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(Dark Ages)  Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

(Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead


Besige a Lich's fortress of the dead

979 readers have visited (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead since Lich Lord Nekkrutal created it.



High on a mountain top lies the dark crumbling ruins of Castle Nekkrutal. Within the twisted hallways and dark rooms of unspeakable evils is a chamber where the Lich Lord sits atop his Throne of Bones. The blue fires of the torches reflect off the black steel eyeplate which covers Nekkrutal’s left face. Inside the socket a gem containing the souls of hundreds he has killed swirls with the lamentations and wails those cursed to reside within. One hand drums rotting gray fingers on the skull of an unfortunate soul who probably didn’t forsee his fate becoming a decoration for a chair arm. As he strokes his long mottled beard the doors to this chamber burst open with the help of two giant steel golems made of re-animated plate armor. Wearing robes of black and purple with green runes etched onto them strides a muscular figure of an orc who kneels before Nekkrutal and removes the hood from his head revealing a long gray ponytail and tusks that jut from his lower lip. Zomboro the Corpse Harvester speaks…

-Zomboro: Master, I have returned. As requested I have finished with your “project” it’s currently eating in the cellar of the fortress.

(Nekkrutal folds his hands together)
-Nekkrutal: Excellent Zomboro, but this is not the only issue you wish to bring me is it?

(Zomboro’s brow furrows)
-Zomboro: No my lord, I wish to send a battalion out to the nearest graveyard and fill our ranks. Most of our forces are currently in battle across the continent, which leaves our castle very defenseless at the moment.

-Nekkrutal: Do not worry my apprentice, I have already sent Acererak out to the nearby town with his minions to weaken their numbers. In fact why don’t we have him tell us himself?
The gem in Nekkrutal’s eye socket glows a deep blue and next to Zomboro a swirl of blue and black smoke begins to materialize into a column, bones begin assimilating out of the column and forming a spine, rib cage, skull and four arms. Acererak the Soulless One fully materialized turns and bows to Nekkrutal.

-Acererak: My lord I bring troubling news. Your captain of the death knights Jarek Gravesin has betrayed you. Apparently when he was sent out to the nearby town of Velis Vale he encountered his wife Scarlet Gravesin and somehow it triggered his emotions back into his undead form. He now plans to protect the town and lead a group of heroes to this castle!

Zomboro and Acererak are silent and worried but the sudden sinister laughter of Nekkrutal echoes off the chamber walls and makes both apprentices take a few steps of caution back.

-Nekkrutal: Troubling news? Heh heh heh no Acererak I purposely sent Jarek to the Vale with every intention that his emotions would return and he would rebel against me. For you see he has become an unwitting ruse to draw what powerful warriors they can offer right into my domain and once they have been eliminated the town of Velis Vale will be ours for the taking, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Now those of you who join in this game are heroes gathered by the town of Velis Vale to be lead by Jarek Gravesin into the Castle of the Dead. Where you will face all the atrocities and horrors Nekkrutal has gained control over. Prepare yourselves and be ready to face death…

Toggle Rules

I am new to this online version of text RP, so I am going to set-up some basic rules to follow just bear with me and let’s have fun =)


2- I love R-rated material and encourage that in my RP’s, just try not to go waaaay overboard with it ;D

3-Since I am new to this, if you make a character then base it off a class from WoW, NO multiple characters of the same class please if someone is a druid don’t be a druid.


5- Combat System is as follows, when entering a fight describe 3 attacks for each attack you get a 1,2 or 3 to assign to it for how powerful the attack being dealt is. For example, “ The warrior unsheathes his Longsword and with a roar charges across the battlefield raising it above his head as he gets up to the Mage bringing it in a powerful cleave from head to toe(3). As the sword reaches the bottom of it’s arc, the warrior jabs a gauntleted punch into the mage’s jaw(1). After the punch thewarrior grips the hilt with both hands and slashes across the mage’s chest(2).”

- The Mage will counter with, “ Observing the warrior’s charge, the mage focuses on a fire chant which begins to from a massive ball of searing flame between his palms, as the warrior gets within a few feet the mage hurls the fireball at the warrior(3). With the warrior stumbling back from the flames the Mage chants an encantation of lightning magic and with a whip of his fingers a barrage of thunderbolts from his fingertips leap forward and shock the warrior’s face(1), using the spell to disorient the mage steps forward with his staff and trips the warrior to his back with a quick tripping motion(2).”

- Now as the GM I will designate the result, Because the mage had time to anticipate the warrior’s attack he hits with the fireball (mage 3 points), Because the warrior is doing a quick punch over the mage’s chanting and aiming the warrior wins (warrior 1 point). Now because the warrior is NOT dazed by the thunder spell tripping him wouldn’t work as well so the warrior gets his slice on the mage’s cloth wearing stomach (warrior 2 points). So now we have a tie with both the warrior and mage having 3 points. Now because the warrior is clad in metal armor the searing pain of fire is not as bad, granted the fire will heat up the armor but it’s still not fire on skin. However the mage took a decent swipe of a 2-handed long sword across his gut, so the warrior is awarded an additional point, warrior wins with 4 points.

6- Magic Users, basically going of the WoW classes if your being a druid then stick with animal/nature magic. If your using a Shaman base your magic off the four elements. Just stick with their specific type of magic and anything is up for grabs during the session =).

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Kyria nodded at Scarlet, then allowed Talon to lead her away. "Demonshifter? You? Really? That's amazing, Talon. I wish you would have let me know what was going on. I mean, you do know how to write, right?" She teased. "And you know what I mean by 'the usual mischief'. Nothing has changed. Tormenting mother and her friends with Simi. Maybe tricking a refuge here and there. I think my new favorite past time has become watching the faces of the new refugees as they see me walking around with Simi. Some of their reactions are priceless!" She laughed at the thought. She sat down, and unsummoned Simi, almost at the same time as Talon unsummoned Xiamara. She smiled at him as he sat. "So, tell me everything. What's Volrath like?"


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While Scarlet waited to see if Jarek would reply back, a loud thud ontop of the roof to the town hall echoed across the large halls. A deep, mongoloid voice spoke, " LICH TAKE ONI!!! ME SMASH LICH INTO DUST!!! RAAWRRR!!!" Broken wood and shingle burst open above her and a large figure plummeted down and into the room. The being landed with a loud thud wearing steel boots, gauntlets, a left shoulder pauldron and waht can be desribed as a steel hockey mask. The creature's skin was a dark green, his tall mohawk of bright blue was now covered in dust. A very long steel chain was wrapped around his left arm, on it welded barbs criss crossed and five feet of chain dangled from his arm where on the end of it a large rock that had spikes welded to it rests on the ground. The menacing over 7 feet tall figure pointed at Scarlet in her skeletal form and bellowed, " YOU TAKE GNASHER BROTHER!! ME TAKE YOUR HEAD DEAD LADY!!" With a bloodfrenzied roar, Gnasher the troll whipped out his chain sending the ball of spikes careening at Scarlet's head(2), following this up the troll charges forward with spiked pauldron in front to ram her midsection(3), Followed by a throat grab with his massive hand pushing her body up against the wall and lifting her off her feet squeezing her throat(1).


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#, as written by Mercia
Scarlet didn’t have time to react as werewolves came crashing through the roof of the hall. A giant troll whipped out his chain and she wasn’t able to dodge, taking the hit full force into her face, bits of flesh and bone were sent flying as she felt her neck crack over the force. The spike crashed in through her ribcage and it was at this moment she thanked herself for being dead, otherwise that would have killed her. The giant hand came around her neck, and snapped it back into place, allowing her to talk again. The bits of bone remained splintered against her face and the spike was lodged into her chest. She was caught off guard and this troll was screaming about her taking his brother…
I-I don’t know…wh-what your talking about Troll. Put me down- please. I’ll help you find him…just put me down. Coagulated blood slid thick down from her mouth and the places she still had flesh. The spike was coated in a red thick substance as it dripped down from broken rib bones. His voice screamed in her mind…lich…lich.
W-Wait…a lich…a lich t-took your brother...Nekkrutal…Nekkrutal h-has him…I’m not the lich y-your looking for… She could feel the blood leak from her and knew if she didn’t get seen to quickly… P-Please Gnasher…I’m the w-wrong lich…
Oh how she wished Jarek would show up. If he attacked her again, there would be no way for her to defend. Six Werewolves surrounded Gnasher, almost half his size and guards from the town, including Trevor burst open the door and aimed crossbows at the great hulking beast clutching Scarlet in its hand. Scarlet shook her head at him and he held up a hand, waiting with baited breath to see what the great thing would do next. From behind them woman screamed and children cried, Gnasher could hear them.
“No! Miss Scarlet!”
“Please! Leave her be!”
“Put her Down!”
“Someone help her!!”


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Kyria cocked her head as she thought she heard screams. Then she head "Scarlet!" and "Someone help her!" She jumped from her seat, simultaneously summoning Simi, and headed for the door, trusting that Talon would follow her. She followed the screams to town hall, where she saw the troll, poised to strike again.

She notched an arrow onto her bow, and held, standing next to Trevor, waiting for the command to attack.


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The hulking giant softened his grip on Scarlet's throat but did not release. Looking around at the onlookers who wailed for the release of their beloveded ruler, Gnasher tilted up the steel mask to look Scarlet in the eyes. Beneath the mask the troll's face had a very long nose and chin that jutted outwards, he had small tusks that set on his upper lip and his eyes were kind, almost childlike but filled with confused anger. The troll pulled Scarlet foreward and gave a hefty sniff of her odor. After a moment's pause, Gnasher slowly released his grip and let Scarlet back on her feet. " You no lich who take my Oni." Slowly he begins winding the barbed chain back around his arm and turns to the townspeople, "Me am sorry, but where Nekkrutal? Me have smash with him." The town guards slowly lower their crossbows at hearing this, Trevor turns to Scarlet. "My lady, are you alright?! What are your orders?!" As he puts a helpful arm around her shoulder to steady her steps.


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The arrow flew through the air and plunnged into the flesh of the trol's arm. After a moment to recognize what was going on the troll turned his head down and viewed the protruding weapon. Looking back up at the warlock with the bow, Gnasher roared and lowered his mask for the charge. Swinging his chain through the air he released and the spiked ball slammed into the ground and carved a path staright for Kyria's legs(2), As he reaches her Gnasher throws out a gauntleted arm to smack the leaping Imp(1), With one hand still gripping a length of chain Gnasher loops it around Kyria's neck and pulls tight(3).


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Kyria watched in shock as the arrow from the guy behind her flew through the air. And the next thing she knew, she was wrapped in chains. She did the only thing she could do... she collapsed under the sudden weight, and gasped for air as the chain around her throat denied it.


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The guard with the crossbow behind Kyria, realizes his mistake and gives her a mournfull look before attempting to engage the troll....


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#, as written by Mercia
When Gnasher released her, she fell like a sack to the ground. She groaned, the pain in her chest from the spike causing her to much agony to get up by herself. All of her ribs were crushed and the good side of her face was splintered in ruin, most of the flesh having been torn from the impact. She looked up a Trevor who tried to help her up. She shook her head at his hands and called out to Gnasher, her voice cracking with every breath.
Trevor...go get-
Before Trevor had time to get up, Gnasher roared and the situation became worse again. They had to move Scarlet. She had a fear stricken look on her face as the troll attacked Kyria.
No! Scarlet, with all her might thrust herself up from the floor, whatever bones that were half broken now breaking all the way. She took in a deep breath and screamed as loud as her Lich voice could go. The windows in the hall shattered from the high pitch and it sounded as though hundreds of wolves were howling as she screamed, trying to stop the fighting.


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When Gnasher began strangling Kyria, Talon immediatley began quickly barraging the troll with shadowbolts, each one hitting the troll then sizzling into Gnasher's flesh. The looming troll turned to this new threat and threw Jyria to the floor before charging the warlock, who seeing his attacker charging for him began chanting in a dark tounge and demonic-horns burst from his forehead, his eyes shifted to full red and his skin became purple and scaly just as a set of demonic/bat wings burst from his shoulder blades. The troll did not expect this and paused just as Talon launched himself like a cannonball into the troll's chest and across the town hall. The heavy weight of the troll smashed the front of the town halls stage leaving his imprint in it. The troll stumbled to his feet just as demon/Talon landed behind him grasping the troll's head in his claws and began to squeeze them togeather but at the sound of the lich's shriek he stopped and both combatatants looked up at Scarlet with shock.


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#, as written by Mercia
Blood sprayed from Scarlets mouth as she spat the words. She was in a great deal of pain and it took every ounce of her strength to stand. Where she stood, blood formed in a circle around her, staining the wood. Her breath was ragged and sharp as she continued, now having everyones attention.
The fighting is out THERE! If you want to fight, go where it will do some GOOD!! She thrust a pointing boney finger out the door, indicating beyond the Vales borders.
Gnasher. Nekkrutal will kill you if you pull a reckless stunt like what you did to me. You caught me off guard and I accepted your brutality, until I realized that your just a child, scared and confused. Now, you unleash that confusion out on my people…thats where I draw the line. Fighting here wont get you any closer to your brother and I swear upon the Grim REAPER that if you hurt anyone one of my people…MY FAMILY…I will make you regret it…
She now turned her attention to the rather large crowd that had gathered at the doorway.
Go back to your business…the show is over.
Without hesitance they wandered off, knowing Scarlet had full and complete control over the situation. She turned her attention back to Talon and Kyria.
I appreciate your stepping in to help me, but I’ve got it now. Thank you. Her stern voice was a good indication to leave…and quickly.
You. She turned her attention back to Gnasher. You can stay right here and calm down. As you can clearly see…I’m not going anywhere fast.
At having said that, Scarlet felt the strength leave her and she was falling backwards. Luckily, Rarr had come just in time, catching her and gently leaning her back against him. He came to sit on the floor, leaning her against his furry chest. Trevor, seeing the damage that had been done to her ran to go get a healer.


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Trevor ran with haste, knowing that though she was a lich, the pain must be extrordianry. Quickly trevor headed to the healer's hut and threw open the door. " Gorham!! The very old Orc shaman who healed using herbs and nature magic was administering an herbal biniding to a townie's arm. " Scarlet has been severley injured, and could use your help right now." The Orc shaman nodded but didn't say anything, he was a mute. Following Trevor they reached the town hall and Gorahm dropped to a knee opening his large medicine bag. Knowing herbal remedies would not work on the dead he instead began grinding a very strong paste togeather and after a few minutes applied it to the snapped edges of bone before re-attaching the pieces on the floor. After doing this, the shaman begins to wrap each broken part with heavy linen and then applies strong and bendy branches to brace each part. After this is done Ghoram pats Scarlet on the shoulder and smiles before leaving her to attend the patient waiting back at the hut. Trevor helps Scarlet sit down on one of the town benches, while Talon shifts back to his normal form and stands with Kyria. Gnasher the troll looks on solemnly while sitting on a pile of debris, his face is vacant and he murmurs words under his breath as if talking to someone before snapping back and directing his gaze to Scarlet, "Me fight good, you fight Nekkrutal? Me smash him and get brother." Finishing these words he looks at his pouch hanging from his side and pulls out a leather toy pig which after a moment's gaze stuffs it into his mouth and begins chewing on it, every so often a squeek is heard from inside his mouth.


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#, as written by Mercia
After Gorahm left, Scarlet felt better. The bones would reset themselves in little to no time at all. Gnasher in front of her and Trevor at her side, Rarr went off to go and get the only thing that could make her feel better still. She took in a deep breath as she did so the temperature around her dropped and she breathed out a cold frost. Ice formed itself over her ribs and encased them in a shield, to help them set. She placed a hand to her face and spidery frost crawled its way over the flesh, resetting parts that had become shattered.
Yes, you are a good fighter…however, you let your emotions fuel you…which in this case…made you a bad fighter. You attacked the wrong person out of anger without knowing all the facts and if I weren’t…well…dead, You would have killed me, and probably killed a lot of other people and you would be no closer to your Oni.
Scarlet let out a sigh as Rarr came back with a tray, which had three cups of te-…two cups and a bowl full of tea on it. Rarr handed Scarlet her cup first, then Trevor, then Gnasher the bowl. Rarr came back to stand next to Scarlet, who was taking her time with her tea.
I know its frustrating that he is gone, but you have to think before you do.
She was calming herself down and her body slowly began to heal itself, ribs cracking back in place and mending.
Now, tell me what happened when Oni was taken. I’ll help you find him, but you have to promise me you’ll calm down before you let your anger get to you. Deal?
Scarlet looked up at him, her crimson eyes reflecting the mid-day light through the now gaping hole in the roof.


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Gnasher stopped chewing on the pig and put it back into his pouch, grabbing the bowl of tea he slurpped it down in one gulp then dropped the bowl with a crash. He turned back to Scarlet, " Me no think good, when get mad all Gnasher see is red. Me try use brain voices but no good. Last Gnasher see Oni was three full moons ago. Gnasher wake up in night to screaming. Our people attacked, blood all over, dead things eating frien..." He stops and a look of pain shows in his eyes. " Oni up before Gnasher, fight good he quick like bunny. Anyway Oni get taken by floaty ghost man, he have four arms. Tells tribe that they take back to Nekkrutal, we follow and they kill takens." Gnasher thumps a powerful fist into the stage in anger, " Brain not know what to do, me watch as they take brother away. Later Gnasher find tracks and follow lead to here. But no Oni" Gnasher bows his head in sadness but anger breaks across his face like a coming storm, "ME BREAK NEKKRUTAL, ME BREAK GHOST MAN AND ME BREAK ANYONE WHO HURT ONI!!!" With another bloodfrenzied roar Gnasher begins beating the stage, tearing out chunks of wood, grabbing a bench and obliterating it in a swing down onto the ground. Eventually he falls to his knees and sobs loudly, his massive shoulders shaking in hitches.


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#, as written by Mercia
Ghost Man. Four Arms. Acerack. That twisted son of a bitch tried to set her up. She held her cup tight in her hands and almost broke it. Gnasher went through another fit and her poor stage broke away into pieces…all of the hall would have to be rebuilt. She lifted up, the ice cracking and resetting as she moved over to him, laying a cold hand on his shoulder.
I know where to find Oni.… We’ll get him back.
She looked over to Rarr, who nodded, grunted a strange word in Lycan and ran off out of the hall and out of the gates, following Jareks scent. She couldn’t wait anymore, time was getting short and the time to act was fast approaching…and mayhaps Rarr could help him.
Trevor, get one of your best scouts to Silent Fields…

.....::::: | :::::.....

It had been a very tiring day and at the end of it all, Scarlet found herself in her bedroom unable to sleep. The days events replayed in her head...the monks words, Gnashers outrage and now...

“Trevor, what did your scout find out.”
“M’Lady...they are mobilizing to attack us...and I’m afraid he didn’t make it back in time to tell us in person.”

At least now Gnasher was in the biggest room she had, hopefully sleeping soundly or at least keeping himself busy without being destructive...Scarlet rubbed her temples and for a moment, rested her head in her hands. There would be no sleep tonight, not while an impending attack was on the horizon waiting for them. She had already doubled the watch and most of the townspeople who couldn’t fight had already been safely evacuated to the underground temple in the Drider forest. At least when they did attack, no innocence would be in jeopardy.

After a moment of long drawn out silence, Scarlet arose from her resting position and walked over to her desk, the cloak still draped around her ghastly form. Ribs were healed and the pain no longer hindered her, but now it seemed to move from her ribs up to her head. She opened a few drawers, and finally pulled out a map of the Vale. She laid it out before her and took a quill and some red ink and began outlining a plan of defense. A werewolf, stepped in carrying a small cup of tea and for a moment she thought it was Rarr and looked behind him for Jarek...Alas, it wasn’t and she sighed deeply, taking the cup from the servant and scratching him inbetween his ears. She looked down in the cup and saw flecks of dirt and herbs floating in made her half smile and she turned to the beast.

“Looks like I’ll have to have Rarr teach you to properly make tea...”

The servant said nothing...he wasn’t anything like Rarr in intelligence and she was working on that. Little by little, one by one, they would all be like Rarr one day. She waved him off and turned her attention back to the map. This night was going to be a long one.

“Before you go back to your watch, find Trevor for me. I know he might be asleep, but wake him anyway. I have a feeling rest isn’t going to be the only thing going on tonight...”


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The sunlight from the top of the well revealed a startling creature made of various parts. It's face was half elf/half dwarf, One arm was minatour, the other was all bone but had a long sword welded into it. The creature stepped towards Jarek its stench quite horrendous. In a garbled, mucus filled voice it spoke, " Whhy hhaavvve yooouu comeume hererarere??" Jarek looked over the creature, acessing it's blade before answering, " My name is Jarek Gravesin, I am a free-minded death knight who seeks the rune-axe ShadowCleave, if you know it's whereabouts then tell me and I will trouble you no more." The creature held out it's blade in a threatening manner, " Whhwhwyy dodooo yooououou seeekkakk tththeee aaaxxexxe?" Jarek replied, " To end Nekkrutal's life." The creature lowered his weapon and backed away, shambling towards the other end of the room where a wall made of crypt drawers stood. The creature began speaking an encantation and the drawers began sliding and shifting magically, moving to form a doorway into a small room where blue candlelight flickered. The only feature of note was a large mound of ice, within it was a demonic creature slain by the unfrozen axe that stuck inside it's chest cavity. Jarek stepped forward nearing the crypt door when the creature suddenly lunged and began swinging his blade. Jarek brought up his own rune-axe in time to deflect the blow. The two struggled for position, with it's foul breath the creature spoke, " Iiiii aamammm ttheheh oonene whhoo foorgeedd ththeheh aaxxxee, iifff youuo caanan defeeaat meeeme theeene yyoouuo aarreee worrrththy ooofff ittitt andnnd stttoronng ennoiughh to slaaayya Neekekktruutalll." Jarek's face was in a grimace from the effort to block the weapon, but he managed a nod in acknowledgement and the two fighters broke the deadlock and began parrying blades and swiping at vulnerable openings. While Jarek aimed a hefty blow at the creatures legs, Scarlet's message " I hope you cme home soon dear,.." swept into his head breaking his concentration. The creature used it and swept the blade upwards, cleaving into Jarek's cheek. With a cry of pain Jarek stumbled back and clumsily deflected the next wave of swipes while sending a message back, " I will return in time my love, believe in me" Then began swinging the axe in a spin, a chunk of the creatures shoulder was cleaved off and splats to the ground. The battle waged onwards, Jarek's mind looking for weak spots while his concentration kept shifting to Scarlet....


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#, as written by Mercia
The night waned on, regardless of how tired Trevor and Scarlet were. They went over the plans again and again, making sure every part was played correctly, every trap laid out.

“What about the Holy wards? Can they hold off the spirits?”
That I am not sure of, but I know someone who would know more.

As if summoned there, Lilliana gave a gently knock on Scarlets door and entered, hearing what Trevor had asked.

“Evening Scarlet...I overheard your conversation about the monks and I can help defend the town with our wards...the spirits can still get through to us.”
Then I’ll have to set up a special force to protect you and your monks. There are very few fighters here and with Jarek away-
“What?” Trevor asked, concern in his voice. “What do you mean away?”
He’s on a quest to find ShadowCleave...he’ll return once he has it.
“Do you remember the last time he left? He came back as one of Nekkrutals Knights...he almost killed you!”
Trevor! Scarlets voice rose in agitation, that painful and distant memory unearthing itself in her mind. Jarek will be fine! I have faith in him! Don’t you ever bring that up again, do you understand me?! Never Again! Scarlet slammed her fist on the desk, knocking off a few papers in the process. Her eyes were sharp and glazed as she glared at Trevor who simply nodded and apologized under his breath. Scarlet calmed herself and turned to Lilliana.

Are your monks ready? I fear an attack in the morn- if not sooner.


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[Time jump to end of gnasher fight]
Kyria unwarapped herself from the chains, and was about to throw a shadowball at the throol, when Talon tranformed. In her shock, Kyria lost all train of thought, her mind going numb. At Scarlets screech, she came back to herself, and looked in the liches direction. At the obvious dismissal, she unsummoned Simi, nodded at Scarlet, made eye contact with demon-Talon, and left. The eye contact said She means now. Let's go.

Outside the town hall, she got a better look at Talon just as he shifted back to his normal form. "Wow, that was...impressive." She said, looking at her best friend in a new light.

"That? That was nothing compared to what I can do." He replied. "Shall we head back to the bar and finish our," he raised his eyebrows playfully, "date." He held out his arm for her to take.

She smiled, and took his arm, much to Xiamara's jealous dismay. Talon unsummoned the succubus, as he led Kyria back into the bar, and back to their table.

"So, where were we?" Talon asked.

"You were going to tell me all about Volrath." Kyria replied.

"Ah, yes..."


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Lilliana nodded solemnly after Scarlet's outburst, " Yes my lady, the monks have rested up and been fed. They are already prepared in the center of town and will begin chanting the protection spell when ready. Also as I was walking over here to tell of the preperations I noticed someone entering the town, with a very large wolf walking next to him. I figured you might know him going off the town history." Lilliana awaited Scarlet's decision for the monks as Trevor rolled up the town map and headed out to place guards at different defensive positions. While Scarlet began to reply to Lilliana the flash inside her head of Jarek's reply, caused her to stumble back. This time it was a little like a vision and a violent one with axe and sword clashing togeather in battle.

Talon blushed a little when Kyria mentioned date. He lead her back to the bar remembering all the times they spent togeather training, studying and horse playing in their apartment. After they were seated and another round of ale had been dispersed Talon began speaking of Volrath, " He is quite diverse in his teachings, yes he follows the typical cirricullum of demonology, destruction and affliction subjects but he also studies mage and shaman scripts. I think even though he teaches warlocks he has a thirst for combining the warlock magic with others for unique spells. In fact I believe it was his interest in doing these tests that he discovered the demon-form, which in a way is not-unlike how the druids shift into animal forms. But I'm talking to much again, please tell me about your months living in the Vale, perhaps studying a new spell or a new boyfriend?" At the last part Talon looks down at his mug and shifts it from hand to hand before looking up intently with interest. As he waits for her reply, Kyria sees the healer shaman Gorham enter the bar with a look of weariness, he slowly approaches the bar nodding at greetings before sitting down and ordering a shot of hard liqour.


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#, as written by Mercia
Scarlet did indeed stumble back…she had never gotten a vision from Jarek before. She could hear his words and in her confusion, stumbled over the seat Trevor was sitting in and landed on the ground. She held her head, confused and shook it…she wasn’t quite sure if she should take the vision as a bad thing, or good. Lilliana, also confused, moved over to help Scarlet up.
“Are you allright?”
Yes… Scarlet rose to her feet, still not sure what to make of the vision, or what to reply back with. There is a watch going on, the second they see something, start channeling. I’ll make sure you and your monks are protected. She nodded to Lilliana and regained her bearing, setting the chair back upright. Lilliana nodded and rushed out of the room to ready the monks. Scarlet blinked back what she had seen and she closed her eyes and spoke out silently into the room…Jarek could hear her.
I always have…and I always will.
That should have been enough to help him overcome whatever odd he was up against. She didn’t bother to tell him of the impending attack…she even blocked it from her mind so it wouldn’t distract him.
A very large wolf…
She thought quickly and connected with one of her many werewolf servants, cycling through them until one of them caught sight of the newcomer…


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"That's interesting. He seems like a very knowledgable person." Kyria commented. "And yeah, now that you mention it, it does seem a bit like a druids shapeshifting." She looked lost in thought for a moment, until Talon asked her about her last few months. "Nothing too exciting has been going on here. Well, for me anyways, apart from the impending doom that seems to be right on top of us. I did finally figure out how to make soulstones. Not sure why I've been having such a hard time lately. I'm having a hard time concentrating on things. But regardless, I know how to make them now. Obviously not as strong as any one you can make, but it's a start." She returned Gorham's nod, then turned back to Talon. "And no new boyfriends." She said with a slight smile in his direction, before looking down at her own drink.


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One of her undead werewolves she cycled through caught her attention. The big wolf was white with a balck patch on it's back and face. The man walking with it was bald and with a large scar going down one eye. He was wearing a brown duster coat with black and brown clothing. On his back was slung a long rifkle with a scope attached. Holstered on his hips were two pistols. As he walked a smoky cloud billowed behind him as the pipe in his mouth flared with each puff. The man was also heading for the tavern in town but passed a small archery range. He paused in his step and with a quick motion and a loud bang, his pistols were drawn and smoke was coming out of them. The man had fired two shots and began the slow process of refilling both pistols with blackpowder. The werewolf viewed the targets on the range, each head had a clear hole through it's forehead. After the man finished reloading he whistled and called out, " C'mon shadow we gunna be gettin some grub befoores we getin some shut eye." At the request the large wolf gave a bark in acknowledgment and followed at his master's heels.


Talon listened intently with curious smile on his face. When she mentioned she was having a hard time concentrating, Talon replied " Have you tried meditation before your training? Or perhaps a cup of tea? Both can do wonders for clearing your mind. A female student that I had classes with while attending Volrath's sessions would strech and do this new practice called Yoga. She said it really helped her." When Kyria mentioned she had not seen a new boyfriend, Talon grinned and replied, " Well thats go..I mean thats a shame. I don't know why any man wouldn't want to be with a beautiful, smart, funny warlock as fun to be around as you." Realizing he probably said too much, Talon announces he's going to grab a shot with Gorham and bring them back some more ale. Quickly he gets up and moves to the bar, at which point the man with the pet wolf enters the bar and has a seat to one side of Gorham. With a pat of his hand the wolf leaps up and sits on the stool next to him. " Ill have a whiskey and give Shadow here a bowl of water, CLEAN WATER!" Before knocking the ashes out of his pipe on the bar top.


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#, as written by Mercia
Scarlet cycled out of the werewolves mind, that had happened much to late in the day for her to catch and he was probably either one of two places, Inside her mansion asleep, or on his way. Once this ordeal was over with, she’d have to build up on Velis Vale, add another tavern, make a brand new hall and maybe and arena if the budget was willing. Scarlet sighed, finding herself back in her room. She caught herself fiddling with her wedding ring and looked down at it. The red and black stones gave off a dull glow in the candlelight and she swore she could see Jareks smiling face inside the larger ruby adorning the center of the silver band. She blinked and he was gone- a trick of the light maybe. As she stared, the point brought up by Trevor earlier replayed in her mind and she looked down to the floor where the papers still lay. She gathered them up and sorted them out on her desk, trying to keep the memory at bay.

(Earlier that Day)

The bartender behind the bar moved forward to the stranger and his pet.
“Sorry Sir but we are long out of Whiskey. We got Ale though?” He asked as he slid a bowl of clean water to the wolf, not taken aback by it in the least. Wolves were common here, after all Velis Vale was named after the first female werewolf ever to break from her pack. Wolves and werewolves, more so werewolves were the namesake of the Vale, the name of the Bar being ‘The Wolves Runn.’
“Weve been out of the hard stuff for weeks now since the Death Knight event and no one’s willin to trade with us openly ane’more. Miss Scarlet’s tryin her best but ‘M afraid you wont find Whiskey here, not until that bastard Nekkrutal gets whats commin to ‘im. Hell, maybe then I could offer you some barrel aged whiskey!” The bartender let loose a hardy laugh, his mood unfettered by the events that had taken place earlier. Trevor, a tall man wearing the Velis Vale tabard, walked up to the bar and leaned over near the orc, the bartender making his way over. The stranger could hear the conversation clearly as they had nothing to hide in whispers.
“Hey, I got bad news fellas. Acerack is sending a small force to come clear out the Vale again. Miss Scarlet has made arrangements for those who can’t fight to head to the Drider forest, theres a sanctuary there and the Driders have agreed to shelter us. Gorahm, I’m afraid you might have to work a little tonight.” Trevor gave a nod and a pat on the back to the Orc, who returned his nod and gave a small smile. The orc, named Gorahm, finished off his drink, flipped the glass over on the table and gave a wave to the bartender, heading out of the bar.
“Hey Trev,” The bartender called before the man moved on to the rest of the patrons in the bar. “Can you tell my wife to take-“ Trevor finished his sentence. “The Kids? I sure can Hogarth.”
“I owe ya one!” The bartender went on with his duties, as if the impending attack was just another event in the day for him.
Trevor moved on and came upon Kyria and Talon.
“I’m very sorry to bother you both, but theres an attack on the way. We don’t know when its coming but Scarlet would like both of you to prepare for the worst. Were going to need every able bodied fighter we can get.” Trevor gave a smile to the both of them, knowing that they would be more than happy to defend the Vale, he shouldn’t even have to ask them.


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"I have tried tea. Maybe I'll try some meditation. I'll look into this yoga you speak of, too." At his next comment, she feels her face heating up and knew she was blushing. Before she could say anything, he muttered something about getting some more ale, and went to the bar. As he walked away, she smiled. He almost said that's good". She thought, her smile widening for a second until he came back to the table. She took one of the ale's from him, and took a sit, hoping to cover up the fact that she was blushing.

Then Trevor walked over to their table. "I'll absolutely be ready." Kyria vowed.

"Me as well." Talon agreed.

"Is there anything else we can do to help prepare?" Kyria asked.

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jarek Gravesin
Character Portrait: Scarlet Lucius Gravesin
Character Portrait: Kyria Jaden Gautier


Character Portrait: Kyria Jaden Gautier
Kyria Jaden Gautier

Blood Elf, Warlock, Never Minion-free

Character Portrait: Scarlet Lucius Gravesin
Scarlet Lucius Gravesin

Lich of Velis Vale, Undead, Frost Mage

Character Portrait: Jarek Gravesin
Jarek Gravesin

Death Knight, Undead, Iron-Willed


Character Portrait: Scarlet Lucius Gravesin
Scarlet Lucius Gravesin

Lich of Velis Vale, Undead, Frost Mage

Character Portrait: Kyria Jaden Gautier
Kyria Jaden Gautier

Blood Elf, Warlock, Never Minion-free

Character Portrait: Jarek Gravesin
Jarek Gravesin

Death Knight, Undead, Iron-Willed

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kyria Jaden Gautier
Kyria Jaden Gautier

Blood Elf, Warlock, Never Minion-free

Character Portrait: Jarek Gravesin
Jarek Gravesin

Death Knight, Undead, Iron-Willed

Character Portrait: Scarlet Lucius Gravesin
Scarlet Lucius Gravesin

Lich of Velis Vale, Undead, Frost Mage

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Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Nah, I've just been busy at work, I could post again but I'm kinda waiting for Jarek, dont want to get to ahead of the story

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Sooo... am I the only one here? Am I talking to myself?

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Wasn't Arguing :)

And btw what type of warlock is Kyria, Destro? Demon? Talon has gotta be a demon lock

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Wow haha You people really love to argue, don't you?

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Fine then no more helping you can do it all on your own. I told you not to take it personal but fine. Have it your way :)

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Mercia, i appreciate your help but you gotta stop. I can handle WRITING A STORY. If I bring someone in its BEACUSE THEY HAVE A PURPOSE. Stop assuming I dont know what im doing please and thank you. I've run dark ages for you and dan, plenty of times and that shit is alot harder then a story i type online, stop doubting me.

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Enter Deadwood.

Nice, but I'll give you a little hint and a warning. Dont bring in to many NPC's you cant account for. You might bring them in and play around with them, but They have to have meaning to the underlining plot. Realize now that you have a few people you have to account for when the town battle starts. Talon, Lilliana, Gnasher, Trevor and maybe Jarek (depending on if you want him to come back in time). Now your bringing Deadwood into the mix. I have no problem with that, but you are new to this and I dont want 1) for you to be overwhelmed and 2) for NPC's to get left out in vital plots of story (such as a grand scale battle). Just remember you have to keep track of them and what their doing. Caedis can control Talon at some points and I can control Trevor and possibly Lilliana, and dont let us get into the habit of fully taking control over them because you have to many NPC's out already.

<3 And please dont take this as an Insult, or take it personally. I've been doing this a long time and seen alot of rp's fail because NPC's were left out, which affected vital gameplay and plot points. One step at time :)

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

And we'll help you out with it. The only way to make this type of rp work is to let your players go with it. Once you get used to us being in two different timeframes, it's really not that difficult. If you want, for now, I'll timestamp what timeframe I'm in to make it easier for you.

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

I keep forgetting Jarek is new to all this 'type' rp :P

Yeah, Timeframe is determined by players (mostly) and its your players that actually move the days along. Not to mention the fact that players will go on and on for a few pages of posts with just dialouge back and forth. It might seem confusing, but thats why you have to read every post, even if it doesnt pertain to your characters.

It is alot to take in, but you'll get the hang of it eventually :)

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Also, Jarek, I left my post open ended so you, as GM, can respond however you feel appropriate. :) just an fyi.

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

It's a bit confusing to do that with a first time online rper like jarek. But I can handle it. J, don't worry about me. I've been doing this a long time, and know how to jump in and make myself known. As long as you don't do anything that will affect Kyria, no worries. And feel free to use Talon/Xiamara whenever you need them, btw.

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Wanna know what the wonderful thing about the timeframe is?

Scarlet is interacting with NPC's at night :P

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Mercia please stop changing the timeframe, i left off in the town hall so Kyria could get involved. =(

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

chaos!!! chaos!!! lol good recovery Caedis hahaah

Re: [OOC] (Dark Ages) Chapter 1: Castle of the Dead

Its ok, I've got it under control :)