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a part of Colormates, by DeviousWolf.


DeviousWolf holds sovereignty over Canada, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Canada :D
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Canada is a part of Colormates.

1 Places in Canada:

3 Characters Here

Yellow [27] The Friendly One
Blue Adlerspaar [27] I'm not crying!
~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ [18] "These people better be freak'in bearable cause I'm not living with complete idiots.""

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"Ugh," she muttered as her limousine drove up to the apartment. "Just great." She had been in the car for about a day, and she was restless. Considering she was just arriving, she assumed others had already arrived and she would have to interact with them. Her gaze out the window was interrupted by people getting in the car, seeming as if they were going somewhere. Shrugging her shoulders, her driver circled the building and stopped on the opposite side the others were on. When she got out, she looked at the shiny, black trunk of the car and it popped open. The large, neatly packed bags seemed to levitate out of the car- which they did. By the time they were on the ground, she grabbed the handles of the bags and pulled them with ease. She wasn't using physical force at all, but mental force. Her hand was just on the bag to make it look like she was pulling the objects.

Throwing opened the door, she stepped into the room. It was completely blank. With pretty much no furniture, she shuddered at the disgrace of a room. "How sad," she blatantly stated. The last thing she wanted to show up to was a blank room. Sighing, she went to scope out the rooms. She went to each room and saw if they were taken or not. Eventually, she found one and threw her bags in. So, people had settled in already, just where were they? She remembered the car and figured those were her roommates, but she wasn't for sure. She hadn't even seen their faces clearly. Deciding to sit in her room, she went their and closed the door, thinking of how to style her new room.

(sorry, I really wanted to post but I'm so tired. .-.)


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Character Portrait: Yellow Character Portrait: ~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ Character Portrait: Blue Adlerspaar
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(Sorry I haven't kept up guys! I'll try and keep updated more often. ;-;)

Leaning back in the passenger seat, Yellow beckoned for the attention of both Blue and Red. "So, Re- Ruby. Do you mind telling a bit about yourself?" He awaited the reply, however his voice trailed off to the awkwardly signaled vibration against his thigh. Slipping his phone from the pocket in which tightly gripped his leg, Yellow slid his fingers across the keyboard and began conversing with an old friend.

Etsuyo: Hey man. Want to hang out soon? Got some of the good stuff this time. xD

You: Etsuyo. You know I'm not even in the states right? I'd left a few days ago, not to mention you already know I'm not into your booze. .-.

Etsuyo: WHAT? YOU LEFT?! Dudeee, you should have given me the chance to say goodbye!

You: You never answered your door. Plus, I've got to go. Going with my room mates somewhere.

Etsuyo: Oh... any one of them a chick? ;D

Choosing not to respond but instead slip his phone away, Yellow turns to the attention of the other two out of shame.
WOW Yellow, way to ask someone a question and not even bother for the response. Again, Yellow felt his phone give an out-of-place buzz but decided rather to ignore it. After all, room mates first... old friends who are now awkward to him second.


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Character Portrait: Yellow Character Portrait: ~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ Character Portrait: Blue Adlerspaar
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Blue started the ignition up. The bouncy beat of a pop song drifted softly from the car's radio. Blue was unfamiliar with the song, but she still liked it. She watched Yellow text someone immediately after he had asked Ruby a question. He seems to be distracted really easily, she mused.

Her phone started ringing, and she looked apologetically at both of her passengers.

"Hej Pappa, det är jag," she said. "Yes, we're coming to pick up the furniture. Oh, we means me and my two new roommates. Tyst! Pappa! De kan förmodligen höra dig. Yeah. See you in a little bit."

Blue blushed and she ended the call.

"Well," she said quietly. "It seems that my entire immediate family is waiting for us, so I guess we should go?"

((A/N: Blue says: Hi Dad, it's me and Shh! Dad! They can probably hear you.
Sorry about all of the confusing Swedish!))


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Character Portrait: Yellow Character Portrait: ~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ Character Portrait: Blue Adlerspaar
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Ruby sighed as she leaned back in the seat- folding her arms across her chest. "Telling you a bit about myself? Want to be a bit more specific there, Sherlock?" She said with a sigh- not exactly meaning to be rude but she was just tired. Her gaze drifted out the window to the scenery as they drove. Ignoring as Blue and Yellow decided to whip out there phones and text/call someone. Today seemed to be going extremely slow and Ruby just wanted another cigarette by now. Maybe throw a few punches in at the gym later or use her punching bag she brought along.

".........Meh." She just yanked out her phone and quickly typed in a number- before putting it up to her ear. Hey, if you can't beat 'em join 'em? She awaited the ringtone for the person on the other line to pick up, when they finally did...


"Andy. Shut the HELL up for about two seconds so I can speak, kthanks. And STOP freak'in calling me Red." She grounded out in annoyance.

"Erm... ok sorry about that Re- uhm Ruby...."

"Thank you, now let me explain." She said- quickly explaining where she was and why.


After explaining she thought she did a pretty good job and quickly snapped the phone shut on him. Andy was an old childhood friend of Ruby's and they've known each other for years upon years. The guy always had a crush on her- since it was PAINFULLY obvious. So he somehow came up with some day-dream that they were getting married? She just couldn't understand how he was so damn happy all the time- and to be honest she was jealous of the guy. But in her mind- they where JUST friends and she'd like to keep it that way. But he did have the right to know where she was- since yesterday night was usually the day he'd sneak into her room and they'd watch horrible reruns of Dexter's Laboratory. Maybe even mute it and voice act over it for laughs.

"Idiot...." She muttered to herself as she went back to leaning her head on the window- her icey blue eyes closing slightly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yellow Character Portrait: ~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ Character Portrait: Blue Adlerspaar
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Minutes that seemed like hours ticked by, and Violet became more bored than she already was. She got up and dragged her bags from middle of her room to against the walls so they were out of the way. When finished, she examined her room. It was average size, much smaller than what she was used to. Wooden floors and white walls made her eyes sting from the lack of 'flare' she had always been comfortably engulfed in. Sighing, she left her room and went to the main space. Her heels clicked against the wood and she smirked softly. At least people would know when she was coming. Heels were her best friend.

She spun in a circle and examined her new home thoroughly. Violet went from room to room. Lifting up the things in the apartment or looking behind them, she made a mental note of each item. When she finished that after a few moments due to the lack furniture and appliances, she moved to the taken rooms. The first room she happened to walk in to had a rather large window in the far right corner, displaying a decent view of the city. Also in the room was a glass desk, a single bed, and a closet near the doorway. Her roommates' bags were unpacked, and she took the opportunity to go through them, as she was planning to do with the other's. From her trespassing, she discovered this person indeed was male. Other than that, nothing interesting was discovered.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she made her way back to the main room after shutting the male's door. One room down, one two to go. The next room she stumbled upon looked pretty much the same, however this one started to unpack their bags. Another smirk made its way upon Violet's face, and she walked over to the bags. Shuffling through the clothing and other items brought along, Violet agreed with herself that this was indeed a girl, and she had a pretty good taste in fashion. She eventually finished and put everything back exactly as they were, just as she had done with the male's belongings.

Violet made her way out of the second room and shut the door. She stood before the third and final door and grasped the handle. Something told her not to go in, for it may hurt her in the long run, but did she really care? Not the slightest bit. Inhaling and then exhaling deeply, the curvy eighteen year old opened the door and walked in.


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Character Portrait: Yellow Character Portrait: ~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ Character Portrait: Blue Adlerspaar
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Yellow leans back with a slight frown. Ruby doesn't seem to enjoy us very much. "Well um... Blue. How long till we've arrived?" He says aloud looking to her with a now-turned smile.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yellow Character Portrait: ~;Miharu Hasegawa;~ Character Portrait: Blue Adlerspaar
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Blue's eyes flickered toward Yellow.

"Um, ten minutes or so, depending on traffic? Thanks again for coming with me, you guys."

Silence fell once more upon Blue's car. You could only hear the low purr of the engine and the ever-present music. Blue rather enjoyed the silence, since it meant that she didn't have to talk. If she didn't talk, that meant that she wouldn't say anything dumb. If she refrained from being dumb, her feelings would be spared. Yes, that was a good plan. She should try to stay silent.