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Chasing Orion



a part of Chasing Orion, by Valor.


Valor holds sovereignty over Arcadia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Arcadia is a part of Chasing Orion.

6 Characters Here

Hunter Deoradhan Snow [0] "Discretion is a virtue that you would do well to learn..."
Whitford Mason [0] Prefers Whit.
Winter Milston [0] Formally Prince Orion Tamesis.
Ricci Lock. [0] Kane Locks daughter.
Riley Hallows [0] "Go on an adventure without me? Pft."
Roshea Malen [0] "Silly to think I could find any answers. Whatever happens in this life; I don't understand."

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#, as written by Valor
Winter jumped back a little as the silver haired man jumped up suddenly, almost ready to attack him before he stopped, stammered and then took his seat again. Winter glanced at Whit with a slightly awkward expression, unsure of what to make of that. He went with the moment, his eyes widening slightly as the man confirmed that the attackers were the same kind of people as the man sat in front of them. The words made him tense up a little, and why was this man still in their house?! Things seemed to get a little more awkward as the man had a strange smile, and chuckling after saying that their goals coincided.
Hearing that the man could help them, Mrs. Milston lurched forward in her seat,
"You know where they took her?!" She asked suddenly, hope shining in her dark eyes as she looked intently at the stranger.

"Why do they need her?" Winter asked before his mother had a chance to get her answer. He couldn't help but be a little suspicious. After the attack on the town, another just like the attacker appears with news that he could help them. His gaze turned towards Whit as he suddenly stood, telling them that they could leave as soon as he was ready. His eyes narrowed slightly as his brow quirked upwards,
"What do you know that you're not telling me...?" He also asked his best friend, knowing that Whit was clever, but never liked to tell people the whole story.

Mrs. Milston looked confused, glancing between the boys as they shot questions around the room. She shook her head as Whit apologised,
"I understand, dear. Make sure you all return to me safely..." She said, not making him promise; knowing something like that couldn't be promised. She hoped nothing would go wrong though, unable to bear the thought of being with any of those in the room. "I'll gather some food together, just to get you boys through the first night." She said, gently patting Winter before getting to her feet and disappearing to the kitchen to gather some supplies for them.

Winter was still waiting for his answers, glancing between the two: waiting for whoever to pipe up first.

Gray and Kianne watched the whole scene in silence. It was not their place to add anything. After a few moments without Mrs. Milston in the room, the silence was getting awkward.
"When Kaia wakes up and the town's in better shape, we'll head out to help find her too." Gray said, "Fior's done alot for us, it's time to help her for once."

Winter looked at the two mages, not having expected them to want to help. He was grateful for any helpful hand, and so nodded a little in reply with a grateful smile.
"Thank you," he said to them, "Make sure you're at your full strength before you go though. The last thing we need is you three getting yourself into deep trouble too."


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#, as written by Hunter
Hunter's laughing ceased, and he became somber and unreadable, "No I do not know where they took her, but it is not a worry, I can track her well enough... And as for why they need her?" He turned his gaze to the man who bore the royal crest, his gaze unwavering and cold, "That is not something to be discussed here, once we are on the road perhaps. But for reasons that I also can not tell you at the present time... We may not discuss this among others." He turned his gaze to the mage for a moment, head cocked as he studied him, They're close. that much is clear, I can not exclude him from this... but... Beneath his blank face Hunter was turning plans over and over in his head, he did not know if this man really was the prince, or royalty for that matter, the whole thing could be a fluke. I'll question him once we leave this blasted town. For his sake among others, I hope he is the prince... I don't want to have to kill him.

He smiled briefly, hoping to clear a bit of the tension in the air, then the mages spoke up, "I'm sorry, but it would be better if you didn't try to help in this..."
Granted, the mages could be a big help in some situations, but it would be better to have a small group, especially if they were to save the girl without a big fuss. "This is a job for a smaller group, we can not win this battle by force... deceit is the name of this game, and I plan to follow the rules..." He paused for a moment then looked around at the entire room, "Now if their is nothing else that needs to be attended to, I suggest that we depart."

Without waiting he bowed and spun on his heel, striding to the door and pulling it open. Before he exited however, something dawned on him and he mentally slapped himself, "My apologies for not doing this sooner, I believe some introductions are in order, though we must not dally. My name is Hunter, A pleasure to meet you all." He turned his gaze to his new companions, "Meet me on the edge of town in half an hour. There is no time to waste."


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#, as written by Waste.
What do you know that you're not telling me?
A lot. Whit thought, a hell of a lot. He suddenly felt quite bad for not sharing what he had always known with Winter, for not telling his friend about the crush he had on his sister, for keeping from his friend the reason they took her. And now it seemed that there was another person in Winter's life who was keeping secrets. This newcomer. He knew so much, at least he pretended to, and yet he was keeping silent on all he knew. It could be a trap, that thought did cross Whit's mind. The stranger could just be trying to lure Winter away with false promises. Yet it could be exactly what the newcomer offered. Help. And they needed all the help they could get. He pushed his and into his pocket where he found the hair, at least he could help track them. Even if this man said he could. Whit supposed that if he was like Winter then tracking wouldn't be hard for him. But there were a lot of things that could obscure scents.

Whit watched as the man left, naming himself Hunter. Nice. He looked to Winter, a grim smile on his face, he needed to tell him didn't he? They had half an hour and Whit needed to use that time to tell him everything he knew. It wasn't much but it'd be enough. "Winter, I'll come to your room, help you get your things."


Ricci stirred from a dreamless sleep. Pushing off her covers she sat up and glanced about for a clock. Sunlight flooded the small room, and she was surprised she hadn't woke sooner. It only went to show how nocturnal she was becoming. She got out of the bed and lifted her clothes from the back of a chair tucked under a writing desk. She pretty much wore the same clothes everyday, she had to travel light. Moving into the wash room she cleaned herself as best she could then pulled on her tattered clothes. It was still quite bright out, she didn't want to leave just yet.


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#, as written by Valor
Winter's expression became more annoyed as this Hunter had no intention of telling him anything until they were on the road. What was with all this secrecy! How was this Hunter expecting to be trusted if he couldn't give any detail about the situation to them. He couldn't help but huff and fold his arms as Hunter left, giving them half an hour to collect everything they would need for the journey. When there was no sign of Hunter any more, Winter turned his attention back to Whit, noticing the grim look on his face. So was he willing to tell? When Whit suggested that he help him pack, Winter nodded a little. He guessed he still had to go try and find Fior, even if he had no idea what people were thinking because nobody was willing to say anything in front of anybody else!

"I can't believe that guy doesn't want us to go!" Kianne piped up all of a sudden, looking much like a sulking child as she scowled. Gray seemed to have a sour expression on his face too. "Who does that guy think he is?! He comes waltzing in here, saying he kinda knows what's going on but he couldn't say anything in front of us. And then he thinks that we shouldn't get involved?! He doesn't even know who we are. Who says we wouldn't be able to help?"

"He does obviously." Gray murmured, leaning against the arm of the chair. He sighed heavily, "I don't care what that guy thinks, we're going to help find Fior. Once Kaia's better."

"Just be careful, yeah?" Winter said, not denying any help that they could possibly get. With that he got to his feet and began to plod upstairs, expecting Whit to follow. Winter still had to be somewhat careful about moving around his room, a still sleeping Kaia was curled up on the bed that Whit had previously used, bandaged arms awkwardly placed either side of her. He grabbed a small-ish bag, slinging in whatever he could find that he thought was necessary. What did you take when going to save your sister? He didn't feel like a change of clothes was worthy enough of being carried with him.


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#, as written by Waste.
Whit followed Winter up to his room, he moved cautiously, seeing the tense line of his friends shoulders. Knowing he would be angry. He stood in the doorway of the room, watching as Winter stuffed things into his bag. He wasn't sure when he should say it really, after years of not saying it simply because he didn't see the need for it. What was the point? But now? What he knew could be key, and perhaps Winter should hear it from a friend rather than a stranger. He watched for a while as Winter darted about the room.

He spoke quietly, not wanting to wake Kaia, "Winter," What way to say it? He looked around the room. "You're a shifter, Winter. I've known it a long time, I didn't see the need before." he stopped, licked his lips. "There are probably a few things I should have told you as soon as I knew them," he said it matter of factly, to him he was saying it at the needed time. In a place where Winter would be less likely to shout at him. "It is possible that those people came because of you, you're abilities, you are an oddity here and you know that, the bear? The dreams? I've known it a long time." he sighed, "And that's why they took Fior. It's a trap, for you. But i assume you might have figured that out." Should he go on? His feelings for Fior seemed so irrelevant in the face of things. No he would say nothing else, he would be a friend helping a friend, concerned for Fior because Winter was concerned for her. As if there was any need to tell Winter about that. "That stranger? He probably knows more, more about who you are, more about who they are. I don't trust him, and you know how freely I give my trust."

His hand clenched to a fist and he forced himself to relax it by reaching up to adjust his glasses.


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#, as written by Valor
"A Shifter." Winter repeated his friend's words as he zipped his bag up, it was still half empty, but then there were his mothers supplies to take into consideration. He turned to look at Whit as he stated that he should've told him a few things like this as soon as he figured him out. Winter couldn't help but nod in agreement, seeing as all the facts seemed to lead back to him. He'd heard of shifters before but he'd never really looked at his own abilities and put two and two together on his own, though he guessed it seemed to make sense.

"I'm not the same as a shifter either though, am I?" He more told Whit than asked him. He was pretty sure Whit probably knew more on shifters than himself, but he knew enough to make his point. "I can't change fully like they can." With a heavy sigh, they were pulled onto the topic of Fior. He took the half empty bag from his bed and slung it over his shoulder, moving towards the doorway.

"I hadn't even thought of a trap. I've been thinking of how I'd track her." He stated, frowning a little at Whit. If it wasn't for his friend he probably would've gone running off blindly into the wild following after Fior. "You know how I like to go charging ahead without much thought."

He glanced over at Kaia, checking that she was still asleep. This conversation didn't need to go any further than himself and Whit.
"If that guy was a shifter, then those attackers were shifters and mages. I don't understand what we're getting ourselves into yet, but it's definitely going to be something much bigger than a simple search and rescue mission. Hunter is the only source of information we have, we need him at the moment until we've got enough of a grasp of what's going on to go it alone. Trust him or not, we're sticking with him for now." He told Whit, knowing how much it took for Whit to trust somebody.

With that, he slipped past Whit and began plodding back downstairs, planning on receiving the supplies from his mother before saying his goodbyes.


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#, as written by Hunter
Hunter closed the door behind him and sighed heavily, he had been in this town for only, what? half an hour? And yet already he was worn and weary, and doomed to travel with these two men as well. "Well, no reason in complaining to myself... I did bring it down upon my own shoulders." Brushing a lock of hair from his face he set out, heading for the stables; time was of the essence and horses would be a great asset, especially with the slower humans.

The stable master was a kindly man turned sour and dark by the recent events, and Hunter quickly decided that he would not dally. In the end he purchased a paint mare, and two geldings, one silver and another palomino. He forwent halters and reins, getting only light saddles as well, the others would need to make do without the conventional control over their horses, bits weren't something he approved of.

He paid the man in coin and strapped his bow and pack to the silver's saddle, speaking softly to the horses he led them to the edge of town and sat down to wait.


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#, as written by Waste.
Whit shook his head as Winter mentioned that he couldn't change fully. The boy was so naive sometimes. It wasn't rare that he became exasperated at the boys idiocy. Shoving a hand through his hair. "I can track her." he told Winter, "You know sometimes I don't think you think." the boy brushed passed him, heading downstairs to make his goodbyes. Whit followed. "And of course we are sticking with him, I'm just saying we don't have to. He knows some things but as far as I can tell they are irrelevant. You want your sister back, you know its a trap yet you are still going. I can track her so we know where she is, you are a shifter, you know that now. What else can he tell us? Why they have taken her? Irrelevant in getting her back." he paused, he hadn't thought about what he had said before saying it. Which was uncharacteristic of him. He'd allowed his feelings get in the way and just blurted it all out, as far as he could tell Hunter was just slowing them down, he'd just be an extra weight. Whit already knew that Winter was still going to meet Hunter, he knew the lure that knowledge could produce but in this situation it just wasn't worth it, at least it wasn't worth it to Whit. To Winter it was. Whit knew this yet he had still tried to sway his friends mind, knowing that it wouldn't work. Why had he wasted words on that like some kind of idiot?

He paused at the bottom of the stairs as he waited for Winter to make his goodbyes. He wandered to the doorway of the room and simply nodded his own, his mind still thinking through their options, and his own peculiar actions. He'd have to dampen his pesky feelings down if he were to work coherently, that much was sure. He waited for Winter to finish up, as he waited he focused on the things he'd need. Pulling them from his house so that when he opened the front door a pack sat just outside. Whit picked it up and paused in the doorway. He looked back over his shoulder as Winter joined him and they headed out to meet with Hunter.


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#, as written by Valor
"Of course I think, just not as well as you." Winter mumbled as he went down the stairs. Hunter might not have all the information Whit needed, but it looked like this guy might have more information about the people that had taken Fior with them. He wanted to get all the information he could while on the way. And maybe this Hunter would be able to help him understand how he could possibly take on the full form of an animal like all other shifters. When he got downstairs, he was greeted by his mother, who took his bag from him to pack her supplies in there too before giving it back to him. He just about had the bag on his back when his mother had glued herself to him, hugging him tighter than she had possibly ever done before.

"Be safe, Winter." She murmured into his chest, receiving a tight hug in return before Winter pried her from his form.

"I will, and I'll be back in no time with Fior." He said, giving her the best smile he could muster. "You take care of Dad and the others."

As she nodded a little, Winter moved towards the door - getting outside before Mrs. Milston had any chance of trying to stop them. Winter sighed heavily as he closed the door.
"She's going to be a wreck while we're gone..." He couldn't help but feel sorry, not wanting to hurt his mother so much. But he had to do this. He shook off the guilt, putting a brave face so there was no excuse for Whit to suggest that he shouldn't go. He was going to find Fior and he was going to bring her home. Nothing was going to stop him doing this, not even this possible trap that may have been lying in wait for him. It didn't take them long to meet Hunter, who had three horses lined up waiting for them.

Winter looked at them, not having expected it, looking to Hunter.
"Did you buy these?" He asked, shaking his head with a small smile. "You shouldn't have done that. I could've got us these no problem, Hunter."


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#, as written by Hunter
Hunter stood up and smiled wanly at the men, raising a single finger he intoned, "One thing I have learned, only thieves visit a town and then leave without contributing in at least a small bit to the commerce." He patted the back of the silver and grabbed his pack from the ground, "Are you lot packed? I cant lie when I say I'm anxious to be on our way..."

Without waiting for an answer he swung up on to the silver, "I hope you dont mind, but your probably gonna have to learn to ride again." He motioned to the dummed-down tack with his hand, a small smile on his face.


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#, as written by Waste.
Whit sighed, flicking his gaze over Hunter. The man was so sure of himself, cocky even. Know it all. Whit narrowed his eyes as he swung onto one of the horses, unsteady for a moment he pulled himself right and put his hands on the horses neck. "This will probably be easier for you Winter." he smirked a little as he adjusted his glasses then dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out Fior's hair. He pulled some essence from the hair, just a small amount so as not to waste it all then let it flow. He sighed, feeling the use of his power relax him slightly, the sleep had replenished him, without coffee he supposed he'd need to sleep a little more regular on the journey, however his body was used to being awake for days at a time.

The essence flew free, then it caught. "North." he said quietly, "They took her North."


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#, as written by Valor
"Well next time just check what kind of discount you can get before coughing up your money." Winter told Hunter, watching with an amused expression as Whit hauled himself onto one of the horses, looking uncertain for a few moments. His brow rose slightly as Whit suggested that it might've been easier for him to adjust to a different style of riding. He shrugged a little before hopping up onto the last horse, gingerly patting at the golden neck of the mare.
He continued to watch curiously as Whit pulled out what he recognised to be Fior's hair, using it to find out which direction they had taken her.
"Well I was gonna track her scent, but that works fine for me too..." He said, squeezing the sides of his horse to get her to move forward, nudging her sides to control the direction.

He looked to Hunter as he passed the shifter,
"So are you going to tell us all this secretive information you couldn't tell us before? Or are there still too many people around for your liking?" He asked, glancing back at Whit to check that he had managed to get his horse to at least follow them.