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Jazmyn Clarke

"Before you start talking, let me pour myself a drink..."

0 · 1,470 views · located in Miami, FL

a character in “Another Year at Fulton University!”, as played by M95



"The Devil is real. And he’s not a little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful. β€˜Cause he’s a fallen angel, and he used to be God’s favorite."
β€” American Horror Story, Season 1


Jazmyn Angelique Clarke

Jaz {common}, Jazzy {more of a pet name, used by a select set of people}



Birth Date:
February 18th


Bisexual with a strong preference for females

African American



Childhood/Family Life:
Though she was raised in Portland, Maine, Jazmyn was actually born in a small town in the south of Mississippi. Her mother was only fifteen at the time of Jazmyn's birth, and had she realized that she was pregnant earlier than she did, she likely would have gotten an abortion. Clearly, she didn't, and because her mother's family was impoverished and ridden with their own issues, bringing a baby into their home just wasn't an option. Jazmyn was put up for adoption immediately after her birth, and after spending a year in foster care, she was adopted by an older couple from Maine. The pair were in their forties when they adopted her, and had only turned to adoption after several failed attempts at getting pregnant and having their own biological child. Regardless of their disappointment in regards to that, they were nothing but excited and ready to love Jazz, when they brought her home. Both of her parents are doctors, with her father Christopher working as a cardiologist and her mother Mary working as a pediatric neurosurgeon. Although they both had jobs in another area of Maine, when they adopted Jazmyn, they moved into Portland, assuming new jobs there. The move was made because while the couple did not want to leave Maine, they felt that it was best for their daughter that they were in one of the more diverse areas of the state. "Diverse" is a term that can only be used relative to the state of Maine, because as Jazmyn learned, it wasn't actually a diverse place at all when considering other places in the country, and growing up different from everyone else wasn't a fun journey.

Her parents loved her and did everything that they could for her, so while her school/social life was never desirable, she can't claim that her home life was bad, at all. In fact, her parents were so set on making sure that she was happy and healthy, that when she decided that she needed to go to a boarding school for high school, because she couldn't take her area any longer, they were very willing to help her in the process. The family toured countless boarding schools across the country before Jazmyn set her heart on Crossroads. It was only of the few schools that wasn't filled with 99% preppy white kids, that was secular, and located in such a beautiful area. So, come the August before freshman year, and off she moved to California. Jazmyn absolutely adored her four years at Crossroads, and has no regrets about spending the four years away from home, there. Before graduating, she accepted her admissions off to Fulton University, and during her first year there, she decided to join the Zeta Nu Delta sorority. To say that she hasn't regretted the decision is an extreme understatement - she genuinely loves her new life at Fulton.


She loves chewing mint gum. She creates pet names for people she's close with. She's a believer in tough love. She lights candles when she's stressed.

Good personality traits:
Witty, Humorous, Simple, Humble

Bad personality traits:
Callous, Stubborn, Guarded, Blunt

If you asked Jazmyn to describe herself, she'd probably say something along the lines of "I'm the biggest, baddest, meanest, cutest, and most hilarious bitch around", and none of those adjectives are particularly wrong, though there's definitely more to her. What a lot of people can recognize early on, in getting to know her, is that she doesn't take shit from anyone. She grew up in an environment where she was constantly outcasted. She was always alone, socially, and while this started out as a race thing (being a black kid in a state that's 96% white isn't always fun), it grew into bullying and rejection over everything, as she got older. Either she wasn't wearing the right clothes or she had lost too many teeth that year and her smile looked ugly, or her hair was too curly. Kids were mean to her... really mean, and though it definitely made her grow a lot of thick layers of skin, that couple as hard walls a lot of the time, it didn't make her spiteful. Well... if she saw those kids again, any time soon, the fist marks she would leave on their pretty little faces would speak otherwise, but essentially, the bullying didn't turn her into a bully. It made her more independent, more sure of her own worth, without caring about others approval, and more in tune with how one's words can do so much damage to a person's spirit. That last part might surprise some people because Jazz is known for having a quick and sharp tongue and cutting people to pieces, but the key there is that that only happens when someone comes for her. She's not tearing people down in the hallways for no reason, and genuinely doesn't like talking shit about anyone, friend or not, unless they've done something wrong to her first.

She considers herself to be a very fair person, and her wrath isn't one that many people like to come under fire of. She does her best to weigh all sides of situations before acting, and when it comes down to it, her life isn't all that drama filled. She's pretty simple, easy to please, and depending on your personality, you might even say that she's easy to get along with. She isn't demanding or prissy, and she doesn't like or get along with people who think that the world is centered around them. She's definitely emotionally guarded, even to an extent around friends, but she isn't uptight or in a pursuit of isolating herself. She's a fun loving girl when she's with her friend, one who's almost constantly laughing or smiling. Her intelligence is fairly average. She does well in school, but has to push herself and study to get there. She's definitely musically gifted, however, and excels on the piano. Athletics just aren't her thing so you won't catch her on any sports team, but she doesn't mind keeping fit at the gym.

Greatest joys in life:
She loves being around her friends, or anyone who can make her laugh, solid home cooked meals, her parents, and music.

Greatest fears:
She's scared of big dogs, rodents, drowning, and the thought of being kidnapped or held hostage.

Life philosophy:
"Seek to be worth knowing rather than well-known."


❀People who can cook
❀Junk Food
❀Adult Swim
✘ Feeling greasy
✘ Damaging her hair
✘ Bullies
✘ Sore losers
✘ Twitter
✘ Romantic comedies
✘ People who come for her
✘ Mushrooms


Thoughts on Greek Life:
As a child and teenager, Jaz was always one who stood out. She moved against the current and though it began as her being bullied for being different, it led to her willingly embracing those differences and becoming a rebel-like character. Moving on to college, and it only makes sense that joining a sorority meant that she was rushing Zeta. Jazmyn doesn't see herself as being a typical sorority girl, and likely wouldn't have imagined herself joining one a few years back, but Zeta isn't your preppy, stereotypical sorority. It's all about fun, and she's definitely here for that.

Plans for after college:
Jazmyn thinks that she'll move to either California (somewhere on the coast), New York City, or stay in the Miami area, and start working. She hopes that she gets a job offer some time during her senior year. She would consider becoming a nurse practitioner, but will definitely work for a few years as an RN to begin with. She's excited to start working a job that will allow her to be financially independent from her parents.



125 lbs

Eye Color:

Her hair is naturally curly, but after bleaching it to dye it purple, it lost a lot of its original bounce. Part of her hates herself for doing that, but she also is really attached to the purple color, so it's hard for her to stop. She's been wearing extensions lately, to make up for the lack of volume due to its damage, and hoping that it'll miraculously recover without her trying to be any more careful with it.

So begins...

Jazmyn Clarke's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaela Vaughn Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault Character Portrait: Hayden Burr Character Portrait: Jazmyn Clarke Character Portrait: Eliana Bain
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXW I L DXC H I L D _____

Outfit: Here
Location: The Annual Carnival
Dialogue Color ✦ #C35817
Thought Color ✧ #730800

Mickey loved amusement parks.

Growing up, one of the few times her parents could convince her to be good (and it didn't have to include Diamond threatening her with bodily harm) was when it was time to go to Disney World. Every summer until she was about thirteen, that was their annual family adventure. They partnered up with a few close friends or co-workers, and because Mickey had always been rather sociable, she had taken to the kids each year, even the new ones. Moreover, she had taken to going to amusement parks. Even as she had gotten older and gotten into her less than savory predilections and enjoyments, amusement parks still sat very high on her list of things-that-Mickey-will-absolutely-behave-for. Those were the times her mom didn't even have to ask her to clean her room for nor request her assistance in the kitchen, and her father didn't have to worry about talking Diamond down from another growing migraine because Michaela decided to sass a teacher for the umpteenth time. Mickey had never really decided on what it was that made her so excited every time anyone hinted at a trip to Disney or Six Flags, or even a carnival (though, she was convinced it was partly because she was fat as all hell and the idea of a funnel cake just got her going, even though she could make one herself if the hunger really struck), but she had been decidedly excited all day. Bouncing in her seat during class to the point that she honestly hadn't been paying attention, voice getting a little too excited on the coms when she made the announcements first thing that was sad. But, hey, no one could say she hadn't been on time for everything. And she hadn't needed to smoke a single thing all day.

See, she knew how to be good!

To: Hayden
Yo don't even ask me wat I was doing, but I totes forgot to text u. When u wanna work?

Despite usually showing up at everything social with Jaz, Mickey had left earlier with her radio crew after a jam session, belatedly remembering the text she had gotten from Hayden about working together soon while having a sort-of work session with other artists. Michaela didn't even pretend to remember what the hell she could have possibly been doing for her to not remember to text the other artist, but she remedied the oversight by texting them as they all piled into their separate vehicles (Mickey was even nice enough today to give a free ride to two people who were obviously not any of her people, she deserved brownie points). But she definitely abandoned at least one by the time they got to the carnival. After all, the chick didn't like carousel (aqua-haired chick declared that it was too baby-ish, but Mickey summed up that she was honestly a poser bitch and didn't take anything she had to say seriously) and Mickey didn't need that kind of negativity in her life at the moment. So, she grabbed the redhead she had come with and they proceeded, while looking very hipster-chic if Mickey had anything to say about it, to take selfies on different animals while the ride was moving.

"Yaaaaaaaaassssss!" Mickey exclaimed at being declared the winner of their little competition, granting her the opportunity to pick out a small plush Hulk that she was totally letting be on full display in her and Jaz's bedroom. The redhead - she was pretty sure she remembered the redhead had been called Mia, even though her username on Instagram that Mickey had used to tag her with did not allude to that - had chosen a game where they had to squirt the water into a hole until the bright light reached all the way to the top, and although she had claimed that she never lost, obviously she just had. And Mickey was particularly ready to rub it in her face when her phone vibrated in the pocket of the denim jacket she was carrying, so all she did was stick her tongue out at the sulking face and peered down to see the text from Charlotte. She wasn't far from the food stands, last she checked. While she was at it, she did think to text Eliana since Jaz usually was with her Big.

To: Lottie
Idk Arnault. Beginning 2 think ur using me 4 food. U at the stands now?

To: Jaz
U still tryna deny how smooth I am? Cuz if u r, I'm gonna continue 2 not talk 2 u

To: Eli
Moooooooommmm, Jaz is being mean 2 me so I'm not talking 2 her. U should tell her bout herself btw


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaela Vaughn Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault Character Portrait: Jazmyn Clarke Character Portrait: Weston Cullen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
J A Z M Y N ~ C L A R K E
Hex: #00AEFF
Jazmyn had arrived at the carnival with two friends, London and Kaya, who weren't in the Greek system, but she had met through mutual classes since they were all sophomore nursing majors. "This bitch..." It could be said that the muttered comment was meant towards Charlotte, and how typical it was that Little Miss Money Bags had never even classic street fair or carnival food. Jazmyn oftentimes wondered just how many things she and Mickey had introduced Charlotte to back at their boarding school, Crossroads, because a lot of the time, despite how much she loved Charlotte, it seemed like she came from a very different world from them. The comment wasn't even meant for Charlotte, though. In actuality, Jazmyn muttered it about Mickey because she was positive that her Zeta sister had seen the text from Charlotte, but had probably responded to her in a private text. It wasn't even jealousy that made Jazmyn roll her eyes at that. It was just... it was typical Mickey, and since Jazmyn still half wanted to believe that Mickey didn't even have the balls to do anything last night with Charlotte, and was all talk, the suss nature that she decided her friend was having furthered that belief.

To: Charlotte, Mickey
Don't you worry your pretty little mind, Princess. I'll buy you whatever your heart desires tonight. At least one of your friends gotta be able to satisfy those desires you've got tonight, and we know who already had her shot at that and failed miserably....................

To: Mickey
Guess we ain't talking then! Make way for your girl's new side hoe

The text was something that Jazmyn would go through with, if only to get under Mickey's skin, but she was sure that the text in itself would do that, and that in itself had her smiling as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. "I'm bailing for a minute," she eventually decided, once the girls spotted some of their fellow nursing classmates in the distance. It seemed like a safe time to go, since she wasn't actually leaving them stranded, and she had every intention of catching up with them later, if her Zeta sisters or Charlotte didn't keep her entertained all night. She was heading towards the food stands partly because of Charlotte, but also, mostly because she was actually hungry herself. She had purposely skipped dinner at home because she wanted to eat at the carnival, so Charlotte's text had come at a perfect time.

As she approached the crowded area that was speckled with different food carts, offering things as carnival-centric as fried Oreo's and fried Twinkies, to the more generic carts that offered things like pizza, and chicken fingers, and tacos, she eventually spotted Charlotte standing besides Weston. Surprisingly, the notion that Charlotte and Weston were dating still hadn't made its way to Jazmyn's ears, so she was a bit perplexed at the idea of Charlotte hanging out with a Beta. Wasn't that like... the opposite of what she enjoyed? With an expression on her face that expressed that confusion and skepticism, she approached them, ignoring the glares that she got from people on the line behind them, because it wasn't like she was actually cutting the line to order something here. "Long time, no see, Princess. Why didn't I get to hang out with you last night at the party, hmm?" she inquired, a knowing smirk on her face as she asked it though.