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Born from Rubble

Born from Rubble


When three superhumans find themselves running west towards freedom, three humans must push themselves to the limit in order to help them escape. Even if it means losing everything.

3,085 readers have visited Born from Rubble since nations created it.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - born from
- - - - - - - - - r u b b l e

within every form of opression lies the seeds of liberation.
susie orbach- - - - - - -

Superhumans, the fantasized pinnacle of human soldiers, has always been a dream of the governments of every nation across time. Now, thanks to Project S, superhumans are finally a reality. But their lives are anything but a dream.

Born as genetically-modified fetuses in incubators, these superhumans have lived their whole lives in captivity, training to master their powers and become the perfect weapon.

Constrained to a government base, no superhuman has ever seen the light of day. Until now.

i m p e r f e c t // s o l d i e r s

All that the superhumans have ever known are the white walls and employees of Area 53, a secret United States government base located in Nevada.

Superhumans are born in small "batches" every year but, due to the intensive training and the frequent power-related deaths, most superhumans do not live past twenty-five. They have no knowledge of their biological parents -they do not even know that is possible- and they go both by both a serial number and a full human name assigned to them. Contrary to what one might believe, due to the many war and death videos these mutants have to live through, most superhumans are not blood-thirsty psychopaths desensitized to death. Rather, superhumans often live in fear of their own powers because they all have seen what happens when someone loses full control of their abilities. It just happens way too often.

t a s t e // o f // f r e e d o m

For some reason, whether it be innate or not, superhumans have always wondered if there is a life outside of Area 53. But none have ever dared to try and leave.

So, when three superhumans are secretly approached by a scientist and offered a taste of freedom, they agree. The three are given backpacks with sufficient money and the bare necessities and told to travel west to a location where they will find a ship that will take them somewhere safe where they will be free. They have a three-day window before the system realizes they are gone and so they began walking, not knowing where they are apart from knowing that they are going west.

After traveling the whole night, they come across the small town of Wesley, where they meet the three humans that will join them in this dangerous journey to freedom. With the government willing to do anything in order to prevent the world from knowing about Project S, the six will have to do anything in order to stay alive.

t h e // r u l e s

✖ Above all, follow RPG rules.
✖ Please use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
✖ There is no post length minimum but try to keep it above 300 words. Also, one-liners will not be accepted.
✖ This is a mature roleplay, so please be okay with that before joining (not that there will be a lot of graphic stuff).
✖ We hope this will be a long-term roleplay, so please do not join and disappear.
✖ We are only accepting one more roleplaying partner, meaning that whoever joins will need to take up one male and one female.
✖ No Mary Sues/Gary Stuts/Perfect Characters. This means that every character will have strengths and weaknesses (and please be fairly even with them). Furthermore, superhumans have very little control over their powers and their powers are not super strong.
✖ We will mostly be communicating through Discord (a safe chat made for gamers/roleplayers) because it's much faster, but please let us know if you can't/don't feel comfortable.
✖ Only super humans will have powers and not every power will be accepted. Please keep these things in mind when reserving/making your superhuman: 1. no shapeshifting/powers that require large body modifications (characters will probably use them in public at least once, even if by mistake, and they can't be blatantly obvious) or plant/animal manipulation (remember the powers are meant to fight wars) 2. no powers that will manipulate/control other characters (like mind-reading, affecting emotions, etc.) 3. only one power per superhuman (so, for example, they can't fly and make other things fly).
✖ When reserving the characters, please give put the names, ages (17-24), faceclaims (only real ones, please make sure they look around their age, and try to have underused/diverse fcs), 250x250 icons of characters, and hex codes of your character along with your superhuman's power. Also, please take a moment to the section of "on diversity" here, just scroll down.
✖ I will be providing a CS for humans and superhumans in the OOC, but you are free to use your own as long as they have the information (can have more).

t h e // c h a r a c t e r s

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Faceclaim: Froy Gutierrez
Role: Superhuman 1
Power: Telekinesis
Hexcode: #FA9A50
Taken by nations

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Faceclaim: Alisha Boe
Role: Superhuman 2
Power: Photokinesis
Hexcode: #821B17
Taken by Korruption


Age: 22
Gender: Female
Faceclaim: Selena Gomez
Role: Human 1
Hexcode: #A5435C
Taken by nations

Age: 18-26
Gender: Male
Faceclaim: Cody Christian
Role: Human 2
Hexcode: #132845
Taken by Korruption

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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#, as written by nations
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dialogue - #708090

- dante alighieri, inferno

Dante had never seen stars before and, as he sat out in the middle of the desert, he looked up with eyes full of wonder. He took a deep breath of the sandy desert air that surrounded him and gripped on to the handles of the backpack he had been given. Dante had always known that there was life outside of Area 53, but he had only been told of the chaos and havoc wreaked by war, of dirt-filled air as guns blasted off, and of the rivers of created by the blood of fallen enemies. He had never imagined the outside world to be so... still.

But despite this lack of knowledge, Dante had not hesitated when he was approached with the opportunity to escape. Every muscle in had him told him to run away, that it was only a test to see if it was loyal. But his brain reminded him of the pain he had already endured-- he could live through any more punishment if it turned out to be a test, but he would not be able to live with the knowledge that he could've given up his only opportunity to leave that wretched place.

His lips were already parched, but he had been warned to use the resources wisely. The closest town was several miles away. Lowering his eyes from the sky, the little white lights imprinted in his sight, Dante looked back towards where he had exited from. It was a door, already partially covered by the blown sand. The woman said she would come back with the other superhuman and send them on their way. He felt his palms sweating. It had been a while-- or at least it had felt like a really long time.

The other two finally emerged a few minutes later and Dante, who had been sitting down, sprung up into a stand, grains of sand sliding down his clothes.

"This is the map, just keep heading west and you’ll find the place marked on the map. The address is on the back, don’t let anyone get a hold of this," the scientist said, her eyes flashing back towards the close she had left ajar. "You’ll have a three-day window before they notice you’re gone."

Dante looked into the lady’s dark eyes. So this was really happening. She had never worked with him before so he wondered what had prompted her to help him. After a brief moment, the scientist nodded her head, "Good luck. Please send help once you find them."

With that, the scientist turned around and went back into the whole. Dante gulped and looked around, into the nothingness before turning back to the other superhuman. Like with the scientist, Dante did not really know her. But they had been left to the mercy of each other. He gave her a brief smile and added, "Dante," before he motioned for them to go and started walking towards where the scientist had pointed.


They had been walking for almost two hours. Dante had not said much since then and, every so often, he looked back over his shoulder. He couldn’t get it out of his mind that perhaps this would all end up being a trap. But he was here, breathing the hot air and watching the endless horizon.

The two had begun to see the first lights of civilization around fifteen minutes ago. Dante had been a little hesitant. Surely they couldn’t be in enemy territory, or else the scientist would have warned them, right? As they came up close enough, the red neon sign became readable. Diner.

Dante had never heard of this particular word but, as they came closer, he saw chairs and tables. And what seemed like people eating. It’s probably like a restaurant, he thought and looked over at Elena. "I guess we should go in? Maybe someone can tell us how to get to our destination."

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dialogue - #A5435C

- imagine dragons, it's time

The dinner was almost empty, the open sign outside flickering off and on. Natalia looked down at her watch. 1:32. She had been assigned night shifts ever since she started her vocal classes outside of the town and the new schedule was killing her. Leaning against the counter, she watched the few souls that were eating pancakes and sausages so late at night— or so early in the day, depending on how you saw it. A few were town faces but most of the people who stopped by this late were travelers or truckers stopping in a small town in the middle of nowhere to rest.

"Order for table ten," she heard from the back counter. With a soft sigh, Natalia pulled herself up and went to get the food, bringing the coffee along. Her black boots tapped against the wooden floor, matching her all-black outfit. She was a dark wave walking towards the booth on the other side of the dinner. Her eyes flickered outside, where a few lights lit the almost-empty parking lot and dirt ground beyond.

Her makeup was still intact, somehow, but close enough it was easy to see the exhaustion in her dark eyes.

Putting down the food on the white table, Natalia smiled as she had learned to do. "Need anything else, darling?" she said. "The coffee s fresh."

Half an hour more, she reminded herself, that being the only reassuring thought passing through her mind.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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elena araya

age: seventeen xxxrole: superhuman #2
power: photokinesis (light manipulation)
faceclaim: alisha boe xxxhexcode: #821B17
Elena trailed after the scientist as the pair traveled silently through Area 53. The short brunette had never been overly idealistic. She never expected to be given an opportunity such as this one. Sure, she was known as the rebel in Area 53. Naturally defiant, overly impatient, and frighteningly reckless, Elena either scared the others or was mocked by them for her stupidity. No, she wasn't idealistic, but Elena strove for freedom more than anybody else.

When Elena was first handed an opportunity for freedom, she was a bit skeptical. After all, she was a superhuman, born and raised in Area 53. It was only natural to be suspicious of a chance for freedom.

But Elena knew how insightful and perceptive she could be, despite her rebellious attitude. She wasn't necessarily a genius, but she was clever and had a reliable gut instinct. The scientist who approached her - Elena was familiar with her. From what Lena had heard, the woman's name was Aisling Wouters. Aisling was a tall woman, almost nine full inches taller than Elena herself. She was pretty in a silently intimidating, yet quietly kind sort of way. Her features were easily recognizable, with pronounced cheekbones, full lips, and deep-set eyes that were a similar shade to Lena's own pupils. Aisling had straight, shiny, and long black hair she always wore into a high ponytail, along with a tan complexion. Elena had never seen her without eye makeup or lip gloss.

Aisling had worked with Elena for quite some time. Yes, Lena was familiar with her, but with the other woman as a scientist, the two definitely weren't close.

"Why are you helping me?" Lena asked the taller woman quietly so she wouldn't bring any outside attention to herself. Aisling barely spared her a glance. When the scientist still hadn't responded after ten seconds, Elena rolled her eyes and refrained from grumbling. As she did so, Aisling's crystal voice broke the silence as she quietly murmured an answer.

"I have my reasons," Elena raised an eyebrow, disappointed with the response, but she didn't pry any further. From what she had seen over the years, Aisling was a reserved yet intelligent scientist, with an indomitable will.

Eventually, the two entered the desert, Aisling silently walking forward as Elena stared in eager awe at the night sky. She, like any other superhuman, had never seen stars before. They were like shimmery silver specks, some larger than others, dotting a sheet of darkness. The moon was almost completely round, Elena noted, as she stared at the pale gray orb, completely entranced.

Finally, Lena caught sight of a brunette boy as he shot up to meet the two approaching him. He was probably only three or four inches taller than her, and perhaps around her age, or a couple years older. Like Lena, the other superhuman had freckles, but both his skin tone and hair color were quite a bit lighter than hers.

"This is the map," Aisling began to speak. "Just keep heading west and you’ll find the place marked on the map. The address is on the back, don’t let anyone get a hold of this." The scientist's eyes flashed. "You’ll have a three-day window before they notice you’re gone."

There was a brief moment of silence before Aisling spoke again. "Good luck," she said. "Please send help once you find them."

After that, the tall woman went back to where she came from. The other superhuman visibly gulped before turning to Elena. He offered her a small smile. "Dante," he introduced himself briefly.

"Elena Araya," Lena stated. "The name they gave me is strange; without my middle name, the tones sound all wrong. Call me Lena if Elena is too much for you." She nodded briskly and the two of them quickly started walking towards their life of freedom.


The two superhumans have been walking for approximately two hours, Elena calculated wearily. She first caught sight of the lights of the city a little over fifteen minutes ago; for that, she was thankful. The endless desert was strangely unnerving.

As she and Dante approached a flickering red sign that read Diner, the latter turned to Lena, finally speaking for the first time in hours. She didn't know how he could be so quiet. Elena had been the one making small talk the entire time.

"I guess we should go in?" Dante asked. "Maybe someone can tell us how to get to our destination."

"Sure," Lena responded. She peered through the window discreetly. She nodded her head briskly at a brunette man about Dante's height sipping at a hot drink. He looked a couple years older than Elena and Dante, and had a strangely approachable presence, despite his muscular figure.

"Let's ask him," Elena proposed. "He seems like the overly helpful type who can't turn down two lost souls. Trust me, I have really good intuition."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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0.00 INK


avery jaeger

age: twenty-one xxxrole: human #2
faceclaim: cody christian .hexcode: #132845
Avery sighed, running a hand through his brunette hair. He was grateful to be accepted into his dream college, especially since he managed it in some very rocky times, but seriously, it could be a pain in the ass.

Verifying his second set of math problems, Avery satisfyingly moved to his next set. Anyone who knew Avery would know that he hated to hear himself complain - he thought it was selfish. He was always known as the "saint" among his friends, always open-minded, and never giving a single thought about his own well-being. His stepsister Louise told him that he was so self-deprecating it was a problem. Avery never saw anything wrong in being selfless, but Louise was always the ruthlessly realistic one. She said his willingness to help others and throw all concerns for himself away was going to be his downfall. Avery had learned to trust Louise's occasional two cents over the years as her stepbrother - her advice was the equivalent to gold.

Avery twirled his pencil as he sighed, staring down at his homework. Technically, it was his vacation, but he wanted to get ahead of the game. If he completed the amount of work he had set out for himself, Avery would get a - mainly - stress-free fortnight of college.

The sound of his food being set down brought Avery back to the present. The brunette lifted his head, the scent of coffee wafting up his nose. "Need anything else, darling?" the waitress asked kindly, smiling as she did so. "The coffee's fresh."

Avery smiled back in return. "No, thank you," he responded. "I think I'm good. Thank you for the food, though."

After the waitress left, Avery continued his equations in his recognizably neat handwriting. His friends had joked that he could write out an entire essay in black ink and no one would be able to tell the difference between his copy and a printed version. Avery had simply smiled and nodded - he knew how neat his handwriting was, but he didn't want to brag.

At one point, Avery had curiously glanced out the diner window to see a pair of brunettes, their gazes lingering on him for a split nanosecond before they turned to each other to converse. The boy was about eighteen or nineteen, with freckled skin, light eyes, and a height only about one or two inches shy of Avery's own stature. The girl, on the other hand, was around a couple years younger, with darker skin and eyes like obsidian. Compared to the boy, she was talking quite animatedly.

Turning back to his math problems, Avery took a long sip of his coffee before continuing to work on his equations. Things had gotten quite repetitive. Almost like the town around him; Avery certainly didn't dislike Wesley, but the small town was admittedly a bit dull compared to big cities like New York or Tokyo. Not that Avery was complaining; he wasn't the biggest fan of drama, and did enjoy the quaint little town.

(Of course, a little taste of excitement once in a while couldn't possibly hurt.)

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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#, as written by nations
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dialogue - #708090

- dante alighieri, inferno

Dante looked at the young man that Elena had pinpointed through the open windows of the diner. He was focusing on a piece of paper on the table when a young woman walked up to him with plates of food in hand. At the sigh of food, Dante felt his stomach twist. He wasn't hungry at the moment, really, but he could tell that his body would be craving food soon. It wasn't an unknown feeling for him, but knowing that they had food that wasn't like Area 53's right in front of them was tempting enough for him to consider taking a little money out of their stash to treat themselves to some food. But that would get them nowhere further from Area 53 so he nodded and started to walk to the diner with Elena.

Before they got there, he took out the map and looked at it with the light from the outside light. The city San Francisco was circled in blue ink. They had been taught how to read maps, but the problem was there was no way to get there by foot on time.

Upon opening the door, a little bell rang above. Dante's eyes flitted up, his body tensing for a moment until he saw where the sound came from. With a small sigh, he stepped inside, waiting for Elena to pass through. As the two walked past the tables, Dante looked around at the scarce faces inside of the diner. What if a scientist was out here and saw them? The thought couldn't help but make him worry. He was ready to do whatever in order to get away from that if the moment came, he was sure, but in a public place like this... he wasn't sure how well the mix between rage and uncontrolled powers would turn out. Superhumans knew not everyone was like them, but even though the scientists hadn't told them, Dante was sure that the world didn't know about them, or else they wouldn't have been so secluded from the outside.

The walk to the table wasn't more than a few meters away from the door, but it felt like an eternity. When they finally came up, Dante took a second to look down at the young man and gather his thoughts. He knew the two would have to probably be very nice and very careful in respect to what they told this young man, if they wanted to learn how to get to their destination. But Dante didn't want to say where specifically either since he was worried they would trace them.

"Excuse us," he said after a second, to get the stranger's attention, "Hi, sorry to bother you, but we're traveling and we were wondering if there was any way to... catch a ride west around here. Hopefully tonight."

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dialogue - #A5435C

- imagine dragons, it's time

[justify]Natalia had gone back to the back counter to get a few seconds of sitting down, not seeing any other customers calling for her help right away. Her eyes turned towards the door when she heard the familiar bell sound. So close to her shift ending, a new customer meant serving but no tip since the next employee would probably come in before them finishing. Natalia frowned slightly at the boy's reaction to the bell and was getting two more menus from next the cash register when she saw them walk up to the table she had just served. She was about to walk towards them when she saw a man at the table next to theirs raise his hand and call for more coffee. With a small nod, Natalia took the coffee with her other hand and walked towards the older man first, seeing that the two new people hadn't sat down right away.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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0.00 INK


avery jaeger

age: twenty-one xxxrole: human #2
faceclaim: cody christian .hexcode: #132845
Avery's gaze automatically flickered over to the doorway at the innocent jingle of the diner's slightly rusted bell. The sound had made the man coming in tense up. He relaxed slightly, entering the diner and holding open the door to let in his female companion.

Those two are the ones I noticed outside, Avery mused to himself before returning his attention to his work. He continued writing his equation in neat, orderly rows, paying no heed to the two newcomers.

However, that changed quickly. Avery could sense the two approaching his table - their footsteps were actually surprisingly light. Avery continued writing his equations, only lifting his head when the duo stopped directly in front of the table. The college student smiled politely, wondering why they had come to his table, and not anybody else's.

"Excuse us," the taller of the two said after a short moment of slightly awkward silence. "Hi, sorry to bother you, but we're traveling and we were wondering if there was any way to...catch a ride west around here. Hopefully tonight."

Furrowing a brow, Avery responded amiably, "You didn't bother me at all. In response to your question, you could always catch a cab." Avery frowned, catching his mistake. "But then again, cabs aren't all that common in this particular area." Avery took note of the two's bags. "How did you get here anyway? By airplane, by car?" Avery didn't mention it, but he thought either was highly unlikely, given the fact that the two had asked for a ride. "It doesn't look like you're carrying that much.

"If you want though," Avery continued. "You can call Uber or something. You have to have the app, though, and this is just a guess, but I'm assuming you haven't downloaded it?"

Avery certainly thought he was talking way too much at this point, but he wasn't going to leave these two travelers hanging and deny them any help. His stepsisters - and Calista - had always said that he was too helpful for his own good, that he was going to make things inconvenient for himself in order to make things convenient for someone else.

"You know, there are a lot of people who have drowned just to help someone else breath," Calista's voice sounded in Avery's head.

"Is it really worth it to sacrifice yourself for the sake of someone else?" Calista's voice was now replaced by Louise's. "It may sound absolutely horrendous to you, Avery Benjamin Jaeger, but your own life is worth more than anybody else's."

He loved his sisters and cherished their advice, but Avery had never been too good at saying no.

"Or," Avery said uncertainly after a few moments, "depending on where you want to go, I could drive you there." The girl furrowed a brow, clearly intrigued, pulling out a wallet.

"No charge," Avery said hurriedly, mentally hitting himself for refusing money. He was in college; he couldn't just give a couple strangers a ride to who knows where with no charge, but Avery's mouth clearly couldn't shut up. "Don't worry about the money."

Just as Avery thought that he had doomed himself for life, the girl with the wallet shook him out of his thoughts. "Listen," she said impatiently, reading over Avery's shoulder. The man was startled by her upfront demeanor. "Avery Jaeger, is it? Well, don't try to be so selfless all the time. Let me guess, you're one of those overly altruistic types who can't not help anybody and doesn't give a shit about himself? I have something to say to you about that. If you offer something, demand something equal in exchange. If you're going to drive us to where we want to go, then you better not turn down what we have to offer in return." Avery met the younger girl's steely gaze. "Got that?"

Avery wondered what the girl's companion had to say about this - if Avery wasn't so polite (or passive, as some would say), he would've called the girl rude.

Avery smiled softly, having yet to drop his politeness for a more casual exchange. "If it makes you more comfortable," Avery began, "then I won't stop you from giving me something in return. I would love to drive you, however, my car is currently at my house. Unless you find a better means of getting to your destination, you won't mind waiting a little bit, would you?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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0.00 INK

#, as written by nations
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dante & natalia
dialogue - #708090 | dialogue - #A5435C

A cab? Yes, Dante supposed traveling by land would do it, although one of those drones they were always told about in Area 51 sounded just perfect right about now.

The young man's question as to how they got there was, although something logical to ask in this situation, not something Dante was going to answer. By foot would be their sincere answer, but he was sure that would only raise more questions. Were they stranded? Where did they come from? The last thing he needed was to have to waste time coming up with lies that wouldn't backfire.

When the young man offered a ride, Dante raised an eyebrow in response. As long as no questions apart from destination were asked, it would work. Dante wouldn't be particularly thrilled about involving someone else into this mess of theirs, but then again, he valued his chance for freedom way too much. If they didn't get out, they might never see the light of the day ever again, if the government didn't just kill them right away.

Dante was about to accept the offer when Elena cut in. Dante frowned at the girl as she went off about altruism, wishing he had the powers to shut her up. To hell with her trying to teach this young man a lesson-- Dante wasn't trying to be mean, but what they needed at this moment was the generosity of someone considering they had limited money and Dante didn't know how much it would cost them to get to their destination fast. Now, who knows how much this girl thinking of paying him.

But they had no more options, he supposed. They needed to leave now.

It hadn't been hard for Natalia to overhear the conversation as she lingered on a table nearby, passing the wet cloth over the shiny surface more than once. She hadn't meant to overhear at first and, really, she had not been very interested in what the two newcomers had to say. Some stupid runaway teenagers trying to rebel, she had supposed, but as soon as money was mentioned, her interest had peaked. Money was always tight around the house, even without her grandmother around anymore, and her classes had just increased their price per session.

Looking out towards the window, she spotted her car parked. She was almost at the end of her shift -and ringing out fifteen minutes early and losing four dollars was nothing if they were going to pay good-, no classes the next day, and some gas still left in her tank. The idea of just having to drive these two brats if it meant money was involved was heaven to her ears.

With that, she put away the rag and came over to the table, placing -well, basically slapping down- the two menus she held on the table. "I heard you need a ride?" she asked, not even feeling ashamed of them knowing she was overhearing. "I got my car out here. Some gas still left to run it. How much money are we talking about here?" she asked, her fiery eyes meeting the girl's, a smile poised on her lips.

Dante internally groaned. If Elena had just kept quiet and accepted the help... Now they had someone else breathing down their backs about it-- and this girl had the audacity to just interrupt them. Dante couldn't help but think that the young woman would end up being more problematic than the passive-looking guy, just by the way she had approached them.

"No, thanks," Dante grumbled, frowning slightly. Plus, she looked like the type that was ready to fight for a higher payment.

It seemed like that small response set her off. The smile didn't waver but there she was clearly displeased by the look in her dark eyes.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm going to need you to sit down and order something," Natalia said, motioning towards the menus she had put down, "Or leave. I don't want you bothering my customers while they work."

Dante frowned, "We'll be leaving in a minute," he said, before turning back to Avery.

Beyond the window, his eyes caught sight of the dry scenery outside, where a man was making his way to the diner. Dante wasn't one to forget faces and his eyes widened as he saw a face he recognized. It wasn't a recognized face. But would he remember? Dante's gray eyes flickered to Elena, a hint of worry flashing in them. Would he remember her? There were two chances for this man to remember them and, worse case scenario, immediately stop and report them. Dante knew they always carried devices and he wasn't sure if they carried them outside of Area 53. They couldn't take that risk.

"We need to head out now," Dante said, looking down at Avery and grabbing Elena's wrist, hoping that it made the point or that she at least saw the man beyond. "Remember we're expected to be there."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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elena araya & avery jaeger






age: seventeenxxxrole: superhuman
power: photokinesis
fc: alisha boe xxxhex: #821B17








age: twentyxxxrole: human
occupation: college student
fc: cody christian xxxhex: #132845




Elena could tell that Dante wasn't very happy about the fact that she was berating Avery Jaeger about money. Yes, Lena knew it wasn't exactly a helpful choice, considering that the two runaway superhumans actually needed someone to be overly generous, but Lena couldn't stand the fact that this human was cheating himself.

Lena raised an eyebrow when a waitress suddenly came over and unabashedly slammed two of the diner's menus on the table. "I heard you need a ride?" the waitress prompted boldly. Talk about audacity. "I got my car out here. Some gas still left to run it. How much money are we talking about here?" the woman lifted her eyes to meet Elena's, her confidence unwavering.

Elena was about to address the waitress when her dear partner-in-crime interrupted them. "No, thanks," Dante grumbled, a stark contrast to his attitude earlier in the night. The waitress' expression didn't change, but Elena noted the dark look in the woman's eyes that meant she wasn't too happy with Dante's response.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm going to need you to sit down and order something," the waitress said, gesturing towards the menus she had placed on the table earlier, "or leave. I don't want you bothering my customers while they work."

Dante frowned, responding to the woman. "We'll be leaving in a minute."

Meanwhile, as Dante turned to Avery, Elena let her gaze wander around the diner, forcing herself not to stiffen up when she turned her gaze to the night.

Oh shit, that was the only thought on Lena's mind as her gaze landed on two people she was not happy to see.

Most superhumans couldn't put a name on any of the scientists, but they definitely could recognize them, and Lena was no different. She was pretty sure that the two approaching the diner hated her beyond measure.

"We need to head out now," Dante said, looking down at Avery and grabbing Elena's wrist, hoping that it made the point or that she at least saw the man beyond. "Remember we're expected to be there."

Elena nodded, turned to the waitress. "We'll take your offer," she said brightly, "as long as we can negotiate prices later." Elena turned her attention to Avery. "Wanna ride? Okay, great, come with us!"

Avery blinked. "Um, excuse me?" he was seriously not keeping up with the situation. "Thanks for your generosity, but I really don't need a ride."

"Well, I wasn't exactly offering. If Miss -" Elena glanced at the waitress' name tag "- Natalia over here can't afford to drive us, you wouldn't mind doing so, would you?"

"Well - of course I wouldn't mind -"

"Awesome. Let's go!"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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0.00 INK

#, as written by nations
Image.ImageImage Image

dante & natalia
dialogue - #708090 | dialogue - #A5435C

Natalia was about to leave, hearing a customer calling her from behind for more coffee, when she heard the young woman agree to her offer. She didn't like to agree to anything without knowing the pay prior to it, but that could always be arranged in the car before getting too far. "Great, let me get my bag," she said, turning around. Out of habit, she stopped at the other table and poured a cup of coffee. Yes, the couple looked like they needed to get going, but she was sure they could wait a second.

Date, on the other hand, knew that they definitely could not wait for the waitress to take her sweet time. The bell from above the door rung as the scientists stepped inside. It only took a flash second before he heard a call, "Hey! You two there, what are you doing out here?"

"Shit," Dante said through his teeth, letting go of Elena.

Dante looked down at Avery and reached over, grabbing the young man's wrist and pulling him out of the booth. Dante, of course, hadn't meant to do it as roughly, but the scientists were running towards them, their faces lit up in fury. "Yeah, we need go to-- now," he said.

Running, he went over to Natalia, who had stopped to look over at them with slight confusion. Dante ran up to her and pushed her along. "Watch it!" She shrieked, dropping the coffee. The glass container hit the ground with a loud noise and shattering.

Again, Dante wasn't exactly loving the commotion that had quickly surfaced, but they couldn't get caught. He made sure to drag Natalia along, ignoring the complaining costumer behind them. Not sure what was exactly going on but catching up quickly to the idea that the people running towards them were probably not the best, she said to the small group, "I need to get my keys," Natalia told Dante once they were in the kitchen, where a very confused chef froze, letting a beef patty burning. Dante nodded, slightly frustrated at the delay, as the scientists burst through the doors.

It would only be a minute, he told himself as he watched the two scientists come towards them. They didn’t have any weapons on them, but he was sure they had something up their sleeves.

Glancing over at Elena, he hoped that she was thinking the same thing as him. When a swing was thrown his way, Dante ducked under the arm and returned the blow with a punch to the stomach.

Out of breath, the scientist tumbled back. ”You-” the words didn’t have enough air or time to come out because Dante was already delivering another punch, this time to the face. He looked over to a table and saw a knife. He tried to get it to move, but the object remained there, unmoving. With a growl, Dante threw another punch.

Thankfully, superhumans were trained to engage in everything from physical combat to use of weapons. Unfortunately for them, the scientists weren’t clueless either. Dante had stopped being trained after the accident, but he still knew what to do.

Dante was delivering another punch, hoping to knock the scientist out, but it was blocked. The scientist threw his body forward, ramming his shoulder into Dante’s abdomen and wrapping his arms around Dante’s waist. The boy was lifted off the ground before slammed down onto the kitchen ground.

The backpack helped break the fall, but the air was still knocked out of his lungs. The scientist threw himself on top of Dante, slamming down his weight so that Dante couldn’t move. The scientist delivered a punch; Dante was able to deflect it, but it still hit his nose.

Moving his hips up, Dante tried to get the scientist off of him, but the man was too heavy.

Dante watched as the scientist swiftly reached into his pocket and pulled out a very familiar object. A short, silver tube. To a normal person, it could pass off as a retractable pen or even. However, Dante knew that an injection from its retractable needle would knock him out.

"No!” He said through his teeth.

Meanwhile, Natalia had already hurried out with her keys in hand. How could she have been so stupid? To get herself into a situation like this? When she heard loud noises coming from the kitchen, she hurried and ran outside. What she saw left her with eyes wide open. Her eyes flashed towards Dante who was down on the floor.

She was about to run towards with when she saw, much to her amazement, a knife cutting through the air and entering the scientist’s back. With a terrified gasp, Natalia took a step back and Dante pushed the man off.

Dante took the flash, putting it in his own pocket, before standing up. His gray eyes looked over at Natalia and then down at the bleeding scientist. He remembered the day he had hurt a scientist for the first time— the paralyzing fear and shock, and the pain that followed. He wasn’t sure if Natalia felt similar emotions, but they didn’t have time to think about that right now. He was glad to see that at least the cook had run out, at least, hopefully before seeing what he or possibly what Elena had done.

He turned to look over at the other scientist, hoping that Elena had dealt with them and they could get going.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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0.00 INK





superhuman - #821B17


human - #132845




"Great, let me get my bag," Natalia responded, agreeing to the offer. She stepped away, pouring coffee for a customer at a separate table. Elena felt the anxiety creeping up her arms, mentally urging the other woman to hurry up. As unnatural as it was for her, Elena didn't dare say anything out loud, in case it would compromise whether or not they would get a ride at all.

Elena registered someone opening the diner door, paying it no mind until she heard a shout. "Hey! You two there, what are you doing out here?"

"Shit," Dante cussed through his teeth, just as Elena muttered out a "fuck."

Avery stared at the two approaching men, his gaze traveling back to the two teenagers in confusion. He made a sharp noise of indignation when the teenage boy grabbed his wrist, effectively pulling Avery out of his seat.

"Yeah, we need go to - now," the boy emphasized the last word. He immediately started running towards the waitress.

"Hey - at least let me get my homework!" Avery exclaimed.

Elena rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine!" she muttered, dashing back to the table. Avery winced at the harsh manner in which she shoved his papers into his backpack; he supposed he couldn't be picky at such a time. Elena slung the backpack over her shoulder, following Dante, who ran up to Natalia and shoved her forward. "Watch it!" The shriek was followed by the shattering of glass, but Elena couldn't care less about that. The commotion wasn't ideal, but there wasn't anything they could do about it.

"I need to get my keys," Natalia told the group once they all arrived in the kitchen. Dante nodded briskly, and Elena tossed the backpack over to Avery, who fumbled slightly before catching it and putting it on. Unfortunately, right at the moment, the scientists burst through the kitchen doors.

Elena whipped around, facing the cook who practically had his jaw on the ground. "So sorry," she said. "You might wanna leave though." The cook nodded, dazed, as he ran out of the kitchen. As soon as he did so, Elena turned around, blocking a punch at the last second. Unfortunately for her, Elena's photokinesis was nowhere near as strong as she'd like in order to use it in combat, but she was in a kitchen; there were weapons everywhere.

Therefore, Elena did the thing that was most logical to her: she grabbed a heated pan off the stove, and swung it wildly at the scientist's face. Her first attempt didn't manage to injure the scientist, but Elena continued to swing the pan with little coordination. She did a small, rather unnecessary victory dance when the scientist collapsed, an expression of shock frozen on his face. Elena hit the scientist in the head a last time, just for good measure - she could sense Avery staring at the scene in shock from a few feet behind her.

Meanwhile, Elena saw Dante and Natalia finish off the other scientist. She also checked on Avery, who still looked slightly shaken up, but ready-to-go for the most part.

"So," Elena proposed lightly, "shall we leave?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dante Rivers Character Portrait: Natalia Y. Salazar Character Portrait: Elena M. Araya Character Portrait: Avery B. Jaeger
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0.00 INK

#, as written by nations
Image.ImageImage Image

dante & natalia
dialogue - #708090 | dialogue - #A5435C

The scene that would be left behind by the group was a chaotic one. In her shocked state, Natalia was still trying to process the sight of the two unconscious people left in the wake of their violent actions. The cook and the customers had probably dialed for authorities by now, but that detail hadn't crossed her mind. Had it, Natalia's most logical reasoning would be to stay and speak to authorities. The unconscious people had clearly been the offenders and they could argue for self-defense. However, Natalia didn't know that waiting for the authorities would be the end of the superhumans' lives. And probably theirs as well.

Elena's voice snapped her attention. The light tone, almost nonchalant in her opinion, that the other young woman used was the most unsettling part of this whole last few minutes. So casual, as if defending themselves and possibly killing people was something normal to them. She wasn't going to argue; whatever she had gotten herself into, she couldn't get out of now. Surely, she couldn't just run away from them-- the evidence was clearly laid out on the floor in front of her. Her gut also told her that, despite their obvious ability to hurt people, if she was going to be stuck in this mess, she was not on the wrong side of the battle. But that didn't mean she wasn't terrified of what just happened.

Dante, on the other hand, was thankful for Elena. It wasn't the time to lag, not when the scientists had probably notified the base of their escape.

"Yes," Dante said, turning to Natalia. "Where did you say your car was?"

Natalia opened her mouth slightly, but nothing came out. She hadn't noticed, but her hands were digging into her keys. She had failed to feel the piercing of the skin until she looked down at them. Without a word, she headed towards the other side of the kitchen, where a door leading to the back of the diner was situated at the end of a short and dark hall, beyond stacked boxes filled with cans and bags.

Once outside, she led the group towards a black vehicle. It was old, the paint of the Toyota Camry faded from the exposure to harsh weather over the years. But, despite its mileage being in the high thousands and the steering wheel worn out by the many hands that touched it, the engine made a beautiful sound as it was brought to life. Her father had bought and fixed the car to ensure that, despite it not being the most glamorous, his daughter would never find herself in the middle of a deserted sandy road all by herself.

Her hands shook as she put the car on drive and rolled out of the parking spot. The small cut on her hand stained the steering wheel, but that was the last thing she was thinking about at the moment. "Where to?"

"West," Dante replied, but turned to look at Elena. He had handed her the map sometime before reaching the diner.

They had a very long ride ahead.

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