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Avr??ci Venris

Villain. "Shocking, isn't it?"

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a character in “Blurry Line”, as played by Rispetto


⌈One murder makes a villain, millions a hero.⌋

AvrĂŠci Venris


It is quite clear that AvrĂŠci is as abnormal as his name is, his black hair frames a face that could be likened to a long-term assigned asylum in-mate while also keeping some of the more graceful features. However, he uses this appearance to gain an almost formal and gentlemanly stature. Using the black hair and pale skin to great effect as his every step demands a bow from the inferior being, or who he views as one anyway. He stands at six feet and six inches, towering over most. He weighs two-hundred and fifteen pounds, which is somewhat underweight for his height.

They say the eyes are windows to the soul, don't they? His eyes are a light blue, but are filled with violence and pain. He wears a bike courier jacket and black jeans most of the time, especially when out and about in the streets. When it comes time for Conduit to come into play, the courier jacket is replaced by a tight black jacket that hugs his frame. He also throws on a skintight hood which completely covers the face, leaving no visible skin. This hood is colored black, with two yellow bolts of lightning that form an X pattern on the front and back. The only other markings on the mask are the two black eye-shaped holes on the front, each laying inside one of the bolts. The jeans remain, along with a pair of fingerless biker gloves.


✗Going fast
✗Learning how things work


AvrĂŠci was always hard-headed since birth, getting what he wanted no matter what. Isn't wasn't until the recent hospitalization of his father that he developed a reckless abandon for his life. Now he had no fear of dying, and would do anything in his power to get what he wanted. Even if that meant dying, in the end he won either way. AvrĂŠci looks down on people like they're scum, he thinks the majority of the human race is stupid. Whores, theives, killers, the lot of them. He finds it almost ironic that he ended up that way, even after growing up despising it. But he needed to, his father needed the money for recovery. Along with his stubbornness, AvrĂŠci oddly remains quiet in most situations. When it does come time for him to open his mouth, the words are almost always laced thick with hatred and venom. He doesn't like yelling, he finds it rather uncivilized. But if people are really that stupid, he won't hesitate.

He has an absolute adoration for his father. He looks up to him and tries to do everything and anything to make him proud. But now his father is on his deathbed, and AvrĂŠci is desperate for getting him back on his feet. It's definitely a soft spot for him, and the mere mention of his father that is negative will enrage him to no extent.

His hospitalized father. Conduit also recently became friends with both The Doctor and September.


This is the first interaction between Conduit and September.

September: The third Tuesday of the month.

It wasn’t as though there was anything special about the day, mind, though she’d been told she was born on a Tuesday. The fact that this had nearly been her middle name was a little bit horrifying, actually. Still, that wasn’t the reason she’d wound up coming to the clinic on the day. It had simply been the freest in Virgil’s schedule, and she supposed that regrowing muscle from almost nothing must require hefty exertion.

She was still trying to figure out how to repay him, for she didn’t believe in taking charity. For now, though, this was only distantly on her mind, as she was absorbed in some reading she’d borrowed from the library. She’d be through the book in a few minutes, tops, but at least it was interesting.

She heard the door, and September looked up from her position hunched over in her wheelchair, blinking her eyes against the light as an unfamiliar figure entered the place. He was masked, which she found most unusual. Usually, people didn’t go around broadcasting the fact that they had something to hide, but apparently this one was willing to risk it.

Conduit: Conduit had actually not been travelling out in public, but rather through the power lines that ran through the streets, alleys, and buildings. He had surfaced from an outlet located outside the building, in this particular instance. He had been late because the travel took everything out of him, so he lay were he surfaced and caught his breath.

As he walked in through the door, his eyes fell upon a woman that sit in a wheelchair. Her facial expression appeared slightly bewildred, and a slight grin spead cross his face under that mask. He assumed Virgil had been busy with another person because of this woman sitting out, so he took a seat opposite of her, remaining silent for a few moments.

There was something else about her that struck him, though. Her eyes. They appealed to him in an odd way and he felt himself getting lost in them. They were beautiful and unlike any other eyes he had seen, but he couldn't place. He shook his head and cleared his throat, realizing that it must of seemed that he was staring at her, even behind a mask.


September: September was not the sort of person easily made uncomfortable, and so this masked man (for by the frame, she judged the figure to be a man) was more an object of curiosity to her than one of wariness or fear. From whom or what was he hiding so fiercely that he was willing to tell the rest of the world that he was hiding?

Closing the book on her lap (it could wait), she tilted her head slightly to one side and regarded this person steadily. She supposed he was probably doing the same, though it was a bit hard to tell. The greeting, so ordinary for all the oddity of the situation, almost struck her as funny, and she might have smiled, were she the sort.

As it was, she blinked slowly, then nodded. “And hello to you.” She supposed he must be new to the clinic, or else just in at an unusual time, but then she knew that Virgil cared for all types, so if there was any place she was going to run into someone interesting, it would probably be here. The rest of the places she went were ordinary as you please, mostly due to the fact that she tried to appear that way herself, at least to the degree of which she was even capable. As was her habit, she briefly considered skimming his mind for surface thoughts, but checked the inclination. Surely that would be rude, and she had no real reason to do it besides.

Conduit: Conduit couldn't help but get lost in her eyes again, so to speak. They were intriguing to him. And then she replied, with curt nod and a hello. He tried to process where to go from that, but thoughts failed to come to him. He was still exhausted from his most recent travel. And so he sat there, silent once more. His eyes scanned the area before resting on the girl again, and then moving down to the wheelchair.

He noted how frail she looked, like paper. And wasn't surprised to see her in a wheelchair. But how it had happened made him curious. What if somebody had done this to her? Sure the Doctor could help her, but who would make sure those men got what they deserve? He quickly shook the thoughts from his head though. He didn't like them, vengence wasn't right nor just. And he was unjust enough just to help his father recover. He soon gathered himself from this thoughts and looked at her again, nodding towards the wheelchair she sat in.

"If you don't mind me asking. But what particularly landed you in that chair?"

September: The question caught her off-guard; it was not one that most people were bold enough to ask. The very fact that he’d brought it up at all was interesting, and for that reason alone, she decided she would answer it. Lying was not a forte of September’s, but simply refusing to speak came easily enough.

“It’s a genetic condition,” she explained. “Muscular Dystrophy, to be precise. My body essentially eats itself.” She shrugged lightly, as if it were much less significant than it actually was. “Virgil regrows my muscles from time to time, but you can’t cure a faulty genetic code.” Her tone was dry, clinical; on some level, though, she was paying very close attention to his reaction.

She didn’t much care for pity- to her, it was entirely useless. What good did it do her or anyone else if the other person felt bad about the state of her? It fixed nothing, and may actually have some adverse effect on them, however negligible. “What are you here for?” She wasn’t certain she expected an answer; his malady was far less obvious than hers, whatever it was. He sat very straight, with good posture, not in the slumping or tired way of someone afflicted by any condition she knew of. Which meant that, if he wished, it was his secret to keep.

Conduit: “Muscular Dystrophy." He repeated, frowning under his mask. His eyes cast downwards, and he sighed. "Just like my father." he murmured, raising his head to look at her. "I know what it does." his voice was almost equally dry, and it offered no pity. Only hints of pain.

"I'm here for Virgil. Just like yourself. I'm not injured, though. Just beyond physical exhustion. It's not fun. That, and I needed somebody to speak to. I'm on my own." He answered, reaching a hand up to rub his temples before grasping the mask and pulling off of his face. His blue eyes moved to meet hers. His weren't as magnificant, but they were still beautiful. The built up pain only made them all the more appealing.

"I'm Conduit."

September: His father was it? An extraordinary case, to have survived this long. MD usually took people in less than three decades, but it would seem that there were those who had survived longer still. Perhaps it was Virgil’s work, perhaps it was luck or something else. Either way, she simply nodded. “I see
” she murmured softly.

She wondered what he did that he was so exhausted. She hadn’t really been aware that the doctor professed to offer his patients any form of psychological assistance, though frankly even if she had, it was not something she would have utilized. She’d been living with her particular
 ailments for long enough that she could usually manage without much difficulty on her own. Or maybe it was just her pride.

The removal of the mask was not something she had expected, and a brief moment of surprise flashed over her normally-impassive features. He had an aristocratic face, though there was a drawn look to it, as if he were just as weary as he said. She read something in his eyes that was very familiar, and a humorless smile twisted her lips. September wasn’t normally one to put much stock in that “windows to the soul” theory, but damned if she didn’t see something just a bit similar to that look whenever she glanced into a reflective surface. Old pain.

“My name is September,” she offered nonchalantly. People usually did that in conversations with strangers, didn’t they? Perhaps not; she wasn’t exactly in her element here, so to speak.

Conduit: Conduit was about to open his mouth to say something before Virgil entered and glanced between the two, eyes stopping on September. "September. I'll be with you now." was all he said, before giving a nod to Conduit and turning to walk away. "I'll see you later then, September." He said, giving her a nod and a wink before putting his mask back on and falling silent.

This is the first interaction between Pulse and Conduit.

Conduit: AvrĂŠci had been bounding through power lines again, a bit short on the required energy for this form of travel. He'd need to remind himself to absorb some more next time he had the chance. He was heading towards the hospital, off to see his father. He wore a buisiness suit. Black tie and all. He was a lot more short on energy than he thought though, for he soon came to an alley and ran out, propelling off of the line into the brick wall of it, blowing a transformer on a nearby pole and causing all nearby power to go out.

As he sat in the alley, electricity arced from him, bounding along the walls and gravel ground. As his energy depleted, a large electromagnetic disturbance shot out, acting as a sort of EMP for eletronic devices and drawing magnetic objects towards him. He rubbed the back of his head, taking deep breaths.


Pulse: It was dark out. Kat's sense of time placed the hour at about nine-thirty, so the night was still young. Not a crime in sight thus far, which was rather unusual, but welcome. As she made her way though the alleyways, she heard an unusual crash, and the area darkened as the power went out. Interest piqued, she followed the alleyways to the source of the noise.

Rounding a corner, she looked on at what would possibly be the most interesting thing all night. A man sat against a wall at the end of the alley, and what looked like raw electricity shot out of him and bounced off walls. Her mind immediately formed two words: ‘hero’ and ‘villain’. She started towards him, speaking as she went.

“Who are you? Explain yourself.”

Conduit: AvrĂŠci barely managed to lift his head to look at the woman who approached him. Here he was, with no energy, and getting advanced on. He could only offer up a weak point to the blown out transformer on the nearby power pole. "No energy, it depleted. Caused this whole mess." he explained, getting to his feet and taking deep breaths. He managed a grin and held out his hand to the woman.

"I'm AvrĂŠci. And you?"

Pulse: “Pulse.” Kat’s voice though the mask was a low growl, the voice she used to hide her identity. She approached the man as he stood up, grinning oddly, as if he weren’t emitting electricity. He held his hand out to shake, but she did not take it, instead just looking at it awkwardly.

“You were...sparking there. Your power?” She dared not come closer than a few feet.

Conduit: "Powers." He corrected, lowering his hand. "I wasn't sparking either the transformer there's sparks were going into me." He placed his hands in his pockets and looked around the alley, noting the askew metal trashcans. He turned his head back to the woman, blue eyes observing the mask. "Pulse, huh? Judging by you not trying to kill me right away, I'd say your a Hero." He smiled and winked.


Pulse: “Should I have a reason to kill you?” An edge formed in her voice that demanded truth. She looked to the transformer that blew, wondering at what exactly his powers allowed. She was still wondering what side he was on, if any, but was unsure how to pose the question. She decided to follow his footsteps.

“Right wrongs. Exact justice. Save cats on slow nights. If that makes a hero, we must live in depressing world.” She turned her gaze back to him. “Again. Should I have reason to kill you?”

Conduit: He chuckled as the edge formed in her voice, shaking his head. "A reason to kill me? That all depends on what you think is a valid reason to die. I do not lie, do not cheat, do not maim, do not kill, do not adulter." He said, raising a finger for each thing he listed. "I was on my way to see my father in the hospital. He's dying, and I'm afraid he doesn't have much time left." he said, looking down for a moment before bringing them back up to her mask.

"You know, they say if you give a man a mask, he will not tell a lie. Shall we test it out?" He said as he produced his mask from his pocket, putting it on. The black markings meant the crimson hearts, and he placed his hands once more in his pockets, a hand toying with an electrical barrier cylinder. He'd need it if she decided to try anything. "Go ahead, ask me again."

Pulse: The man put on his mask. The lightning bolts confirmed it; he likely had power over electricity, but to what extent, she did not know. He spoke as if it somehow prevented him from lying. Was not born yesterday. Have still seen face. Principle doesn’t apply. She shook her head lightly.

“You skipped stealing. Stealing is crime.” The edge in her voice became more apparent. She readied herself for a fight, but would not instigate. She figured she could break both of his hands before he did anything drastic. Thieves generally learn after that.

Conduit: "That's because I said I am not a liar. If I said I'm not a thief, I'd be lying. That's no good." he said, breaking the cylinder into three parts in his pocket. The only energy he had left to convert was now being made into kinetic, as Conduit charged up the respective pieces and set it up. The heightened speed made it seem like an electrical barrier had been put up out of nowhere. He was now slightly exhausted again, but he backed up on the other side of the barrier.

"Look, Pulse. I still had energy left and I didn't do any harm to you. There isn't just black and white, there's always an in between. You'll learn to know that one day." he called to her, turning to walk out of the alley but pausing once more and turning back. "They call me Conduit." he said, giving a mock bow and turning once more.


Electric Manipulation - Conduit has the ability to control, generate, and absorb electric fields. He uses this power mostly to absorb the electricity from anything within a three block radius, cutting off all power and storing it within himself. It can also be dispelled from his body like lightning.

Energy Conversion - Conduit is able to convert the stored of electric energy within himself to any other form of energy. He generally converts the electric energy to release electromagnetic radiation, which can be expelled as either heat or light. It can also be used to attract nearby things that are magnetic. He can also use this to convert it to kinetic energy to speed himself up significantly whilst using Electrical Transportation.

Electrical Transportation - Conduit has the power to travel through electrical conduits such as power lines, electrical poles, and telephone lines. He can also enter through electronic devices such as televisions and computers.

Conduit has a particular liking to both inventing and taking things apart. Although he only has one successful invention.
Electrical Barrier - This is a three-part device invented by Conduit. It's appearance is cylindrical, with the two end pieces being able to be taken off of the middle piece. The end pieces are placed on either wall in a narrow space such as alley ways or hall ways. They are charged by Conduit upon placing and a long, durable piece of cooper wire inside of each uncoils. Shooting out and lodging both ends in the ground and anything else it can. These copper wires are now electromagnetically charged and have a strong electromagnetic field. The middle piece is also charged a dropped by Conduit, which then explodes and uncoils the same copper wire inside, resulting in the wire being attracted to both conduits and leaving a sizable web of electrically charged copper wire. It is used mainly for quick escape from those chasing him, and he carries at least five on his person at a time.

Conduit mainly uses his power and equipment as means for a defensive escape. No matter how much disgust he has for people, he doesn't want to kill them. So he dumbs down release, and mainly knocks out those get in his way. He is skilled in getting over and around obstacles in haste. He is good at getting into a place because of his power, as most areas have a power line running through it.

Conduit's powers take a lot of energy out of him. It takes a great amount of effort to convert, absorb, and expel energy. Especially when traveling across conduits. Usually once his escape is made and he is safe, he undergoes a great physical exhaustion. Conduit particularly hates the mud both because it is disgusting and it suppresses his ability to conduct electricity, resulting in it storing up inside of him for too long. It is not good even for his superhuman body to have that much energy stored up for too long. If he were to keep it stored up for more than a day, at least. He'd die.


Conduit lives in a upper-middle class apartment building. He has an utter obsession with keeping it clean, and it has a modern look to it. Sleek, stainless steel furniture and such. Conduit doesn't have another building for his equipment because he doesn't have much equipment. Though, there is a room which he uses as a work station for his inventions, most being failed besides the Electrical Barrier.

AvrĂŠci first became aware of his powers when he was young, about the age of six. He was tampering with a lightbulb and as he moved his hand close to it it would dull, and the brighten again once his hand was pulled away. He continuted to do so over the course of a week, his childish curiosity getting the best of em. He soon found that he could completely kill the light, and then power it back up again by touching it. As he grew over, he further developed his powers. In high school, he used it a lot to get into the school records terminal and alter his grades. He didn't actually decide to use it for anything other than petty tricks until the age of 24, when his father was hospitalized with a terminal disease. Since then, Conduit has been give rise and is a very well known villain around the city. All of his robberies are a way of affording treatment for his father. Whom is hospitalized for both Muscular Dystrophy and Lung Cancer.

AvrĂŠci has no current job, and rides on the spare cash he has left over after paying for his father's treatment. Though, he lies to his father in his state of dementia and says he is the CEO of a large company.

So begins...

Avr??ci Venris's Story