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Ariance Academy of the Arts

Ariance Academy of the Arts


Where people who are different go to share their talents.

1,751 readers have visited Ariance Academy of the Arts since Aurelier created it.


Sir Rudolph Channing had a dream where humans, werewolves, vampires, demons and any other mystical creature can learn in the same environment. Thousands of years later he still remains to see his great-great (A million times great) grandaughter be brought to the school. She knew nothing of her heritage and was a runaway. She begins to learn more as she gains her first friends. She had not been a social girl before the school, but now everyone knew her. They all knew Sir Rudolph even if they'd never seen him in the Academy. He still lingers about in his fleshy form. When a group of demons choose to stand against Sir Rudolph, will you help or corrupt his grandaughter to save her ancestor or destroy him?

Students receive their letter no matter where they are found. Rose Channing was found in a cardboard box on the side of a street and a letter fell throught he opening. No one knows how the letters are dispersed, but some rumors think it is Sir Rudolph

Race (If a person is something other than human, at least one of their parents should be of the same race):
How he/she received letter (mostly, were their parents proud?)

And any other character is needed to make this into a legitimate roleplay!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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I walked through the double doors. I glanced around and scanned everyones faces.
Timid, Anxious, Nervous. Resentment. That was the catagory I was in.

I rolled my shoulders in discomfort and took a deep breath while staring at the walls surrounding me.

I hated the indoors.. Always have.

I put on a happy face and walked over to the front desk where an elderly woman with red hair sat.

"Hi, Can you point me to where the Girls Dormitories are?" I asked.

She raised her hand without looking up from the papers she was writing and pointed in the direction of another set of doors.

"Just beyond those doors?" I asked.

She glanced up, clearly agitated.

"Yes, Darling." She snapped.

I blinked, alarmed by her attitude. Alrightty then.. Walking through the set of doors the woman had pointed to, I realized she must of gave me the wrong directions. I looked at the sign above me.

Boys Dormitory

Sighing, I turned back around and decided to ask a couple of students. Walking over to a boy with black hair and elf ears with a girl that had dark brown hair I asked, "Hi, Um.. Im sorry to bother you guys but do you know where the Girls Dormitory is? I tried asking the Front Desk Lady but she, um, is a Little Vicious. " I said while glancing over to her. She was staring right at me. I quickly turned my attention back to the boy and girl.


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Smiles at the newcomer not a bit Scared.

"Um i am new but i think it's just down there" POinting off into the right where a long hallway is then smiled at her.

"By the way I am black.. You new here too?" his voice curious as he shifted the bow on his shoulders and his quiver.

His Elf ears Flatten back as he remebers his Hood is down his ears in plain view.


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"Not everyone has problems with this place." I said quitely. I had wanted to please my parents so I could stay here. "This place is home to all of us. You need to trust people, next to me. This place is better then some places on the earth. You shouldn't talk about trust like it is this horriable thing. Trust, doesn't hurt people, but helps! Maybe if you trusted more then just your knives and me, more people would be nice to you." I instintly regreted saying that."


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Hanzo turned his head and looked away as Whitney was lecturing him on the capabilities of trust. Hanzo has had trust issues his whole life and now someone is bringing it up to him. Hanzo wasn't really pleased it almost sounded like it was his mother talking to him. Hanzo had a large trust with Whitney and actually decided to take her advice "I suppose I can give them a chance." Hanzo was good friends with Whitney and would not start an argument with his only friend. Hanzo asked from Whitney "Alright I may not like it but show me these new people. As long as you stand by my side." Hanzo began walking back towards the Academy grounds and demanded Whitney "Come on lets get going." Hanzo also gave a sarcastic remark "Pick up the pace you walk like a girl."


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Valeria noticed how Black's ears flattened back, and she wondered why that was. She got the feeling he was insecure about something, but she wasn't going to bring it up.

She turned her attention to the girl who had just walked over to them. Val decided she would try to be a little more outgoing than she normally would. If she was ever going to make friends in this place, this would be the time to do it: when all the other new students were in the same boat at her, just trying to find their way around and getting to know people.

"Yeah, that lady wasn't much help for me either," she informed the girl. "I don't know what her deal is. Black is right, the girl's dorm is right down here to the right. I can show you if you want; I just came from there. By the way, my name is Valeria."


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"Yeah, I'm new here also." I paused for a moment. "This place is really big.." I noted.

I turned to the other girl as she spoke. "Thanks, and yeah, I was half expecting her to hurl her pen at me or something." I joked.

Plus I just didn't like the atmosphere here. It was full of tension and quite frankly, freaked me out.
Being indoors sure didn't help either.

"By the way, I'm Onyx." I added.


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"Someday I want to play dodgeball with you. At that I don't throw like a girl!" I joked. I was glad Hanzo wasen't mad at me for what I said. We headed toward the dorms.


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Black stood there listning to the girls chat he smiled then waved at them.

"I am going to go see my new dorn Be right back" and with that he dispeared with his bag and weapons he reppeared into his dorm. Black noticed the other beds figuring he'd have roommates. After he set his stuff down he dispeared trying to explore the place and instead he appeared on the ceiling above a guy with tone of knives and swords. Black fell from the ceiling landing directly on the man.

"Ow..." he immeditly dispeared then repeared standing a few inches a way he grabbed the mans arm and hualed him up his Decievingly innocent blue eyes stared at him.


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[i feel dumb for getting lost in my own roleplay, but it happened... I'll try to bring myself back into it]

Rose found her dorm at the end of the hallway. The woman at the desk had seemed nervous when she told her her name. She looked up at the door which was much taller than her and on a gold plate said the name: CHANNING in perfect calligraphy. Rose smiled and held her items under one arm to leave her hand free to open the door. She gasped when the doorway led to a lavish room with a large bed in the center. A curtain was draped around its four posters in a dark violet color. The entire room was furnished in violet with fine carpets and couches. Even since Rose hadn't had a bed in three years, that was not what she first went to. She found a beautiful and ornate guitar. She picked it up and began playing a few chords on the acoustic. Next to it was a purple electric guitar and amp. A note was on top of the amp.

"Dearest Rose, I hope you enjoy your room and guitars. I hope to see you soon, Sir Rudolph." Rose frowned at the name. It was said that no one had seen him in years, yet he had made it a point to give her this room and guitars and write a note. Rose put the note in her pocket and she picked up the guitar. She walked outside and sat under a tree and began playing a song. She sung under her breath, hoping no one would pay her any attention.


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Lolli ran across the yard past many people seeing the front being blocked by some of them one of them definatly an elf. She went past the front to the side and quietly slide through a window a bag over her shoulder. She looked around her and saw a simple room with a row of beds, randomly choosing one she tossed her bag under it. She layed down on it sighing before yelling not liking the silence she walked out looking at the sign labeling the wing "Boys Dormitory". She noddes seeing she found the right place and desided to watch the others from earlier walked out the front door.


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Hanzo laughed and told Whitney "You wish." Hanzo started to head towards the dorms and expected to meet the owners daughter named Rose. Hanzo wanted to see what power she had no matter what he had to do.


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[[Hanzo sorry i shouldve used names but i fell ontop of you]]


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Rose heard everything arround her and ws extremely aware of her surroundings. She was startled at first, but she realized that it was because her headphones weren't blocking her hearing. She had left them back in her room. Her black and white, checkered messenger bag probably looked so foreign in that room. It had been her companion since she first hit the streets. She continued playing the guitar, content with the way the strings formed the notes. Once she was positive her words wouldn't affect anyone who heard them, she began singing. Her words were in time with the chords even though she had never sang the song she was playing before. She reached for her notebook and a pen to write the song she was playing. That's when she noticed another note in the same writing as before.

I apologize for continuously communicating with you in this way, but my advisors are afriad that some people may rise against me if I show myself. The powers are getting more and more powerful through each generation. I am excited to see what you will be able to do after being a descendent of me.
~Sir Rudolph Channing

Rose frowned at the note. So that was all the commotion about her was. She was actually a descendant of Sir Rudolph. She ignored the thought and continued to sing again. Her voice was now loud, but she wasn't projecting it.


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Lolli turns away hearing a voice she walks down to the hall towards it. It reminded her of long ago making her think back to when she was younger and the warm nights. She shivered lightly thinking about it but kept going towards the sound feeling slightly like she was flying. Lolli found herself at a big door and she opened it a crack to look inside seeing a girl singing. Lolli flinched as the girls voice got louder and she stared almost hypnotized she walks into the room closing the door behind her quietly.


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From nowhere some kind of elf landed on top of Hanzo. Hanzo was angry and smacked Blacks hand away as he helped him up and shouted "What the hell is your problem? Are you stupid?" Hanzo wiped the dust off of him and gave Black McCloud an angry glare and threatened "Your lucky I ain't chopping your legs off but my friend Whitney is here so I am letting you off with a warning. Control those powers of yours or else." Hanzo threatened Black McCloud with a knife and made the knife float and stream across his neck signaling a cut throat taunt.


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Rose's voice got louder with every line as her mind traveled elsewhere. She began to think about the possibility of being the founder's great, great, great grandaughter. She didn't beleive it, but she felt like she needed to. Who else could be putting those notes in pecurious places? She remembered that the people in this school were different. That one boy, Black could have easily done it. She knew that he was capable of teleporting and she was somewhat worried about what that meant. She heard a commotion outside, but she was completely absorbed in her thoughts. She wasn't even aware that her song had taken a turn from a light and fun song, to a hypnotic one.


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Lolli walked closer into the girl sinking deeper into the song before her shoulder burned her. She cried lightly wincing as she woke up from the spell. She covered her ears as she looked at the girl then at the room. Lolli saw how big it was with all the things in it *This person must be very important to have a room like this* She looked back at the girl and walked closer to her putting her hand over her mouth. When she seemed to stop Lolli turned and started running hoping the person wasnt going to try to destroy her.


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Rose had gotten encased in her thoughts and had her eyes closed. Suddenly someone put their hand over her mouth and her violet eyes widened quickly. The music stopped with a screach and a girl was running out of her room, looking distraught. "Crap," Rose mumbled to herself, realizing what had been happening. She put the guitar back on its stand and began running in the direction.

"I'm sorry!" She called after the girl, running down the hallway with her converse squeaking.


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Lolli looked behind her before turning a corner she shrank her hair to boys style and pulls off her shirt a muscle T under it and hiding her shoes. She does a quick look at herself and noddes now looking like a boy she walks back into the hair pretending the girl wasnt there running into her. She deepened her voice and glaring at her "Watch where your going youll kill someone that way jesus."


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Rose looked up at the boy that she had run into. "Oh.. I'm sorry. I just had to apologize to a girl who ran this way. She looked like..." She didn't have a chance to see the girl's face, and couldn't describe her well. "I accidentally did something to her, and I'm scared I might have hurt her." She never told anybody about her talent and was always careful to word things correctly.


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"Hanzo, I'm glad you didn't freak out."


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Lolli rolled her eyes and sat up brushing herself off "Yea whatever if she ran off than shes fine since she can move you should learn to keep your singing down" She walked past her quickly back to the boys dormitory and to her bed closing the door hoping the girl wouldnt follow. She went and sat on the bed thinking about how she was going to get her stuff back. She yawn and layed on the bed letting her hair down again and closes her eyes dreaming about back then.


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Rose frowned and followed the boy. She cracked open the boys' dorm and peeked in quickly, praying no one was naked. When she found it safe to look, she saw the boy laying on a bed. But now his hair was longer. She was going to ask the boy how he knew it was her singing, but she realized the boy was actually the girl she had hypnotized. "Why are you pretending to be a boy?" She asked. She noticed the elf from before and waved to Black.


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She fell off the bed hitting her head on the floor. She groaned and glared at the girl sitting up holding her head.
"What is with you?! Crazy person really first the singing then the running now waking me up?"
She sighed and sat on the bed putting her head in her hands
"Nevermind....I dont like people knowing Im a girl and I dont really like being near people ok? Being close to them get you weak and caught just go back to wherever your room is and this time sound proof it. I didnt come to get under someones power and your not really allowed in the boys dormitory anyways."


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Rose bit her lip, agreeing with the girl. But she didn't like being told what to do. "You're not supposed to be in here, either." She said as she turned to walk out the door. She agreed that it should be sound-proofed because she couldn't stop singing, so she went to the lady at the front desk.
"Excuse me," Rose said to the woman, who dropped what she was doing.
"Oh, Miss Channing, I have a letter to pass on to you I think." She reached onto a shelf between two books and pulled out a letter. Her wrinkly hand had very short nails. Rose took the letter.
Don't worry Rose, we'll soundproof your room Rose thanked the woman and walked away. She rolled her eyes, a little tired of all the letters from Sir Rudolph. She was releived to have some family even though she couldn't see him.

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Character Portrait: Valeria Bellini
0 sightings Valeria Bellini played by CielleAmor
half vampire girl with a secretive past
Character Portrait: Echo
0 sightings Echo played by lil kawaii
just a silent girl

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Character Portrait: Father Samuel Taylor
Character Portrait: Black McCloud
Character Portrait: Marina Knighting.


Character Portrait: Black McCloud
Black McCloud

Catch me if you can...

Character Portrait: Father Samuel Taylor
Father Samuel Taylor

An ex-hunter, ex-soldier, priest, and healer. He acts with both gentle kindness and dark experience.


Character Portrait: Father Samuel Taylor
Father Samuel Taylor

An ex-hunter, ex-soldier, priest, and healer. He acts with both gentle kindness and dark experience.

Character Portrait: Black McCloud
Black McCloud

Catch me if you can...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Father Samuel Taylor
Father Samuel Taylor

An ex-hunter, ex-soldier, priest, and healer. He acts with both gentle kindness and dark experience.

Character Portrait: Black McCloud
Black McCloud

Catch me if you can...

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