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Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Clockwork Fantasies: Season One


Unsuspecting heroes leave on a multi-dimensional adventure to stop an unknown force, trying to bridge the gap between dimensions.

1,031 readers have visited Clockwork Fantasies: Season One since Censored69 created it.


Clockwork Fantasies
Season 1

((Will add when we have characters. Its really unimportant and is just for entertainment purposes.))

Let me tell you a story, a story of adventure, of friendship, of courage and possibly of banana smoothies.

Pilot episode

Stone streets surrounded by large wooden buildings. The streets were empty tonight. That might have something to do with the chill. But there was one person who seemed unbothered by the cool night air. He wore a long black cloak, a hood shadowing his face from view. In one hand he held a playing card, in his other a banana smoothie. From the shadows behind him a small creature emerged. It looked almost like a cat but skinnier with far longer claws and no tail. The creature was completely black with the exception of its red eyes. It blended in well with the darkness. More creatures began emerging from the shadows. The hooded man brought the smoothie up to his lips and took a sip. His lips parted from the straw and he stood perfectly still for a moment, just a moment. The hand with the playing card came straight up to his face then shot out till his arm was straight with a single dramatic motions. "Children of darkness! Free this world of its exoskeleton! Allow us to pass freely through it, feasting on the inhabitants as we wish along the way..." For a moment the creatures did nothing. Then they took off, going from zero to holy shit! in less than a second. They began smashing up the town and people came running from their houses in fear. The man in the cloak let out a loud, maniacal laugh as the chaos ensued. "Yes! Let this world perish, it will fall like all the others before it!" He began to raise both of his hands in the air dramatically, dropping his smoothie along the way. The figure looked down at the spilled smoothie. Suddenly the deep, evil voice was replaced with what sounded almost like a frustrated teenager. "God damnit. Hey! Minions! Could you get me a new smoothie if you pass the stand from earlier? Thanks!"
[Scene cuts out. Screen fade in again.]
A man around the age of twenty with spiked blonde hair and mismatched clothing that consisted of oddly placed belts and chains ran from some of the small black creatures, a large sword in one hand and an orb in the other. "Damn Kyte. How come I didn't notice them sooner?" He muttered under his breath as he continued running. The city had an interesting but complex system of pathways that could confuse you even if you lived there your whole life. This man obviously knew where he was going though, he had some sort of purpose in his eyes. One of the creatures, which he had called Kyte earlier, appeared in front of him and tried to pounce. It was interrupted by the large sword slashing it perfectly down the middle from head to toe with ease. The creature seem to fountain out a black liquid for a moment before its body began dissolving. The man continued running, muttering something to the effect of "Finally" He slowed down, apparently making it to his destination. It was what looked like some sort of decorative pavement with no real use to it but in the center there was a small key hole. The man fell to his knees and stuffed the orb into the hole as quickly as possible. He turned the orb quickly and then then the pavement disappeared but the man stayed floating there. He looked back at the creatures and smirked as he tore off what looked to be almost twenty different necklaces and tossed them into a hole then stood back up. "Come at me."
[Scene fades out then shows a chibified picture of the man in the black cloak crying over his spilled smoothie. Narrator voice "We'll be right back after this quick commercial break. Stay tuned to meet our heroes!"]


There are thousands upon thousands of dimensions beyond our own. Each dimension follows its own universal laws and is created its own way. They were like experiments for the gods, if they change just this one little thing then how might the world turn out. The experiment is now over and the gods have long left but now a new force arises known as the Kyte. The Kyte used to be harmless denizens from their home world (also called Kyte) but recently a group of people wanted to bridge the gaps between the worlds have released the Kyte from their cage. The Kyte are the only beings capable of destroying the walls between dimensions. They are also only capable of being harmed through the power of these special necklaces.

The necklaces are our heroes source of power. They each have a weapon that corresponds with them. They store these weapons in 'hammerspace' or the void or basically an empty world until our heroes call for them (Not literally, that'd just make our heroes look like idiots) and then the weapons are summoned and placed in the heroes hands. These necklaces also do various other things. They give the heroes basic physical upgrades, allowing them to defy laws of gravity and allow our heroes access to certain abilities.

This necklaces feed off the essence of the Kyte. As they continue to feed they grow in power, allowing the current owner of them to further the physical bonuses and gain access to new powers. The necklaces are a silver chain, with a pendant that looks like the weapon it corresponds with. This knowledge is currently unknown to our heroes.

To those of us joining from the beginning we will be starting on the world of Aestris, a steampunk world with minimal electronic technology. We'll start in the town of Cren, a large town surrounded by grassland, the buildings in the town have a gear design thats purely for aesthetics. There's a clocktower not to far from town that's supposedly haunted. You may or may not already have your necklace, but either way you don't know what it does yet and do not have access to any of your powers.

There will be a OOC thread with a list of worlds and another so we can summarize our story for newcomers eventually but they aren't really required yet.

- Vance Reveral
- Alin Phoenix

(I will be running the villains this time around. I've noticed that in the past letting others play villains slows down the RP because the villains don't have anything to do for long periods of time.)

Character Sheets


Character name: (Self explanatory)
Gender: (Male or female genitalia)
Age: (Self explanatory. Older than 15 and within realistic enough numbers. No ageless characters.)
Necklace: (Your necklace, what it looks like, and what weapon it summons.)
Power: (I won't give a specific limit but I also have no problem turning you down so don't overpower yourself.)
Current life: (I don't care about your characters past. Its funner to reveal that throughout the RP anyways. I just want to know where their currently living and how life is right now for them.)
Personality: (Don't get too specific cause we want room for character development.)
Theme song:(Not a necessity but adds to the effect of the Roleplay plus it gives me something to listen to. My playlist is becoming repetitive.)
Appearance: (Self explanatory. Anime or very, very in depth description.)

Toggle Rules

1.Obey all rules and for the most part what I say goes.
2.Posting. I expect an average post of at least two paragraphs. I'm usually very lenient on this as long as people are willing to improve. Of course if you have gone through an American elementary school you need to have correct grammar for the most part. We learn this stuff in 4th grade. If your incapable you need a new hobby.
3. This RP will be a little more mature than most. Still no cybering. But expect some crude humor, vulgar language, descriptive violence and some sensual scenes. Again no cybering. But some people are gonna cut it really close.
4. Obviously violence will be a necessity at some point in the RP. Romance is also encouraged but no love at first sight. Relationships take time.
5. This is a story driven RP. If your just wanting to screw around and kill shit then this is not the place for you.
6. I don't necessarily expect daily posts as there are days where I can't post but give us warning and post often enough that you don't hold everyone else back.
7.You only get one warning. We should not have to deal with your lack of ability to follow the rules.
8. No godmodding. Some times story updates may have me godmodding but I won't like take complete control and have your character speak or anything. Might just be something like "The party spent the night celebrating and woke up in the morning, most with huge hangovers." Although story updates will be far longer.
9. Remember some comic relief. This is an RP. We don't need to be all *Very serious face!* On the same note remember rule #5. It won't be all fun and games either.
10. Expect character conflict! We will not all be great friends. Don't take any rude remarks directed at your character personally.
11.I will make an exception to rule #8 in case someone disappears but give them twenty four hours and check the OOC thread.
12.Have as many characters as you can handle. Side note: I may ask one of you guys to do updates from your character's point of view, kind of like the 'Last time on...' and they have some character describe whats going on.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Vance Reveral
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The sun reflected off the grassy plains perfectly. The town of Cren seemed a lot smaller from Vance's perch on top of the Clocktower. This was Vance's favorite spot. The beautiful view, the isolation, everything seemed so at peace here. Even someone as crazy as Vance occasionally needed to get away and just relax. "Hey!" Vance looked town to see a guy about his age yelling at him. "How'd you get up there?" Vance grinned. The door to the tower had been sealed years ago. It's why most people thought it was haunted. It meant the only way up was to climb it. "It's an easy climb!" The teen standing below just shook his head at the response. "I'll be down in a sec!" Getting down was far harder than getting up. The tower went up in a perfect square except about a fourth of the way down there was a circular outcrop with a railing surrounding the tower. The original purpose was probably so people could get a good look at the view. However with the tower locked up it was simply a hindrance. Vance vaulted over the railing like he was gonna jump off the tower, however he twisted his wrist and caught himself. This left him hanging off the ledge. He dropped himself from the railing and caught himself of the floor of the outcrop. He swung slightly and pressed his feet up against the wall of the tower. Then he let go of the outcrop. Vance fell about three feet before managing to catch himself on one of the wall's cracks. The rest of the climb down was uneventful, Vance knew what he was doing. Upon landing Vance pulled a cigarette out. "Got a light?"
The other teen stared for a second, stunned by Vance's nonchalant question. He eventually pulled out a lighter and lit up Vance's cigarette. Vance put the death stick to his lip and then released a cloud of smoke. "So, what's up?"
The other teen waved the smoke from his face. "Irene is looking for you."
Vance dropped the cigarette and stomped on it. "What the hell? Why didn't you say that before? Now I smell of smoke, man!" He turned his heel and took off. He was headed towards Cren, the city of gears. As he ran a necklace with a wrench pendant bounced against his neck.


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Character Portrait: Alin Phoenix
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Alin was walking along the road to the clock tower. He was headed to the "haunted" Building because no one else would do it in the little group of apprentices. This young man was a bookkeeper's apprentice, an important job even if most didn't see it that way. Without them, history would never be recorded and people would eventually forget all of that they should remember, like decisions that ended very poorly. No one wanted to go around the clock-tower since they had a mix of fear of ghosts, and they thought that it wasn't important enough to document. Alin didn't think that, he thought that it should be, and he had always wanted to find a way inside. As he walked he played with a necklace he always wore. It appeared to be two little girls holding hands. He couldn't remember where he got it, but it felt important and so he just kept it around.

When Alin arrived to the tower he pondered how to get inside of it. He knew the door was locked, everyone did. He had to record the inside state of the tower, not the outside. He sighed and looked around, seeing that it might be possible to climb the tower. He wasn't much of a climber, but he could give it a try. The young man sighed and gave it one more look over and tried to get up. He got maybe a few feet from the ground and then he slipped and fell down again. "Damn it!" he said in frustration. He then saw a guy running off from the other side of the tower. Had he just came from up higher? Alin decided it was worth trying to ask him and he ran off after Vance. "hey!" he called as he ran, slowly closing the gap but he wished he would stop running so he could catch his breath.


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#, as written by Lucette
"Hff, hff"
The sun shone through the leaves over her head. It created patterns on the ground, making a light effect that might remind you of being underwater. Charlie's feet ran across the forest grounds, desperately looking for something.
She heard a twig snap from the left side of her head. She quickly turned it, making her small pony tail bounce off her neck. Bewildered, she turned her head again, now for the footsteps on the right side of her head. Another snap followed by a swishing sound and a sharp pain in her cheek before the fox on the other side of her head fell out from the bushes, dead.
"Dad, that was mine! And you slashed me again!" Charlie picked a band-aid from her belt pocket and carefully plastered it across her face. "Never be in the way of a hunter, Charles. Besides, seemed like it took you forever to decide if you wanted to take him or not." Her father, stepping out from behind a big tree, nodded to the young fox lying dead on the ground. "She's a girl. Look at her jaw." Charlie stepped over to the animal and held her face up. Two huge eyes seemed to stare her down, jammering "why would you kill me?"
"Huh. You're right. Good eyes, my daughter."
"Oh stop it."

Charlie and her father started walking back to the town. The sun shone even more brightly out of the forest, they had to shadow their eyes before they got used to the light. "I'm going home now. You'll be home for dinner?"
"As long as dinner isn't that fox," Charlie laughed and turned around. "I'll be home in a couple of hours, I think," she said, and ran along.


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Character Portrait: Charon Delmuerto
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Charon snored loudly, the sound echoing off the rafters of the drifter house he crashed in the night before. He happened to arrive in Cren about two days early due to his extensive knowledge of by-roads and shortcuts, and he used his time as a sort of impromptu (and well-deserved, in his opinion) vacation. His time wasn't spent just sleeping in the drifter's house, however; he wandered around Cren, taking in the sights, the sounds, and any future business opportunities for smuggling that the city had to offer. As he snored, though, a dirty hand crept up the side of his cot, making a beeline for the rings that decorated his fingers. Just as the hand reached his, Charon's snoring ceased abruptly, and the interloping hand stopped as well, hesitating for a second or two before cautiously resuming it's path. As it grasped one of Charon's gold rings, Charon's hand reached out and gripped the invasive hand by the wrist. "Look, I've heard it all; you want money for karate lessons to save your family, you're gonna spend the money on food, give you my valuables or I'll slit your throat." Charon said in a disturbing monotone, keeping his eyes closed and remaining flat on his back. "What you fail to realize is I can pick you up and throw you out of the window, you dirty, waifish bastard. I'm going to let go of your hand. If you try anything, anything at all, that I find unsavory, I'll break that damn wrist quicker than you can say 'I'm sorry.' Got it?" He continued, very slowly releasing pressure on the captured wrist. "Well that's what you think, man. I took kung fu lessons when I was a kid. I'll kick your ass from here to Hong Kong, or something." The hidden man replied, quickly and sloppily reaching for the rings again.

Quicker than he could say "I'm sorry", Charon's hand darted out once again, seized the offending wrist, and, utilizing the edge of the cot, bent it until he heard the dry snap of bones. The man screamed in agony and rolled out from underneath Charon. "Now, what did we learn here? Hopefully we learned that I am not to be trifled with. And also that you can't just go around stealing from whomever you please." Charon droned, rolling onto his side and opening his eyes. "Now, if you don't mind, I have a package to deliver." He hopped up off the cot, snagging a package he kept underneath the blanket he "borrowed" from the owner of the house. He gave a mock salute to the man he injured, now rolling on the ground and crying, and sprinted out the door, checking the hand scrawled location on the package he held in both hands as he blindly ran into the streets of Cren.


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Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
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"No! No no no! I ain't got nothing to spare for you, street rat!" Barked a red-faced farmer, among the market quarter of Cren. The small, quiet town was known for it's organic, freshly prepared produce, as well as the poverty stricken beggars dotting the merchant stalls. "It's every day with you! You don't think I got a family to feed too? I work for what I got! Why dontcha' whipe the dirt off your face and get a job!" He continued, tossing down his stained apron.
"I'm not asking for much." replied the woman, adorn in tattered rags and carrying a sobbing infant. "He needs to eat!"
"So do my kids! This is the last time hunny. I'mma counta' three, and if you're still here when I'm done, I'mma take this hoe and--" His agitated speech was interrupted, by a well dressed blonde woman. She stood 5''4, bound by a leather corset, a white frilled top, black hot pants with matching boots, and a leather cap. Though her clothes were not necessarily regal, they stood out from the crowd in their cleanliness and color.
"That's enough, Albur." Spoke Molly. Her voice was strong in tone, and yet lightly pitched, like sweet honey packadged in a metal vase.
"Mol, I'm not gonna give another freebie just because I owe Crockraven. This product is my product, my blood and sweat."
"Fair enough." Sternly, she put down a pouch of gold coins onto the surface of the stall's wooden bar. "Put it on me. Give her enough to eat supper for a week. Hell, offer her a job." She bent forward over the counter, exposing a little cleavage, and raised her hand over one side of her mouth as if to talk behind the beggar. "Besides, that'll put her in debt to you, right? Gotta invest Albur, loose some to win some." The man was not charmed by her sexual appeal, and though his brow was still furrowed, he considered the concept.
"Alright, alright. Whatever. Just leave me alone, the both of you rats."
"Good boy!"
As the merchant turned to prepare his trade, the woman addressed Molly. "Bless your heart ma'm! It's not true what they say about those nobles from the capital, you really have heart." Molly did not return her gratitude with a smile.
"Just take the food and go. You're too pitiful to look at. Please, take his job offer, for his sake." Crudely replied the blonde, flicking a finger torwards the baby boy in the older woman's arms, before cocking a hip and waltzing by her without a second look. Though both the merchant and the beggar could only look back at her with offense, they could agree, at the very least, that they got a good deal out of this chance meeting. Molly, meanwhile, continued her stroll through the town's dusty streets, looking for a cure to boredom.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alin Phoenix Character Portrait: Vance Reveral Character Portrait: Villians
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Vance slowed as he heard a familiar voice yelling at him. Alin. The two used to be friends, their common interest in exploration brought them together, but a few years back when Vance had gotten his apprenticeship with the mechanic and Alin had started working as a glorified librarian they just kind of stopped talking. Vance slowed and turned around. "Yo! Let me guess, you lookin' to get into the tower?" The two had tried to get in when they were kids and Alin had never really given up. "The door at the top is sealed too. No way in. That's not gonna change any time soon.....except maybe it will..." Vance noticed out of the corner of his eye, the door to clock tower had opened. The thing had been sealed for at least the past twenty years. "Turn around, Alin." A small grin crept onto Vance's face. Irene would have to wait, this tower had been the unfinished mystery from his childhood. He'd finally find out what was inside. He was bound to be disappointed but he would find out nonetheless.

The hooded figure pulled the last board off the door and opened it into the world. The bright light of the summer sun would reveal just the bottom of his face. Fortunately for the cloaked man, no one could see him. See, the man was not of this world and thus the world would not acknowledge him. Only those with the Source could see him. The man stepped out into the light, bringing a straw to his lip and taking a sip of his smoothie as he did so. There stood two teenagers, not far away. A smirk came across the face below the hood. He could kill both of them and no one would be the wiser. It would be fun. He slid a playing card from his pocket and prepared to throw it.

Vance saw the man emerge from tower. Oddly dressed in just a black cloak, seemed like terrible clothes for summer. The man pulled something from his pocket, it was hard to tell at this distance. The man threw it. No that's not the right word. The man launched the object in their direction like a missile. It was aimed at Vance, who ducked out of the way with the exclamation "Holy Shit!"

The man frowned, as the teen dodged the sun seemed to hit the pendant on the teen's neck just right. Friet recognized it, even at this distance. The kid had the Source. Meant he could see Friet. So much for this being easy. Friet lifted his left hand into the air and made a waving motion. What followed this motion was a tidal wave of black, cat like creatures pouring from the clock tower. "Go forth my minions! Swallow this world and all that occupy it!" Friet looked up at the sky and let out a loud, evil sounding cackle. He had an appreciation for the classic villains.

As lame as the laugh had been, the tidal wave of creatures was easily the scariest thing Vance had ever seen. Vance grabbed Alin's shoulder. "We gotta get back to town and warn people!" Of course anybody with eyes should see this coming right?

The best thing about the Kyte was, like Friet, they did not belong. Only those with the Source would noticed them before it was too late.


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Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
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Molly's tyrade of the small town continued for a while, checking on many of the shops that Crockraven had stocked today. On the farther edge of Cren, nearby the clock tower, something very strange caught her eye, and she stopped in her tracks. A dark, shadow of a living being bounded out from behind an alley way. It looked not unlike a cat, and yet it gave off the aura of something much more sinister. For a moment that seemed like eternity, the blonde stood still, locking gaze with the enigmatic creature, while the movement of the people in the streets slowed to a crawl. A smile crossed the monster's face. That wasn't normal.

Out of the blue, the demon pounced at Molly, leaping from it's hind legs and stretching outward it's black claws. "What the hell!?" Blurted Molly as she struggled to move out of the way. Side stepping just in time, one of the cat's sharp nails grazed the exposed skin on her shoulder. She could feel it slice deep, despite the space between her and the nail's base, and let out a quiet yelp as her predator landed on a lamppost behind her. The young girl grimaced at the cat, burning with the idea of revenge. "Son of a bitch!" Although she wanted to give her enemy a fistfull of Hearthcrock, her retaliation was cut short when she noticed a pack of the creatures spilling out like a flash flood from the adjacent alley way. Who could possibly handle a bunch of nimble, crazy felines without some sort of a weapon? Her new stradegy was to turn her heel and sprint in the other direction.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alin Phoenix Character Portrait: Vance Reveral
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Alin recognized the other person as his childhood friend Vance. Of course, they had grown distant after the fact they decided to get jobs. His job as the bookkeepers apprentice kept him busy most of the time and he didn't get to lounge about like Vance had been doing before he went back into town. "Of course I'm looking for a way in, did I never stop?" He asked with a grin. He had always wanted to go in, no one had been in there in so long that people didn't seem to remember what was in there, not clearly, or they wouldn't say. So of course Children with an exploratory nature would want to go in. Of course at this point Alin wasn't trying to get in for just himself, but to finish his apprenticeship. After he finally recorded the clocktower he would be a bookkeeper and maybe finally get some more time off since it wasn't a full time job, as long as you could work fast and get the work done quickly, and accurately of course.

Alin turned around when Vance told him to and he saw the hooded figure. "What the hell is he doing?" he asked out load, though it was mostly to himself. He watched more, not knowing what to do, someone was just opening it up like it was nothing. Alin squinted his eyes to see what the hooded figure had pulled out and soon found out when Vance ducked and he saw it was a playing care. "What t-" He started, but was cut shore when the man summoned cat like creatures and they started to flood towards them. "Right!" Alin said and started to run with Vance, hoping they could warn everyone in time. He didn't know either that unless you had a necklace like they couldn't see the creatures and it wasn't going to end well for this world.


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#, as written by Lucette
The road Charlie was running down slowly transformed into streets. Even though the buildings shadowed most of the rocky ground, everything was lit up and fully visible, at least it would've been if Charlie hadn't spent the last five-six hours in a pitch dark forest. The strong light still kind of stung in her eyes. She slowed down to normal strolling speed and squinted for a couple of seconds to look around. To her left she could se the local market; people selling goods they'd either grown, made, traded or crafted. To her right, the local school; one of the most decorated buildings in town. The walls were covered in huge copper gears, and the roof was made of a tin-like metal with a small chimney, also seemingly made of tin, resembling the kind you see on trains. As her eyes got completely used to the bright light, she started running again.

Further down the street she started to see the Clocktower. She grinned. It had never been a place she was very fond of, though she liked surrounding gardens and the graveyard. It was always completely silent there and the grass was greener than any place she'd seen before, and the graves of the passed were covered in white flowers. She slowed down to a full stop when she was able to see the clock on the top of the tower behind the buildings. "I like this place", she thought. "I hope I never have to leave."
She took another step, but stopped quickly as something disturbed her. Right by the corner of a tall building, she saw a small dark figure. It seemed much like a cat, but something was off - the few feet around it seemed shadowed instead of bathed in light as the rest of the place. She approached it slowly, it didn't seem to notice her too much, sitting with its back turned to her, when suddenly she heard the sound of someone running towards her from around the corner.


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Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
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A bustling blonde scraped by Charlie, coming to a full hault when she caught gaze of another demon, by the corner of the tall building. Molly's knees buckled, and she took a minute to look behind her. She made good distance with the pack tailing her, but they certainly hadn't stopped moving. "Excuse me... young miss... you should..." Panted the woman. "You should run. Those felines aren't... friendly..." Catching her breath, she stood up straight, and looked the huntress in the eye as she wiped blood from her still fresh cut above her left clavacle. "Actually, I could use a little help. I'm not a local..." Her hard tone and moslty-neutral face hid her true insecurity and fear, practicing confidence to further her survival, rather than garnering pity.

Her rest was short lived, as the demon group she was on the lamb from only grew closer and closer. "C'mon lady." Goaded Molly, biting her lip. God, that weapon would be really nice right now.


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The black feline creatures were gaining on them, luckily the two teen were close to the town. Any second now they should pull together a militia. But they didn't. There was a stabbing pain in the back of Vance's leg. The creatures had caught up to him and Alin. Vance fell and everything slowed down. His face smacked into the dirt ground. The townsfolk were right there, how come no one was helping. A warm feeling crept down from Vance's knee, he looked back. It was blood. He was gonna die to some cat creature that came from a haunted clock tower. It sounded ridiculous. How was he supposed to explain this to people in hell? All hope faded as creature after creature stampeded over Vance's back. He slowly closed his eyes. He wished he had spent more time at home, he wished he had taken his friendships more seriously, he wished he'd finished that mechanized bike he'd been working on for the last four years. Most of all, he wished he knew what the hell was going on.
"Vaaaaancccceeeee!" Vance's eyes snapped open. Irene. The teen pushed himself up, forcing the creatures off himself. Right foot, then left. The slow walk become a jog, then a sprint. The mechanic swung wildly, each time he hit one of the beasts it was like smacking a brick wall. Whatever it took to stop the damn things. She was within eye sight now, past the wave of creatures she stood, her short brown hair, the orange aviator scarf around her neck, the light brown dress covered by a leather coat. She seemed completely unfazed by the black cat like things coming towards her. She may not be interested in saving herself but he damn sure was. Vance leaped forward, and in doing so cleared almost ten feet, bridging the gap between him and Irene. Then, time froze. A massive engineer wrench began to materialize in Vance's right hand. Upon completely materializing time began once more. Vance spun, smashing the wrench into one of the creatures. The thing exploded, a black goo spraying over Vance's face. After a moment the plasma dissolved into the air. Vance smirked and lifted his new weapon preparing for more.
"Um, Vance, you look like a crazy person standing there like that...."


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Why was no one running when they saw the cats? Why was the town just going on like nothing was wrong at all, like it was just a normal day? He could feel them catching up with them and watched Vance being taken down. Alin was lucky, he didn't get over taken...right away. He felt the cat like things pile on him and he felt like he was choking in the darkness. This is it...I'm going to die and I have done nothing with my life. I don't want to die this's not fair. he thought as he felt the breath being squeezed out of him. Then before he could think anymore, he heard voices, and neither of them were the voice of Vance. "I wanna just hug one!" said a little girl. Alin could see now, and she was holding one of the creatures close like a stuffed animal. "Nii, quit messing around." Said the other girl. "Your no fun Kira!" Nii said and she broke the things neck and let it fall dead.

The boy got up, really confused on how they couldn't seem to hurt the creatures, but this little girl did. "who are you?" he asked, both girls smiling. "I'm Nii, and this is Kira, we came to help!~" Nii said happily and Kira sighed softly. "Look at your hands." Said the darker of the twins and Alin did, seeing that there were faintly visible blue strings leading to each girl. "We can move on our own, but you have master control, as long as we are tied to you then we have our power." Kira explained. Alin took this all in and nodded. He then moved Nii to crush another one, and Kira in the other direction to kill another Kite. "Alright, This will work." Alin said with a grin and he went to catch up with Vance. He heard Irene saying Vance looked like a crazy person. "you dont see them?" Alin asked her, not understanding what was going on still.


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Minutes ago, he'd been minding his own business, leaning against a stone building and boredly examining a small snake as it wound its way sinuously through the grass. He'd been trying to decide what kind it was when a long, leggy black creature hurtled past him, faster than anything he'd ever encountered. Too small to be a pony, too large to be a dog, it moved with all the liquid grace of a feline, lights flickering doubtfully in in the wake of it's darkness.

Disturbed, but not too concerned, he'd watched it pass him by. Followed by another. And another. And the odd thing was, no one else seemed bothered by it. The citizens of Cren went about their business as if nothing was wrong. And he wasn't sure if that wasn't the case; they were bizarre... definitely ethereal, and yet they seemed uninterested in doing harm to anyone.

As if to prove him wrong, a creature on the outside of the pack broke free of it's friends as they soared past, skidding to a stop just ahead of him. It turned to regard him almost quizzically, staring right at him.

It pounced before he could decide if he should run or not.

Its sinewy body sprang into the air and hung for a moment, as if it belonged, and things seemed to slow down for a second, or possibly an eternity. The spell broke; it slammed into his chest faster than he could track and sent him sprawling to the ground, scrabbling for his throat before he'd even landed.

He instinctively brought an arm up and it latched on, baring teeth much sharper than his in a snarl. It seemed his body moved as if it had a mind of it's own, separate from him. He rolled up into a kneel and slammed the creature into the ground beneath his arm, breaking it's grip and probably a few of it's teeth. It snapped at him again and he jerked back, snagging it's leg and slinging it as far away from him as he possibly could.
It landed against a building across the street with a snap and fell limply to the ground, dissolving into nothing. He'd breathed a sigh of relief... until three more had melted out of the shadows.

And now? He was running for his life. The three had been joined by dozens, maybe even hundreds! There were too many, if he even considered fighting them with his bare hands, he'd go down under them and they'd eat him alive. Just like wolves. Or lions?
He left a cloud of dust in his wake as he sprinted with exaggerated speed through the streets, a comical look of panic on his face as he slammed into townspeople and sent them flying in opposite directions.



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Character Portrait: Charon Delmuerto
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Charon's mad dash for his drop-off point was going quite smoothly; well, as smoothly as his usual deliveries went, which is to say he was not actively bursting into flames. His mind didn't stray as it usually did on his runs, a fact that would have surprised him had he not been so focused on the task at hand. He turned a corner, skidding slightly on the dirt covering the street, and came face-to-face (actually more mid-shin-to-maybe-face) with a small, black... thing, about the size of a cat. Charon's running instincts took over in response to this new threat, causing him to vault over the mystery creature in a failed attempt to save momentum and allow him to bypass any other obstacles as quickly and cleanly as possible. The only reason his attempt failed was due to the fact that the creature he attempted to suavely vault merely reached it's claws out and scratched the back of Charon's calf as he passed over. Rather than succumbing to the temptation to turn around and kick the damn animal into next week, Charon merely bit the inside of his lower lip and pressed onward, trying to ignore the pain in his leg and the sound of the creature pursuing him as he made his winding way towards the clock tower.

As he bolted into view of the structure, Charon's focus was broken and his eyes widened at the sight of hundreds of the little black animals swarming all over hell and creation. Only adding to his astonishment was the guy he saw swinging a giant wrench he was fairly certain did not exist a second before then, and yet another guy walking along with two tiny women. Due to his lack of focus, he took a header right into the ground, his legs tangling together beneath him and causing him to trap one of the shadow creatures underneath his chest. As he laid on the ground trying to catch his breath, the creature trapped beneath him began to frantically attempt to claw it's way out of Charon by way of his ribcage. Not wanting to become a victim of a reverse chest-burster type scenario, Charon rolled over quickly, grabbing the surprisingly weighty creature and throwing it off to the side. "Look, all I want to do is deliver this package. Not cure cancer, not fight evil, not save the world. Just this package. That's it." He growled at the thrown creature, who began rising and dusting itself off as Charon did the same. "I don't know what you are, or what you want, and I can't honestly say I care enough to find out. All I know is, this damn box," Charon ranted, thumping his hand against the box. "Has something in it that is worth something to someone. All I want is to get it out of my hands. Is that too much to ask?" He finished, glaring at the creature as it glared back. He knew something was going to have to happen between himself and this animal, but he knew not what it was.


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The figure waded through the army of Kyte, his hidden face was emotionless. The kid had summoned the Source, this wasn't good for Friet. Situations like this were often....interesting. Right now, Friet didn't want interesting. The kid with the wrench seemed to have some sort of attachment to the girl. She would die first. A card slid down his sleeve and fell nicely into the palm of his hand. Another step closer. And another another. He walked like the reaper, seeming to be in no real hurry and often being forgotten in the hustle and bustle of the invasion.

"Vance! That man! He just fell over and died!" Vance looked to the side to see a man torn to pieces by one of the creatures. The hell!? The cats began ripping into people and they started falling, so the survivors ran, oft times they ran right into the beasts. It didn't make any sense to Vance. The why of it didn't matter much though, he had to save these people. He had to do what he could. "Irene, stick with me, I'll keep you sa-" His words were cut off as a fountain of blood gushed from her throat onto his face. He stared at the playing card lodged in her windpipe, Vance swore the face of the joker was mocking him. Then came a light chuckle from behind. Vance turned to face the hooded man. "Why?" He asked simply. "Why all this chaos and death?"
The hooded man chuckled again. "I get bored on Saturdays."
" this cause you're bored? All this cause you're fucking bored!?" Something snapped inside of Vance. Every last one of his brain cells was telling him that he could not win this fight, but leaped in anyways. He swung his wrench with all his might, aiming for the man's head. It was stopped by a single playing card. Vance pulled back and swung again, this time aiming for the ribs, only to be stopped once again. "I will end you!"
The man laughed. "You're adorable." The rage filled Vance even more. He let out a load yell and prepared for another swing, this time he was interuppted as the flat side of a playing card smashed into his chest. The teen flew backwards at speeds no man should move. He smashed into a brick wall and fell to the ground. There was feeling like someone had shoved a vacuum down his throat. As Vance fought to breath he could see the figure approaching him. "Almost wish I didn't have to kill you, kid."


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Alin watched everyone start being killed, but yet no one noticed!? Some people ran away when they saw people falling over, bloodied and battered, but then they just ran into the creatures and were killed them selves. What the hell is going on? What are these things? Why cant they see them even when their claws are right in their face? he thought to himself as he watched, feeling helpless. "Hey, use us." Kira said and Alin looked at her. He nodded and he moved them both so both of them could start killing a few of them creatures. But then he saw Irene die, a fountain of blood just flying from her neck like some kind of sick show. It was then that Alin saw the man, the one who was causing all this death, and heard his reason. A rage that he didn't think he had in him boiled up to the surface and he didn't hesitate in his actions. Vance was in danger, and even if this boy was raging so hard, he had to save his friend first.

With a few moves of his hands, Nii and Kira launched them selves and jumped onto Friet's back. "Get away from him!" Alin yelled. He hoped he would have more luck since he had two weapons and he had caught the man be surprise. He moved his hands down hard in an attempt to pull him down so they could start wailing on his face, chest, anywhere that would hurt. He only knew that the girls had super strength apparently, he didn't know about their other powers.

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Character Portrait: Vance Reveral
3 sightings Vance Reveral played by Censored69
"Stop standing around and make a decision already."
Character Portrait: Villians
1 sightings Villians played by Censored69
A list of our villainous characters.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alin Phoenix
Character Portrait: Vincent Roth
Character Portrait: Charlie Bijou
Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
Character Portrait: Damon Kasim


Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
Molly Hearthcrock

"Eat your heart out, world."

Character Portrait: Charlie Bijou
Charlie Bijou

"Oh god. Not again."

Character Portrait: Vincent Roth
Vincent Roth

"If it must be done..."


Character Portrait: Vincent Roth
Vincent Roth

"If it must be done..."

Character Portrait: Charlie Bijou
Charlie Bijou

"Oh god. Not again."

Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
Molly Hearthcrock

"Eat your heart out, world."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Charlie Bijou
Charlie Bijou

"Oh god. Not again."

Character Portrait: Vincent Roth
Vincent Roth

"If it must be done..."

Character Portrait: Molly Hearthcrock
Molly Hearthcrock

"Eat your heart out, world."

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Most recent OOC posts in Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Is this roleplay still alive?

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

This RP is super slow paced.

@Chewy If you're still around, Lucette seems to have disappeared without warning so you're free to get yourself out of that situation by any means necessary.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Holy %#!& guys I am so sorry. I kinda poofed there; had some things come up that needed urgent attention and I haven't had much free time as a result of that. Sorry for holding everyone up like that.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Sorry about that. I waited for a reply and hadn't realized that it went to the second page. Post is up, feel free to tell me if you don't like something about it. :)

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

I have a post ready. Should I post it or am I supposed to wait? Not sure how you're organizing things.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

We could definitely use another person.

@ Everyone. I'll post later today, was trying to give Shortbus some time before continuing.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

This looks fun. And before you look at my stats and go "Omg a newb! Two sentence posts! Run awaaayy!" I've actually been on this site a while, under a different alias, but I got busy and stuff. I made a new account a couple months ago but I haven't even unlocked my PM's yet, haha. Anyway just dropping a note to let you guys know I'm taking a look and I'm interested in joining. I love the humorous aspect of this RP, it cracks me up.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Chewy Dinosaur wrote:@Lucette: Was 'the person running torwards' Charlie anyone in particular?

I don't know, I guess you can respond as you want. Just opening up for some scenarios, if you don't like it I'll make it casual, like some kids or whatever.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

@Lucette: Was 'the person running torwards' Charlie anyone in particular?

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

@Lucette: I was only teasing. As long as you remember to capitalize, put periods at the end of your sentence and use real words then you are already doing better than most Americans.

@Everyone: I feel I wasn't very clear in the post. The Source is the necklaces, meaning all of our characters can seen the army of Kyte and Friet. However no one else can.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Censored69 wrote:
Feel like I'm going to be shun for joining as a first-timer. Oh well, bear with me, I hope I'll do a good job nonetheless. Really interesting story!

It should be
I feel like
should be
Also you used the wrong
It should be

I'm screwing with you in case you didn't get that. ^^
You shan't be shunned, bullied nor otherwise humiliated....unless you like Michael Bay. Then you might get shunned, bullied and possibly forced into a deathmatch with Buzz Lightyear, while having a tuna as your only weapon.

I'm sorry! English is not my first language, so mistakes may appear...

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

I'm having a little trouble, I believe I uploaded a picture for my character icon, but it is not showing up. Any solution? Also, first post. I already like this character, I crocked her up on the fly and I really wanna see how I can make her grow.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

The 'submit a character' form. Most just put it on in the top box.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

I'm REALLY interested in this! Reseve me a spot, profile is on the way.

EDIT: Wait, I'm confused. I'm not new to roleplaying by all means, but this site is bewildering me. Should I be pming you my full character profile, or should I put it in the 'submit a character' form, like, in one of the four boxes?

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Feel like I'm going to be shun for joining as a first-timer. Oh well, bear with me, I hope I'll do a good job nonetheless. Really interesting story!

It should be
I feel like
should be
Also you used the wrong
It should be

I'm screwing with you in case you didn't get that. ^^
You shan't be shunned, bullied nor otherwise humiliated....unless you like Michael Bay. Then you might get shunned, bullied and possibly forced into a deathmatch with Buzz Lightyear, while having a tuna as your only weapon.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Feel like I'm going to be shun for joining as a first-timer. Oh well, bear with me, I hope I'll do a good job nonetheless. Really interesting story!

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

I remember Heathen, you played a villain last time. Yeah, last time kind of fell apart, that was totally my bad. Well, welcome, glad to have you with us again.

Re: Clockwork Fantasies: Season One

Ugh this means I have to post now, darn it. I'm sick and not in the right mind all the time, so I'm gonna do my best, forgive me if I screw something up, I'm bound to do that. I tried putting the phone in the fridge this morning so yeah...