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Chasing Rin Hayashi



a part of Chasing Rin Hayashi, by Kaire23.

This is the world where this story takes place. Welcome to the world of Kuusou.

Kaire23 holds sovereignty over Kuusou, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,998 readers have been here.


This is the world where everything is taking place. There will be more places once I get down to it. Everyone has their own place to start out in. Rin and the second in command for Chikyuu no Mirai will star out. The 5th in command for Shikaku will also start out here. Everyone else will start out in their own base.
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This is the world where this story takes place. Welcome to the world of Kuusou.


Kuusou is a part of Chasing Rin Hayashi.

3 Places in Kuusou:

13 Characters Here

Rin Hayashi [356] The Destroyer of Kuusou. A stubborn girl who was gifted with enormous powers.
Raze [283] "If you're unable to fight, I'll do it for you."
Len Takahashi [246] The 2nd in command of Chikyuu no Mirai. Was in the middle of a mission when he sensed The Destroyer.
Setsugie Roentel [149] "I am the Leader of the Chikyuu no Mirai. Please stand down I do not want any meaningless bloodshed."
Kaiyo Souretsu [67] The Master of Skikaku
Willow [62] "Ugh...humans disgust me!"
Zero [53] "......"
Chidori [52] "The greatest things in life are the smallest things.... like Raze's tolerance for naked women!"
Lance Godwin [43] It is not my place to determine right from wrong, but it is my place to enforce it."
Enya Thompson [30] "What would happen if this world was destroyed?.... I wish I could do it myself though..."

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Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi
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#, as written by Kaire23
"Listen, just shut up and let me treat your wounds. I'd rather not have mixed feelings about you while I'm treating you..." She said as she quickly avoided eye contact. Why was she helping him? She still sorta believed in what she said earlier... but it was different now... He helped her and she had to repay the favor now. She'd rather not be in debt to a vamp-... to Len...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato
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"What's wrong, Rookie? Can't fight?" he taunted as he sliced with another electrified attack.

He blocked the attack and manuevered himself behind Kaedae. "No, I just prefer to counter!" he sent a bolt of black lightning from his hands towards the man's torso. Underestimating an opponent was usually a fatal mistake, and this guy just made it.

((OOC: Please note that if I tag Rin and she's not involved, it's because she's right above Raze XD))


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Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato
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"Hurts, don't it?!" he shouted as he shot another bolt at the man. The slash was too close though, it drew blood, but just barely. He wasn't going to have a scar from the attack.

He wasn't about to let the guy have space though, and he quickly followed him as he tried to get back. A few quick slashes towards the man followed. One aimed at his head, his body and finally his head again.


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Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato
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Raze could tell this fight was easily going his way. So long as he kept up his flurry and gave them man no space, he'd have almost no worries. It was soon time to end this fight. He delivered a mixed-combo move. He flung a few more strikes aimed at his head and upper body, followed by his leg swiftly sweeping, hidden by his flurry.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato
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The foe tried to shock him. A foolish move. He placed his sword before him, absorbing the shock, rather than deflecting it. With a swift swing, his sword shot a wave of electricity back at the man, an unescapable attack.

((OOC: Sorry, had to do something.))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato
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#, as written by Kaire23
Immediately, Kaedae's eyes widened as the electricity went straight for him. It would be depressing if he got beaten by his own power. He almost fell backward but then noticed something off. Somehow, the electricity changed direction... Suddenly, he noticed who was there.
((OOC: It's fine :D))


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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Yeven had made a portal for his ear as he listened in to most of the conversations that all the different people were having, little did they know he had been waiting a few yards away listening to everything. Curiously he listened in on to the conversation until the branch from which he had been listening from broke and disrupted the portal.

"Hmm... wonder if Raze knew I was listening in from there or just got lucky. No matter it looks like I will have to go and save that low ranked fool. Raze defiantly deals with lightning on a higher level than him." Yeven pondered as he stood up from the branch he was sitting on as he twirled his staff in hand and began to head toward the battle ground.

'Again with this character, wasn't he not even within their top five ranks when we dealt with him last, dealing with that fool will be annoying.' Yeven's staff echoed into his mind. Its glow dark and ominous light reflected off the snow on the tree branches as Yeven seemed to float from branch to branch.

"Yes, he may indeed be stupid and annoying, but he is the most intelligent stupid annoying person I have met in a long time and he will be destroyed soon enough." Yeven snapped in returned, "Now instead of talking about him, help me think of the best way to enter the battle in the most dazzling of matters."

It was at this point that Yeven was within sight of the battle but just far away enough to not be seen by anyone who wasn't looking for him. Than saw his moment to shine and placed a portal between a lightning bolt fired by Raze and sent it emerging from the ground sending up melted snow into the air. Yeven than teleported there after the lightning dispersed and took a bow as he announced, "The main attraction has arrived!"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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"The man attraction has arrived!"

"Look who finally decided to show up!" Raze grinned, knowing the battle to come would be a fun and exilerating one, unlike his previous. "Yazzy! Where have you been?! I was beginning to think you would sit this one out!" he taunted, as he did so love making his rival angry.

He thought about it, and it was right on time. The branch he had hit with his earlier flurry of lightning broke just about when he finished off Kaedae. He scared himself like that sometimes. But without further ado, he was to prepare himself for a delightful battle.

"I only wish my entrance was as....'dazzling' as yours, Yazzy."

He kept his blade close to him, and propped his body in a ready stance.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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His ready stance was just that-ready. Ready to swing his sword, or ready to jump or evade. And so, he pushed off the ground and away from the impending disability. He landed quickly and glanced around the place once, taking note of the trees and snow. With his environment in mind, he looked at Yeven.

"Here is the deal Raze this fight will end with you being impaled by that spike, have fun!"

"You're making it sound like you plan on winning this fight!" he gave a light chuckle. "That's not going to happen, Yazzy." he felt like he may have been over using the nick name, but as long as it pissed him off, he didnt care.

His mind had kicked itself into high gear as soon as he was attacked. He planned his next move while dodging. This battle of the wits would end, but who was to be the victor remained. That in mind, Raze let off two shots of lightning on either side of Yeven, causing the trees that they hit to start wobbling. With that event beginning, he dashed straight for the man (that Raze actually mistook for a girl the first time they met).


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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"Yah, yah. I'm going. Sheesh, lighten up."

Yeven ignored his lower ranked colleague as he rushed away. Yeven then turned his attention to the now charging Raze in a swift turn he twirled his staff and lifted a cloud of snow for him to hide behind. Yeven then funneled two more cylinders and had them appear under the falling trees to push them towards Raze's direction in a "V" formation. Afterwards Yeven teleported a yard back, still hidden behind the fog of snow. He prepared a portal behind the fog that led to were the trees would land and wait for his trap to be set.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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The trees were easily dodged. He jumped straight in between them, his hands actually tapping each one, leaving a small imprint behind. He continued his sprint towards his foe, and shot at the fog with a few more bolts. He wasn't sure what to expect, but just like him, Raze knew that Yeven would be planning something. Of course, he couldn't just sit there, so he flung one more in before jumping towards the fog.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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#, as written by Kaire23
Kaedae Sato
"Ah-mph!" He tried to yell until the snow fully buried him. He quickly dug himself out. He was absolutely freezing. As soon as he got out, he quickly shot lightning at The destroyer and as she screamed, he quickly grabbed a handful of her hair.... or at least he tried. She quickly whipped out her double swords but as soon as she made contact, he sent electricity through her sword.
Rin Hayashi
"AHH!!!" She screamed as she felt electricity going through her body. Suddenly, she felt her right arm go in pain as she saw Kaedae slam into a tree and Raze and "Yazzy" almost got pushed over. She then fell to the ground.
"What the hell..." She mumbled slightly. She wasn't used to the power she recently was gifted with but one thing was sure. It sucked all her energy out of her and she didn't know how to direct it correctly or even how to do certain things.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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Raze predicted that there would be portals involved in Yeven's plans. Though, it was pretty obvious. What was even more obvious, was the pain inflicted when he was hit by the same tree he had just dodged. He regretted rushing in a little, remembering his opponent was a little better at placing traps than most others. As he hurled towards his impeding impalement, he could only think about how thankful he was to have marked the trees earlier. For if not, he'd have probably been impaled and killed right there.

While it wasn't the most graceful way to avoid impalement, it did work. The marking he placed on the tree was what he liked to call a 'shock bomb'. If the name isn't self explanatory, then here's the basis. It explodes, shocking most everything around it. Of course, this would hurt like a bitch, but he felt impalement wouldn't be much better.

The shock bomb detonated, throwing Raze just barely to the side of the spike and out of the way of the death trap. He immediately slammed into the ground with a thud. Thud is an understatement of course. While it did in fact hurt like a bitch, he wasn't dead. He hopped back to his feet and began rethinking his approach.

"Woah! Just to think, you almost got me, Yazzy! Almost.... "

It became clear that rushing would lead to his death. It became clear that death was not good. It also became clear that Yazzy owed him a new set of clothes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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Yeven's eyes lit up as he heard the tree explode, an unknown outcome, but one he greatly enjoyed. He took a mental note of the new bomb technique that Raze had just used and made sure to save the knowledge for later. Raze always knew how to think ahead, but the bombs were most likely not planned to be used on himself. Yeven's devious smile widened as Raze hit the floor after being caught in his own explosion.

"Woah! Just to think, you almost got me, Yazzy! Almost.... "

Yeven smirked and glared as he gritted his teeth, "Only got one thing to say, hope you like splinters!"
Yeven dismissed his old portals to create new ones that gathered the splinters that were flying from the explosion that Raze had made and shot them diagonally across from Raze. Yeven would move the portals collecting the splinter, at the point where they would land outside of his other portals, creating an infinite loop that would continually fire at Raze. If Raze moved left or right Yeven only needed to adjust the portals to aim at him again, and if he tried to dodge them they would only fall into the portals and increase in speed with the flow of gravity as they came back out to hit him again. The only flaw in Yeven's trap is if Raze tried to go to the sky, he was ready for this and moved the portal under the tree that led to the spike above Raze. A second “flaw” would be if Raze took all the blows in places that were not vital organs, but that was the plan, to weaken Raze not kill him. The trap was set and it was up to Raze to choose his fate.

Yeven never got to perform this trap due to lack of multiple projectiles, if it was simply a single arrow or rock it could easily be dodged, but it was the fact of so many sharpened sticks that this plan was able to be preformed and Yeven knew this would not happen again for a long time. Although with the speed at which everything would be moving he would have to keep his concentration and with the poor work Kaedae was doing he didn't know how long the trap would last.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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Raze wasn't in the best of condition after being bitchslapped by a tree and then being thrown by his own explosion. It was obvious that he was going to have to end this fight soon. The problem is; Yeven immediately followed up with an admittedly good trap.

This trap was almost perfect. Yeven knew how to effectively use his portals, and this trap displayed it perfectly. With the infinite loop he had going on, it'd be a mistake to dodge the splinters, as they would pick up even more momentum. Not a bad trap indeed. The only real visable flaw with this one would be that Raze could easily jump upwards and out of the way. Though the fact that Raze figured that out within a split second made him suspect that Yeven already had a counter to that.

Raze had his counter to this near perfect plan. At his current state, he would be able to dodge the splinters for just a bit, but they'd eventually get him and end the fight. He was going to have to show Yazzy a surprise, though he'd have to quickly end it, lest he frenzy again.

With his plan in mind, he began dodging. His eyes tinted a lightish red as he dodged the first volley. After the second, they were a pale red. And then the third.... by the third volley of splinters, his eyes were compelety red. Strangely, although the shrapnel from the tree was going faster, it seemed to slow to him. Quick dodges were followed by a jump back.

Even if they were going too slow to hit him while he was dodging, he wouldn't be able to get an attack in on Yazzy if they were still being shot towards him. He placed his hand in front of him and fired a rather big and darker-red burst of lightning at the spikes, incinerating most. A couple found their way into his shoulder, but he could still afford smaller injuries.

The biggest problem for Raze was that Yeven would have to make a mistake in order for him to land an effective blow. Of course, as long as Raze could see him, he'd be able to keep pressure on him and then he could land a blow that way. Raze wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice, so he rushed Yazzy, firing a blast as he closed the distance in a blur.

((OOC: If it's not obvious, Raze just used Overdrive))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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"God damnit...." Raze mumbled to himself. The hole between him and his prey was a bit too big, he'd have to jump it. There were obvious reasons why he couldn't just do that, but he couldn't just force himself to stand still, not while he was in this condition. Not while his blood was mixed. Raze didn't see any way to act upon him from here, save for just throwing bolts.... that is, until he remembered something.

In all of the fighting, he himself forgot his own immunity to lightning. He could use that to his advantage. He could also use that last bolt as well, a distraction if you would. In a instant, his mind kicked into high gear. He formualted a plan, one that'd be sure to wipe the smug look of Yeven's face. This plan'd hurt, but it put him right next to the bastard. Good thing he was in Overdrive, lest this hurt more than it had to....

Raze jumped over the portal, but not before throwing a few bolts in the air, which actually hovered. These would be a setup, which not even Yeven would expect, and his obvious bolt from earlier caused the tree to begin tilting towards Yeven. His plan was a go, he just needed Yeven to set it off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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"Wow..." Raze thought. He was expecting to be attacked mid-air, so the balls of lightiing would be ways for him to turn in the air. They'd explode, forcing him a different direction, and eventually, he would fling himself towards Yeven. However, Yeven got rid of them, and then taunted. His taunts were annoying, but they were useful. The tree was a minor distraction, he knew that Yeven would expect it to detonate and fly towards him, and he was right, it did. In that brief moment of opportunity, Raze created a shock bomb behind himself, detonating it to fling him faster towards the distracted Yazzy.

With the help of the explosion, he cleared the jump in no time, landing with a roll before speedily closing the small distance between him and his foe. He delivered a quick and powerful right straight, followed by a left hook and then a right uppercut to his body. He would've used his sword, but he wasn't going to kill Yeven, no, he wanted his rival alive, lest he not have a good fight every once in a while.

He'd keep the pressure on, making sure that Yeven didn't get enough space to retreat. Were he to try to, he'd follow Yeven through the portal. For all intents and purposes, this battle was nearly over. Yeven didn't have the combat prowress to fight a normal Raze, let alone a Raze in Overdrive.

((OOC: I figured I let you get enough blows in on me :D))


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaire23
Rin Hayshi
Rin quickly got up when she saw the lightning but when noticing it did nothing, she quickly decided to help with Raze. Seeing the tree in mid-air, she quickly decided to detract Yeven before he could do anything else. Thinking about her mark, she quickly created a golden whip and quickly whipped it and as it wrapped around Yaven's foot and pulled, knowing he'd have to fall from this. Smirking, thinking her job was done, she didn't expect a quick grab at the back of her dress and the electrical shock that followed shortly after. Making her vision go hazy and then black.
Kaedae Sato
As soon as he got up, she saw her attention else where and decided to strike. Once she was halfway through her move, he ran in and quickly pulled her to stop her concentration and then electrocute her. Suddenly, he felt her go limp in his hands. Apparently he used a tiny bit too much lightning but it didn't really matter to him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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The trap wasn't the best, as he easily jumped over it. Maybe that was the trap? For him to jump it? Regardless, the setup was the only thing Yeven had the chance to do before he was tripped by Rin. Raze'd have to thank her later, as the fight wasn't going to last much longer if she hadn't stepped in.

Without missing a beat, Raze landed and again closed the distance before pausing briefly. It wasn't long before he was to be overtaken by his own ability, the rage was setting in...

He picked Yazzy up by the back of the neck and lifted him into the air, commencing a combo that was too quick and swift to be seen by the naked eye. This flurry of punches and kicks ended with a powerful gut punch, followed by a blast of lightning throwing the foe through the air. His mind told him to finish the job, to kill the downed man, but his heart told him otherwise.

He didn't consider it a win, the fact is, it was moreso a loss because he needed assistance. Throwing all other thoughts away, he turned towards Kaedae and burst towards him at his inhuman sprint, he needed to save her before.... before he became the threat.

((OOC: Hope you don't mind, can't. Kinda thought that he'd need to go rescue her. We'll have a climatic rematch soon enough, and hopefully without a limit on the time....and trees. God damn trees.))


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato
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Raze stopped in his tracks, though he was fidgeting by this point. The rage had nearly blinded him, but if he were to stop, he'd just fall over unconcious, as it was the only thing keeping him awake.

"S...Stop!" his voice sounded split, like there were two people speaking instead of one. He couldn't hold himself up too much longer, but he couldn't rush in, he was sane enough to remember that much. "Don't even think about it, lest you want to see what your insides look like!"

By now, his was shaking, too much energy not being spent was causing this. The smell of the human's blood was on the air, as well as someone elses..... but who's? Raze preferred human blood to Elf blood, but there was a scent that was nearly driving him insane. It teased his nostrils, disappearing for one minute, appearing the next. It was beginning to be too much to bare.

With his last sane thought, Raze came up with the only thing he could at the moment. His eyes locked with Kaedae's, he commenced his other ability, the ability to manipulate feelings. This would work, though he might have done it a bit too strong, as he wasn't in his normal state.

((Just used seduction))


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Kaedae Sato Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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((OOC:Works for me XD))

Raze grinned evilly when he saw that is enthrallment worked. His mind wasn't completly straight, but he could just barely make out an order. "Go.... go back to your buddy and run...." he said, trying to contain his beast.

The hypnotized Kaedae complied and walked over to his fellow Shikaku, who was just now recovering from the beating. "We should go, master commands...."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Rina Mamoto Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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Yeven teleported over to the girl as he grabbed hold of her and sunk into another one of his portals to head a good distance away.

As he disappeared into the portal Yeven announced, "I told you this battle would end with someone getting impaled, I only wish it were you."

He thought it impossible to save his intended target, the destroyer, but it was then that he rememebered something: He had placed a shock bomb on Yazzy, just in case. His mind briefly shot back to when he was pummeling Yeven just a few minutes ago. The combo ended with a burst of lightning that set up the trap. It was intended for just that purpose. He knew he didn't knock the man unconcious, and he predicted the man's moves. He had become predictable in a sense.

Now that he tried running, he detonated it. It wouldn't hurt Rin too bad, especially because she was sleeping and her muscles were relaxed. But it would hurt Yeven, and he loved that thought. He heard the explosion far away, signalling that it worked. He'd have to apologize to her later, but that was his last clear thought before his mind became clouded.

"What's going on here?"

A distorted voice called out. Of course, it was probably only Raze hearing it that way. He turned to face the girl, who turned out to be an ally, a gorgeous green-haired woman he knew by the name of Rina (or sometimes 'Momo'). Regretfully, she came at the worst possible time, for he was just about to change. His head became clouded, his body became excited. His bloodlust became..... intense.

"GRRR.....GO!" he boomed at her, but was then overtaken by his rage...he was now in a frenzy and he hoped that he was injured enough for someone to knock him out.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Rina Mamoto
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"Ok, Raze calm down. you wouldnt want to hurt anybody would you?"

Raze gave a small glance at Len, and then turned back to Rina. He didn't have blood, therefore, he didn't interest Raze in his blood-seeking state. The smell of the elven blood was an aroma he couldn't resist anymore. He continued at a slow pace, not wanting to 'stir up' his meal. On the outside of Raze, his demonic lightning aura engulfed him, even shocking a few rocks and bushes next to him. It should be noted that he also developed a small headach, but couldn't feel it due to his nerves being numb.

However, this was all on the outside of Raze. On the inside...well on the inside, there was an unconcious and unhappy Raze. While technically he was knocked out, his dream was what he was actually doing. He saw himself only give a glance at his fellow Chikyuu No Mirai member. He saw himself look at Rina with the intent to suck her dry. It was a horrible sight to withhold and Raze had a front row seat.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Raze Character Portrait: Rina Mamoto
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If it were under any other circumstance, Raze would've probably not even felt the kick. However, it was the last tip he needed before falling over. A small electrical detonation occured, but it wasn't harmful, it was his energy finally being released. He of course, had just enough energy to mutter "Rin" before falling prey to the darkness that engulfed his eyes.

Had he any regrets, it was that he fought Yeven in a forest, where he could effectively use trees to his advantage. But, he'd be sure that he wasn't going to let the next battle end the same way, no, it'd end with him triumphent by his hand and with no assistance from anyone else. The frenzy could've cost him his friend's life, had he not been knocked out, and he'd have to thank Len for that. Hurting someone under his vampiric influence was his biggest fear, secretly, and he was glad he wasn't forced to live it.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Len Takahashi Character Portrait: Rin Hayashi Character Portrait: Yeven Brooks
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#, as written by Rari
Len started to panic slightly and acted on impulse. something he never does because he hates not planning things out. He took a deep breath and shot an arrow straight at Yevens head. He hated the idea that it might actually go through his skull and kill him, but he'd do whatever it would take to ensure the safety of The Destroyer. As he released the arrow he also sent his shadow tail into the portal and used it to pull Rin out.
(((ooc: man i fail.... )))