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Confessions and White Lies


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Washington D. High School is a part of Confessions and White Lies.

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Georgina Savannah Richards [0] Someday my prince will come, but he may look past little Snow White.
Violet Marie Warner [0] I'm addicted to the water, I'm like a Mermaid. I'm Ariel
Craig Arthur Grant [0] "I just can't wait... to be in charge of my own life"
Eliza Jane Richards [0] "Lovely little gingerbread houses ... my favourite." - Eliza Richards, Mulan
Braxton Ezra Lelaine [0] "Second to the right, and straight on till morning?...You're driving"
Cindy Wolf [0] Don't even ask where my other shoe is, I am Cinderella.
Aaron Sarraf [0] It's not easy being Aladdin, man.
Nyame King [0] I can't help being a little curious. I'm Pocahontas.
Willow Justine Fallon [0] It's not so fun when you fall down the rabbit's hole
Ashling Kire Jones [0] Why yes...I am Tinkerbelle!

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Image_________________________________________Aaron Sarraf

Aaron grinned at Ashling, "I'm not sure, I mean... I could ask my uncle where he got his stylish camels, but I don't think you want to travel that far for one." He shrugged and looked at her apologetically. He pretended to be hurt by Georgie's glare, "Sorry, I would've come to one of your shows if someone would have told me when they where..." He mumbled. He tilted his head to the side slightly, "Paris? Cool, I guess... Bet you didn't get to ride a camel." He grinned at Daniel, "Hmm... That sounds like fun and all..." He trailed off, not really wanting to mention the fact that he probably wouldn't be able to go. He knew his parents, and even though he was an adult and could make decisions for himself, he lived with his parents, and had to respect their decisions. He knew they wouldn't fly for him being off in Paris for spring break, though they had been making some surprising decisions since he turned eighteen.

He grinned at Craig and waved, "Morning!" He replied. He then shoved his hands in his pockets, pulling out his phone to check the time, "Ah! Yeah, I better get going too. Don't want to be late for class, and we all know how likely that is!" He waved as he spun around and made his way into the school, straight for his locker.

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Image Listen to my roar...
Craig Arthur Grant

"Apparently I missed a good conversation," Craig said, smiling wide after Georgie's kiss, "but school won't wait for us." He watched Nyame and Aaron walk into the school one after the other. They had both left really fast after he showed up but he pushed all thoughts out of his head that it might have been his fault. Nyame was a cool chick but she never seemed to really be there whenever he was around. A couple of times he had heard Georgie and Nyame talking up a storm until the second he had come into sight and then the conversation ended and Nyame sunk into the side lines. It wasn't really his problem as long as it didn't bother Georgie, if it did he'd have to do something about whatever was happening. As for Aaron... well Craig liked the guy well enough but they didn't really hang out much.
Twirling Georgie around to face him, Craig leaned in close to her face so that their foreheads and noses were touching. "She has the most beautiful eyes," he thought. "They always look so blue until I get this close and then I can never tell if they are actually blue or green. Gorgeous. Gorgeous Georgie." Breaking the connection he wrapped his arms around her to pick her up, bridal style, in order to carry her into the school. "Let's go, Georgie Girl. I'll take you to your locker."

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Ashling Kire Jones
I'm a pixie! I'll throw pixie dust on you, frightening, isn't it?

Ashling slid her hands into her pockets, happy that Daniel didn't seem to notice that she had poked him, she leaned back against the wall, tilting her head to the side at what Aaron said, "Correction, I wouldn't go there myself, I would buy the camel and have it sent here. Then it would be Patrick the Camel and live in my gigantic backyard." She smiled, brushing blond hair behind her ear, knowing that there was very little chance that would ever happen.
"Wait, Paris? Why wasn't I told of this?" Ash pretended to pout but ended up smiling anyways. She wondered if Daniel had been totally alone, or if he had some friends or something over. Maybe I should air quote 'friends'.
Ash poked Daniel's shoulder, "You of course know that I would want to come, and...Could I see you after school? I need to talk to you about something." She leaned back against the wall when Craig came, the blond cheer leader looked down at her shoes and brushed her hair back again.

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ImageFalling down the Rabbit's hole...Wasn't one of my best choices...


Willow silently waved good bye to her parents as she walked out the door and slid into her car, starting the engine up with a sigh. Then she drove with her music blasting Neon Trees until she pulled into the school parking lot which she looked at as she parked. A small grin on her face as she walked to sit on a bench against a wall in the court yard. As usual, she pulled out a textbook from her bag and began flipping through the pages. Some more cramming for class never hurt anyone, there was still some time left and she didn't want to bother anybody with her talking.

Quickly she took notes and read through the textbook, occasionally looking up to see some people pass by and hearing how fat they felt or what awesome show was on last night. A whole summer had gone by and she was still the same, so was everybody else. All this talk about how they didn't like how they looked or what is popular while little Willow was still stuck in her books and intently taking notes for class. Even through summer, she took summer classes to impress her parents a little bit more, or at least she tried to. After a while she just looked around, looking for somebody to talk to that she knew and was close enough to talk to.


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Make a wish into the well and hope to hear your echo.
Georgina Savannah Richards

"See ya later, Nyame," Georgie said waving. "Let's hope we have a couple classes together." Turning her head to Aaron she just smiled and waved in a shooing fashion as he did have a habit of being a little late for classes. Without warning she was spinning in place to face Craig. He liked to touch foreheads, as if he thought he could read her mind doing so, but she didn't mind too much. At first it had been a little strange but it had grown on her and now she thought it was really cute. Today Craig was a little intense looking into her eyes but she just chalked it off to the fact that he hadn't seen her in a month.

Stepping back from her, Craig got this funny look on his face and Georgie knew what was coming next. Being small everyone always thought it was funny to pick her up. Most of the time she hated it, especially when people who were barely her friend did it, but Georgie had given up fighting Craig when he wanted to pick her up because he always got all sad when she refused to be carried. Bunching her bag up on her stomach, Georgie wrapped her arms around his neck in order to hold herself steady on their way into the building.

"My locker is in the library wing," Georgie giggled poking Craig in the back on the neck to make him start walking or there would be a good chance of them being late for class as well.

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#, as written by Nekuya

"You can paint with all the colors of your mind.....if you try."


Nyame King

A tinge of regret hit Nyame like a brick wall as she walked towards the school building. Almost as soon as Craig entered the conversation, she clammed up and sidled away. Resting her hand on the side of her face, she let out a small sigh and walked up the steps. She really hoped she didn't come off as hostile, or mean-spirited to Craig. "Maybe I should apologize to him....." she mused, pulling the door open and stepping in.

Then, she shook her head. "That'd be awkward, though...." she told herself, stopping in front of her locker. Quickly opening the lock, she peered into the locker. Other than a few various books and a ruler, it was basically empty. She took out a heavy textbook and struggled as she slipped it into her bag, and made her way to her first class.

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ImageTell Me...What is your wish...?


Daniel shrugged off the groups' concerns and smiled, "No I wasn't lonely... I was actually a little happy with the peace and quiet." He turned towards Ashling due to her poke and smirked. "I didn't invite anyone to come with me because it was a spontaneous action. It wasn't planned at all." He watched Nyame walk off understanding why. She was such an anxious girl and for Craig to be so close to her it would be nothing but a second nature to leave. He returned his attention to Ashling, still thinking about going after Nyame, "Talk? Yeah sure."

He wasn't entirely sure what she wanted to talk about but he couldn't help but think they wouldn't be talking at all. They've had their fair share of 'meetings' and during those meetings talking was very limited to a certain amount of words.


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Listen to my roar...
Craig Arthur Grant

"My locker is in the library wing," Georgie said and poked him in the back of the neck.
"Yes, Ma'am," Craig laughed as he started walking toward the front doors of the school. Even with her bag Georgie wasn't heavy. He couldn't image that most people, even girls, were as light as she seemed to be. She didn't look or feel unhealthy or anything bad she was just really tiny. Though she wasn't so tiny as to not be absurdly curvy in all the right places. "I don't get it," Craig thought, "how can someone be so small and yet still so..." His thoughts trailed off in mid sentence as they neared the doors and he looked into the court yard next to the building. For just a split second he was scared he had made eye contact with Willow but he wasn't even sure she had looked up from her book as he walked past into the building, with Georgie in his arms. It wasn't that he didn't like her or something. Seeing her at school, seeing her at all was really weird and awkward when it shouldn't have been and it was all his parents' fault. "I don't even know what she thinks about this whole thing," he thought, making a point to smile at Georgie. "I don't think I've so much as seen her since then and it's not like I knew her that well to begin with. What a royal mess."
Turning the final corner into the library wing Craig set Georgie gently down on her feet again but made sure to catch her bag before it dropped. Her bag weighed probably half of what his did but was really strangely shaped for having just school stuff in it. His own backpack was slung on his back hanging on only one strap but full to almost breaking with different books both for school and because he wanted them. "Here you are, my Georgie Girl," Craig murmured in her ear. "After we get your stuff in your locker I can walk you to your first class."

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Make a wish into the well and hope to hear your echo.
Georgina Savannah Richards

Georgie smacked Craig upside the head for saying "Ma'am", he did it all the time and she always smacked him for it. The first time he had said it she had informed him that she would never be that old, since then he made a point of saying it whenever she gave him any sort direction. Luckily it wasn't something that really bothered her a whole lot. The look on his face, that stupid forced smile, as they crossed through the doorway did, however, bother her a lot. Craig only ever made that face when something was bugging him more than normal and it usually took weeks to get whatever it was out of him.

Brushing off the annoyance and storing the questions for later Georgie smiled up at Craig as he put her on the ground and took her bag. Craig had carried her through the school faster than she probably would have walked it and acted like she weighed nothing at all. He was being overly sweet, not that she was complaining, but that was a little worrisome on top of the look at the front of the school. Turning to her locker, so she didn't have to look at him at the moment, she opened the lock and stared tossing books in from the bag he was holding for her. "Thanks," she mumbled. Dragging her dance clothes out of her bag she tossed those onto the top shelf for later. "I think I have English first..."


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Ashling Kire Jones
I'm a pixie! I'll throw pixie dust on you, frightening, isn't it?

Ashling listened to Daniel talk, playing with the bracelet on her wrist, "Ah." She said in reply about his spontaneous trip to Paris, shifting a little nervously from foot to foot, she thought back at what she said, she had more meant 'talk about somebody' than 'something'.
"Mkay...Good, because it's really kind of important." Ash told Daniel, looking up at him with serious blue eyes.

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Image_________________________________________Aaron Sarraf

Aaron slowed to an almost normal pace once he entered the school building. He sighed, I hope Craig doesn’t think that my leaving was his fault... He thought, after realizing that Craig really didn’t know him that well. He shook his head and smiled, thinking that he would just have to make a point to hang out with the guy more often, he was sure that they could be friends. He smiled and waved at people as he made his way to his locker, he full on grinned as he walked the halls, he really loved school. It was just the sort of thing he loved, being around all the people, learning cool new stuff, almost made him want to break out into song like he did last year.

He began to whistle as he neared his locker, he fumbled with the lock for a good thirty seconds before he finally got it to open. After messing with that, he pulled out his books and stacked them in his locker, trying to keep it neater than it had been the last few years. Though he knew it would be messy before the week was over anyway.

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ImageTell Me...What is your wish...?


Feeling Ashling's anxiety it suddenly shifted to him. Looking down at her his blue eyes narrowed and he shifted his bag on his shoulder. Tilting his head to the side the boy turned towards her and chuckled nervously. "Now I'm a bit nervous...what is it about? Is it bad or something?" Daniel wasn't good with bad news but he was patient. If he was ever concerned about anything he would make it a priority to ind closer within the situation.


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Ashling Kire Jones
I'm a pixie! I'll throw pixie dust on you, frightening, isn't it?

Ashling watched Daniel curiously, biting her lip softly, "Dunno if it's good or bad. Guess it depends on how you take it." She told him, looking down at the ground and then back up at him, tugging on her black jacket's sleeve. Ash really had no clue how Daniel would take that news, she would bet a hundred dollars he would absolutely flip out...Sadly, as he didn't seem like the type of guy to take that sort of thing calmly.

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ImageTell Me...What is your wish...?


Daniel studied the girl's movement and listened to her words. He could tell she was scared but he didn't want to make it any harder that it should so he backed off a bit. "Okay then...You can tell me when you are ready all right?" He shrugged. "I promise I will handle it maturely." He felt that whatever she would tell him would obviously effect him tremendously but he knew that it would work out. He held out his arms and hugged her tight. "I have to get to Health. I should have taken it as a Freshman. Now I'm going to be stuck in a room with them. Yay me." He waved to her and walked into the building. He pulled out his phone and saw he had another call from his mother. Stuffing it into his pocket he bit his lip. His father never even thought about calling him but he shook the thought out of his head and kept walking catching sight of Nyame.

"Oh Birdie!" He ran over and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and smiled. "So was it Craig? Is he why you left, I mean."


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Ashling Kire Jones
I'm a pixie! I'll throw pixie dust on you, frightening, isn't it?

"Alright, after school is over, I'll tell you." Ashling replied, offering him the tiniest of smiles and then hugged him back, she of course had feelings for Daniel, but wasn't sure she should exactly mention that, with everything going on, Ash figured it would just be building a pile of issues. "Yay you...Have fun, I guess?" She waved and then turned, knowing she had class to get to as well and sighed, heading off to her first class - English.

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Listen to my roar...

"Guess this is what I get for holding your bag," Craig said, in a joking manner, as Georgie yanked stuff out of her bag and threw it in her locker. Each time a book slammed against the metal wall he winced a little bit. This was the reason that school books looked like they had been through a war after the first year of use but he didn't want to say anything and piss Georgie off. Then again... he didn't think he had ever seen her actually mad. After eight years of knowing, and loving, the girl he had never actually seen her loose control and get mad at anyone for anything.
"I think I have English first..." Georgie said, a little snappier than usual.
"Damn," Craig replied. He'd talk to her about whatever was bothering her later but right now he didn't want to be late for class or end up saying the wrong thing because he was in a hurry. "I've got History but I'll still walk you to your room. The rooms are in the same hall after all. Hey look at that I can rhyme! Guess that means I don't have to take English." In truth he had already taken all the English classes the school offered, as well as a number of other classes, and was earning college credit while still in high school.

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#, as written by Nekuya

"You can paint with all the colors of your mind.....if you try."


Nyame King

She peered past her locker door at the sound of her nickname to Daniel. Automatically, a bright smile reappeared on her face as he made his way to her. As he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, she shook her head, trying her best not to grimace. "Man, you know me too well....." she said, hanging her head in feigned defeat, "Yeah, it was Craig......I dunno, I just suck at making new friends."

Resting her hand atop his head, she chuckled and asked "So, what's your first class for the day, Danny boy?" Another question flew around in her brain, but she wasn't sure if she should ask or not. It might've just been her imagination, but he seemed a bit troubled. She mentally shook the thought from her mind like an Etch-a-Sketch, suddenly hoping that it was just her imagination.

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#, as written by Edamame
Braxton Ezra Lelaine

I'll fly my way to Neverland...

Two hours. It had taken him the entirety of two hours, carrying three insanely over-sized text books along with what was a small classroom slung over his shoulder, for Braxton to finally arrive at the schools front doors. His pant leg was torn to the knee, a result of jumping a particularly unstable fence, his body ached from the effort it had taken to just get to school, and his expression was one of utmost irritation. Silently he vowed to wreak his revenge on his elder sister, his thoughts buzzing with creative ways to make her regret ruining his life.

But those thoughts were for a later time, he decided as he pulled at the schools doors. Now was the time review the great wall of assignments he had been tormented with over the summer, fully anticipating at least a test in every class he would enter that day. Such was the problem with dreaded Ap courses, after all. Sighing at the thought, Braxton made his way less than enthusiastically to his locker, raking his mind for the long forgotten combination it held.

6...8...32? lightly he pulled on the locker door, to no avail. How about 24 8 32? again he tried to work the locker door, once more with no luck at opening it. Surely he had been tormented enough for one day by the forces at work in world; surely he wouldn't have to hunt down a teacher for his locker combination...right? With an almost desperate quality to his gaze, Braxton tried the last possible combination he could think of to work. 24. 19. 32 With one harsh pull, the locker door flew open, revealing a sea of paperwork inside. Victory! he cheered mentally, throwing everything other than his Chemistry book, a college rule notebook, TI-89 calculator, and his lucky fountain pen into the locker hurriedly. The quicker he was freed from the weight of his bag, the better.

With that part of his plan completed, he set of for his Chemistry class, only to find himself trailing to almost a stop when he noticed Nyame. She was chatting, as usual, with Daniel, grinning brightly at something he had said. For a moment he considered joining their conversation, of conversing with the girl whose memory plagued his mind. Even with an entire summer away from her and trying his very best to ignore the distraction of his first ever crush, other than the one he had had on his teacher in first grade, he was still hopelessly infatuated with her. Instead of actually initiating a conversation though, he decided to settle for a quick, uncharacteristically humored greeting, "Ello Nyame and Daniel~" With a lick chuckle, even further against his usual cynical behavior, he continued again as he trailed backwards down the hall, "and a goodbye Nyame and Daniel."

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#, as written by Nekuya

"You can paint with all the colors of your mind.....if you try."


Nyame King

She clutched her Chemistry book close to her chest, looking up at Daniel with obvious contentment. Then, a familar face in her peripheral vision caught her attention. She blinked at Braxton, who seemed like he was having trouble with his lock. She thought about walking over to him, and offering help, forgetting the fact that she couldn't possibly help if she didn't know the combination. Then, she stopped herself. "He'll get it open soon. He's got a pretty good memory. After all, the third time's the charm!" she told herself, watching curiously as he tried one last time to get it open.


Nyame smiled slightly at his little victory, watching as he hastily threw various items into his locker. He walked by her and Daniel, only uttering a quick greeting and farewell. "Hey there, Braxton!" she responded cheerily, waving to him as he walked on. Her gaze dropped down to the rip in his pants, and her jovial mood quickly switched into concern. "Hey.....are you ok?" she asked in a softer, worried voice, taking a few steps closer to him.

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#, as written by Edamame
Braxton Ezra Lelaine

I'll fly my way to Neverland...
"Oh, this?" Braxton chuckled lightly, following Nyame's gaze to his ripped pant leg, "A fence attacked me on my way to school. I won in the end though, so it's nothing, really."Though his leg honestly hurt like hell, having been cut by a loose nail on the wooden fence, Braxton couldn't stand to see Nyame fret over him. It was just against his nature to see a girl worry over him, or at all, despite how much of an ass he normally seemed. So he had deflected to the only thing he could think of: bad humour. She was so much cuter when she smiled anyways.

About to pivot his way around the halls corner, Braxton paused once more to look back at the girl, a wide grin strewn across his features, "See you in class then, Free Bird!" With that he rounded his way around the corner, a sudden quality of joy evident in his movement. To which those who recognized him as the sarcastic, rude intellectual he normally was, reacted only with utter bemusement. It was always strange how much of a shift his personality had around Nyame~

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#, as written by Nekuya

"You can paint with all the colors of your mind.....if you try."


Nyame King

Nyame giggled at the joke, quite glad to hear he hadn't hurt himself too badly. "Good to hear. Now, we'll have to cross our fingers and hope one of his friends doesn't vow revenge on you." she joked, brushing away a few strands of hair that were draped over her eyes. As she watched him saunter down the hall, she called out, "Yeah, see you in Chem!", while absentmindedly flipping through the textbook she held.

Looking back down at the rip, she shook her head and returned her gaze to his face. "So yeah.....try and clean that cut the next chance you get, alright?" she asked, more as a request than a command, "It would suck if it started hurting all of a sudden......"

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Image_________________________________________Aaron Sarraf

Aaron sighed as he grabbed his history book, a notebook, and a pencil, though the pencil, everything he would need for class. He opened the book and swallowed, why did the print in school books have to be so small? He shook his head, he could read it, he just had to focus...And take longer than most people. He flipped through a few pages of the book, beginning to panic already. He was a smart guy, he just had a hard time reading, which lead to more than one flunked test. He walked down the hall as he looked at the book, he had to get better grades this year, it was his last chance.

As he walked down the hall, he decided that it would be a good idea to not get all worked up before class even started. One of his friends would notice and start to bother him with questions. He closed the book and let his hand down, he then looked up ran into a pole with a load, “Smack!” He dropped his stuff and staggered back, realizing why it was a good idea to pay attention while walking down a hallway. He muttered a few choice words in Arabic and reached up to feel under his nose, feeling some blood trickle down his lip.

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Make a wish into the well and hope to hear your echo
Georgina Savannah Richards

Georgie laughed and shook her head at Craig. "A regular Walt Whitman," she said. "Too bad you can't share your genius with the rest of us poor slackers who will be stuck in high school for the rest of our lives." Leaning over to slug Craig in arm before linking her arm with his. Dragging him along as she skipped down the hall toward the classrooms they needed to be in Georgie began humming a little tune from her own head instead of a well known song. She was aware that her exuberance annoyed some people but that didn't mean she needed to change who she was in order to fit in.

A poster taped to the wall caught her attention and stopped her in mid skip.


"They didn't even say what we're doing!" Georgie shrieked. "How can we audition if we don't know what we're doing? There's no way I can figure out what to use if I don't know what I'm doing." A loud cracking noise stopped her mid-sentence. Glancing over her shoulder in the direction of the sound and immediately released Craig's arm to run over to where Aaron was sitting on the ground with blood streaming from his nose. "Are... are you ok?" she murmured quietly, reaching into her purse she pulled out a tissue package and handed it to Aaron. "Does it hurt a lot?" Georgie reached out and put a gentle hand on his shoulder.

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Image_________________________________________Aaron Sarraf

Aaron shook his head at Georgie, "Yeah...I think so. Man, I really need to start watching where I'm going." He said, taking the tissues from her. He took a few out and used them to pinch his nose as tilted his head forward so he was looking down, "Eh, it hurts..." He mumbled, not really wanting to admit to feeling pain, "But I don't think I broke it or anything...." He smiled, "Thanks though, it's nice of you to care." He shook his head, "At least I know how I'm going to be late for class this year, eh?" He joked, though he knew that he would most likely have to go to the nurse until the bleeding stopped, unless it stopped really quickly, which he doubted.

He sighed, "I really hope that this stops soon...." Aaron muttered to himself, thinking, Coach is gonna be pissed that I can't practice today...All because I ran into a freaking pole! he really, really hoped it would stop soon, he wasn't a fan of being injured, it wasn't any fun.

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Ashling Kire Jones
I'm a pixie! I'll throw pixie dust on you, frightening, isn't it?

Ashling went to her locker and then heard a loud noise, turning her head she saw Aaron walk into a pole, she went over to him, noticing Georgie and Craig, "Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly.
Ash wondered how Aaron managed to smack into a pole, sure she had almost a few times because of a major distraction, but always dodged it. She guessed something had his attention and he wasn't looking where he was going and the pole was closer than he thought it was or something like that.