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.Bloody Violets.

A castle. Yeah.


a part of .Bloody Violets., by Crucified_Xx.


Crucified_Xx holds sovereignty over A castle. Yeah., giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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A castle. Yeah. is a part of .Bloody Violets..

13 Characters Here

Angelique Enora [0] Now, I shall hand out justice
Sana Haruka [0] "Are we not one in the same...?"
The Suu triplets - Anel, George, And Jung [0] "Hello, m'lady. Would you like a dance?"
The Suu triplets. [0] "Hello, m'lady. Would you like a dance?"
Evaleena Annelise Zakharia [0] Who protects me from the most frightful? MYSELF...
Suzume Tobu [0] "Ha! Beat THAT, Black Rose!"
Rivera Otonashi [0] "When you see the rose, you know your death is near..."
Yuki Shizuko. [0] "Wha?! Are you serious?! Do I have a sign on my forehead that says "Chase me please!" or something!"

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#, as written by Neru
Not up there anymore! Yuki heard from her right. Turning her gaze quickly, she laughed a bit shaking her head as she continued running. "Dosen't matter where you are, I'll still beat you!" She yelled back at him, in a purely joking manner. Sticking her tounge out at the blonde once more, Yuki leapt over a set of chairs, continuing on her way. Though, halfway across one of the street's, Yuki's eyes widened. A gust of really strong wind blew around the girl, completely knocking her off her balance. With the speed that Yuki was running out, she tripped, slamming against the concrete rather hard.

Yuki let out a gasp, having had all the air knocked from her lungs. She groaned in slight pain, while laying in the spot she had landed on. Luckily she street was pretty much deserted at the time, so no one stopped the pester the girl with questions. "What the hell..!" She questioned to herself, in complete disbelife. Nothing had ever been able to knock Yuki off her feet with she was running. Slowly pushing herself to stand, Yuki rubbed her throbbing head while she looked around. "Hiso?" She called out, wincing slightly.


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#, as written by Ureshic
"Hiso?" Hiso looked back to Yuki with a concerned looked as he twisted around sharply to run back toward her. As he began running again the gust caught Hiso and tossed him to the side easily. Hiso, flipped around and attempted to catch himself, but was too late and only managed to land with a loud 'thud' as his shoulder slammed against the pavement. Hiso's glasses flew off his face and shattered against the ground as he landed sending the glass under the man's arm as he recoiled against the pavement. He grunted as a sharp pain shot through shoulder, the glass digging into his shoulder, Wha-- That... that didn't just happen. Did it? He caught himself thinking as he tried to get back to his feet. He looked back towards Yuki, ignoring the pain in his arm and the feel of a warm liquid slipping down his arm. He ran over to Yuki, a look of concern still on his slim face, "Are you alright?"


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As the man in the shadows watched the two get tossed by the small gusted he made he let out a chuckle,"Heh man he they are so weak why even bother with them?" he said as he kept his cover moving his hands as he shaped the wind in the area making the jetstream a bit stronger wanting to mess with them some more. They are going to be very pretty smears if I wanted them to be.he thought as he watched they struggle against the wind. He was getting so much into it that he forgot he was to keep himself hidden, he was a white haired male with red horns with a patchwork coat to matched them.


Takashiro watched as the shadow came out from the treeline and showed itself to him. He was as tall as Takashiro but a bit heavier but not by much.

"Jaw-Long why are you here." Takashiro said with a great coldness to his voice as he watched the man get a bit closer as his hand gripped his blade a bit tighter.

"Why else but to see you. You should know why after all this time I have come to see you." The man said with a devious smile on his face as he fanned himself with a paper fan looking over it at Takashiro.



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"Suzume! Do you know how worried i was? I thought there was some one attacking!"
Well... thought Evaleena, at least i got to have a little excitement. Finally looking around Evaleena saw the paintball gun. A paintball gun? Thats all it was? Eva smiled, she couldn't help it, she burst out laughing for the first time in months.
"All this.." she said between fits of laughter, "because you got shot with a paintball gun?!? Only you Suzume, I swear."
She loooked back at Suzume, smiling.
"You made my day Suzume, you really did."
For a moment she really felt like a normal teenager.


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Avaron was used to this, being pulled around by her angry mother. She after all did like to wander, something her mother absolutely hated. Then she heard a whisper, Look out the window, it said. It could only be Mizuki, because she was the only spirit that spoke to Avaron in the human language.

Her mother threw her in her room, and slammed the door shut. Her room like everything else she owned was white and silver. A big bed was places in the middle of one wall, a writing desk (made of aspen) was placed on the opposite wall surrounded by huge bookshelves, a door on the left side of the bed led to her closet, she had a window to her bed's right that stuck out and had a built in bench, and behind one of the bookshelves was a hidden hallway that went all the way around the castle and even led out to the gardens. Her mother and father knew nothing of these hidden hallways, only Avaron and her older sister knew about them.

The moment she was thrown in she ran to her window and looked outside to the creek where she just was. There she saw Takashiro and another man, Takashiro had a firm grip on his sword and looked frigid and intense as if he were about to go into battle. Avaron didn't know what to do, she wasn't one who had ever gone to battle, that and he was one of the ones to protect her. But he was also the first one to believe her about the spirits.

"What should I do Mizuki? What should I do?" she whispered. She continued to stare out the window, hoping nothing would happen, but if something did she would be ready. She would run to the hall that had all the suits of armors and grab a sword and go help. It wasn't much of a plan especially since she didn't know how to fight with a sword, but it was the only plan she had.


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#, as written by Neru
Yuki watched, her eyes wide as Hiso was soon knocked off his feet as well. This just dosen't happen...Not to me..And not Hiso.. She thought, her dark purple eyes narrowing just a bit as she scanned the area around her, immediatly begining to search for signs of a threat. Are you alright? Hiso questioned her,pulling Yuki back from her thoughts. She immediatly gasped seeing the blood seeping down his arm. "I'm fine, but you're bleeding!" Jumping to her feet, Yuki ignored the dissyness that swept through her as she focused on her blonde companion. Though off to the right of Hiso's shoulder, Yuki squinted, seeing a man. What..No way..

"I'll be right back.." Yuki murmured to Hiso as she slipped around him. She could feel the blast of air intensify around her, though she tried her hardest to ignore it. Closing her eyes for just a second, Yuki breathed out a sigh before she darted off towards the white haired figure. Once she was right infront of him, Yuki spun around, her right foot catching the man in his side, and knocking him off his balance now. "Who the hell are you?!" She demanded, her eyes narrowed.


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The female in blue and white huffed even more as he moved the water she stole from the plants." There isnt even anyone around here, I dont care what the orders are I will leave if I have nothign to do." she said as she sulked looking aorund the garden for the targets she was told to look for. She got to the point that she balled the water in her hand into a ball and throw it at the nearest window. The ball of water sailed through the air and smashed the window due to the fact it was like a lead ball. "That should start something.' she said feeling proud of herself.


The white haired male just laughed as he watched them fight his wind. The girl was able to get to her feet long enough to run in front of him and do a spin kick at his side which he blocked with his right hand and jumped backwards away from her. he smiled really big as he licked his lips looking at her. "Your very cute you know that? I wonder how cute you will look cut up by my wind." he said as he fixed his Hungry eyes on her and the man behind her." i bet he will scream with a very great voice if I cut him up too." he laughed with such a disgusting laugh as he looked at the two." Lets play a bit." He said forming wind around his right hand that blocked her kick to knock her off of him and wrapped the other one in wind as well to strike at her.


Takashiro just glared at the man that stood before him ,Jaw-Long, a man he had a long history with." i know if you are here so are the others where are they." he asked him keeping a close eye on him as Jaw-long took a couple of steps away from the treeline.

"Now now LongWei that would be tell. I dont wish to be rude to them who are giving their greetings." he said as he smiled a cruel smile at the man he knew as longWei.

"It is Takashiro and if they dare hurt anyone I swear....."

"What? that you will kill us? Huh good luck but like I said they are only here to greet nothing else. If you want a fight I will more then be happy to give you one." he said cutting Takashiro off as he gave a mock bow.

"I dont have time for you."Takashiro said about to turn to go look for the others but was cut off as the man turned into his true form of an Avian yokai the same as Takashiro."I see you will not make this easy." he said as he too took to his true form that not many have seen not even in the castle many know this form. his black wings ripping through his robe and spreading out to their full size as Takashiro took his long sword in one hand by the sheath and use the other to grab the hilt and draw it twirling it around him in the form of Tai chi swordsmanship and pointed it at Jaw-long."Then so be it."


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#, as written by Ureshic
Hiso watched as Yuki past, he was about to follower her until the wind sped up. He hunched down slightly, lowering himself to be able to fight the wind. He said nothing to Yuki, just watched for a moment. As she kicked the man off his feet, Hiso grinned wolfishly and muttered to himself, "The hunter becomes the hunted." He darted out of sight and into an alley, the adrenaline pulling through his veins allowing him to ignore the pain and the bleeding wouldn't worsen unless the shards were pulled from his arm. A low rumble emanated from his throat as Hiso dashed from one alley to the next to get a better positioning on the strange man. As he rounded the corner, his eyes locked onto the white haired man. He quickly ducked behind a dumpster before Yuki could see him. Never let anyone know exactly what you are planning. It will ruin the element of surprise, he thought, pulling the twin yoroi toshi from their sheaths hidden inside his jacket.

Hiso lowered himself into a deep crouch, laying his weapons down to pull his jacket off and stash it. To fight the wind, one must not be able to be caught. Strike like a blade, cut through the current, he said in his mind, his hands gripped the weapons. He was ready to strike, he was ready to end a life if he had to. He took a deep breath and his eyes flashed with a glimmer of ferocity. He let out a deep, feral growl that could be easily mistaken for that of a wolf's. The sound to echo throughout the alley, making it close to impossible to pinpoint the origins of the sound.


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Grinning, Suzume pet Eva's shoulder.
"No need to laugh THAT much, Eva~" But her expression quickly faded. "You don't know how much getting hit with a paintball hurts."
Suzume looked at the ceiling for a bit, then picked up her paintball gun and shot Eva in the arm.
"Ha!" She grinned. "Now I'm not the only one covered in paint~"
Speaking of paint.. I never got to hit that ugly rat in the face with it...
"Eva~" Suzume almost mewed. "Wanna go track down that 'Takashiro' guy?"


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#, as written by Neru
"I won't ask again...Who are you." Yuki's voice was hard, cold. All sounds of her child like playfullness completely gone. Her eyes had darked from a purple, looking almost black now as she fixed the male infront of her with a glare. He was strong, that much was obvious if he managed to block one of Yuki's attacks. But that didn't matter to her. All she wanted to know who he wass, what he wanted, and then either get him the hell out of there, or beat the crap out of him. Either worked for the Violet at the moment. By now, Yuki's long dark hair had come free of her ponytail, and blew around her widly in the wind as she easily shifted her gaze, looking for some sight of Hiso. Though seeing none, she cursed to herself, fixing her attention back on the thing infront of her. "You talk a lot you know that." She remaked as he finished going on about cutting her and Hiso up with his wind. "You're not cutting anyone up." Just as she finished speaking, a loud growl sounded through the alley. Yuki couldn't quite pinpoint where it had come from, but for the moment she didn't care.


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The man just smiled as the girl once again ask who he was feeling her anger rise the more he just talked nonsense. He looked passed her for the male that was with him but it seemed he has vanished. Hmmm seems like they are not as unskilled as they seemed. he thought as he just chuckled a little more at how delicious this tasted to him. The male is most likely ,if he was smart, would try to strike from an unseen position, Where oh where is he he thought as he kepted his eyes on the female.

"Oh oh but that will be telling, though I would think that who I am is not as important as what is happening to I would think your boss is and the very cute girls that he watches over." he said as he kepted wind wrapped around his hands to protect them as he stood his ground. "Come come now lets have more fun."


The woman in white and blue dress huffed more as it seemed no one cared for the busted window as she ran her hand over some more plants and ripped the water out of them as well. She moved the water around playing with it a little before forming two smaller dense balls as she looked for more windows to blow out."If they wont come out for one window then I will make they notice me more." She said with a wicked smile on her face as she held the balls of water ready to do some more damage to the castle.


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Avaron heard a crashing sound come from downstairs and her mind was pulled away, 'Wonder what that was,' she thought. Her mother, she assumed, had locked her in, so the only way out was through the hidden tunnels. She ran towards it and pushed it open, it was an old door so it was pretty stiff and hard to get open. When it was open enough for her to squeeze through she ran into the dark tunnel taking lefts and rights at what seemed to be random intervals. Eventually she came to the lounge.

The lounge's secret door was covered by a painting over the fireplace and there were two small holes where the eyes of the painter were that someone could look through. She slid the little piece of wood that hid the looking area and looked through. There was a melting ball of ice on the floor and looked as though it had come through the window, thus the crash. She closed the little window area and silently opened the painting like a door, before jumping out. She closed it, having to stand on her toes in order to do so. And walked over to the ice ball.

"Ice?" she asked as it melted in her hand, "But it's summer." She looked out the window curious to see where it came from. Outside she saw a beautiful woman in a white and blue dress. 'Was she the one who threw the ice?' she thought. She gripped the ice ball in her hand and walked to the front door, keeping a low profile so her mom wouldn't see her, or a servant who would tell her.

Outside she walked up to the lady and held out the ice ball, "Why did you throw this at our window? And more importantly where did you get ice this time of year?" she asked the lady, confused.


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#, as written by Neru
Yuki let out her own growl of frustration as she glared at the man before her. He was rather infuriating, and he was begining to get on Yuki's last nerve! Shaking her head just a bit to clear her thoughts, she froze when the man mentioned something about the girls they protected. "What did you say.." She questioned in a deathly calm voice, though her eyes gave hit at the anger already boiling inside of her. They are messing with my family...No one messes with my family.. She thought, narrowed eyes once again fixed on the male before her. But wait he said 'he' when he refered to my boss...Suzume's a girl.. A light frown pulled at Yuki's lips for a moment as she thought things over for a second, though she quickly pushed her thoughts aside. Save it for another time, Yuki. She told herself, shaking her head firmly.

Immediatly fixing her attention back upon the male, she rolled her eyes a bit. "Alright, you want to have some fun...Let's have some fun." Yuki replied to him, as she tilted her head a bit. When she did this, a grin spread across the girls lips. This will be fun.. She thought to herself as she waited for the man to make his move.


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The girl in white and blue was ready to throw the two other balls of water when some girl came out. She looked young and really pretty this fact annoyed her a great deal. With a malice smile to her face he reformed the water balls in her hands back to just water as he made it move around her."That my girl is because i was told to greet you worms and I am a water mage who can do as I please you brat. But since it was you who came out this will make it much better I was told not to attack anyone just say hi in a way. So i will but making sure he will know how far we will go to make him remember who we are and what we will do." She said as she took a step forward to the girl in front of her as she formed the water in her hands into a small knife as he wicked eyes looked to her pray." Well LongWei will remember once I do this, who knows maybe he will be mine once again."


The wind guy just loved playing with her, seeing her reaction to anything he said was pure enjoyment for him."Hehehe whats this your so very cute when your mad you know that? I am sure it will make your screams all the more lovely, I wonder if Longwei has had his hands on you, oh wait he doesnt go by that name from what I have heard it was ta something right?" he said as he thought bring his right hand to his chin and his left hand to his head and scratched it in thought."Ta...Tata,taki,tiki, taka something or other guess it doesnt really matter. hehe he should be getting eaten by now. Haha maybe so are those pretty pretty girls you all serve since She went there hehe she hates other girls." he laughed as he thought about what those sight those two scenes would make in his mind. He had comply let down his guard around her most likely no seeing her as a threat at all.


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"You don't know how much getting hit with a paintball hurts."
Evaleena watched Suzume pick up the paint ball gun and aimed.. Wait.. she's not gonna...
"Ow!" Suzume had shot her in the arm with her paint ball gun. Not like she hadn't felt worse paint before because she had, but that didn't make it hurt any less, oddly she wasn't upset. That actually made this whole thing alot funnier.. and weirder. Am i bonding with Suzume? Eva thought to herself. Either way she hadn't had this much fun in a long time.
"Eva.." said Suzume in a highly suspicious voice, "Wanna go track down that 'Takashiro' guy?"
"Suzume.." Eva said with a sigh, " I don't see what you have against him. What did he do to you? All i see is a man that wants to protect the Hikuu family, just like us! Why don't we go do something else? Something more productive maybe...?" Eva was upset with herself. She had ruined something that could've been really fun. "Damn i'm lecturing again.. lets just go out there and have some fun?" Evaleena didn't really know how this worked she wanted to seem less intimadating but she always said what she felt.
She hoped Suzume wouldn't take it to the heart, thats just the way she was.


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"But.. But.." Suzume started. "Look."
Suzume put her paintball gun down next to her and looked out the window. She reached over towards her katana, and, gripping it, unsheathed it slightly. Then unsheathed it completely and stood up infront of Eva.
"This is the katana that the queen herself got forged for me, the day I was made leader of the bloody violets!" Suzume firmly said. "This is the katana that represents my honor, MY job! Of which I was selected to do!" She looked at Eva, and let out a fanged grin. "I wouldn't let anyone take my sword, so why let anyone take my honor while they're at it? Why let them replace me? I shouldn't, should I? Well, the Black Roses pose a threat not only to me, but to you aswell!" Sighing, Suzume tilted her head downwards, and looked at her reflection in the shining sword. "Soon, if we don't do something about it, we're gonna be gone."
There was a small silence.
Turning her head towards the window again, Suzume opened it, and jumped out.
"See ya, Eva, I gotta run!"


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"No! Suzume wait.. Im sorry!"
Evaleena watched as Suzume jumped out of the window. I understand her point of view but i still don think they're trying to steal our jobs.. Eva looked out the window that Suzume had jumped out of to see Avaron talking to a girl she'd never seen before. She was a distance away but could hear the end of their conversation.
"Well LongWei will remember once I do this, who knows maybe he will be mine once again." LongWei? Who's LongWei? Shaking her head Evaleena decided it was time to take action. She ran to her room first, this time good ol' Archie just might not cover it. Running as fast as she could, with an adrenaline rush yet again, she sped through the halls and burst open her door. Eva ran to her bedside and grabbed her favorite pillow. "I didn't want to have to do this but as they say desperate times..." she said to no one as she ripped the seams of her scarlet pillow. Messily tearing out thread and pulling out soft cotton, Evaleena pulled out her Commando assault rifle." It's been along time buddy..." She said as she reloaded Eric; the gun with a long history. A history she'd rather not think about at this moment in time. After Eric was loaded she attached a gun holder to her left leg along with Eric and checked for Archie in her skirt pocket. Figuring she'd taken a long enough time getting ready, if not too long she ran out the door without bothering to close it.
What can i say, Im a little bit rusty.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Outside Eva looked around for trouble carefully sweeping the area with her trained eyes. Everything seemed to be alright until she heard Avaron. She ran towards the noise to see a woman with a blue and white dress holding a knife in her hand. Wait.. thats not a knife. Is it? Evaleena grabbed Archie from her pocket and sneaked towards the woman. Who is she and what does she have against Avaron? No matter, its my job to protect her. She grabbed the woman from behind and pressed Archie down on the womans neck enough to hurt but not break the skin.
"Don't try anything. Who are you and how did you get in here?"


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The woman in white and blue stood there ready to attack the girl before her.Yes, Longwei will be mine no one else even if he doesnt like it.She thought fueling her rage against the girl then she thought she heard something but just shook her head then someone grabbed her from behind. Her eyes enlarged as she felt something cold and sharp against her throat. Was that a knife at her throat? It felt like one. Then a female's voice asked her who she was and how did she get there. "Wa....wait dont hurt me, please I wasnt going to do anything. I was ordered to cause a distraction to everyone here to let my leader fight with your Boss, longwei was meant to fight him on his own. thats all." The girl said with a sob threatening in her tone of voice as she was held." If I didnt do it I would have been killed as well as my little girl please i didnt........" She managed to get out before her body started to shake from her sobbing.


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"Sorry. But even IF that was the case, which i highly doubt, its not my problem and frankly my dear I dont give a damn." Evaleena laughed to herself, quoting her favorite movie, I've always wanted to say that she thought.
Eva pressed her knife a little deeper into the mystery woman's throat, "Now hush," Evaleena whispered, switching back to her emotionless persona. "... what did you mean 'our leader Longwei'? I know no man of that name"
Evaleena looked towards Avaron trying to reasure her with her expression that she had this all taken care of. Now, where's Suzume when I need her?


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Her sobbing slowly turned in to laugher as she was still held and from what the woman said."Yeah i figured you really wouldnt care, you didnt have a look of a bitch to you , you know?" she said as she felt the knife dig a bit deeper into her skin."Well whatever I will tell you what you want to know since it wont matter in a short while. LongWei you know him well as Takashiro, a stupid name if you ask me, is what he is known as now. But I would know him anywhere no matter what he called himself since he was in fact my lover and my soon-to-be huband until he pulled his disappearing act."She said without a care since the water she had in her hands was starting to forming into a sharp short spear."But let me ask you this which is faster your knife into my throat or this spear into to your body?" She said with a wicked delight to her voice.


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Evaleena watched as the knife turned into a spear. How is that possible? Evaleena had perfected her unsurprised mask years ago so her expression didn't give away any hint of fear or surprise, not any reaction for that matter.
" Hmm and you wonder why he left. Maybe he just didn't wanna marry you.." Eva snickered as she hit the pressure point close to her neck. The fastest way to temperarily knock her out before the spear entered her body. With Archie still at the womans throat Evaleena backed away, but not unharmed. She looked down at her stomach to see a small tear in her corset where the spear touched.
"Damn, I've really lost my touch... Lets get out of here Avaron, before she wakes up."


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She just laughed out some more hearing what the woman said as she thrust the spear a bit but felt her body feel weak as the woman hit some spot on her neck.So she is not that weak well making her ugly will be more fun now wont it. She thought as her body started to go towards the floor it turned into water crashing with a bit of force into the grass as a paper doll was left in the middle of it. In the shadows stood the woman unharmed as a glass orb shattered in her hand."Tsk my water doll seemed to not hold up i will make sure you take care of this one myself next time. The pretty bitch and the other one who is more good looking then the little one. Tsk they all piss me off.' She said as she faded into the shadows to head to parts unknown.

Coughing and hacking up some blood from his throat as he could hardly breath from his wounds. Since when did Jaw-long get so strong? he was better then he was before but now, did he grow weak? Swordsmanship was the one thing he could always do and now it was failing him. Takashiro hovered in the air with his black wing as he faced down Jaw-long, not realizing he was over the gardens themselves. he had fought with Jaw-long from the creek to here in the air but wasnt doing to well after getting his left arm cut open as well as a deep cut in his side. jaw-long wasnt with out wounds ether, he was cut up just as bad but seemed to be much better then himself.

"Whats wrong Longwei? Did guard duty make you weaker? or are you just not up for this?"Jaw-long taunted as he hovered near by with his fan closed up in his hand."Well time to finish this for now." he said as he flew right at takashiro fast then he could be defened against and drove the fan into Takashiro's side making him cough up some blood and then hit him with an ax kick that sent him diving for the garden grounds. he landed with a huge impact that in his weakened state could have broken some bones of his. eheh that was fun I wonder if the other two are finished yet or did they cause trouble? Jaw-long thought to himself as he flew away back to join the others as he bleed a little but not enough to slow him down.


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Suzume smelt the faint scent of blood in the air.
But something was wrong.
It was familiar.
Running, Suzume traced the scent to a small, deserted area close to the garden.
I can't see anything.. She thought, as she slunk deeper into the shadow. Is there anyone even here?

Suzume turned her head slightly, and what she saw next nearly gave her a heart attack.
A bloody Takashiro was laying on an awkward angle, his head laying on a patch of daisies, slowly being turned red. She ran out of the shadow, and bent down next to him.
"What do you think your doing, black rose?!" She nearly screamed in his face. "Suicide?!"


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#, as written by Neru
Yuki froze. Who was he talking about? Takashiro? But that couldn't be right. He was leader of the Roses, there to help protect the sisters...What the heck was this guy going on about? Yuki stared at him slightly confused, nothing he was saying was making sense. And it was making her think far too much. Especially since she was so frusterated with the man. Letting out a second low growl, Yuki shook her head shaking away all the thoughts that came to her. "I don't have time for your stupid mind games!" She screamed out him, light flashing around her hands as both her sais appeared from seemingly thin air. She spun one of the small weapons in her right hand, before taking a firm grip on them. She knew by now the man didn't see her as a threat, which might have been better for her. Sadly she still wasn't sure where Hiso was, but that could wait she supposed. Now or never...Then back to the Castle...If anyone was harmed I'll personally take my anger out on Takashiro. Yuki thought to herself as she focused her attention on the male.

For a second her gaze shifted around quickly, searching around the area making sure there was nothing he could use against her. Seeing nothing, Yuki decided it was best to attack. The girl quickly sprinted at the male. Once she was about a foot away from him she dropped to the ground, sliding right beneath him as she easily slid the blade of her sai into his leg. Yanking it out she stood casting a glare at him.


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Takashiro laid there on the ground as he felt the impact through out his body, his right wing felt broken and his head was spinning. Someome is coming I can feel it h thought as he could barely get up. Turned out it was Suzume yelling at him about something. All he could hear was the end as he could barely see her. "Heh that would make your life easier wouldn't it." he managed to get out struggling to get up, he saw evaleena and Avaron was there as well. " why is the ground wet?"

The wind user just laughed loudly as he watched the emotions in her eyes quite tasty he thought. Still the gentleman that was with her seems to be hiding for now, well not like it will matter it was time to wrap it up isn't? He watched as the girl ran at his them hit the ground to slide between his feet as she stabbed one of his legs. He winched a bit but still laughed as he turned to face her. " you know I might just fall for you you know." he taunted her as he licked his lips, " Well I need to run." he said as he started to swell up then exploded into gust of winds blowing out in all direction as a paper doll flew along with it. The wind user was a few buildings away smiling from what he just watched, he laughed to himself as he vanished into the wind.