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Order's Realm


a part of Apotheosis, by Omega_Pancake.

"Upon Lehel's personal dominion, it is comprised only by an enormous temple painted in black and white designed by green banners of silk that were embedded with the insignia of Order."

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Order's Realm, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Order's Realm

"Upon Lehel's personal dominion, it is comprised only by an enormous temple painted in black and white designed by green banners of silk that were embedded with the insignia of Order."


Order's Realm is a part of Heaven.

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Lehel [5]
Anarchy [3] The Goddess of Chaos

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Silent and unnerving were the perfect description of the atmosphere being emitted. While the scenes of carnage played upon the left side and the implementation of rules on the many civilizations upon the right side which would be considered as the walls of this seemingly empty Temple. The only pathway that could be walked was endless in both ends. Giving its visitors, the meaning of inescapable judgment. It is truly eerie, the exact word to describe it. However, there was sudden change in the air still. Tension and Serenity overlapped in a unison of presence. Soon the source was revealed, the Ruler of such place walked upon the unending path. It was none other than, Lehel in the personification of two children.

The hands of these children were pressed to on another as the 'Equilibrium' dangled with a menacing glow. It was the most important relic that sustained the existence of all planes and even the rules that governed all. Divided into two pieces, it was kept by Lehel. One each for both of the children. Joined only when great discord is done or to grant forgiveness of sins. The reason for this would be distortion and Lehel did not approve of that in a very passionate manner. Moreover, this is only done when the Divinities themselves were involved.

"Imbroglio is being done."

"No, it is for the sake of probity."

At the sound of the voices of Lehel, the visions upon the walls changed into that of the Keeper of Dreams. Ydgaeran whom soared towards the Planes of Reality to do his deeds of dreams. This could only mean that a command had been given by a divine. Without a delay, a massive golden book decorated with the detailed art of the emblem of Order and a unique bookmark of blue thread and golden chain holding a peculiar sphere which emits a strange incense appeared before the male child. Opening on its own, the pages began to turn with much flurry while eyes of arbitration looked with great intent.

Soon enough it had stopped and upon the page, a sin was being written with an invisible hand. Reading it, Lehel closed the 'Book of Sins' with much force without touching it. The other deities had began their discrete advances to remove him and his compatriots of their domains. It was certain that the others have also noticed this subtle shifting. This was a complete treachery and it was a deed he would not let go unpunished.

"Their audacious plot would crumble without any reconciliation. This is war."

"Actually, it is just coincidence and being done with much peaceful means."

A gentle smile could be seen upon the face of the female Lehel. Her words echoed through the temple with much warmth and harmony. She walked ahead of her counterpart with much innocent glee. Stopping at a certain point, she waved her hand and two thrones crusted with the most precious jewels and emblem of Order appeared. They were placed opposing each other and between them was a glass chessboard. Taking her respective seat of black and white, she waited for him with a cheerful demeanor.

"This is not a game, Lehel."

"It is Lehel. It is a fun one that would entertain us."

Making his way to his seat as well of white an green while the 'Book of Sins' trailed behind him, he gazed at the chess pieces laid out in an aesthetic manner. It did not resemble the normal appearance that one could see in others. Instead, the form of certain mortals were taken. What else could one expect from the gods? This would appear as a leisure activity to those who would witness. However, the Deity of Order never falters in everything being done in the boundaries of onus. Lehel does not do actions that are merely for the pleasure of it. It would always be duties and responsibilities. The male Lehel closed his eyes briefly as he gather his thoughts and gazed at his other reflection. Upon his face was a stern frown opposing hers, she was the epitome of contradiction which would be said to him as well.

"They want to replace us. What a wishful matter."

"No one shall take our place. This is reality."

A melodic giggle came from her as she adored the seriousness he possessed as of now. She had expected this to happen sooner or later. The others had always adhered to certain ideals that are not needed anymore. Still, she could understand their point. Reaching for a piece under her command, she initiated the move. This was the beginning of another chapter in the chronicles of history. She wondered what the Great King of Heavens would do when this happens to get out. However, she doubt this would be said. After all, it would be over without any conclusion for both parties. Taken out of her indulgence, he had reciprocated her initial movement and everything was put to motion as the walls that surround them reverted back to its original sequence. As time was never an issue to Lehel, the chess game continued and ended upon one word.


Black eyes with golden irises gazed at his opponent who simply had a smile and carefree within those golden eyes complimented by onyx irises of hers. It was an unavoidable fate. There has to be a champion and the defeated in any duel or games. A slender hand reached for a crystalline chess piece which was the King of Blacks and toppled it down as the fragile object shattered in a thousand pieces accepting the lost. The two White Rooks had cornered the Black King without any hope of escape even with the aid of its subordinates. It was the triumph of the White. With that being done, the chessboard that floated in mid-air crumbled into dust as a cold wind blew it to nothingness. However, it would be a sacrilege if anyone would describe this as a source of entertainment. Because within the mortal realm, a painful scream could be heard and the scent of decay and blood filled the air.


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"There is change."

"Actually, it is simple another form of order."

Onyx irises gazed at her opposite as she sat around her throne lazily with a rock upon her hand being played ever so gently. It would appear that they would have a visitor in the Realm of Order. This was unusual in many events. No one would come to this domain for the sake of idle chatter. If there would be, the reason would be objectivity and important business. However, the issue would be the guest, herself. After all, the embodiment of chaos and discord is her purpose and existence. She could only think of one thing that had made such a rare visit from such a Deity and her other persona think so as well.

"A declaration of war."

"Oh, don't be too brutal with your words. It is probably a greeting of peace."

A grunt emitted from the male Lehel and stood in all of his glory with the 'Book of Sins' by his side. There was no doubt in his mind that this visitor of them was only a disaster in many ways. Adding to that, he had never liked her to begin with, After all, chaos and order may be interconnected in existence however it does not mean they get along despite being siblings. He would not understand the sense of kinship among them for they were created by the Lord Father.

"It is only proper for us to greet with much hospitality our guest. I should serve some cookies and milk."

"You mean to say hostility, Lehel."

Crushing the rock which she was playing into dusts, she gave a smile. Her face brighten at the words of the male Lehel. This might be a troublesome happening. However, they are forbidden to have outright show of violence or aggression towards one another.It is the Law that had been passed down onto them by the Lord Father. Despite having their own agendas, they still follow protocols to a perfection. This is simply how Lehel is no matter what actions or decision the Deity of Order chooses.

"Don't be so pessimistic! We rarely get visitors. Furthermore, The mortal realm would survive without your constant glaring."

"I am optimistic and this is a fact. Let me correct you. I am watching not glaring."

Making the "Book of Sins' disappear, he stood beside the female Lehel's throne as the doors to the Realm of Order slowly opens as the locks and chains come undone. This only means one thing. Anarchy, the Goddess of Chaos had finally arrived. He carried himself with much sternness and nobility as expected of his nature and status while his counterpart, simply made herself more comfortable on her throne. Yet, they spoke their greetings in unison.




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Anarchy's narrowed her eyes, as she came into the realm only to be greeted in such a manner. Still, she kept her eternal smile on as she continued on her leisurely amble into the Temple. Deep within, her emotions were just as conflicted as ever, though, the most prominent of them was anger. There was no doubt from the Goddess that the twin Gods of Order didn't take to her kindly, but nevertheless, she did respect them for the role they played as Gods - which only exacerbated the anger in Anarchy, especially since they have since strayed from their conventional roles.

"Why, thank you so much," chuckles the female Goddess as she stops directly in front of the thrones, just about ten steps away. Brushing her silky hair aside playfully as she looked from the male Lehel then to the female Lehel, she bowed in mock courtesy. Her cat-like eyes immediately focused on the male Lehel as soon as her gesture was complete. Anarchy never liked to speak to the female Lehel, largely due to her seemingly lackadaisical attitude. More so in this case, which she was taking very seriously, contrary to her usual randomness.

"Let me apologize first, for the abruptness of my visit. The least I could have done was sent a messenger to tell of my coming, but what can I say? I never got round to it."

The Goddess laughs, mockingly, but quickly regains her seriousness, despite her wry smile.

"I come in peace," She continues, placing a strong emphasis on 'peace'. "Perhaps, contrary to what you might imagine the purpose of my visit to be. But well! Let me get straight to the point."

For the first time, briefly, however, Anarchy's smile faded away. Her eyes were still focused intensely on the male Lehel, even more so than before. Taking a few steps to close in the distance between herself and Lehel, she questions the God,"Why. Why did you stray?"

Just to be a little fairer, Anarchy glances over to the female Lehel, but quickly stares back at her male counterpart.

"Why you two, of all the possible Gods and Goddesses amongst us?"

Anarchy quickly bit back the urge to grab at Lehel, remembering the Divine Rule forbidding violence amongst the Gods.


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Sweet and Hollow. The two words that would describe the sound reverberating all over the Godly Realm of Order. It was more of a noise due to its inappropriateness at the current moment. Filling anyone who had heard either malicious intent or frightening curiosity, a laughter that erupted from the female form of Lehel. The said half did not bother to hide her rudeness as her small frame rattled with her humorous fits. This had continued on for a while as she completely ignored those around her presence. For this was truly a comedic scene, she had found it the pinnacle of irony in many reasons more than one. Who would have foretell that Chaos would come to lecture Order about straying? She must not forget to document this on her journal if she ever manages to have one.

"Anarchy you have the penchant to be a farceur! If you ever desire to change your profession, I would gladly vouch for you in this entertaining field."

Words wrapped in honey entwined with sardonic poison left her lips with out hesitation. While her eyes of golden ebony embodied the mirth she had felt earlier gazed at the Goddess of Chaos in complete comfort. It was clear to her that Anarchy dislike this feminine person of hers. This had result to her enjoyment of further causing disharmony towards the female Goddess in front of them. Lehel had never felt intimidation from anyone including their God Father who had constantly reprimanded them from violence among each other. Thus, it would not be altered for any future that would be written.

"Do not come uninvited to my Dominion and throw disgusting words as 'STRAY'. I would never alleviate from the path which I have taken since my genesis."

It was like thunder had struck lightning as Lehel's words echoed with much ferocity and absolute coldness. Obsidian gold eyes stared into Anarchy without remorse, guilt or even a tint of doubt. His visage did not betray the inclemency shown by him. How preposterous for Anarchy to ask him such a blatant useless question. Lehel knew that she was not the most intelligent Deity there is. Taking note, Alannis serves as Chaos' adviser. Nevertheless, he did not expect for the female Goddess to incriminate him deviating from his role of Order. This was truly agonizingly frustrating for how he wanted to submit Anarchy to pain.

"Calm down, Lehel. My dear sister did not mean any harm. She only cares. However frankly speaking, you need not worry about me. I am Order and will always be."

Ending her statement with a melodic note as she stood from her throne which disappeared, Lehel approached her male persona and embraced him from behind. Yet, her eyes did not waver from looking at Anarchy. Moreover, she gently pulled him from the presence of Anarchy to create distance between them. Lehel narrowed his eyes towards the representation of discord as he did not show any form of like or dislike towards his female half's gesture. Although, he does understand the point she was implying about being calm.

"There is not a moment I have violated my purpose Anarchy and never will. If you feeble minded deities think so, then how pathetic it is for you to be called Gods and Goddesses. Being blinded by words that yield no results."

In that instance, the walls changed into the scenery of Ydgaeran. Lehel is not ignorant of their devilish plots to oust them who had been deemed irresponsible. His piercing gaze did not leave Anarchy's form as their surroundings continued showing the Dream Beast in doing the bidding of the one commanded it. Stretching his right hand sidewards, the 'Book of Sins' appeared in all of its glory. On the other hand, a left hand had been removed from the embrace of the male body and had been stretched towards Anarchy as the 'Seven Seraphs' appeared in its dangerous beauty.

"This is a sin. Do expect to be judge. In this perspective, is it not you who have committed such crime. Did you not think that i might be you who are on the wrong. Remember this, Order will prevail and will always remain unchanged."

These words coiled like much a perfect medley as Lehel duality spoke in much unison. They did not falter in every emphasis placed in the statement. If this is what they desires, Lehel would not prevent them in doing so. However, every action has their consequences and this would be theirs. Divine Judgment of Order would be uphold and Lehel would begin by destroying their worthless plan of having mere mortals claim Divinity.


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Anarchy chuckles, as the female form of Lehel burst into a fit of laughter, shrugging as she subsequently remarked. Inside, she was seething. This female form had always gotten on her wrong side, and if not for the Divine Rule, she would have engaged in a fierce, all-out battle, and restarted the ancient war that the Gods had fought amongst themselves all over again.

"Calm down, Lehel. My dear sister did not mean any harm. She only cares. However frankly speaking, you need not worry about me. I am Order and will always be."

Admittedly, that did little to soothe the tension between them and the Goddess of Chaos. Anarchy was still a picture of calm, but inside, she was a chaotic mess. A part of her wanted to believe the God, though she doesn't actually trust the apparently scheming pair. Yet another part wanted to get wild and violent, all to rid the Realm of this menace to her being, undermined only by a Divine Rule instituted by One Anarchy could never afford to defy. In any case, what was clear to Anarchy, was the fact that they seemed to take offense at her words.

Coming together, they pulled away from the Goddess, as the male Lehel continued,"There is not a moment I have violated my purpose Anarchy and never will. If you feeble minded deities think so, then how pathetic it is for you to be called Gods and Goddesses. Being blinded by words that yield no results."

Anarchy responded with a snide smile, nodding though she didn't mean it, just as her surroundings transformed in that instance. Glancing around briefly, she quickly realized that their plans had been a secret no more. The Dream Beast continued on with it's work, distracting Anarchy briefly, as she admired it's form. When the Goddess did turn back to face the two Gods, they had already brought out their renowned equipments.

Instinctively, Anarchy tensed up, summoning an orb of Chaos that floated down beside her right hand.

When she was sure they were not going to infringe the Divine Rule, she let the orb of Chaos vanish, sighing softly to herself.

"Maybe you're right. Perhaps I'm in the wrong after all. Since when was Chaos ever the good,"[b] She said, laughing aloud as she did. [b]"I suppose our conversation is over."

Snapping her fingers, she felt a rift tear into existence right behind her. Anarchy stepped back into the rift just as it opened up.

"Sorry for the rude visit. But hey? In your perspective, I guess I'm far too lost for redemption, no?"

Breaking into a laughing fit somewhat reminiscent of the female Lehel's, the Goddess quickly vanished into the rift that closed up after her.

[Entering Chaos' Realm]