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Kairon Drest

"People fight when they think they know the answers, but life isn't about answers, its about asking questions."

0 · 407 views · located in Baekoth

a character in “Baekoth: Heretics”, as played by Odinson


Atavism II
River of Time
Infinite Dreams

Kairon Drest


"You can't always look at things how you want to see them. Sometimes you need to see without passion to see truth. And sometimes the truth is that there are no answers."




The most striking thing when when first looking at Kairon is the rather vibrant red tone of his skin, the second is usually the cold pensive stare his golden hued eyes that almost appear to produce a glow gives off. His face is otherwise human in appearance, high cheekbones and a slim softly curved nose serve to contrast a otherwise thick set of eyebrows for the upper half of his face. The lower half is adorned with a thin jawline and a thinner still dimple-less chin that is covered in a wide but thin layer what is the beginnings of a goatee.

His hair is midnight dark, with a length that doesn't reach his shoulders as they are held behind large elf like pointed ears. Accompanying his hair, of the same hue, are two horns that come out from just above his temples before reaching backwards away from his face to about the length of an average hand.

Kairon's frame is on the svelt side, though not necessarily without muscle tone. Surely however he would not be one to win contests of brute strength, so few people find him imposing in that respect.

Consistently he will wear dark robes for the purpose of, at least at a glance or distance, making his inhuman features less noticeable. A hood with two identical holes on either side crowns him, the rest of his body is cloaked down to his boots of simple dark cloth that reveals little if any skin. The only other noticeable features his wardrobe possesses are the pouches, pockets and belts that house many of the items he keeps on his person.

Hair:Midnight black. Short and kept behind his ears.
Facial Hair: Goatee
Eyes: A bright golden hue
Build: Svelt
Skin Tone: Stark Red
Height:1.727m (5'8”)
Weight:70.760kg(156 lbs)
Voice: Solid Baritone
Handed: Right handed
Body Markings:
Scar Tissue:
Unique Body Features: A pair of horns, red skin, elf-like ears.

Kairon Drest (Kay-ron)


“Investigative Consultant”


Visual Age
Mid twenties

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation

Mage Ranking




Kairon is best described as pensive and analytical. He does not speak often, and when he does it’s usually in the form of a response as opposed to initiating dialogue. He is a man of thought, and his appreciation extends to people who acknowledge thoughts and ideas as paramount. He has little patience for people he considers intellectually inferior, or impulsive by nature, though he probably will not voice this opinion unless pressed.

New ideas often excite him, (even if this is not seen on his face), and he can spend hours contemplating a single subject and all that it entails simply to understand everything about it. His approach to new things is very analysis and logic based, often breaking down objects, ideas, and even people hypothesizing about them based on the knowledge he possesses, allowing for fairly accurate deductions on any given subject. This unfortunately also makes him rather paranoid, especially since with his heritage attempts on his life aren’t too rare of an occurrence. Thus he has difficulty trusting people, though once it is earned it is given wholeheartedly. His taste for knowledge is somewhat fickle however, he scoffs at the idea of a formal education and is more content to learn about whatever piques his interest at the time, then moving on to the next thing. Kairon in not known to be a conventional individual, but he is clearly intelligent as well as bluntly honest in most situations.

Kairon is not a man of strong convictions and principles, and often is agnostic to the decisions of others and their beliefs, his only code is that which he does not wish to partake in (lying, stealing, cheating) or feel is worth the risk he won't do. This isn’t to say he has no moral standards, as he wouldn’t commit murder or stand idle to witness a similarly heinous crime, though he would argue that stupidity should be a punishable offense. He has adopted no formal religion, but finds merit in the ideologies of them and often considers adopting one for himself. In that arena he can respect the beliefs of others quite easily, however he finds arguments about such matters, or related matters like politics and ethics abhorrent and a “waste of thought,” quickly becoming bored of the arguers.

His nature sometimes makes people uneasy, or even suspicious in that he says so little. Most of his communication is through gesture unless he is bothered to speak, and some may mistake him for being a mute because of this. Never does he seek the social graces of strangers that he believes he will never see again. This also makes him socially weak, as he struggles to be gregarious and doesn’t always catch social nuances, even to the point of not understanding people’s feelings and emotional needs therefore not reciprocating correctly. His responses to such situations usually fall back to his strengths of objective analysis, though if a person simply wants validation this can anger them.

Contrary to what others may believe however Kairon himself is not “emotionless”. Under the surface he is capable of feeling a wide variety of emotion, he simply does not rely in them and they don’t naturally come out into the open. His emotional side reserved for those closest to him, good friends, family and the like, around them he has little trouble being gregarious and expressing himself, holds them in higher regard than love than all of the knowledge in the world.

A friendship with Kairon is hard won, taking quite a while before he truly warms to a person, though it is usually easier if they have an intellect to match or surpass his own. Once attained however, Kairon is a formidable ally to the point of zealotry to protect these few lasting friendships. One may say his emotions are childlike in their simplicity in contrast to a mind that deals with complex and abstract thoughts. To those close to him Kairon is a Daemon who is respected for his mind and cherished for his simplistic ties to people.

Often snaps his fingers when on the brink of a realization.

Will sniff and touch things he is investigating, even if it is seemingly irrelevant.

Moral Alignment
Neutral Good

“Always ask questions.”

Intellectual challenge, and knowledge seeking. Kairon likes to observe, to experiment, and wrap his brain around puzzles and conundrums. As well as challenge others to do so.

Repression of knowledge by Aule
Uncovering a mystery that may cost him his sanity.

Curing his teacher of his mental illness, or at least understanding it.

New spells

Small talk

Strategic mind that can account for a large amount of variables in a scenario and create well placed plans. Strong range based magical attacks of varying effects.

Plans take a long time to think through, in the event of thinking on his feet hastily made decisions are often ineffectual and poor. Not physically strong or combat savvy at close range.

Is your character literate? In what languages?
Kairon has exceptional reading and writing skills in the Common tongue, with a wider vocabulary than most. He speaks fluent elvish, and common orchish dialects. Currently he is studying old draconic as an academic hobby.


Black hood


Dark Robes, alchemist vials



Right Hand
Arm guard

Left Hand
Arm guard

Right Accessory

Left Accessory

Alchemist vials

Cloth trousers

Leather boots



Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Hand-to-Hand Combat:[Below Average]

Melee Combat:[Below Average]

Ranged Combat: [Poor]

Magic Combat:[Good]

Mounted Combat:[Very Poor]

Racial Abilities
Slight resistance to fire

Natural Talent
[Excellent]Deduction: With a large pool of knowledge and excellent analytical skill, Kairon is adept in making accurate deductions and theories on many things.

Class Skills
[Good]Arcane Knowledge

[Excellent]Scientific Knowledge

[Good]Linguistic Knowledge

[Good] Elemental Spells: While certainly lacking in martial prowess, if he chooses to be Kairon can be a deadly foe. An accurate ball of fire or an arc of lighting to the temple is all it takes for some, though it is possible for him cut loose and provide a devastating effect on an area, but such spells are costly to his stamina.

[Good] Enchantments: Want a blade that can catch fire on command? Or perhaps a shield that's resistant to magic? Kairon is well versed in enchanting items of all kinds, however it often requires costly components, especially if the enchantment is supposed to have specific qualities, and some things are simply physically impossible. A good enchantment can last a lifetime though.

[Below Average]Healing: One school of magic Karion often neglects though has some training in is healing. Most mages study healing as a necessary skill to have, but in Kairon's case if it goes beyond cuts and bruises his of little help.


Vials of potions that can restore stamina and minor healing effects

Pouches that contain notebooks

Weapon Name: None
Weapon Type: Longsword
Material: Steel
Length: 3'10 (1.168m)
Weight: 3.7 LB (1.678kg)
Weapon Description/Info: The weapon itself isn't special, it's like many common swords. It is however a blank canvas for enchantment, albeit weak temporary ones.


Group Affiliation
Ruhar city watch

Marital Status

Haron Drest (Father)

Merriam Thatcher (Mother, estranged)

Erio Renly (Tutor, indisposed)

Born in Red Harbor, though raised mainly the Freelands.

Social Rank
Commoner, though well educated.

Self-proclaimed scientist and investigator.


One might be surprised to learn that Kairon's parents are in fact human, or at least are indistinguishable from human. Kairon himself has often attributed his traits as an atavism, one or both of his parents must have Daemon ancestry. Not that it mattered which branch of the family tree it belonged to.

Haron Drest was a member of a prominent family in the merchants circles, betrothed to one Merriam Thatcher, a noblewoman with ties to the crown. Most thought of it as a good match, regardless whether or not the matched pair shared any feelings of course. When Kairon was born, Merriam was disgusted and horrified by her progeny and was quick to blame her husband, divorcing him and renouncing all claim to her family for the both of them. With the embarrassment of having a Daemon in the family the Drests all but shunned Haron, only offering stipends as some last pitying act.

Haron was not without friends however, one Erio Renly, a statesman who lived in an estate near what is now the border between the Freelands and Toamar, has let both Haron and Kairon live there as welcome guests. Erio is a prominent figure in the philosopher and “natural philosopher” circles, and took it upon himself with Haron's permission to tutor the boy in the ways of research and experimentation. He certainly had a knack for the sciences, especially alchemy, when his magical talent was discovered that was a different story. Erio himself was no mage, but he certainly had many books on the subject, and helped guide Kairon in discovering his capabilities.

In childhood Kairon didn't have much contact with people other than his father, Erio and his servants, as he became older though they would venture to towns in the Freelands, and visited the newly constructed Taomar once in a while. Some visits were to a sell sword and personal friend of Erio named Yorik, who would give Kairon a few rudimentary lessons in swordplay. The last Karion saw Yorik was nine years ago, he traveled to Dorelith hoping the new regime would have work for him, not even Erio received word of him since.

When Kairon was nineteen Erio took him on a trip to Ruhar. He had been summoned to help consult on a curious incident to which Erio thought would make for a good mental exercise for the young man. The scene they found was nothing like they had ever come across. The local watch thought that it might have been witchery at work, Erio on the other hand had never seen anything like it, and he was quite the expert on many types of rituals and spells from witchery to shamanism.

What they found was a body tattooed in symbols foreign to the both of them, which was saying something in their experience. It looked like some sort of ritualistic suicide, whether or not it was a spell was anyone's guess. Among the man's belonging were what appeared to be books, much of what was written was intelligible, there was a constant reference to something called, “The Outsiders”. A grisly puzzle to be sure, one which Kairon an Erio would spend more time in the city reviewing.

In the coming months similar occurrences began to spring up, cases of people going mad, writing scribbles referencing something, or someone in their writings, though it was never descriptive. One such case seemed to shed a little light on the subject, referencing a book called the Ukothicon. Though they now had a new lead on the mystery, seeing what may be a present danger to his pupil Erio sent him back to his estate to await to his return despite protests from the young Daemon.

In the months that followed no word had come from the man, fearing the worst both Haron and Kairon went searching for him in Ruhar. Fortunately they did find him the madhouse. Kairon had to witness his teacher, a second father even, who was a completely rational kind-hearted and studious man reduced to a babbling raving lunatic, who couldn't form coherent sentences any better than he could use a piss pot.

Since then Kairon has become something of a private investigator and consultant for the Ruhar watch, despite his misgivings the citie's business practices. He shit visits Erio now and again, though he has barely if at all recovered. Among his inane babble the Daemon can always hear the words, “Outsider” and “Doesn't belong”. On his last visit he almost seemed to actually use sentences, “Been here for years now...hearts and minds...hearts and minds...hearts and minds are power...clever so very can come in if you're invited...hearts and minds...hearts and minds...our brains are too small...can't fit...hearts and minds...hearts and minds”

Only now has Karion realized that there are puzzle pieces that need fitting, and he won't rest until it is solved.

So begins...

Kairon Drest's Story