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Chosen Children

Chosen Children


6 children in present day, 6 powers to guide them on the path too good or evil. Heaven wants them, Hell wants their powers.

1,324 readers have visited Chosen Children since TheBandetGirl created it.


On the eve's of their birth's 6 babies were born to be either the death of the world, or the world's hero against the Apocoalypse. In the war between Heaven and Hell, the teens will fight, whether for good or for evil will be their choice, the world is a free-flowing place where there is will power, regret, ect. (just like our world but less crazy o.O if thats possible...)
6 can rebuild the world and 6 can destroy it. Hell may be the wrong choice, but no one ever said Heaven would be the right choice, and who says angels were ever 'good' anyway? Everyone is capable of evil, everyone is capable of destroying everything. (Now, this is not a God related story thing, i just like angels :) just explainin')

Powers & Ages
All Elements - 15
Control Emotions - 14 Kisa Cooper (TheBandetGirl - Me)
Shape-shift into any animal/human-like being - 17
Mind powers (doesnt matter what kind) - 16
Enough strength to fight anyone,or anything and win - 18
Teleportation & To make copies of yourself - 13
Children characters are be a demon/angel/human/whatevah (even alien i think...>.>)

Bio thingy (if you dont use these, just use it as a reference on what to tell)
Age & Birthday:
Heaven, Hell, or Earth?:
Do you know you have your powers?:

Demons, Angels, Human, and Supernatural creatures such as vampires, werewolves, fae, ect. can be made (of course)

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Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Abandoned Building

Abandoned Building by RolePlayGateway

5 mintues out of town

Hill Valley

Hill Valley by TheBandetGirl

Welcome to Hill Valley! Ya'll Enjoy Your Stay!

Hillside High

Hillside High by RolePlayGateway

The school for the teens

The Forest

The Forest by RolePlayGateway

It surrounds the town

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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(I made a New Roleplay called 7 girls if u wanna join ^.^)


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Kisa follows "We'll there's an abandoned Asylum i seen just outside of town probably five minutes on a forest path, but its a pretty cool building and worth the walk, wanna go check it out? I've heard that its haunted." She smiled thinking about the old building


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"If its haunted, I'm definatly going there!" Olivia said smiling. (well, Olivia is a demon, so she'd like haunted places, so i thought of making her excited ^.^)

The setting changes from Hill Valley to Abandoned Building

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Kisa nods and leads olivia to the asylum "See? doesnt it look awesome?!" (imagine how it would look, im too lazy to find i picture lol)

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"Oh my gosh, that looks epic!" said Olivia excitedly.

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"I know!" kisa goes and opens the door "and they dont even bother to lock it which is the best part" she said with a huge grin on her face

The setting changes from Abandoned Building to Hill Valley


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Becca opens the door and of the bookstore and walks to the sci-fi section. She looks for Norse Myths and comes across a thick book called "The Book Of Norse Myths. Hmm, that sounds good." She finds 3 other books on Norse Myths and goes to the counter to check them out. She sighs as she see's the line. "Well, I suppose I could wait a little while." And sits down on the floor and opens a book.


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Picking herself up off the floor and trying not to turn scarlet from embarrassment, Esther managed to shelve the rest of the books without too much difficulty. As she made her way back up to the register, she noticed that one of the customers from earlier was seated in the middle of an aisle, reading. A quick glance at the book confirms that it's one of the large Norse mythology tomes.

The Italian-born girl smiled. "Let me guess: Loki's your favorite?" It wasn't really that much of a guess; Loki was by far the most interesting of the Norse gods, even if he wasn't exactly the most upstanding.


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Locke pulled a space-themed book with loads of violence and was given an 18+ rating for the gore levels. He emotionlessly filtered through the book and sat down on the floor, ignoring everyone else around him and his mind became encased in the book.


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Amorea sighed as she closed her book. Sitting high up in the treetops, she closed it and stuffed it back into the bursting backpack she held in her laps. There was no hope for it, she'd have to go into a town. She stood up on the thick brach and lept, flapping her wings to keep her aloft. Slowly, she rose through the trees, careful not to hit anything. As she soared over the small forest, she landed a short way away from town, hoping no one had seen her. On foot, she slung her backpack over one shoulder after hiding her wings.

Striding into town, she luckily noticed a small bookstore immediately. She slid in through the door, hoping no one would notice her. She immediately began to browse through the shelves, at last finding an interesting book on theology. She began to skim through it, hoping it would prove as interesting as it looked. If she was lucky, she'd be able to read through anything interesting without having to buy it. Leaning against a shelf, she kept one eye on the book, and a second on the people inside the store. Humans sometimes did interesting things, and she was bored enough to pay attention to them.

The setting changes from Hill Valley to Abandoned Building

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"thats awesome!!!" she yelled, happily.

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"i know right!?" she goes in first, running into a giant spider web "ick...i hope this is the only big web" she brushed herself off and looked around the old building "this is sooooooooo cool!"

The setting changes from Abandoned Building to Hill Valley


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"I know, right?" she said giddily running around the rooms.

(lol, i didnt know what to put =D)

The setting changes from Hill Valley to The Forest


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#, as written by elloit
Spencer sat up suddenly in the middle of the forest. What the hell had happened!? Since when did he make a habit of going to sleep in the woods? There was something wrong here though. Normally the forest was full of life and beauty, but this forest was dead and decayed. The twisting forms of dead trees surrounded him, and the only signs of life were clouds of flies buzzing around animal corpses. This was like some kind of hell!
"You're not far wrong there, mortal." he heard a hissing voice. He jumped at the sound, whirling around to look for the source, but he could find none. "Why do all you humans do that the first time?" the voice continued, and there was a low chuckle of amusement accompanying it.
"Who are you and where am I?" he demanded of the forest, before he realised that the voice, though it sounded like a person stood before him, was actually inside his head.
"I am an entity that has existed since the earliest days of your race, though my realm is timeless. You are still in the forest, but the visions you are seeing come from the blackest recesses of your mind. To use a human expression, you are in a dream world."
"Ok then, so you are an immortal being of some kind, who has trapped me inside my own mind, but for what purpose?" Spencer's mind was whirling, trying to work out whether or not all of this really was a dream.
"Oh, you are not trapped. You could leave whenever you wished. As for the purpose, I come deliver a message unto you."
Spencer tried to make this nightmare end, but it did not. Then he realised that deep down he didn't want to leave yet, he was too curious. "Ok then." he said hesitantly "What's the message?"
"Look into my eyes and you shall see."
Spencer was about to point out that such a thing was impossible, when suddenly the ground opened up in a great fiery chasm. He leapt back to avoid it, but the trees formed a barrier, their branches shoving him in. He fell at first, and screamed in terror, but then discovered that his fall had ceased. He looked before him and saw amongst the flame a writhing cloud of black with two golden eyes. He stared into them as he had been instructed, and his mind flooded with thoughts that were not his own. It was searing agony, and he cried out, clutching at his eyes as his skin peeled off and his bones turned to dust...

He was still screaming as he awoke and sat up quickly, his movements jerky. What the hell had that been!? It had seemed so real!
"Because it was real." hissed that same malicious voice "Now if you wouldn't mind heading back into town, there are some individuals you need to meet."
"No, it can't be in my head still! I'm going insane!" he breathed to himself.
"Wrong human, I am merely occupying your mind for a while to set you on the...correct path. The sooner you meet my demands the sooner I leave. Now get back to the town!"
Head hung in defeat at the way the demon had tricked him (his mind assured him that must be what it was) he began to make his way from the forest in the direction of the town. He could only hope the creature in his head wouldn't stay there too long. As though provoked by these thoughts, the entity let out another rumble of dark laughter, and Spencer did his best to ignore it.

The setting changes from The Forest to Abandoned Building

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kisa shivered and looked out the door of the asylum towards town "something isnt right..." she looks towards Olivia and watches her run around "Hey Olivia, i know we just got here and all, but is it alright if we go back to town? I have a really bad feeling that something's gunna happen and I want to be there when it happens, whatever it may be." she said the whole time, her face covered with worry

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Olivia stopped running and listened to Kisa. "Yeah sure, we can come back any time!!" She said smiling. "Wait, something might happen? seriously? I wanna be there!!" She said and followed Kisa out the door.

The setting changes from Abandoned Building to Hill Valley


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Before her question was answered, Esther felt a chill course down her spine. Something wasn't right. Her brows furrowed together, and she stepped outside, only for an errant breeze to kick up. An ill wind, she thought, her anxiety building.

The young girl had not been aware of her powers for very long, and she generally hated their use, but she could not bear the feeling of this breeze, thick and cloying, almost like it carried a poison. So she looked around to make sure nobody else was in sight, then spread her arms to either side of her, closing her eyes and turning her face towards the sun.

She felt the elemental currents of the world around her as familiarly as though they were her own skin. The feeling was unsettling; the forces largely beyond her control. This, though, this she could do.

Sure enough, there was something malicious in the wind, and Esther reached out to it, nudging it to obey her will. Each element was different: wind was changeable, and required mere suggestion in most cases. Water was adaptable, and asked only to be guided. Earth had to be coaxed from it's sturdiness, but would move in the end. Fire... fire was the most dangerous of all, and the element that Esther struggled with, for fire had to be commanded, made to submit, and command was not a natural part of the quiet girl's nature.

So when the wind resisted her call, she was surprised. Whatever was coming was strong... and sinister. She pushed back, trying to move through the foreign influence to the wind itself.

After a great deal of struggle, she felt it yield, and she breathed deeply of the air, glad to be rid of the miasmic atmosphere. Still, she couldn't help but be concerned.

My God... what is coming...?


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kisa ran for town thinking dear God, this feeling is horrible... she turns her head and looks at olivia following her "Run as fast as you can! something is litteraly about to happen, I can feel the evil in the air!" she looks forward and runs as fast as she can


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Olivia runs as fast as possible into the town. "Evil? seriously?" Olivia sighed, looking down while running. Has she found out or not? I really dont think she has.... she thought, not wanting to lose her friend this early.


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#, as written by elloit
Spencer carried on walking, and as he walked he quickly realised that he was not the one in charge of which direction he travelled in. He merely walked, and the Demon guided him. But that was not all it did. It also whispered things to him, with him quickly realising no-one else in the town could hear it. Some of the things it spoke of were truly terrible, and sickened him to the core. But others he agreed with, having already formulated similar views. The more it spoke, the more he found himself seeing truth in it's words. Truth about the hypocrisy of God and the falsity of heaven.
With a start he saw that he was outside the bookstore.
"Go inside, at the back of the store will be a book. Take it and leave."
Surprised at himself, he complied. Stepping through the door he walked to the back of the store, and on the floor there was a book. It was old, and bound in something that looked It was bound in skin. His face went ashen, but even as he had this realisation he found himself picking it up. He then simply turned and walked back out again, and off around the corner into a dingy back alley.
"Open it." commanded the voice.
He looked at the cover and saw that there was no title, he opened the book and was confronted by blank pages. The tome was blank.
"There's nothing there." he said, glad that no-one was around to see him apparently talking to himself.
"Look more closely."
He turned to the front page, and was shocked to see that writing had appeared. It read 'The Chronicle'.
He turned to the contents page, and saw that this was not one book but six. And all the titles were numbers. "13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Are some pages missing or something?" he enquired.
"Turn to page one of 16." the voice replied. He did as he was told, and dropped the book in shock.
One page one of book 16, was an illustration of himself in the death-forest, and the words 'Chapter I: 16's Revelations'. Once he had a better grip of himself he picked the book up once more, and flipped through that chapter's pages. It was an exact account of all that had happened to him up to this moment in time. Out of curiosity he turned to a couple of the other books. They were blank.
"Why is the rest blank?" he asked, for some reason simply accepting the part of the book with him in it.
"The other five will have to touch the book for their stories to unfold within it."
"How will I know who they are?"
"You won't." It replied with mocking laughter "Because that's not how it works. There are some things you must discover for yourself, mortal. I will take my leave of you now, but know this- you are on our path now. I will appear again when the time is right. Do not try to avert your destiny as we have proclaimed it."
"You do not control me! I make my own path!" he yelled angrily, but the demon was already gone, leaving him with the book. He felt a brief burning pain on his left hand, and when he looked down saw that there was now and 8 pointed star branded into the back of his hand, with the words 'Ave Satanas' beneath them. He didn't speak Latin, but he got the general idea behind that phrase- Hail Satan.
Tucking the book into his pocket, he collapsed to his knees in the alley, burying his head in his hands. What was happening to him!?


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Kisa skidded to a stop infront of the bookstore "near here....." she looks around "come ooon....where are you?" she walked around looking down alley ways and in shop windows until she looked down an alley she had skipped an seen a guy on his knees and can feel the evil feeling coming from him and heads down the alley " okay?


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Esther caught sight of the commotion behind her foster parent's little bookstore and hurried forward. A young man, perhaps a year or so older than herself, was prone on the ground, hands clutching his head. Two girls stood some distance off, as though unsure what to do, one asking the boy if he was okay.

Without a second thought, Esther knelt next to the boy, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Mi dio... please, are you alright?" It was then that she noticed the strange mark on his hand, one that appeared to be causing him some pain, and there was a sharp intake of breath.

Ave satanas... what has happened to him? Her eyes flew next to the book beside him, and she shuddered. She couldn't remember having seen it in the bookstore at all, and yet she knew there was no other place in this town to get something like that. The boy had felt evil for a second there, too, but now... he just felt like a normal person. Well, not quite... She shook him slightly, urging him to snap out of whatever trance held him, wishing she could do more than that.


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kisa tapped esther on her shoulder "back up a bit...please? its really not safe to touch him right now....a big splash of strong black is in his aura, im not sure if the evil that has a hold of him can spread or not, so please move? just a little i swear" she looked from the guy to esther and back again worried like no tomorrow


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Esther looked at the girl who had tapped her shoulder. She seemed genuinely concerned, and quite serious. Esther had sensed the same evil, but she knew better than to fear it. She shook her head slightly. "I thank you for your concern, but until he awakes, I have a feeling it will only get worse."

Still, she could see the wisdom in the words, and scooted back a foot or so, still within reach should something happen to the boy on the ground. Kneeling, she clutched her white skirt in her fists as she looked on helplessly. Think... what would Father do? She knew exactly what the priest who had raised her would try, she just wasn't certain she was up to it anymore. The Church had forsaken her after all... but that didn't mean He had.

So Esther clasped her hands in front of her and prayed, repeating a mantra she had learned in Italian, one that roughly translated to "Our Father, your child calls you, asking for your mercy." As she continued to repeat it under her breath, over and over, she felt some of the blackness begin to dissipate. She poured what little of her faith remained into the plea, and was unaware of how her mental state was causing the air around her to whip about, changing direction abruptly.

At length, everything stopped. The evil seemed to leave the boy entirely, as though it were not him producing it but someone-something- else. Then again, it might have been. The wind died down, and Esther opened her eyes. He was still laying there, and she tried shaking him again. "Scusi? Please, you must wake up. You will take sick if you sleep outside." She hoped he was all right, but her mind was spinning with about ten thousand questions about what had happened, and she had a feeling this boy had most of the answers.


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#, as written by elloit
Spencer was aware of voices, people shaking him. Apparently they thought he was sleeping, but he was not. His mind was in a deep pit of despair, spiralling downwards as it tried to make sense of everything that had just happened to him. He was also trying to work out his significance in all this. He supposed it was something to do with his psychic abilities, and he assumed the other five from the book must have similar powers. What brought him out of this trance like state was the sound of someone praying. It was not because the prayer was having any obvious effect (though if he really thought about it he supposed it was working in an abstract way), it was because it opened a small furnace of rage inside him.
"Don't bother asking Him for mercy, he's not listening for the likes of me!" he snapped, raising onto his knees, before feeling bad about the outburst. He saw two people before him, the girl who he had seen in the forest earlier, and the one who must have spoken the prayer, a beautiful girl perhaps a year younger than himself.
He stood up unsteadily, quickly shoving the book into his pocket, and his hand along with it. If this person was very religious then that could certainly cause some problems...
"I'm sorry, I just have a bad headache." he lied, giving them both a weak smile "I'm fine, really. I should probably just go home and lie down. Thankyou both for your concern."
He hoped that would be enough to get rid of them, the last thing he wanted right now was to be questioned in the wake of his...possession? Yet even as he formulated such a thought he noticed the curious look in their eyes. They definitely had some questions they wanted answered.
Bugger... he thought, hiding it behind another smile. At least he was still alive in the wake of that otherworldly encounter, for now at least.

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Abandoned Building

Abandoned Building by RolePlayGateway

5 mintues out of town

Hill Valley

Hill Valley by TheBandetGirl

Welcome to Hill Valley! Ya'll Enjoy Your Stay!

Hillside High

Hillside High by RolePlayGateway

The school for the teens

The Forest

The Forest by RolePlayGateway

It surrounds the town

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kisa Cooper
Character Portrait: Becca Retal
Character Portrait: Spencer Bray
Character Portrait: Olivia Brown
Character Portrait: Shade


Character Portrait: Shade

A vampire that has completely lost everything human about him except his appearance

Character Portrait: Olivia Brown
Olivia Brown

13- teleportation. Best friend of Kisa

Character Portrait: Spencer Bray
Spencer Bray

16 year old mind controller. "You know you want to give me that cookie."

Character Portrait: Becca Retal
Becca Retal

17, impaitient, shapeshifter, nope nothing out of the ordinary

Character Portrait: Kisa Cooper
Kisa Cooper

The 14 yr old who controls emotions YA!


Character Portrait: Spencer Bray
Spencer Bray

16 year old mind controller. "You know you want to give me that cookie."

Character Portrait: Shade

A vampire that has completely lost everything human about him except his appearance

Character Portrait: Becca Retal
Becca Retal

17, impaitient, shapeshifter, nope nothing out of the ordinary

Character Portrait: Olivia Brown
Olivia Brown

13- teleportation. Best friend of Kisa

Character Portrait: Kisa Cooper
Kisa Cooper

The 14 yr old who controls emotions YA!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Shade

A vampire that has completely lost everything human about him except his appearance

Character Portrait: Kisa Cooper
Kisa Cooper

The 14 yr old who controls emotions YA!

Character Portrait: Spencer Bray
Spencer Bray

16 year old mind controller. "You know you want to give me that cookie."

Character Portrait: Becca Retal
Becca Retal

17, impaitient, shapeshifter, nope nothing out of the ordinary

Character Portrait: Olivia Brown
Olivia Brown

13- teleportation. Best friend of Kisa

View All » Places

Abandoned Building

Abandoned Building by RolePlayGateway

5 mintues out of town

Hill Valley

Hill Valley by TheBandetGirl

Welcome to Hill Valley! Ya'll Enjoy Your Stay!

Hillside High

Hillside High by RolePlayGateway

The school for the teens

The Forest

The Forest by RolePlayGateway

It surrounds the town

Hill Valley

Welcome to Hill Valley! Ya'll Enjoy Your Stay!

Abandoned Building

Abandoned Building Owner: RolePlayGateway

5 mintues out of town

The Forest

The Forest Owner: RolePlayGateway

It surrounds the town

Hillside High

Hillside High Owner: RolePlayGateway

The school for the teens

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Most recent OOC posts in Chosen Children

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

D= this roleplay hasn't been continued for a year!! but why?? whyyyyyyyyyyyyy???? that sucks eggs to be honest. pleeeeeeeeeease tell me why it died =L

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Hey, no worries; we're back in business here, and that's the important thing, right? Nice post, by the way. =)

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

I really should know better than to say exactly when I will post, because whenever I do, something always gets in the way. Sorry it took a while longer to post, but I am definitely back now. :)

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Sorry I haven't been very active, but I am starting college and it's a bit hectic... ^^"
I promise I'll post later on today.

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

dont forget, i have a villian :D so im in the good and bad group woot

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

You should definitely keep posting though elloit, since it looks like we still have Olivia too. I think four's enough to keep going, assuming we can all play villains and stuff too. =)

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

I'm definatly not so sure about anyone else but kurokiku :\ i've got bad luck in rps, they all seem to die......

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Well, I'm still here!

I think our GM is too, and probably Olivia. We've almost definitely lost the other two kids, and maybe the angel as well though.

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

I'm back!! :D this still active? Nothing's happened for about ten days, so I just wanted to check... *please still be active*

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Haha, hopefully internet happens. Otherwise, Esther might just have to call an ambulance and you can spend the time in a coma... =/


Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Ugh, sorry to cut that conversation painfully short, but I leave for a two week holiday in Devon tomorrow and it was the only way I could think of removing him for a little while.

With any luck the place will have Internet, in which case he'll wake up quickly, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much. :(
Sorry for any problems this may cause.

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Just so it's out there: may not be able to post for a couple of days, as I'm making my way back to the US from Europe, and planes don't like laptops, apparently...

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Just a quick heads up that I'll be away till Monday due to the most excellent Sonisphere music festival. See you all on the other side! ^^

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Er... sorry for posting like three times in a row, but I was just curious as to how this was going to happen. I fell like there should be someone that shows up and tells us that we're crazy-awesome and stuff, but as of right now the only six characters are the kids... just a little confused. I'm still really new to this, so sorry if my questions are blatantly stupid or something...


Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Never mind, I just jumped right on in!

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Yaay! Thank you so much! I'm really looking forward to it.

When and how do we start?


Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

Well, I actually made a profile... don't know if it's been taken already by now though... don't see it up on the character section, so maybe I'm in?

Re: [OOC] Chosen Children

I'll make a bio if I feel like it, and I have a pretty good one in mind.