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Genji Yukitora

"These bandages tell many stories."

0 · 1,032 views · located in Unnamed City

a character in “Arc 4”, as played by DeathScythe386




Name || Genji Yukitora

Age || 21

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Heterosexual

Appearance || Standing at an intimidating 6'2" in height, it's rather obvious from his composed posture that he is one of the more mature residents of the dorm. He sports long and straight black hair and almost snake-like eyes, causing many in the dorm to have named him "Gecky" as an affectionate nickname. He is always sporting a black mask, which he almost never takes off at all costs. His hands are also covered in bandages, though he says that it's due to a rather nasty scar he got from his parents' garden.

Face Claim || Korekiyo Shinguuji; New Danganronpa V3

Personality || A rather quiet and otherwordly man, Genji is actually rather amiable to people he had grown close to. However, to total strangers, he comes off as a rather suspicious and menacing figure, no thanks to his odd getup and his gaze. He is rather friendly, being able to easily make jokes with many of the people who used to know him in the dorm, and tries his best to make the newcomers to the dorm feel welcome by interacting with them and telling them about the stories he does know about the dorm.

Room Number || 510

Roommate || Yoite Arakaki


Gardens – When he has the time, Genji likes to visit many gardens when he can. He likes admiring the flowers and the trees, as it reminds him of his home.

Travel – Genji is a traveler by heart and when he’s not in Castle City, it’s usually because he’s on another one of his journeys. He likes to bring back souvenirs for his friends.

Urban legends – With his love for travel comes a love for legends. He’s always finding out about these and likes relating them to the dormers, and he’s a rather good storyteller.

Confrontation – Despite his intimidating looks and temper, Genji tries to avoid confrontation and will only participate in arguments when someone insults his companions too badly.

Embarrassment – It doesn’t even have to be his. If he experiences secondhand embarrassment, Genji tends to cringe a lot and almost always shuts up, pulling at his hat and trying to calm himself.

Oversleeping – Genji tries to sleep and wake at his designated times and does not like oversleeping. He’s fine with sleeping earlier than he usually does, but waking up later than his time is unacceptable.

History || Genji came from a rather quiet family that lived rather far from the town. Though he was raised by a wealthy family, Genji grew with traditional beliefs and values, becoming a rather quiet and withdrawn man as he grew up. His love of travel was influenced mostly by when he had a little sister, Aika, and how she always wanted him to take her around places. One time though, she had gotten lost in the forest near their family's garden and he suffered some bad wounds on his hands due to the many thorns that had pierced them while trying to find his sister.

Soon he became a rather social man, and is currently enrolled in St. Gabriel's Academy. Though not exactly always corresponding to the beliefs of the school, Genji gets along rather well with the student body. He moved into Blue Lotus due to hearing about the many rumors surrounding it starting to interest his love of ghost stories. He's gotten along well with most of the dormers there, though he hasn't met the newcomers yet.

Colors || Speech = Dark Olive Green / Thought = Olive


So begins...

Genji Yukitora's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirika Katsuragi Character Portrait: Hotaru Emirsdottir Character Portrait: Akeno Furuya Character Portrait: Makoto Itsuna Character Portrait: Kazuya Tamashiro Character Portrait: Genji Yukitora
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0.00 INK

Kurogane Technical Institute - 3:20 PM

"No way!" Makoto exclaimed at Hotaru's offer with a laugh, considering the distance between the school and the dorm. "We should grab the bus instead. Let's go Hotaru-san. I'm exhausted."

Blue Lotus - 4:00 PM

"Well, we're here. Thanks for the help Hotaru-san." Makoto thanked Hotaru upon arriving at the dorm. "But this incident's got me concerned. I think we should talk things over tomorrow with the rest of our schoolmates." Makoto refers to the Kurogane students within the dormitory.

"Never thought I'd wish for Aziz to be here. It'd be easier smoothing things out with Kujo if he was around."

8th Street - 3:30 PM

The order form arrived and Kirika gave the go signal to the retailer, sealing the deal and confirming the delivery date. Her temporary helper seems to be bored out of his mind as well. When everything was sorted out, she motioned for him to get in the car already.

"Here." Kirika hands him an envelope containing his compensation for the day--and for tomorrow. "Tomorrow--I don't think I'll have any work for you. I probably won't be around as well. It's nothing troubling though--just a few errands on my part."

Kirika sighed in exhaustion as she turned back on the two: Kazuya and the resident Akeno. "Take us home now. Thanks and good work. Call in again on Friday--maybe."

8th Street - 3:30

"Ah! W-well..." Admittedly, Kazuya felt a little flustered for being thanked for winning a small plush toy. However, Akeno's smile was very genuine that he couldn't help but grin as well--something he hadn't been able to do for quite some time. "Yes, of course! Some boys might say we can spare the effort by just buying one from the store but no! It's the hurdle you have to conquer in order to obtain the plush which makes it worth it! And of course, this would've been a lot more expensive at the store haha!" Kazuya beamed with pride upon saying that.

"Well, let's head back to Blue Lotus! This time, I've got a couple of brews and recipes I'm planning on testing out for the new menu!" Kazuya leads Akeno outside again.

"I've been toying with my dad's idea of taking a baked crust and stuffing it with stuff like ham and cheese into serious consideration. If it becomes a hit, I bet not even the competitors can--"

And just as they started back on the road, Kazuya had already started rambling again--about food recipe ideas this time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirika Katsuragi Character Portrait: Kujo Nobuyuki Character Portrait: Fuyumi Hirabayashi Character Portrait: Hayato Morikawa Character Portrait: Genji Yukitora
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0.00 INK

"Yeah. Uh, listen, if ya-- oh, whatever."

Kujo walked over and gently grabbed Fuyumi's arm.

"Here, c'mon. Lemme help you."

"I see. I'll be back on Friday then."

Genji nodded a bit and accepted the envelope, gently tucking it into a pocket- thankfully, not the damaged one- before he got ready to drive back home.

"Hudson-- really. Stay."

While he had been on his way out, contacting some of his senior members to watch out for the others just in case, Hayato found a certain small companion of his trying to follow.

"Hudson, I won't be long, I promise."

He paused awkwardly- the puppy stared up at him from the floor, chewing on the bone. He dropped it and whined.

"Come on. You can stay here with all"

Hayato scratched the back of his neck as the puppy's ears drooped.

Looks like he was gonna be late a few minutes.