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Modern day Earth, but the world has been changed with the addition of Pokemon and a nasty addition. Find your own adventure and uncover mysterious secrets!

6,130 readers have visited Branded since Megraw created it.


"We have always known the pokemon for being in our world. But the day it became much more. We casted away our humanity. Branded something new. Something evil." - Professor Selkin of Oxford University.

History of things that have changed.

The world is modern day Earth. Pokemon have lived among us since the beginning of our knowledge. Not effecting us from the fact they have never been exactly tamable. Until the turn of the 20th century history has not been changed other then legends of myth and lore. For it wasn't until World War II when the true marks of pokemon were made on our world. During the war a Nazi scientist unlocked the power to kill a pokemon and take it's power. This changed the war dramatically and caused it to last another three years with Germany only accepting a cease to the war on August 1st 1958.

After the war, Germany was still standing under a new regime that had declared peace with the allied nations and stands as a super power today. With the war over the slaughter of Pokemon dwindled down to a screeching halt in anything other then test labs. The killing of a pokemon to gain it's powers was considered a cultural taboo till the mid 90's and only then used by the military.

With the change of the end of World War II, the fifties were an age of rebuilding over most of the world. Japan had not surrendered after Hiroshima, taking the fight back to America in a surprise attack and only surrendering after the next US bombing of Japan in 1944. The world seemed to come back to it's natural order despite all the destruction. For it wasn't until the late 90's when the device to capture and hold a pokemon was invented by Professor Selkin of Oxford University. The device was later on improved on and labelled the pokeball. The invention revolutionized the world, making the pokemon finally controllable. First adopted by the military's of the world that the technology was given to. And then down the road in 2007 the pokeball was commercialized as most of the world had become a bit more stable.

With 2008 came the rise of the Branded, as people started to remember and unlock the potentials of the secrets uncovered in WW II. Pokemon murder sky rocketed and also came the rise in crime. Despite it being a cultural taboo many saw the potential of having the powers of pokemon. August 1st 2008 was the first unveiling of the Military Sanction Branded force of the nations under the UN. The force was composed of soldiers, trainers, and branded who would deal with extreme threats and the rise of pokemon and Branded crimes.

2010 August 1st.

The world is at peace for now. China, Germany, Russia, and the United States still have many tensions being the four largest super powers in the world. Branded crimes have declined greatly since the employment of Branded and trainers in the military and police around the world. Still a cultural taboo most Branded are seen on a lower plain then others. But the future is looking bright as the world advances forward, forgetting yesterdays mistakes with tomorrow's promises.

Branded: The title given to those who have killed a pokemon in order to gain it's power.

To gain a pokemon's power and become Branded, you must intentionally kill a pokemon. Self defense and loose killings do not take part in this.
Sacrifice, Mercy Killing, Intentional Murder to get said powers and other ways count.

Upon the first Branding a person tends to gain a set of animal ears and tail. (Nekojin, Wolfe Demons etc for look.) This texture and color will vary depending on Pokemon. This again is the most normal occurrence but near anything can happen. (This is mainly to give players free reign over what their character looks like.)

With consecutive Branding a person will further mutate, eventually becoming completely feral. There are some in the world who have been able to go beyond the normal limit of Branding and even further. Approach these individuals with extreme caution.

Note to keep in mind: Being branded is shunned highly by almost all of society. It is not classified as murder but falls under the laws of pokemon. Which are generally the same as animals but altered for their unique aspects.

Trainers/Pokemon: People who use Pokemon and the Pokemon that inhabit the earth.

Just a small note I will not be having any Pokemon characters only. If you wish to tack on a Pokemon's bio to your Trainers bio that is completely fine. You will be playing your Pokemon also after all.

Trainers! You can be free and wild and on your own adventure but remember this is real world Earth. Your adventure can take you wherever but just remember your chary MAY have responsibilities and the like. (But for the sake of RP most trainers will likely be just adventuring/travelling the world.)
Or you can be apart of the Military or Police. A few things to note is that you will be in the military and will be subjected to wear uniforms etc etc etc. (Also you can be in parts of the military that aren't soldier etc.)
Other: PM/talk to me privately if interested.

This is very open, a few lores of the pokemon have been bended but other then that nothings changed. You can have almost any Pokemon but give reason as to why you have them. And no you can't have every Pokemon in the world.

Legendaries: You need to be approved to have one. Otherwise all Legendaries wander the world/respective places.

Toggle Rules

First and Foremost all rules of RPG will be followed. If you break the core rules of RPG you will be warned and consecutively be reported to a mod who will most likely BAN you. If you do not know the rules of RPG here is the link. RPG Official Rules.

Branded Rules:

1st: Play nice. Your character may be a !@#@$. But stay nice in the OOC in general. If your constantly rude to others in OOC you may be subjected to having your character killed in a very very brutal manor.

2nd: Please use common sense in the things you do. If you play to your characters limits and weaknesses you won't have to worry about god modding and such. If you don't know what you can do please ask me/others.

3rd: As far as characters go, at least skim over the information that we have posted and learn the basics. Be reasonable with your character you can be notable/important but not everyone is the most powerful ETC. If you need help for ideas, ask me. :)

4th: Death. It can happen, but won't likely be a frequent occurrence for obvious reasons. Deaths will only happen with either players consent. Or if there's no other alternative for the character. Like if the room they are locked in blows up and they literally can't get out... It's kinda obvious they wouldn't make it out. (Only in the dire circumstances will this happen and me or another GM of the RP should be present.

Browse All » 16 Settings to roleplay in


Japan by RolePlayGateway

Japan while not a super power of the world. The nation still holds to be one of the more influential.


Tokyo by RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of Japan. Bustling with life night and day.


Russia by RolePlayGateway

Mother Russia. One of the four super powers on Earth.


Moscow by RolePlayGateway

The grand capitol of Mother Russia. Where the leaders of this super power rule from.


England by RolePlayGateway

The Sovereignty known as England.


London by RolePlayGateway

The royal capitol of Great Britain.


Canada by RolePlayGateway

Canada, one of the larger countries of the world it is also one of the most peaceful and neutral.


Montreal by RolePlayGateway

The second largest country in Canada.


Haven by RolePlayGateway

A place for accidental Branded and those who need shelter.

Valentine Corp

Valentine Corp by RolePlayGateway

The Corporation building for Valentine Corp.

Eath (Altered)

Eath (Altered) by Megraw

Planet Earth, while the planet is the same. Things have been changed from the world we know. The year is 2010.


America by RolePlayGateway

You are in the United States of America

New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

New York City, One of the most populated cities on the face of the Earth.

Washington D.C

Washington D.C by RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of America located in the state of Maryland.


Germany by RolePlayGateway

Germany. One of the five greatest super powers on Earth.


Berlin by RolePlayGateway

Berlin. The great capitol of the Axis nation.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn gave a small chuckle and slapped a hand over her mouth to not be rude to the newcomer, even though he was slightly creepy. She had never really paid much attention to celebrities spending the better parts of her day either in the boxing ring, the library, or class. She saw Romero scowl at Andrei, but didn't dare move out of the way. This was about to get interesting. Romero glared at Andrei. "I assure you, I earned my stellar reputaiton and celebrity status fair and square. Seeing as I am the most beautiful and talented of trainers, it is only by societies standards that some may be jealous of me." He said pulling a rose out of seemingly thin air and doing his glamor boy pose #23.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine started to laugh a bit when he finished speaking before quieting himself. "I did not mean to imply that. And seeing as you missed the point I will speak it clearly. Your reputation seems to be your personality. Or in a more simple word, I think your quit bash." He tilted his head to the side as Romero's pokeballs opened and his pokemon came out.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Romero
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0.00 INK

Romero let out a huffy breath as his Pokemon came out of their pokemon. His gorgeous and wonderful pokemon. "You doubt my skills then nave!?" He then let out a smirk as he pet his Persian, the large pokemon purred as they both glared the the obvious perpetrator. "And you dare to hold the young damsel against her will...I mean look at her knuckles, they are black and blue the poor dear. Do not fear my Princess I shall rescue you from this barbarian of a man!" Romero said kneeling in front of Lynn. Lynn winced at the bad acting. "It's just from boxing...I assure you, I could defend myself quite well if he was 'holding me against my will' as you so eloquently put it." Romero gave a hearty laugh as he stuck his glamor boy pose #12. "Boxing does not become a woman of your grace. It's such a violent sport for a young lady. But this foolish man has offended my honor, and now...we must duel to the death!" he said melodramatically raising his hand in the air with his index finger pointed towards the sky.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine shook his head. "I have no doubt of what you call skill. I simply think you are quite foolish in your ways." He said with a shrug. He looked at the pokemon, smirking at them before looking over to Lynn. He took notice of her knuckles, not having noticed it before as he looked back to Romero. "She is right, I would not hold her against her will. Possibly hold her in another way, but no." He said shaking his head again and put his hands in the air. "I do not have any pokemon to duel you with though."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Romero
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0.00 INK

Romero narrowed his eyes. "Then I guess by forfeit I win the match?" He said with his sparkling smile. "But it's a shame that I do not get to show my skill to the lovely lady." he said pulling out a rose to stroke the petals gentily. "When you gather yourself some worthy pokemon, you and I should have a rematch." He let the rose fall to the ground and placed his gloved hands on his hips as he called his pokemon back to their containers.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine nodded to Romero and grinned once more. "If you could call it a match to begin with." He said, looking back to Lynn. "Just to make sure, you don't want to go with him right?" He asked casually as he looked back to Romero. "Perhaps we will duel at some point."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn looked at Andrei as if he was crazy. "No thank you..." she tried to smile and think of a place to go that the narssissitic man wouldn't follow her. Maybe a room with no mirrors would be perfect. She looked back over to Romero who was once again gazing at himself in his small pocket mirror. The only thing that made this scene more disturbing was that he was laughing and snapping at his own reflection. What kind of man seriously did that!? she wondered as her mind kept flicking through the different topics cirlcing her brain. It ranged from her boxing to the upcoming semester finals and back to the flaky celebrity an Andrei.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine looked back to Lynn as Romero was fixed on his image in the mirror. "Well, seeing as our 'friend' has company shall we move on as to not interupt his conversation?" He said with a light smile.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn nodded enthusiasticlly as she grabbed Andrei's arm and high-tailed it out of there. Once she was sure that they were far away from Romero she slowed down and released Andrei's arm. "Sorry about that, but the sooner we got away the better."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine nodded back to her. "I appologise for not getting us out sooner." He said, sliding his hands into his pockets. "I did get slightly carried away." He said frowning for a brief moment. "But we are alone again now." He said, looking at the river. "Did you have anywhere you were going Lynn? Or were you just wandering like I was?" He asked curiously.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

"Just kind of wandering really. Just got out of classes and was just taking the long way home. You?" she said adjusting the strap of her backpack as it weighed down her shoulders slightly.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine nodded back to her. "Just wanted to take a long stroll honestly." He said, as he looked down at her. "Clear my head of a few concerns I had."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn tilted her head upwards. "Sounds like it would have been a good plan until I ran right into you." she said with a chuckle. "Still sorry about that. If I had been more careful, we wouldn't have ran into Mister-thinks-he's-perfect." she said cracking her stiff knuckles.

The setting changes from London to Berlin


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
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0.00 INK

Woof woof.

The setting changes from Berlin to London


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
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0.00 INK

Danielle Angelus watches the passerby, leaning against a rail overlooking the river. She quietly lights a cigarette, taking a drag as she casts her vision around.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine smiled as she chuckled. "Maybe, but perhaps a good distraction in that case." He said before puasing. "But no, it's fine. If anyone should have been apologizing it should have been myself I should have been paying attention." He said in apology.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn rolled her eyes but smiled anyway. "You shouldn't be apologizing. I'm the one who rain into you." She said slowly looking around the area. It was strange to think that she had lived here for so long yet had never really stopped and appreciated this place. As her eyes ran over the scenery before her, she noticed the woman leaning against the railing smoking a cigarette.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
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0.00 INK

Danielle Angelus shoots the glance back, cocking her eyebrow at the pair.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine nodded. "If you insist." He said accepting the fact. He looked around with her as he looked over to Danielle. "Hello there." He said waving his hand lightly at her. "If your not an overly posh celebrity that would be great." He said with a light grin.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn chuckled slightly against her knuckles. "I think we've dealt with that type enough for a lifetime." she joked as she shifted her balance to the other leg. "Hi, I'm Lynn Suttins."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
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0.00 INK

Danielle Angelus chuckles at the two, smiling. "Me? Posh? That's rich. Got any other good ones?" She smiles at Lynn. "Danielle Angelus. I'm sort of a minor celebrity in Canada."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine looked back to the river. "So where are you studying?" He asked Lynn with a light smile. "I'm asuming it's in town unless your travelling."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn shook her head. "I'm studying at the Royal Veterinary College to become a Pokemon veterinarian." she said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "And in my down time, I do a little bit of boxing."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Megraw
Andrei Valentine nodded to her. "A good place, I've been there a few times." He said, ending quietly. "I can see that." He said, gesturing to her knuckles. "And seeing no other bruises. I assume your pretty good." He chuckled lightly.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lynn
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0.00 INK

Lynn smirked slightly. "I do my best. Having a couple older brothers as boxing partners when I was young helped out too. So what is it that you do Mr. Valentine?"

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Add Setting » 16 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Japan by RolePlayGateway

Japan while not a super power of the world. The nation still holds to be one of the more influential.


Tokyo by RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of Japan. Bustling with life night and day.


Russia by RolePlayGateway

Mother Russia. One of the four super powers on Earth.


Moscow by RolePlayGateway

The grand capitol of Mother Russia. Where the leaders of this super power rule from.


England by RolePlayGateway

The Sovereignty known as England.


London by RolePlayGateway

The royal capitol of Great Britain.


Canada by RolePlayGateway

Canada, one of the larger countries of the world it is also one of the most peaceful and neutral.


Montreal by RolePlayGateway

The second largest country in Canada.


Haven by RolePlayGateway

A place for accidental Branded and those who need shelter.

Valentine Corp

Valentine Corp by RolePlayGateway

The Corporation building for Valentine Corp.

Eath (Altered)

Eath (Altered) by Megraw

Planet Earth, while the planet is the same. Things have been changed from the world we know. The year is 2010.


America by RolePlayGateway

You are in the United States of America

New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

New York City, One of the most populated cities on the face of the Earth.

Washington D.C

Washington D.C by RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of America located in the state of Maryland.


Germany by RolePlayGateway

Germany. One of the five greatest super powers on Earth.


Berlin by RolePlayGateway

Berlin. The great capitol of the Axis nation.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Character Portrait: GM
2 sightings GM played by Megraw
The GM's plot related characters that have not had their identities revealed.
Character Portrait: Andrei Valentine
45 sightings Andrei Valentine played by Megraw

Character Portrait: Ovidiu
35 sightings Ovidiu played by Megraw

The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Damien Avery
Character Portrait: Caleb Sullivan
Character Portrait: Lynn
Character Portrait: Romero
Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus


Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
Danielle Angelus

Punk rock queen and part-time Pokemon breeder.

Character Portrait: Romero

A popular British pokemon trainer who is a little too conceited.

Character Portrait: Caleb Sullivan
Caleb Sullivan

The military's best-kept secret...that is, excluding all the secrets.

Character Portrait: Damien Avery
Damien Avery

The Pok??mon hippie


Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
Danielle Angelus

Punk rock queen and part-time Pokemon breeder.

Character Portrait: Damien Avery
Damien Avery

The Pok??mon hippie

Character Portrait: Caleb Sullivan
Caleb Sullivan

The military's best-kept secret...that is, excluding all the secrets.

Character Portrait: Romero

A popular British pokemon trainer who is a little too conceited.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Romero

A popular British pokemon trainer who is a little too conceited.

Character Portrait: Damien Avery
Damien Avery

The Pok??mon hippie

Character Portrait: Danielle Angelus
Danielle Angelus

Punk rock queen and part-time Pokemon breeder.

Character Portrait: Caleb Sullivan
Caleb Sullivan

The military's best-kept secret...that is, excluding all the secrets.

View All » Places


Japan by RolePlayGateway

Japan while not a super power of the world. The nation still holds to be one of the more influential.


Tokyo by RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of Japan. Bustling with life night and day.


Russia by RolePlayGateway

Mother Russia. One of the four super powers on Earth.


Moscow by RolePlayGateway

The grand capitol of Mother Russia. Where the leaders of this super power rule from.


England by RolePlayGateway

The Sovereignty known as England.


London by RolePlayGateway

The royal capitol of Great Britain.


Canada by RolePlayGateway

Canada, one of the larger countries of the world it is also one of the most peaceful and neutral.


Montreal by RolePlayGateway

The second largest country in Canada.


Haven by RolePlayGateway

A place for accidental Branded and those who need shelter.

Valentine Corp

Valentine Corp by RolePlayGateway

The Corporation building for Valentine Corp.

Eath (Altered)

Eath (Altered) by Megraw

Planet Earth, while the planet is the same. Things have been changed from the world we know. The year is 2010.


America by RolePlayGateway

You are in the United States of America

New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

New York City, One of the most populated cities on the face of the Earth.

Washington D.C

Washington D.C by RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of America located in the state of Maryland.


Germany by RolePlayGateway

Germany. One of the five greatest super powers on Earth.


Berlin by RolePlayGateway

Berlin. The great capitol of the Axis nation.

Valentine Corp

Tokyo Valentine Corp Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Corporation building for Valentine Corp.


England London Owner: RolePlayGateway

The royal capitol of Great Britain.


Germany Berlin Owner: RolePlayGateway

Berlin. The great capitol of the Axis nation.

Washington D.C

America Washington D.C Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of America located in the state of Maryland.


Japan Tokyo Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Capitol of Japan. Bustling with life night and day.

New York City

America New York City Owner: RolePlayGateway

New York City, One of the most populated cities on the face of the Earth.


Eath (Altered) Canada Owner: RolePlayGateway

Canada, one of the larger countries of the world it is also one of the most peaceful and neutral.


Canada Montreal Owner: RolePlayGateway

The second largest country in Canada.


Montreal Haven Owner: RolePlayGateway

A place for accidental Branded and those who need shelter.


Eath (Altered) America Owner: RolePlayGateway

You are in the United States of America


Eath (Altered) England Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Sovereignty known as England.


Eath (Altered) Japan Owner: RolePlayGateway

Japan while not a super power of the world. The nation still holds to be one of the more influential.

Eath (Altered)

Planet Earth, while the planet is the same. Things have been changed from the world we know. The year is 2010.


Eath (Altered) Russia Owner: RolePlayGateway

Mother Russia. One of the four super powers on Earth.


Russia Moscow Owner: RolePlayGateway

The grand capitol of Mother Russia. Where the leaders of this super power rule from.


Eath (Altered) Germany Owner: RolePlayGateway

Germany. One of the five greatest super powers on Earth.

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    by Megraw on Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:03 pm
    0 Replies
    Last post by Megraw View the latest post
    on Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:03 pm

Most recent OOC posts in Branded

[OOC] Branded

Hello everyone. If you're here you I suggest going to check out the RP.

Feel free to ask me any questions about it or if you have any concerns.

This RP is open world but there are plots that will be going on crafted by myself. Players are free to create their own plots but It is asked that you speak to a GM and talk about it. This way we don't have things that contradict.

As far as the places go. I'm adding the major nations/countries I think we'll be rping in and their captiols and a few other major cities. If we end up rping in one place I'll make a place for it. Otherwise only by request will a location be made.

If you see anything that is out of wack or you just can't understand it in the RP. Please feel free to tell/ask me. I will do my best to fix/change/describe whatever it is.

Other then that feel free to use this board as you wish.