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Decoded Academy

Decoded Academy


You and five other girls have been transferred to an all boys high school, being the only girls their, all hell if probably going to break loose. ROMANCE COMEDY PEOPLES

799 readers have visited Decoded Academy since LoveHateKindOfGirl created it.


You've been transferred to an all boys school, why?, because your grades top all and Decoded Academy is the best school around. you walk into your classroom and set your things down at the first empty chair you see and then look around at the people around you. All boys of course, what did you expect, All Boys school Duh?!

Romance Comedy ANYONE!

Decoded Academy




Male 1 - Taken - treskttn - Ryan Evans

Male 2 - Taken - treskttn - Jared Evans

Male 3 - Taken - Annaky - Felix King


Female 1 - Taken - LoveHateKindOfGirl - Amanda Lukowski

Female 2 - Taken - AnotherLuluFanGirl - Mary-Anne Castillo

Female 3 - Taked - SoftDusk - Haven Clairson


Must have picture in character sheet

make your own character skeleton good, not any of these one lined description things I've seen

Cusing is aloud

take the overly dirty stuff to PM, But Kissing and Dirty comments are fine

No OOC Fights, Got problems, take it somewhere else

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

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Amanda weaved her way through the crowded halls, trying not to draw to much attention to herself as she grabbed the handle of her home room. Pausing for a couple seconds before opening the door and stepping in. she quickly walked to her seat, sitting down before looking around the classroom, "Why do i feel so anti-social?" she thought to herself as she watched the guys around talking and laughing. she slid her legs under the desk, pulling out a sketch pad and pencil and setting at her desk. drawing always calmed her down.

It was during summer break that she learned she was going to transferred to all boys school. she was okay with it at first but, she let her fathers words get to her and now she was a little on edge about. she sighed, setting down her pencil and staring at the half done drawing in front of her. she leaned back, "i Hope this will be a good year." she said, closing her eyes.

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Ryan let out a soft sigh as he made his way to class. Another day, another... day, I suppose, he thought to himself. He let an arrogant smirk crawl to his lips as he entered the room. He stopped and scanned the audience for anyone... worth his time. Nope, no takers. He settled with sitting down next to the sketch artist. He chuckled lightly to himself, it was a pointless trade really.Girl probably thinks she's Picasso. He snickered to himself once more before risking a sideways glance at her. She was cute, to say the least. He gave a charming smirk. He knew there would be something good about adding girls to the school, and that something would be his entertainment.

He spoke in a deep, sexy voice, leaning over a bit to try to catch a glance at her art work. "Welcome, my dear." He held out a hand to take hers, where he'd place a kiss upon her skin. Though, his gaze seemed to be on her, he was scanning the room for any other potentials.

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Amanda looked up, turning her attention to the man that spoke to her, "Oh, Hello......" she gave him her hand, thinking it was a handshake or something, but again, she was wrong. she lightly blushed when he kissed her hand, "...... My names Amanda, Amanda Lukowski." she said, placing her hand back on her desk. she looked at her drawing and sighed, closing the sketch book and placing it on the floor next to her. she looked back up at the man next to her, "I'm sorry, i didn't catch your name." she said, running a hand through her short blue hair. [see pic in character sheet]

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'Ugh.. I feel like i'm swimming in a sea of well dressed teenage boys' then Haven rethought that 'Actually, I am swimming through a sea of well dressed teenage boys'. Haven was one of the few female students who attended Decoded Academy, which was, until recently, an all boys Academy 'Reversed Harem, much?' and not only that but everyone in that school towered over her, literally 'including the small amount of female students, if I might add'. So her thought when entering the classroom wasn't 'I hope people will like me!' or 'I wonder if we'll get a lot of homework' more like 'God, this is going to be a long fucking year', She made her way to the back of the class room, rolling her eyes at the guy who was trying to seduce the girl with the blue hair (Ryan and Amanda) as she passed. Haven slid into a seat in the farthest back left corner in the room and put her ear phones on, listening to a crappy catchy pop song her annoying step-sister had probably uploaded onto her ipod.

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Ryan narrowed his eyes, "I'm sorry, I'm used to people already knowing my name. I'm Ryan. Pleasure to meet you, Amanda.". Well, he did what he wanted to do. He's made a good name for himself in yet another pair of eyes, of course her eyes were captivating and she seemed surprisingly innocent, it was different to talk to a girl in this school. He turned, noticing the next girl walk in, but her anti-social character didn't seem worthy of his time at this point. He just turned and opened his book, feigning interest in its words. Though, he couldn't help but playfully glance at Amanda and continue talking. "Tell me about yourself." though he asked, it seemed she only had half of his attention.

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Amanda shook her head, coming back to reality after spacing out for a while, "Oh, well, is there anything in particular you'd like to know?" she asked, knowing he wasn't really paying attention. she crossed her arms on her desk, pushing her bang out of her eyes as she started to doodle little cartoons on a piece of paper. she noticed the other girl in the room, "At least i'm not the only girl here." she thought as she brought her attention back to her doodles.

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Ryan chuckled darkly, "Yea, good thing," He muttered under his breath. He gave a wry smile, and though he didn't care he thought he might as well entertain her. "Show me your drawings." His demand was more question-like though. He smiled delicately. "Please." He added as an afterthought. He then glanced back to the other girl, wondering if maybe Amanda would rather chat with her. He decided to amuse that thought. "Or, maybe, go find yourself a gal pal. You can paint your nails together, talk about your feelings..." He teased.

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Tomoya made his way to class as he usually did, a good ten minutes late. New record! It was rather early for him. He walked in, eyes glazed over. He really could have used an extra five minutes sleep, but he'd be sleeping during class anyways, so it was all good. He made his way to his usual seat, back corner, right next to the window, only now he found someone sitting there. A very short, extremely feminine (he could've sworn it was a girl... if he didn't go to an all guys school that is), boy sitting in his seat. Everyone knew that was where he sat. Every. Class. He sighed, extremely annoyed by the intruder (Haven).

He poked Haven's shoulder. "Hey, you're in my seat..." He thought for a second on anything else he could have said to her. He then casually added, "Move." He nodded to himself, pretty proud. He couldn't have said it any better.

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Amanda arched her eyebrow, "To be honest i'm not in to doing things like that." she said, reaching down and grabbed her sketch pad, leafing through the pages until she found her favorite, she drew it while listening to Rolling Girl. it was of a girl, on her knees and in tattered clothing, reaching to try and grab everything sees cared about, to keep it with her. yeah, it was a sad picture but, she never drew without some meaning behind it. "Here." she handed him the sketch book. she didn't like to show it off much, it was mainly for her eye s only but, every once and a while she let someone look at it.

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Ryan raised a curious eyebrow, trying to find a connection between the girl in the picture and Amanda. He felt kind of bad having thought bad things about her, she was pretty talented. Of course, talent never gets you anywhere in life. He just gave a weak smile. "So... you don't paint your nails and talk about your feelings? Shame, I thought we could do it together." He teased, tossing the book back to her. "It's very well done." He admitted. He then bit his lip, thinking for something else to say, but not finding anything, he just stayed quiet and watched her patiently.

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Haven pulled the earphones out and turned to the boy (Tomoya) and raised her eyebrow at him 'did he really just talk to me like that?' and she just laughed in his face as if what he said was hysterically funny "What is this 2nd grade? Well guess what its my seat now" she took out a sharpie and wrote her name on the side of the desk Haven Clairson "Now shoo!" she waved her hand in his face, Plugging the earphones back in and playing the same catchy pop song.

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Tomoya sighed. This guy even sounded like a chick. All he wanted was to sit in the corner, as usual, and not be noticed, as usual. He poked her arm again. He never had this problem before, normally people just moved. "Yes, it is second grade. Come on, do me this one favor. I'll give you ten bucks." He then reached into his back pocket, if I have ten bucks... "Or, what if I show you around, hm?" He though for a second about just shoving her, but he was sure that she could kill him in less than two moves. He just dropped his bag on the floor. "I will sit on your lap." He warned. "And I'm really not that light." He puffed out his thin stomach, trying to seem fatter. "People will think you're gay, dude."

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Haven laughed again, this dude was actually kind of funny, and she might have taken the ten bucks even though she didn't need it, then she heard him say that he thought she was a dude. She took her hood off, and her long purple hair fell down her shoulders "Do I really look like a dude, honestly" she rolled her eyes then turned away from him "And if you sit on me, or come any closer i'll kill you" she mean't for it to come out as a joke, but it came out sounding serious.

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He gaped. He didn't mean to insult her, it's just... he always thought it was an all guys school. But then, maybe he heard someone talking about some girls joining... Oh yea, in the school newspaper that he doesn't read! He sighed, poking her shoulder one last time, feeling a little different at this point. He wasn't really sure how to deal with girls, he never really had to. And now one was threatening to kill him... He gave a small smile, deciding to just sit in the seat next to her. He thought maybe he'd tease her some more. "You should really cut your hair dude, someone might mistake you for a chick." Then he laughed a little and said. "Nah, you don't look like a dude. Well, maybe a pretty dude." Then he backtracked, "Nope not like a dude at all. You're beautiful... now can I have my seat?" He hoped she didn't want the ten bucks, he was just thinking about how he could go for a burger later.

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Haven was a little embarrassed by what he said and blushed "No, you can't. I've already destroyed school property trying to prove a point" she gestured to the many marks of her name all over the desk, The instructor of the class told them to be quiet so Haven lowered her voice " And i'm happy" she said awkwardly "That I don't look like a guy" she added.

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"Not really, to much of an outcast at my old school, and thank you." she said, smiling as she took her book back. yeah, she wasn't afraid to admit she was an outcast, people would have found out sooner or later. She leaned back, running a hand through her hair as she watched the clock. "So, what about you, what do you like?" she asked, resting her head on her hand.

[Everyone knows home room is like study hall right, sorry, it just the why it is at my high school]

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Ryan just readjusted his glasses. "Erm... I like... to read and make graphs... do math... take pictures of people that they are unaware of. You know, the usual." He decided, looking back into his book. "An outcast, huh?" He laughed. "You'll be far from that, here. The guys will be all over you, mostly just because they're all horny jerks and you and anti-social over there," He gestured to Haven, "are like the only chicks. You'll wish you were never noticed again, with the way most of these guys treat you. If you don't have any money I would say the Host Club isn't for you." [Thought I'd refer to your hint in the intro xD] "You date?" He asked curiously.


He nodded. "Well, the more you sit in my seat, the more you'll look like a guy to me." He warned. "So, you should really find a new place. Also, not to be the ass that has to explain this, but writing on desks." He shook his head, wagging a finger at Haven. "Naughty, naughty."

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"Go away, I'm not moving, and no matter what you say or do, mostly because that means that you'd win, but there's really nothing you can do about it. And also, won't people think your a girl because there's a girl's name all over the desk? I mean, I was kind of confused at first i didn't know about your gender, like is this a guy or a girl or some weird in between sci-fi cra-" Haven ended her rant when the teacher threw a mean death glare toward her "Anyway, i'm not moving it doesn't matter if your this desk's recent owner because i stole it, and it now belongs to me and i'm going to sit her as long as i'm in this class" she ended it in whispers. She turned away from him and pulled her hood over her face, humming a random tune while plugging her ear phones back in.

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Amanda let out a soft chuckle, "I guess boys will be boys, and no, i don't. to be honest i've never even been asked out before." she sighed, "Again, outcast." she twirled a pen in between her fingers before arching her eyebrow, "Why you want to know?" she asked, starting to watch the clock again. "Huh, 30 minutes of class left." she thought to herself, looking back over at Ryan. She wasn't bored no, it just a habit she did from time to time.

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He smirked. "No reason. Maybe someone will ask you out soon." He said, then turned back to his work. "Doing anything after school?" He asked, but continued to answer his own question. "Perfect. Tomoya!" He turned to the boy at the back of the room. "Come here for a second, would you?"

Tomoya sighed, giving up on this Haven chick and heading over to Ryan. They never really talked before and he couldn't help but think that top-of-the-class Ryan was about to scold him for being late again. He quietly took the seat behind Ryan, exhaling a sigh. "What's up dude?"

"Meet Amanda. I thought you could show her around after school, you know, since you don't really do homework or anything anyways." He fixed his glasses and turned to Amanda. "Why don't you two mingle."

Tomoya's eyebrows knit together. "Did you just say 'mingle'?" He shook his head however and turned back to Amanda. He gave a small smile. "Hello, I'm Tomoya and I like to mingle." He greeted rather snidely, not really enjoying the fact that this was forced on him.

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Out of the corner of her eye Haven saw the annoying guy (Tomoya) get up and walk over to the other girl (Amanda), she pulled her hood farther over her head and leaned back in the chair, putting her shoes up on the desk, she secretly wanted him to come back...mostly because he entertained her...probably. "Excuse me, young lady" the teacher waltzed over to Haven "Uh... yeah?" Haven paused her ipod "You are breaking at least several school rules right now" the teacher yelled angrily "I insist you go to the headmaster's office immediately" her teacher continued. "Name them" Haven muttered "What?" The teacher asked "Name all the school rules, because its only fair that i know what my punishment is for" Haven explained "I mean, if there are only several of them that i am breaking it shouldn't take that long should it" She smiled up at the teacher. "Well you aren't wearing the school uniform properly" the teacher looked shocked "Umm, you ruined school property" the teacher folded her arms across her chest "That's only two, keep 'em coming teach'" Haven had to keep herself from laughing at the teacher's face "JUST GO TO THE HEADMASTER'S OFFICE RIGHT THIS INSTANT YOUNG LADY!!!" The teacher screamed at her. Haven picked up her bag and swung it over her shoulder and started to walk out of the room, but paused in front of the guy (Tomoya) before she left "That desk still belongs to me" she winked at him and walked out the door to try to navigate through the very labyrinth-like corridors of the school to reach the headmaster's office.

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Amanda looked up, hearing the teacher scream and the girl [Haven] walk by, saying something who she now knows is Tomoya. "I'm Amanda, and you really don't have too, i can find my own way around." she said, thinking herself that there was no way she could find her way through this school. she put her stuff into her bag and placed it on he desk, using it as a pillow.

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Tomoya nodded rather dejectedly and turned to check out Haven's backside as she walked out. "I'm sure you can." He then immediately got up to follow her.

He jogged a bit down the hall to catch up with her. "Hey! Now that my seat's empty, not so sure I want it. Don't think you can escape me so quickly." He then studied her for a moment. "Don't tell me you're actually going to the headmaster's office?"

Ryan just gave her a shrug. "It's a big school. Maybe you should take my number... In case you ever find yourself lost and wandering through the halls alone. You know, I'd be happy to rescue you."

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mary-Anne Castillo
Character Portrait: Ryan Evans
Character Portrait: Haven Clairson
Character Portrait: Tomoyo Okazaki


Character Portrait: Tomoyo Okazaki
Tomoyo Okazaki

"Huh? Yea, I was sleeping during class, why the hell did you wake me up?"

Character Portrait: Haven Clairson
Haven Clairson

"Umm, was that supposed to be clever or something?"

Character Portrait: Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans

"Oh, did you say something? I'm sorry, it must have been muffled by your ignorance. Carry on, I have more efficient ways to spend my time."

Character Portrait: Mary-Anne Castillo
Mary-Anne Castillo

"Casse is fine, but dnt even mention Castillo, okay?"


Character Portrait: Tomoyo Okazaki
Tomoyo Okazaki

"Huh? Yea, I was sleeping during class, why the hell did you wake me up?"

Character Portrait: Haven Clairson
Haven Clairson

"Umm, was that supposed to be clever or something?"

Character Portrait: Mary-Anne Castillo
Mary-Anne Castillo

"Casse is fine, but dnt even mention Castillo, okay?"

Character Portrait: Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans

"Oh, did you say something? I'm sorry, it must have been muffled by your ignorance. Carry on, I have more efficient ways to spend my time."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mary-Anne Castillo
Mary-Anne Castillo

"Casse is fine, but dnt even mention Castillo, okay?"

Character Portrait: Haven Clairson
Haven Clairson

"Umm, was that supposed to be clever or something?"

Character Portrait: Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans

"Oh, did you say something? I'm sorry, it must have been muffled by your ignorance. Carry on, I have more efficient ways to spend my time."

Character Portrait: Tomoyo Okazaki
Tomoyo Okazaki

"Huh? Yea, I was sleeping during class, why the hell did you wake me up?"

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Re: [OOC] Decoded Academy

Sorry I died. My laptop broke and I had to send it out to be fixed >.<

Re: [OOC] Decoded Academy

There are no pairings right know but, if you want them, i can make them

Re: [OOC] Decoded Academy

are we paired with the other number three I: ???
like im "Female 3" in the introduction page (Haven Clairson)
so is my character paired with "Male 3" (Felix King)
cause thats what i thought >.> <.<

[OOC] Decoded Academy

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