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Moloch Markus

"Brave of you sir, to so openly cast an envious eye towards me and mine. I suggest you look elsewhere, lest I consider removing your sight in a more permanent fashion."

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a character in “Crowns, Empires & Swords”, as played by almostinsane




Image Name: Moloch Markus


Appearance and Build:
Fit and muscular, Moloch Markus cuts an imposing figure at 6"1. Moloch is a tall man, but by no means is he skinny. Moloch's body is not that of a king who sits on his throne and directs others to do his bidding. He is a man who has seen battle and bears the scars of it proudly. Moloch's hair is dark like the ash dragonfire leaves in its wake and he often has a neatly styled stubble of facial hair. His eyes are a crystal blue that gleam as though he is in deep thought even as he is talking to someone. An adept at politics, Moloch usually chooses to dress in whatever attire he feels fits the occassion the most from rich, jeweled robes to dark dragonbone armor to practical outfits made of black leather and plain white cloth. Moloch is a handsome man, but an intense one. Few ever forget that they are in the putrescence of a king when he speaks to them.

Personality: Moloch is royalty and he knows it. He thinks that false modesty is for fools unfit for their position in life. Domineering and stubborn, once Moloch sets his heart on something, there are few that can turn him from his course. Moloch believes in his own right to rule as it is his nature and birthright and behaves in a controlled manner at all times. Rarely does he behave in a manner that is beneath his dignity, though he is not humourless and can be quite witty at times, though often at a political rival's expense. Moloch loves his people with all his heart and is willing to whatever it takes to protect them and see them prosper. The King also has a love for battle and a bloodlust to match his pride once a battle begins, though Moloch never enters a war or battle without a set objective and good reason behind it. Moloch's chief faults are his volatile temper and pride, both of which can cause him to make mistakes in his political, diplomatic, and military strategies.

Where they live:
Drake City/Drake Kingdom

What/ who they are:
King of Drake City/Drake Kingdom

Moloch was born to the King and Queen of Drake City and was groomed to succeed his father since day one. As such, he was taught that he would inherit the city one day and have the role of its caretaker, lord, master, and judge. From an early age, however, Moloch saw the ways the city's nobles eyed his family, like wolves waiting for the slightest sign of weakness. Foreign dignitaries too would eye the city and the throne enviously, causing Moloch to take to his studies with gusto. He learned how to run the city and read its people while simultaneously manipulating them. He also came to the conclusion that the King of Drake City would either expand his dominion or he would bow to another.

A year ago, Moloch's father and mother were poisoned, part of a conspiracy involving a couple of nobles and agents from the South Atlantic Kingdom. Only he and his brother, Kallias, survived. Quickly, Moloch uncovered the truth and upon his coronation, as his family's guests drank the toast to his good health, the nobles responsible and the diplomats from the South Atlantic Kingdom fell dead from the very poison they used to murder his and Kallias' family. Inevitably, the rival kingdom attacked and Moloch led his small, but well-armed and well-trained forces to victory, killing the enemy king himself and taking revenge for his parents. Eventually, however, Moloch was forced to cease his expansion into the South Atlantic Kingdom out of fear he'd stretch himself too thin. Thus, he signed a peace treaty with the rival kingdom and began to incorporate the lands he conquered into his kingdom.

As is expected from the King of Drake City, Moloch is a talented warrior, shrewd statesman, and a charming diplomat. Moloch has been trained to fight in the ways of his people. He knows what it is to fight in a phalanx among his drakon infantry. He knows how to ride with sword or spear in one hand and a shield on the other. He knows what it is to feel the lust for blood on the battlefield, but reign it in before it can cloud his judgement. Both on and off the battlefield, Moloch has proven to be a talented commander and brilliant strategist. He knows how to inspire his in war people or peace and can read a person's character and motivations, which proves useful in politics and diplomacy. Moloch is also able to produce fire magically to aid him in personal combat.


So begins...

Moloch Markus's Story


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Western Desert
Caliphate of Andalusia

It grew apparent that they had been traveling during the wrong time of day. It was a lot more bearable to travel during the night. Was that how all people traveled in the Caliphate? Kallias did not know. The desert was beautiful and he wasn't the only one to think so. Several of his men could not help but glance at the sites with interest before returning to their professional, disinterested demeanor.

At long last, they reached civilization. The lush, green vegitation clashed greatly with the desert they emerged from, but what caught his attention was the boy and veiled woman greeting them at the final gateway into the great Western Gateway.

"Welcome my lord, to the City of Al Qasr, known in your tongue as the Western Gateway."

"You seem to have anticipated my purpose, if this boy is who I think he is. Hello, little brother," Kallias greeted brightly.

Farid, shifted, confused. He had been bathed and dressed in fine clothes so that his blonde hair showed brightly in the desert sun. His eyes were wide as he looked from the priestess to the foreigner before him. He hadn't questioned her when she demanded his prescence. One didn't question a Priestess of Andalusia. But now... He was speechless.