Mess with them and you have to deal with me!"

Character Portrait: Blaine Montgomery
Blaine Montgomery

"Dude, I have the meanest solo around. Its so amazing it just might melt your face."

Character Portrait: Skittles

The rainbow haired singer

Character Portrait: Amber Roselyn
Amber Roselyn

When there's no hope you've still got music.

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BEGGING: New York by RolePlayGateway

The band members all drive/ fly to NYC on different planes/cars. They meet up and head to their first destination.


BEGGING: New York Owner: RolePlayGateway

The band members all drive/ fly to NYC on different planes/cars. They meet up and head to their first destination.

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