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Death's Game of Shadows

Death Weapon Meister Acadmey [DWMA]


a part of Death's Game of Shadows, by pepperx3.

The DWMA was created by Lord Death himself. Created for Weapons and Meisters to learn how to work along and increase their powers. The Academy is available for any age until you graduate.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Death Weapon Meister Acadmey [DWMA], giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,192 readers have been here.


At this Academy you and your partner will be given quests that might you both of your lives on the line. Don't forget you both made a solemn promise to keep each other alive, and to protect each other no matter what.
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Death Weapon Meister Acadmey [DWMA]

The DWMA was created by Lord Death himself. Created for Weapons and Meisters to learn how to work along and increase their powers. The Academy is available for any age until you graduate.


Death Weapon Meister Acadmey [DWMA] is a part of Death City.

4 Characters Here

Ace Ryder [33] "I'm worthless without my weapon by my side."
Matthew Thompson [33] I try to keep my cool, I don't need anymore embarrassment.
Harley Saskia [1] You make fun of me or my partner, I'll hurt you!
Jon Eric Vold [1] "BANG!! The last thing you hear from me."

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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur's face turned a deep shade of red, partially because Muzai had fooled him so easily, but mostly because of what she was doing now. Trying to focus on her words and not where his face was being pressed, and having little success, Arthur gives his muffled response. "It's alright. I really should try to worry less. And, in retrospect, I suppose it might be a little funny." He was surprised at her last comment. "Hey, I'll protect you too, you know." After a short pause Muzai still hadn't let him go. "Are you doing this deliberately?"

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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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the reason she still hugged him was rather funny as she had fallen asleep in that position. waking up just at the moment he asked "oh sorry i fell asleep sorry your hair was just to soft" smiling at him but still hugging him "besides you should be happy to be hugged, since hugs make everything better is who told me that"stepping back as she tried to remember. "dammit all why cant i just remeber"she growled.

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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"I am happy to be hugged. That isn't quite what I was referring to." Arthur replied. He didn't elaborate on this though, but instead addressed her memory issues as best he could. "This is actually good. You didn't remember that before, so we now know that you knew someone who said that hugs make everything better. As long as you keep remembering various things you'll either remember all of it, or at least enough that we can figure out some of the more important stuff." Arthur felt a little bit guilty about all the talking in class they were doing, but then again Lord Death was otherwise occupied so there wasn't really much else to do. Besides, bonding with your weapon partner was one of the things you were supposed to do anyway, right?

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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"well thats true, but whats the point in remebering when you cant even remeber the face that told you. sometimes i wish i didnt remeber though i dont just see colors with this eye Arthur"sitting back down she crossed her arms in front of her resting her head on top "i see images, or memomories that aren't even mine how i know they aren't i dont know i just do but these images there never good there only filled with pain and sorrow" Muzai's hand snaked up to cover her left eye as she opened her right which seemed to glow. "but what if i remember something that i regret wanting to remember what if i did something unspeakably horrible and i remember, its one ofthe many reasons i sleep so much; because of the nightmares dont let me sleep" she continued to stare into space at something most people couldnt see then she giggled a little but it was a sad sounding giggle. "did you know that for a person who can see other peoples colors i cant even see my own no matter how much i try and look in the mirror i've never seen my own colors" sitting back up she looked up at the ceiling and sighed sitting forwards again she looked over at Arthur "listen to me i sound depressed not like myself "forcing a smile on her face.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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The blue-haired boy carefully considered Muzai's words before answering. "I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually, that seems to be the way these things always work. As for being concerned about what you might remember, just keep this in mind: what matters isn't who you were, or what you've done. What's important is who you are now, which as far as I've seen, is a very nice person. Also, some cultures believed that mirrors captured your soul, which might explain why you can't see your own colors in one." Arthur made a mental note to visit his grandfather soon, as he may have so idea about what to do. The man had his mind erased by a kishin at one point, and while that was hardly the same thing, it still afforded him some expertise in the matter.

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Character Portrait: Akira Kouki Character Portrait: AsunaNagise
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Expecting a hug or something of the like in return instead in only a few quick movements he was on the floor in front of Asuna, completely unaware of the power Asuna had stored in her.

"Wh-wh-what the hell just happened?"

"Akira dammit never do that again I forgot who you were for a moment sorry!"

"...I give you a kiss and you return it by slamming me on the ground...Well I realized two things just right now. One never surprise you from behind with a kiss and two you have suppressed strength I never knew about." He stared at Asuna and grinned before sitting up and kissing her on the forehead. "Luckily I sustained little to no injury surprisingly, I believe I'm just in shock more than can we get going or are you going to throw me like a rag doll some more?"

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Character Portrait: Lord Death
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While a couple of students were gone on a mission, Lord Death had to keep the class entertained.
"Good news guys! They're all safe and sound!" Lord Death said with a jolly voice, clapping his hands.
All of a sudden Lord Death's attitude changed dark.
"If any of you decide to ditch my class you will experience my reaper chop." He said to the class pointing his finger at them.
After the small speech he clapped his hands.
Ace and Matthew came into the room, and sat back down in their row.
Lord Death started clapping in excitement.
"Well It looks like half of the class is here, let's all get to know each other any pair wants to get up first and introduce themselves?" He said with a happy cheerful smile.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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May got up from her seat and proudly introduced herself and her weapon, she might as well show off since her and meister weren't around to mock her.
"My name is May." She shouted out, as she was standing. Suddenly she grabbed Blair's shoulder and made him stand.
May pointed her finger towards the strong built weapon.
"And this is my weapon Blair. He is a grenade launcher." She said with a huge smile.
May gave Blair a small nudge to continue the introduction for the class and Lord Death.
Ace and Matthew turned their heads, and so did the entire class towards the two presenting themselves.
"They must know for sure their strengths and weaknesses." Ace noticed.
Matthew turned his head listening to the two of them presenting, his head was laid on the row as he was falling asleep. Lucky for him it wasn't their turn to present just yet.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: May Kouki Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Blair was forced up to present himself and he looked around the class, his general stature suggested that he didn't really want to be stood up infront of everyone so they could stare at him. He listened to May introduce him to the class and he raised his hand in a half-assed wave. "Yep, I'm Blair. You're all going to get to know me pretty soon if you haven't already." In the pause Blair took to think of more words to use, he heard a few people muttering and talking amongst themselves about him. He could hear them mention his scar and theorizing how he got it. He debated with himself whether he was going to address his scar in his introduction but thought better of it. "I am planning on eating a lot of souls while I'm here and I am planning to get to know you all...very well over the course that I'm here." Blair looked at one of his female classmates and gave her a wink, he knew May was there and he knew May would see it but it was all just a bit of fun. Blair was going on a date with May tonight so he winking at other girls might not of been the best move.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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May had her arms on her shoulders and pulled his ear, forcing him to sit down. She wiggled her finger towards him.
"Don't be flirting with girls, especially in front of Lord Death!" She exclaimed loudly.
Her arms were wrapped around, her facial expression seemed to be a little annoyed.
"Hmph." Trying to get us in trouble, May mumbled.
May narrowed her eyes, and saw that Blair almost looked like he was almost tearing, not that he was sad. She could tell that he was trying to hold in a laugh.

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Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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May gave Blair another nudge back, and turned her head towards him.
"You can stop looking around the classroom for guys that I can flirt with Blair!" She yelled out.
A small sigh came out. She rested her head on her hand, and turned towards Blair to ask him a question.
"So what are the plans for tonight? Maybe that's where I can check out guys to flirt with." She said with a sarcastic wink at the endi
May loved to annoy Blair, or make him a tad bit jealous, it was entertaining for her to watch.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki
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Blair smirked at her. She liked this and he knew it. "The plans for tonight? We'll head out somewhere for sure." Blair hadn't thought about where he was going to take her so he decided he'd wing it. Blair looked at her for a while. "You best not be planning on flirting with any guys while I'm around, because if you do I'll have to do the whole 'protective weapon' act and break his legs." Blair's tone was strange with that sentence, it was a mixture of threatening and light-hearted which made it difficult to tell whether he was serious or not. "I am a Grenade Launcher you know? I can do a lot more than break legs..."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blair Ellis (WIP) Character Portrait: May Kouki Character Portrait: Belen Fonseca
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May sighed.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything that I'll regret." She said patting her weapon's back.
"Class is almost over, it was a good first day I think." May smiled.
She turned her head towards her weapon. "Alright Blair, I'm trusting you on this one. If this date is a disaster then you have two options either we never go on a date again, or you cook for a month." She yelled out with a small cackle at the end.
Turing her attention back to class wondering which punishment Blair would choose, since she had a feeling this date wasn't going to be planned out very well. Imagining them debating on what to do.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder Character Portrait: May Kouki Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur cleared his throat upon being asked, read as: forced to, introduce himself to the class. It was then that others began talking, briefly moving the attention away from the weapon and meister at the front of the classroom. Normally he'd take this opportunity to slink away, but he doubted Muzai and Lord Death would allow that. When the commotion finally died down he stepped forward to do as he had been asked.

"I am Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer, yes my name is ridiculous, and yes I am a member of the Archer family that has been serving as Lord Death's greatest and most trusted servants since time immemorial. I tell you this not to boast, but to clear up as soon as possible that I will not be doing the same. I will not be a great meister. I am here only to appease my parents, and to help out a friend." At the end of that last statement, the blue-haired boy gave his weapon a smile, before turning back to the class and finishing his little speech. "Thank you for your time. That is all."

Arthur's confidant defiance seemed to evaporate entirely with these last words, and he returned to Muzai's side as soon as they had left his mouth. "Muzai, can we please return to our seats now? I'm extremely uncomfortable up here."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Lord Death was full of joy to see how this school year was starting, and also admiring the different variety of people attending the Academy, or in this case in his class. Looking around the room he could sense only strong souls, therefore there would only be hard quests.

"I see that a lot of you have potential in this room, and I am honored to tell you all that you are in the Top-A class of the entire school, that is why you are all here." Death said clapping his bones.

Looking around the room he also noticed rookies.
"And for the rookies of this classroom, yes I acknowledged your presence in this classroom. You are only here because your spirits are high, and I see full potential in you! So don't let me down." He said wiggling his finger towards Arthur and Muzai.

"Now let me remind you all why you are all here. Now all weapons I want you to turn your heads towards your Meisters, yes they are the key to you for becoming one of my Death Scythes. Remember when you look at your trustful Mesiter, that they are your key to success! Now Meisters take a look at your weapon, you see how strong you made them so that they can become one of my Death Scythe's one day?" Total silence entered the room, letting the students settle in the information he just made them acknowledge.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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"Now Meisters take a look at your weapon, you see how strong you made them so that they can become one of my Death Scythe's one day?"

Arthur felt a twinge of guilt at that last part. Just because he wasn't aiming to be a great meister, didn't mean Muzai didn't want to be a Death Scythe. While he still didn't want to know if he had what it took to be great, Arthur knew that he owed it to her to at least try to be a good enough partner to achieve this. Turning to Muzai, he was surprised to see that she had her right eye open and aimed in his direction, presumably seeing his "colors". Whispering so he wouldn't disturb the rest of the class' quiet contemplation, Arthur said "Muzai, while I won't be a great meister, I promise you that I will be the best partner I possibly can. I will help you regain your memory and become the greatest Death Scythe ever." These words were not spoken idly either. Instead the youngest Archer's voice was filled with an uncharacteristic conviction and determination, and he truly believed every word of what he had just said.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Death Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur knew full well what soul resonance was, but didn't really have any experience in the matter, other than watching his parents practice. He looked over at Muzai, wondering what their soul resonance would be. When class was dismissed, Arthur led the way up to the front of the room, stopping before Lord Death and gesturing to Muzai. "Excuse me sir, if I might have a moment of your time? My weapon partner Muzai Rey, seems to have amnesia, though she said she remembered the phrase DWMA. I was hoping that you might know more about her, or if not, that you might be able to give us access to the records. She might already have been registered before."

Arthur never broke a promise, and he did promise to help her regain her memory. This was just the first logical step in doing so, even if asking Lord Death himself for permission to access the records did seem a bit extreme, hadn't he suggested the very same course of action earlier? Besides, if there was one thing Arthur knew the Grim Reaper understood,it was helping out a friend.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew leaned back in his seat, looking at the ceiling. His thoughts wandered off as he began to reminisce about the day. This was probably not the best way to start the school year, but he had to make the best of it. Matthew finally got up and packed his stuff. He looked at his partner and asked, "So, what do you want to do now?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Ace pondered for a while, debating on what to do next. She pounded her fist into her hand once an idea came in mind.
"Let's have a party Matthew! You know so that everyone gets a chance to getting to know each other." Ace said with a slight smile.
"What do you think about that?" She asked curiously wondering what Matthew thought about the idea.
If they did have the party it probably would of been at their apartment, nothing to special just a small get together.
"So..what do you think Matthew?" That slight smile turned brighter.